#💎 Wonder Answers (Tasuku Asks)
universestreasures · 8 months
@tophatz Sent: A JADE CITY Prompt (Accepting)
“i’m not a coward.” (( Marik @ Tasuku! ))
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It's a phrase he's heard before. Over his almost 4-year journey as a Buddy Police officer, he's encountered criminals like Marik Ishtar repeatedly, the type of people who use others to shield and protect themselves. In Tasuku's eyes, there was nothing more cowardly one could do than that.
Though, he's certainly never encountered a situation exactly this. Jack had sensed something off about this Rare Hunter in particular that became immediately apparent to Tasuku once the glowing yellow eye, one that resembled the eye on the pendent Yugi Muto possessed, appeared on the criminal's forehead. Turns out the leader of the organization had some kind of mind control power, one that was different in nature than his Future Force. Seems like that might explain why they were able to make so many robberies and grow in power so quickly, including stealing two of the three Egyptian God Cards that were sealed away by a group in Egypt for unknown reasons.
Whatever he might be facing, it didn't change things for him one bit. The Buddy cop would continue as he always did when dealing with criminals, not giving an inch till they were secured and put behind bars. And if things do get intense? Well, if he needs to, he can bring out Jack, his Buddy Skill, or the Future Force. He was well equipped to face a supernaturally powered opponent, even if this would be the first time he's faced such a person ever in his career.
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"Only cowards hide their true face behind others as if they are nothing more than tools. The fact you've taken your subordinates mind over just further shows to me your cowardice, Marik Ishtar." He retorts, his ruby hues glaring into the eyes of the other's mind puppet. "Mark my words, once we find your location, you and your Rare Hunters will pay for all the crimes you committed! The blade of justice will always terminate evil!"
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universestreasures · 3 months
@deathblossomed Sent: Mun talks about the Muse (Accepting)
🧥💡 - muse of ur choice <3
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🧥Favorite outfit for the muse?
Oh, that's easy.
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His Star Knight outfit (as I call it) from S2/BF 100 EASILY. I'm a sucker for any aesthetic that looks like a knight normally, but I just love this one. The color scheme, the little crown, to the uses of black to break up the armor. Just peak character design. The only negative I have is we don't ever see him 'transform' into this outfit, really. Where is my magical boy transformation, Bushi?
💡 What inspires you to write the muse?
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The thing about Tasuku is unlike a lot of my other muses, he isn't one I immediately say, 'Oh, he's so me.' I can relate to some of his aspects, like a strong sense of wanting to do the right thing and help others and his strong sense of family, but he isn't as relatable directly to who I am as other characters I've written (like Kagome, Rapunzel, and Mokuba are). So, I don't draw from personal experience as much for Tasuku.
So, where does that inspiration come from? Other than my sheer passion and love for him as a character and revisiting his canon, I get inspiration from stories of superheroes, princes, knights, and dragons, who are all very much in Tasuku's aesthetic. I also get inspiration from simply looking at some of the Buddyfight cards that feature him and the story they can tell about him and his life through the card art and the quote, such as 'Into The Future' my personal fav.
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universestreasures · 2 years
@highseaskxng​ Sent: Tasuku Birthday Wishes! (Accepting!)
the king paces down a rather large vase, sealed with a wooden filled with wine. "Happy birthday kiddo, don't finish this in one sitting, pace yourself and I promise your birthday's going to be magical."
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The young prince was not sure who told everyone that his birthday was today, though he suspected it was Lady Rin, yet ever since he woke up he’s been surrounded with attention. Sure, he was visiting Sindria as an important guest and all, but they already were having a huge week-long celebration for Lady Kagome’s birthday a few days prior. They did not need to do so much for him as well, even if it fell into the time frame. It just showed the kindness of the Sindrian people, a trait that they and Dragonicans shared.
Though, out of all the things he was receiving today whether it be homemade crafts, flowers, or anything of the sort, the gift the king himself presented Tausku with was the most...interesting of them all. He had already made it clear to King Sinbad that alcohol was not something he liked, even if in this country those around his age did indulge in it. Not only did the taste not sit well wit him, becoming drunk was a liability on and off the battlefield. His focus had to remain sharp at all times, to prove to himself and others he was worthy of leading his people at his age. So, he’d have to be careful in how he responded to the gesture. 
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“Oh...I appreciate your generosity and kindness, but y-you need not go through such trouble for me, King Sinbad...Being here for my birthday is more than enough of a gift.” The prince’s words are honest, but anyone with an eye could tell this gift was making him uncomfortable. Why couldn’t he give him a weapon or something from the treasure room like he did for Alibaba? Or something small like the other citizens did, or even nothing at all? And now he has to figure out what to do with this....vase of disgusting fermented fruit juice. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Alibaba Saluja From The Magi Series has been added as a Secondary Muse! Headcanon based and mainly written in the timeframe the anime covered/mainly anime based! 
All pages have been updated to reflect his addition! 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:
❛     tasuku . we need to talk .       ❜ her greeting came as calm & cold as she could muster . trying to keep her face stoic despite the nerves eating her inside ; but she had to ask , & she certainly didn't want to continue dancing around the subject anymore ( not after her last conversation with suzuha anyway )
❛     i want you to be honest .     ❜ she began , marking a pregnant pause as she prepared herself to spit it out . ❛     -did you ever think of having children?      ❜
( for tasuku ; ace [ you can thank suzuha for this , tc ] )
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Tasuku felt a slight shiver down his spine at her words, instantly knowing the conversation he was about to have with his wife would be a serious one. Some people might not be able to differentiate how Setsuna spoke, thinking she always talked the same way, and yet he was able to see the deeper meaning in her vocal tone and especially the look in her eyes. Her lilac hues he swears had the power to look through anything, and it felt like right how they were looking through him. Considering the topic of her question, it shouldn’t be unexpected.
Ruby hues stare at her, Tasuku taking a few moments to think to make sure he delivers his feelings in the best way. This was a topic he certainly had been asked about before, Gao casually mentioning it the day Yuga was born. And now with Setsuna’s own twin sister being pregnant with her and Zanya’s child...it only made sense why the topic would weigh on her mind. He takes a step forward, gently taking both her hands into his own, and lastly a deep breath before starting.
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“Of course I thought about it. Why wouldn’t I consider that possibility?” He says with no hesitation, ruby hues staring into her own lilac ones. “However, I also have thought about what would come of that possibility. It’s no secret you and I my dear are busy individuals. We usually only get to spend time with one another during the evenings, and that’s if you do not have a concert or other engagement where you must perform. Considering our responsibilities, I...I do not think we are in the ideal situation to have children of our own. At least...not at this moment.”
He then moves to gently plant a kiss on her lips, not going for the forehead this time. “It’s not that I wouldn’t want them. For you to be a mother and I to be a father would be a wonderful thing. However, you and I both know what it is like to grow up without...parents around. It is not something I’d wish up on anyone, especially...my own children. Do you...understand, my songbird?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent:
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“And I love you, my girlfriend, so much.”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@senpujin​ Sent:  setsuna sighed, not minding that she had been standing in front of the door for a couple of minutes. after everything that happened, she was not ready to face him. their last encounter still imprinted in her mind. setsuna opened the door & halted when she saw him sitting on his bed. calmly, she walked forward to stand next to his bed & extended her arm with jack's card in hand, face looking straight out the window. anywhere but him. ❛ i was told to give you this. ❜
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He had been lost in thought ever since waking up in that hospital, waking up with a precious gift of Setsuna’s draped over him no less. He didn’t know what to do, what to think, completely just...lost. Tasuku had done his best to inform the Buddy Police of everything he knew about Disaster and their plans, but considering they lied and tricked him, how much of that information was reliable?
Man, he felt so useless...He had not only betrayed those he cared about and joined the bad guys, but now he can’t even do anything to try and make up for it! He was stuck in this hospital bed for who knows how long feeling the worst he’s ever felt in his life. Though, maybe he deserves it. After all, he did make the biggest mistake of his life: pushing all his loved ones away and giving into his own fears. 
“Sets...Setsuna..?” His voice is so soft and weak when he sees her start to enter, the complete opposite of the confident and determined persona he had broken out of. Tasuku was a shell of his former self, both who he was prior and during his time as the Purgatory Knight. You could almost see it in his eyes, not having that same crimson spark as they used too. As soon as his eyes see her offering, realizing what it was, he turns away with his hands resting on top of the sheets of the bed.
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“I...I don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve to have that card, or...deserve to see you or anyone else I’ve hurt...” His voice gets more crackly, as if he’s fighting back his own tears. The guilt of his actions weighed heavy on his heart, like a stain that could never fully be washed away. “So please, please just go...Jack would be better off with Gao than me, and you’d be better off spending time with your family and the Slayer Unit over seeing me...”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@adversitybloomed​​ Sent:
“Calm down, Tasuku-Kun, patients is a virtue and the key to us finding out more.”
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“You’re right, Miss Hua...” The Buddy Cop sighs, putting down his tea that he had been drinking on the table in the middle of a small café that he and the older Chinese woman were sitting at. He normally was able to keep a cool-head during situations like this, but the fact they had still not manage to find the culprits who robbed Hua Mulan’s apartment was...frustrating and concerning. Where they could they have gone when his department did everything they could to retract their steps?
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“Still, I apologize for us not solving this mystery and retrieving your stolen items yet...I feel personally responsible.” He sounds so defeated as he says his apology, eyes closed and bowing his head. When Tasuku made a promise, especially one to seek justice and set things right, he meant it. And right now? He was feeling as if he had failed the other, and that was a feeling he hated more than anything.
“I promise I won’t rest until I set things right, and those villains are locked behind bars to pay for their crimes against you and no doubt the many other victims...”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent: A Confrontation! Sentence Meme (Accepting!) 
Help me? You could hardly help yourself. ( for tasuku ; bf au c: )
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Her words are sharp, fuel by the same emotions he had been feeling ever since his Buddyfight with Variable Cord all those weeks ago. That, of course, was the day he lost Jack, his buddy dying before his eyes and the one glimmer of hope for saving him being snatched along wtih the dragon to a place or rather time the boy is unable to reach. Feelings of anger, guilt, regret, sadness, and helplessness had consumed him due to that loss, and now, Setsuna Taisho was feeling the same after the unfortunate capture of her new close friend Lady Suzuha by a brainwashed Noboru Kodo.  
He had offered her his comfort and support, just like she had done for him when he lost Jack. If it wasn’t for her looking out for him, such as making sure he was taking care of his health, then he might not have the strength and resolve to lead the Buddy Police Youth despite no longer having a Buddy Monster nor a Core Gadget to use to fight. And all she is doing in his attempts to return the favor was push him away, the same thing he had done to her in the past that he deeply regretted. Was this her way of getting back at him? Was this her true anger?
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“Setsuna, I know you’re upset. You have every right to be.” He isn’t backing down, holding his ground with his fists clenched at his side. “However, you’re not the only one who has lost people because of this fight, and pushing away my help isn’t going to bring anyone back! It’s just going to make things harder on you and everyone else!”
He then moves to reach for her hands, his voice turning more desperate and no doubt a bit softer as he pleads to her again. Tasuku wasn’t speaking to her as only his teammate or friend. No, he was talking to her as someone who cared deeply for her, something he had no doubt come to realize ever since returning from his Dragon World training. “So, please. Please, let me help you! Let me help you like how you helped me!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@katanakage​​ Sent:
being a man of tradition , it wasn't strange for the police commissioner keep one he started a few years ago , despite having run out of flowers to give.. he never missed a day to perform such a task.. not even because of work as he ended up asking the buddy police commissioner to meet him at a flower shop of all places .
❛  i apologize for the location , tasuku . but i had to get here on time before the shop ran out of flowers .   ❜ the man said as he approached with two recently bought flowers in his hand . lillies of the valley.. a flower for sweetness & happiness ; a message that says that his life has been complete by the two of the most important people in his life . ❛  in any case , have you gotten any news about the destruction of the bridge?   ❜
( for tasuku ; ace ; from katanakage c: )
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“No, no. It’s alright, Zanya. I know you have your flower tradition you must maintain.” Zanya’s brother-in-law states, not at all minding the current location for a talk. Truthfully, Tasuku found the little thing he did for his wife and daughter rather sweet and sentimental, much in the same way Tasuku always did his best to come home to Setsuna even if work was busy. Though, he wasn’t as punctual about it as the police commissioner was, Tasuku having already tried to slip past his wife on a few occasions only to be dragged home. He just couldn’t help himself. He was a workaholic. 
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“I have my suspicions on who the culprit was, but the Buddy Police cannot act until solid proof is found.” As much as he would want to go and act on Vile Ranma’s buddy, since he was pretty certain it was Destroyer who caused the destruction of that bridge, there was nothing he could do until the right evidence came in. That’s just how it was. “However, the research department has begun to analyze some of the DNA sample we gathered from the site and has been comparing it to a list of potential suspects. If all goes well, we should have an answer soon.”
The sooner an answer was found, the closer he’d be to setting things right. Destroyer was a threat to not just Earth, but the other parallel worlds too. That bridge was just the start, Tasuku was sure of it. He had made a promise to serve and protect the city just as much as Zanya had, and you can bet he wasn’t going to ever break it. Besides, he made a promise to his best friend to look after his son, and considering Vile Ranma was Yuga’s former best friend, he was no doubt worried about the Ace of Games getting caught up in a conflict he shouldn’t be apart of.
“By the way, how are Shizumi and Towa? Are they alright?”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:  ❛target tasuku ryuenji. operation 1,"eek , i'm going to be late! & so love begins!"❜ turns page & reads, ❛operation 2,"my lover, your back is so big! terrific!"❜ turns to the next page of book she managed to "borrow" from masuka raid. tone bitter & eyes continuing to read as she verbally addressed him. ❛it seems like blazer frill & her buddy were trying to get you to quit the battle. even though it looked like the match was more between you & her than the one making the moves.❜(for tasuku;bf au)
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“Still as perceptive as ever, Setsuna. Glad to see that hasn’t changed even after your retirement from the Buddy Police.” Tasuku says, admiration and respect for her and her skills ever present. Truly Setsuna was one of the best officers he had the pleasure of working with, not just anyone got selected for the Slayer Unit after all. She was sharp, strong, and knew just how to keep herself composed during even the most intense of situations. That was true outside of work as well, as he no doubt was experiencing seeing her at school since his transfer.
While he still missed seeing her in headquarters, as did everyone else who knew her, Tasuku respected and understood her choice to leave. He knows part of the reason had to do with him, the guilt from all he had put her through both directly and indirectly still weighing on his mind. He would always be there for her, supporting her through whatever she chose to do. All he wanted for her was to see her happy and doing well, and if that meant her leaving and focusing on her violin skills and living her life as she saw fit, then so be it. He’s just grateful to have her in his life still, in all honesty.  
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“I won’t let her or her buddy get away with deceiving anyone else, especially not any our friends Setsuna. It was bad enough they took advantage of Bal’s pure heart.” The boy then moves to place hand on her shoulder, the gentle grip tightening ever so slightly before changing the subject. “By the way, is everything okay with you? I won’t force you to tell me what’s wrong if there is anything, but... you haven’t seemed like yourself since my fight with them. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:  send my muse   ‘ 🤱 ‘  + a question about their mother and that they’ll answer. (Accepting!)
🤱 ❛   ..what was she like?   ❜ ( for tasuku ;; .. bf or bf ace , whichever you prefer ;; )
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It isn’t too surprising she’d ask him about this at some point. After having given him the photograph of his family along with Stella, it was only natural that she’d be curious as to what his parents were like. Ruby hues stare up at the night sky as he stands with his girlfriend at her balcony’s railing. This wasn’t going to be an easy thing for him to talk about, but he trusted and felt comfortable sharing things regarding her with the other. Tasuku trusted the Scourging Swallow that much.
“Well...I’ve already told you that she was the one who taught me how to sing, and was the person I get my hair color from.” He started off, going with something already known to ease his way into this. His voice seemed softer than normal, no doubt struggling to get the words out but managing to do so anyway. “As to what she was like, she was...very kind and caring. I always remember her smiling, enjoying every single moment of every day without a care in the world. You could say she was...a kid at heart. She was also just... someone who truly appreciated what she had, and loved her family...more than anything....”
As he looks up at the stars, he can’t help but picture her. Her long flowing sky blue looks, soft eyes, gentle smile, and sweet voice that put him to sleep were all etched into his mind so deeply the trauma of the Disaster could not erase them. Talking about her just made him regret he was so young and powerless at the time, unable to save her and his father from that event. Would he be able to save them if it happened now? Or would he still be the powerless kid who had to be swept away by tragedy unable to do a thing about it?
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“She...She would have liked you, so would my father...I regret that...you or any of others won’t be able to meet either of them in this life...” His gaze then shifts from looking at the stars to looking down at his hands, gripping the railing as he tried so hard to fight back tears. She wouldn’t want him to cry over her more than he has already, the boy knew that. Still, it was hard not too when he missed them deep down in his heart...
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:
❛     i heard a very interesting rumor from one of my students today .   ❜ the woman said with a light touch of tease attached to her flat voice , despite the serious thoughtful expression on her face . ❛     it appears that the mackarocious commissioner of the buddy police lost a buddyfight against a eleven year old kid who has never played the game before .  impressive , don’t you think?  ❜ ( for the husband 💙 )
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“Is that so?” Tasuku responds, getting ready to set the table for dinner. Despite his busy work schedule at the Buddy Police, he did everything in his power to always be home for a meal with his wife. It not only made her happy, but it also prevented him from working himself to death. Though, that still happens on occasion, Setsuna and everyone else at headquarters essentially forcing him to take time off. Somethings never change even as you age, huh?
The rumor his wife spoke, however, causes his face to temporarily cringe in embarrassment. Setsuna is teasing him, and Tasuku is well aware of that fact. They both often teased each other in different ways, Tasuku more often in a romantic and cute way in comparison to her ways. Though, much like with everything his wife does, she never holds back. Perhaps, it was her own way of ‘revenge’ for him ‘embarrassing’ her out in public with just how much he loved her.
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“Please don’t tell me your student used that adjective to describe me...” Tasuku sighs. He barley could tolerate it when his own wife used it, Tasuku much preferring their nicknames for one another instead. “In any case, I cannot deny that it’s true. Yuga defeated me fair and square. It seems like he is more like his father than he thought. He’s going to be a strong Buddyfighter someday. I just know it.”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@senpujin​​ sent: A Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starter (Accepting!)
“This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.” ( for tasuku bf au !)
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“I know that, Setsuna. However, we don’t have any other options.” He says, makings sure she is close by as they walk the streets of Chou Nagoya to find the location of Buddyfight Club. The invitation they had gotten from that mysterious man had the directions rather confusing, but he was doing his best to lead them. He had promised Towa and the rest of the Buddy Police Youth that he would make sure Setsuna and him both came back safe, knowing the mission they were going on was pretty dangerous.
Though, maybe that’s why Setsuna tagged along. Her Slayer unit specialized in taking down big organizations, and this club was clearly run by some pretty bad criminals. Though, they were not really here to stop that. No, they were going to see if the rumor of a Omni Lord appearing at the place was true, considering they were in desperation to find them so they could stop Yamigedo.
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“We should be almost there. Once we get inside, we need to just...blend in. That’s why I had us wear these disguises.” He then looks at her, his crimson eyes serious as he says this next bit. “And please try not to laugh. I know this outfit is ridiculous on me, but you should know a Buddy Police officer must do what he must to get the job done.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent:
gentle reminder that tasuku is grounded from the coffee machine.. though she’d probably drop a cup of coffee & a muffin to the quarters later c’:
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“...” Your husband isn’t amused, Setsuna. Don’t you see he needs coffee to function?
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universestreasures · 3 years
@duelcafe​​ Sent: Some * Character Headcanons (Accepting!)
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♡ Concept of home and family
To Tasuku, home is not a location. It certainly isn’t the apartment he really only goes back to in order to eat and sleep. To him, home is where those he cherishes are. The Buddy Police is an example of one of his homes, a place filled with people who loves and cares for such as Takihara, Stella, Commander I, and Setsuna ( @senpujin​​ ). 
As for family, family to Tasuku means more than just blood relation. Family are people Tasuku has bonded with the strongest, whether that bond is platonic, romantic, or familial in nature. The first person other than his blood family he considered as part of it (and the only member of his ‘family; for a long time) was Jack. However, over time his family has slowly grown (Mainly after Season 1 and Tasuku saw first hand just how many people cared for and cherished him even after his mistakes)  to include others such as his Gao Mikado, Setsuna Taisho, his Buddy Police Family, and all his friends at Aibo Academy. 
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Talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s)
Suzuha, being a rich heiress to a large financial empire, has quite a lot of possessions. Though, if I was to list the most prized things she has, it would have to be two main things. The first is her fan, an item that was passed down to her by her late mother who passed away when she was very young. Suzuha admired her mother and continues to strive to live up to her legacy, her being a huge part why the Amanosuzu Group is as famous and successful as it is. She was also the one who taught her the proper ways to be a lady, and after attending her first successful business party, Suzuha was gifted her mother’s fan. She continues to use it, even into adulthood. 
As for the second thing, it would definitely be the people in her life and the experiences she’s had because of them. She wasn’t the most social child when she was younger, her really only having her butler, Mary Sue, and maids to talk to. This does start to change after her loss to Gao Mikado, Suzuha starting to interact with and become friends with his friends. It was through that fight and Gao’s friendly smile that got her to start to socialize a bit more, and if it wasn’t for that, I don’t think she would have been able to bond with her eventual future BFF for life Setsuna as much as she did. 
Every memory, every person in her life, all of them are treasures to Suzuha, worth more than any of her material wealth.
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How your muse responds to anger 
Gao responses to anger can change depending on the context and who is showing him anger, but what is consistent is that he isn’t one to back down. He is a stubborn, headstrong, and determined individual, after all. If he is getting anger from a friend, he will usually try his best to try and calm things down. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind back if that doesn’t work though, even if no doubt other’s words can hurt him. A good example of this is when he talks to Tasuku as Purgatory Knight, where Gao tries to get Tasuku to see what he’s doing is wrong because seeing his best friend be like that hurts him. However, he continues on fighting and never stops, even if again it can be hard too. 
If it’s anger from an enemy, he tries to not pay it any mind. Though, again it honestly depends on who it is. Gao has had to fight a lot of enemies that he thought were friends, or friends who had become enemies. It makes things complicated, not to mention Gao’s own temper and righteous anger being a factor. 
If someone is mad at him because he honestly did something wrong though, Gao will take it without complaint. He is a good hearted kid and doesn’t like to hurt or do anything bad to others, and he takes his screws up pretty hard. This can be seen when he goes a little too hard in that Aikijujitsu competition flashback as seen in Episode 6 of Season 1, and he feels so bad for it. He takes his mother’s anger full on without trying to fight back or argue, as he knows he did bad by using that dangerous technique. 
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