#💎 Sun's Treasured Homeland (Gao Main Verse)
universestreasures · 3 years
@mozaikrolez​ (Gaito!)
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“Hey Gaito! Wassup man?” He runs up to his friend, the Sun Fighter’s warmth and cheer never seeming to dimmer even in the toughest of circumstances. The fate of the whole world once again seemed to rest on Gao’s shoulders, and while he was no doubt nervous, staying positive was his signature play for getting through it. Another signature play was making sure to be surrounded by his friends, and Gaito was one he sure wanted to have by his side. 
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“Say, Tasuku is staying over at my place tonight so we can train more for the WBC finals. You want in? My mom’s gonna make some wicked food too!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
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“Honey, I’m home!!!” The Sun Fighter’s booming voice could be heard throughout the Mikado residence as he enters, not at all being concerned that he’s arriving so home late and he went to visit Tasuku first. It will be fine...right?
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 🎁 for the receiving muse's reaction to getting a gift from the sending muse. (Accepting!)
🎁 action figures of his buddies ( for gao )
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“Huh? What’s this, Suna? It’s not my birthday or anything.” The boy replies confused, and yet takes the gift from her anyway. Receiving something from a friend wasn’t too out of the ordinary, but he can’t recall the last time Setsuna’s given him a gift. Well, there was the one time he gifted him that amazing jacket, but that was so long ago and still getting something from the Katana World fighter was rare. 
Without delay, Gao digs into the wrapping and it flies all over the place. He can’t help it! He’s just so eager to see what exactly his big sis got him! Sunshine gold hues then widen in delight, seeing the figures of Drum, Bal, and Battz all together. Gao had collected figures of famous buddy monsters like Jackknife Dragon before, but to have figures of all his buddies? That was the best thing he could ask for!
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“Wow, Suna! These are awesome! I didn’t even know my buddies had figures!” The idea of them being custom made slips his mind, the young boy way too overjoyed at the gift to think about that kind of stuff. “Thanks so much! I’ll be sure to display these in my new bedroom in America next to a photo my mom took of me and my pals together! It’s gonna be so sweet!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:
arms were wrapped around the other ; a hold as gentle as it was firm , with all the familiarity she could express in it . this time not an accident as it once was.. even though she wouldn't have done it in the past under different circumstances . but the situation required it , didn't it? after all , she was not sure when she would ever see him again.. even though she was sure they were meant to cross paths again in the future . perhaps , that was the reason why she was not as melancholic as she should be .
setsuna removed her arms from him , releasing him from her hold completely as she stepped away to face him correctly . offering a gentle smile . it was not a goodbye , was it? it was a " see you later "..
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❛    have a safe trip , gao .    ❜
( for gao c: )
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Saying goodbye was always not easy, especially for someone like Gao who valued his personal bonds deeply. That was why he wanted to make his last few days in Cho-Tokyo special, something he would always remember that also made having to leave everyone behind ever so easier. The GGG Cup was the answer to his wishes, and it truly had become an event he’d never forget. Though, that didn’t mean he still wouldn’t have to say goodbye in the end. 
His sunshine hues widen though as she hugs him. Truly, Gao knew Setsuna wasn’t the most physically affectionate person in the world, and the only other time they hugged was nothing short less than awkward. However, he can feel the genuineness of her action, memories of their times spent together flooding back into the Buddyfighter’s mind.  
She truly had been there for him, in subtle ways and not so subtle but still. Setsuna had been his guide when he was trying to take Tasuku’s spot after he left for Dragon World, and without her, he isn’t sure he and Drum would have made it past the basics. His tears seem to dry up as she pulls back from him, Gao giving her his typical smile since he did not want his last interaction with her to be a sad one. He wanted to remember her and everyone else being happy, memories he would sear into his heart now and forever.
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“Thanks, Suna. Don’t ya worry though, I’ll be back here before you know it for a visit! I know I’ll def want a sparing match with ya, as well as a Buddyfight!” He exclaims before moving to go say goodbye to Moroha and Towa, but stops as he turns his head to say one more thing. “One last thing? Take care of everyone for me, especially my best friend, okay Big Sis?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@rcportcr​​ Sent: A Grumpy/Sunshine Trope Prompt (Accepting!)
“come on! dance with me! " ( for gao )
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To be honest, Gao had no interest in attending the school dance. Formal events like that were certainly not his thing. Maybe if they had some Buddyfighting action in the middle of it he would have considered it, but nothing about it seemed to appeal to him. The only reason he went was because his mom made him go, something about him not wanting to miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities like these.
Once he got there, he pretty much just intended to hang around the snack table and watch everyone else dance and stuff until the party was over. If he was lucky, he might get to have a talk with Tasuku or some of his other friends when they took a break from everything. However, his plans for just letting the night play out how he wanted it were quickly uprooted when the commentator shows up, her request causing his eyes to widen a small blush to grace his cheeks out of embarrassment for the notion.
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“M-Me, dance?! N-No way! I don’t even know how to, Paruko! Besides, can’t you dance by yourself? Plenty of people are dancing solo tonight!” He exclaims, not realizing how rude that just was. Gao really had no experience or knowledge when it came to romance and things like that, something he probably would no doubt learn when he got older and more mature.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Sent: A Grumpy/Sunshine Trope Prompt (Accepting!)
" how are you so happy all the time? " ( for gao )
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“Eh? That’s a random question to ask Suna...” Gao replies just before sticking another one of his grandmother’s famous octopus dumplings into his mouth. Being apart of the Buddy Police as a trainee meant he spent more and more time with Setsuna then he did before, the two always seeming to each lunch together more often than not. His family even started to pack a bit more in Gao’s so he could share some with her too. It was the Mikado’s way of thanking her for helping him with this whole thing.
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“To be honest, I just sorta...am. I guess want to enjoy every second I have, cause’ wasting time being down in the dumps just...isn’t my thing! But...just know Suna, I’m not always happy. I feel plenty of other stuff too! It’s like how I know you’re not always so serious all the time like other’s say you are, even if you don’t show it all the time!” 
Though, he did wish she’d lighten up just a bit around him. They had known each other since they were little, even if he spent more time around Moroha than anyone else. He wanted her to know she could feel comfortable around him, which is probably why he always showed her such warmth and kindness even if she didn’t show it back in the traditional sense. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@fragmentedimensions​ !!!
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Losing Drum as his buddy was hard on Gao, but losing Bal was even worse. At least he knew he could always visit his first buddy in Dragon World if he ever wanted too, but with his second being sent to the future with no way to see him just made things hard. He tried to play that he was okay, often putting on that typical Mikado smile for everyone at school and whatnot. However, his family really didn’t buy it when they knew how Gao typically dealt with loss after his brother was taken from them.
So, what were they to do? Well, Hana had the great idea of inviting someone over to stay with them for a night, someone who she knew could help her big brother considering he too also went through periods without his buddy. Thinking that idea might just do the trick, Gao’s mother quickly contacted Tasuku to ask if he would like to come over, and thankfully for them, he agreed.
The door bell to the Mikado household that night would be answered by Gao, eyes that were as gold as the sunshine widening in surprise at seeing the buddy cop there. His family didn’t exactly tell him about what they were doing, wanting to keep it a surprise until now.
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“Tasuku, what are you doing here, man? And what’s with the bag? Are you going campin’ or something and came here to say goodbye?” Considering Tasuku’s line of work, it wouldn’t shock the pre-teen if he had to go away for a period of time. Though, if he had to say goodbye he could have just called him on the phone. Then again, he also knew Tasuku preferred in-person talks to ones over the phone too.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@waterlord​​​ !!!
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Sounds of celebration could be heard from inside the Mikado household, the building filled with friends celebrating a hard-earned victory against the fearsome Yamigedo. Lady Suzuha and Gao’s family collaborated on the festivities, and surely it was a spectacle to behold. Food, drinks, music, games, and just about everything one could want at a party where spread throughout the space. Everyone was surely enjoying themselves, even those who did not seem like the party type like Rouga were even in attendance. It was truly going to be a night for the books!
“Oh, it looks like someone’s here! Let me get the door, Hana!” Sunshine gold eyes then shift towards the front entrance when he hears a knocking sound, instantly springing up from his position on the couch in the living room to go greet their new guest. There were a few people who had yet to arrive, including Tasuku who said he’d be running a little late. As long as they got to the party at some point though, then that’s what mattered. 
This group of buddyfighters and buddy monsters deserved this fun time after all the stuff they went through as of late. Their battles were not exactly easy ones, you know. However, there was more significance to this night than just celebrating their victory. It was sorta their last big night for them to spend with some of the pals who were going to return to their homewards soon. This, of course, included the Omni Lord guest that Gao was just about to greet at the front door. 
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“Yo, Kiri! Nice to see you, man! I was starting to get worried you weren’t gonna come!” The buddyfighter exclaims after opening the door, instantly reaching out one of his hands that held one of his grandmother’s famous octopus dumplings towards his friend. Kiri had finally joined the party, and that meant he’d need fuel for all the fun stuff they had planned. It was going to be a long and fun-filled night if Gao had anything to say about it! 
“Here, take this! I’m sure you must be starving! Granny really outdid herself on the dumplings today!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: ‘ TRUTH ‘  +  A  QUESTION  AND  MY  MUSE  HAS  TO  ANSWER.  NO  LYING  ALLOWED. (Accepting!)
❛ one second to answer . gao mikado! drum, bal, or battz? quick. ❜  ( for gao )
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“G-Geez, S-Suna! Y-You can’t just-” Time is ticking Gao! You gotta say a name! “Uh...Uh...B-B-Bal!!” 
He truly loved all of his buddies, truly. However, maybe its the fact he essentially raised Bal from birth is why his name came out first. That, or maybe it’s the fact it’s the shortest name and he doesn’t like reacting under pressure. Who is to say?
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❛ if you could save only one from drowning- who would it be? sebastian , sadako or mitsuko? ❜ ( for suzuha )
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“Honestly, I’m appalled you’d even ask me such a thing, Setsuna. How very un-ladylike of you...” Suzuha replies, before taking a breath and preparing to answer. She did agree to this little truth game and the heiress was a woman of her word, after all.
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“If I had to save one, probably be Sebastian. The twins no doubt would help each other save themselves first, leaving me to help him out. Though, I doubt such a situation would ever occur. Everyone in my staff are excellent swimmers.”
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❛ did you ever think me unreliable? ❜  ( for tasuku )
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“Never have I thought that, and I’ll keep saying it until you believe me.” He places a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulders, squeezing it gently to let her know he was serious but there for her all at the same time. 
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“Back then, I...I didn’t want you or anyone else I cared for to get involved on what I thought was my duty and my duty alone. Yes, I was tricked into believing the Buddy Police were no longer my comrades by Kyoya Gaen, but...I was never tricked into thinking you were never not my comrade. I just...I just wanted to do everything on my own. That’s all it was, and I know now it was wrong. I know I can rely on those around me, especially you Setsuna. I can rely on you more than anyone else.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@ballesoleil​​ Sent: ❛ if bal has to leave one day, bal.. bal wants gao to know that bal wishes to always fight alongside gao, bal. ❜ opens arms to the air & exclaims with a wide tender smile ; ❛ forever, bal ! ❜ ( for gao ;)
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Bal always had a way of surprising Gao when he least expected it, a true strength of the little guy that had come in handy in plenty of scenarios. Though, the topic he brings up was a reality he knew one day he would have to face. Bal wasn’t an ordinary dragon, in more ways than one. He was also Ballesoleil, meaning he one day would have to leave his buddy’s side side to go fight his eternal rival once again. It was inevitable, no matter how much the idea of the little guy leaving hurt the Buddyfighter. 
“Bal...” However, the sentimental words spoken from the sun dragon’s mouth that seem to put him at ease, grabbing the little guy and hugging him tightly. Losing Drum was hard enough on Gao, but he could always see him in Dragon World if he wanted. Losing Bal meant...meant he’d be gone forever with no way for him to come back. That’s why Bal’s words hit him so hard, so hard where you can see small tears form in the eyes of the Mighty Sun Fighter.
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“That’s...That’s all I want too, Bal. I want to enjoy the time we have together, for however long it lasts.” Despite knowing their time could end in an instant, the ever positive Gao Mikado chooses to look on the bright side. He really was like the sun, a trait him and his buddy would always share. “Just know this, Bal. No matter what happens in the future, you’ll always be my buddy. Please don’t forget that, okay pal!?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent A: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐱𝐹𝐧 𝐊𝐱𝐧𝐠  *  𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 đ’đ­đšđ«đ­đžđ« (Accepting!)
❛ well 
 forgive me for not leaping for joy. ❜ ( for gao ; bf au )
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“Trust me Setsuna, I’m not happy about it either. None of us are.” His tone is serious despite his gentle touch on her shoulder, trying to give her support just like any good friend would do. The whole Purgatory Knight thing was putting everyone on edge, and considering how much Setsuna had missed when she and her team were overseas for the last few weeks, Gao could understand how she was struggling to process it all. 
However, remaining negative was not going to help anyone. If they were going to help Tasuku get back to his senses and do well in the Gaen Cup, everyone needed to try and stay positive. Tetsuya had reminded them of that with his semi-final fight, dancing with all his heart just to show his teammates what they should have been doing. Following his example, Gao was now trying to help Setsuna stay positive despite the understandably hard situation.  
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“I don’t want to have to fight him like this, but I know that having a good Buddyfight with him is the only way to get him back to normal.” It is what worked with Kiri when he was under the mask of the Grimm Reaper, after all. “So, please. Please put your faith in me. I know what’s at stake., Setuna. But I promise you that I’ll fight with all my strength, and show Tasuku it doesn’t have to be like this! That siding with Kyoya isn’t the answer, and that he isn’t alone!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@fragmentedimensions​ Sent: đŸ‘«for four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship! (Accepting!)
đŸ‘«for gao and tasuku!
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Tasuku has always been someone Gao has looked up to. Even before they met, he admired his strong Buddyfighting skills from what he had seen on TV and heard around the school. That’s no doubt why he felt so honored that Tasuku was the one to deliver his Core Deck Case, accept his Buddyfight challenge, and become his first friend he ever made through the game. Tasuku inspires Gao to get better and stronger at the game, just as any good and friendly rival should. That fact about them doesn’t change as they age, I’d imagine.
When Tasuku turned into the Purgatory Knight, it hit Gao pretty hard. Tasuku was the last person he had ever expected to join the bad guys, knowing full well just what he stood for and how Disaster was never going to be the the answer. He’s seen first hand how they trick people and prayed on their weaknesses, mainly with Kiri. That is why he never held back talking to him, or in his fight against him. He wanted to save his friend more than anything, and there was no doubt relief when Jack was finally able to break through with his and Kiri’s help. Despite the hurt though, Gao quickly forgives Tasuku since he knows that wasn’t really him and he was just being manipulated, blaming more Kyoya and Disaster than Tasuku himself since he’s very empathetic.
Gao owes Tasuku for a lot of things. If he never met him, then he wouldn’t be the person he is now. In a way, Tasuku was sort of Gao’s own Mighty Sun Fighter, a similar figure to Yota when he was still in Gao’s life. He was always there to guide Gao, inspire him, help him when he needed it most, and support him always even when things looked dark. Tasuku truly has had an impacting effect on Gao’s life, and to him, he considers him as apart of the family and someone Yota no doubt would have loved.
Out of any of his friends that are not his buddies, Gao feels the most comfortable opening up to Tausuku about his emotional struggles. This is because of not only how much he trusts Tasuku and feels a strong familial bond with him (similar again to how he felt about Yota), but also because of how much the two are alike. Gao feels like Tasuku can understand what he is going through, and help him get passed it. If Tasuku ever needed it in return, you know Gao would be there in a heartbeat. He’s always there for his pals, especially Tasuku who is no doubt the closest friend of his that isn’t his buddies or his family. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
New Muse!
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Lady Suzuha Amanosuzu from Future Card Buddyfight has been added to the muse roster! 
Interest checker, muse page, and the muse listing on the theme have all been updated with her information! Below are her tags! <3
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: shows up in his doorstep with a large size box of pizza in her hand. face stoic as usual , & tone flat but calm. ❛ good evening , mind if i come in? ❜ ( for gao ; bf au )
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“I’ll get it, Mom!” The Sun Fighter calls as she springs from his position in the living room, dashing with some pep in his step towards the front door of the Mikado household. It had been a relatively quiet evening for Gao. The boy was taking this time to relax and ready himself, since and Bal were to head for Cho-Taiyo Island to compete for a chance to qualify for the World Buddy Cup the next morning. Though, the quiet house would soon light up with energy and noise as he opened to door to reveal Setsuna had come for a visit, with a pizza no less!
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“Setsuna, what a surprise!” It really was considering it was rare he interacted with Setsuna by her lonesome, not seeing any signs of her twin sister, cousin, or her new boyfriend Tasuku anywhere either. Though, Gao sure wasn’t complaining! It was getting a bit too quiet for his tastes, anyway. He had rested enough for the tournament in his opinion. Stepping to the side, he gives her an opening so she can take off her shoes before entering the household proper. 
 “Of course, you can come in! You’re always welcome at my place! I just hope my buddy won’t devour all that pizza you brought. He already ate several earlier! I love the little guy, but he should really learn how to share when it comes to pizza. Then again, Drum was like that too when it came to pudding. Must be a dragon thing, I guess.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ sent: ( for gao ) ❛ sorry i missed your birthday; as you probably heard, i was away on unit business. however, i managed to buy you this before my return. ❜ she hands him a medium size present bag, color red. it was sealed, but a navy blue long jacket with an embroidery of a sun in the middle & two dragons with spread wings around it could be found inside. ❛ take it on behalf of me & towa. we hope you like it. ❜
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“Nah, don’t be sorry! It’s no biggie, Setsuna.” Gao is sure to say, not wanting her to have to say sorry for such a thing. She was away on business when his birthday happened, and Gao wasn’t the type to demand that people get him gifts. In fact, he would just be satisfied with someone taking the time to wish him a happy birthday. A truly simple guy he was. 
However, he wasn’t the type to be so rude as to refuse a gift, especially one from the buddy cop and her twin sister. Ever since he started Buddyfighting, those two along with Moroha had become as dear of friends to him as all the others he had gotten to know. He didn’t know them as well before Drum had been released from that Buddy Rare that fateful school day and when he battled Tasuku in his first match, but afterwards they had become fast friends. So, a gift from the twins meant a lot to Gao. 
“But...thank you so much! I’ll be sure to thank your twin too when I see her. Now, let’s see what’s inside!” With the bag taken into his hands, the Mighty Fun Fighter swiftly digs into until he pulls out the article of clothing. His sun-stained hues light up at the sight of it, quickly turning it around and back again to see all the details. Gao really needed something to wear with the colder weather that was coming up, and this seemed perfect for it while keeping the honor of the Mighty Sun Fighter alive! It moves him so much that you can see tiny tears from in the corners of his eyes.
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“This is...so awesome, Setsuna. Thank you! Thank you and Towa so much! I’ll be sure to always take good care of this! Hey, I’ll put it on right now!” With that he takes off his typical jacket, placing it inside the bag as the new one replaces it. He stretches out his arms, the jacket fitting him perfectly while going with his outfit. Gao then turns back to Setsuna, knowing just how to thank her for this.
“Eclipsing the darkness with flames, and brightening the hearts of the mistreated! The Mighty Sun Fighter is here! So, how do I look, Setsuna? Fitting for the Mighty Sun Fighter?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ sent:  ‘ we need to talk. ’ setsuna grabs gao’s hand & drags him away to the music room after making sure it was empty by telling a kid to leave , hand still securing gao’s from escaping. setsuna closed the door & sat him down in one of the chairs. she stared down at him , this time , her eyes glaring & tone firmer as she talked again. ‘ tell me what happened. now. ’
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“H-Hey!” Gao cries as he is suddenly pulled into the classroom by her. It had been a few weeks since Gao had last seen the Buddy Police officer, the Slayer unit apparently going away on some special mission or whatever according to Setsuna’s twin. Because she had been away though, Setsuna had missed all the crazy stuff that had gone down as of late. The battle at Sengoku Academy, the Grimm Reaper incident, Gao and Tasuku going to confront Disaster, The Dark Core Deck Cases, and most importantly...Tasuku being taken by the bad guys were all things she missed, and going by her serious tone, no one had yet to inform her about it.
That left the Sun Fighter to have to fill her in on what he did know, and considering he had witnessed everything for hand, it was reasonable as to why she would ask her. Moroha and Towa only knew about bits of it, especially not what happened at Disaster’s headquarters. Looks like this was going to be a long lunch break...
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“I guess no one filled you in, huh? Well...let’s just say a a lot went down while you were gone, but I’m sure you want to know about Tasuku first.”  He says, his expression turning serious after getting settled in the chair. Gao knew Setsuna wasn’t trying to be mean or anything by her forced interrogation. If he was in her spot, he’d want answers too. So, he gets it. “Tasuku he...he was taken by Kyoya Gaen’s group called Disaster. I couldn’t do anything to stop them, and...we still don’t know where he is! And the Buddy Police is doing nothing about it! What is up with you guys over there? I know you work for a different unit and just got back, but still!”
It had made him question a bit when Tasuku had told him the Buddy Police wouldn’t be able to help them track down Kiri and Disaster, along with how strange he had been acting. Gao was unaware of the fact Tasuku had gotten fired and the entire system was corrupted, but the question was, did Setsuna know that? 
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