cqwnii · 4 months
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warnings : reader has an asthma attack ! referred to in 2nd person, might be ooc + not proofread
genre : x reader, fluff + (angst?), mini story + headcanon format.
P.1 : Ashlyn, Logan, Aiden
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☆ 》 ben clark 《 ☆
the group has been running from these phantoms for too long now, you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower, you quickly grab your inhaler, "fuck.." you mumble as you find out your inhaler is empty, your lungs feel like their on fire and your sweating profusely. "guys, my inhaler.." was all you choked out before your body gave up on you, falling to your knees trying to breathe
☆ Ben panicked, adrenaline rushing through his body as he quickly picked you up and carried you right inside the graveyard, you guys were trying to do a quick mission to ashs house (before you had the jeep.) but it didn't go according to plan.
☆ you weakly sat on one of the many seats in the schoolbus, the others checking around the base to see if there was any refills for your inhaler as ben was by your side, making sure you stayed conscious and weren't about to pass out from your asthma attack.
☆ unfortunately that was your last inhaler refill, and you were extremely pale and sweating as if you were in the vegas during the hottest week there.
☆ ben typed out on his phone, making sure to instruct you through your asthma attack to the best of his ability. "concentrate on your breathing y/n." the robotic TTS voice spoke, ben didn't know if you could see properly, so he used to TTS option so you could hear the instructions.
☆ the others were worriedly around you, but making sure to give you breathing space, as they were all concerned about your increase in asthma attacks you've been getting since savannah.
☆ as your asthma attack subsided, ben typed out on his phone to make sure you feel better. "how are you feeling y/n, can you breathe?" you nod as she mumble that you feel better and can actually breathe without struggling.
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☆》 Tyler hernandez 《☆
the group has found themselves in a predicament, you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower, you quickly grab your inhaler, "fuck sakes.." you mumble as you realize your inhaler is in your motel room. your lungs feel like their on fire and your sweating profusely. "Wait.. guys I-.." was all you could get out before you fell straight to the ground, the phantom right behind you.
☆ Tyler easily recognized your weak voice, turning around quickly to pull you up before the phantom got to you. it was strange on how this is almost the same thing they found in the sorrel house. tyler pulled you close to him right before ashlyn slammed the phantom with the janitor cart.
☆ tyler brought you into the other motel room. as the other two looked out to see ash, aiden and ben, Tyler patted you down to see if you had your inhaler, but to no avail you didnt. he sat you down and made sure to instruct you on your breathing.
☆ "take deep breaths okay y/n?" Tyler spoke, he carefully held you as the other three came into the motel room, they were a little confused on why you collapsed but were a little more shocked by tyler comforting you.
☆ tyler glared at the others before looking back at you and keeping you awake and making sure your breathing stabilizes sooner than later. he was definitely worried and the others haven't seen him this concerned since they met him, besides taylor of course.
☆ although you didn't have your inhaler, this asthma attack as a mild one and it ended in only a couple minutes with the help of Tylers quick thinking, cause in all honesty you might've forgotten the steps to calm down your attack from the anxiety caused by the phantoms.
☆ "y/n are you okay..?" tyler worriedly spoke as he pulled you close to him, once you confirmed you're alright he hugged you tightly, muttering a few words you couldn't really understand. "just rest okay..? we'll figure out whatever the hells going on." he spoke as you nodded, he let you laid down on his lap as you eventually fell asleep.
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☆ 》 Taylor hernandez 《☆
the group has been running from these phantoms for too long now, you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower, you quickly grab your inhaler, "the hell...?" you mumble as you find out the medication canister is gone. your lungs feel like their on fire and your sweating profusely. "tay, I can't breathe..." you weakly spoke right before collapsing to the ground, struggling to catch your breath.
☆ Taylors heart stopped. first she watched her brother fall off a cliff, now she couldn’t bare to see her lover die to the hands of a phantom. She immediately turned around and pulled you out of the way of the phantom.
☆ thankfully ash heard the phantom behind you, and was quick to swing into action. the phantom only managed to give you a little scratch, but thankfully that's all the phantom managed to do.
☆ taylor pulled you inside the gas station, sitting you upright against one of the shelves and making sure you stay conscious. She noticed the empty inhaler mouthpiece and checked her pockets to see if she had a canister refill for you, only to find out she doesn't have one.
☆ " y/n.. just focus on breathing.. Ty-.. ash check if they have any inhaler canisters.." Taylor spoke, she held you close to her and continued to make sure your breathing is getting stabilized. The others were concerned as there was on 7 minutes till they shift back, worried since you never had an asthma attack during a shift, which could harm you.
☆ ashlyn found your dose and quickly passed it to taylor who put it in your inhaler; making sure it worked before pulling it to your lips and assisting you with using it, one dose.. two doses.. and now they need to wait.
☆ after a few minutes your asthma attack subsided and resolved. Taylor held you close and muttered sweet nothings as a few tears ran down her face, a few choked sobs slipping from her lips. "I was so worried about you y/n.." she spoke before planting a kiss on your cheek.
A/N : yippie guys ^^ i kinda didn't know what to write for this part, but i figured out some ideas. though they might he repetitive and such 😓
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cqwnii · 4 months
Can i request a SBG x reader (separately)
with a s/o who was asthma, and struggles in the phantom world cause of the increase in asthma attacks they experience, and like while running from a phantom they get a sudden asthma attack and collapse ? :3
hehwheh your my first request ^^
warnings : reader has an asthma attack ! referred to in 2nd person, might be ooc + not proofread
genre : x reader, fluff + (angst?), mini story + headcanon format.
P.2 : Ben, Tyler, Taylor
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☆ 》 ashlyn banner 《 ☆
the group has been running from these phantoms for too long now, you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower, you quickly try to grab your inhaler, "fuck.." you mumble as you remember it slipped from your pocket when the phantoms first pursued the chase. your lungs feel like their on fire and your sweating profusely. "a-ash.. I can't.." was all that escaped before you collapsed to the ground struggling to breath.
☆ she's absolutely worried when she heard you call her name before the sound of a thud.
☆ thankfully you have an amazing sniper on your team, or else you would've been dead. logan hurriedly made sure to shoot the two phantoms behind the group to save you
☆ ash supported you up and brought you into a random building, making sure to be in a safe area instead of in the open with phantoms.
☆ when the building was safe to be in, she approached you quickly but carefully, moving you upright with both her and tyler supporting your body, hoping this eases your attack.
☆ "you're alright y/n.. take deep breaths" ash spoke as she kept you upright, she noticed you missing your inhaler, and quickly pulled out a spare one she had in her pocket, thankfully she forgot to take it out of the pocket.
☆ "here y/n, you should use this." she said, a hint of concern in her voice, she was worried about you since the weird increase of asthma attacks you've been getting in the phantom world.
☆ after some time, you're attack calmed down, and you were pulled in a tight hug from ashlyn, honestly you thought you were going to die when you collapsed.
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☆ 》 logan fields 《 ☆
the group has been running from these phantoms for too long now, you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower, you quickly try to grab your inhaler, "oh shit.." you mumble as you realized you didn't have it, your lungs feel like their on fire and your sweating profusely. "wait.. logan.. I.." was all you could get out before your body gave up and you fell to the ground.
☆ logans stomach dropped when he heard a sudden thud, he turned around to see your weak body on the ground, and a phantom ready to pounce on you
☆ right before you got mauled by the phantom, tyler (who was right next to you) used his weapon to attack the phantom, keeping you safe
☆ "y/n!" logan exclaimed before worriedly checking on you, thankfully you collapsed just outside the graveyard, you were rushed inside the bus, the others looking for your inhaler.
☆ to no avail, they couldn't find it, and they barely had an idea on how to help you through your asthma attack, although they were frequenting more, you always had your inhaler.
☆ you weakly pushed your body against the wall of the bus, logan made sure to be by your side incase you fainted, he anxiously watched and waited till your attack subsided.
☆ "I'm sorry y/n.. i wish i could've helped more.." he muttered as he pulled you close, he felt guilt as your boyfriend who could barely help with your asthma, but thankfully you managed to get out without a scratch to you.
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☆ 》 aiden clark 《 ☆
the group has been running from these phantoms for too long now. you can feel your legs giving up, your chest tightening and your breathing getting shallower; you quickly try to grab your inhaler. “wait what..?” you mumbled when your inhaler wasn’t in your pocket; where it usually is. your lungs feel like they’re on fire and you’re sweating profusely. “uhm.. aiden.. i can’t-“ you said before dropping to the ground.
☆ in that moment, aiden immediately stopped smiling when he heard your voice and the thud. the others also stopped; worried about your collapsed state, aiden quickly moved to take down the phantom that tried to grab your ankle.
☆ both him and tyler, (shockingly), made sure the phantom was fully dead, before bringing you to a much more sheltered location. once you were all safe he made sure to sit you upright, checking to make sure you’re not about to pass out.
☆ "are you alright..?” he whispered. he was slightly trembling from the anxiety he felt at the thought of losing his lover. he had you in a tight hug, but not too tight that it’ll harm you even more.
☆ he tried to check for your inhaler but realized you didn’t have it, he tried to think about the one time you had an asthma attack right as your inhaler ran out. to try and help you, the adrenaline pumped through his blood as he tried rushing to think of ways to help you.
☆ "uhm.. try to focus on deep breaths y/n.." the others were on look-out, or trying to figure out what to do next. aiden was holding you upright, as taylor made sure you were awake and not injured from when you collapsed.
☆ ☆ once you finally were able to breath properly, he whispered a string of apologies and words of affection as a way to calm both you and himself down.
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A/N : erm this is part one cuz it's currently 4:22 AM for me, but I'll have it finished by tmr or today we'll see ^^
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cqwnii · 4 months
cqwniis masterlist <3
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where you should find all of my works.. (i hope)
you can also request anyone from the series listed that aren't on this list currently!!
Schoolbus graveyard
Ashlyn banner ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P1.
Logan fields ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P1.
Aiden clark ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P1.
Ben clark ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P2
Tyler hernandez ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P2
Taylor hernandez ★
sbg x reader w/ asthma P2
More TBA..
The d!ckheads
Eliana ocampo ☆
Levi coleman ☆
Marco muñoz ☆
More TBA..
Night owls & Summer skies
Emma lane ☆
Vivian Black ☆
Gwen Black ☆
Lauren Peterson ☆
More TBA..
Sunny ☆
Mari ☆
Aubrey ☆
Basil ☆
Hero ☆
Kel ☆
More TBA..
please refresh in.. ?? days..
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A/N : yippie posting this before i finish the sbg w/ asthma P.2 :3
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cqwnii · 3 months
Hi everyone, I'd like to apologize for vanishing off the face of tumblrs earth, i got grounded for a bit and still have exams and my finals (since i still have school), I'll do my best to spring back into writing fanfiction again, and i promise all of you who requested something (if i can do it) ill try my best to get it done asap !
thank you to those who've been patient and apologies once again for you all that have waited! i promise to come back shortly !!
- jiji
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cqwnii · 3 months
Hey, friend. Please, take care of yourself, we don't want you to be stressed and pressured. God bless you and good luck with school.
— 🥊Boxer Anon
thank you ^^ it's good to know i dont need to stress about anything, since summer is coming I'll be able to post most often !! once again thank you and i look forward to more requests from you al :3
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cqwnii · 3 months
Not a request, but a question I'd like to ask a fellow Night Owls & Summer Skies fan.
In your opinion. What if Emma punched Jessie in episode 10? What would happen?
Cause, personally, call me a bad person, but if I was in Emma's position in that episode I would turn into Mike Tyson.
Hmm.. well overall i think that would change the story, and jessie would be even more upset when lauren and emma become friends/acquaintances after the night at isolation camping.
and i feel like the dynamic of the characters would change and that jessie wouldn't really want to talk to emma when she went missing. Personally i think they wouldn't have tried again till way later, or maybe the wouldn't have tried again at all?
They might also be sent to isolation camping if they fight, or maybe if it was rather extreme they both get removed from the camp.
some might think otherwise but i personally imagine thats how it'd play out if they did get physical with another
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cqwnii · 4 months
Hello! I love your work!
It says that I can also request from different series. May I ask, have you read the Webtoon, 'Night Owls & Summer Skies'?
I actually have ^^
i spent alot of coins overtime for it 😓 and I'm on episode 28 rn :3 if you have a request for any of the characters I'll gladly write it ^^ that series needs so much more love and I'm genuinely enjoying it sm :3
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cqwnii · 2 years
cqwnii is typing..
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masterlist :: wips :: moots :: more tba
current work :
SBG x reader with asthma ^^ Part 2
requesting rules:
What i will write : fluff, angst, x reader, poly fics
what i won't write: smut, character x character, SA or similar topics (like reader in the middle of getting SA'd)
you can also request different people from different series/groups!
who i write for:
Schoolbus graveyard
the d!ckheads
night owls & summer skies
The owl house
Hunter x Hunter
about me:
who am I?, you can call me J or Jiji <3. I sometimes forget that tumblr exists. Im somewhat new to tumblr, I don't have alot of motivation currently but please request wtv ;3
👾 / alien anon, more TBA..
📂cqwnii.files | 🖋️cwqnii.writes | 🧩cqwnii.yaps | 🚥 cqwnii.navi | more tba <3
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cqwnii · 23 days
meow !!!
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cqwnii · 2 months
Hi :) fellow anon here. How are you doing?
Im doing alright ! i haven't updated about myself so far but i have a few fanfics in the working !!
Besides that im working hard to finish these fanfics so you guys get content :3
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cqwnii · 3 months
Is Yandere against the rules?
- 👾 Alien Anon
Depends on who you're requesting for ! but so for yandere is not against the rules ^^
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cqwnii · 4 months
Please, take it easy man! Hope you're doing well!
Thanks <33 I only have two exams this week so I'll manage 💪 i should have atleast one or two fanfics out by saturday :3
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cqwnii · 4 months
Hi a little update ^^
sorry i haven't been that active this past week, I had a few exams this week and more coming up shortly so i needed to study and work on my tests 😓😓 I'll be up and posting within this week, and working on fics during my spare time :3 once again i apologize for dropping p1 and p2 of a ff then disappearing for a week
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