#📓 Lyn writes
gyuijns · 1 year
♡ Everything
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Pairing : Sung Hanbin x reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings!! : None
word count : 313
a/n : I always imagine Hanbin being the most romantic person ever so I decided to write a little something about it!
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I have always hated the word everything. Mostly because when it’s used it’s the complete opposite. You’ve always taken the word with a grain of salt when it comes to the question, “What do you like about me.” So as you ask you boyfriend of 6 months, Sung Hanbin this question you don’t know what to expect. “Well everything. I love the way your eyes light up whenever you look at something you admire. I love the way the corners of your lips turn up when people you love are around. I love the slight hint of pinks on your cheeks whenever you get compliments, and the way your face turns red when I kiss you even though we have been together for a while. I love the way you scrunch your nose when concentrating and the way you frown when someone says something you disagree with. I love how you stand up for what you believe. I love how easy it is for me to read your emotions so that way there I can comfort you. Like when you play with your hands when you’re nervous, cross your arms over your stomach when insecure, and the puffiness of your eyes right after crying. I love your perfect body and when you don’t think it is I always make sure to remind you that it is. But most importantly I love your personality. Oh how perfect you are for me. Your caring and loving nature is truly one of my favorite things about you. It’s so hard to choose just one thing I love about you darling. I mean why only love one part of you when I can love all of you.” Hanbin says with the most sincere smile. When Hanbin says everything he doesn’t mean it as nothing, he truly means it. He changed the meaning of the word for me.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
chill mah dude
📓 - I would like to, one day, write a fic of the events leading up to Keldor's coup in the Core/CGI series. We got the "I, Skeletor" novel, but that's about Keldor and Randor in their early teens. Randor is not king yet and their parents are still alive. I want to write a fic taking place when Adam is six, Randor is King, and Keldor is laying plans for his coup.
📚 - I also wanna one day write a really ambitious fic that utilizes the prophesy from the Classics-Line comics. In the Classic-Line there's a prophesy that when the Three Towers are restored, the "great kings" of Eternia will return to the living. But in the comics, the only kings that return are Randor and Miro and, I'm sorry, but those dudes ain't that great. If you're gonna put in a prophesy about "the great kings" then use the great ones! King Grayskull for example! Have the prophesy bring back King Grayskull! Like, come on! The gimmick is right there! Also, the prophesy does not specify the great kings having a "good" alignment, so in my version of the prophesy, King Hiss would also come back. He was a "great" king of Eternia. Full roster of "great kings":
D'Vann Grayskull (alignment: good; goddess: Zoar)
King Hiss (alignment: neutral; goddess: Serpos)
Hordak (alignment: evil; goddess: Horokoth)
Skeletor (alignment: chaotic; goddess: Bash-Or)
Four kings, one for each goddess.
They'd each also have a sorceress.
Grayskull - Veena
Hiss - Teela
Hordak - Entrapta
Skeletor - Evil-Lyn
📒 - I wanna do a cute ship fic for Skeleteen that makes excessive use of the trope "Identity Porn". Identity Porn is when one character has 2 identities (think Superman and Clark Kent) and the rest of the characters they interact with think they're 2 separate people. I've dipped my toes in this idea already. But with an OC that I kinda high-key hated. Next time I wanna try it with a canon character. (Probably Ram Man II, I don't know why, he's just the one I picked out and stuck with.) The premise is, Skeleteen is unrecognizable as Skeleteen without his helmet. Ram Man II would happen upon Malkyn when he's doing some innocuous thing while not wearing his helmet and they would become friends with Ram Man II having a huge crush on Malkyn. When Malkyn shows up to their meetings with bruises or bandages, he assumed someone's been mistreating him and Malkyn needs to be rescued. He has no idea that the injuries come from their own battles together. One day Malkyn shows up riding Skeleteen's gryphon and Ram Man II assumed Malkyn might be Skeleteen's beast trainer, that would mean that Skeleteen's been the one beating him and Ram Man vows to defeat Skeleteen and free Malkyn once and for all.
📖 - multiple AUs where Zalesia is never destroyed with varying impacts on the present depending on where I wanna take the story.
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thebmatt · 2 years
📓 📓 📓 📓 Fanfic daydreams!~
I really want to expand more on my AU team from Etheriys-85, enough to the point that I've contemplated dedicating the next FFXIV Write event entirely to them.
The big plot I want to expand on is how Shadowbringers changes because A) Moenbryda doesn't die in this universe and B) Lyse leaves Ala Mhigo in Conrad and Raubahn's hands and stays with the Scions (her arc is still about her personal growth, but it's less about her leading her people and more about stepping out of her sister's shadow and finding her own place among the Scions)
I don't think for ONE SECOND that Moenbryda is going to allow the Exarch to involve Urianger in his duplicity, and would likely force him to come clean to the others right from the start. Now I just need to figure out where things change from there. I still envision the Scions splitting up to take care of things in Norvrandt's various zones, but they'll likely be collaborating rather than working apart. I do think Lyse will accompany Y'shtola to Rak'tika though, which will be a catalyst for some relationship changes for her and Syhrwyda.
Other minor fics in this AU I've dreamed about....
Veilette's origins necessitate that she use an alias while working in or near Coerthas (maybe even for the whole of her career until this point, she really does not want the Inquisitors coming for her or her family). Aymeric doesn’t recognize her, but she definitely does recognize him. She says nothing, of course. People can change over the course of years, what if he’s become a fanatic in that time? She can’t risk it. But then she spends more time with him. He’s not. He’s never let that good heart get corrupted or lost. And so she can’t help it: she falls for him. One day they’re alone together, and they’re THIS close to kissing, when he pulls away. He can’t, he says, because she reminds him of his best friend that was lost to him. It isn’t fair to her, he says. She asks him about her, and he shares his memories. She smiles and says what if they’re the same. He looks at her in confusion, and she smiles and tells him how good it’s been to see him again, how good it’s been to see that the heart of her best friend lives on in the man she’s fallen for. Cue Big Damn Kiss.
I really want to explore how the Rheika of -85 had a very different life than her main universe counterpart. Losing her family in the Calamity, basically going a little feral to survive until the Rogue’s guild took her in and helped her regain a bit of her sanity, all the way to ending up in a relationship, first with Moenbryda and later bringing Urianger in as well.
Syhrwyda found her way into both a mastery of thaumaturgy and a newfound family much faster than Fearless. So what drives her into a path that leads to finding Fray’s corpse and a certain red soul crystal? Also I’ve plotted out a good deal of her romantic history with Lyse throughout Stormblood, and how the changes to Shadowbringers will affect that (spoiler alert, involves some tearful confessions from Y’shtola)
Brorthon is going to have A Time during the Bozja story and during the Dalmascan focused moments of the Ivalice raid story. He was conscripted from Dalmasca in his youth, so this whole story is personal for him. Rael, his childhood friend who helped him remember his true identity but was gunned down in their escape….survived thanks to the intervention of those who would become the Bozjan resistance. Their reunion is going to be heartfelt and sweet. I initially though it would be romantic, but I haven’t settled on that for sure yet. It feels a little too similar to Veilette and Aymeric for me to feel good about it.
Thank you for the ask, Lyn!!
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gyuijns · 1 year
♡ Every letter I sent you
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Pairing : Gyuvin x f!reader
Genre : Fluff, Highschool love
Warnings!! : None!
word count : 393
a/n : this is one of the worst things I have ever written but I really need to post! Gyuvin has slowly been becoming my number one bias in zb1, hes just so cute!
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Being best friends with Kim gyuvin wasn’t always the easiest. It’s all you were known for in school. Girls always coming up to you asking to give gyuvin their confession letter, which he always rejected. He said that he already liked someone. ‘How lucky they are.’ “Are you done daydreaming” gyuvin pulls you out of your trance. Right, it was finally lunch time. “Yeah sorry, oh here’s this by the way.” I hand him yet another letter. “When will they learn that I already like someone.” He says with a pout. Your heart stung with jealousy as you have liked the boy for as long as you can remember. “Come on let’s get going Gunwook and Yujin are probably waiting for us.” He grabs your hand as you head down the hallways. Not a single head turns as they are used to this type of physical contact between you two. As you get to the cafeteria, getting your food as fast as you can to meet up with Gunwook and Yujin you overhear their conversation. “Do you know when gyuvin is gonna give her the letter?” Yujin asks, which Gunwook answers with “No, but knowing him not anytime soon. All he does is talk about her but he doesn’t think she likes him back when it’s so clear she does.” Before the conversation could continue you decide to finally go sit down. Gyuvin soon comes over as you had gotten in line before him, so it naturally took him longer. “Hey guys, what are you talking about!” Gyuvin says. Yujin and gyuvin then whisper something to each other as you and Gunwook talk about haikyuu, one of his favorite animes. “Y/n, do you think I could talk to you really quick?” Gyuvin says.“yeah, let’s go!” As soon as you left the cafeteria he pulled something out of his back pocket and handed it to you. ‘This was what the boys were talking about’ you thought to yourself. ‘Wait no don’t get to ahead of yourself y/n, this could be a misunderstanding.’ As you open it you read the loads of compliments and the words “I like you” and “will you please be my girlfriend?” You look up to see gyuvin looking at the ground awaiting your response. You immediately hug him and tell him his awaited answer. “Yes gyuvin I would love to!”
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gyuijns · 1 year
♡ As long as you care
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Pairing : Gunwook x f!reader
Genre : Fluff!
Warnings!! : None that I’m aware of!
word count : 441
a/n : I always have really high standards for myself when it comes to grades so this is for people that when they get below a 80 feel like crying.
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Getting my test results back is always stressful and today wasn’t an exception. As the teacher passed the tests around while scolding the class for not exceeding his expectations. He finally gets to me and puts my test flipped over on the desk. As I flip it over my heart drops. A 76 with a note written next to it, ‘As one of my top student I expected better. Study harder next time.’ I can feel the tears start to well up in my eyes ready to explode. The bell finally rings after what felt like forever. “Y/n can you stay back just for a few minutes.” I nod my head, pack my stuff and head up to his desk as everyone has already left. “I’m really disappointed in you. This test was really important and I feel like you didn’t try your best so please next time try harder.” Staring at my feet I manage to get out a “yes, I’m sorry.” He dismissed me reminding me again that I need to try harder. As soon as I stepped out of the classroom I broke down. Tears streaming down my face, I look up noticing my boyfriend waiting outside of class for me. “What are doing here Gunwook” I say wiping my tears as more fall down that I try not to let out. “When you didn’t come to lunch I was worried about you y/n, what happened?” As soon as he saw more tears running down my face he hugged me as if I were about to disappear. “My test, I got a 76. He even pulled me aside to talk to him gunwook. He said I didn’t try my hardest when I did. You were always there when I studied you know how hard I tried and I still got a 76.” I sobbed harder into his chest as he gently took my face between his big hands and kissed my tears away. “Don’t cry over that y/n. We both know how hard you studied and that’s all that matters. If he said you didn’t try your hardest it doesn’t matter he wasn’t there when you studied was he?” I shake my head. “Plus you did better then me. I got a 72.” I looked up in shock. Your boyfriend, Park Gunwook, The class president, and top student got a 72? “Your lying to make me feel better aren’t you?” He pulls his test out of his bag. “Nope see look here y/n I got a 72. Now let’s get to lunch while we still have time!” Gunwook took my hand in his and we walked to lunch.
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gyuijns · 1 year
♡ Across the room
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Pairing : Park Gunwook x reader (mentions of Daniel from new jeans!)
Genre : Angst
Warnings!! : unrequited love, mentions of anxiety
word count : 703
a/n : This is based on the experience I currently am going through so everything said in this story is sadly happening to me.
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Class was always boring but Gunwook always seemed to make it a little bit better. You weren’t near him as you had assigned seats but admiring him from afar was good enough for you. If he ever caught you, you always had an excuse since he was right next to your best friend Daniel. She told you constantly to get over him due to him not doing anything about your massive crush on him. He never rejected you and he never told you he liked you back. But you couldn’t, not after you have liked him for 4 years. It wouldn’t be as easy as Daniel thought it would be to get over him. As class comes to an end you were told you could get out of your seats to talk to each other. You walked over to daniel and you immediately started talking. “Did you actually pay attention to the lesson today? If not I can fill you in again!” Daniel said with the same bright smile the always has. “Hey, don’t assume that I don’t pay attention ever lesson” you say with a pout. “But I didn’t so could you please give me your notes!” You smile as daniel playfully hits your arm. You can feel someone’s eyes on you. As you look around the class frantically you can’t seem to find them. “What’s wrong?” Daniel asked with clear concern as you continue to look. “Someone’s look at me I can tell, I don’t like the feeling of it.” After many years of anxiety you can tell when someone is looking at you and it’s the worst feeling ever. “Are you talking about Gunwook? He’s been looking at you” she discreetly points to Gunwook whose with his friends but he doesn’t seem to listen to his friends, instead he’s looking at you. As your eyes meet he holds eye contact for a second before you quickly look away and your looking at Daniel again. “Why does he keep looking at me?” You ask Daniel genuinely wanting to know. “I don’t know but he always looks at you in class too. Whenever you look away from him he looks at you. It’s kind of distracting when you have to see his head turn every few minutes. You think with his class president reputation he would pay more attention to class but nope!” Daniel says. “I’m getting tired of his mixed signals why is he so confusing!” You say with mix of rage and sadness dripping from your voice. “Why don’t you just ask him how he feels?” Daniel says curiously. “You know I can’t do that it could ruin our friendship.Quick be quiet pretend we were talking about something else!” You said in a hushed hurry voice as Gunwook heads your way. “Hey y/n do you have the notes from the lesson today? I wasn’t paying full attention!” Gunwook said with the most gorgeous smile ever making you fall more in love with him if that was even possible. “Sure I’ll give them too you later okay!” You said trying to keep your composure after all this isn’t the first time you have talked but every time you do talk your heart beats faster. “Thank you so much your a life saver! If you want you can just send it to me. I’ll write my number down!” He says as he writes it on a piece of paper and hands it to you. “Of course! Bye Gunwook talk to you later!” You say goodbye as he goes back to his friends, gyuvin and Yujin. You turn back to Daniel as she holds in a laugh “So now your going to let Gunwook copy my notes thinking they are yours?” She says finally letting out her laugh. “I’m sorry, I had a chance to talk to him what else was I supposed to do, plus I got his number!” You say back to her. You once again turn to look at Gunwook as he’s laughing with his friends. As if he can sense you looking at him he turn back to you and smiles even harder. Leaving you with one question Why does Gunwook have to be so mysterious about his feelings.
(not proofread!)
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gyuijns · 1 year
♡ A call from my dream
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Pairing : Yuma x Fem reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings!! : sickness
word count : 362
a/n : Sorry this is so short especially for my first piece of writing! I have been contemplating actually posting this or not but i decided to finally do it! Please give me feedback and what I can make better (о´∀`о)
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You wake up to your alarm ringing. Signaling that you need to get up. You can’t though, you’ve been sick for the past few days meaning you couldn’t go to school. The second you message your boyfriend, Yuma about how you got a cold he came over as fast as possible to make sure you’re okay. He did everything he could to make you feel better. That’s how you ended up laying with your boyfriend. As you feel him turn away from you, reach for your phone and turn off your alarm before it could make anymore sound. His fingertips slowly running through your hair, getting the knots out as he took a slow deep breathe. “Good morning” He kisses the top of your head before slowly relaxing back into his pillow. When you get the strength to lift your head to look at him, you really take in every feature on his face. He was absolutely perfect even after a deep nights sleep. “Morning” you get out before suddenly sneezing. “Ah you’re still sick, of course. My poor y/n” he muttered with a pout, battling the need to close his eyes and drift back to sleep. “Here let me go make you some soup, how does that sound?” You slowly let out a quiet “yes please” in return. He gets out of your bed and went to make you soup. I’m the mean time you have to fight not to close your eyes and sleep. I’m your mind it’s been 30 minutes but in reality it’s only been 10. Time just felt off when he wasn’t with you. ‘Maybe I should have just had him stay.’ But just as you thought that Yuma comes in a with some soup and medicine. “I brought you some medicine to take after your meal. So make sure you eat enough” he takes out the spoon and feeds you the soup. “Open and swallow the medicine, it’s not gonna taste the best but you have to have it to get better.” You open and gagged at the taste. “Cherry medicine is the worst” you mumble after swallowing. “Is there anything else you need love?” “Can you just stay with me?” You were relieved when he got back in bed and immediately grabbed your waist to cuddle you. “This better?” “Way better thank you Yuma.”
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gyuijns · 1 year
♡ To. my lover
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Pairing : Harua x Reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings!! : None!
word count : 254
a/n : sorry this extra short! I’ve been busy recently and wanted to post something! Although most people like my zb1 posts more, I wanted to post &team. I promise to post a zb1 writing soon!! <3
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Every day is a routine for you and harua. Every morning he always wakes up before you and sends you a message. Even if you wake up before him you make sure to not let him know so he sends the message as normal. Today was one of those days. You sat up on your bed awaiting the sweet message from your boyfriend. You see the bubbles disappear as a message pops up. “Good morning y/n! How did you sleep? I hope you slept well. I know I did! I had a dream about you love! We were older and had a happy family, I hope we can make that come true one day! Although as long as I’m with you I’ll always be happy. You make me feel thing I’ve never felt before. Something I thought I would never feel about someone. You make me feel loved and wanted. I hope it always stays that way. Do you think it will? If it doesn’t I’ll still love you no matter what!” You start typing away letting your mind take over your hands to type whatever comes to mind. “Morning Harua! I slept good, I fell asleep thinking about you so how could I not! One day we will have a happy family, I am sure of it! I promise I will always love you forever! I hope to make you feel loved and wanted for the rest of our lives. If I don’t then you can let me know and I will change!”
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(Not proof read!)
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
Every now and again, I think about doing an anthology series about Skeletor (or Keldor) and all the lovers he's had in his life. But I could never get down and write out the vignettes for each relationship. Each one was going to have a get-together and a break-up.
The roster of lovers Keldor|Skeletor was going to have was-
Duncan (pre-Man-at-Arms)
OC ???
??? someone else in the Horde?
King Hiss
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
📓 for the meme!
I've had an idea for a CGI fic since season 1 came out but I never wrote it and now knowing how season 2 ended and what it revealed about Evil-Lyn, I probably won't ever write it. But-
At some point in the 10 years between Keldor's coup and Teela bringing Adam the sword, Evelyn and Kronis had a kid together. They left the kid to be raised by Lyn's family (at the time that I first thought of this idea, it was the Faceless One).
For plot reasons (that I could never figure out) Skeletor wants to harm this child. Lyn and Kronis beg him not to, but since Skeletor can control them with Havoc there's nothing they can do to protect their child beside beg.
Lyn's family enlists the help of Adam and the Masters to protect their grandson.
Truly, I do not know what the plot was supposed to be.
But the climax was going to be Skeletor controlling Evil-Lyn and turning her arm holding her staff to her child. The implication being that Skeletor was going to make her kill her own baby. Lyn can't take control back from him, but she's determined not to hurt her only child, and she somehow manages to resist enough to expel the Havoc out of her body. The force causes her staff to shatter.
Skeletor is shocked. He didn't know that was something someone could do.
Lyn hugs her child and they escape together.
Kronis is still under Skeletor's control and left behind.
Obviously, now that I know that Hordak is Evil-Lyn's father, I can't write this fic. Can you imagine Skeletor threatening Hordak's grandson?
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