#đŸ“șLove Is A Smoke and Is Made With The Fumes of Sighs🧹
circusgoth-dotcom · 7 months
Scenes From The Shadow Gallery
Ship: V x Companion
Word Count: 962
Summary: Wanted to get something out before the end of Guy Fawkes Day, so here's the scenes in which Evey is initially brought to the Shadow Gallery and how they would play out with my s/i being there. CWs for imprisonment (though technically for both Evey and V's safety), food mentions, fire mention.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @dudefrommywesterns @rexscanonwife
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Companion had been at V’s side through every step of their plans thus far, but they had been separated when fleeing the hijacking of Britain’s largest newscasting outlet. Upon reaching the Shadow Gallery alone, Companion prepared for V’s return. He knew he had escaped, so there was only time to pass.
It was hardly even an hour before V finally turned up.
“My love,” Companion greeted as he rose from an elegant chaise. The two approached each other and he held the sides of his mask in his hands.
“My stars,” V gently took away their hands, holding onto them. “There’s something we need to discuss.”
Companion cocked his head to the side. “What is it? I thought everything’s been going according to
“There’s been
 a slight curveball. You remember the young woman I crossed paths with?”
Companion nodded.
“She worked at the Tower. She lent a hand in my escape, but in the process she was knocked unconscious by my assailant. I couldn’t leave her there.”
“So she’s here?”
V nodded. “Our bedroom.”
Companion’s hands slipped out of his as they anxiously wiped their palms on their trousers. “I suppose we have to keep her here, then.”
“What’s she like?”
Companion could hear the smile in V’s voice as he answered, “I’m not sure yet. But I think she’s more like us than she is like them. Now then,” he approached a jukebox containing more songs blacklisted by the Norsefire party than not and began to browse. “How about some music?”
A few songs passed before Evey came out of the bedroom, intrigued by the sound of the jukebox. She jumped when Companion appeared behind it.
“You must be our guest.”
“Who are you?”
They smiled and walked around the jukebox. “V’s partner.” He extended his hand, “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
She hesitantly shook it. “What am I doing here?”
“Because your forehead’s swole up to a goose egg, that’s what. Ah, speaking of V
” As Companion spoke, V entered the room and Evey turned to face him. “Why don’t I let him explain what’s happening while I get you something to put on that lump?”
V nodded at him and Companion took his leave. When he returned with a bag of frozen peas, Evey had gone and V was standing to the side, appearing disgruntled. Companion sighed.
“Well, so much for these. Let me guess, she doesn’t want to stay.”
“Unfortunately for all of us. But you know what will happen if we let her go.”
Companion set aside the peas and embraced him, resting their head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around them, pressing the lips of his mask against the top of their head.
“Don’t worry, my love,” Companion hummed. V said nothing. “Just be patient with her. Any plans for breakfast?” They stepped back, looking up at him.
 egg in a basket, perhaps? Thick-cut bacon for you, of course
” He affectionately ran his hand over their short hair.
“That sounds lovely, I'm sure Evey will be more than happy to discuss things after a meal like that."
“Yes, you’re probably right, who knows when she had lunch. We should get some rest.”
The next morning, V got up and made breakfast while Companion turned on the radio and read the morning newspaper, smiling cynically over the way their government tried to cover up V’s heroic deeds.
“Do you think we’ll make a difference?” He asked. V looked up from the stove.
“That’s up to what the masses take away from my call to action, isn’t it, my dear?”
“But do you think they listened?”
V looked over his shoulder. “I know it’s easy to be pessimistic, Companion, but look what we’ve done so far. Somebody, even if it’s just one person, listened yesterday. Eventually, it will snowball. But until then, we can only rely on optimism, yes?”
Companion swallowed, nodding in agreement as he closed the paper.
“V--” Evey had appeared, looking sheepish. V turned completely toward her.
“Ah, bonjour mademoiselle.”
“I wanted to apologize for how I reacted last night.”
“I understand what you’ve done for me and I want you to know that I’m grateful
” She trailed off as her eyes shifted away from his mask. “Your hands
” V quickly turned away to put on his gloves while Companion stood and began to pour fresh tea. “There, that’s better. I hope I didn’t put you off your appetite.”
“Oh, no, please, I just
 are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” V mumbled, losing himself in the cooking again.
“Do you mind if I ask what happened?”
“There was a fire,” V and Companion spoke at once, both freezing and refusing to look at Evey.
“We were both in it, but V
 suffered the most,” Companion continued, stretching his own gloved hands before chuckling softly. “You should see my back.”
“It’s ancient history, for some,” V added.
“But it doesn’t make for very good table conversation, so,” Companion held up the tea tray, “Would you like some tea with your eggs?”
“Oh, yes, that would be wonderful, I’m starving actually
“Then please, take a seat,” V instructed, plating the toast he had made and placing it on the table. Evey sat and Companion handed her one of the cups.
“I never caught your name,” she mentioned to him. “You only introduced yourself as V’s partner
“Yes, Evey, this is my dearest Companion. We’ve been through many a disquiet together.” V squeezed one of their hands affectionately.
“But his name
“That’s it. Companion,” they explained before smiling. “Bit on the nose, isn’t it?” They took up their own seat as V served a second plate.
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
“Thank you for the concern, Evey, but I already have.”
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V x Companion
Word Count: 666
Tag List: @captainscyarika @canongf @sweettoothselfships 
Summary: How V and Companion met.
Warnings: Mild descriptions of gore/severe scarring, vague references to unethical government experimentation.
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I watched his odd gait with feverish intensity, this strange man in a long black cloak that I had been following since the explosion. I had seen him pick up the cloth miles back, at that awful, awful facility. Now we shuffled along in the damp, dark night, past trees and abandoned junk. The man, the only other survivor as far as I knew, seemed to be looking for something.
At some point, I hadn’t noticed he had paused at a pile of scrap and nearly bumped into him, my socked feet sending small pebbles scattering across the dirt. He turned away, hiding his face.
“Don’t look at me. Who are you?” His voice was ragged with whatever they had done to him in that place.
I stood there, shaking, unprepared for confrontation. “I
 don’t know.”
He glanced over his shoulder, the movement taking only a second before he was looking away again.
“You’ve followed me. You survived, too.”
“Please look at me. You can’t look a-any worse than I do.” I had caught a glimpse of myself in a shattered mirror; what is the self, anyway?
The man’s shoulders were incredibly tense under his coat, he seemed to almost hunch them like a prey animal response, if I look bigger and meaner, maybe it’ll go away. I heard him inhale through his nose and finally saw him turn. His face was terribly burnt. It was barely a face at all and I could make out no distinguishing features beyond a nose, a slit of a mouth, and dark indents where his eyes would be. Even if I couldn’t detect a pair of eyes, I knew he studied my own injuries.
“Are you still bleeding?” He finally asked. Before I could answer, he had brought his scarred hands to my ribs. I winced as he prodded of his own accord, in part due to the tender stinging of the wound, and in part due to touch being so unkind in the past
 years? Months? What did time matter, now? Impatiently, he rolled up my tank top, though only far enough to examine my side. I glanced down, too. I was missing a large chunk of flesh, to the point bones were beginning to show under thin and ragged skin.
“You will stay with me. You don’t know your name or your past, correct?” He asked as he pulled the cloth back down over my wound. I nodded and my vision swam slightly, so I immediately stopped. “I will call you
“And I will call you
He froze as he thought, then slipped his hand into mine. “V.”
“I will explain my choice later. For now, I don’t want to waste any time when you’re looking like this
 I don’t know how much time either of us has.”
It took us two years to find the Shadow Gallery, and another two just to make the space home as England’s government turned into a starving wolf around us. We were the only sheep not under the spell, the spell to feed, to be eaten. V had gone from a quiet, slightly rough man trying to figure things out for us, to a man that had creativity and a whimsical madness settle into him. I found myself, well, part of myself, beside him. We were artists and rebels who knew nothing of our lives before. Under V’s love for theatrics was his fiery need for justice and vengeance, and I supported him, but;
“V, how are just two men going to overthrow the Head?”
“My dear Companion, we are not just two men. We should’ve died that night, you know this. We are ghosts, miracles, the very words that make up the poetry and epics we pour over in the Gallery. We will do it, for the sake of Lady Justice. She is caged by their sharpened teeth.”
I would say Justice was V’s first true love. Within another three years, oh, how that phase would pass.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 7 months
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Tomorrow is đŸ’„â€ŒïžHISâ€ŒïžđŸ’„â˜ïžâ˜ïž day
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circusgoth-dotcom · 7 months
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feeling out my v for vendetta s/i's style
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
not sure if i want to do a dogma theme next for my blog or a v for vendetta theme
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
Credit to virtuousvendetta on tiktok
ghghgh my boyy đŸ„€
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another v x companion board, happy guy fawkes day! ^ ^
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(Book 3 - The Land of Do-As-You-Please)
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and a v x companion board for good measure
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I won't be able to answer them til I get back to my hotel probably but asks regarding Betelgeuse, Chucky, Michael Myers, & V would b awesome to receive today 💕
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where’s that post that’s like “sun/moon couples are the pillars of society” or w/e.. me & v <3
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V's apron is just bwhsghbhwghsghsbwgh đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ€Č
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