#clownie gushes
canongf · 7 months
hi liv! i hope your day was good! my week has been very Stimulating, which, the experiences have been mostly positive but i'm worried because i'm going to a concert this weekend and i really don't want it to make everything bubble over... i'm hoping some sleep with keep things in balance! i also thought reaching out to you might make me feel better because you're a good friend, so feel free to gush about eddie or talk about whatever you want in response to this ask. :0) - much platonic love from j & i, clownie <3
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@circusgoth-dotcom!!! clownie!!! hi hi hi!!! 🖤
i am so honored that you thought to message me!!! i always adore asks from you, hearing how you're doing and what's going on in your life :)
first!!! congratulations on your new & beautiful daughter!!! she is lucky to have a guardian like you, i can't wait to hear about the life that you give her!!!
and second!!! my day was okay!!! it was my work bestie's last day and it has been very busy for me since i've taken over a lot of things she did. i'm the shipping girl now, packing boxes, loading pallets... it's a little more physical than i'm used to and it leaves me pretty tired, but i feel tough and strong when i do it and that's nice!!! i think eddie's proud of me!!!
a concert sounds super fun!!! i understand the worry though, they can be a lot and they can be a lot a lot if you've already had a stimulating week but!!! i hope the sleep helps!!! i hope you go into the weekend feeling rested and calm, and i hope the concert is even better than you thought it would be!!! don't forget your earplugs!!!!!
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soulnottainted · 1 year
Hello I've come to gush about my favourite idiot boys: Jay & Silent Bob. 💗 they are so sillys and strangely charming despite Jay's typically crass ways. (Which outside of self shipping, major props to Kevin Smith's writing skills and Jason Mewes' acting making Jay not a terribly annoying character- at least to people who like these movies LOL) Jay is an excellent hypeman and SB is so considerate and sweet on me 🥰 it's also like having bodyguards who are also my best friends and I can kiss them. Pleasge look at this silly thibg i made of them. Ty for listening - clownie
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I am being SPOILED with homemade slides and pictures oh my gOSH I LOVE IT!
The only movie I've seen with these two has been Dogma, since my sister is actually a huge fan of Kevin and Jason and has met him a few times! But from what I've seen they are hilarious and great as characters! Dawww these boys love you lots and would do anything for you! Nothing short of protective!! Thanks for stopping in Clownie!!
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Hav u seen my wive
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Now u hav :oD 🥺
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werateclowns · 3 years
How about rating Lola Pop?
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Lola-Pop is the perfect example of a clown in media. Before I go gushing about her, let me go through my rating system.
1, Appearance: 10/10.
Lola goes for a very cartoonish and colorful look. It combines something familiar with something new. The suspenders are a classic look in clowning, being the main-stay of plenty of more slapstick focused clowns. Her pants combine both polka dots and stripes, giving a subtle circus feel, while also being clearly puffy, hinting at her other inspiration which I'll go over later. Her mask, which in ARMS lore helps control her spring arms, has markings resembling clown make-up, specifically the upside down triangles meant to resemble tears, but with the coloring, gives a happier feeling. We then go on to her candy motif, with her nose and earrings resembling Gumballs, while her hair and arms give off a hard candy aesthetic.
2, Sillyness: 10/10.
Along with her silly appearance, she also acts silly. All of her quotes from ARMS are in reference to her clown nature. With quotes like "Clown Kapowie!" and "Boosh, Bap, Pop!" just from her throwing dialogue, it's plain to see that she is always clowning around. This combines with her movement style, which is very bouncy, to make a cartoony clown fighter.
3, Actions: 10/10.
Lola-Pop is literally a clown in canon. She is a street performer who plans to open up her own circus when she wins the ARMS Grand Prix. Her promotional art shows off her normal actions while performing, giving even more credence to her clowniness.
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4, Uniqueness: 10/10
Lola-Pop not only focuses on a candy aesthetic with her appearance, but also a Balloon aesthetic. While on the surface this seems like a basic reference to balloons, and the relation to circus they have... The reference goes deeper.
When she blocks, she inflates into a round form
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This makes her a round, inflated clown with a target on her chest, which is most likely a reference to a classic children's toy.
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The classic Bozo the Clown Bop Bag. An inflatable toy that has weighted at the bottom, so no matter how much you punch it, it cartoonishly wobbles back up.
5, Child Friendliness: 10/10
Lola-Pop absolutely is a clown that would be hired for a birthday party!
Final Results: 50/50
Lola-Pop truly is the best example I can give for a fictional clown, with a rich inspiration, fun design, and genuine love put behind her design, She deserves a perfect score.
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kaluawoo · 5 years
Do y’all wanna see a good doggo?
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His name’s Charlie, and he’s the best.
(There’s no real point to this post or anything, I just felt like gushing over him<3 Will involve lots of mediocre photos bc neither me nor my parents are too good at taking them.)
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He’s (almost) 10 years old, and afaik a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix. Y’know what that means?
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Yep! He’s a big boi! My parents adopted him a few months ago. He used to be mostly outdoors, but he LOVES being a house dog! His humans with him AAAALL the time!
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Ofc that means if the tiny human is the only one there, she must be followed. Because. The noodles might attack if big doggo isn’t there to watch. I’d known this precious boy for only a few days at this point, he still refused to not follow me around the house whenever I got up bc he precious.
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Just look. Look at him be cute and look at his face. He’s a huge warm teddy bear. Got a letter from my dad today, he’d left Charlie outside the library for a few minutes, came back to two little children taking turns hugging this doggo because he is just MADE FOR HUGGING!! (Yeah yeah, I know that you should teach kids differently and stuff, but THIS doggo loves hugs!)
Oh, and also!
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He also gets along with cats!
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The kitties are Lena (black girl) and Clowny (spotted boy). They’re almost 12 now, and we’ve had them for 11 years. Wow, time flies, I still remember them as tiny 3 month old kittens.
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Charlie also has a very important tip for you.
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If you go into the water up to your chest! Then you don’t have to bend down so far to drink the water! (I didn’t have the heart to tell him most of us two-legs don’t drink river water.)
Okay, okay, I’m done now. I just miss this big puppy, can’t wait for this semester to end so I can go back home and give him more cuddles<3 I’ll give him a pet and a hug from anyone who decided to go look at all the doggo pictures, too. He’ll be happy about them.
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canongf · 1 year
Hi Liv! I hope you are well! I wanted to gush a bit bc I got new familial f/os and that rarely happens to me 🥺 they are Dale & Allison from Tucker and Dale vs Evil! They're a little too young to be my parents logistically (Allison in her 20s and Dale in his 30s) but the vibes are there you know? Like there's not been a man that's more "that's my dad :0]" since Gomez Addams for me 💕 I already posted it but he totally takes me to get ice cream and has taught me how to shotgun drinks. We'd have a designated family boardgame night. Also both of them were definitely adamant about teaching me self defense after everything they went through in canon, but canon also makes for a hilariously dark "How I met your mother" story 😆 I love them they're the best but also I personally need to flesh out Allison's character since we didn't learn much about her in the movie outside of her studying psychology and wanting to become a therapist. And how could i forget they have an adorable black and white dog named Jangers, he only has one eye 🥺 I assume he's a rescue but they don't mention it in canon. Have a lovely day! - clownie
i love this SO MUCH!!! i have only seen tucker & dale vs evil one time and it was a long time ago so i don't remember much, but it will always hold a special place in my heart because it was recommended to me by this guy i sat next to on a plane... it's a long story, my point is that i love this!!!!!
they sound like perfect family vibes!!! designated board game nights and learning how to shotgun drinks... like what more could anybody want. i want this now too. plus the dog!!! what a sweet baby!!!
i am so happy for you, clownie!!! this is so fun and happy and it just makes my heart feel full!!! i can't wait to see how you flesh out allison's character and i can't wait to hear all about the life and adventures you have together!!!!! 🖤
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V's apron is just bwhsghbhwghsghsbwgh 🥺🥺🤲
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Does anybody else have like, ik this sounds weird but bear with me, a room they associate with their f/o?
For example, Tony and I's room is the kitchen. We bond over breakfast, weird food combinations, midnight snacks. While the living room is the most comfortable space to hang out, conversations we reference to this day more often than not took place in the kitchen. I am home when I am in his arms, dancing to the radio while we wait on something in the oven.
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loving both bruce/batman and joker really is the best of both worlds
sometimes, it’s nice to have someone who unapologetically accepts every “insane” part of you and encourages letting loose
but it’s equally as nice to have a solid rock who soothes you when you’re afraid; of yourself, of the future, anything, really
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guh,, jack torrance brainrot
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Clearly the cutest iteration of J. I should watch this again it has good Batjokes content eheheheh
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Ghostbusters: Afterlife spoilers below
And seeing Egon's ghost. LOUD SOBBING. I said I was gonna miss 'im when I went into this movie and THEN... oghh it took everything in me not to sob aloud in a theater of like maybe 10 other people. (Most people I'm sure went to the noon showing as it was sold out.)
GODS THE CASTING FOR PHEOBE WAS PHENOMENAL, the actress really portrays how she really is both her grandpa and her own person in such a beautiful way.
I have. THREE aus with this addition to the Ghostbusters cinematic universe.
Ferris (s/i) dies alongside Egon and the couple haunt Egon's home Beetlejuice-style but without the scaring people out of the house plot point AU
Egon dies and Ferris stays at the house/farm for obvious reasons, but Callie is unaware until she gets there AU
Ferris saves Egon's life, but the threat of Gozar is still out there, of course. Ferris decides the two are getting too old and things are getting too risky to keep Callie and her children in the dark AU
Ferris would be the only one who keeps active contact with Peter, Ray, and Winston in AUs where they live, but the relationship is strained for a multitude of reasons.
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jesus christ how is charles lee ray so fucking hot though
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i see jack and i’s ideal life as an artsy couple, constantly creating, travelling, gathering new ideas, freed from our individual burdens by each other (and free of children)
whether it’s an autumn in colorado, away from our usual city setting, sitting in a dinner, writing, discussing, many cups of coffee. walk around town, visit tiny book and antique shops only the locals have probably visited before.
or maybe we’re somewhere warmer, out on the water in a private speedboat. i bought jack a novelty captain’s hat just for the trip, much to his bemusement.
a ball at the overlook, celebrating jack and other’s promotions.
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