#🔎A Detective's Life || Main Verse
detective-taeko · 2 years
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Privately, she very much would like to get a meal with someone.
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detective-taeko · 2 years
Feelin' lonely? Perhaps I may offer an occultist to come and provide company??
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“That would be... quite welcome, I think. I would order in some pizza too, if she would like it.”
Plus the detective had a craving for pepperoni right about now--
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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Memories were often paired with regret. 
Taeko had accepted that a long time ago and even now, it remained with her as a common thought that tended to stir up. Whatever good times and old friends she thought of, she would feel this surge from within. This surge of dark inky horridness that she knew as the regrets she held. To reflect on that past was to feel nothing but regret. Those memories were sullied by that ink which led her to be silently melancholic as she reflected.
Would that she could feel joy for what had been as some had suggested, to be happy the memories had happened. Oh how she wished her mind worked that way but alas, Taeko felt little of that. Drowned and submerged that joy had been by that ocean of oily ink that was her deep regrets. The regrets of not saying ‘goodbye’ to those she treasured, for not making the most of the moments as it had been, for the fact they had stopped and she felt alone. 
She could not fault those former friends and more who she could only regret. It had not been their faults but the passage of time and the demands of her work. It had led her to leave and until recently return as if more aware, more cognizant of the time which had passed. Life never stood still and those she had known had gone. All she had were those memories; precious and sadly sullied by her own mind, that deep well of regretful sadness.
Had only she had said goodbye, closed of those connections with finality and a smile... Perhaps then she would not feel this way now. It was too late of course.
It was always too late.
And so the detective sighed and returned to her work, the case file that was staring at her from the laptop. The thoughts of... someone long gone drifting away and sinking into the inky ocean of her regretful unconscious for another to someday be dredged up by the roiling waves of her mind.
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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“I am... surprised how many of you wish to get novice fate-readings from a detective.” 
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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“I do hope that the next year will be one... I can feel the comfort and joys of romance and love again. I do dearly miss them....”
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detective-taeko · 2 years
"I think it adds a certain genuineness to it." Sumireko nods.
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There is a moment given to ponder that input which leads to the gothic detective to nod. That makes some sense...
“Yes... I can see where you are coming from on that front.“
That also means she had likely hit the mark on the current placement of Sumireko’s current arcana placement....
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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“Ahh.... Well then... I shall remain here since I have little else to do with myself of late. A break from work is indeed welcome.”
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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“Work keeps one so dreadfully busy... Though, perhaps I keep myself busy as to avoid thinking and facing the progression of time’s effects on my own life...”
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detective-taeko · 3 years
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“Well.... I have to say this outcome was not one I expected but I am... in some way, back. I could tell you all of my travels, stories and more. After all, a detective such as myself does not just vanish without it being work-related. I could tell you all of the escape rooms I had to solve, hunts for killers, grand heists, occult problems and more.... But that would be far too hard to get across. Nearly 5 years since my departure. I reckon hardly any of my old friends are still around.”
A pale hand rested against her cheek as she looked aside, pondering over the old faces she could recall of all she had known and knew. No doubt they had missed her too and then slipped from memory. They were no doubt all thriving and coping without her. Whom was she to try and step back into their lives now?
“.... Ah but the hunt of puzzles and crime is still there, no? Perhaps while the departure of my old friends is just a way to open up to new ones....”
With a straightening of her back , hands moved to her ruffled skirt to which she pulled upwards while she knelt somewhat, a curtsy. 
“Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Detective. Though... Perhaps I am more the former one now.... Either way, a pleasure to meet you all, both old and new.”
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detective-taeko · 3 years
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A slow and insidious killer, it was indeed. 
Taeko could feel how it drifted at her, how the empty room of her office reminded her of the life she had once had so enriched by those around her. Now it was gone, buried and lost in a past she could find herself being drawn too. It pulled at her, tugged at her.  Those fond days where to wake up was an adventure, to see the world with souls that burned so bright and with passion.
She could recall them and every memory brought against the hard juxtaposition of the current. Her lonesome present. Taeko couldn’t be sure if there was even a way out of this. It lingered around her thoughts and paralysed her.
To live in the moment, for those she had lost yet had built her towards whom she was now.... She strove to be that girl, that women who could march on while enriched by them. Alas, it was hard to do so. It always felt hard to be something more than what you were.
Alas, she missed those grand souls. Those whom had enriched her life so dearly, so much more so than others. Closing her eyes, Taeko felt herself drift into those memories. They comforted her, brining a ghost of a smile to her lips as the past comforted her. To be loved and wanted once more...
Oh how she missed those days....
How she missed... him most of all...
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detective-taeko · 3 years
@massiverubyrose​ - resumed from this
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This girl certainly was quite the sweet one. Her reaction was genuinely very adorable and Taeko found herself somewhat fond of her already. How long had it been since she had had someone in her company that was so energetic and bubbly? Quite sometime, if she had to admit. A lot of her clients were quite drab and sullen... That came with being a detective however. Rare was the profession whom had kooky and quirky characters to meet.
Dainty and pale hands laced together as she smiled, a refined aura radiating from the collected gothic doll-like women. 
“You are very sweet. Thank you so much for the kind words. Given you know my profession too, I reckon you must be aware of who I am... But out of politeness, I am Taeko Yasuhiro, Detective.”
A soft bow of her head was done to be a way of greeting while she kept her collected and regal composure. 
“But whom might you be, my oh so sweet compliment giver?~”
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detective-taeko · 3 years
Examine + Your equipment, if any~
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As a detective, you do have some tools....
A notepad - A trust item that has seen a lot of use. in fact, this one is your fourth in nearly ten months. Even then it is worn and shows plenty of use, even if half of it is already filled with various notes. A rather nice pen is fastened to it too. It is engraved, a gift.
A tub of dusting powder - It's nothing too fancy, just a little tub of powder used for dusting for prints. It is not a lot of it but you have learned to always carry some on you. It is certainly not another white powder....
Detective Badge - A badge that was granted to you by Interpol. it marks you as an international agent of the group and along with a ID, allows you access to most agencies world-wide. You are not an official member but the badge is enough to let you pull rank. it is rarely used as people tend to hire you for jobs anyways Nice to have though!
Three lockpicks - Another tool of the trade. Useful to have, just in case. They are a lot liek bobby pins though so most people just count them as accessories. The fools.
A set of black gloves - It is best to keep a pair handy for when jobs go.... messy. They're disposable but rather stylish too so you're quite the fan of them, even if they do cost a touch more than other pairs...
A New Nambu M60 with 6 bullets, unloaded - For protection when jobs get... risky. A gift from Tokyo PD for service. It has only been used twice in your time with it, the two notches on it remind you of the lives taken. It is not a weapon you enjoy having but it is better to have protection in your line of investigation...
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detective-taeko · 3 years
Examine: A really big bra
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For starters, this is certainly NOT one of yours. Size and style certainly prove that. Still, you wrack your brain to consider whose it is or was.... The memories of wonderful ladies you had met years past come to mind.
Despite it not being yours, you decide to keep it. Moreso the memories it brings than any other reason. it's odd but then again, life is weird.
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detective-taeko · 3 years
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“Oh? You happen to think I am cute? Thank you~”
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detective-taeko · 3 years
When is Taeko most active on an average, non-working day?
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"Sad to say I am often working. My jobs involves a lot of demands like that but I suppose I quite active when I am not. I involve myself in a lot of cardio exercises.... Though I feel that you're not asking about my fitness activity and just my schedule... To that end, despite how busy I am, I actually keep a flexible schedule so my non-working days are often free.... But on the question of when, well, typically Fridays."
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detective-taeko · 3 years
A savory breakfast or a sweet breakfast!
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"Both breakfast types are enjoyable, I must say... But I am a fan of the more savoury breakfast. They tend to be more hearty and better suited to the demands of a rigorous day of activities. A sweet breakfast is nice now and then, I personally cannot stomach too much sweetness before feeling sickly."
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