#🔎On the Record || Musings
detective-taeko · 1 year
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“Perhaps there is some truth to it... A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.... I cannot say I hate such... curves but I cannot keep snacking as I do. It is a worrisome habit, I am certain.”
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onlyfreds · 2 years
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I posted 345 times in 2022
135 posts created (39%)
210 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 201 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#gabriella’s friends - 59 posts
#inbox 💌 - 34 posts
#fredweasley - 33 posts
#fredweasleyimagines - 28 posts
#fred weasley fluff - 28 posts
#fred weasley x reader - 28 posts
#fredweasleyfanfic - 28 posts
#fred weasley fanfiction - 27 posts
#fred weasley x y/n - 27 posts
#fred weasley x you - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
#just a little boost since that sideblog seems to be shadowbanned
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can I Have This Dance? | E.M.
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Title: Can I Have This Dance?
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: You have feelings for Elijah. He has feelings for you. Rebekah has a plan.
A/N: This is my first ever fic for Elijah. I hope you guys like it! 💖
No one in the whole of New Orleans does a party like the Mikaelsons does.
Every single one of their parties were practically better than the last, as if they had some sort of record to break.
You weren’t much of a party person. But Rebekah practically begged you to go and you couldn’t resist her.
Another reason was because a certain Mikaelson was sure to be there.
“Y/N!” Rebekah almost squealed your name as she caught sight of you walking through the giant gates of the Mikaelson compound.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” Her British accent ringing through her every word while she gave you a hug, “And you look amazing! I’m sure Elijah would be pleased.”
“Bexs.” You smiled, “Thank you but Elijah barely notices me in the first place.”
“Please.” The blonde rolled her eyes, “Elijah is absolutely smitten with you. You’re just too blind to see that he loves you just as much as you do.”
“As much as I adore you shipping us. Elijah sees me as a friend. If he’s smitten for anyone, it’s obviously Hayley.” You protested, trying to keep the jealousy out of your voice.
“Fine, don’t believe me, the all-knowing sister, just wait and see for yourself then.” Rebekah teased.
“Why sister, how long do you plan on keeping our favorite guest from us?” Klaus asked as he and Elijah appeared behind Rebekah.
The blonde turned to face them, “Don’t be ridiculous Nik, I was only greeting her.”
“Favorite guest? You flatter me Klaus.” You smiled as you hugged him.
“He’s just stealing all the credit.” Elijah grinned, stepping in for his turn, “I’m the one who coined the title actually.”
You laughed as Klaus rolled his eyes, “I should’ve known.”
“Are you four seriously just going to stand around here?” Freya asked, giving you a hug in greeting.
“Last I checked, this was a celebration, not a pity party.” Hayley appeared, sending you a smile.
“We’re coming.” You and Rebekah said at the same time, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
It was practically common knowledge that if Rebekah Mikaelson had a plan, she would stop at nothing to execute it.
With half of her plan already in motion, the blonde girl watched contentedly from the balcony of the compound, sipping on her champagne.
“I know that look.” Klaus mused, approaching her with his own drink in hand, “You’ve got something up your sleeve, don’t you?”
“Well, let’s just say that we could either start planning the wedding soon or help Elijah through his heartbreak.” Rebekah grinned.
Klaus chuckled, “Definitely our resident matchmaker. How many did you compel this time?” 
“Only one guy.” She answered, her eyes not leaving her target, “And knowing our dear brother, that’ll be enough.”
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521 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
🔎 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 - a dare or bet trope with Fred x fem!nonGryffindor!reader
Thank you so much for requesting this!
My 1.3k rom-com night is now closed!
A Dare or a Set-up
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If there was one thing that Hogwarts never failed to have aside from magic, brooms and trouble - it was the parties. 
Most of these parties were held by the infamous Weasley twins. A majority of people couldn’t tell them apart. But Y/N could. 
The twins teased you that the only reason why you could tell them apart was because you were in Ravenclaw. But the truth is, you were able to tell them apart because you found Fred more handsome, more funnier and (probably biased) more sweeter than his twin.
It wasn’t mainly on the appearance, but the way you felt around a certain one of them. 
“Special delivery!” Your best friend sat by the Ravenclaw table, brandishing a folded up parchment. 
“Another love letter?” You asked, pouring yourself another glass of pumpkin juice, “Who’s it from?” 
Your best friend shook her head, “It’s for you.” 
You furrowed your brows in confusion, “Me?” 
Your best friend nodded, “Yes. You.” 
Still confused, you took the parchment from her and slowly unfolded it.
Though written in some sort of chicken-scratch handwriting, the letter was surprisingly legible. But what surprised you the most, was the fact that it was from Fred Weasley.
“What?” Y/B/F/N said excitedly, running to the other side of the table to take a look at the letter. 
“It says that he personally invites me to the party this weekend and I should feel free to bring along my friends.” You whisper-shouted excitedly. 
Y/B/F/N smiled, nudging you, “He’s looking at you.” 
Looking up, Fred was indeed looking at you - awaiting your reaction. Once your eyes had come to meet his, he grinned.
Returning the smile, you looked back down at the piece of parchment in your hand. 
“So,” Y/B/F/N said, nudging you again, “will you attend?” 
“Of course.” You promptly answered, “Who would possibly be crazy enough to turn down a personal invitation from Fred Weasley, himself?” 
The first thing that met you upon opening the door of the abandoned classroom was the lights. 
Someone had, somehow, managed to acquire a muggle disco ball that decorated the walls with multi-color lights. 
You failed to recognize the music, though, somewhat a mix of rock and pop.
Your best friend had disappeared from your side the moment the two of you entered the room, very typical of her. 
Walking through the room, you tried to find her (and probably give her an earful) when you suddenly felt someone collide with you.
Both of you apologized at the same time and it wasn’t until that moment that you got a good look at the person you bumped into.
Despite the darkness of the room, it didn’t take a genius to see who it was. The red hair, the charming smile, the cinnamon and firewood smell.
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551 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Seriously Moony? | (Young) Remus Lupin
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Title: Seriously Moony?
Requested: Yes/No
Description: You’re James Potter’s sister. You’re also dating Remus Lupin…behind James’ back
No one would have thought that it was possible for James Potter to be your twin brother.
The two of you were polar opposites, it was a wonder how the two of you didn’t annoy each other every minute of every day.
Long story short, you and James got along quite well. This also made you an honorary member of the Marauders, even if you didn’t participate in your antics as much.
The only problem was, you were dating one of his best friends - Remus Lupin behind his back.
How could you not even fall in love with him in the first place? He was so sweet, kind and caring. If there was even the slightest chill in the air, he would immediately pull one of his sweaters over you. While the two of you were on a study date, he would just nudge you and hand you a piece of chocolate from under the table. And whenever the two of you were away from James’ prying eyes - he would find all the excuses to hold you as close to you as possible.
James raised a brow at you when you appeared in the common room, “Who’s sweater is that?” 
You stopped in your tracks, realizing that you were still wearing Remus’ sweater that you had “permanently borrowed” from him, “Mine?” 
James laughed, “Yep, doesn’t fool me sis. You don’t have a brown sweater.” 
You looked at Remus who was trying to hide an amused smile, “Says who? What if I have a sweater that you don’t know about?” 
“Actually that sweater does look familair but I can’t remember where I saw it.” Sirius furrowed his brows, trying to rack his brain for the memory.
“You know it kinda looks like one of the sweaters Remus has.” Peter said.
James laughed, “C’mon Peter, why would she be wearing Moony’s sweater? It’s not like they’re dating.” before he deadpanned, “You’re not dating right?” 
“James, that’s just ridiculous. You would have my head if I so much gave your sister flowers, much less date her. Besides what if she just bought the sweater?” Remus said in a no nonsense voice before opening the book in his lap. 
“It’s a good thing one of you has some decent common sense.” You said, turning to go up to your dorm but not before you looked at your boyfriend who smiled and shot a wink your way while James started to get occupied with Quidditch talk.
“For a second there, I thought James had figured it out.” Remus chuckled as the two of you relaxed behind the shelves in the library, leaning against the shelves with your hands intertwined. The chances of James finding you here with your boyfriend were low.
You laughed, “James wouldn’t be able to take a hint even if it danced stark naked in front of him.” 
Remus laughed, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “You’re adorable, you know?” 
You giggled, brushing a stray brown lock away from his eyes, “You’re more adorable.” 
He smiled, pressing his forehead against yours before pulling your lips into a kiss. 
Smiling into the kiss, you cupped his face in your hands as you returned the same passion and eagerness he was giving you.
Disconnecting your lips for a moment to breathe, Remus dived back in, pulling you in to straddle his lap as he devoured the feeling of his lips pressed to your soft ones.
You never wanted to leave that moment, you just wanted it to last forever. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible when you heard footsteps heading in your direction.
Immediately scrambling off Remus’ lap, the two of you stood up as Madam Pince rounded the corner, making it seem like that nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
Feeling her gaze on the two of you, you said, “You know, I get that Romeo and Juliet dying is what makes the whole thing tragic but its just stupid.” 
Remus furrowed his brows, trying hard not to laugh, “How so?” 
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566 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Destiny has its Ways | F.W.
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Title: Destiny has its Ways
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Eight months after Fred broke up with you - you decide to visit the shop but with someone special along.
It would be an understatement to say that Fred Weasley was the best boyfriend ever.
Fred Weasley was the most passionate of lovers, he could basically be named the god of love.
He would cater to your every need and request, he would always be there for you - especially when you need him the most. Fred was literally the man of your dreams and you couldn’t imagine a future without him.
“You still haven’t had enough?” You teased as Fred hovered over you, tracing a line of kisses from your jaw down to your neck.
“What kind of a question is that?” He asked with a cheeky grin, sucking his mark on your sweet spot, “I can never get enough of you.”
“Never?” You asked him with an amused smile.
“Never ever.” He confirmed, pressing a kiss to your lips.
You had been feeling sick for the past few days, getting up early in the morning to bend over the toilet and empty out the contents of your stomach into it.
“Why don’t you go to the hospital wing and have it checked?” Fred asked, giving you a worried look.
You shook your head, waving him off, “I’m fine. It could just be a bug or something.”
“You sure?” Your boyfriend asked, raising a brow at you.
“I’ll be fine, positive.” You said, giving him a reassuring smile.
“When was the last time you had your period?” Hermione asked a week later, after you’ve told her that you were still vomiting.
You thought about it for a moment before dread washed over you when you realized it, “It’s late… by two weeks.”
Thankfully, Madam Pomfrey wasn’t in the hospital wing so you managed to get a muggle pregnancy test without anyone giving you a suspicious look.
Hermione then stood outside of the bathroom while you conducted the test.
Your stomach dropped as you stared in horror at the two red lines that stood clearly on the white stick.
You sat down on the lid of the toilet seat, feeling like you would collapse if you didn’t. The tears started flowing down the apple of your cheeks as your whole world was suddenly turned upside down.
Hermione started knocking on the door, “You alright? What’s the result?”
You couldn’t give her an answer - but she could hear you crying and that was enough.
She gently opened the stall door and came in, rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
“What am I going to do Hermione?” You asked, “We’re just 18. We can’t have a baby yet.”
“I know.” The younger girl consoled, “Everything’s going to be alright.”
You gripped the test tightly, “Everything’s not going to be alright Hermione. Everything’s going to be a disaster.”
“Y/N, you have a wonderful boyfriend who is basically so whipped for you, who would do absolutely anything for you and looks at you like you just gave him the world on a silver platter. I know that this won’t be easy, but I don’t see how this will be a disaster.” Hermione said.
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713 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So Much for Secrecy | F.W.
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Title: So Much for Secrecy
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: When Fred starts sending letters that weren't up to his usual standards - you start to get worried.
“Are you sure you can’t stay over at the Burrow for the summer?” Fred pouted, holding on to you as tightly as he could without suffocating you
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you gave him a smile, “I already told you. We’re going to our summer house since this is the first time my sister’s been home since she went off to college. I’ll write to you everyday and I’ll be able to head to the Burrow two weeks before school starts.”
“Fine.” He huffed, pecking your lips, “You better write to me everyday.”
“I promise.” You said, still smiling up at him.
“C’mon Fred! You’re just parting for the summer! You’re not a soldier going into war.” George called out from the spot where he and the rest of the Weasley family were waiting.
Fred rolled his eyes at his twin, causing you to laugh.
“Go! Your family is waiting.”
“They can wait a little bit longer.” He muttered, bending down to connect your lips in a brief kiss.
“Oi lover boy! Hurry up!” George’s call came again.
“Coming!” Fred said, littering kisses all over your face before he made his way to his family,
“Bye! Write to me everyday! I love you!”
You laughed, waving at him, “Yes, I promise that I’ll write everyday! I love you too!”
That was two weeks ago. And you had kept your promise to your boyfriend that you would write to him everyday.
“Writing to your boyfriend, again?” Your sister mused, peeking over your shoulder.
“Yeah.” You said, not looking up from your letter, “Why?”
Y/S/N shrugged, “You just wrote him a letter yesterday, and the day before that.”
“So? Normally when my boyfriend and I exchange love letters its either on a special occasion or a weekly basis.”
“Well, my relationship is different from yours.” You said, sealing the letter in an envelope.
“Good point.” Y/S/N agreed, “But, why everyday?”
You smiled, remembering the little exchange before you temporarily parted ways with your respective families.
“Fred is clingy, in a good way. He’s just adorable when he’s clingy. He even told me once that if there ever passes a day that he doesn’t get to see even just a glimpse of me - then his day isn’t complete. So, he made me promise - three times if I may mention - that I would write to him everyday so that ‘he doesn’t miss me as much’.”
“Why didn’t you bring him over?” Your sister said, giving you a look, “I would’ve loved to meet him!”
You smiled at her, “I won’t make any promises - but, maybe next year.”
“I’ll take that then.” She teased.
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920 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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governmentofficial · 2 years
🔎 ( I'm curious! 🍿 )
send 🔎 for my muse to deduce a secret about yours
No matter how a man attempted to hide his past, it would always leave a mark on him. Sometimes this was a concious mark that would be disguised and kept out of plain sight, sometimes it was a subconcious one that only reared its head when presented with a reminder of what once occured.
Mycroft and Wesley had decided to meet in a local park. The area was inconspicuous and, well, the sun was out so why not enjoy it? While the park was relatively quite as a whole, there were a few people about - dog walkers, commuters, and a young father pushing his son on a nearby swing set.
From where they sat on a park bench, it was not hard to see where Wesley's gaze was falling - or, at least, it was not hard for Mycroft, a man notorious for his observational abilities. To him, it was also not hard to spot signs that something was not quite right. Lack of eye contact, gentle movement of the feet coinciding with wriggling toes that could not keep still, lips downturned into what was a little bit more than the baseline resting frown - oh yes, something was going on.
Now, Wesley didn't have any children of his own. There was no clever way that Mycroft had worked that out - he had simply used the power he held to check national records while looking into the other man. It paid to be familiar with the facts around somebody if you were to work with them, so of course Mycroft had done his research. Of course, there was the possibility that there was a child that he simply wasn't recorded as the father for, but that seemed unlikely. Probability dictated that Wesley was not the type for such a situation.
But he was still watching the father and son duo in a way that suggested that there was some kind of link. Hm. Considering that he wasn't behaving in a manner that suggested jealousy, guilt seemed to be the most likely issue. But guilt about what? Mycroft had it narrowed down to something to do with either work or friends. A fellow workaholic, it seemed more likely that Wesley would encounter an issue that would prompt such a reaction through his career but friendships did tend to prompt stronger reactions...
In the end, Mycroft quickly weighted up the balance of probabilities and decided that, as Wesley was usually so well put together, something had happened within a friendship regarding a child - most likely the son of the friend. Being his usual blunt self (and a little frustrated by the other man's feelings interrupting their business meeting, even if it was in a very tiny, completely undisruptive way), he barely thought twice before asking his question:
"Was your responsibility for the harm that came to your friend's son direct or tangential?"
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ambivalentatmosphere · 6 months
🔎 — investigating (For Morgan?)
Muse skillset symbol meme
Ethan's naturally a very smart, observant person that's good at noticing small changes in the environment, so when he's looking for something it's very likely that he'll find it without much trouble. On top of that, he's usually pretty quiet and has no problems slipping under the radar, so he can be sneaky and avoid detection in case there's people actively hiding things from him.
He does have a criminal record for theft, after all, and some of the skills required for that translate pretty well into investigation!
The biggest thing holding him back is that he's pretty forgetful, so he has a hard time recalling what he knows when it's no longer fresh on his mind and also tends to misplace objects pretty easily.
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musaeon · 3 years
what type of i love you are you? 
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i love you, i've always loved you, i will always love you. it's commitment, it's devotion, it goes often without saying, but is felt nonetheless. it's accepting that you would travel to hell and back for them if they asked and knowing that they would do the same for you. it's an old ache, long after they've burrowed deep into your chest and settled there like a weight- grounding, an anchor point. even when you're apart, you can still feel the shape of them, it's like phantom pain. neither of you can help but succumb to the other's gravity, yet neither of you fear the collision. it means that you trust them, that they make you feel safe, that they feel like home.
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i hate you (i love you). this is said with a sort of disbelief, that you can't believe you love this person, that you could never have imagined they would make you feel such affection and fondness for them. they're a little shit, the most ridiculous person you've ever met, and you would absolutely die for them. you say "i hate you," and they just shoot you that stupid grin of theirs. maybe they throw it back at you. neither of you has to say "i love you," to know that you do, it goes without saying.
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i love you and i wish you knew just how much. the pining, the aching, the wishing, and hoping; it's what you whisper to yourself under the cover of darkness as you fall asleep thinking of them. it's the text you've typed out and deleted before sending at least a dozen times. it's the countless pictures of them you have of them on your phone, the home screen image of their smile that you know will give you away the next time they jokingly swipe your phone. it sits restless and suffocating at the back of your throat. rip dude, i know how that is.
tagged by: stole it from the dash ! tagging: @kingspuppet​ / @arcanalight​ / @angelcmplx​ & anyone else that wants to do this !
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memerepositorygt · 2 years
Data Leak!!
( vaguely ) inspired by Mass Effect 2′s shadow broker dossiers My muse’s data has been compromised! Send a symbol to discover:
💬 - A private correspondence
📝 - A private record ( Ex. Criminal, Medical, etc... )
🎤 - An audio transcript from a recording
🌐 - Their most frequently visited websites
🔎 - Their last 3 search terms
🛒 - Their last 3 purchases
🎥 - The last 3 movies/tv shows they watched
🎮 - The last 3 games they played
❌ - A piece of information that could be considered blackmail material
Specify muse for multimuses!
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kmp78 · 2 years
How would you know how well I can act or sing tho? 🤔. Because you are too busy spending all your time entertaining YOURSELF with your bitter musings all day.
But tell us then. How many records have you recorded, concert venues have you filled with your singing and acting awards have you won?
Actually fun fact: I have appeared on a music album! 🙈
Well, it was released only in cassette form cos it was low budget and it was the early 90s so options were limited, but regardless I have participated in a legit music production! 🎶
My class was raising money for a field trip and since I attended music class, we decided to put out a cassette to help with the campaign. 🤷🏼‍♀️
It actually sold quite nicely and we made enough money to afford a week in Crete for the whole class and supervisors! 🤘
With some luck it might still be available somewhere out there... 😂🔎
Also since I did attend music class, we put on musicals every year so I did perform on stage in front of a few hundred folks. 🎭
Can't say that I've won any awards for those...
But I did win 2 bronze and 1 silver and 1 gold at our annual skiing competitions tho! Does that count? 😃🥇🥈🥉🥉
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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Privately, she very much would like to get a meal with someone.
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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Memories were often paired with regret. 
Taeko had accepted that a long time ago and even now, it remained with her as a common thought that tended to stir up. Whatever good times and old friends she thought of, she would feel this surge from within. This surge of dark inky horridness that she knew as the regrets she held. To reflect on that past was to feel nothing but regret. Those memories were sullied by that ink which led her to be silently melancholic as she reflected.
Would that she could feel joy for what had been as some had suggested, to be happy the memories had happened. Oh how she wished her mind worked that way but alas, Taeko felt little of that. Drowned and submerged that joy had been by that ocean of oily ink that was her deep regrets. The regrets of not saying ‘goodbye’ to those she treasured, for not making the most of the moments as it had been, for the fact they had stopped and she felt alone. 
She could not fault those former friends and more who she could only regret. It had not been their faults but the passage of time and the demands of her work. It had led her to leave and until recently return as if more aware, more cognizant of the time which had passed. Life never stood still and those she had known had gone. All she had were those memories; precious and sadly sullied by her own mind, that deep well of regretful sadness.
Had only she had said goodbye, closed of those connections with finality and a smile... Perhaps then she would not feel this way now. It was too late of course.
It was always too late.
And so the detective sighed and returned to her work, the case file that was staring at her from the laptop. The thoughts of... someone long gone drifting away and sinking into the inky ocean of her regretful unconscious for another to someday be dredged up by the roiling waves of her mind.
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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She has become quite the gothic stoic of late.
Not intentionally. She is just feel quite down.
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detective-taeko · 2 years
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Looking upon her office, finally now cleaned of the once plentiful dust, the gothtective sat herself down upon the couch. It was an old if a little worn thing, used for when clients came in. Most people spoke more freely when on a comfortable chair. It also acted a good bed when the long-nights dragged on and heading home was no longer an option for the red-eyed girl. Settling there now, she could almost feel the tugging efforts of the couch to lull her into sleep.
She was tired. Cleaning the office always took a long time but this round had felt remarkably longer. Everything seemed to trigger a memory or a recollection of her past, something from long ago. Five years.... Returning to a space like this was akin to walking through an old house or building. Every detail that once was so common and so welcoming was left, forgotten and decayed. A faint lingering of what it had been. Seated there now, she closed her eyes and thought on the very past she had been confronting with since she began her task of cleaning.
It was the memories, the odd objects and smells she disliked the most. How they would trigger memories of her old friends and companions, how it all seemed to distil into a empty longing for a time so.... so gone. The things left unsaid and unspoken, the fact she never would have the closure to say ‘goodbye’ or ‘you mean a lot to me’ before they left. Then again, she couldn’t blame just that. She had vanished too. Her job demanded it sure but there was something more than that, a sense that she had also been drifting over the years. The experiences of what she had done were there, she was sure of it but it felt... hallow.
But indeed, she had left them too. Perhaps she left them first. Had she inflicted this same empty pain she felt upon the souls of those she once adored, love and cared for? How.... monstrous. Now all she could face was the fact that she was a survivor. A loner whom remained looked to see the ghosts around her, those whom had gone. Those who perhaps barely anyone really remembered, the faces.... they blurred to her too. The names, dancing on the edge of her tongue, unable to be spoken.
They were gone now and she was here.... All alone. And she thought to try and return? To do this all again? To live her life back here.... A sense of doubt welled with her heart and steadily, the stoic sighed out opened her eyes. Moving to the window, eyes cast outwards. The faint pattering of rain hitting the glass was the only sound beyond that of the sound of cars passing in the street beyond. A grey and murky day sat beyond the pane. Hand against the glass, she just settled on watching, thinking.
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“We are graced with another day.... Yet so many of you are not here to see it with me.” 
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