#🔮 — cr ijyho.
ijhyo ¡ 3 years
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lee chaeryeong is the most sought after girl in your school. everyone has fallen victim to her charms, including choi beomgyu and it is no surprise that he wants to try and win her over. what is a surprise is that he came to you for help considering that one: you have never spoken to him in your life, and two: you have no connection to chaeryeong at all. well, except for your beginners music composition class.
PAIRING. choi beomgyu x fem reader
GENRE. college au, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS. swearing, lots of food mentions, y/n is a grump lol, two small mention of a creepy teacher, making out/kissing, drinking, social anxiety but it’s not presented that way?
FEATURING. chaeryeong + yeji (itzy), taehyun + hueningkai (txt), rina (weki meki), keeho + theo (p1harmony), jay (enhypen) mentioned
WORD COUNT. 21k (it was never supposed to be like this...)
AN. here she is! finally! i have been working on this for a while now and its done! this fic was beating my ass but look who came out on top. ty to my stink stink @hyukaas for her help. now i am going to go curl into a ball and sleep for 600 years, hope this was worth the wait
TAGLIST. @junniesavidreader @pr0dbeomgyu @rainy-cobbled-streets @laviendove @imyuna-06 @xiaoting999 @hellevatormoa @yyx2 @soobin-choi @xysthe @hyukaas @tsupuffs @yjwfav @ren-chib @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fairybinie @fallingforhoon @hanlvkes (fill out this form to be added to my permanent taglist)
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On days like these you wonder seriously why you would ever choose Music Composition as class. You want to blame it on the fact that you must not have been in your right mind, or that you must have been really drunk when you made that decision, but alas. When you selected the class you were completely aware of your actions.
After dropping out of a Design class you were taking for extra credit due to a creepy professor (who has now been kicked out), you needed another subject to replace it. And Music Composition seemed like the easiest one out of the options. It was not.
Your class had written a test two weeks prior and your teacher was finally giving out the papers for you to check your marks. You watch with dread as one by one students make their way to the front of class to view their tests, waiting for your name to be called. Ms Kwon liked to call everyone up to her desk when giving out tests so she could discuss where you went wrong without the whole class hearing. A small mercy, you think.
You have your arm lying flat on your desk, your head resting on top of it. You find yourself wishing that the fire alarm could go off so you could leave the class before you see just how badly you failed this test. Maybe an earthquake could strike right under your seat and you would be put out of your misery.
Too caught up by the pity party you were having for yourself, you almost didn’t notice the door opening and a boy walking in. He was tall—like tall enough that you would have to crane your neck to look him in the eye. His hair was dark and long, brushing the back of his neck and it looked good, you’ll admit. If only he’d style it instead of letting it lay flat on his head.
The boy walks right up to your teacher’s desk just when she finishes up with a student, grinning cheerfully. He wasn’t in your class, you observe. You don’t know most of your classmates very well but you think you would at least remember him.
He stays by Ms Kwon’s side making casual conversation about whatever and that gets you curious. Who is this guy? When he is not talking with your teacher, he is staring off somewhere in the class and you can’t find it in you to find out what he’s looking at.
“Y/N.” Your head snaps up at the sound of your teacher calling you, eyes wide. It was your turn already?
Taking a breath, you slowly stand up from your seat. You try your hardest to calm your racing heart. Even though you know the mark you are going to see (a big fat fail), you still hated the look you knew would be on Ms Kwon’s face.
Once at her desk, she looks up at you with a slight frown on her face and disappointment pools in your chest. She shows you your paper and you have to swallow a lump in your throat. This was probably the worst you had ever done.
“Thanks, Miss,” you mumble. You lift your head up to find the boy regarding you with a calculating look. Great. Now someone you don’t even know knew how badly you were doing in this dumb class.
You shoot him a glare before turning back to go sit down. The rest of the lesson is spent contemplating whether you should just drop the class and save yourself the suffering. The boy never leaves your teacher’s side.
When the bell rings you waste no time in rushing out of the class, ending up being one of the first ones to leave despite sitting near the back. You had plans to continue wallowing in your dorm and hopefully your roommate Rina would still be in class so you can have the space to yourself.
Your plans are unfortunately interrupted by someone yelling from behind you.
“Hey! Wait up!”
It takes a moment for you to realise that they were talking to you and that was only because they appeared right next to you. And it’s the boy from the class. Absolutely not.
You pick up your pace.
The boy keeps walking alongside you. “Y/N, right?” he asks even though you both know he knows that’s your name.
“No,” you say anyway.
He is undeterred. “I’m Choi Beomgyu.”
“So what?”
“I have an offer for you.” It’s then that you accept the fact that no matter how much faster you try to walk, you will never lose him. Stupid boys with stupid long legs.
Slowing down to walk at your normal pace, you let out an exasperated sigh. “We don’t even know each other.”
“That’s true,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck in a manner that makes him look so boyish. “But I was thinking we could help each other out?”
You quirk an eyebrow. “And how exactly could you help me?”
“I could tutor you. In Music Comp.”
You don’t even bother holding back a scoff. So what, he sees your one bad mark and thinks you need help? “What do you even know about Music Composition?”
He shrugs easily and you feel his shoulder brush against yours. He was really close. You step to side slightly and he doesn’t notice. “It’s my major.”
That makes you stop in your tracks and rethink whatever smart comeback you had. You aren’t sure you believe him but it would explain why he was so comfortable walking into an in session class and just talking to Ms Kwon. If he is telling the truth, maybe he could help you. Despite being terrible at it, you know that you weren’t just going to drop the class. (It was too late to anyways.)
“Say I agree,” you start crossing your arms. “What do I have to help you with?”
For the first time since you started talking, Beomgyu looks shy. He takes a moment before answering. “Um, help me get Chaeryeong to date me?”
Oh, he cannot be serious.
“You cannot be serious.”
You immediately start walking again and start trying to lose Beomgyu in the crowd, not caring if he’s following you. Which he was, but whatever. Because you don’t care.
It’s not even like you’re surprised that he has a crush on Chaeryeong—literally everybody does. You’d be more surprised if he didn’t. And many people have tried valiantly to get the attention of the most popular girl in school, but to no avail. What was really making you speedwalk your way away from the boy is the fact that he thought that you would be any help in being the one successful guy who manages to steal Chaeryeong’s heart.
It was an impossible ask and what’s worse, it wasn’t even a fair trade. I will help you not fail and in exchange you help snag the most unattainable girl in existence? Yeah, there was no way you were doing that.
But Beomgyu was persistent and remained chasing after you and weaving through students to reach you.
“Y/N—Wait!” when he catches up, he moves to stand in front of you, blocking you from moving. You sigh and roll your eyes “Just hear me out for a second.”
You don’t respond and he takes it as a go ahead. “Look, okay, I know it’s sudden but I really like her okay.”
“Yeah, and so does half of Seoul,” you scoff.
“That’s where you come in! You help me by, I don’t know, making me stand out from the other people trying to get her attention.”
He sounds so earnest it annoys you. His plan had so many holes in it and once again came the issue of why is he bothering with you. “But why do I come in? I don’t even know her!”
Beomgyu shuffles his feet. “Well, you’re in the same Comp class.”
Oh my god, you think. That’s who he was staring at.
Chaeryeong sits in the middle of the class with her one friend Keeho, you think his name is. You have never spoken to her or interacted, save for the times when she hands out worksheets.
In your opinion, in no way does this qualify you to be some kind of wingman for a boy you just met.
“Sorry man, thanks for the offer, but I can’t help you.” You sidestep around him and walk away, and this time, he lets you.
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The next day you are feeling a little better about yourself. You managed to burrow yourself under blankets on your couch, and even though Rina was home, she made a whole bunch of popcorn for the two of you and put on old historical dramas.
Ms Kwon is standing at the front of the desk, arms crossed, when the lesson starts. “So, after showing you all your marks yesterday, I have decided that it would be best for you to have a rewrite next week.”
Your eyes widen in surprise as gasps and cheers erupt in cheers. Even Chaeryeong seems pleased by this news. Rewrites were hardly ever granted in this class, the first and last one being in your first year. The class had to have done really bad on the last test for your teacher to even consider it.
The older woman waves her arms around to get you all to quiet down. You, however, are too stunned to speak.
“Don’t just take this as me being nice, okay? You actually have to use this opportunity to do better. Got it?” A chorus of “yes” went out as you all answered. Even though Ms Kwon was addressing the whole class, it felt like that last part was specifically for you.
In that moment you make up your mind to study harder than you ever have for this makeup test. Even if you didn’t get an A, you at least wanted to raise your mark.
You had tried all that. That was literally what you had done for the last test. There was just something about this subject that did not make sense to you no matter how much you tried to understand it.
If you wanted to do well on this test, you’d need help. So like, fuck you.
At the end of the lesson you make your way to Ms Kwon’s desk. “Miss?” you ask, and she looks up from her work to regard you with a curious look.
You watch as Chaeryeong laughs leaving the class with Keeho in tow and and let out a long suffering sigh. I can’t believe I’m doing this. “That boy that was here yesterday? Choi Beomgyu? Where can I find him?”
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The answer was in the Music room. There were two main music classrooms at your school—one for where the lessons take place and the other for students’ personal study. You had never been in either class before because despite taking the Composition class, it was the only music related subject you did.
Ms Kwon’s class was the only one you ever went to in the Music block.
The Students Music room is one of the classrooms at the far end of the block. It was the last room on the right and you had to pass a bunch of other small rooms where students were either recording music or just sitting around.
The door to class was open and you caught sight of Beomgyu before you even entered the room. His back was to you, but you would know that long head of hair anywhere.
You don’t bother with knocking. “Choi Beomgyu,” you say as you walk into the class and march right up to him. He turns around, eyes wide, and a guitar hanging around his body. Huh. You didn’t know he played.
He is not alone, you notice belatedly. There is a boy sitting at a drumkit and another standing by the wall. Whatever. You were not going to be deterred.
“Uh, hi?” That boyish look is back as he scratches his neck. Standing right in front of him, you can see just how tall he is. You do, in fact, have to lift your head up slightly to be able to look at him properly and that in and of itself is…an experience, to say the least.
The overhead lighting casts a harsh yellow glow on Beomgyu’s face, and it should make anyone look unappealing but somehow he looks good. It takes everything in you not to stare.
“You have one week.”
He tilts head to the side and furrows his eyebrows. It is such a simple yet endearing action and you have to monetarily cast your gaze somewhere else. “One week for what?”
“To help me get an okay mark on my make-up test that’s next week.”
“Wait. Does that mean youʼll help me?” The way he perks up is reminiscent of a puppy and you have to roll your eyes at his incessant want to get with Chaeryeong.
The other two boys were watching the both of you intently and trying very badly to be discreet about it. You wonder if these are his friends, if they know about his insane plan. If they tried to talk him out of it. Doesn’t matter, really. Because even if they did, it clearly didn’t work.
“Only if I get a good mark on that paper. Or, at least better than what I would have gotten if I was alone.” You made sure to stress the ‘if’ because the way you saw it, this way you could potentially raise your grade but if that didn’t happen, you wouldn’t have to do anything for this boy.
A fool proof plan.
(Unless, of course, Beomgyu actually does end up being a big help and you have no choice but to fulfill your end of the deal. But, you’ll cross that bridge when you get there.)
Beomgyu grins at you and nods. “Okay, deal. Prepare to get an A.”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. We start tomorrow at your place. Send me your address.” With that, you turn on your heel with every intention of going back to your room before your next class.
“I donʼt have your number!” Beomgyu yells after you as you continue on your way.
“I’ll find your Instagram!” you shout back in a dismissive way. Besides, you don’t see a point in giving him your number when there is a chance that after this week is done the two of you will never speak again.
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You do, in fact, find his Instagram. It’s something simple—really just his name and a couple couple numbers at the end. All you had to do was sift through the countless Choi Beomgyus on the Internet and narrow it down to all the twenty-somethings with HYBE University in their location.
You felt like a spy by the end of it.
@ ynln: address
@ choibeomgyu01: woah by me dinner first ;)
@ ynln: chaeryeong will never love you
@ ynln: see you :)
At 8am, you are standing outside Beomgyu’s door with your bag slung across your back and a muffin and coffee in your hands. Before you knock on the door, you roll your shoulders back and try to rid yourself of any doubt.
This has to be some kind of violation of the Girl Code, or something. It is for the greater good, you tell yourself. The greater good of your grades. Chaeryeong was nice, she’d forgive you, right? In fact, if you do successfully help get them together, she would have to thank you, really.
With that, you raise your free hand and rap your knuckles against the door. A moment passes and you think that Beomgyu isn’t even awake. You roll your eyes before you hear the lock click.
There in front of you is Beomgyu, looking like he just rolled out of bed. His long hair sits ruffled on his head, sleep shirt slipping off his shoulder revealing the soft looking, cream skin that otherwise would have been covered. You force yourself to tear your eyes back to his face. You barely suppress a groan when you see he is still wiping the sleep from his eyes.
“You’re early,” he says around a yawn.
“No, we didn’t agree on a time, so technically, I’m right on time.”
He doesn’t fight you, just yawns again and moves away from the door into his dorm. You follow him wordlessly and he leads you to a table in the living room. He drops his body onto his couch with a loud groan that is muffled by the cushions.
You barely pay him any mind as you give yourself the okay to look around his place. It’s smaller than yours, you notice immediately and you wonder if that’s because he lives here alone. It was clean enough, you supposed. For a house solely lived in by a twenty-something year old college boy, there was a surprising lack of dirty laundry and empty food containers.
There is, however, an abundance of music sheets and guitar picks and photo frames and Polaroids. Pictures of him and who you think are his friends are sitting on the TV stand, on display for anyone to see.
Except you don’t, because your tutor is currently asleep and you want to finish as soon as possible. Putting your breakfast on the table in front of the couch, you kick Beomgyu’s leg to get him to get up. He groans indignantly, but complies anyway. When he catches sight of your food, he sends a pout in your direction.
“Where’s mine?”
Your eyebrow raises on its own accord. “Your what?”
“My food. I think if I’m going to be waking up everyday at 8 in the morning helping you, I deserve breakfast.”
Rolling your eyes you shrug. “I didn’t know what you wanted.”
“Literally anything. I can eat anything.”
“I will keep that in mind.” You suppose it’s the least you can do. An extra muffin from the dining hall wouldn’t kill you. He makes no move to get started and you have never been tutored before so you don’t know what the procedure is. “Are we going to start, or…?”
That seems to spur him into action. “Oh, right. You can put your books on the table, I’ll grab my notes.”
You nod and watch as he disappears into his room. Your eyes stray back to the photos and before you know it, you have a frame in your hand.
It’s a picture of Beomgyu with those two other boys you saw in the Music room. They were at a beach, the ocean behind them as they smiled at the camera. They look like they were having fun, and glancing at the other photos, it seems like their together often. You wonder belatedly why he doesn’t ask them for help, and instead come to a stranger for this.
There’s a longing in your chest as you continue looking. Your only friend here is your roommate, and you and Rina aren’t close enough to take photos whenever you are together.
You wouldn’t say you were lonely, no, in fact, you loved the time you got to spend by yourself. But this just served as a reminder of what you were missing.
“Oh-kay, let’s go!” You don’t notice Beomgyu coming back into the room until he is yelling from behind you.
You turn away from the pictures with a grimace. “Are you always this loud in the morning?”
He shrugs, putting his books down. “Trying to wake myself up. Where do you want to start?”
You wonder briefly if saying The beginning would be too much for a first session before settling on, “The test we’re writing is on music theory and all that, so there, I guess.”
Beomgyu nods and holds out a cushion for you to take, flipping through pages in his notes. You accept it and place it on the floor before sitting on it and getting out your notes. You notice immediately the difference between you and Beomgyu.
For one, he actually had notes.
Like, they weren’t organised by any means and most of them made no sense to you, but, well. He has stuff written. You, however, have Theory written at the top of the page and probably only ten lines of notes.
A bit embarrassing.
When Beomgyu notices this, you see his whole body physically deflate. “Oh.”
You feel yourself getting sheepish. “Sorry. If it’s too much, or whatever, you don’t have to—”
“No!” He is quick to interrupt and you are starting to think that maybe he really is this loud in the morning. “It’s cool, really, don’t worry.”
Wow, he must really be serious about this Chaeryeong thing if he’s still willing to help you when you know virtually nothing. You nod your head slowly with a tight smile. “Okay. Yeah, okay.”
Pulling his notebook towards you, he goes over definitions and symbols with you from across the table. You think that reading upside down must be hard for him but he expresses no discomfort. He hardly looks down at the book at all, seeming to have all the information in his head anyway.
And you get it. Kind of. It’s a lot to expect to understand everything after only an hour or so, but it’s working. You don’t know what Beomgyu is doing differently to Ms Kwon, but you are not complaining.
“Does that make sense?” Beomgyu looks up at you and you’re struck with how earnest he seems. Like he really wants you to get this. Like he wants to be of help to you.
And maybe it’s just so he can get help with Chaeryeong, but you’re fine with that. At least he cares a lot.
You nod sincerely. “Yeah, it does.” He lets out a sigh of relief that’s oddly endearing and grins. Your phone alarm that you swt reminding you to leave for your first class goes off then and you begin packing your things up.
“Well, I’ve got a class soon so I’ve got to go, but. Thanks.” You stand up from your spot on the floor, and Beomgyu joins you, nodding, as you walk to the front door.
Beomgyu smiles that boyish grin as he opens the door for you. “You’re welcome. Tomorrow?”
Despite your hesitancy, you nod curtly. “Tomorrow.” And you turn around and leave to head to your class.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The rest of the week goes a little like this:
You wake up, go to the dining hall and get a muffin and coffee for yourself, and a coffee and cookie or a muffin or sandwich for Beomgyu. He meant it when he said he could eat everything. Well, almost everything. You had bought him a sandwich that he looked really excited to eat but once he took a bite, his face twisted in disgust. Apparently the only food that he can’t eat is tomato and after rolling your eyes at his dramatics, you swap your muffin for the bacon, cheese and tomato sandwich. He may be a baby, but you're not a monster.
Beomgyu teaches you with his notes and you try to pay attention enough to take down your own. You get caught a couple times doodling faces instead of music notes and he tries to pull a disappointed teacher look, but you can’t really take him seriously when he’s sitting on a Lightning McQueen pillow.
One time, you actually doodled what was supposed to be him and he couldn’t even try to be upset because he thought it looked just like him, he couldn’t stop gushing.
The session ends and you take your new notes back home with you to go over again. It works well.
(Not included, but worth noting, you getting distracted every time Beomgyu answers the door with his shirt slipping off his shoulder. You might not like him, but you’re not stupid.)
You still haven’t exchanged numbers though, because as well as tutoring has been going, you haven’t written the test. And that is, like, the test of time, basically, for if you will be spending more time together.
On the day of the test, Beomgyu walks with you to your class. Next to you, he seems more nervous than you. He’s constantly wringing his hands out and muttering little nothings under his breath.
It’s annoying. Endearing, but annoying.
“You know I’m the one writing the test, not you?” you say after you’ve just about had enough.
He gets the hint and lets out a sigh. “I know, it’s just—I have a lot riding on this, too, you know?”
You wave your hand dismissively. “Yes, yes, I will try and do my best so we can see if you will end up with my help. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna, like, flunk on purpose.” Which, honestly, you had thought of doing. Multiple times.
It seems to put him at ease, though. He takes a breath and when the two of you stop in front of your class, he pulls you into a hug. You can’t help the grunt you let out at the sudden contact.
“What are you doing?” you ask, arms hanging limply at your sides. As confused as you are, you can’t help the heat that rushes to your face.
“Wishing you good luck. This is a good luck hug,” he informs you speaking into your hair.
“Right…” you drawl. You can’t help but think about how weird this is. “You can let me go now.”
He finally does and pats your shoulder once for good measure as well. Beomgyu shoots you what is supposed to be an encouraging smile before walking away with two thumbs up shooted at you. You opt for just nodding, before walking into the class in a half confused daze.
Whatever that was, you think, when you get to your desk. Beomgyu, you decide, is a very strange boy.
Ms Kwon enters the class not shortly after. She greets everyone then gets right down to business by giving out the tests.
When she tells you can start, you push all thoughts of stupid boys and stupid hugs out of your mind and focus only on the test in front of you and what you covered the past week. And, well. It goes well. You have the answers to most of the questions and while you know you don’t get everything right, you at least know why and what you forgot.
The next hour and a half passes by in a flash, and the next thing you know you are handing in your test. Leaving the music block, you feel like skipping. You have never felt this confident after a Music Comp test before, you could sing. Like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
Chaeryeong comes out, too, just a moment later and shoots you a smile. You politely return it then make your way back to your dorm as fast as you can. If you really did as good as you think you did, then you would be seeing lot of the other girl—seeing a lot of Beomgyu—which is something you are going to have to get used to.
Maybe failing wouldn’t be so bad?
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Well. You passed.
Like, you got a D. The highest mark you have ever gotten in the class. Ms Kwon even smiled at you when she showed you your paper (“I don’t know what you did, but keep doing it”). And, well, not like you have a choice.
Beomgyu is waiting for you outside the class, rocking on the heels of his feet, when your class lets out. You are surprised to see him there. And you let that be known. “What are you doing here?” you ask, stopping in front of him with a deadpan expression.
The boy just shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant even though you can tell he is waiting for you to tell him how it went. “I wanted to know how you did.” There it is.
You hum noncommittally, turning to make your way out of the Music block and Beomgyu follows. “And what if I did terribly; you would have come all this way for nothing.”
He blanches. “Did you?”
You shrug. “I got a D.” You turn to see Beomgyu’s reaction only to find that he’s stopped in his tracks. “What?” you ask, turning to face him fully.
“Oh.” He looks crestfallen, and that doesn’t make sense to you. “So I guess I didn’t help much, then, huh?” Beomgyu scratches the back of his neck
You fix him with a deadpan stare. “What are you talking about? I did good. You should be, like, jumping for joy right now.”
“A D is…good?” You figure that since he is so good at the subject, he probably can’t wrap his head around you being happy about your grade.
“For me, at least. So stop looking like I kicked your dog, or something.” Turning on your heel, you continue your way across the quad. You don’t look to see, but you can tell Beomgyu is chasing after you.
“Parrot, actually. I have a pet parrot,” he says, falling into step with you. It takes you a moment to realise what he’s talking about.
“The phrase doesn’t go like that.”
“Just letting you know,” he says with a cheeky grin. You roll your eyes. “So,” Beomgyu starts, with a mischievous glint in his eye, “what I’m hearing is you are officially a part of Operation: Woo Chaeryeong.” He holds his arms out at his sides and proceeds to do obnoxious jazz hands.
You barely suppress a groan at his dramatics. God, you hope you don’t regret this. “We need a new name. And a plan.”
Which is how you found yourself here:
“Okay, first things first, new plan name,” you say, putting a piece of paper on the table between the two of you. The two of you are at the on campus café that you have never actually visited before. It was Beomgyu’s idea, apparently they have the best coffee at HYBE.
Beomgyu ordered for you—your standard coffee and muffin, and a slice of cake you didn’t ask for but just trust me on this—because the reason you don’t visit new café’s all that often is because you don’t like ordering for yourself. You find it awkward and anxiety inducing, and oh god what if you don’t like it? Of course you don’t tell Beomgyu this. Instead you tell him it would make sense because he’s been here before so he’d know what’s good.
He cracks his knuckles and nods. “Right, right. So I’ve been thinking and how about ‘Make Chaeryeong Fall in Love With Me’?” Beomgyu actually looks pleased with himself, like that isn’t the worst name for, well, anything. You stare. “Think about it! It’s simple and straight to the point!”
“Yeah, and sucks,” you deadpan. You bring the page closer to you with a sigh, realising that you are going to have to do everything yourself. Grabbing one of the pens Beomgyu brought, you write something at the top of the page. You take a moment to admire your work before you show the boy.
How to Get the Girl: A 5 Step, Foolproof Plan by Y/N
Beomgyu pouts. “Why is your name the only one written?”
“Because, if it was a plan by you, it wouldn’t be foolproof,” you say easily and he scowls.
“It’s boring but I suppose it’ll do.”
You roll your eyes. “Well, step one should be—”
“Here you guys go.” You are interrupted by your waiter bringing you your food.
You mumble out a “thanks” through pursed lips, awkward as ever, while the boy across from you smiles brightly as he accepts the food.
You waiter grins back at Beomgyu but shoots you a glare when she turns to you, that you have no problem returning.
When she walks away, you turn back to your page. “You’re a grouch,” Beomgyu says matter-of-factly.
“Am not.”
“Are to,” he shoots back childishly. “Would it have killed you to be nice?”
“That was me being nice,” you say, a little indignant. It’s not your fault that girl thought you were rude. You were saying thank you!
He levels you with a stare, before raising his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, fine Little Miss Sunshine—” you feel like throwing your spoon at him— “what’s your master plan.”
“The first step—Get her to notice you.”
Beomgyu hums, sipping his own coffee. “I can manage that.”
“Uh-huh, because I’m here for fun?” He opens his mouth to retort, before seemingly remembering why he asked for your help in the first place and he deflates in his seat. “Thought so,” you say with a smirk. He sticks his tongue out at you.
“We need to come up with a list of things about you that can get her attention. What you got?”
He ponders this for a moment. “Well, for starters, I’m tall.”
“Uh-huh,” you drawl, writing it down. It’s not like he’s wrong.
“I’m good looking.”
“And I’m charming,” he adds with a wink. Your pen stills and he notices. “Why aren’t you writing that down?”
“Ooh, I just donʼt know how true it is.”
“Oh, you don’t know how true that is,” he repeats, twisting his face and putting on a high pitched voice, supposed to be resembling you.
“I don’t sound like that.” Beomgyu just responds with an angry bite of your muffin. Ignoring him, you continue. “Second, enter her space. Eat where she eats, find mutual friends, stuff like that.”
“Sounds stalkerish.”
“You’re stalkerish.”
“What are you even saying?”
You sigh. “Okay, so it needs a little rewording, whatever. You just have to show her that you’re, you know, available. That you have stuff in common. Get her to want to hang out with you personally. Which brings us to step three. Hang out with her.”
“Like dates?” he asks with a tilt of the head.
“Yeah, but don’t call them that. You’re just two new friends getting to know each other.”
“Like us,” he teases, with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You don’t even crack a smile. “As if,” you scoff. Beomgyu just grins. “The fourth step is asking her on a real date. And then, step five, ask her to be your girlfriend. That is, if you get that far.”
“Hey!” he yells indignantly. “Have some faith in me!”
You snatch your muffin back from him and take your first bite. “We’ll see how well you do on the first two steps and I might change my mind.”
“I can live with that.” He brings the plate of cake closer to him. “We should, like, ask each other questions,” Beomgyu says around his piece of cake.
You barely hold back a long suffering sigh. “Why?”
He just shrugs, a trait you have grown to find increasingly annoying. Does he not have any other way to express himself? “To get to know each other.”
“I already know plenty about you; you are tall, good-looking and not as charming as you think you are.”
“How sweet,” he deadpans and you give him a tight smile. “Come on, it’ll be fun! Look—I’ll go first.” You raise a single eyebrow at that. You can tell he pretends to think about his question for a moment because not even five seconds later, “Okay, why are you doing Music Comp anyways?”
At first, you pretend not to hear him, taking your first sip of your coffee. And it’s really good. Like, you probably can’t drink from the dining hall anymore. But Beomgyu just stares at you, waiting for you to answer. You sigh, realising that there’s no getting out of this. “Do you know Mr Seo? From last year?”
“The creepy, predator design teacher that got caught trying to get with a freshman?” Huh. His reputation precedes you. You nod your confirmation and Beomgyu hums. “It was hot gossip for, like, a good two weeks.”
“Yeah, well, he was my design teacher.”
Beomgyu’s eyes widen. “No way. He didn’t, like, you know?”
“Oh no, not me,” you’re quick to clarify. Beomgyu looks relieved to hear that. “I just didn’t want to be there anymore and Music Composition sounded easy enough. I was sorely mistaken, though.”
“Huh. Well, it’s your turn.”
You sip your coffee. “To do what?”
“Ask me a question.”
You bite back the snarky What makes you think I want to know anything else about you? that’s threatening to fall from your lips, because you do have something you want to know. “Why did you hug me? When I was writing my test?”
You weren’t used to people hugging you, and certainly not people you had known for only a week. It was unnerving how quick it took for Beomgyu to initiate that contact. You didn’t even think you were that agreeable of a person—that barista certainly didn’t even though that’s just your face.
Beomgyu doesn’t seem to understand your turmoil or confusion. He just shrugs and replies easily, “For good luck.”
“Yeah, but why.”
“I donʼt know, I hug a lot of people. I’m a tactile person, Y/N.”
“And that’s why you’re trying to play footsie with me right now?” He had been knocking his foot against your leg since the moment you sat down.
Beomgyu has the decency to blush, even though he doesn’t stop. The tips of his ears turn red but he tries to play it off with a shrug. He’s so annoying. “It’s an instinct.” You hum. You suppose it is, the same way frowning and grumbling about everything is yours. (Maybe you are a grouch.) “I can stop if you want. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“It’s whatever,” you say, waving him off. “Your turn.” Beomgyu seems to be able to tell that your nonchalance is a front, that it’s not that you don’t care what he does, you don’t mind. And that you are giving him permission for if he ever wants to do it again.
He doesn’t mention it though. Just smiles knowingly and nods. “Eat the cake.”
You raise an eyebrow. “That’s not a question,” you note.
He just shrugs. “I’m saving it. For later. Right now, I want you to taste the cake I spent my hard earned money on buying for you.” He throws in a pout for good measure and you roll your eyes.
Whatever, you think, one bite of cake won’t kill you. And so far the coffee and the muffin had both been good, so who’s to say this won’t be too? Except, you don’t have one bite. You finish the whole thing without even stopping to look up from the plate. It shouldn’t be possible but every single thing you’ve tried from this place has been incredible. You hate to admit it—really, really hate to admit it—but Beomgyu was right.
Beomgyu is smirking at you, as though he can read your mind. “Was it good?” he teases.
“Shut up,” you say with no real bite to it.
He just laughs good-naturedly. “So, how do we start step one?”
You think for a moment. Interlocking your fingers and resting your chin on them, you study Beomgyu closely. He shifts under your gaze, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck nervously. Then it hits you.
“We need to fix your hair.”
“What’s wrong with my hair?” He furrows his eyebrows, clearly confused.
“It’s plain, it’s boring and while it is a cool cut, it doesn’t look good because you don’t style it. So. We have to fix it.”
Beomgyu sighs, giving in. “Fix it how?” It surprises you how easily he’s going along with what you’re suggesting. You expected more fights, more disagreements, but so far, Beomgyu has just been oddly compliant.
“How do you feel about hair dye?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The hair dye is not blonde. You aren’t a monster, of course you tried to look for some, but apparently everyone on campus had the same idea as you and it was sold out at the store. So you settled for the next best thing—white.
Beomgyu was not amused.
Standing in the middle of his living room, you are showing off the hair dye you just bought with pride. “Oh come on, think of it as, like, platinum blonde. It’s the same thing!”
He looks affronted. “No, it’s not! My one clause was that it had to be blonde!”
“And mine was that you would suck it up! I tried getting blonde but there wasn’t any. So, you know, this is the best we’ve got.” You cross your arms across your chest with finality.
You kind of feel bad, because if someone had walked into your house and demanded to dye your hair white, you would have kicked them out immediately. You can understand his apprehension, and honestly, you’re a bit nervous, too. You can’t show it though, obviously. If you look confident, it might ease Beomgyu.
You expect him to put up more of a fight, to tell you that there is no way he is letting you dye his hair white. But…he just sighs, walks into his bathroom and sits on the chair he placed in there, levelling you with a stare.
“Do not ruin my hair.”
Beomgyu had everything you would need for the hair dying process ready for you in the bathroom. A pair of gloves on the counter, a chair in front of the bath and a towel draped over the back of it. You enter the bathroom after him, placing the hair dye next to the gloves and get out your phone. You take your place behind him, him finally being shorter than you making you more excited than it should.
“Okay,” you say, rubbing your hands together, “let’s do this.”
Beomgyu’s hair, you learn, is really soft. You haven’t started doing anything, the gloves still on the counter behind you, but you were curious. Wanted to know what it felt like. Carding your fingers through the strands, you enjoy the feeling of the silky locks slipping through your fingers, a bit ticklish. Beomgyu sits still in his chair. He doesn’t say anything, barely even moves. The only indication you have that he hasn’t somehow passed out is the steady rise and fall of his chest. When you tug a little too hard, the boy lets out a sound from below you.
“Sorry,” you say, face flushing, even though he can’t see you.
“It’s fine.” His voice sounds strangely hoarse. “Didn’t hurt.”
You nod. “Okay.” It takes a lot to remove your hands from his hair, but you do and grab the gloves from behind you and put them on.
He clears his throat. “You have done this before, right?”
The short answer is no. You have never dyed anyone’s hair before, not even your own. You have no idea how this is going to turn out.
The long answer is well, technically. Your conditioner was nearing empty and needed to be replaced. Now, you hadn’t known that what you thought was a refill packet of the conditioner was actually blue hair dye until Rina came out of the bathroom looking murderous, but. That had to count for something, right?
The answer you settle on is, “Yeah. Sort of.”
Beomgyu whirls his head around to face you. “What do you mean ‘sort of’?” he questions, eyes blown wide.
You wave off his concern with a dismissive hand. “Relax, would you? I have a tutorial so if it goes wrong you can blame jaydoesstuff on YouTube. He calls this look ‘Rock Chic’.”
“Oh my god.”
“What happened to having faith, huh?” you ask, barely paying attention to him anymore as you press play on the tutorial. Jay welcomes you to his channel and you fast forward through the sponsorship bit (which takes almost two minutes, god) until he actually starts with the tutorial.
“You are probably the most cynical person I know.”
You let out a snort involuntarily. “That’s fair.” You shake the dye bottle over his head, watching as it drips over his hair. Google says you should mix the dye in a bowl but jaydoesstuff only has the bottle, a brush and hope.
The rest of the process passes by without incident. You let it set for ten minutes and in that time you and Beomgyu watch other YouTube videos from the Jay guy and find out that he goes to your school. What a small world. When the timer goes off, you rinse out the dye in the sink while Beomgyu whines from under the tap that water is getting into his eyes.
You let him dry his hair with the towel on his own, and take to throwing your dirty gloves away and cleaning up any mess on the counter.
“How does it look?” Beomgyu asks when his hair is mostly dry. He’s staring at you with wide eyes, wringing the towel nervously.
You can’t help teasing. “Well. I want to give a zero, but that is not possible. So I give you a one.”
He just stares at you. For a moment you think he didn’t get your reference, then, “Okay, Tyra,” he says with a scoff.
Your mouth quirks upwards. “You watch America’s Next Top Model?”
He shrugs. “I’ve seen clips.”
“It’s fun. Trashy reality TV is a good stress reliever.”
“Maybe. But seriously….Does it look okay?”
This time, you take your time looking at him. Again, you’re astounded by how he can continue to look so good under the crappy light of the bathroom. The harsh yellow casts an almost golden glow across his face. You trail your eyes up to his hair, to take in his whole face with his new look and, well. You did a good job. It’s not professional by any means, but it’s not awful and the white highlights actually suit him.
Your eyes find his only to realise that he’s been looking at you this entire time. That he could have looked in a mirror and come to his own conclusion, but he hasn’t.
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “It looks good.”
To test if the first phase of step one works, Beomgyu is going to pick you up from your Music Comp class. Hopefully, Chaeryeong sees him and is so wowed by his beauty, she falls instantly in love with him and kisses him in the middle of the hallway. Which, of course, is not your expectation, but Beomgyu has been talking about it for days and it has kind of bled into your subconscious.
You take your time packing up when Ms Kwon dismisses the class, trying to time your leaving with Chaeryeong who's messing around with Keeho.
When you see that she’s about to leave, you head out before her. Beomgyu is there waiting like you knew he would be, and when he sees you, he walks towards you.
“Is she coming?” he stage-whispers and you resist the urge to roll your eyes, which is something you find yourself doing a lot around him.
“Give her a second,” you say, adjusting the straps on your bag.
And as though you summoned her, Keeho and Chaeryeong come walking out of the class right then. You catch her eye and return the small smile she gives you as she passes. You watch as she notices Beomgyu, her eyes travelling up to his face and an unreadable expression flashes through her face.
She nods at him in acknowledgement. “Cool hair,” is all she says before walking away completely.
Next to you, Beomgyu lets out a squeak. A blush has spread all the way from the tips of his ears and disappears down into his shirt.
You turn to face him. “Well?” He is standing frozen in place, mouth hanging slightly open. You are sure that a tornado could hit and he wouldn’t move a muscle. His face is still bright red.
“Oh my god,” he breathes out when he finally regains the power of speech. “She’s never spoken to me before.” His eyes trail after her as she disappears out onto the quad.
“Yeah, well, you’re wel—”
You don’t get to finish chastising him, because the next thing you know his arms are wrapped around your shoulders and his head is resting on your head. “Thank you,” he says with such sincerity, it makes you rethink teasing him in the first place.
You pat his back gingerly, still awkward about the contact, but you suppose you should come to expect it now. “Um…. You’re welcome.”
He pulls away from you, grinning widely and you can only offer a more strained one in return, but Beomgyu doesn’t seem to mind. “We should celebrate.”
You scoff lightly, no weight behind it. “Celebrate what?” You turn to walk out onto the quad, expecting Beomgyu to follow you. Which he does. He falls into step with you almost immediately.
“The plan working, obviously.”
“Come on,” he whines dramatically. “I’ll buy you cake.” He has managed to pass you and is standing in front of you, lifting his shoulders in what is supposed to be a tempting manner.
In all honesty, you were kind of planning to go do something with Beomgyu today, anyway. You didn’t know whether or not changing his hair would actually get Chaeryeong’s attention but you figured Beomgyu would drag you away somewhere regardless. And clearly you were right.
He is looking at you with a smirk as if he’s cornered you and there’s just no way you can say no to him now. He doesn’t need to know that you would have agreed without the bribery, because free cake is free cake and who can say no to that?
Humouring him, you sigh in defeat. “Fine, I guess this is worth celebrating.”
Grinning proudly, Beomgyu easily loops his arm with yours and leads you across the quad to the cafĂŠ. He orders for the two of you again, sitting across from you at the table and starts talking about how he was so nervous about today that he could hardly answer questions in his classes all day.
You kill two hours like that, just talking in the cafĂŠ. By the time you make it back to your dorm, Rina is home and asks if you were out with a friend. You pause for a moment before answering.
“Yeah,” you say before entering your room. You suppose you were.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Beomgyu shows up to pick you up from class more often than not. He is always there before Ms Kwon let’s you out and it makes you seriously wonder if he ever attends class himself.
It’s a smart move, you acknowledge, because Chaeryeong gives him a nod in greeting whenever she passes by him on her way out of class. You tell him as much and he grins cheekily gushing about how smart you find him, so you make it a point to never praise him again.
You spend a lot of time with Beomgyu. Not necessarily by choice, he just always happens to be around you and you can’t find it in you to tell him to go away. (You find that you don’t want to.) Between him tutoring you and walking you from class, it’s like you see him everywhere now. Even now, the two of you were walking into the café for no reason other than you were both hungry and, according to Beomgyu, what better way to eat than together?
The café was packed today, students and teachers alike rushing in and out of the restaurant, the bell above the door constantly ringing. You don’t know what the occasion could be for there to be so many people here now, but you find you don’t really want to stick around to find out.
You turn to Beomgyu to tell him as much, that you guys can just go somewhere else but he looks almost offended. “We can’t just go somewhere else! This is our place now. We can’t betray it by eating at a basic Mcdonalds.”
You cross your arms and fix him with a deadpan stare. “What’s wrong with Mcdonalds?”
“There’s no charm. No memories attached. We have to eat here.” Staring up at him, you realise that he’s not going to let up. You sigh in defeat and Beomgyu smirks in satisfaction. “Okay, you order, I’ll go find us a table.”
You grab his arm, stopping him before he can walk away. “Uh, you order.”
“Why?” Beomgyu questions.
“Because you know what’s good,” you explain shrugging.
He narrows his eyes at you. “You’ve been here at least twenty times now, I think you know what you like.”
“Can’t hear you, I’m already getting a table!”
You effectively bypass him, weaving your way through the throng of students and teachers alike. If you were to look back, you would probably find Beomgyu staring at you with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
On another day, you might have been able to push past the anxiety and place an order for the two of you. But today there are just too many people, too many orders the workers have to fill. And maybe it’s the crowd or the waning patience of the workers, but you really can’t bring yourself to talk to anyone here, especially when Beomgyu can do it for you.
“Do you have, like, a fear of ordering in public?” Beomgyu asks when he joins you at the booth you managed to secure. He opts to sit next to you instead of across the table, making you slide closer to the wall.
You scowl. “No.”
He continues like he doesn’t hear you. “Because it’s totally okay if you do. I know I’m more—out-going? Sociable? Charismatic?—out of the two of us, so I don’t mind being used like that.”
“Oh, you’re so annoying.” You punch his arm and he laughs goodnaturedly. “It’s just—It’s weird. And makes me feel awkward, so I don’t do it.”
Beomgyu hums in consideration, like he can tell you are holding back, but doesn’t push. “Well I meant it, you know. I don’t mind.” He nudges your shoulder for good measure and you roll your eyes.
“Like I was giving you a choice?”
He contemplates this for a moment. “Suppose you’re right. Choice or not, though, I don’t mind doing stuff for you.” He says it so easily. So earnestly. Almost too earnestly. There’s a weight behind his eyes when he looks at you and you can’t figure out what it means. He seems to notice his staring and averts his gaze. Clearing his throat, he jokes, “Like paying for your lunch.”
You hit his arm again. “I never asked you to do that.”
“Stop punching me, this is a very small booth!”
“Then move to the other side.”
“Don’t wanna.” And just like that, whatever happened before was gone, replaced with the natural light atmosphere you always have around Beomgyu.
A waiter comes by, then. He leaves your food on the table, and the both of you thank him simultaneously. He nods in response, goes to walk away but does a double take looking at Beomgyu. He regards him for a moment before nodding. “Nice,” he says pointing to Beomgyu’s hair then goes on his way.
Beomgyu smirks in response, claery satisfied with the attention his new hair is giving him. You don’t indulge him and turn your attention to the sandwich and chips Beomgyu ordered for you.
“You know,” he drawls out, nudging your side, “it’s not just Chaeryeong. Bunch of people in class keep telling me how cool they think my hair is.” You raise an eyebrow and Beomgyu nods seriously. “If you ask me, you should drop out of school and do this professionally.”
That makes you snort. “I dyed your hair once, I don’t think that qualifies me for a job.”
He hums thoughtfully, then shrugs. “It’s for the best. I’d miss you too much.”
“I mean it! You’d be so busy doing everybody else’s hair because you’re so high in demand that you won’t have any time to spend with me. I don’t know how people can go through life without your quick wit and sunny disposition.”
“Most people don’t put up with me long enough to get past the ‘she’s mean and glares a lot’ thing so I don’t think they’re missing out.” You snort involuntarily at your own joke, expecting him to laugh a little, too. But he doesn’t. He frowns.
“Do you think I’m putting up with you?”
Beomgyu stares at you intently and you wonder how the mood was able to change so quickly again. You want to get back to teasing, not whatever this is. “I was kidding,” you clarify, shifting in your seat awkwardly.
“But do you?” When you don’t say anything, he takes your silence as an answer. “Y/N, I’m not hanging out with you because I feel like I have to.”
“I never said that.” You didn’t. It’s not even what you were thinking, not really. It’s more a proximity thing. You’re helping him, he’s helping you, and for either of those things to happen, being together makes sense. There isn’t much more to it. There doesn’t need to be. (You want there to be.)
You hang out with Rina because she’s your roommate. The two of you aren’t friends, but you’re friendly enough. It helps that the two of you live together, so, naturally, you spend time together, but it’s always because you’re there.
So, no, you don’t think he’s fulfilling an obligation by being around you. Just. He probably doesn’t enjoy these outings as much as you do. And that’s fine. It’s not a big deal. Except—
Beomgyu is the closest thing you’ve had to a friend in a long time. The thought of that feeling being one-sided sucked. The thought of it being reciprocated, though? Too good to be true.
Beomgyu turns so that his upper half is facing you. Stares at you right in your eyes and holds your gaze for so long you start squirming in your seat. He opens his mouth, hesitates, closes it again. Then, eyes and voice full of conviction, “Y/N, you’re, like, my best friend, you know that, right?” You wonder what he wanted to say, if that’s it.
Your mouth drops. You blink owlishly at him, not believing what he just said. “Oh, now you’re pushing it,” you finally say, shoving a couple fries in your mouth.
“I’m being serious! I spend way more time with you than I do anyone else, I’m pretty sure we’ve been hanging out everyday. My leg is literally hooked over yours right now!” Looking down at your lap, you realise that it is. You don’t know how you didn’t notice the weight on your leg.
“You’re a tactile person,” you say, repeating his words.
“Y/N,” he looks at you like he can’t believe you don’t believe him. Like he’s explaining such a simple concept and doesn’t know how you can’t get it. Grass is green, the sky is blue and you are his best friend. “I wouldn’t be around you this much if I didn’t want to. I’m not tutoring you, and we’re not discussing the plan. There is no reason for me to be here with you right now other than I want to be. I like being with you.”
The only explanation you had to Beomgyu’s clingy nature towards you was the one he gave you first. That he was touchy because he was just like that, and you just happened to be there. Not because he liked you. But here he was telling you that that’s not true.
You flounder for a bit, struggling to find the words, any words. He’s still staring, head tilted slightly with a grin on his face. This, you think probably way to excitedly, is your best friend.
“God, you’re so cheesy,” you say, fighting back a blush, pushing his smiling face away from you. And he laughs goodnaturedly, steals fries from your plate and does not move his leg.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The success of Step One has Beomgyu itching to begin Step Two immediately. Obviously, patience is a virtue and timing is everything, so you say no. You reason that it would be weird for him to just show up wherever she is after she acknowledged his existence one time (“We want her to think you’re interesting, not creepy”).
The both of you are on your way to Beomgyu’s dorm for no particular reason. You ran into each other on campus after class and started walking together without caring about where you were going, only realising belatedly the familiar route you were taking.
Beomgyu is talking your ear off animatedly about one thing or another, arms waving around him, clearly very into whatever has caught his attention. He’s so distracted that he doesn’t realise you’ve arrived, so it’s up to you to unlock the door and let you both in.
There are two boys sitting on his couch. They both have their feet kicked up on the coffee table, messing with their phones. You wonder who they are to be sitting so comfortably in here when Beomgyu’s gone.
You nudge Beomgyu’s side, making him look up and take notice of the two might-be intruders. He doesn’t seem fazed. “What’re you guys doing here?” Dropping his bag by the door, he moves into the house, leaving you standing in the doorway awkwardly. The boys shrug, looking up from their phones.
“Oh, well, Y/N, this is Kai and Taehyun. Taehyun and Kai, this is Y/N.” Beomgyu points out each boy individually and it’s then that you recognise them as the guys from his pictures. The ones who were in the Music room with him. The ones in his pictures. He waves you over with a slight jerk of his head and you follow him inside.
“Hi!” The one named Kai greets cheerily. Taehyun nods at you with a “Hey” and you wave back awkwardly, a tight smile on your lips.
“Don’t be upset, this is her being polite,” Beomgyu stage whispers to the boys, as if he’s letting the other two in on a secret and you hit his shoulder.
You clear your throat, straightening up your back. “Nice to meet you,” you say. Beomgyu grins brightly at you.
Taehyun speaks up first. “He told us about the plan. Have to say, I’m surprised you agreed to help him.”
“He’s helping me with Music Comp,” you say easily. And he really was. Your grades have never been better and the proud smiles Ms Kwon had been sending you when showing the marks for tests were something you could get used to. Honestly, you never thought Beomgyu would be such a help to you, but here you were.
Kai nods. “And how’s that going?”
“She said my hair is cool,” Beomgyu gushes, like he has been every time you’ve seen him since that day. You didn’t think it was possible, but he actually looks like the definition of heart eyes.
Taehyun studies his friend’s hair for a moment. “I guess it is.”
Pride blooms in your chest and you stand up a little straighter. “Thanks. I did it.”
Kai perks up at that. “Ooh, do you think you could do mine? I’ve been wanting to dye my hair red for a while.”
“Sure,” you say easily, shrugging in agreement, at the same time Beomgyu blurts out, “No!”
You all turn to stare at him. You’re surprised at the outburst, considering he was the one suggesting you open a salon. “Sorry, but I can’t risk Y/N’s magic hands also making Chaeryeong fall in love with you at first sight.”
“She’s not in love with you,” The rest of you say in unison.
Beomgyu stares at the three of you with wide eyes. “This was a mistake.” He sighs heavily and sits on an open armchair while you and Kai snicker.
“We’ve been trying to find out ways for him to bump into her but aside from my Music Comp class, we don’t know where else to find her,” you explain, dropping your bag at your feet. Beomgyu tugs on the sleeve of your shirt, pulling you closer to him until your trying to get comfortable on the arm of the chair he’s sitting on.
“We’ve been stumped for a week,” he says when you’ve settled on the arm of the chair, your own arm resting on his shoulder.
It should be weird how quickly you were able to get used to Beomgyu’s constant touch. How quickly you were to oblige to it. To let him hug you or play footsie with you whenever he wanted. Especially after last week’s revelation that he actually liked being around you. That he thought of you as his friend. It made you closer, somehow.
It should be. But it isn’t. Just easy.
Taehyun eyes the two of you from his spot on the couch and when you catch his eye, he just quirks an eyebrow before looking away. Weird.
“I see Chaeryeong every Thursday,” Kai says. You are surprised Beomgyu’s head doesn’t snap off from how fast he whipped it around to stare at his friend. “Her dance class is before mine.”
Silence. Then. “And you mention this now?”
Kai shrugs, unperturbed by his friend’s outburst. “It never came up.” The way he is smirking, though, makes you think that he was withholding this information on purpose.
Thursday comes around and between you, Beomgyu and his friends, you came up with the next move for Step Two. Beomgyu would go with Kai to his dance class to drop him off and “bump” into Chaeryeong, thus starting his first conversation with her.
He had begged you to go with him. Moral support, he said. But you have a class. You can’t tag along with Beomgyu to make sure he doesn’t make a fool of himself, a fact that had him begging you to skip. You said no, obviously, because even if you didn’t have a class, what are you supposed to do while Beomgyu tries to flirt for five minutes?
Halfway through your lesson, your phone vibrates from inside your pocket. Pulling it out discreetly, you find seven texts from Beomgyu. Mainly incoherent key smashes and an excessive amount of exclamation points.
As discreetly as you can, you text back telling him to meet you at the cafĂŠ when your class is over. As soon as the bell rings, you speed walk your way over to where Beomgyu is already waiting for you, booth secured, food waiting to be touched.
You slide into the seat next to him and stare him down. “Okay, talk.”
And, essentially, this is how it went:
To say that Beomgyu was nervous would be an understatement. There was a difference between waiting outside Ms Kwon’s class with the intention of exchanging polite, but curt, nods and going to her dance class to (hopefully) talk to her. He was freaking. Out.
“Dude, chill out,” Kai tells him for the fourth time in a row since they started walking to his dance class together. “You’re literally going to scare her off with how much you’re sweating right now.”
Beomgyu knows he’s exaggerating, that it’s a part of his friendly duties to tease and make fun of him. He’s not actually sweating, obviously. But. What if he is? He does a quick and inconspicuous pit-check, and, yeah, he’s not sweating. Kai’s just a dick.
Beomgyu tells him as much and he just laughs obnoxiously loud.
When they arrive at Kai’s class, the students from the lesson before are packing up their things. The students including Chaeryeong.
When she notices him, she looks a little shocked, like this is the last place she would have expected to see him. She gets over it quickly, though, and makes her way over to him. “Cool Hair Guy?”
His mouth hangs open stupidly, tongue dried up. She was talking to him. Chaeryeong was talking to him! He doesn’t know how long he stands there gaping like an idiot, but the voice in his head that sounds suspiciously like you gets fed up. Say something, idiot! Yeah, definitely you. “Uh, it’s Beomgyu, actually. Choi Beomgyu,” he manages out.
“Nice to meet you, Choi Beomgyu,” she says smiling, something she does a lot. It’s so pretty. She doesn’t introduce herself, probably knows that she doesn’t have to. “I didn’t know you did dance?”
Beomgyu can’t really believe this is happening. That he’s here, talking to Lee Chaeryeong. That she’s talking to him. “No, I’m just here dropping off my friend.” He waves his arm around noncommittally in the general direction he last saw Kai.
She seems to contemplate this for a moment. “Well, I’ll see you around, Cool Hair Guy Beomgyu.” Chaeryeong smiles at him and gives his arm a squeeze before leaving with her friends. Beomgyu is frozen in place, mouth hanging open as he wonders seriously if this is real life.
Kai’s wolf whistles from wherever he is tell him that it is. Oh my god. He has to tell you.
When he finishes recounting everything, you have a few questions about the legitimacy of everything. You sincerely doubt Chaeryeong was trying to feel up his muscles but you digress. You won’t ruin his fun.
You nudge his shoulder slightly. “See, you didn’t even need me there.”
“Still would have been nice.” You try not to show how much the comment affects you, how it tugs at the corners of your lips, a smile threatening to break out. “So, what now?”
You shrug, keeping your face neutral. “Keep dropping Kai off, I guess. She knows your name now, so it’s basically open season. Anything can happen, really.”
“Open Season,” he deadpans and you regard him with a quizzical look. “That bear movie with the deer?”
“No, Beomgyu, open season the expression.”
He doesn’t look like he believes you, but doesn’t push it. Clearing his throat, he says, “I could keep picking you up, too. From your Comp class.”
“I guess. It would maximise the amount of time you see Chaeryeong, or whatever.”
“Well, yeah, but no.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I want to hang out with you. Seeing Chaeryeong would just be a bonus.”
He doesn’t say anything more and gives no indication that he wants to. He busies himself with his food and you take advantage of the fact that his attention is no longer on you and try to will the heat rising to your cheeks to stop.
When you are sure that the temperature in your face is back to normal, you clear your throat. “I have a question.”
Beomgyu glances from his plate. “It’s not your turn,” he says. “I haven’t used my second question.”
“Well, do you have one?”
“No,” Beomgyu says cheekily. “But I suppose I can let you skip.” Bringing his sandwich to his mouth, he nods his head slightly, giving you the go ahead.
“Why do you like Chaeryeong?”
He swallows. “Everybody likes Chaeryeong.”
“Well, yeah, but not everyone would ask a random stranger to be their wingman.”
“You got me there.” You continue to stare, waiting for an answer, and after a moment Beomgyu sighs. “I don’t know. It’s gonna sound stupid.”
“Well it’s great that I already don’t think that highly of you,” you tease. (You do.) It makes Beomgyu laugh, though, just a little. He exhales dramatically before leaning back in his seat.
“I transferred here in the middle of the year. I missed freshman orientation, I got stuck with a single room because everybody else had a roommate meaning I missed out on the quick and easy way people made friends. Or enemies, depending on who you were stuck with.” You laugh a little at that last bit when he turns his head to give you a wry smile.
He continues. “The first month kind of sucked. And then one day I’m rushing to class twenty minutes late because I still haven’t figured out where everything is and Chaeryeong is running, too, in the opposite direction and when she notices me—this is where it sounds stupid—she smiles.”
“She so clearly had somewhere to be and yet she took the time to do that. To comfort me, or just to say ‘Hey, we’re in the same boat!’ or something, I don’t know. It just made me feel better. I’ve had a crush on her since.”
When he finishes, he drops his gaze to the table, practically burning holes into the metal.
“Hmm,” is all you say.
“I told you it was stupid,” he says looking up at you, chuckling half-heartedly.
You look affronted. “I didn’t even say anything!”
“You have that look on your face. You’re thinking it’s stupid.”
“I was actually thinking that I found it sweet.”
Because of course one act of kindness is all it takes for Beomgyu to all but fall in love with someone. He is the kindest and most earnest person you know, it makes sense, really. You wouldn’t have expected anything else.
It makes you think back to your own first meeting with him, how you thought he was crazy and probably said so out loud, too. The farthest from kind or sweet. Not that it should matter. You don’t want him to have a crush on you, obviously.
“Yeah?” he asks uncertain.
“Yeah. Chaeryeong seems sweet. Your crush is sweet—if not a little obsessive at times.”
He chuckles. “Thank you. You’re sweet, too.”
The comment catches you off guard. “Meaning?”
“That you’re a lot nicer than you give yourself credit for.”
Beomgyu has this uncanny ability to seemingly read your mind. To tell when you’re in your head too much and knows exactly what to say to make you feel better.
You can’t believe that he’s managed to render you speechless and flustered twice in one conversation. You kick him under the table, biting back a smile. “Eat your food.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
This, you think, is the perfect time for Beomgyu to take the plunge and ask Chaeryeong to hangout. She knows his name, greets him whenever she passes him on her way out of the Music block, there really is no better moment.
You don’t know what he’s waiting for.
Whenever he gets close, he gets nervous, changes his mind and speedwalks in the opposite direction. He keeps saying he’ll get to it, but at this rate you’re not holding your breath.
You’ve almost given up entirely but Beomgyu surprises you by strolling into your Music Comp class casually heading straight for Ms Kwon’s desk. You sit up in your chair, shocked to see him, and your eyes blow wide when, as he’s talking with your teacher, he points to you.
Ms Kwon eyes you suspiciously and looks wary to give Beomgyu permission to do, well, whatever it is that he wants to do, but gives in eventually. Your friend bounds up the steps two at a time to get to your desk, falling into a crouch when he reaches you.
“Hey,” he whispers, head reaching just above your table.
“What are you doing here?” you whisper back leaning forward to his face, entirely confused by his sudden appearance.
“I’m going to ask You-Know-Who to hang out.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Voldemort?”
“What? No! Chaeryeong,” he whispers, looking around to make sure no one can hear. Your mouth makes an ‘O’ shape in realisation. The girl in question is sitting at her desk, diligently doing her work.
Then what he said hits you. “Wait—Right now?”
He shrugs. “I had a surge of adrenaline. If I don’t do it now I’ll probably chicken out and never talk to her again.”
It makes sense and well, better now than never, right? But— “So you’re just gonna, what? Go up to her in the middle of class and ask her?”
“’Course not. I’m going to wait for class to end.”
He makes no move to leave.
Your eyes blow impossibly wide. “You mean here?”
“Told Ms Kwon that you’re giving me help in Calculus,” he says standing up and moving until he’s right next to you.
“I don’t take Calculus.”
“Neither do I. Scoot over.”
You sigh. The sounds of you moving out of your seat and into the next one draws the attention of the class to the two of you. Even Chaeryeong looks back curiously and Beomgyu blushes before waving shyly.
“This is so stupid,” you groan once you’ve both settled and everyone has turned their attention back to their own work.
“Hush. Now, how do you calculate the slope of a curve?”
The lesson passes with Beomgyu nudging you every so often to make it look like you’re helping. Quick, pretend to explain something to me. It makes you wonder what it would be like to actually share a class with him. Fun, probably. You wouldn’t get any work done, though.
When the bell rings and Ms Kwon dismisses you, Beomgyu stands up, determination written all over his features, staring at Chaeryeong’s back.
He rolls his shoulders back. “Okay, I’m going in.”
“Oh, god,” you groan.
He ignores you. “Wish me luck?” Beomgyu turns to you, cheeky smile on his face and you sigh before wrapping your arms around his torso. He squeezes you back once then pulls away. “Okay,” he breathes out, straightening his back, “I got this.”
You watch as he makes his way to Chaeryeong’s desk and how she brightens up when she sees him. She waves Keeho off and he complies with a perplexed look on his face. Huh. It seems Beomgyu didn’t need the good luck anyway.
You don’t stick around and choose to leave the class, saying goodbye to Ms Kwon. However, once outside, you don’t leave. You linger in the hallway watching the door as students rush to their next classes. Probably because you are invested in the outcome and want to know what happened immediately. More definitely because you want to see Beomgyu again as soon as possible.
Chaeryeong comes out first. Her face gives no indication that she just rejected someone or accepted their offer so you guess you’re just going to have to wait for Beomgyu.
He emerges a moment later, walks with his head low, somehow already spotting where you are. He looks…Well, dejected. You feel your body deflate just watching him.
“Well,” he exhales when he reaches you. You frown. “Guess who’s going to a movie with Chaeryeong.”
“Oh my god, no way!” you gasp, hands flying to cover your mouth. When the initial excitement dies down, you punch Beomgyu’s shoulder and he yelps. “That’s for making me think she turned you down.”
Beomgyu laughs nervously, shaking his arm out. “Yeah. We’re gonna have so much fun.”
You feel your face fall. “We? As in you, Chaeryeong and whoever else you’re going with? Not you and me?” You have a sneaking suspicion that you already know the answer and you’re not going to like it.
He remains silent. You punch his arm again.
“I got nervous, okay!” he exclaims when you continue your assault on his limb but you don’t let up. You couldn’t hangout with Chaeryeong. The great part about the plan was that you handled the logistics and Beomgyu did the heavy lifting. You haven’t even talked to the girl.
“It hit me how weird it would be to just go up and ask her out when she only realised I existed, like, last week, so I turned it into a group thing. A couple of her friends are coming and, well, you—Stop hitting me!”
You stop punching him. “Why couldn’t you bring Taehyun or Kai with you?”
“Because Chaeryeong knows you, kinda. Same class and all. Also they would just make fun of me the whole time.”
“And I won’t?”
“Well, you will, but once you’ve had your fun you’ll help me.”
The worst part is that you know he’s right. Instead of responding, you turn on your heel and stomp your way to the quad.
“Where are you going!” Beomgyu yells.
“You owe me so much cake!” You flip him off over your shoulder, not bothering to look back. But, of course, he was following you anyway.
The movie everyone decides to see is the new Scream. By everyone you mean Chaeryeong, her friends and Beomgyu. He came to you with the suggestions and out of protest you refused to give your opinion. But it seems you spend too much time with Beomgyu because he chooses the exact movie you wanted to see anyway.
Saturday afternoon finds you and Beomgyu on the bus on your way to the mall where you will meet up with Chaeryeong and her friends.
The boy in question nudges your side for the fifth time in ten minutes. As part of your act of protest you had been sitting silently next to him, not engaging in any conversation with him. Which is effective because it seems all you do with him is talk.
“Y/N,” he sing-songs, jutting his finger in your stomach, “you can’t stay mad at me forever. It’s free snacks and a movie, which, by the way, I know you’ve been wanting to see.”
“I’m not mad at you, Beomgyu,” you sigh, slapping his finger away from you, bringing an end to your silent treatment. You can’t have him thinking this is a bigger deal than it is. Or worse: have him feeling bad. “It’s more the principle of the thing.”
“The principle,” he repeats, clearly not following.
You nod. “I have never had to interact with Chaeryeong before and now I’m being thrown into the proverbial deep end.”
It takes him a moment to fully understand what you’re saying. Then, “Oh, I get it—you’re nervous!”
Scowling, you clarify, “I never said that.”
“You have nothing to worry about! You just have to go there and charm everyone with your dry humour and worrying, yet endearing, pessimism and they’ll fall in love with you in no time.”
You don’t fail to notice the implications of his words. But you can’t afford to think about it so you don’t. You don’t say anything and let Beomgyu give you advice on how to not be nervous and just be yourself. Which is rich coming from him, because the moment you meet up with Chaeryeong, he freezes completely.
You sigh.
“Hey, guys!” she greets brightly, waving the two of you over when she catches sight of you. There are three other people with her, one being Keeho. You don’t know who the others are.
“Hi,” you say back. Beomgyu is still stock still next to you so you send an elbow to his stomach.
“Hi!” he finally squeaks out.
If Chaeryeong is confused she doesn’t show it. She turns to her friends. “Guys, this is Beomgyu and Y/N. Beomgyu and Y/N these are my friends, Keeho, Yeji and Theo.”
You all wave at each other before moving to buy snacks. You shoot Beomgyu a look that you hope reads Get it together, loser! but judging from the confused head tilt he sends your way, he doesn’t get the message.
The six of you move as a group into the cinema playing your movie and start looking around for the perfect place to sit. Settling on a row in the middle, all that’s left to do is sort out the seating arrangements.
“Y/N, where do you want to sit?” Chaeryeong asks politely.
“Uh…” It hits you again that you are here for Beomgyu. Choosing to sit next to him would limit or hinder him from sitting with Chaeryeong but you don’t really want to sit next to people you just met. Making up your mind with an internal groan, you lie, “Actually I forgot to buy skittles. So. I’m going to go get them. I’ll sit wherever when I get back.”
“You sure? We can always just save you a seat.” God, she was so nice. Why did she have to be so nice?
You shake your head. “Don’t worry about it, it’s okay.” You start making your way up the steps to the door.
“Oh, I’ll come with you,” Beomgyu states, following you up the stairs and you freeze.
“What are you doing?” you question when he reaches you.
He regards you with a funny look. “You don’t like ordering? I can go with you.”
Warmth erupts in your chest. “I don’t actually want skittles, I just said that so you could get a seat with Chaeryeong.”
“Now, how would that work?”
“Oh, shut up, go sit with her!”
He bites his lip. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll just stand by the door for two minutes or whatever.”
Beomgyu hesitates for a moment longer before nodding. “Okay. Okay, yeah, sure. Thanks.”
You don’t linger to see if he manages to snag a seat next to Chaeryeong, and just exit the cinema. True to your word, you only stand outside for a moment before you walk right back inside. Sitting in the aisle is Chaeryeong and right next to her… is Beomgyu. You don’t know how he pulled it off, but you feel a swell of pride in your chest.
There is a seat for you in between Yeji and Theo with Keeho at the end and you almost turn back on your heel to sit by yourself at the back. Squaring your shoulders, you walk to your seat and once you pass Beomgyu, he shoots you a secretive thumbs up that you return with your own, equally secretive and equally impressed.
“What happened to your skittles?” The boy named Theo whispers to you once you settle down and the lights dim.
“Oh, they ran out,” you lie easily, waving him off.
“Here,” Yeji says from your opposite side, holding out her own packet of sweets, “we can share.”
You smile gratefully and only after a split second of hesitation, you reach into the bag and pull out a sweet.
You sneak a few glances at Beomgyu throughout the duration of the movie to see how it’s going for him only to find him already grinning at you. Yeji whispers her thoughts to you and while you would usually be annoyed by that, you find that you don’t mind, because in the short time you’ve spoken, you find that she’s pretty cool.
By the time the movie ends and you all exit the mall, the sun has set and everyone is making plans to head back to campus. You and Beomgyu politely turn down Chaeryeong’s offer to drive you both back, insisting that you’ll be fine on the bus. As much as you enjoyed yourself, you can feel yourself getting drowsy and you don’t think you could handle spending more time with them without falling asleep.
“This was fun, we should do this again sometime!” As apprehensive as you were about it, you have to agree with Chaeryeong.
When you part ways, Yeji gives you a quick hug with a promise that you should text her and waves goodbye to you. You can’t help the smile that spreads on your face as you wave back. Beomgyu doesn’t comment on it but he just gives you a knowing grin. You merely flip him off and board the bus.
It’s late enough that there aren’t many people on the bus, so you get two seats next to each other with no problem.
“Well that wasn’t so bad,” Beomgyu says plopping down on the seat next to you. “Chaeryeong was basically talking to me the whole time.”
You nod half listening, eyelids heavy. “The movie was really good. And I guess the company wasn’t too bad.”
A cheeky grin spreads across Beomgyu’s face. “What I’m hearing is you had fun.”
You groan dramatically. “Hush, please, I’m way way too tired to engage in clever banter.”
Beomgyu laughs, but doesn’t say anything else after that.
You don’t remember falling asleep, but you must have, because when you reach your stop, Beomgyu is nudging you gently to wake you up. You groggily raise your head from where it was resting on his shoulder and look around trying to figure out where you were.
“Come on, Sleeping Beauty,” he says, helping you stand up and leading you out the bus.
The cool air of the night helps wake you up. You walk the rest of the way to campus in comfortable silence with Beomgyu.
“You’re going to be fine getting to your dorm?” he asks when you reach the point where you both part ways.
“Yes, dad.”
“Hey!” You snicker childishly. He rolls his eyes goodnaturedly before sobering. “Thanks for coming today,” he says seriously.
“You’re welcome. I…had fun.”
You’re not sure if it matters or what it even means if anything, but when Beomgyu hugs you goodbye, his lips brush against the top of your head for the briefest of moments, you can’t tell if it’s intentional or not.
It stuns you all the same.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Hanging out with Chaeryeong and her friends becomes such a common thing, you start reminiscing on the times when the only person who asked you to go out was Rina and it was your turn to take out the trash.
Chaeryeong likes going out. You have an invite to a new event almost every week. You have been out watching movies or eating or doing karaoke so much that one time Rina even asks if you’re in a cult. You say no, obviously, but sometimes it really feels like it.
Just yesterday, one of her friends suggested going to an amusement park for the day and Beomgyu was beyond nervous. Am I supposed to win her a prize? Would she want one from me? You have to come, Y/N, I can’t do this. You had fun, sure, none of these hangouts had been boring (Theo won the biggest and ugliest plush for you after you joked that you wanted it. You kept it on your bedside) but it’s the principle of the thing. You are pretty sure that being outside this often is not good for anyone.
And it is not good for you. After the third consecutive week of following Beomgyu around while he becomes friends with Chaeryeong, your battery for these social events has been tapped and you need time to yourself. So when Chaeryeong tells you that they’re going bowling that weekend, you lie and say you’re sick. That your roommate has the flu and you caught it from her, but you’re so sorry you can’t join. Chaeryeong tells you that it won’t be as fun without you and to get well soon and while you don’t buy the first bit, it warms you to know she cares. You almost feel bad for lying.
It’s the first Saturday you are spending on your own, in your dorm in almost three weeks, and oh how you missed your couch. Rina comments on this too, wondering why you aren’t with your “group” today. You just tell her that you wanted the day to yourself and so you asked for permission to skip the meeting.
Sometime during your rerun binge of Basketball Wives, there is a knock at the door. You hardly pay attention to it, far too caught up in the fabricated drama on your screen and leave it to Rina to go see who’s there. Probably one of your neighbours asking for eggs or something.
Rina leaves her spot in the kitchen and opens the door. “Uh, is Y/N here?” you hear whoever it is ask cautiously. That gets you curious. You pause your show and try leaning back on the couch to see who’s asking about you, but from your vantage point you can’t.
Rina does it for you. “Uh, who are you?”
“Oh, I’m Beomgyu. Choi Beomgyu?” Your eyes blow wide and you practically jump up from your spot on the couch. What was he doing here?
Rina doesn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “Oh, so you’re the boy Y/N—”
“—Okay! Enough of that!” You say jumping in before your roommate could embarrass you any further. Rina just smirks knowingly and moves out the way of the door. You take her place, staring up at the boy who is supposed to be bowling right now. He’s looking down at you, a slight smile playing on his lips.
“You’re sick?” He asks, tilting his head to the side, concern lacing his voice.
Your eyes furrow. “What? No. How do you know where I live?”
“You told me. When we were doing homework you got a text saying that the water pipes in the showers burst and you were all like ‘Fucking Kings Building fucking sucks! Fuck!’ Or something like that.” He shrugs, grinning.
You remember that day like it was yesterday. The building your dorm is located in is one of the oldest on campus. The only things about it that’s been updated are the furniture and accent pieces to make it look more modern, even though everything else about it is ancient. Including the plumbing.
The text came from the group chat your floor has. One of the girls was taking a shower when water started spraying everywhere. It took two weeks to fix. You had to walk all the way to the neighbouring building to wash. But it wasn’t yesterday.
“That was a month ago,” you inform.
He points to his temple. “I have a good memory.”
“Okay, but how did you find my dorm?”
“Lucky guess,” he says easily, although he looks shifty. Can’t look at you directly.
Your eyes widen in realisation. “Did you go knocking on people’s doors until you found me?” His silence and sheepish expression is answer enough for you. Your face threatens to break out in a grin but you hold it back. “Come in,” you say instead, opening the door wider for him to enter.
“What are you doing here?” you ask as he follows you inside.
“I thought you were sick and came to check on you. Turns out you’re just a liar.”
“But you’re supposed to be bowling.”
“So are you.”
“Didn’t feel like it. You don’t have to stay. As you can see I’m fine. You could probably still make it if you left now.” You hope he can’t tell that you don’t want him to.
“Nah,” he brushes you off shrugging. “Looks way more fun here.”
You try not to look too excited, and return to your seat. “Whatever.”
Beomgyu joins you on the couch, kicks his feet up like he’s been here before, immediately getting comfortable.
“What’re we watching?” he asks, pulling your laptop onto his lap.
“The lives of the wives of basketball players from Atlanta.”
“You can leave.”
“No, no, no,” he exclaims, backpedaling. His insistence to stay is cute. “I’m sure it’s super fun and interesting and—what was it you said about reality TV?—a great stress reliever. Well, I am just full of stress that needs to be released so press play.”
He stays over well into the evening, Rina migrates to join you in the living room and you switch to watching some drama that they both were looking forward to. Beomgyu gets along well with Rina and it shouldn’t be a big deal but it is. It feels like bridging a gap in your life you didn’t even realise there was.
Beomgyu almost falls asleep on your couch, too, but you kick him out telling him to go to his own room.
(“But I’m already here and your couch is way more comfortable than mine.” “Sleep on your bed, stupid.”)
The fact Beomgyu chose to be here, with you, instead of out wooing Chaeryeong, has you blushing all over again.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yeji is the one to text you about the party. Someone’s parents are out for the weekend meaning they have the house to themselves and of course throwing a party is the best way to celebrate the fact. Honestly, you’re more surprised that a college student still lives with their parents but whatever.
This party is significant, Beomgyu tells you, because Chaeryeong invited him personally. As far as he knows, the usual suspects are going, too, but Chaeryeong asked him to meet her there, save her a dance, which basically puts them at Step Four. You’re his good luck charm, he tells you.
Rina eyes you suspiciously when she sees you getting ready to head out. “Where are you going all dressed up?” she asks from your bedroom door.
You look down at your outfit of black jeans and a crop top and think you don’t look that different. Or spectacularly good. “A party,” you say.
She narrows her eyes at you. “Is Beomgyu going with you?” You sigh.
Ever since Beomgyu showed up at your dorm, Rina has not stopped badgering you with questions about him. What he’s like, what he studies, if you’re dating. (That last one landed her a cushion to the head.) You indulge her anyway and find that all those teen dramas might have been on to something when it comes to boy talk. It’s fun.
You spent most of your time complaining about him and find that the things that used to annoy you think are more endearing than anything. When you talk about him, Rina always gives you a funny look, the same one Taehyun gave you all those weeks ago, like she knows something you don’t.
“Yes, he is, and he’s coming to pick me up, too, so behave.”
Rina raises her hands in mock surrender “I will make myself scarce.” Then, seriously, “Have fun.”
Not ten minutes later, there is a knock on the door. You smooth out your clothes, checking yourself in the mirror, once, twice then finally exiting your room.
“Hey,” Beomgyu greets, when you open the door.
“Hi.” You don’t know how long you stay staring at each in your doorway, but it must be long enough for someone to clear their throats from behind you. “Let’s go,” you say, when you finally snap out of your daze, “I’m pretty sure Rina is watching us from the kitchen.” He laughs, nodding his consent and you follow out, closing the door behind you.
The two of you make your way to the bus stop together in comfortable silence. You’re always comfortable with Beomgyu, you find.
He’s the one to break it. He clears his throat awkwardly, turns to look at you, changes his mind and looks away, before looking again and averting his gaze. His nervousness is cute, you observe, although you don’t know what could make him nervous. It’s just you. He settles his gaze on a lamppost. “Uh, you look nice.”
You scoff lightly, endeared all the same. “I’m pretty sure I’ve worn this exact outfit in front of you before. I look the same.”
Beomgyu rounds on you suddenly. “Maybe you always look nice.” Where his newfound confidence comes from, you don’t know, but it makes something burn in your stomach. He is staring down at you, using his height to his full advantage. The light from the lamppost is all you have under the night sky and you are thrown for a loop at how gorgeous he was.
Part of you is grateful for the bus arriving just then, the screeching signaling it’s arrival taking you out of the spell you were under.
“The bus is here,” you inform, not sure why you’re whispering, even though Beomgyu probably knows. He hasn’t stopped looking at you, though.
Eventually he nods and moves away from you in a way that makes it look like it physically pains him too.
You don’t find any seats next to each other; there are a couple singles spread out here and there, but Beomgyu wants to be next to you. He grabs your hand with his own, pulling you close to his side as you stand, using your other hand to hold onto the bar above your head.
Your mind is still reeling from what happened outside, even though you don’t really know what happened. One moment, you were teasing him like you normally do and the next—
You think he might’ve—
You wanted him to—
“This is our stop.” Beomgyu’s voice shakes you out of your thoughts. You let him lead off the bus and you don’t have to walk far before you reach the house.
Music is blaring from the house, so loud you can hear it from the street. It only gets worse as you enter, the noise seemingly coming from inside your head.
You turn to Beomgyu. “You should go find Chaeryeong!” He doesn’t look like he hears you.
“I’m going to go find Chaeryeong!” he yells over the music and you nod. He pushes his way through the bodies and you remain in your spot. You look around the crowd, watching people dance to the music and find that if you’re to get through this, you’re going to need a drink.
It’s only been ten minutes since you’ve arrived, you nursing the same bottle of beer, when Beomgyu is emerging from the throng of people. He’s saying something. To you, you realise belatedly. The music is too loud to hear anything.
“What?” you yell back.
“Chaeryeong!” he starts, louder this time, “she’s not here!”
Your eyes go wide. The whole reason you were here is because you were banking on her being here. Now that she’s not, well. “What now?” you ask and Beomgyu can’t hear you. You lean closer to his ear and repeat your question.
It seems what you’re saying still doesn’t register and you’re about to ask for the third time when he grabs hold of your wrist and leads you through the crowd, deeper in the house. You want to ask what he’s doing but figure he won’t hear you anyway. There are less people here, though not by much.
It’s still impossibly loud, and Beomgyu seems to realise this at the same time as you, because before you can comment, he spies something by the wall—a door, you realise belatedly—and pushes you inside. He follows closely, shutting the door behind him, but underestimates the size of the room you are in and ends up chest to chest with you.
It must be a closet, you think. Far too small to be anything else. Beomgyu doesn’t step back.
“What were you saying?” His question makes you realise that it is significantly quieter in here, the music a soft thump muffled by the walls.
“Oh. Uh, I was just asking what now. Since Chaeryeong isn’t here.” Your words come out breathless, despite the fact that you have been standing still this whole time.
Beomgyu’s eyes search your face, for what, you don’t know. Your heart is pounding under his stare. Nervous, you realise. Beomgyu is making you nervous.
His eyes flick down your face for the briefest of moments and you think he might have been looking at your lips. But it happens too fast and the lighting is too dim to be able to tell.
A beat.
Then, “Do you want to dance?”
Dancing with Beomgyu consists primarily of swaying inappropriately to bass heavy music and standing stock still when people jump around too close to you. He smiles at you the entire time, face lighting up so bright it rivals the LEDs stuck on the wall. Yours is probably matching.
You’re in a limbo, it feels like. This moment is a liminal space and the only thing that exists is you, and Beomgyu, dancing together, while he stares at you like you are the only person in the world. The space in between something ending and something starting.
An almost.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Y/N’S NOTE: u’ll be fine
You have a problem.
A serious, life threatening problem caused by one long legged, pretty faced, chronically annoying yet eternally endearing boy. This problem has your stomach turning over and your chest erupting in warmth whenever you are in contact with said long legged, pretty faced, chronically annoying yet eternally endearing boy.
Rina says it’s a crush. Says that you like him, have for a long time but just didn’t realise. She also says I told you so, like she ever brought it up before so what exactly does she know?
You suppose, though, it makes sense. Suppose that you have been leaning into his touch more, lingering in his hold during hugs. Catching yourself smiling at him stupidly when he’s not looking.
God, you feel like Beomgyu when you first met him. Obsessed with the object of your affection. Except, obviously, you aren’t going to extreme measures to win them over. No, you plan on just letting it run its course until you eventually get over it.
(Although, according to Rina, you’re in too deep. There is no “getting over it”. It’s been too long and your feelings are probably much stronger than you realise. In simple terms: you’re fucked.)
((But she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, remember.))
Though, as of late, you suppose Beomgyu has been following your footsteps.
He hasn’t seen Chaeryeong, or talked to her as far as you’re concerned.
You figure he’s just nervous and you know you should give him some pep talk to inspire him and get him back on track with the plan, because doing otherwise and taking advantage of this would be selfish. Allowing your own personal feelings to affect how you help him wouldn’t be fair. But, as it stands, you are selfish. If only a little bit.
You don’t give him a pep talk, you don’t encourage him, in fact, you don’t even bring up the plan. Don’t even bring up Chaeryeong. And neither does he. So if Beomgyu wants to spend every waking moment with you, you can’t find it in you to deny him.
loser gyu: come over
ynie: hmmm no
ynie: uh huh
loser: DON'T BE LIKE THAT loser: i bought you cake
ynie: oh so u RLLY want me there huh? what's going on
loser: i need ur help w smth
ynie: do i have to get my hands dirty?
loser gyu: um loser gyu: not if u do it properly?
ynie: well my curiosity is piqued ynie: give me ten minutes
Arriving at his dorm, you don’t bother knocking and just let yourself in. “Beom?” you call out when you don’t see him immediately.
“Bathroom!” he shouts back.
You leave your things on the coffee table and locate your friend, stopping short when you see the state the bathroom is in. “What is happening?”
There are bottles and brushes on the counter, plastic bags and a bowl, too. A towel is laying across the floor, another draped over the back of a chair, and in the centre of this mess is Beomgyu.
Beomgyu has the decency to blush. “My highlights are fading.”
It is then that you notice that the bottles are hair dye and the plastic bags are actually gloves and it hits you what you’re here for.
You stare. “Did you make me come over here to redo your hair?”
“Depends on how you will react if I say yes.”
God, he was so stupid. You like him so much.
This time, you didn’t even need to watch a tutorial, going off memory from the first time. The colour comes out good, better, even, than the first time around. More yellow, too, something you know he’ll be happy about.
“Looks like you finally got to do that blonde,” you joke, dropping down onto his couch once you finished cleaning up the bathroom.
Beomgyu huffs out a laugh and sits down next to you. Right next to you. Which is normal for him but now that you are aware of your feelings (stupid parties and stupid roommates), you are keenly aware of all the points of contact between the two of you. His thigh against your thigh, his arm pressed up against yours.
You try to keep still, to limit your movements, lest he somehow figure out how much this simple contact is affecting you.
Throughout your inner turmoil, Beomgyu is oddly silent next to you. Gaze straight ahead at his collection of pictures. Pictures that now include you.
The two of you at the cafĂŠ, one of you when you fell asleep on the bus. Another of you two on this very couch where you had a marathon of old dramas and woke up with uncomfortable pains in your necks.
Beomgyu speaks up suddenly. “Do you think this plan is stupid?”
You look over at him curiously. “The Chaeryeong thing?” He nods. “Oh, yeah, terribly stupid. I’m pretty sure I’ve said so, too, when we were making it. Or maybe I just thought about it.”
He laughs. “I can vividly hear you saying it. Like, it’s exactly the kind of thing you would say.”
“Then I stand by my initial thought. It’s so stupid. But, it’s working. Who’d’ve thought?”
“You, of course.”
“Of course. I believed in this plan from the get go.”
“Just a ray of optimism.”
“That’s me. Optimism and positivity.” The two of you are a giggling mess on the couch by the end of your little bit. You wait until your laughter dies down to ask, “Why?”
He shrugs. “Just thinking. We started here, you know?”
“And how far we’ve come,” you muse, chuckling to yourself. You never would have expected to get this close to Beomgyu when you started this whole thing, let alone develop feelings for him. But, looking back on it, you guess it was bound to happen anyways.
“Do you think we should stop?”
Beomgyu’s sudden question brings you out of your musings. You shift on the couch so you’re facing him dead on. “What? Why?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment. He wrings his fingers, eyes flitting between his hands and your face. Then, “I saw Chaeryeong earlier.”
Your breath hitches. “Yeah?”
“She apologised. For missing the party. She had a lot of work to get done and forgot to text that she wouldn’t make it.”
“And nothing. I was like ‘Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry’. And she was ‘Cool’ and asked if we could go out later to make up for it and I said I’ll let her know. Then we stood there for a moment and then I just…left. Impulsively felt the need to dye my hair. Texted you.”
“Yeah.” Beomgyu leans back into the couch, releasing a breath.
You’re quiet for a moment, processing everything he’s told you. You scoff lightly, rolling your eyes. “Well, that was stupid.”
He snaps his head to you. “What?”
“She obviously wants to go out with you!” you explain. Beomgyu just stares at you. “You were supposed to agree and then go on a date—a real date—and then ask her out like ‘Oh, Chaeryeong, I’ve been obsessed with you since I came out the womb, will you be mine, rah rah rah’.”
The boy scoffs. “I do not sound like that. And also, that is a terrible way to ask someone out.”
“Well, what would you say, then?” you challenge, crossing your arms. This is dangerous territory you’re entering, but it’s too late to turn back now.
Beomgyu stares at you like you’ve grown two heads. “Are you serious?”
You shrug. “Yeah, since you know so much about romance. Pretend I’m Chaeryeong.”
And maybe there’s something to be said about you being selfish as well as a masochist. Because why else would you subject yourself to hearing the boy you like use you as a placeholder to confess to someone else? You get to pretend that he is talking to you, that his words are directed to you. But on the other hand? You know he isn’t.
Retribution, maybe, you think. For keeping him to yourself for so long.
Making up his mind, Beomgyu sits up straighter, mirroring your position to face you. “If you had told me three months ago you and I would be friends, I would have stared at you like you just told me you were from the future and walked away. But here we are, three months later, and you are probably the most important person to me in my life.”
He is not talking about you. You know. But he looks at you like he is.
“I don’t know how you became such a staple in my life but I’m so glad you did because I can’t imagine not knowing you. I’ve liked you for a while now, Y/N. Will you go out with me?”
Your breath hitches. It feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out. He’s staring at you intently. Like he is actually waiting for a response. Like he meant it.
“Chaeryeong,” you whisper. Beomgyu’s mouth falls open slightly, as if only now realising his slip up. “You mean Chaeryeong.”
“Other than that, that was good, yeah. You should, like, call her now. See if she’s still interested.” Standing up from the couch, you begin to collect your things, getting ready to leave.
You can make up for your selfishness like this. All he needs is a push.
Beomgyu stands up after you, following you to the door. “Y/N—”
You don’t look back. “Text me how it goes, yeah?”
“Y/N, wait—”
But you’ve already shut the door behind you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
This, you think, is the longest you’ve gone without seeing Beomgyu. Five hours of time to yourself watching your favourite bad TV shows with Rina out studying with some people from her class. You are by yourself in your dorm with nothing to do and no one to see for the whole day, just like old times.
It sucked.
You never realised how much you actually hated being alone until you weren’t anymore.
The day passes in a blur and you think about Beomgyu on his date with the girl of his dreams, then immediately try to think of something else. It doesn’t work very well. Because even before you started liking him, he was a staple in your thoughts.
Rina tries to distract you when she comes home. You don’t tell her what’s wrong but it doesn’t matter because apparently she can spot “boy problems” a mile away. She goes to bed, eventually, leaving you on the couch with only the company of your laptop and Tyra Banks.
You don’t know what you’re staying up for. Nobody’s coming, you’re expecting anyone to. It’s more hope than anything. But it’s late and he can text you in the morning and—
There is a knock at your door.
It can’t be. It isn’t.
It is.
Beomgyu is at your door, still dressed in his date outfit, slightly wrinkled button down paired with black jeans. “Hi.” He looks surprised to see you. “I didn’t think you’d be up.”
“You still came,” you point out.
“Hoped you were.”
Heart in your throat, you step aside to let him in. He’s nervous, you observe, playing with his fingers as he moves into your dorm.
You swallow. “How did it go?”
“She kissed me,” he blurts out and time seems to slow.
You become acutely aware of the space between you. Him standing by the door and you near the couch. You want to be closer. Don’t think you could handle it. “Yeah?”
Clearing your throat, you try plaster an encouraging smile on your face. “Well, there you have it. She likes you. Only thing left is for you to ask her to be your girlfriend.”
There is a moment where he doesn’t say anything. Just stands there. Then, “Y/N.”
Beomgyu pulls his bottom lip between his teeth nervously. “Do you want me to go?” he asks cautiously, eyes boring into yours. It looks like he’s about to take a step to you, body tilted in your direction, but he’s waiting. For your answer, you realise.
You think back to the party, from the bus stop to the party where the two of you danced together. How you wished that moment would last forever. How it felt like it would. But it didn’t. And the party came to an end and you were hit with the reality that was supposed to be Chaeryeong.
It was always supposed to be Chaeryeong.
“Yes,” you say. No. “You’ve got to finish the plan.” Please stay.
Beomgyu looks stunned. Opens and closes his mouth like he doesn’t know what to say. “The plan,” he says breathlessly, dazed. “Right,” this time with more conviction. “Okay, yeah. I’ll, uh, see you around.”
You give him a small smile, something you hope says You’ve got this! and not I don’t know what to do when you’re not around, please don’t go. You open the door for him, leading him out. He gives you one last glance before stepping out into the hallway.
He doesn’t say goodnight. Neither do you.
Turns out Rina was right. You were in too deep. And there was nothing you could do about it.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
BG’S NOTE: uh thanks
Y/N’S NOTE: ur welcome
“I’m surprised, really,” Yeji starts, from her place on your couch. “I could have sworn you guys were dating when we met.”
You nearly spill the coffee you were drinking all over yourself. “What?”
Yeji had invited herself over that morning, under the guise of catching up, then bombarded you with questions about why she hasn’t seen you around with your shadow (Beomgyu) lately. You don’t know why, but it led to spilling your guts to her about everything—the plan, your not planned feelings, pushing Beomgyu to Chaeryeong.
Yeji shrugs noncommittally. “Yeah, you guys are, like, all over each other, all the time, I just figured.” You’re sure you must look like she just told you she believes the Earth is flat with the way you are staring at her mouth agape but she pays you no mind. “And then we started hanging out more and Chaeryeong just wouldn’t stop talking about Beomgyu and I was stunned because, you know, I like you and think you’re cool and Girl Code and all that so I’m like ‘Dude, back off, don’t be a homewrecker’—”
This time you do spill your coffee. “You said what?”
“—and she was like ‘Oh, no they aren’t dating, don’t worry’. Now you can imagine how confused I was. But, I let it go because I know Chaer and she wouldn’t do that, but, I don’t know. Had this feeling in my gut. And now here you are telling me that I was, in fact, wrong and that this whole thing was planned. Crazy.”
At your silence and most definitely frazzled expression, Yeji winces sympathetically. “Too much at once?”
“A lot at once—You told Chaeryeong we were dating?”
“You guys sure act like it! Like, the amount of heart eyes that boy sends your way? Anybody could see he liked you.”
You cross your arms, frowning as you lean back into your seat. “Well, you got your facts wrong, clearly. Those were for Chaeryeong.”
Yeji sighs. “Remember when we went to that amusement park? And the guys were trying to win all those prizes?”
“Yeah, and Beomgyu was trying to win some for Chaeryeong.”
She waves you off with an eye roll. “He was and he did, and she appreciated it, by the way.” You scowl. She is undeterred. “Anyways, you and me were looking at, like, the big ones, the ones that need, like, a bajillion points, right? And you point at this giant, ugly as shit sloth as a joke and tell me that that’s what you want?”
You nod, confused as to what this has to do with anything. “And Theo won it for me.”
Yeji shakes her head. Your eyebrows furrow further. “I asked and he didn’t. Beomgyu did.”
You throw a cushion at her head. “Shut up.”
“I’m being serious!” she exclaims, dodging successfully. “He heard you say that you wanted and stayed back for twenty minutes trying to win that thing for you. Told Theo to pretend it was from him.”
You think back to the plushie in question, resting on your bedside table and try to imagine Beomgyu trying to win it for you. Try to imagine him hearing your offhanded comment, taking it seriously and spending all that time and shake your head to rid the thoughts. “Why would he do that?”
“Because he’s in love with you and is too stupid to see it? And you’re just as stupid for not seeing it either.”
You sputter to defend yourself. To defend Beomgyu. “That’s not-The plan-He can’t—”
“You can’t plan for feelings, Y/N. You shouldn’t try to.”
You go to argue again but decide against it. Instead you slide down the couch and hide your face in your hands. “So what do you want me to do?”
“Well, for one, get out of your head.” At that, the cushion you threw comes launching back and hits you square in the face. You release a string of curses that Yeji ignores. “Stop refusing the idea that Beomgyu might like you like you like him. After that? I don’t know. It’s kind of up to you.”
Yeji leaves soon after that, having a lesson that’s starting soon and you figure it’s time for you to head to your own, too.
Seeing Chaeryeong in class feels like a punch in the gut. She smiles when she sees you, waves you over to her table to talk but you can’t find it in you to do so.
You give a small wave in return but make a beeline for your desk. You ignore the frown she sends your way. The truth is, you’re not mad at Chaeryeong. You can’t be. It’s not her fault and she didn’t do anything except be super welcoming and nice. But, you can’t sit with her, not when your feelings are practically eating you up inside. Not when you don’t know if Beomgyu’s asked her yet.
If she said yes.
After nearly another hour feeling sorry for yourself, Ms Kwon lets the class out. You sling your bag over one shoulder and exit, barely looking up from the ground.
“Hey,” Beomgyu breathes out, standing right outside your class, like he always does.
You gssp softly, surprised to see him here. For you. “Hey,” greet back, adjusting the strap of your bag.
“How was class?”
“Fine,” you blurt out. You find that you can’t do the small talk. That you just want to know. “Did you talk to Chaeryeong?”
Beomgyu blinks. “Uh, yeah. I did.”
“Well what did she say?”
A breath. “That she likes me—which, I figured—and that, if it’s okay with me, she wants to keep hanging out as friends.”
It feels like the whole world has tilted on it’s axis. “What?”
“Gave me a hug for good luck, too.”
“For what?”
He shrugs, stepping closer. “Getting the girl.”
Your chest tightens. “Did you?” You hold your breath, afraid of the answer but needing to hear it anyway.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Another step. “You told me to go to Chaeryeong.”
You scan his face, hoping to find answers to the one question playing on loop in your head: What is going on? “I thought it was what you wanted. Still do, kinda. I’m confused.”
“I wanted you to tell me not to. To stay. With you.”
He chuckles softly, “Yeah.”
Talking to Beomgyu always came easy, too easy sometimes. You could talk for hours on end and never get bored. But now it feels like there aren’t any words in the world. Nothing you could say.
He does it for you. “If you don’t mind, I would like to cash in my question now.”
“Go ahead.”
“If this isn’t completely out of left field and I’m not reading this the wrong way, Y/N, would you like to go out with me? And then, I don’t know, if you don’t end up having a horrible time with me, go on another one? And another—a dozen preferably. And, hopefully, if after all that, you’re not absolutely sick of me, would you say yes to being my girlfriend?”
You blink once. Twice. Gasp. Then, “Oh my god.”
“You can be incredibly slow, you know that?” Beomgyu teases, smirking until you punch his shoulder, making him wince.
“I thought you were being friendly, you jerk!”
“Stop hitting me!”
You bring your arm back. You avert your gaze to somewhere over his shoulder, uncertainty and nerves washing over. “I haven’t had any in a while. Didn’t want to mess it up.”
His face softens almost impossibly so. “You couldn’t mess up anything with me. So…about that question?” That boyish nervousness is the only confidence boost you need to remember that this is Beomgyu. Your best friend. The boy you were in love with. (Maybe. It might be too soon to tell. It doesn’t matter.)
“Well,” you drawl and Beomgyu groans at your dramatics, “do I really have to wait till the twelfth date before I can be your girlfriend?”
Beomgyu pretends to think, smile beaming so bright it’s almost blinding. “I suppose we could knock it down to at least six. Minimum four.”
You hum in consideration, taking a step forward. “How about, one and a kiss?”
Before he can finish his question, you grab a fistful of his shirt and pull his lips onto yours, bag slipping off your shoulder. He’s stock still for a moment, stunned by the sudden movement, but quickly melts into the kiss.
His hands find your sides, running up and down your arms, pulling you closer. Your hold on his shirt releases as your body practically turns into a puddle. It’s all too much. Too much and not enough all at once. You want him closer, think anymore would make you combust.
Breathing, you remember belatedly, is a necessary thing. Reluctantly, you pull away from Beomgyu, resting your forehead against. He chases your lips once, twice and you giggle.
“No dates.” Beomgyu’s breath comes out ragged. “Let’s just kiss some more and I can be your boyfriend right now.”
You laugh loudly, attracting the attention of a few students. Beomgyu beams. He kisses you again, slower this time, softer. The urgency from the first one is gone, replaced with a gentleness that has you sighing into his mouth.
“You were right,” he says suddenly when you have to stop to breathe again. You tilt your head slightly confused. “Pretty fool proof plan.” Beomgyu grins at you wide and silly and you try your hardest to hold back from kissing it off his face.
(You do, anyways.)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
“So, I guess you fell for my charms after all, huh?”
“Oh my god, shut up.”
3K notes ¡ View notes
ijhyo ¡ 3 years
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what was supposed to be a fun weekend away with friends turns into a sinister game of hide and seek where their lives are on the line. trapped in a lake house cabin with only six hours on the clock, can y/n figure out who is behind the mask and manage not to get caught all before sunrise?
PAIRING. soobin x gn reader ; beomgyu x gn reader ; yeonjun x gn reader
GENRE. college au ; mystery ; thriller ; escape room ; angst ; horror ; humour
WARNINGS. swearing ; character death ; mentions of blood ; stabbing ; knives ; drinking ; joke about the devil
FEATURING. lia (itzy), sunghoon (enha), sumin + isa (stayc), jongho + yunho + wooyoung (ateez), kai + taehyun (txt)
A/N. it's starting yasss! laughs evilly. i want to say again that this isn't scary like i really don't think so 😭 i hope this good omg im not confident in my action writing skills (if u have read my other stuff u will see that i am a dialogue writer first and foremost). tell me what you think i am begging cries. okay bye now.
TAGLIST. @hyukaas @xysthe @tsupuffs @ren-chib @yjwfav @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fallingforhoon @fairybinie @enhacolor @cheorei @jjhmk @acciomylove @yeonjunsgf777 @soobin-chois @chosoluvr @odxrilove @soobisms @strawbrinkofdeath @etherealcherrie @maemarahuya @1-800-ryujin (send an ask to be added)
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Lia was late. You glance at the clock on your phone and see that ten minutes have passed since your agreed meeting time and your friend was nowhere to be found.
Not that this was surprising. Lia was always late. Chronically so, it seemed like sometimes.
For her birthday last year, you had thrown her a surprise party in your shared apartment and instructed her to be home by seven pm so you could “watch movies and do your nails to celebrate”. You had gathered all her friends in your small living room, hiding in plain sight waiting for her arrival. Thirty minutes turned into an hour before it was nine o’clock and half the guests had dwindled out, leaving their gifts and wishes with you.
When the birthday girl finally arrived at almost ten, she revealed that she got caught up in the dog park on her way home and kept asking what the party streamers on the ceiling were for. You ended up spending the night watching movies and doing your nails anyway.
All this to say, though, that Lia being late was not the point. Not entirely.
The two of you had started packing at the same time yesterday and yet, you were the only one ready, waiting on the sidewalk for your friend to emerge. Honestly, you didn’t know what she was packing that was taking so long but at this point you have learnt not to question it.
While mentally berating your friend, you were also compulsively checking the road for your ride. You haven’t gotten any other texts yet, and the fact that he could arrive at any moment was putting you slightly on edge.
You check your phone. Twenty minutes. God, where the hell was Lia?
Speak of the devil and she shall appear, apparently. Stumbling out of your apartment building lobby is Lia, lugging an inappropriately massive suitcase behind her. It makes you look down at the school issued duffel bag you have slung over your shoulder and wonder what she could have possibly brought.
You watch as she struggles getting through the doors with her bag, holding back a laugh because you are supposed to stern in this situation.
She makes it eventually and joins you on the sidewalk. “I’m late, I’m late, I know! You have no idea how difficult it was fitting those Stephan King novels in here on top of the hairdryer.”
You squint your eyes at her. “What do you need Stephan King novels for? And what do you need a hairdryer for? In fact, why do you have so much stuff? We are staying over for two nights, not moving in.”
Lia waves off your questions with a simple wag of her finger in your face. “Remember, I am doing you a favour by coming along to your nerd weekend, do not make me go back upstairs and unpack.”
Raising your hands in mock surrender, you drop it, even though you know that Lia wouldn’t leave you. After being assigned as roommates in your freshman year, the two of you had been inseparable. You didn’t do anything without the other; trying out clubs; pledging a sorority and subsequently not making it in; helping each other study for tests on subjects you weren’t even taking. You’re pretty sure you could ask Lia for anything and she’d agree, and vice versa.
You check the road again, as if in the few minutes you have been talking to Lia, a car has driven by and parked and you hadn’t noticed. Lia sees your looking and follows suit, eyes narrowed at the cars whizzing past.
“Where is your boyfriend anyway? Questioning me when our ride isn’t even here yet.”
“He is not my boyfriend,” you correct even though you can feel your face heat up despite the cool breeze blowing and Lia simply raises a disbelieving eyebrow that you ignore. “And I told him he could go fill his tank before he got here because somebody was taking her sweet time.”
Your mind wanders to the texts exchanged between you and Soobin just a few minutes before. He had texted you to say that he was only five minutes away and asked if it’d be okay to stop at a gas station on your way to the lake.
Thinking about your friend who was still in her room, probably running around grabbing different shirts and shoes in a haste, you instruct him to just change his direction. You didn’t know what you would do if he had arrived without Lia being there and how long you would have to talk to him alone.
You have known Soobin for two years now, meeting when you both were sophomores, now being seniors, and in all that time, you never really hung out just the two of you. You were always with other people, other friends and while the thought of finally spending some time alone with Soobin excites you, it scares you shitless, too.
Lia opens her mouth to make a retort, but is interrupted by the loud roaring of a car engine. The two of you turn your heads to the road to find a vehicle speeding its way towards the two of you. As it nears, you can make out the familiarity of the model and colour, and your heart races in expectation.
The car comes to a stop a little ways ahead of you and out steps the boy of your constant musings. “Were you guys waiting long?” Soobin looks like the lead out of a drama, leaning against the roof of the car, a perfect picture of charm and confidence.
“Nope,” you manage out, smiling up at him. “Right on time.” Lia elbows you in your side.
Soobin rounds the car and joins the two of you on the sidewalk. “Hey,” he greets looking at you and you smile in response.
“Hi, Lia, nice to see you, too,” your friend mutters bitterly and Soobin has hung out with her long enough to know she’s just kidding.
He laughs and turns to her. “It is nice to see you.”
She rolls her eyes despite the smile on her face. Lia has always said that Soobin was just too hard not to like. He was polite and friendly and always brought her back pastries from his trips to the café. “Yeah, yeah, can you help me with this?”
Without a second thought, Soobin lifts up Lia’s suitcase to put it in the boot with a huff. “Jesus, what do you have in there?”
“Essentials,” is all she says before walking around the car and getting in.
“Let me get that,” he says, gesturing to your duffel bag and you shake your head.
“It’s not that heavy, honest, you don’t have to help.”
“I want to.” He smiles earnestly and it throws you off so much, he is able to take the bag from your shoulder and put it in next to Lia’s.
“Okay,” you say, half in a daze. You make your way to the passenger seat, seeing as Lia has already made herself comfortable in the backseat, laying across all three, Soobin’s smile still on your mind.
He climbs into the driver’s seat and the next thing you know, you are on your way. “You guys excited for this weekend?”
Lia scoffs lightly. “I think only one of us is excited for this weekend,” she says nodding her head in your direction and Soobin laughs.
You know she’s right but you put your face in your hands at the call-out all the same. Soobin and Lia just laugh more. It’s no secret that you are obsessed with games and riddles alike, you being able to turn almost anything into a competition and never backing down from a bet.
So when Soobin told you about the weekend trip he was planning where you would be playing games each night, you agreed to attend before he even got the chance to formally invite you. A weekend away with the boy you’ve liked for months now doing your favorite thing in the world? Of course you would be excited.
You drive for hours, the sun fully sunk behind the horizon, the stars glowing in the sky. The further you get from the city, the thicker the trees get around you.
Eventually, the smooth road you were previously driving on, turns into a bumpy gravel one, winding through trees and over rocks. You can see the lake through the gaps in the passing trees and think fleetingly about how you need to go out to see it with Lia sometime.
The car comes to a slow, pulling into a driveway, the house where you would be staying coming into view.
“Oh my god,” you mutter in disbelief, staring out your window.
Lia is just as shocked as you. “We’re staying here?”
Soobin nods once, turning the engine. “Welcome to Hotel Choi.”
The house is a massive three storey, maybe bigger than that, brown wooden building. There are four balconies that you can see, two one either side. Light shines through the two dozen or so French windows and looking through them you can see that the source is from multiple chandeliers.
Honestly, it looks more like a castle than a house. And you had it for the whole weekend.
Soobin takes both your bag and Lia’s to the door and leaves you two staring up at the house that is practically looming over you.
“Soobin is rich,” Lia says matter-of-factly.
“Yep,” you say dumbly.
“Like, Y/N, he is rich.”
“We have established.”
“Oh my god.”
“You guys coming?” Soobin calls out from the front door and snaps you out of your stupor.
Somehow, the inside is even more impressive than the outside. A staircase greets you, reaching the second floor before splitting off in two directions. The chandelier you saw from outside hangs above your head in its full glory and looks impossibly large.
To your left was the living room, large and cozy with three couches and chairs and a fireplace. The hearth is burning, warmth hitting you the further you pass into the house. A TV is mounted above it, off for now and you have a sneaking suspicion that this isn’t the only one in the house.
There are three people sitting on the couches, though you can’t make out who they are just yet.
On the right is the kitchen, separated by a wall that stops just so you can see the island and stove. Even still, you know it is just as big as everything else in the house.
You turn to Soobin. “When you said lake house, I thought you meant a little, modest cabin. Not Bill Gates’ vacation house.”
“Nah, Billy prefers Jeju Island. Seoul isn’t really his thing,” Soobin jokes and you huff indignantly.
“I’m being serious! You didn’t tell me you were, like, rich.”
He tilts his head faux innocently. “Oh, did I forget? I could have sworn I had. I usually do when I meet someone for the first time.” You cross your arms unimpressed and he sputters before defending himself. “What was I supposed to say? ‘Hi, I’m Choi Soobin, I’m a sophomore and my parents are extremely and grossly wealthy. Would you like to get coffee?’”
A pause. “I’d probably think you’re a liar or some pretentious douche.”
“See? Exactly what I was avoiding.” He cracks a cheeky smile then grows serious. “You’re not mad, though, right?”
You think about the Soobin who gave you five dollars when you were short at the café the first time you met and how he continued to be just as kind and caring as that day for the rest of the time you’ve known him and suppose that he is the same, just, now you know he has money.
You sigh, shaking your head. “No, just surprised, I guess. Like, if this is just your lake house, I’m a little scared to imagine what your actual house looks like.”
He smirks. “I’ll show you sometime.”
The way his lips curl is enough to temporarily short circuit your brain. You avert your gaze to a spot just above his shoulder, flustered. “Speaking of sometime, is this the day I finally get to meet your elusive friends?” Taehyun and Kai are two of Soobin’s closest friends and yet, for some reason, you have never met them before. They were always busy when you were free and vice versa.
He talks about them all the time and that only spurs your curiosity to actually see what they are like yourself. If Soobin gets along well with your best friend, who’s to say you won’t with his?
Soobin groans dramatically. “I wish. They were supposed to be here but Kai’s parents had a yacht party to host and Taehyun went with him. I really wanted tonight to be the day you guys met.”
“Yacht parties,” you repeat, turning the idea over in your head. “Because that is a totally normal and regular thing for the middle class person to do.” Soobin scratches the back of his neck sheepishly and you get the feeling that Kai and Taehyun are not middle class. “Are all of your friends as rich as you? Like, do they all have to show their credit scores before joining?”
“It’s more of an upfront payment thing, actually.”
You laugh at his joke and make to quip in response, but are interrupted.
“Hey, Soobin!” you turn at the sound of your friend’s voice to see her standing at the foot of the stairs. “Where are we sleeping?”
“Yeah, stop flirting and host!” one of the people from the couch, Sumin, teases. You remember from the volunteer group you and Lia had to participate in for a month after you accidentally defaced one of the school statues for a bet. Sumin was the leader, if memory serves right.
The comment has you ducking your head shyly, face heating up. Soobin, ever the charmer, just smiles good-naturedly. “The rooms are upstairs to the left, you can pick any empty one you’d like.”
At that, Sumin stands up and gives Soobin a mock salute before grabbing her things and her friends and climbing the stairs. “See you later,” Soobin says to you with a smile and you nod, returning it, before joining Lia.
It is a feat lugging Lia’s suitcase up the dozens of steps, but the two of you eventually make it. Looking down at the first floor, you feel like you’re on top of the world.
Lia leads you down the hallway to the left, passing photo frames of what you think is Soobin and his family. There are doors on either side of you and you leave it up to your friend to pick one knowing it won’t matter much, all the rooms had to be good choices regardless of where they were.
She pulls open a door on the right, picking a room near the end of the hall and stops dead in her tracks when she sees what’s inside.
Curiously, you peak over her shoulder to see what the fuss was about. “What is—Holy shit.”
The room is huge. Two queen sized beds with matching bedside tables and lamps fit comfortably with space to spare for a vanity table and chest of drawers. There is another door inside the room and you almost scream at the possibility. An attached bathroom?
“Y/N,” Lia breathes out clearly blown away by everything she has seen so far.
You release your own breath. “Yeah?”
“You have to marry him. Like propose. Tonight, preferably.”
You snort though you don’t dismiss the idea entirely. The two of you walk in finally, placing your bags on the floor and claiming the beds. Lia flops down on the one closest to the window with a sigh.
“Can’t believe this house is being wasted on a game night.”
You lay down next to her, shrugging. “I think it’s gonna be fun.”
She snorts. “Course you do, nerd. Unfortunately I find no joy in competition and am going to wither away in boredom while you have the time of your life.”
“Not with those novels you brought,” you point out.
A sigh. “You’re right. Guess this won’t be a total bust.”
Reluctant to move from the comfortable bed, you push yourself up. “Let’s go downstairs, I’m thirsty.” You hold out your hand which Lia takes, standing up as well with a grunt.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs,, Lia turns to you. “I’m gonna go talk to Sumin, can you get me something, too?”
Passing by the living room, you see that more people have arrived and are milling around and talking to each other. You recognise one of the new arrivals as Wooyoung who was in your Statistics class in your first year. Lia makes her way over to where Sumin is talking to those other people, who you can now identify as Isa and Jongho.
The kitchen is just as big as you expected it to be. There are two fridges on either side of the stove, cabinets and drawers lining the walls. You could probably host a dinner party just inside her, forget the living room. And the dining room that you haven’t seen. Hidden next to the second fridge, you almost wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t for the fact that you actively taking everything in, is a door. You don’t know what it is for and find that those two drinks for you and Lia is more pressing business.
Pulling open one of the fridges, you grab two cans of beer and shut the door. Turning to go back to your friend, you bump into someone who was trying to pass you.
“Oh, sorry!” you exclaim, jumping back in surprise. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you okay?”
The boy—cute boy, your brain supplies unwarranted—waves you off goodnaturedly. “Yeah, don’t worry about it—Y/N?” He’s staring at you like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. It makes you squirm nervously.
His face lights up. “No way! It’s Beomgyu! Choi Beomgyu, from middle school.”
Your eyes widen once the recognition hits and you nearly drop the cans you were holding. “Oh my god, what the fuck? What are you doing in Seoul? How do you know Soobin?”
The last time you had seen Beomgyu, you were fourteen and moving to Seoul with your parents. You had both been distraught about having to be separated from each other but eventually, after weeks turned into months without seeing one another, it got bearable, until Beomgyu became just another face from your childhood.
Seeing him now, though, it was like you never left.
He grins that cheeky grin you remember from your time as children and it brings an odd sense of comfort. “Transferred to BigHit last year. We stay on the same floor.”
“How did I not know you moved to my school?”
“Well it’s not like I knew you were going here either, now did I?” he retorts.
You roll your eyes fondly, smiling sincerely. “It’s good to see you, Beom.” You knock his shoulder once with yours before leaving him in the kitchen.
Joining Lia on the couch, you hand her her drink which she accepts, eyeing Beomgyu curiously. “Who was that?”
“Beomgyu, we used to be friends in middle school but then I moved. I had no idea we went to the same school now.” You still can’t believe how things worked out for the two of you, to meet at a random party years after you lost contact. You had to get his number before the weekend was up.
Soobin claps loudly from on top of a coffee table in the middle of the floor, causing the chatter to quiet down. “Everybody! It’s ten o’clock, and we’ve got a round of beer pong and charades set up. Split up into teams and let the games begin!”
A round of cheers erupt around the living room, including from you. You can’t stop the excitement practically coursing through you. Aside from seeing Soobin and the knowledge that you would be sleeping in the same house as him, this was what you came here for.
You chose to start with beer pong with Lia because Y/N, if I’m getting through this night, I need alcohol. You roll your eyes at her antics and don’t hold back from saying I told you so when you see her having fun and high fiving Sumin when she gets a ball in the cup.
Playing Twister, you go against Isa and Jongho and Wooyoung. Wooyoung gets out after his third spin when he had to tuck his hand under his right leg and Isa’s and she managed to knock him over. Ten minutes later and it is just you against Jongho on the mat. It doesn’t take much to beat him, just a very strategically placed leg that has him wobbling trying to get over.
You continue to catch up with Beomgyu during the times where you weren’t playing and introduce him to Lia, too. You are introduced to the rest of the party goers. Jung Yunho came with Wooyoung and is scarily good at Uno. He also brought pizza and beer, so you think he’s pretty cool. Park Sunghoon came on his own but knows Isa from one of the classes they share together. And Soobin—
Is terrible at charades. Paired up with Yunho, the two of you absolutely wipe the floor with Soobin and Sumin. Whenever the two of you were up against each other to describe the same word or guess, you would always get it before he did.
While the two teams, Lia and Isa against Sunghoon and Wooyoung, prepares to start their round, you quietly excuse yourself to get some fresh air outside. Between the fire that was still going and all the games you’ve been playing, you could do with the cool air.
Stepping out onto the patio, you take in the view of the lake and everything surrounding it. The house was perched at the top of an incline, looking over the lake. The moon reflected across the water was such a sight to look at and you wish you hadn’t left your phone inside so you could take a picture.
Movement catches your eye from across the lake. You squint to get a better look. A figure moves in the dark. From your vantage point, you can’t tell what—or who—it is or where they’re going.
“Sick of games already?” You don’t hear Soobin walking out to join you until he is taking a spot next to you. “Didn’t think that was possible.”
“No,” you clarify. “Just need a break from kicking your ass,” you tease, shoving his shoulder lightly and he barks out a laugh. Staring ahead again, you sigh. “This view is—Wow.”
“Yeah,” Soobin agrees, leaning his arms on the railing, looking out at the lake.
“Do you have any neighbours?” You ask, thinking about what you saw earlier.
Soobin shakes his head. “Not for miles. Good for privacy. When you run out of eggs? Not so much.”
At the mention of privacy, it hits you that this is the most alone the two of you have been before. You chuckle awkwardly, trying to keep the nerves out of your voice. “Thanks for inviting me. I’m having a lot of fun.”
“Well that’s a relief. I planned this whole thing for you.”
He looks like he regrets saying anything in the first place but only hesitates a moment before sighing. “It’s going to sound super pathetic, I know, but I know how much you love games so I kind of set this all up with you in mind.”
This stuns you into stillness. “Really?”
“There were supposed to be more people here but convincing people to spend a weekend away for Snakes and Ladders doesn’t really go over well.”
“It’s fine,” you reassure, laughing at the thought of Soobin trying to get people to come this weekend. “It’s perfect, really. Thank you.” Again, you are hit by the knowledge that you are alone. There are people just a wall away, sure, but Soobin’s sole attention is on you. He did this whole thing for you. “Can I ask why, though?”
He looks at you with a shy smile, and the sight makes your heartbeat stutter, then pick up twice as fast. Before he can say anything, though, an alarm blares through the entire house, so loud, the sound rattles around your head. Frantically you press your hands over your ears to try to lessen the noise, and it works though not by much.
“What’s going on?” you yell to Soobin over the ringing and he just shrugs, seemingly as confused as you are. Hands covering his own ears, he motions with his head to follow you back into the living room. The rest of the guests have abandoned their games and are standing in similar positions to, trying to block out the ringing.
You immediately cross over to Lia when you catch sight of her and Soobin follows behind you. Just as suddenly as it started, the alarm stops, leaving behind a faint ringing in your ears.
“What the hell, Soobin?” Sunghoon asks.
The boy in question just sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know, man.”
Feedback whines through the surround sound system connected to the house. “I hope you have been having a good time so far,” a voice booms out from the speakers. Everyone’s head snaps up, trying to find the source to no avail. “It’s about to get better, and the stakes are about to get higher.” Whoever was talking was using a modifier, their voice coming out too gruff and tiny and to be normal.
“What’s going on?” you hear someone whisper. You were thinking the same thing, and with the quick glances you took to Soobin, it seems he was, too. Which you don’t really get, seeing as this was his party.
“Welcome, players, to the final game of the night: Hide and Seek.”
Murmurs go up around the room. You nudge the boy next to you slightly. “Are we really going to play that?”
Soobin glances down at you, and admits seriously. “I honestly have no idea what is going on.”
“Gonna beat you anyway,” you say cheekily.
“The rules are simple,” the voice says, grabbing everyone’s attention again. “Stay hidden until sunrise and you win. If you get caught, you’re out. You can hide anywhere in the house, but going outside is strictly off-limits. You will get a hundred second head start before the game starts. Good luck.” The speaker crackles with finality.
Silence. Then, “You can’t be serious.” You turn to Lia who looks like she would rather be anywhere else. “Who plays hide and seek for six hours?”
“She’s got a point.” This time it’s Beomgyu who speaks up. “Soobin, we don’t actually have to do this, right?”
“Guys, this isn’t my game,” Soobin announces which raises some eyebrows. “Somebody must have gotten into the media room and said all that.”
You try to think of a reason why anyone would want to do that and come up blank. You should probably be more concerned about somebody potentially breaking in and forcing you into a game but you have never played hide and seek on this scale before and besides, Soobin doesn’t seem all that concerned himself. So— “A game’s a game, right?” you say, addressing everyone. They all look at you, unreadable expressions on their faces. “It could be fun. And we could always end it early if it gets too boring.”
You don’t know how much time has passed but, looking at the clock, you see that there are a few seconds until midnight. The game was going to start soon.
Nobody makes a move to do anything and you almost resign to the fact that you won’t get to play when Lia sighs heavily. “You owe me so bad.” You grin wildly at your friend and throw your arms around her neck, pulling her into a hug.
At that, everyone seems to decide to give the game a chance and play. Wooyoung and Yunho run off somewhere upstairs. Sumin leaves by herself and Isa and Jongho take off in the direction of one of the guest bathrooms. You don’t see Beomgyu anywhere.
“Y/N,” you look down to see Soobin holding your wrist. “Hide with me?”
You almost do. His pleading eyes boring into yours, and you hate to turn him down. “I’m hiding with Lia. And besides, I can’t beat you if we’re together,” you add the last bit teasing and he cracks a wry grin before reluctantly releasing your hand.
The warmth of his hand doesn’t leave your wrist.
You turn back to Lia and run off together in the direction of the kitchen. You remember the door you saw in there and hope that whatever it is, it’s going to be big enough to fit the both of you.
The last thing you hear before you shut the door behind you both, is the voice from earlier coming from the speakers. “Ready or not…here I come.” The microphone clicks.
The room you end up in is shrouded in darkness, you can’t even tell what it is. Lia pats the walls on either side of you until she finds what she is looking for and flips a switch. The room erupts in light.
The first thing you notice is that this is not a normal room. It’s a cellar. The second, you are standing at the top of a staircase.
Lia whistles. “How big is this place?”
The two of you descend the stairs and find yourselves in where the Choi family stores their wine. Two wine racks are in the middle of the floor, full of different bottles.
“Do you think Soobin will mind if we open one?” Lia muses inspecting each bottle carefully.
“You don’t like wine,” you point out and Lia flips you off.
“This is crazy, right?” she asks while looking around the room. “Like how big this house is. How rich Soobin is?”
“I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Do you think his great grandfather did something weird a hundred years ago? Secured all this money by making a deal with the devil or something?”
You blink slowly. “I think somebody has read one too many Stephen King books.”
“Maybe so. Lots of stories about crazy rich people, though.”
“Like Crazy Rich Asians?”
Lia goes quiet. “Fair enough,” she concedes and you snort. Lia exhales heavily. “Now what?”
“Now…” you start, sitting down against the winerack, making sure you are hidden from view from the stairs, “we wait.”
Your friend groans.
The clock ticks and minutes pass. You wonder if anyone else has been caught yet. It’s a big house and there’s only one seeker. You don’t think they could have found anyone so soon.
“I can’t do this,” Lia announces suddenly. She pushes herself off the ground and paces the room. “Like, if we’re going to be down here the whole time, I need my book before I descend into insanity.”
She walks along the walls, hands pressing against the brick, it almost looks like she’s hugging it. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to see if there’s another door here. Rich people’s houses always have secret doors.”
The accuracy of her statement seems a bit off and you say so. “Yeah, but not in the cellar—” A click. A narrow door opens slightly, triggered by the pressure Lia applied to it. It leads to a hallway that splits two ways, the right side should take you back to the main house. Huh. “I stand corrected.”
Lia nods determinedly. “Okay, I’ll be back.”
“Wait, Lia—”
“Relax, Y/N, I promise I’m not going to try and get caught on purpose. I’m just going to go grab my book and come back. In and out. Like a spy.”
You are apprehensive but give in eventually with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll be waiting.”
To her credit, Lia does peak her head out and look both ways before she slips out the room and to the right. You sigh. You don’t know how long you sit there by yourself before you start to get antsy. Lia should be back by now.
The door creaks open from above the stairs.
Your head snaps up, trying to see who it is from behind your hiding place. You peak your head around the wooden wine rack and make out a pair of legs from the top of the stairs. The person descends slowly.
You are going to be so pissed if you should have followed Lia outside.
It’s one of the boys from the party. Sunghoon.
Emerging from your hiding spot, you make your presence known. “Are you the seeker?” you ask suspiciously.
Sunghoon startles but regains his composure quickly. He shakes his head. “No, but they’re right outside so we should probably go.”
“I saw them snooping around the living room and kitchen then saw this door and came to hide. Won’t be long before they get the same idea, so depending on how seriously you are taking this game, we should go.”
You hesitate, shaking your head. “I can’t, I’m waiting for—”
“Suit yourself.” Sunghoon has already pushed past you to the wall. “Is there another way out of here?”
You watch as he goes through the same process Lia did and think about how you can’t just leave your agreed meeting spot. But, if the seeker is right outside, you can’t just stay here to potentially be caught without her.
Getting rid of any doubt, you press against the same spot Lia did and watch as the secret door clicks open. Sunghoon merely raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.
The two of you slip through the door, and shut it quickly behind you. Thinking of Lia, your initial plan is to walk towards where the rooms should be so you can meet up with her halfway, but Sunghoon points out that that’s probably where the seeker will be looking next and leads the two of you to the left, deeper into the house.
You hope Lia doesn’t come this way.
“Where were you hiding before this?” you whisper, the eerie silence of the house putting you on edge. The seeker could be anywhere.
“Behind the curtains in the living room.” You raise your eyebrows at that and Sunghoon sighs exasperated. “Don’t judge me, I wasn’t really trying.”
Out of everyone this evening, he did seem to be the least interested in playing the games. “What did the seeker look like?”
“All black cloak. Like, some Dungeons & Dragons shit. Didn’t see their face though.”
A cloak? Was their identity a secret, or something? Did it matter? “Who do you think it is?”
“Honestly, thought it was you for a while,” he admits and that gives you pause. “You were, like, way too oddly excited to play so I just figured.”
“That’s…actually pretty fair.”
Sunghoon chuckles mirthlessly. You reach the end of the hallway where it turns to the left abruptly. You both come to a stop. You don’t know what part of the house you are in, don’t know where turning the corner will lead, how far away it will take you from Lia.
The boy you’re with whispers, “I’ll check if the coast is clear,” and you nod. He inches closer to the corner, head sticking to inspect what is there. You watch with bated breath as he disappears from view.
There is a sharp intake of breath.
“Sunghoon?” you whisper, concerned. He doesn’t respond. You wonder what he sees, if it’s a dead end. Or the seeker.
Suddenly, he staggers back, hitting the wall behind him.
“Sunghoon, what…” your words die on your lips when your eyes trail down his body and find his hand gripping his side.
Shakily, he pulls his hand away. Your breath hitches.
Sunghoon’s eyes meet yours, scared and blown wide. You try to move. To run or to help, you can’t tell, but your feet are frozen.
A shadow is cast over Sunghoon’s body. It grows larger. You don’t know how long you have been holding your breath. Something metallic glints in the light.
A knife. In blood.
The sickening realisation hits you like a punch in the gut. Sunghoon had been stabbed.
A cloaked figure emerges from around the corner. Head to toe shrouded in black fabric, Sunghoon’s assailant is, you realise with sinking feeling in your gut, the seeker.
They raise the knife again. You should look away. You don’t want to see this. Your eyes are locked onto Sunghoon’s. He’s crying.
At the sound of the weapon piercing the boy’s flesh, bile creeps up your throat. You will your body to move, your mouth to scream, but it feels like you aren’t in control anymore. Like you are floating above somewhere, staring at yourself, but can’t do anything.
They pull the knife out. “Gotcha.” That distorted voice, sinister in its inflection, turns your stomach over.
You turn on your heel. And run.
Sunghoon was out.
Sunghoon was dead.
281 notes ¡ View notes
ijhyo ¡ 2 years
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what was supposed to be a fun weekend away with friends turns into a sinister game of hide and seek where their lives are on the line. trapped in a lake house cabin with only six hours on the clock, can y/n figure out who is behind the mask and manage not to get caught all before sunrise?
PAIRING. soobin x gn reader ; beomgyu x gn reader ; yeonjun x gn reader
GENRE. college au ; mystery ; thriller ; escape room ; angst ; horror ; humour
WARNINGS. character death you know the drill ; injuries ; blood ; swearing ; stabbing ; vomit
A/N. MY BAD 😭 i was just terribly busy with school stuff and didn't have time to write this but i WAS able to start with chap 4 so that should come out at the end of the week! its a little terrible for yn in this chap auurr
TAGLIST. @hyukaas @xysthe @tsupuffs @ren-chib @yjwfav @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fallingforhoon @fairybinie @enhacolor @cheorei @jjhmk @acciomylove @yeonjunsgf777 @soobin-chois @chosoluvr @odxrilove @soobisms @strawbrinkofdeath @etherealcherrie @maemarahuya @1-800-ryujin @wisecheesecakecloud @fairyofshampgyu @i-haewon @cottontvil @minthicons @bettyschwallocksyee @glyxiebear @calumsfringe @luvrboygyu (send an ask to be added)
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Beomgyu is distracting.
More specifically, his back is distracting.
Following him through the narrow passage, it is the only thing you can see in front of you. No longer was he the lanky, long limbed boy you knew from your childhood. He’s grown into his arms and legs, taller than most of the people at the party. He’d grown in other areas, too, his shoulders broader than you remember them, biceps flexing with each swing of his arms and it was driving you crazy.
You try to remind yourself of the simple facts:
One, you liked Soobin. He is a sweet boy who is probably worrying himself sick about you right now.
Two, at this point in time, Beomgyu was your top suspect of people involved in this game in the first place. There is a possibility that he is leading you to your death right now.
Three, he was really cute now. Maybe he always was and you were blinded by the fact that he was your best friend to ever realise it before. But now he’s older and, well, hot.
And he called you pretty and—
“Is Sunghoon the only one?”
At his sudden question, you snap your head up and away from his back, shaking your head free of your thoughts. “What?”
“You said Sunghoon was…dead. Is he the only one?”
You swallow. “No. Isa, too.”
Beomgyu thinks on that for a moment. “They were friends, right?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Just thinking. Who are Isa’s friends?”
“Sumin and Jongho—Why are you asking this?” His questioning feels weird, feels wrong. He should be more interested in trying to figure out who the killer is not who is getting killed.
“Do they know she’s dead? Were they together?”
“Does it matter?” you grit out, balling your hands up into fists.
He hums, waving a dismissive hand. “Maybe. Just thinking, forget it.”
The way he brushes you off angers you more than you’d care to admit. “This isn’t a game, you know.”
He turns and gives you a cheeky grin over his shoulder. “Hide and Seek, remember?”
“Fuck you, Beomgyu. People are dying right now, and we might be next.”
When he notices that you don’t find the situation as funny as he does, Beomgyu’s face falls slightly. “I was kidding. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
He takes a step towards you and you take two back. “Whatever. How much longer?”
“Should be up ahead.” He looks like he wants to say more but he settles for just biting his lip and turning back around.
True to his word, after five more minutes of walking in silence, you find a door similar to the one Lia found in the cellar. Cautiously, Beomgyu opens the door enough to poke his head out and inspect if the coast is clear.
He pulls his head back and nods at you, giving you the okay. Carefully, he slips out into the hallway and waits for you to follow.
The secret door brought you to the end of the hallway where the room you and Lia are sharing is. The door is slightly ajar so Beomgyu just pushes it open slightly before stepping back.
Your room has been turned upside down. Lia’s suitcase has been thrown open, her clothes and shoes strewn all over the floor, the books she brought along laying around the floor. The lamp that was between the two beds lay in pieces in the doorway, as though somebody had thrown it.
Your heart beats erratically as you take in the scene, carefully stepping over the shards of ceramic walking into the room with Beomgyu in tow. He whistles low seeing the state of your room. “What happened here?”
You don’t answer, inspecting Lia’s suitcase.
The thing that stands out most to you is that Lia's Stephen King book was missing.
“Fuck,” you whisper but Beomgyu hears you anyway. “The book she came here for isn’t.”
He kneels in front of you, sensing your distress and you feel yourself relax slightly just by looking at him. “Hey,” he starts off gently, “maybe she got out. Made it to where you guys were hiding before. Now let’s figure out a way to get out of here for when we find her.”
He gives your shoulder a squeeze before moving to the windows on the other side of the room. Beomgyu’s optimism was enviable and also simultaneously suspicious. How could anyone remain this positive under the circumstances?
“Shit.” You look at him curiously, eyebrows furrowed in question. Beomgyu sighs, stepping back and catching your eye. “House is on automatic lock down. Windows and doors won’t open.”
Going outside is strictly off-limits.
It wasn’t just some rule, the seeker actually made it impossible for you to leave the house. Knew how to make it impossible.
You rise slowly away from the mess and walk over to where he’s standing. “Well how do we get them open? We can’t just be stuck here.”
He gives you an easy smile as he steps over the broken lamp and out into the hallway, making sure to check that there is no one there and you follow. “We can disable it in the security room. Good thing we’re on our way up there anyway.”
You halt in your steps. “What?”
“To check for Lia.”
You almost forgot that you were supposed to be letting him help you. “I think we should split up.”
“Why would we do that?” Beomgyu regards you with a quizzical look. It would have been funnier, cuter even, if the answer to his question wasn’t that you don’t completely trust him.
“You can unlock the doors and I’ll find Lia. It’ll be faster,” you lie.
“Will it?” You stand your ground. He does too. The two of you are engaged in a silent standoff. When he blinks first, he sighs dramatically, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Fine, fine, just…be safe, okay? I mean it.”
A part of you is conflicted by how concerned he looks while the other just wants to stay with him until this fucking game is over. He always did give great hugs, you wonder if that’s still true.
But you’re still weary and you don’t know how much longer you can be around him when you don’t know what role he’s playing in all this.
You watch as Beomgyu slips into the walls, sparing you a look that reminds you of the times you would pretend to be spies on a mission when you were younger. Your chest tightens.
In an effort to be thorough, you check all the remaining rooms to make sure Lia isn’t in any of them. The room Sunghoon was staying in is empty save for the bag he dropped. You don’t linger too long.
The rest of the boys, Wooyoung, Jongho and Yunho were sharing a room together that was as messy as one would expect a room full of teenage boys to be. Sumin and Isa had already unpacked their clothes into the dressers.
All of that and no Lia.
Soobin’s room is the last one you check.
It is more lived in than the others. Posters up on the walls and old pictures of him on his dresser. You briefly wonder what his parents would say if they found the house in the state that it’s in. Bloody with dead bodies everywhere.
The most interesting thing, though, are the duffels on the bed. Soobin’s is the only room you’ve entered with one bed (a massive one at that) and yet there are two extra bags like there are more people sleeping here. But there isn’t anybody else at the party who it could be so you settle on Soobin just packing extra stuff.
You check the bathroom.
No Lia.
You are heading down the stairs when a body comes barrelling into you, causing you to stumble slightly. When you regain your balance, you see who it is you collided with.
“Sumin? What—?”
They don’t give you room to speak. “Seeker found us in the movie room. They got—Fuck, they got Jongho.”
Sumin’s eyes dart around erratically showing that she is clearly on edge. You get it, you were in her shoes a couple dead bodies ago.
“Is everyone else okay?” Is Soobin okay?
She nods, casting a look over her shoulder. “I think so. We all ran off in different directions.”
That’s good, you think. He might be safe.
“Sumin, did you see Lia anywhere down here? Around the kitchen?”
“I don’t know if it was Lia but I did see someone in there.”
“Okay, okay,” you mutter under your breath. It’s a long shot, it might not even be her, but you have to check. You step gingerly over Isa’s body that is still at the bottom of the stairs and carefully move into the living room.
Sumin watches you for a moment, follows you to, but must still be on edge from seeing the seeker kill Jongho and leaves, muttering about how you were crazy under her breath, and continues her way up the stairs.
Watching her run off, you think back to the questions Beomgyu was asking and feel your heart sink. You call out for the girl just as she rounds the corner. “Sumin—!”
You hear the sound of the knife puncturing her before you even register what happened. She makes a gurgling sound, gasps for air. Her body falls with a thud at the top of the stairs.
You guess Beomgyu was onto something.
You walk cautiously into the kitchen and the sight you are met with freezes you in your tracks.
Sumin was right. There was someone in the kitchen.
The seeker.
How did they get here so fast?
They stare at you so you stare back. You try not to let it show just how scared you really are. “Where is my friend?”
They tilt their head inquisitively. “Which one? I’ve killed a lot of people tonight, it’s hard to keep them straight.”
You ball up your fists at your sides and try to keep the waver out of your voice. “Why are you doing this?”
“C’mon,” they start, modified voice sending chills down your spine. “We’re just playing a little game.”
Your eyes dart to the kitchen knives in the wooden block holder and the seeker tracks your movements.
They raise their hands in mock surrender, knife glistening under the fluorescent lights. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“What a coincidence, because I want to hurt you.”
The seeker chuckles low. “You know, now that you mention it, I think I do remember your friend. She was almost too pretty to kill.”
Your breathing falters. “You didn’t.”
“Oh, but didn’t I?”
Feedback whines from the speakers. You hear grunting and the sound of a struggle before it eventually dies down. “Well, well, well, we were having so much fun but you just had to go and rock the boat! Cheating? Really? I thought we were better than that.”
The same voice modifier, the same chills erupt over your body. But they were right in front of you, you were staring at the seeker.
Then it hits you.
There’s two of them.
The seeker in the kitchen with you catches the exact moment you realise. “Surprise.”
Tinny laughter scrapes against your ears through the speakers. “Caught one of your friends trying to disable the locks, but that’s against the rules—Motherfucker!”
He was trying to get you out of there.
The speaker goes dead when an electronic click is heard from somewhere in the house. You look around, trying to find the source when the feedback rings again.
“Y/N! The doors are open—GET OUT!”
At that moment, both yours and the seekers head snap up to the speakers where Beomgyu’s voice blares from. You recover faster and turn on your heel to run to the front door.
The seeker catches you at the last second, grabbing your arm before you can get out. You struggle against their hold, trying to get your arm free but they keep a vice grip on you. They squeeze to a point where it starts to hurt and you know that it’s going to leave a bruise.
You cry out, but they just laugh maniacally as they continue applying pressure.
You raise your leg kick them in their knee. Hard.
They stumble back in pain, letting your arm go. Wasting no time, you push them back, pressing both your arms on their chest and they hit the ground with a thud.
You turn to run now that you’ve gotten your assailant down when you feel pain shoot up your leg. You glance down and find a knife sticking out of your calf.
“Fuck!” your voice breaks off midway through the curse once the realisation that you’ve got a knife sticking out of your calf sinks in. Tears prick at your eyes
The seeker pulls the knife out and you cry out in agony. They push themselves up off the ground and you scramble to get away, but your leg objects to every movement.
They advance slowly, knife at the ready and you know you have to act quickly before you end up gutted in the middle of the kitchen.
You can’t run, know that you wouldn’t be able to outrun the seeker in your state, but you have to act fast. Your eyes dart around the kitchen looking for something you can defend yourself when you settle on the kettle.
In a split second decision, you reach over the island and grab the kettle, pray to whatever god that what you are about to do will work, and swing it at the seeker’s head.
The kettle snaps open and scalding hot water burns the side of the seeker’s face. They recoil with a string of curses, knife clattering to the floor as they grab their face.
“You little bitch!” they wail, clutching their face and you swing the kettle again. And again, until the force causes them to fall in a heap with a thump.
You don’t look back to see whether they are stirring and take off in the direction of the front door, ignoring the pain in your leg that makes itself known with every step. Blood gushes down into your shoe and onto the floor, leaving a trail behind you.
Limping down the driveway, you try to put as much distance between you and the house as possible. The lake is in your sight, you just need to reach it and cry out for help and hopefully one of those neighbours would help you. Call the cops.
In the dark, you can’t see anything except for the dim light of the moon in the sky casting a soft glow on the ground beneath you. You hiss with each step you take, the pain unbearable.
Your foot catches on a rock and you go tumbling.
The world spins around you and you feel as though you are trapped in a washing machine. Rocks and twigs scrap your skin, tearing through your clothes as you roll down the hill with no way to stop yourself. Dirt gets into your mouth. You can’t spit it out.
The slope eventually evens out and your body comes to a stop on its own, the impact of hitting the ground on your back knocks the breath out of your lungs with a grunt.
Leaning over slightly, you hurl but the only thing that comes up is mud. You dry heave to no avail.
You feel something wet and hot drip down the side of your face. Bringing your hand to your temple you pull it back to find blood coating your fingers.
You scream.
You let out everything you’ve been holding back since you first saw Sunghoon die and scream until your voice is hoarse. Fat tears roll down your cheeks leaving a salty taste in your mouth.
Soobin and Beomgyu are still in there and you don’t even know if they’re safe. You just left them in their when they were just trying to help you.
And Lia. You don’t believe the seeker. You won’t. Not until you find her yourself. You were going to find her.
You look in the direction of the house. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” you cry out around choked sobs, still tasting some mud on your tongue.
You are scared. You are tired. And you’re so angry. Your body hurts, your leg feels like it’s on fire and can’t get the pounding in your head to stop.
Walking is out of the question—You’re sure if you even try to move your whole body will protest. You just lay there in the dirt resigned to your fate.
There is rustling in the grass, the sound of boots squelching in the mud and you make out a figure approaching you in the dark. Part of you wants to crawl away, afraid the seeker got to you. But the other part can’t lift a finger.
Their face hovers above yours as they crouch down above you. This is how I die, you think solemnly.
“Oh my god, you look like shit. Are you okay?”
You squint your eyes up at who found you because you do not recognise their voice. And when you make out their face, you realise that you do not recognise them at all.
The person running across the lake.
When you don’t respond, they take the opportunity to take in your whole body and you do the same. He was a pretty good looking boy, if the dull light from the moon was anything to go by. He was a lot taller than you (it seemed all the boys in your life were) and you could tell even without him standing at his full height.
“Shit, what happened to you?” Well, fair.
“Hide and Seek,” you rasp.
The boy bends down and helps you to your feet, securely wrapping an arm around your torso and putting one of yours around his neck. He huffs disbelievingly. “Did you win?”
He walks you away from the house, along the bank of the lake. You don’t know where you are going but away is good enough for you. “Pretty sure all my friends are dead.”
“Oh.” You feel him stutter in step slightly and the movement makes your head spin.
“I’m Y/N,” you introduce, words slightly slurred, blinking away black spots from your vision.
“Yeonjun. What do you say we get you cleaned up?”
You nod numbly. “Sounds good.”
And you promptly pass out.
152 notes ¡ View notes
ijhyo ¡ 2 years
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what was supposed to be a fun weekend away with friends turns into a sinister game of hide and seek where their lives are on the line. trapped in a lake house cabin with only six hours on the clock, can y/n figure out who is behind the mask and manage not to get caught all before sunrise?
PAIRING. soobin x gn reader ; beomgyu x gn reader ; yeonjun x gn reader
GENRE. college au ; mystery ; thriller ; escape room ; angst ; horror ; humour
WARNINGS. swearing ; injuries ; character death ; blood ; brief description of a panic attack ; vomiting
A/N. part two yasss. dun dun dun do we have our first suspect 😯? this one is shorter than the first part (i think all the next ones will be now that we're done setting up the story but we'll see) but i hope you guys like it anyway and if yes, let me know what you think and all your theories if u have! also, not edited im afraid, so if there r any mistakes no there aren’t
TAGLIST. @hyukaas @xysthe @tsupuffs @ren-chib @yjwfav @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fallingforhoon @fairybinie @enhacolor @cheorei @jjhmk @acciomylove @yeonjunsgf777 @soobin-chois @chosoluvr @odxrilove @soobisms @strawbrinkofdeath @etherealcherrie @maemarahuya @1-800-ryujin @wisecheesecakecloud @fairyofshampgyu @i-haewon @cottontvil @minthicons @bettyschwallocksyee (send an ask to be added)
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Running down the hallway in the direction Lia went in, your only thought is to put as much distance between you and the seeker as possible. You don’t look back. Afraid you’ll lose your momentum.
You don’t account for stairs.
You trip on the first step, flinging you forward on the staircase.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you curse, biting your lip down to keep from screaming. You spare a glance back in the direction you came from, both relieved and scared that you see no sign of the seeker.
They are not chasing you. They could be anywhere.
Pushing yourself up, you wince at the pain that shoots up from your knees. You stretch your leg out once. It is definitely going to bruise.
Climbing the steps gingerly, you find yourself back on the main floor of the house, the staircase hidden behind a wall. Lia was here, you think breathlessly.
You turn the corner fast and walk straight into a body.
Before you can even think too long, you push the person away, hard. Stumbling back into a wall, you scramble to get away. Your heart jumps to your throat, your flight or fight kicking in.
You didn’t run away the first time, but you’ll be damned if you don’t now.
The person crowds you against the wall, placing their hands on your shoulders. They are saying something, your name you think.
You don’t know how they know that.
“Y/N. Look at me.”
You do.
It’s Soobin.
You think you are crying.
“Woah, breathe, Y/N. Breathe with me.” You follow his instructions, try to slow your breathing down in time with him. In through the nose. Focus on his. Out through the mouth. Stare at his perfect, pink lips.
A moment passes. “Are you okay?”
You haven’t stopped shaking. You think you are going to throw up. But your breath has evened out. “Yeah.”
He looks wary but doesn’t push it. Just squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Let’s go to the others. Some of us are hiding together.”
Soobin leads you past the stairs, in the direction Sumin ran off to when the game started. You try to protest. Try to tell him that you need to be upstairs but can’t find it in you to say anything.
You need to warn him. Tell him that there is a killer running around his house, but your tongue is made of lead. You can’t do anything except follow.
Soobin knocks on a door twice, pauses, then knocks again. He looks at you conspiratorially. “Sumin’s idea.”
The door opens from the inside and you follow the taller boy inside.
“Look who the cat dragged in,” Sumin teases when she sees you shuffle in behind Soobin. “You here to mooch off my hiding spot too?”
You can barely crack a grin.
Sumin’s hiding spot is an indoor cinema, which, what the fuck? Who just has that? In a lake house? The rest of the party goers are lounging on the chairs, seats reclined for the utmost comfort.
Wooyoung groans from where he was laying down on the floor. “Can we stop playing now?”
“It’s literally barely been an hour,” Yunho points out, kicking him slightly with his shoe.
That surprises you. It feels like hours have passed since you started playing this game and you want nothing more than for it to be over.
Looking around the room, no one has a care in the world. They are laying around, waiting for the sun to rise and the game to be over. They don’t know what you do. They don’t know what you saw.
You move to the front of the room on shaky feet.
“Y/N?” Soobin asks, reaching for your hand but you shake him off.
Clearing your throat, everyone else turns to look at you. You take a breath. “Sunghoon is dead.”
“What?” Wooyoung asks, moving to sit upright.
“What are you talking about?” Jongho questions, voice carrying from the back of the room.
“We were hiding together and the seeker, they found us. The seeker killed him.”
“What the fuck, Y/N?” Isa exclaims, accusatory, although her voice breaks off at the end.
You just shake your head, determined to explain everything. “This game, it’s not what we thought it was. ‘Getting caught’ doesn’t just mean you’re out. You’re dead.”
You catch Soobin’s gaze. Watch as he makes the connection between what you’ve just said and how you reacted earlier. You look away.
“Hey, Soobin, what the fuck?” Sumin says, finally speaking up since you dropped the bomb on them.
His head snaps to the girl. “Excuse me?”
“This is your party!”
Wooyoung nods, agreeing. “If this is your idea of a joke it isn’t fucking funny.”
Soobin looks appalled. “Why would I do this? I told you that I didn’t plan this game before we agreed to play. I have no idea what the fuck is going on and I’m not the one behind it.”
“Well then who the fuck is?” Yunho asks and even you can tell that it’s kind of an unfair question.
“I don’t know! But whoever it is knows the house. And where the media room is…Shit.”
Jongho runs his hands down his face. “Fucking hell, man.”
Exclamations go up around the room. Everyone is yelling and pointing fingers at each other. Isa is the only one who doesn’t say anything.
She looks almost sick and your chest tightens looking at her. She was the only one here who was really friends with Sunghoon.
You feel like you should say something. Offer comfort to her. But she brushes off Sumin’s attempt and walks away on her own. It is probably for the best. You don’t know what you would have said. Sorry doesn’t feel strong enough.
You scan the room. Some of these people, you had never held conversations with before tonight, and here you were hiding from somebody who wants you all dead. But you notice there are people missing. Beomgyu, who you haven’t seen since the start of the game and, with a sinking feeling in your gut at the realisation—
“I have to go.”
Soobin stops you by grabbing your wrist. “Wait, Y/N, what the hell? You can’t go out there—You just said that someone is trying to kill us.”
“I need to find Lia, I can’t leave her.”
His eyes widen, as if also just realising that she’s missing from the room. He curses under his breath. “I—Fuck—Look, I get that, I do, but you can’t just go back out there. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You don’t know that.” If this where any other situation, you would probably sound childish, complaining about not being able to see your friend.
Soobin just sighs heavily, enclosing your hand in both of his and you savour the warmth. “I just…I invited you here. If something happened to you…”
“Soobin,” you say, voice impossibly soft, “this isn’t your fault. And I don’t blame you. But I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened to Lia and I didn’t do anything.”
Lia wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you. She came for you. It should have been just you here, running for your life, but you dragged her into it. If anything had to happen to her because of that?
If something has already happened to her.
You shake your hand out of Soobin’s grip.
“I have to go.”
The silence of the house scares you.
At first, you thought you were at an advantage playing in such a big house like this, but now you realise that the seeker could come from anywhere and you wouldn’t know.
You try to come up with a list of people who would want to do this, but draw a blank. You are pretty sure you don’t anybody with psychopathic tenancies.
You think about Lia and where she is and immediately try to think of something else before that turns sour.
She was fine. She had to be.
You see Soobin’s face from when you walked out of the room instead. The solemn look he gave you, like he didn’t expect you to make it back. Like he was already beating himself up over it.
You blink the image away. Sunghoon’s face just before he died, full of fear and shock, replaces it.
You resolutely decide to not think at all.
Keeping close to the walls, you slowly inspect the area and once you make sure that there is no one there, you make to run in the direction of the stairs. However, at the sound of somebody speaking, you hold yourself back and wish to melt into the wall.
“Where are you, you fucker?”
When did she leave the screening room?
You have half a mind to run out there and drag her back here with you to shut her up. Instead, you place a hand over your mouth to stop you from making a sound.
A second voice speaks up and your breath quickens. “The point of the game is to hide. It’s not fun when I don’t get to do any seeking.” They try to sound disappointed but the voice distorter they are using makes it impossible to feel anything for them.
“You killed my friend.”
“Would you believe me if I said he walked right into my knife?” they taunt, smirk evident in their voice and you want to reveal yourself, step out there if only to punch this guy in the face.
But you are scared. God, you are so scared.
Isa curses. She grunts. Grunts again. A thud. Something heavy hits the ground. You almost scream, muffle it behind your hand.
The seeker sighs, as though bored. “Two down. You guys are making this easy for me.”
You keep a tight grip on your mouth, clamping down on your tongue hard enough that you taste the metallic tinge of blood in your mouth.
You don’t hear any footsteps so you wait. You count to one hundred in your head and then again to ten. You come out from your hiding place slowly, practically crawling on the ground.
You reach the bottom of the stairs and what you find has you stopping dead in your tracks.
There lays Isa.
Blood spills from her side and chest creating a pool around her body.
Her eyes are still open.
You can’t stop the bile that rises up your throat and retch a thin stream of vomit right next to her.
The combined smell of your sick and the blood makes your stomach churn and burns your nostrils.
Who would do this?
Tears sting your eyes as you contemplate the question but you can’t stay here. You can’t be next.
It feels wrong to just step over her, but you need to get to upstairs. There is a chance that the seeker went that way but there is a also a chance that they stayed downstairs. You don’t like those odds and a part of you just wants to run back to Soobin and hide, but you think of Lia. And force yourself on the staircase.
Crouching low, you take the steps one at a time. What once had left you in awe has frustrated, because who needs so many fucking stairs?
You reach the top eventually. The moment of truth. You look to your right, and see an empty hallway. Exhaling slightly, you turn to the left to find a masked figure standing in the hall.
And they were staring right at you.
You take off running.
The seeker follows.
You hear the mechanic laughter of the seeker behind you, taunting you. Your feet hit the wooden panels beneath you with so much force, the noise rattles in your head.
“You can run, but you can’t hide!” the seeker yells after you maniacally.
The right side of the upstairs area has more twists and turns than its left counterpart, allowing you to faint and confuse your chaser with which direction you are going in.
You had never been an exceptional runner, your chest burns and you feel a painful pull in your stomach, but you keep pushing.
A turn. Then another. This house is a fucking maze.
You hit a dead end. The hallway stops and even though you managed to lose the seeker, there is no doubt that they would catch up with you. And you’d be cornered.
Before you can panic, a hand shoots out from the walls and pulls you in.
You yelp, back hitting somebody’s chest and your screams muffled by the person covering your mouth with their hand.
“Shh, shh, shh, quiet,” they whisper in your ear. Reluctantly, you comply. You try to catch your bearings, slow your breathing like Soobin taught you.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, hand over your mouth, back pressed against somebody’s chest. Sweat breaks out on your upper lip. All you can hear is the sound of breathing and your heart beating in your head.
“I think they’re gone now,” the person whispers, and slowly they release their hold on you, allowing you to finally turn and see your saviour.
You release a breath. “Where are we?” The place you find yourself in is a narrow hallway, with wooden planks lining the floor beneath you.
“Secret passage in the walls. They run all through the house.”
“How do you know?”
“Found it running away from some crazy guy with a knife. I think you might know them, actually. Black cloak, looks like they’re on their way to ComicCon?” You know he’s kidding, probably doesn’t know the gravity of the situation. You can’t laugh.
“Sunghoon is dead.”
His face falls. “Oh. Shit. That’s—shit.”
You give him time to come to terms with what you’ve just told him before saying, “I need to find Lia.”
“Lia? Is she the girl you were with? She’s pretty.” You regard him with a scowl and he blanches. “What?”
“Now is not the time to call my friend pretty.”
“I didn’t mean anything by it! It was just an observation. Like, you’re pretty, too, now, I guess.”
“What do you mean now?”
“Well, you don’t have those buck teeth anymore. And you grew into your forehead, too, aww.”
“You’re so…” You never expected to be laughing in a situation like this, where your life is actively in danger and you don’t know if your best friend is safe, but this Beomgyu. He could make you laugh in the worst of situations when you were younger. Like the day you found out you were moving and he had you cracking up until your stomach hurt to distraction you.
You suppose some things never change.
“Hey, where was the last place you saw Lia?” The question snaps you back to reality.
“In the cellar. She was on her way to our room but I don’t know if she made it or went back or—”
“—Then we’ll start there.” He cuts your rambling off so swiftly you almost don’t remember what you were saying. “She’ll be fine.”
You release a breath, nodding. “Okay.”
“These passages have got to lead to the rooms, so all we have to do is follow them, and we should get there easy peasy.” Beomgyu’s simple way of making you feel better after all these years apart makes something warm bloom in your chest. You smile at him gratefully and he returns it.
“And if we don’t find her there we can always just check the cameras in the security room.” He says easily, already walking in the direction you were running from.
You, however, are frozen in place.
“Yeah, there are cameras all over the house. Could’ve gone to check there first actually, but we’re closer to the rooms, so.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken and try to calm down. You can’t jump to conclusions. “How do you know that?”
“I’ve been here before,” he admits shrugging, like it isn’t a big deal. Like he’s commenting on the weather.
Like he didn’t disappear as soon as the game started and conveniently found secret passages and knows where the security room is.
No jumping to conclusions.
“And the media room? Do you know where that is?” You have a feeling you know the answer, but you hope you are wrong. You want to be wrong.
“Uh, yeah, I do, actually. Same floor as the security room.”
Whoever it is knows the house. And where the media room is.
Suddenly the passageway is all too small and the walls feel like they are closing in on you.
You can’t move.
“You good?” Beomgyu notices that you aren’t following, looking back at you.
You nod your head stiffly, trying to appear casual and hope you are convincing. He accepts it and turns back to the front, leading the way.
You make up your mind then: the moment you got the opportunity to, you would make a run for it. Get as far away from Beomgyu as possible.
You follow him.
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ijhyo ¡ 3 years
act fourteen. bully material
warning. ryujin is an ass (again)
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taglist: @jaysstarz @blank-velvet @yyx2 @junityy @chuuae @lovetalkhoe @acciomylove @beomjundiaries @archerheejin @he4rtz @xysthe @ryuj1nsgf @yoonsupremacy @catscoffeeandkpop @tsupuffs @ohmy-fandoms @de0nu @cherr-y-eji @itz-icys @ikyk-leeknow @lovelygalaxy333 @pitchblacksmile @rendezrei @babychaescubby @etherealcherrie @stroberrylite @skzfairies @ren-chib @hellohumansonplanetearth @momosfav @heartpleasing @25dejulho @tw-hyuck
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ijhyo ¡ 3 years
act eleven. famous
note. SO SORRY FOR PRACTICALLY ABANDONING THIS 😭😭 i swear ill try updating at least twice a week but we'll see
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taglist: @jaysstarz @blank-velvet @gyuuss @junityy @chuuae @lovetalkhoe @acciomylove @beomjundiaries @archerheejin @he4rtz @xysthe @ryuj1nsgf @yoonsupremacy @catscoffeeandkpop @tsupuffs @ohmy-fandoms @de0nu @cherr-y-eji @itz-icys @ikyk-leeknow @lovelygalaxy333 @pitchblacksmile @rendezrei @babychaescubby @etherealcherrie @stroberrylite @skzfairies @ren-chib (send an ask to be added)
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ijhyo ¡ 3 years
profiles 01 — broadway rejects
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y/n: basically the president of the drama club. used to be best friends with ryujin before she suddenly stopped talking to them just before sophomore year.
sumin: y/n’s best friend and has known them the longest. she isn’t really into theatre but participates in their shows because they don’t have a lot of members.
seeun: the lead in every production. she is a member in 10 clubs at school.
isa: probably a bigger theatre nerd than y/n and is obsessed with musicals. she is the head of the costume dept.
j: part of the sound and lighting dept. does not have an athletic bone in her body.
yoon: the only one in their friend group who is not in the drama club. keeps trying to get j to join the soccer team with her.
sieun: could recite the whole of hamilton, but do not call her a theatre kid. in the school choir.
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taglist: @enhyphun @blank-velvet @gyuuss (send an ask to be added)
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ijhyo ¡ 3 years
act nine. they hated jesus
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taglist: @jaysstarz @blank-velvet @gyuuss @junityy @faetarou @lovetalkhoe @acciomylove @beomjundiaries @archerheejin @he4rtz @xysthe @ryuj1nsgf @yoonsupremacy @catscoffeeandkpop @tsupuffs @ohmy-fandoms (send an ask to be added)
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ijhyo ¡ 3 years
act one. twisted knickers
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taglist: @enhyphun @blank-velvet @gyuuss @junityy @faetarou @lovetalkhoe (send an ask to be added)
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