#🖇 — baal
rviden · 3 years
hii <3 can i request scara, baal and diluc with s/o who has weak immune system and is kinda fragile? the reader is gender neutral btw :)
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#includes — scaramouche, baal, diluc
#warnings — talks of = bruising, injuries, sickness in general
#pronouns — they/them
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if you thought scaramouche was protective before... you're in for a delightful wake up call — scara isn't the best with emotions (as we've discussed) so he's not the best with the whole soft protective kind of style
when he notices that you bruise more easily then others, get hurt more severely then what you technically should have, or catches colds after only minutes in cold weather, he gets quite (protectively) aggressive at the new information
scara holds your wellbeing at the same height as he holds his own (not that he would ever admit that to anyone) so he's serious when it comes to taking care of you — i literally mean he tries to bench you whenever you want to go outside, he has three meals a day for you to make sure that you're healthy in the other aspects, and he carries around tons of bandages and medications for you
picture a scaramouche with a fanny pack full of care items as he checks over you daily to make sure a new injury didn't pop up, and as he checks your temperature hourly to see if you happened to catch a bug
he's overbearing an aggressive at times, but he does it with good intent — and plus, that's his own odd way of saying "you mean a lot to me, so stay healthy."
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anything you need you will have — if you need to get a special (and impossibly rare and expensive) medicine to help increase your immune system, you can bet your bottom dollar that baal would do it
another scara in a way, baal (or ei) isn't the best with her words, so she shows her love and care through actions — said actions often being expensive gift giving or even her babying/nursing you back to health
her staff know to immediately alert her no matter what if something were to happen to you — a small bruise, cut, sneeze, and all — anything and everything is important for her to know so she can gather the things she needs properly to tend to you
you would kind of be like rapunzal in a way — locked away in her palace yet given anything and everything you could possible need to live comfortably — baal know's how dangerous the outside world is, and with your bodies state being as it is, she would rather keep you far away from it
baal is the absolute queen for soft touches — (if you have longer hair) baal combs through it with care, trying not to pull to hard nor cause any harm — her hands would brush gently over marks before she would press a tentative kiss over top of it
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he's wrapping you in bubble wrap just so you know
but on a serious note, diluc would definitely be the most chill of the bunch of them while still remaining fiercely protective of your and your fragile state
his eyes are constantly darting around and making sure that no external harm could come to you unless you somehow found a way to trip yourself up on the cobblestone streets of mondstadt, and he always has sanitary products either on his person or at the manor
diluc make's sure that any germs that could cause you to become ill are wiped away before they can actually do any harm — he moves at the speed of light if he sees a situation that would automatically result in you running a fever or cold
your health comes first in his eyes, so prepared to be babied if you do catch something or happen to injure yourself — maid diluc is in the house
diluc would quite literally sweep, mop, and polish the floor your stand on if it meant the sickness would go away — he's constantly tending to you either with food, a cold cloth on your forehead, or a fresh role of bandages over a cut
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taglist — open
@bluexiao // @kxmorri // @seppyco // @immaswallowurkids // @cynettic // @lasignorasearring // @gnyuvile
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dragonspine-jpg · 3 years
🖇🌊 ━━ inazuma WL8
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now teleporting to waypoint... inazuma ♡
[caution: all NSFW, 18+ only]
[for my SFW masterlist, click HERE]
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choose your character!
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# * . & | general tag (everything from long fics to all thirsts).
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kink headcanons.
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# * . & | general tag.
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kink headcanons.
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🖇 V ── BAAL.
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# * . & | general tag.
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# * . & | general tag.
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# * . & | general tag.
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🖇 IX ── GOROU.
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311 notes · View notes
rviden · 3 years
I've loved your Harbinger s/o headcaons so far. If you don't mind, could I request a part 3 where after the Archons killed their s/o they learn that their s/o didn't intentionally betray them but rather was kidnapped and brainwashed into working for the Fatui? S/O basically had no idea/control over what they were doing
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#includes — baal, zhongli, venti
#warnings — brainwashing(?), heavy angst, unedited
#pronouns — they/them
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she had remembered the day vividly. after all she had spent over two hours trying to get rid of the blood that stained not only her clothes, but her skin as well.
a painful reminder to what she had done.
the moment of which everything had happened was a high unlike any other — her emotions were running to fast for her to comprehend, her thoughts in scrambles leaving only one for her to truly understand — revenge.
it had been days since the fateful day, and yet baal still struggled as if it was hours prior — the realization that even if you had turned on her and left her to rot away... she would still miss the smiling face and bond the two of you had.
“raiden, i have urgent news,” sara walked in calmly, yet her voice held an edge — she knew something of importance to the archon.
baal sighed, trying to put aside her feelings before facing her troop commander.
“we caught a harbinger by the name of scaramouche — one of our own — at the border,” sara spoke, eyes narrowing at the sound of a harbingers name falling from her lips. before baal could brush off the information with a mere ‘take care of him with what you see fit’ she was interrupted. “he seems to be... the best way to put it is that we believe that he’s not fully in control of his own actions,” sara’s tone softened at the end, knowing of the fate you had suffered mere days earlier.
and the news that you may have not even known what you were doing the whole time would make anyone feel sympathy for the hurting and grieving archon.
baal could feel the strings around her heart tighten, squeezing so hard that a sharp pain pulsed with every pump of her heart.
“please don’t suggest that-“
“raiden... it’s a possibility — i thought that you should at least know about it,” sara left it at that, taking her leave out of not only respect for her leader, but also out of an emotion similar to fear.
she didn’t want to be around to feel the light crackling of electricity against her arms, legs, and face. not wanting to watch as baal tensed up and angry tears filled her eyes.
for while baal had once been grieving for someone that she had lost, she was now grieving for someone she wasn’t sure she even had in the first place.
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grieving was a familiar custom that he was used to.
he had lost friends — taken their lives even during the war. he had lost those he swore to take care of. and he had lost the one he loved.
and loosing you reminded him all too much of the sacrifices and loses he faced in those hatch times.
after taking your life, zhongli had settled with working himself to the bone at the parlour — doing whatever hu tao asked of him, and even going as far as to ask for more.
he wanted the heavy feeling his his stomach to go away, just like he wanted the memories of your last breaths to disappear as well — it was hard to remember the bad times when all he wanted to remember were the good ones.
the small bell above the door chimed, signalling a customer had walked in — and with hu tao out doing a service, zhongli was left by himself to take care of the parlour in her place.
messy red hair greeted him — the harbinger walking quietly and slowly, as if trying not to spook a wild animal.
“ah... childe, what brings you to the parlour?”
the man shrugged, strolling closer the the counter — he wore a far off expression, as if whatever was plaguing his mind hurt to keep in. “just wanted to check in on you, that’s all.”
zhongli hummed, waiting for any continuation from childe before deciding that there was none, turning back to the paperwork in front of him.
“actually i didn’t come here for that,” childe sighed, his guard and cocky behaviour nowhere in sight. “i came here to talk about y/n.”
his shoulders tensed in both discomfort and anger — the mention of your name coming out of childers mouth doing nothing but stirring his pit of heavy feelings even more.
“before i say anything, i was never here, and i never told you anything...” he ran his hand through his hair in distress. “but y/n was my friend — my actual friend — and you deserve to know the truth about them,” he scanned zhongli’s face for a sign to leave, but when the man only nodded and ushered him on, the barriers broke. “y/n had no control over their actions — not all of us do. i’m one of the select few that is seen as ‘safe’ to operate without force.”
zhongli’s eyebrows furrowed at the harbingers words. “what- what exactly are you telling me?”
childe sighed, the truth paining him as much as it was about to pain the male in front of him.
“what happened with the gnosis — that wasn’t y/n,” he finally confessed what had been haunting him. “they really did love you, but the tsaritsa saw that as a distraction and forced their hand — the y/n you met that day, and maybe even the y/n you killed, wasn’t the one you used to know,” childe gave a simple nod of goodbye, before retreating out of the parlours double doors, leaving the archon to dwell on the fact that he had killed you when you had no control over your actions.
no way to tell him the truth, no way to fight back, and no way to tell him that you loved him in your dying moments.
the truth helped people heal, but how was zhongli supposed to heal after hearing the truth this time?
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mondstadt was a city walled in by bricks and buildings that held onto words and preserved them in time, waiting for the right moment to release the truth into the public.
which is exactly what it had done.
the knights were in shambles as the people of mondstadt learned of the way the cryo archon had control over her favorited soldiers — the harbingers. every move that the group made, every bloodshed and tear that they caused, and every mourning lover and family they left behind wasn’t by choice — but by force.
people feared their safety, feared what else the tsaritsa could do, and who exactly they could trust.
venti sat away from the growing crowd his heart heavy and his face emotionless. learning the truth of your actions — the tsaritsa’s actions — had made him think twice about everything.
he had known there was something off about the whole thing — swearing that there was no possible way that you could have fooled him so badly and robbed him blind. the you he spent countless nights at the tavern with, the you he would serenade with cheesy love rhymes, and the you that would never leave without a kiss goodnight and a fleeting ‘i love you’ shouted behind yourself.
the way you had shifted into an unrecognizable and brutal person that day had stayed with him since — it was unnatural, forced, and downright unbelievable. but his brain accepted it as the truth, knowing how deceiving the fatui could really be.
but the newfound knowledge of his own hurt beyond belief — knowing that your body laid silent and cold beneath a tree hidden far away from these watching walls didnt have to be there at all.
your body could have been held under his arm as he told you the stories of old with a wine bottle being shared between the two of you.
the two of you could’ve been happy if it hadn’t been for a brutal and emotionless archon such as the tsaritsa — who would have to look out for the mourning god of anemo.
for she had taken everything from him, and he was prepared to take everything from her.
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rviden · 3 years
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#includes — baal, zhongli, venti
#warnings — betrayal(?), physical wounds
#pronouns — they/them
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the sword laid now shattered into pieces, all the elemental energy that she had channeled into was now running violently through her body.
you were different; stronger, faster, and more powerful then what she once knew.
“you- you’re one of them!” she knew harbingers in the past, some of which walked amongst her own people, and yet seeing you in this delusional state sent shivers down her spine.
“if you mean a harbinger, then yes — specifically the fifth of the eleven,” baal gritted her teeth, trying to push herself up, but the shocks that ran through her body stopped her from doing so.
her mind was in scrambles, and anger and betrayal was pumping heavily through her veins. “i trusted you-“
“and who’s fault is that?” your foot pushed the shards of metal around on the floor halfheartedly. “you can’t blame me for the stupid mistake you made — everything that had happened up until this moment is because of you,” the gnosis stayed clasped in your hand. “despite it being a foolish decision on your behalf, i have to thank you for helping my cause — you made my job easy.”
baal knew she was in no way shape or form in a condition to put up a fight, so she stayed down, watching as you pranced off with her gnosis in hand as you whistled an unfamiliar tune.
“i will track you down, and bring eternal hell upon you!” she made a promise of revenge.
“sure you will — without that gnosis, you’re not really worth a damn thing,” you stopped for the last time, sending a final glance over your shoulder. “i’ll be seeing you when the time comes my dear baal.”
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he was a forgiving and fair man, never holding grudges unless he felt it was absolutely necessary — so maybe that’s why he couldn’t find it in himself to feel more then betrayal. no anger, no revenge thoughts — just hurt that you, someone he considered his lover of sorts, would turn your back on him and take with you everything that he was and more.
the small, glowing gnosis shone as you pinched it between your fingers — zhongli was left in a distressed state on the tiled floor of the funeral parlour.
“you- what have you done?” his body was physically fine, other then the now empty feeling that rested in his chest.
but everything hurt.
his hands shook violently, his eyes watered as if he had taken a hit to the nose, and his heart felt as if it were about to beat out of his chest. every pump of it sent a shocking feeling through his body.
“what have i done? i did my job morax — or should i say my dear zhongli?” you knelt in front of his heaving body, waving the gnosis teasingly in front of his face. “thanks for this by the way!” you stood, walking a few steps away from him as you looked over the small chess piece. “i thought i would’ve had to attack you out of the blue, but you let me walk right into that poor little heart of yours — and easy peasy.”
his heart hurt so badly after that, knowing that you were right. he blindly put his trust with the wrong person, letting his heart think over his brain.
zhongli had made it so simple for you to take advantage of him when he bore his heart to you daily — he was yours, but you weren’t his.
“i’ll be taking my leave now — i have an gift for my archon,” tucking the gnosis in the pocket of your jacket, you turned and began to walk away. “i’ll give her your greetings though!”
and he was left there, empty and hurting with no one to call for.
he was truly alone.
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how could he be so blind?
the way you pulled away when he asked about your past, how you never had an entirely positive outlook on archons, and how you never left home without a weapon tucked away. that and the mask that hung from your hip.
“how could you, i- i thought i could trust you,” no matter how much power he put behind his attacks, they were no match for your power — with the flick of your hand you would send him flying over and over again.
“i’m not exactly the ideal person to blindly out trust into... i have a tendency to backstab people,” your leg connected with his ribs, sending his body hurtling hard into the ground once again. “did nobody warn you?”
hot tears gathered in his eyes — frustration and sadness flowing endlessly through him.
everything had been fake — the soft moments, the drinks you shared, and the love that he now knew as one sided.
“y’know i actually enjoyed your company — you’re a lot different then my colleagues,” your foot pressed down hard on his chest, winding him even more then he already was. “they’re all so brooding and cold, and you were... you were actually fun!”
venti tried to replay the good moments over in his head — desperately trying to lose himself in the memories of what used to be.
“i enjoyed the little game i got to play — pulling the blindfold further and further over your eyes until you walked right into my trap,” he felt the weight leave his body, yet the presence grew closer. “the naive little bard... you were always such a lousy god,” you tossed his gnosis back and forth between hands. “no wonder it was an easy win.”
his heart was already shattered, his body battered and bruised, and his ego crushed.
all because of a tricky harbinger like yourself.
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we hit 900 :)))
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661 notes · View notes
rviden · 3 years
A baal x reader where reader doesn't have a vision but manages to sneak into the palace to hang out with Baal and sometimes scolds reader to just go to the front door?
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includes — baal, ft. sara
warnings — little crack-ish at the end
pronouns — they/them
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it wasn’t everyday that baal let people into her already packed schedule and untrusting life — but somewhere in the middle of the vision hunt decree taking its toll on inazuma, baal had found herself a companion.
a mortal and vision-less companion of all things.
you were welcomed whenever — told at the very beginning that if you ever needed to find her, just ask around or find sara.
however, when the guards stood as still as statues, grim looks on their faces, and weapons sharp and polished enough that you could see yourself perfectly in them — simply asking around wasn’t as easy as she made it out to be.
so, you settled for the more difficult route.
scaling the side of the steep hill that her residence resides on was no easy task, yet somehow, even with your lungs begging for a break, and your hands scrapped up — it was still a better option then walking up to the front door.
peaking your head up, you watched as several pairs of feet walked past you — guards coming back from break, ready to send off the others for their own. seeing your chance now, you lifted yourself up onto the now solid ground, and over to the entrance of the foyer.
now while the front door to the residence was a floor or so lower and closed off, the second story was an open concept of some sorts — open door ways with nothing but fabric blowing in the wind.
baal didn’t like to feel cornered within her own home, so it was designed around it.
purple tulle and satin fabric swayed gently as you walked past, the soft fabrics brushing up against your shoulders.
the room was spacious, and unbelievably bland — but despite this, it was one of the most beautiful rooms you had every laid your eyes on. purple, white, and black coated the walls and furniture — and every otherwise blank space was an assortment of purple flowers ; blue-eyed grass’, catmints, lilacs, wisterias, and scabiosa’s.
the bright gleam of light that flashed for a moment, followed by the feeling of a sharp and cold blade to your neck interrupted the serene moment.
“state your business here or face the punishment-“
“sara, that is no way to treat a guest now is it?”
the blade lifted immediately and delicate hands turned you to face the opposite way — sara, baal’s righthand — stood with a sheepish look on her face.
“i’m truest sorry — we’ve had quite a few brave souls try to take a swing at the raiden shogun as of late, and i thought you may have been one of them,” the blade was attached to her hip once again.
“this is why i said come to the front door,” baal chuckled slightly as she moved into your vision. “otherwise i feared that my trigger-happy companion may have tried to execute you.”
sara mumbled as she bud her farewell, leaving nothing but a joking glare directed towards the electro archon herself.
baal waited several moments after sara had left before she made her way over to you — her hands tracing over your features softly, scrubbing at any smudge of dirt.
when her hands met your own scrapped ones, she didn’t mutter a word as she dragged you over to a marbled sink filled with water.
“yet another reason i said come to the door — you really are a stubborn one, aren’t you?” over the time you had gotten to know her, she never showed such a soft side with you — her eyes held no anxiety, no anger, and no seriousness, but they held concern. “i’ll never understand mortals — you put yourself through wounds and pain all in order to avoid an awkward or even anxiety inducing predicament,” she laughed once again, setting the towel in your hands before walking over to a cushion set in the centre of the room.
“it’s not my fault that your guards are trained to kill, and look like they could do it with a simple glance,” grumbling? you set the cloth down on the counter and set off to join her. “maybe put out an order for them to smile more, then i wouldn’t be so inclined to scale a mountain for you.”
baal shook her head and tilted it towards you. “speaking about that... if you don’t feel comfortable walking through my “scary” guards, would you like if i set one up at the bottom of the stairs? one that would escort you up here?”
it was odd to see the archon who had to have control over everything? changing her own ways to accommodate your own — it was heartwarming in a twisted sense.
“i’d like that...” you offered a smile towards the woman.
“of course you would — i hardly believe that you liked scaling a mountain either,” baal laughed as she stood once again, her hand held out to take your own. “you look like you swam from liyue to the shore of inazuma-“
“bold of you to assume i can swim-“
“oh would you just take my hand already?”
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rviden · 3 years
Headcanons of Baal rescueing reader from bandits and looks after injured reader?
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includes — baal (raiden shogun)
warnings — injuries (kinda graphic)
pronouns — they/them
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baal was a busy women who rarely took time to participate in things that didn’t concern her
however, on a trip back from important business with one of the clans of inazuma, she couldn’t help but grow concerned at the sight of a figure cowering as they tried to escape the lousy group of bandits
her guards tried to follow in a haste as their archon sped away from them, only to be held back by none other then the lady’s right hand.
“she’s able to fend off a few low life’s like them — head back to the palace, i will wait for her,” sara ordered, turning her back to the scene behind her.
their words didn’t hurt as much as the damage they inflicted upon you — hit after hit, they relentlessly took out their anger upon you.
it seemed as if it would never end — they would never stop kicking, scratching, and punching, simply using you until their own energy ran out, or worse.
you braces yourself for another hit, but if never came — the soft glow and crackle of electricity caused you to slowly blink your eyes open.
baal — or the raiden shogun, stood mere feet in front of you, hand grasped around a blade and eyes harsh and sharp like knives.
“leave now, or forever face the wrath of the raiden shogun,” the bandits, in no doubt of the women’s words, ran off before they could even think straight — the mere presence of her driving them into fear.
baal watched as they ran off, letting her energy cease until there was slim to nothing, and letting the blade in her hand dissipate. turning in concern yet also caution, she observed your hunched over and bruised figure.
“... are you- are you okay?” if was a stupid question — she knew you were far from it, but she never had to deal with people like this. at least not people that were harmed at the hands of others.
you tried to stand hastily, trying not to make a fool of yourself in front of the raiden shogun herself — but the minute you put pressure on your left leg, your body gave out again.
“sara!” baal called out to her right hand, the woman rushing to her side in an instant. “hand me a rag please,” she held her hand out to the side, awaiting for the feeling of a soft material to touch her skin.
as soon as it did, baal gently patted and swiped at the small yet rouch cuts and marks covering your face and exposed skin — trying not to hurt you anymore then you already were.
“i’m going to ask you again — are you okay?” she didn’t know what possessed her to care, but the sight of you, scraped and bruised, had caused an unsettling and unfamiliar feeling to settle in her stomach.
a mere mortal, making her mind go fuzzy, her heart skip a beat, and stomach tie up into knots — it was odd how the brain and its feelings worked.
“i’m- okay — i just need to get home, that’s all,” you made a move to stand once again, but were ushered back down. “really! there’s no need to concern yourself with this.”
“the last thing you should be doing is telling what to and not to concern myself with,” baal couldn’t help the slight edge in her voice from making an appearance — but the sight of you recoiling from the tone made her second guess herself. “that’s- what i’m trying to say is, let me help — please.”
sara looked on in amusement, already telling that the mighty archon was falling second by second even if she didn’t want to admit it.
“would you like me to prepare a room for them at the palace?” she questioned — knowing the archon better then she knew herself.
“yes sara, i think that would be best,” baal offered you a delicate hand, helping you stand to your feet. “i believe it would do you some good to rest — and i would like to make sure of your healthy progress.”
needless to say, within the span of those days, the mighty and unforgiving raiden shogun had fallen for the mere mortal who she had saved.
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rviden · 3 years
may I ask for a platonic! Relationship with the 3 archons, where reader(gn) is **just** like Baal/Ei? Like they LOVE sweets and desserts, and just a bit too stubborn. for example, baal would say something, (voting wise) and even if it was not right—reader would agree. and for desserts? that's left unsaid.
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♡ includes — ei, zhongli, venti
♡ warnings — n/a
♡ pronouns — they/them
♡ a/n — i’m not gonna do a taglist anymore, sorry to those who wanted on it or were already on it :(
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♡ ei doesn't seem like the type to realize how similar the two of you are until sara speaks up on it — the right hand to her tells her about how you mopped about not getting desert after a full meal, about how you helped her plan the next attack against the resistance, and how you have a lot of similar mannerisms to her. after the fact, ei definitely questions if she made another clone by accident
♡ the minute you speak he makes the eerie connection between ei and you — the way you act and the way you hold yourself with an almost superiority complex is an instant reminder of the electro archon. even though he finds it odd over everything else, he also cant help but find the situation humorous — the fact that you are so much like an old 'friend' of his is something that never fails to make him chuckle. he's still off put at it sometimes however
♡ shaking in his little boots. he finds the more serene and almost childish side of you adorable and fun — laughing as he watches someone pull the desert away from the table before you could dig into it and have your fill of the sweetness and eyes trailing after your furious form following after. but as soon as you discuss you ideals and views on visions, eternity, and all that other jazz, venti is legitimately thinking about packing up mondstadt and moving them somewhere else
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252 notes · View notes
rviden · 3 years
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#includes — tohma, ayaka, yoimiya, raiden shogun
#warnings — spoilers for yoimiyas quest(?)
#pronouns — they/them
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he has a spot reserved for you, a blanket set up, and a basket full of snack — that’s how much this man is prepared
tohma treats watching fireworks as if it were a national holiday, taking each and every firework event seriously
so when it rolls around, he’s giving his special slip to yoimiya and asking for a big show — not only for him, but for you as well
while watching said fireworks, tohma is so affectionate — never once does his arm leave your shoulders and his head stays leaned against yours
tohma points out his firework everytime, before waiting for yours to pop up — and when he sees one that is what he describes as (almost as beautiful as you) he can’t help but remember it so he can talk to yoimiya about it
he wants it to be yours and his new firework
now ayaka has the best place to watch fireworks (courtesy to not only her status but also yoimiya)
on the way up to the spot, ayaka would settle for placing her hands over your eyes — she wants it to be a surprise of some sorts, even if you know why she’s taking you out
the spot would be set up with blankets and snacks — maybe even a tent of sorts if she’s feeling really fancy
ayaka would have already previously talked to yoimiya, giving her yours and her own slip, while also requesting the popular ones
she’d be pretty quiet during it, but also affectionate (like tohma) — she wants to watch the fireworks, but also wants to just cuddle with you
watching the fireworks with the firework princess herself? you know you’re going to have an amazing time
while every fire work show is absolutely amazing, yoimiya pulls out absolutely everything she has for you — the numbers probably double just because of her
she brings you up to her special place that has view over everything — no lights or anything set up for maximum enjoyment
while yoimiya isn’t the most affectionate during the show, you can bet that once the fireworks fade out and it’s just the two of you left, she has a few single ones for the two of you (plus fire cracklers)
yoimiya will stand by your side as she lights the end of yours before lighting her own — her spelling out your name, drawing hearts, and little messages for you to try and figure out
sits under the stars for a little while after to just bask in your presence
picture sitting on her balcony with an actual assortment of foods, the comfiest cushions, and a place in her arms
baal would let her servants or guards know (even sara) to leave the two of you to yourselves, not wanting any distractions during her time with you
when the fireworks start, baal would be so affectionate — running her hands through your hair, hand in yours, and arm wrapped around you (braid or play with her hair and she’s not even focusing on the show anymore)
more into the show, baal would drag you down to lay with her, both facing eachother and she would just softly whisper to you — doesn’t matter about what, be it compliments, a recent encounter with someone, or just a topic
that space on the balcony would become your space for the night, baal falling asleep shortly after the fireworks end
oh what i would do to watch the fireworks with her
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rviden · 3 years
Idk if the baal requests are still open so feel free to ignore if so but Baal pining after one of her loyal retainers who either is terribly oblivious to her attempts to show them she likes them or they just don’t like her that way to begin with and are choosing to ignore her signals
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#includes — baal (raiden shogun)
#warnings — n/a
#pronouns — they/them
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baal liked to pride herself in her knowledge of her staff — so she would’ve had her eyes on you for a while
and while baal is seemingly confident and collected to the rest of the world, she would be unbelievably nervous to even speak to you
with a reputation like hers, she believes that there’s no way in hell that you could remotely feel anything for her
but with a little gentle shoves from sara, one of the only people that actually knows the raiden shogun for the woman she is, she reassured the woman that the worst that could happen was a rejection
so, baal begins to wander around the palace more — sticking around your area the most
she’ll start conversation as small requests at first — moving a piece of furniture over just a smidge, asking for flower replacements in the main hall, or asking you to run an important errand
from there, she would ask a personal question or share something about her with the requests — a small step in a direction of personally getting to know you
but when you just go about you duties, nod at her words, and walk off as if nothing had happened, baal’s fears begin to take over
as soon as she sees signs of you not liking her, she backs off pretty quickly, but sara won’t stand for it and pushes even harder — and if the goddess wouldn’t make a move, she was beginning to plan making a move for her
with sara now more in on the whole situation, you can find yourself in the army generals presence more often — the woman asking questions about if you’re interested in anyone at the moment, what kind of traits you look for in a partner, etc.
sara’s a little shit, so if she can tell you like baal yet knows you seems oblivious to the archons advances, you can bet you’ll be set up and dragged into an elaborate plan of hers
“sara, where are you taking me-“
“i’m asking you to trust me — i’m helping you!” she continued to guide the archon towards who knows where.
baal sighed amd let the girl bring her to where she wanted to — she did trust the girl, with her life even, so she knew no harm would come to her.
“okay we’re here,” sara paused, hand on the door handle and other hand on baal’s back. “now one word of advice before i send you in...” she leaned in close. “they like you... they’re just a little oblivious to catching the signs of attraction you have,” and with that, she shoved baal into the room.
“what-“ baal cut herself off as she saw you sitting quietly, your eyes now on her. “oh- hello y/n,” she watched as you stood and bowed.
“good evening miss.”
“there’s no need to bow — really,” baal sighed, repeating sara’s words in her head.
you lifted yourself from your bowed position, offering the woman a small smile. “okay miss-“
“y/n call me baal, please!” she let out a small laugh, finding herself more comfortable then she had ever been around you before. she blamed the possible eyes that could’ve seen her in the moments you shared before. “we’re friends, aren’t we?”
you could only nod at the woman’s words, not sure what to say exactly at the words she had just spoken.
“actually...” baal cleared her throat. “y/n, forgive me if this is too forward, and simply forget it if you don’t feel the same, but i have feelings for you.”
she closed her eyes and awaited a response.
“oh wait really?” you tilted your head. “i also have feelings for you,” offering a smile, you loved closer to the woman.
baal stood stunned — sara was right.
“so this means...?”
“we both like eachother,” you laughed under your breath. “so i guess that means...?”
“will you be my partner?” baal blurted out, tired of skirting around the subject — it was like ripping a bandaid off, but instead of doing it to lessen the pain, it was ripped off to put an need to the awkwardness of the situation.
“i would be honoured to,” you both shared a gentle smile — baal looking back towards the door to where sara smirked wildly as she peaked into the room.
sara was always right.
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rviden · 3 years
GIMMIE BAAL OR RAIDEN OR WHATEVER CONTENT I BEG OF YOU!!! it can be soft, angsty, crazy, or literally anything (congrats of 600 btw ♡)
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includes — baal (raiden shogun)
warnings — pre-2.0 release
pronouns — they/them
note — OKAY ILL FEED YOU - and ty bub
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baal is a fierce and intimidating leader to all — her own people, the nations that neighbour inazuma, and any and all travellers that dare to approach the electrified islands
despite this, she’s also vastly loyal and caring to the people that she loves — she treats them as equals and royalty, making sure that they are treated with just as much respect as she is day in and day out
so expect to be spoiled quite a bit
days with baal are often spent in ease — observing the beautiful landscape of inazuma from her balcony as you sit in peace together
on the more exciting days however, baal often times has you accompany her and sara for official business (what is hers is yours in her eyes, and she believes that you deserve to sit in on important discussions)
behind closed doors, baal is affectionate and nurturing — as we can see from her control over inazuma... she likes to take the reigns
she adores either doing simply tasks as brushing or braiding (if you have the length) your hair — simple and loving tasks like those are her favourite
baal is also not opposed to playing small games — it’s nice to put her feet up and relax for once, so a simple card game, hand game, on any other sort of game, she’s down for
overall, baal is a tough and intimidating ruler to the outside world, but when you get to know her in private, you’ll see that she’s not quite all that — if you let her in, trust her with everything, and give all you got just like she gives all she has to you, then the relationship runs smoothly and lovingly
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dragonspine-jpg · 3 years
🖇🌊 ━━ inazuma WL1
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now teleporting to waypoint... inazuma ♡
[these works are all SFW!]
[for my NSFW masterlist (18+ only), click HERE]
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choose your character!
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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🖇 V ── BAAL.
# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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🖇 IX ── GOROU.
# * . & | SFW tag (coming soon).
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