#🤣😭 i love him but he is the DEFINITION of an unreliable narrator when it comes to his own feelings
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Good Lord. The new kiss fanfic chapter, holy cow. Your writing is so incredible and Charles' feelings just came across so PERFECTLY. Thank you thank you thank you for this fic so far!!! <333
AWWW, thank you so so much, dear anon!! this ask made me smile SO much <3333 i'm so happy you liked it!! 😍🥰 and as for Charles' feelings... WELL, i'm glad they're obvious to you, because they're definitely not obvious to him, if you know what i mean 🤣😭
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but yeah!! really, thank you SO much for this very kind ask - i really appreciate it ❤️ you've made me smile just as much as this gif of sharl does ☺️🥰
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morningstarwrites · 6 months
I am losing my mind with the last chapter. Do u think people thought that something else’s was going on after Lucy and Al came back from their little ‘fight’, cause god the stares…I can understand why Al run XD And The idea of people lining up to sign up the pictures, that was hilarious.
Honestly I am confused of what the vees were trying to archive with this little prank, even if Lucy did nothing it wasn’t that bad of a situation to be found hanging out with the king of hell, besides the only thing it did was make their bond stronger lmao, which it is going to definitely bite them in the back later and I am so in for it.
I love how u write Al and I was wondering if u have some tips, on how to write Alastor when he is being filtered with. I am planning to write a fic as well, And I realised how clueless I am on the subject, cause I have got no clue how to make Al act with such acts towards him.
I mostly blaming the fact that I have never been in relationships and I follow into the ACE spectrum, where I mostly know the basic and cliche of a relationship, but Al is anything but cliche, that man is a ducking mystery and his being a unreliable narrator it’s not helping my dilemma .
Thank u for listening and can’t wait to see how the hotel residents are gonna react at those two being besties and hugging 😭🤣
Thank you!! I wouldn't think so because they clearly look like they were in a fight, so it's more like they're super beat up haha. And I'll talk more about the Vees in the next chapter!
Ooh, I'd be happy to give you some tips! It kiiiind of sounds like you're asking specifically on how to write about Alastor in a relationship? (did I get that right?)
TO ME, [radioapple] would be a relationship of equals. They're both incredibly prideful people, but they should acknowledge each other's strengths, poke fun of their flaws, KNOW that they're very different but still respect each other. And that kind of pride makes them extremely competitive, which you can also write as playful.
Please let me know if you have other questions about it. I can probably write an essay just on the character analyses of Lucifer and Alastor alone lmao, I just felt like this reply was getting too long already ugh
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lurkingshan · 1 year
The Eighth Sense 7&8
We are starting with Jae Won on the beach alone, no music and the faint sound of sirens over the title credits which is quite terrifying
Ji Hyun definitely got hurt fuck
Surf club disbanded, how bad was it damn someone TELL ME
Someone smack Tae Hyung PLEASE
Ae Ri does not give a fuck about paying respect to her shitty seniors and I love that
IT HAS BEEN A MONTH? Ji Hyun was very seriously hurt and it sounds like maybe almost died
Someone smack Eun Ji PLEASE
Honestly I wanted more from Yoon Won in that scene. She should have shut her peers down and not left that burden on Ae Ri.
Here we go again - there is a very dark filter with black edges around this scene with Jae Won in the classroom. Now 100% convinced these effects are meant to convey Jae Won’s state of mind. In episode 6 it was hazy because he was mentally breaking and bright because he was with Ji Hyun. Now it’s dark and oppressive because Ji Hyun is hurt and he’s in a depression. There may also be some elements of unreliable narration happening - its the only thing that explains some of the weirdness in ep 6 - but the things happening on screen are real. You must be pleased @bengiyo!
I would have liked to see that scene of Jae Won punching Tae Hyung go on much longer
They really want us to think Ji Hyun might be dead which is what convinces me he’s not
I get that he’s depressed and listless but I really wish Jae Won would not let Eun Ji near him, she is definitely taking advantage and he’s letting her out of self-loathing
We are now in a new therapy session, and Jae Won is definitely blaming himself as expected
Phew Ji Hyun is okay, but it seems they are not talking to each other
Boss lady is so happy to see Ji Hyun, and she’s right that he seems different - there is a curious lightness to his mood, but that might just be euphoria of freedom after a month in the hospital
Jae Won stayed with Ji Hyun until he woke up, then disappeared on him and only checked on him in secret, what a Brian Kinney move
Their trip was the happiest memory of Ji Hyun’s life it’s fine I’M FINE
Joon Pyo the country mouse trying to order cocktails 🤣
Ah man, Jae Won why must you be so predictable
Ji Hyun is really so much more confident now. Being in Seoul, having his first romance, finding a real friend, surviving a near death experience - these things have done wonders for our little country mouse.
Wetter is back, thank goodness. Maybe this ep won’t be as bleak.
I physically jumped when the camera panned up to Jae Won staring at him
Tae Hyung is such an awful person. We knew this and yet he keeps finding new depths of scumbaggery every week.
Jae Won clearly wants to be punished. He is torturing himself and it’s so unnecessary.
Of course Ji Hyun showed up for him. And he’s using this as an opportunity to tell Jae Won what he means to him 😭
Hahahaha fuck off Tae Hyung
Joon Pyo I knew you wouldn’t let me down. That was a nice coming out scene.
Ji Hyun unphased by Eun Ji, we love to see it. She truly is pathetic.
I just love boss lady so much
Jae Won’s affect is so flat it’s scary. And Ji Hyun is very brave to insist on this conversation.
I don’t know how others are feeling but that wasn’t as bad as I feared. Obviously, Jae Won is struggling and making self-destructive choices and Ji Hyun is going to be hurt by it. But these are pretty recognizable patterns and they can come back from this if Jae Won can work through his guilt. I’m still loving the show and what they’re doing here.
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