#🤷🏿‍♀️ 😒
obsessedduh · 2 months
one thing about me is that i reply faster than flash. snap, whatsapp. who cares? im replying.
if you text me, best belive, ill reply in a matter of seconds. the bare minimum, at least two or three minutes. the reasons i dont reply to you is:
youre annoying af 😒
im too lazy to reply 😛
im out - i literally never have data because my ass too lazy to go out get some 😔 (also because i don't wanna deal with humans beings trying to talk to me. like get away from me you fool.)
im eating
i have a burning sense of hatred for you in my veins
playing roblox 🤭
my phone is on dnd
im sleeping
youre a dry and basic ass texter 🤷🏿‍♀️
especially since no one really talks to me sooo i reply hella fast.
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bklynmusicnerd · 6 months
I'm currently fighting a battle against going full "Bah Humbug" to this holiday season, but nevertheless we are going to get into these latest GH Petty Politics results!
This is going to be a long roundup because I did more polls than usual because I weirdly felt bad about how boring these last few weeks of GH have been.
Considering the present state of the show is actually pretty dire thanks to a deeply misguided EP, let's start off with what moratorium you all think GH needs more? The results were actually not close at all as 70.8% of you said:
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Violet's random ass song aside, the consensus is clear. The majority are sick of 90% of the dialogue revolving around how the only thing that matters in this world is having babies. Imagine that 😒. To quote my mom, "The songs only last a couple of minutes, those babies take forever to disappear!"
29.2% of you, though, do think all the corny singing is becoming a problem. You signed up for a soap, not Glee.
And along those lines, when asked what you find edgier and more exciting during this holiday season, 84.2% of you said Hallmark Christmas movies officially have more buzz than anything happening on GH right now.
I don't watch Hallmark, so I have no way of verifying this. I made it an option cause I was feeling snarky after that terrible Friday ep, but I suspect this is the truth. From what I'm told, the heroines on those Hallmark movies do sometimes get to discuss things other than babies or when they'll have them, so that's something.
Onto the poll that surprisingly got the most buzz: What do you think of Curtis' ableist Christmas miracle paralysis reversal?
43.2% of you agreed that it is a lazy and offensive conclusion to a poorly done disability story, and that's because it is! Curtis' paralysis was played as a cheap ploy to get quick sympathy for him and in the process promoted the idea that all the lives of the disabled amount to is what they can't do.
Anyways, here's an article on why the "miracle cure" trope is offensive as shit and gross to write in 2023:
38.5% of you could give a shit about Curtis or his terrible storyline and just want to know where Trina's real father, Taggert is? A question that likely won't be answered until next year (but keep hope alive 🥲)
19.2% of you are in an optimistic mood and are open to this story at least having the upside of a potential testing fiasco which clears Trina of these Ashford charges once and for all (again...keep hope alive 🥲).
And a total of 0% of you are happy for Curtis to receive his miracle cure, and honestly...I've never felt prouder looking at a result. There's something really beautiful about us all coming together in the name of having no time for Curtis, I'm tearing up as I type this.
Moving onto the latest Kraze (😉) in GH pairings. I really wanted to know what you guys thought of Kristina and Blaze moving forward at the same time as this surrogacy plot that will not die.
50% of you said that you were too devastated by another pairing already being dragged down by the baby agenda, to put yourself in Blaze's shoes. As a Trina fan, believe me, I get it, and my heart goes out to you guys. The wlw delegation deserved better than this smh
29.2% of you said you would absolutely stay romantically interested in Kristina through her surrogacy story if you were Blaze. Which regardless of how realistic, is actually very sweet and probably exactly what GH will have Blaze do because baby agenda always wins out 😒.
20.8% of you said you'd probably have to dip if you were Blaze cause that's way too much way too soon and I have to say I'm inclined to agree with you guys. I can't imagine starting a relationship with someone who's about to carry a baby but I guess we're going to see what that looks like 🤷🏿‍♀️.
Speaking of "fuck them kids", a certain demon spawn was finally shown the door this week and I wanted your thoughts on Trina's status as a potential accidental homewrecker, and whether or not you gave a shit that Spencer's domestic era is over.
On the Trina homewrecking front:
47.8% of you said, yes, our girl technically qualifies as the cutest accidental homewrecker ever and you think she's a hero for demolishing the Jerry Springer household by simply choosing herself.
39.1% of you think Trina's homewrecking status is irrelevant because Laura's home was simply a training ground for the real home Spencer is already planning in his head with Trina.
And 13% of you, like my mom, think I play too much and that Trina is not a homewrecker and there's nothing funny about the suggestion! And to that I say: 😛
As for Spencer's domestic mourning period (🤢), I'm proud to report that the majority of you (57.9%) have no time for the fake sympathy for Spencer. You can be honest and admit that this story was bad, you're happy this form of it is over and you're hopeful that he can burn the diaper bags and return to dark princedom once again.
26.3% of you do feel bad for Spencer but uh, not enough to mourn this baby nonsense with him.
And 15.8% of you are actually going to miss Spencer the Manny. I can't really relate to such an emotion, but I admire the bravery of being open about your bad taste in storylines.
Setting crybaby Spencer to the side, let's talk about the real Cassadine youth doing real Cassadine things, Charlotte!
In true Cassadine form, Charlotte has the people divided. 34.8% of you agree with Valentin and are proud of Charlotte for her mess. But 34.8% of you also aren't sure about anything except that Anna should have slapped Valentin again (I agree). 30.4% of you are not down with Charlotte's shenanigans and think Valentin is nuts for being this passive.
The people are thoroughly split on Miss Charlotte Cassadine, which means she's doing wonderfully 😘.
Bringing crybaby Spencer back to the front again because it's time to discuss our favorite new pill popper on the canvas, Adam!
I really wanted to know if people were as into the Adam and Spencer friendship idea as @anyathefandom and I and I'm pleased to report the results are hilarious:
54.5% of you think we are nuts for trying to play friendship matchmaker with Spencer and a guy who's about to OD on pills and you know what, that's fair! Maybe our priorities seem a little odd as this kid tweaks about test scores! But we all know the powers of nepotism will save him from anything fatal, so I think some of you need to ease up on the judgment!
36.4% of you are here for the Spencer/Adam friendship idea. You're ready for Spencer to move on from Cali Cam and get a friend that's actually in the same town as him. You also recognize that it's either this or a forced Spencer and Dex friendship, and the lesser evil is pretty obvious here.
9.1% of you have no faith in Spencer's socialization skills and think it's a waste of time to hope he'll get a new friend. You think Spencer will never outgrow his "no new friends" phase, and you might just be right. Depressing but right.
And to save the funniest result for last. No, seriously, I saw this result and immediately lost it.
When asked what do you think will happen first, Adam OD'ing or Dex finally getting a real personality besides sex robot, 100% of you said Adam's inevitable OD is coming before Dex's personality. Because the only thing you guys have less faith in than Spencer's socialization skills, is Dex's character development.
I wanted to save that result for last because that's actually our first unanimous GH Petty Politics result and I love that it was as funny as it was disrespectful ❤️.
And so concludes another round of GH Petty Politics. Once again, you guys are hilarious and your participation is always appreciated!
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iamcuziam · 1 year
I just gt into Milgram Project and its my new favorite thing. So far here is my line up'
Shidou - So, what I got from his song and vid is that he killed ppl so that he can play Frankenstein. He felt guilty about doing it but he still did it. And then the monster still went and died 🙄 chile anyways 😒
Mahiru - Y'all this woman is textbook crazy. There's no other way to splice it. Like she gives stalker vibes. The 'if you don't love me, you can't love anyone else'
Yuno - I originally that she was on some stalker type shit. So she was like a escort or something? I think she developed feelings for one of her customers and when they didn't reciprocate beyond being a customer she offed them
Futa - What I got from him was he's a gamer and spends a lot of time there bc the real world is filled with trash ppl. He is the shit in his game and kinda wishes he could wipe out the bad guys like in his game. He got the two worlds crossed and ended wiping out someone irl. He is not happy about some of the others being found innocent in the 1st trial. Which lines up with his views about justice. I feel like I may be off here but maybe there was someone he couldn't save or put on danger with his views and actions. I think he fears that he is just like the rest of the prisoners he sees as awful.
Kotoko - Blood for blood is a tale as old as time. Someone killed someone she loved and she went to kill them back. Same sis. 😏👏🏿
Haruka - Yeah, he was deemed guilty in the second round and I can't see how. He was mistreated for being different. That broke him. He just wanted to be loved by the people that should love him unconditionally... but ok 🙄
Mu - So, Mu was bullied something fierce and when she finally got a friend, for whatever reason she turns her back on Mu. 🙄😒 That is what I call a cunt move. But we'll see what happens in this 2nd Trial...
Mikoto - Poor baby def has a 'split personality' (apologies if the term is wrong, feel free to correct me). I think he deserves a mental hospital more than a prison but he definitely shouldn't be walking around in society if he can't keep that other side in check
Kazui: As much as I want to put the love of my life as innocent I don't really understand what went down in his video...? 😵‍💫 Like he and his wife drifted apart. Are the woman at the bar and his wife one in the same? I assumed he met his wife when she was at a low point in her life and they found live in a hopeless place. That or he a goddamn dirty cheat. And I really hope that's not the case 😭
Amane - I have no idea what her video is about. Like not even a vague idea... 🤷🏿‍♀️
Do let me know what y'all think, whether you have something to add or a different idea entirely. Would love to see everyone else's thoughts on this.
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them not releasing sneak peeks for the rina subplot episode is very sus 👀 i'm expecting something this weekend but it feels like we have reached too spoilery territory and from now on they will be more conscious of the content being released, since the first two episodes didn’t really have much plot i could see why they released so much content.
Atp idrc cause I know we're getting rina content anyway. I just wanna know why they stopped putting the sneak peaks at the end of the eps 😭. Trying to fix something that wasn't broken 😒. Idc if it's spoilery, like I've seen most all the leaks so 🤷🏿‍♀️
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somescenecatholic · 2 years
give me all your recent emojis or perish
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biglifequestions · 5 months
I need Tumblr advice:
A few years ago (around the start of covid) I started working at a company for some income. I told the manager that I am physically disabled, I have trouble standing, and would this be a problem. She proceeded to tell me that a lot of the employees that worked there were up there in age and had physical setbacks of their own and that she completely understood. I was relieved to hear this. I don't remember how long I worked there. (not long, that's for certain) Long story short, I was told to go home because I was ringing a customer's goods out and had to wait for another employee to clock in before I could clock out, go on break, and sit down so I could rest my back and legs. The employee took her time clocking in like an asshole while I have a customer looking at me with concern asking if I'm okay. I proceeded to tell him "I will be as soon as I finish ringing you out because then I'll get to go on break and I'll get to sit down." I finish ringing out his items and the dumb bitch I was waiting for finally finishes up on the computer. I clock out and immediately go to the back of the store to the break room so I can sit down. All of a sudden the manager comes in saying "What's this I'm hearing about you complaining to customers about being in pain?" I proceeded to tell her I wasn't complaining. The customer asked if I was okay, and I told him I would be as soon as I went on my break. That's when she goes off on me about how, if I can't do my job without complaining to customers, I could just go home. I said "well, okay." I grabbed my shit, left, and never went back. 🤷🏿‍♀️😒
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cocobeanhinks · 5 months
So listen and recognizing some Korean words: 😁👌🏿✨️
Speaking And Pronouncing Korean: 😒🤷🏿‍♀️👀
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Sansa in AGoT:
None of which stopped Arya, of course. One day she came back grinning her horsey grin, her hair all tangled and her clothes covered in mud, clutching a raggedy bunch of purple and green flowers for Father. Sansa kept hoping he would tell Arya to behave herself and act like the highborn lady she was supposed to be, but he never did, he only hugged her and thanked her for the flowers. That just made her worse. (Sansa I)
Sansa in TWoW:
Ser Roland was the oldest of the three, though no more than five-and-twenty. He was taller and more muscular than Ser Wallace, but both were long-faced and lantern-jawed, with stringy brown hair and pinched noses. Horsefaced and homely, Alayne thought.
Harry, though... (Alayne I)
Also in AGoT:
Sansa could never understand how two sisters, born only two years apart, could be so different. It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard, like their half brother Jon. She even looked like Jon, with the long face and brown hair of the Starks, and nothing of their lady mother in her face or her coloring. And Jon's mother had been common, or so people whispered. Once, when she was littler, Sansa had even asked Mother if perhaps there hadn't been some mistake. Perhaps the grumkins had stolen her real sister. But Mother had only laughed and said no, Arya was her daughter and Sansa's trueborn sister, blood of their blood. Sansa could not think why Mother would want to lie about it, so she supposed it had to be true. (Sansa I)
And in TWoW:
"Yes," she said, "but why must he be so cruel? He called me your bastard. Right in the yard, in front of everyone."
"So far as he knows, that's who you are. This betrothal was never his idea, and Bronze Yohn has no doubt warned him against my wiles. You are my daughter. He does not trust you, and he believes that you're beneath him."
"Well, I'm not. He may think he's some great knight, but Ser Lothor says he's just some upjumped squire." (Alayne I)
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ohemaa-warrior · 2 years
High testosterone gang 😞 i should call the dr about my test results but i don't want to 🤷🏿‍♀️ living in oblivion is fun and if it were that serious they should call me to mitigate possible future suing 😌😊 like cmon you have it written down i have anxiety and you were worried about my test results, you're known for calling patients and you didn't call me if you were worried?? Sounds like a problemo
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38riku · 2 years
hello🦦 what if [character name] is just waking up and they hear (Y/N) screaming the words to 'Garden- (Say It Like Dat)- SZA' ?? you would think [character name] don't show no love😒
[character name]- ⁉️⁉️
[character name]- what. the. fuck.😃
[character name]- who are you singing about!?🤨😃
idk why I thought of this🤷🏿‍♀️
other details- established relationship and can the character(s) be from MHA/BNHA?
sorry if this is against the rules!! I didn't see any about song requests, hope this okay :)
don't have to write this, obviously :D
remember to drink water and eat daily <3
synopsis: songfic, gender neutral, implied black reader
warnings: none
note: you are the sweetest omg <3 this is my first request so …I hope you like it. i didn’t mean to make it this long :’)
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- an early riser so he’s used to hearing your music and belching out lyrics like nobody’s business
- however, today it was his business because why are you saying that he doesn’t love you with your whole chest?
- his toothbrush hangs out of his mouth as he storms into the kitchen where you’re spouting lies
Open your heart up, hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else
- he raises a brow at that. he opened his heart to you from the beginning. he remembers when you confessed to him your second year.
- as his closest friend beforehand, you knew about the incident with stain, one of his most vulnerable and unhinged moments, and still decided to pursue him romantically.
- so what were you talking about?
“Cause I love you just how you are, and I hope you never find out who I really am”
- both of his brows raise this time. find out who you really are? he knows. the aspirations you’ve held onto since your childhood, your dreams, despite the inner turmoil and challenges life has thrown at you, that you chase after.
- what makes tears of sorrow stream down your cheeks or your eyes crinkle in joy. he knows you, and you know him.
“Cause you’ll never love me-”
- your voice raises a few octaves and now he has to intervene. you’re singing it so passionately that he believes you truly feel that way.
“sweetheart,” he states, watching as you turn to him in surprise and struggle to lower the volume on your phone. thinking you’ve rudely awakened your boyfriend, you were about to start spouting apologies but he pulled you in a hug, taking you by surprise.
“you know I’ll love you no matter what, right?” he says as he pulls away enough to stare at your face. you could tell he was serious, which confused you even more.
“yes, I know, but where is this coming from?” you question and it’s his turn to be confused.
“the song you were just singing. you seemed to be relating to the lyrics and I just-” realization dawned on the both of you that it was a misunderstanding. you fought back a giggle as he lightly blushed in embarrassment.
cupping his face with your hands, you two shared a laugh before returning to your usual morning duties.
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- he was taking a nap and boy was he upset when you woke him up with your music
- he’s used to it so he reaches for a pillow to cover his ears until he heard your out of pitch signing voice belching lies.
Open your heart up, hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else
- sitting up on the bed, he narrows his eyes at the dark nothingness, wondering if he heard you right since he was still half-asleep
- he wouldn’t think nothing of it if you didn’t preach the words to your imaginary audience. it was way too personal for you not to relate.
- you’re the only person he’s opened his heart to, and he wouldn’t regret it. all of his scars, all of his issues, you’ve see them, healed them
- he ignores it, still groggy, until he hears even more lies falling from your lips
'Cause I love you just how you are, and hope you never find out who I really am
- up and out the bed in an instant this man is livid
- he knows you went through some cultural problems when you first came to Japan, things you couldn’t change like the color of your skin and texture if your hair negatively affecting the way you view yourself
- it took awhile but he eventually got it through your thick skull that he loves you the way you are, so, singing that you hope he never finds out who you really are?
- pissed
- he sees the light in the kitchen on and by the smell of wafting food and lack of light outside, he figured that you were making dinner
'Cause you'll never love me, you'll never love me-”
he rounds the corner and enters the kitchen, a dark aura surrounding him as he watches you use the spatula as a microphone. eyes closed and clearly feeling the lyrics.
“why the fuck are you relating so hard for?” he snatches the spatula out of your hand. you were taken aback, so much so that you couldn’t formulate a response to his question. instead, you noticed the plastic melting off the utensil in his hold.
“what? lost your voice after lying for three verses?”
you rolled your eyes, taking the spatula from his grip and tossing the unusable tool in the sink. “no, you just caught me off guard.” turning back to the stove you held up a plate of spicy curry and rice. “anyways, I just really like the song. don’t take it literally.”
you kissed his cheek while you walked past, “wash your hands so you can eat and be less grumpy.”
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- you were in the bathroom doing your hair for the night, your playlist blasting through the house
- he is a heavy sleeper, so, he woke up from his spot on the couch naturally with a large yawn, arms extended in front of him as he took in his surroundings
Open your heart up, hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else
- he recognizes the tune of the song, hearing it on the radio here and there and social media
- your voice floated through the air as loud as it gets, causing him to chuckle before scuffling down the hall to find you
”Cause I love you just how you are, and hope you never find out who I really am”
- he chuckled at that, recalling the time he first hinted at liking you. who he thought about you and who you actually were doing took him by surprise.
- being in a different class, he never had the opportunity to talk to you, admiring you from afar whenever he saw you. eventually you talked to him and he was such a mess in the moment but he finds the memory endearing.
- you guys had so much in common he never wanted his time with you to end.
“Cause you'll never love me, you'll never love me, you'll never love me”
he leans on the doorframe, smiling. his slow claps cause you to jolt in surprise, fumbling and ultimately dropping what was in your hands.
“didn’t mean to scare you.” chuckling, he used his tape to catch your hairbrush and comb. placing them on the counter, he refocused his attention back to you. “i enjoyed your little show by the way, even if all that crap you said about you’ll never love me was untrue.”
you smacked his chest lightly, eliciting another laugh from him. “i didn’t mean it literally. i just like the song.” you defend and he nods knowingly.
“i figured, even if you were singing those lyrics a little too intensely.”
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- he comes home earlier than you and showers but once his head hits the pillow he is knocked
- nevertheless, he insists you wake him up for dinner every night. unfortunately, his after work nap was disturbed by you and your shower playlist
- he stirred awake hearing your voice over the sound of rushing water and your insanely high volume. he was going to ask you to politely turn it down until he heard you once more
Open your heart up, hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else
- man’s FROZE you’d think he had switched quirks
- an overthinking switch flipped in his head. he talks about the importance of bravery and confidence, but, he knows that there are times where he’s a coward, insecure, not good enough
- you’ve reassured him since high school, and although you say you’d do it as many times as he needed to hear it, he couldn’t help the underlying feeling that maybe you’ve grown to see it too.
'Cause I love you just how you are, and hope you never find out who I really am
- he sits on the edge of the bed, listening, to you sing your heart out with such manly passion it eases his mind a smidge.
- you love him. he knows that. all of his faults, failures, nightmares that keep him up at unruly hours, fears that eat at his sanity until you put them to rest.
- but who you really are? you’re his sunlight that peaks through the clouds after a storm, lighting the way, guiding him amidst his struggles. the one who kisses his unseen wounds with gentle touches and affirming words.
'Cause you'll never love me, you'll never love me, you'll never love me
you finish up with your shower, exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your head. “you’re awake! how was-” immediately, you noticed his dejected state, and wasted no time asking him what was wrong.
“you … you still love me, right?” there was a frown on his face that tugged your heartstrings. when your man was sad, it seemed the entire world became depressed.
“of course I love you.” holding his hand in yours, you patiently waited for him to explain. his face became more red by the second as he processed his emotions, realizing that you probably just liked the song and didn’t mean anything by it.
embarrassed, he groaned, hiding his face in the crook of your neck to avoid your gaze. “it’s nothing, I promise … just let me stay here for awhile.”
you hummed in response, confused about his behavior but not wanting to pry further.
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© 2021 38riku all rights reserved
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aj-agreste · 2 years
This is supposed to be Nightwing's arc, but there's not much going on with him. He's just kinda there. No reflection. No inner demons he's fighting. Nothing. I thought his arc would be the most interesting, but it's just more of the same. 🤷🏿‍♀️😒
Are we gonna touch on Jason Todd at all? Wally? All the lies and secrets? Dick not liking being a leader? Connor asked Dick what kind of leader he wanted to be. Is that gonna be touched on at all? Was figuring out what happened to Connor really the biggest event for his arc? How come Nightwing is the only one who has to share his arc with the other OG Team members?
There's only two episodes left of Season 4, people, and they haven't done anything new with him.
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furufuro · 3 years
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Before and After Updated these two! Xatur, his smug looking... 🙄. Anyways,
The lesson here; they were weird before, and they still look weird. 👁️👄👁️
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Also my sims:
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🤨 😕
I’m trying y’all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Quick update! This is one of the posts that was not ready (which is why I have CAS pics for the before(s) instead of in-game 😑), but I scrounged this up. Still, don’t have my laptop 😒 (something about a backlog on their end), but I’ll see what I can do for posts 🤷🏿‍♀️. And guys, I’m sorry for the lack of updates/presence on here 🙏🏿. I’ve been very busy: went out of town for a week, lots of birthdays this and next month, COVID restrictions have lifted and my job is switching things up. It’s a lot going on, so I haven’t had free time for Tumblr. Anyway, just wanted to fill you guys in and let you know that I have not forgotten you (including @nativeafua​​, please forgive my tardiness, I’ll be re-crafting my response soon 🙏🏿)❤️! Hope to be stalking y’all soon 🧐.
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Nah cuz this shit is embarrassed for him. Vanity fair after party is one the most important nights in Hollywood, with all the biggest names in de industry together, and he showed up with a sub celebrity😒 and take her to the Carter's after party. This girl have a damn confidence to show up there
Okay so I need footage of the carters after party lol but hey this is what he wants 🤷🏿‍♀️ at this point he don’t care about what we think 🤣🤣🤣
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Ships only being able to work out if the other "romantic interest" is out of the way and don’t have any interactions have never been a win to me. It means that the writers are aware that the interactions between the other couple would over power the relationship they are trying to sell. Rina has the best chemistry and the best scenes, having them talk at all during 2B wouldn’t have worked for the narrative they are trying to sell. Even Gina and Jack had more chemistry in one episode than PW.
That's why I'm not worried about portwell being endgame cause if they were, Ricky & Gina would've had a real interaction in 2b (& not like that establishing shot in 2x10)
Also I literally made a JackGina "scenepack" (if you can really call it that 🤷🏿‍♀️) cause they were cute. Ngl it annoyed me when anything about Ej was brought up during their interactions 😒 like it ruined the vibe lmao
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majorbitchi · 2 years
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Yayyy I got a 100 score fiiinalllyyy 😄 This little fucker is a bit annoying 😒 he's really needy and tbh I keep him on pause most of the day 😂 the one game you can play with him is repetitive and uninteresting. I don't know if I'll keep him in the rotation, might retire him soon 🤷🏿‍♀️
Still glad I got him though 👌🏿
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Being woken up by my upstairs neighbors fighting 😒....... fuck i guess I'm up now 🤷🏿‍♀️
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