#๐Ÿฅ€โ€” high . hell . campaign
foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
Me : Has never played dnd, has never been the dm for a dnd campaign
My friends: have 0 experience with dnd
Also me: intently plans a dnd campaign (not a full campaign, more than 1 session) that's intense, has multiple characters and settings, and the setting and characters are completely homebrew
[someone ask me about it pls/nf]
[Is a modern supernatural setting]
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foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
Um so people wanna hear about my campaign, so I'm gonna tell you about the science classroom! The Science Classroom is room 102, and is down the hall of the front office of the school. Go down the left hall, it's the fifth door on your left.
It's the size of your average classroom, with stairs stacked in the corner due to the fact that it's not used anymore, hold for the occasional meet up of some school club.
Now the campaign starts on a Tuesday. On the Monday of the same week the science room was trashed. When you eventually make you way into this room, you'll see chairs scattered across the room, some seemingly crushed. If you look closely you can see that the plastic on some of these have small melted spots. There's are large spots on the carpet that look as if they were burnt, in other spots there seems to be dried spots of what looks like a mix of some clear substance and blood.
(this turns out to be the saliva of the monster) If you look inside the closet, you'll find popular science tools, such as flasks, tongs, clamps, ect. These can be taken and used as make shift weapons if you so wish, but there will be more chances to get more weapons down the road.
I tagged ppl who said they wanna hear about it! Comment/ask if you wanna be added or removed from the tag list!!
@femcelking @drbishepshual
See all posts on my account about this on #๐Ÿฅ€โ€” high . hell . campaign
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foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
Favorite NPC in your homebrew campaign?
Blaine, hands down. Her full name is Blaine Keller (picrew of her under the cut) and I just love the way she is overall. She really first appears as my friends explore the town, not just the school.
She's a person they later learn to be connected to the monster.
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foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
I need to know more about whats going on in your dnd campaign pleasepleaseplease
So basically it starts with my friends' characters in their high school's basement. (I'm telling the basics I can without any sessions having happened yet) As they explore they come across the body of a classmate, murdered. Three large scratches across her chest, bloody, dead. The victims name was Annie Hail
As they explore and go through their highschool (Highland High) and their town (Highland) they get clues about who (or what) did this, and the next day are asked by a Senior who knew the victim (Diana Reagan) to help solve the murder.
(Below the cut are more major spoilers/more gore)
When the characters at some point explore their Theater Classroom/Stage, they find a trail of blood leading into a room. In the room is a large creature made of shadows, think maybe 8 feet tall, something like this
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Blood dripping from its teeth, saliva that leaves burn marks on the floor as it drips onto the concrete.
Anyway, more questions are welcome, and I do have more info if anyone wants it!
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foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
So I thought I'd get back to update y'all on my campaign. So let's get some info down.
This campaign will not start officially until December or later.
This campaign has one person who is defo joining, meaning it may be put off until we get more definitive players.
You guys will get updates, and (if the players are completely comfortable) maybe some clips!
If you wanna get added to the tag list or have any questions, please ask!!
And last but not least, feel free to stay on anon with asks, or don't. I have no preference! If you have an anon sign off feel free to mention it in the ask!
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foxhoarder13 ยท 7 months
I love her so much
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