#🥦 an adorable snack
kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Week 5 - Mama Midoriya 🥦
Summary: Y/N wants to eat pancakes. Mama Midoriya must be a mind reader because she comes over with some. Inko becomes the biggest ReaderDeku shipper.
Warnings: might have 1 swear word in it. That’s it.
First Part Master List
Things are a little bit awkward.
You haven’t seen your green nerdy roommate for a few days, which have given you the perfect opportunity to REALLY think about this new situation.
Your conclusion is…
Drumbeats, please.
Nothing have changed. You are just overthinking. That’s it. Yes.
With that in your mind, you make your way out of your room to make some fucking pancakes for yourself, because you deserve it. Every day can be a pancake day. It’s important to treat yourself sometimes.
Why are you so focused on those pancakes, anyway? Oh, yeah, to ignore your growing feelings toward your unreachable roommate. Great.
“Good morning, honey!” A lovely voice of an older, probably middle aged lady comes across the room and you almost scream incoherently but decide against it after taking a good look at the fluffy woman; she has green hair and green eyes, just like Midoriya, the only difference between the two is the lack of curls and the lady’s hair is a hint darker than your favorite roomie’s. Is she a Midoriya? She needs to be, otherwise you have a trespasser in your house. Fuck, you are terrible at self defense, not even questioning the stranger in your flat, but bruh, she has big, green doe eyes. Everyone knows you can’t say no to green doe eyes.
“Good morning! Midoriya is not here today.” You smile at the woman who only nods understandingly and puts a cup of freshly made latte in your hand. There is whipped cream on the top and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Wow.
You can’t help but look at her with stars in your eyes, adoration clearly written all over your tired features as Izuku’s mom moves back to the kitchen and opens up a box full of FUCKING PANCAKES. How did she know?! Is this her quirk? Knowing when people want to eat pancakes?!
Are there any people around with quirks like that? They probably got a lot of shit for having such a useless quirk, not like you have any rights to judge with your quirkless ass.
If this is a fanfiction, the writer needs to sort her shit out and stop reflecting her raging ADHD on you. You have enough problems already, all these random thoughts just make the situation even worse.
Okay, let’s focus.
“That’s fine honey, I just wanted to bring you two some snacks! I’m Inko Midoriya, Izuku’s mother, nice to meet you! I heard a lot about you!” The woman smiles; a blush spreads on your face from the knowing look Inko gives you. What did he tell her exactly?!
“I-I was actually craving pancakes today.” You mumble right before you realize you didn’t even say your name yet. How can you be so rude?! “Ahh sorry, I’m Y/N! Nice to meet you too!” You stutter awkwardly, trying to maintain an eye contact to not be rude, but it’s really hard, to be honest.
“Good to know you have an actual name, Izuku calls you Sweet Pea all the time, I was actually wondering if you were real at all.” The woman giggles while she puts a few pancakes on a plate for you. Your face must be the shade of crimson at this point if the heat of your face is anything to go by.
“Ahh, yes, it’s an inner joke.” You mumble, ashamed. You need to tell Midoriya to not tell others about that nickname. It’s definitely not something you would call a friend. Maybe you SHOULD talk to Midoriya about this whole situation, make him aware of his actions… but then you wouldn’t get any more sofa cuddles. Or good night kisses… Ahh, fuck that. Let’s just go with it for now. You are already completely, utterly wrecked emotionally so it really doesn’t matter anymore. It’s too late to change things now when you are so used to the way he embraces you after a long shift. It will hurt later when he finds someone better but it wouldn’t hurt any less now so you might as well just enjoy it until it lasts.
“Izuku was always like that.” Inko says dreamily. “He always gives his closest people a silly nickname. When Katsuki and him became best friends he started to call him Kacchan. Katsuki hated it so much, but eventually gave in; us Midoriyas love people in a different way than others, and giving people nicknames is our specialty.” The woman giggles, her voice happy and airy. “I’m just a little bit surprised how quickly you became one of his favorites, but I’m glad.” She smiles with unshed tears in her eyes. “You know, he never had anyone, just his hero friends. He never came home with a lady… or a boy, I’m not judging!” She adds shyly. “That boy… he always does everything for others but never stops to look for what he wants. When he opened his agency, he bought me a house and sent me enough money every month to be able to live stress free without the need of having 3 different jobs. I had to beg him to get a proper flat instead of the tiny one without the window; he sent all his money to me in the beginning so he couldn’t move on with his life at all. Thankfully, Katsuki called me and we managed to make him understand we both want him to think about himself first, but it took us weeks.” The woman sighs. “I just want him to be happy, you know? I know having someone next to you has nothing to do with being happy but I feel like that boy could thrive with the right person next to him. I want him to have someone who finally makes him do what he wants and not what he thinks others want. Ahh, I’m rambling, ain’t I.” Inko scratches her head the same way Izuku does when he’s ashamed. These two are so similar it’s almost scary.
“No, I absolutely know what you mean.” You put your fork down for a second, even though the pancake is so bloody amazing it’s really hard not to keep eating it. “On the first week, he went back to his agency to shower to not freak me out. I told him off for not coming home right away and let me take care of him; this is his house he has all the rights to come home looking like a mess. He’s allowed to be fragile, he’s allowed to ramble about nothing and everything after a shitty day and he’s allowed to be dirty and smelly after a long shift. All these things are a part of him and I absolutely adore them all. It is what makes him a human being. So don’t worry about rambling, I love that you ramble the same way he does. It’s really adorable. And this pancake is godly, I’m a little bit sad he’s incapable of feeding himself properly, but that’s also a little bit cute. He’s so perfect in every way yet he can’t even make scrambled eggs.” You giggle to yourself. When you look up at Inko, the color leaves your cheeks; her lips are trembling and looks like she’s about to cry a river.
“Sorry, was that too much?! I really didn’t mean to make you upset, I mean I know how all this sounds but I’m not…”
You can’t finish the sentence because Izuku suddenly JUMPS IN THROUGH THE OPEN WINDOW and lands right in front of his wailing mother.
“Mom, don’t cry, what happened?” Izuku kneels in front of the woman, cradling her face. Your heart almost leaves your chest from the sight of him; he’s in his full costume, sweat shining on his forehead from running all the way here in the heat. His costume sticks to his features more, thanks to the wetness of his skin; you can see every single muscle underneath the costume. You haven’t seen him for almost a week and you didn’t think you will see him today either so needless to say, your heart is having an extremely hard time right now. He’s so gorgeous, goddamnit.
“Izuku!!!!” The woman cries. “I love her so much. So-so much, Izuku! She’s perfect!” She cries some more, looking at her son with fond eyes.
“I know.” Deku smiles, but it does not reach his eyes; there is a sadness to them today and you really hate it. He embraces his mother lovingly and doesn’t look your way at all; you are not sure if it’s because of your last awkward messaging in the middle of night or not. Probably. The heartbreak came sooner than you expected it. You were right, it really fucking hurts.
When Inko calms down Izuku wanders off to get himself a plate and sits down next to you; he touches your shoulders as he passes by, letting you know that everything is fine; the touch helps you to ground yourself and be free of your negative thoughts; you are overthinking again and you know it. Even if it’s awkward this is still Izuku; Izuku who would never hold a grudge against you for needing some space.
For your surprise, he doesn’t take a new pancake from the box but decides to steal yours; he takes the full stack of pancakes, drizzled with just the right amount of maple syrup and puts them down on his own plate; he grins at you cheekily while nibbling on a small piece.
“You thief!” You giggle with an incredulous look on your face, while you move your fork to his plate to steal one pancake back; there is a massive batch of pancakes still sitting in the plastic box, but this is way more fun.
“Hey, you said I can have whatever I want. I wanted your pancakes. You said it, now deal with the consequences.” Deku gives you a shit eating grin while he tries to not choke on the full sized pancake he just stuffed into his mouth. He looks like a 5 year old and it’s absolutely adorable.
“Don’t speak while you eat, you pig!” You shuffle closer, giving his shoulders a little bump with your own. Izuku moves his fork towards you, offering you a small pancake piece and you take it without a second though; Inko chooses this moment to clear her throat to remind you of her existence because you definitely forgot about it.
“Izuku, my love, did you forget to tell me something?” She looks between you two with questioning eyes but her smile is as big as her head; she clearly thinks that Izuku and you… oh, fuck.
“Oh no, it’s not… I’m not…”
“Oh my god, mom, please don’t finish that sentence.”
“I like your son.” You yell with your face on fire. “But our relationship is purely platonic, I swear.”
Izuku stares at you with wide eyes, also rocking a massive blush on his chubby cheeks.
“I also like Y/N. And w-we are… l-like this. All the time. P-Platonically.”
“Hmm.” Inko hums with a humble smile on her face, her eyes still wet from crying just a few minutes ago. “I’ll ask you again in a few weeks.” She WINKS at you two and grabs her bag from the living room. “I’ll go home, enjoy the pancakes! There’s also some brownies on the kitchen counter, I heard Sweet Pea really liked them the last time I sent some over!” Inko DANCES to the main door and closes it behind her, her giggles can still be heard thought the wall.
“Oh my god, that was so awkward, I want to die.” Izuku whines, hiding his face with his arms, pancakes forgotten.
“Well, it was awkward for you but I have your mothers blessing, so I don’t care.” You grin while still rocking a slight blush from the embarrassment.
“You are so mean, Y/N!” The greenette whines again, offended.
“Wow, are we back to normal names now? This relationship came to an end really quickly. How sad.”
You are absolutely mortified by the whole situation but you can’t miss the chance to bully your favorite hero to tears and it will also give you enough serotonin to be able to function for another few days without him.
“You could commit mass murder and I would still beg you to come back to me.” Izuku bursts out randomly, reducing you to a stuttering, blushing mess with his sudden confession.
“I-Izu!” You yell while your heart tries her best to blast out of your chest. “If I ever commit murder, please make sure to lock me away!” You reprimand. “You are a hero!”
“I can lock you in the cleaning cupboard.” He says nonchalantly, like you are talking about the weather.
“Kinky.” You wink, taking the lead back in the ‘game’; you are quite sure Izuku’s face is redder than yours right now and that’s all that matters.
“Oh my god, not in front of my mother’s innocent pancake!” He yells, hiding his plate from your sight; you can’t help but laugh out loud at the randomness of the situation.
“Why are we like this?” You giggle, your head ending up on the hero’s shoulders in the middle of your laughing fit.
“I don’t know but I hope it never changes.” He smiles fondly, his eyes full of an emotion you can’t place. There is a different shine to them now, brighter and more colorful than before but it might be just your own emotions reflecting in them, making you believe they are his own.
“Cheesy.” You roll your eyes mockingly, but your smile says a thousand words.
“You are.” The hero smiles, leaving a sticky, sugary kiss on your forehead while his left arm snakes around your lower back to pull you closer, almost making you fall between the two dining chairs. You both giggle at your clumsiness and go back to your abandoned pancakes; Izuku will need to leave eventually and probably won’t have another break until the evening, so you let him eat his pancakes in peace, surrounded by a comfortable silence.
— Deku’s Daycare! —
Half and half bastard: Y/N, the squad is going on a camping trip next week. It’s a 2 night trip to the woods, tents, camping supplies and transport provided by me. If you would like to be added to the attendance sheet, please send me a message. Have a great day.
Piggy 🐷: OMG a new name on the attendance sheet? What an exciting day for our boy!
Half and half bastard: It is indeed exciting. I haven’t updated our attendance sheet for ten years.
EMO bitch: I’m quite sure Mina was being sarcastic, Shouto.
Half and half bastard: Oh. But I am excited. I don’t understand.
Y/N: Oh, hello Shouto-kun, please add me to the attendance sheet! I’m also more than happy to provide some snacks and cookies for the trip!
Half and half bastard: Thank you very much, Y/N! Just a reminder for everyone: Don’t drink anything Denki gives you.
Pikachu: Hey!!!
Piggy 🐷 : Amen.
Kacchan Sugoi: Bring a condom Y/N, just in case.
Y/N: ?!
Shitty Hair: Ignore him, Y/N.
*Kacchan sugoi changed Shitty Hair’s name to Homeless Dude.*
Homeless Dude: HEY!
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- So if you feel like this chapter wasn’t fluffy enough, wait for the next few. Like damn, I think I have diabetes at this point.
- About the camping chapter… well… so I wanted it to be a two parter… ended up writing 10K + words and by the look of it, it will have minimum 4 but rather 5 parts because I can’t stop writing it. I’m on the 4th part and I still have one full day to write about. 😂 Sorry in advance! 😂
- Shopaholic potato update: I know I said there won’t be any this week… but I bought 2 more funkos (Hawks and Jirou with a bass!) and there is a funko day on Saturday in my favorite geek store… send help.
- The “why are we like this” part is a reference to one of my fav comics ever called “Heartstopper” by Alice Oseman.
- I started to play with the MHA Strongest Hero mobile game. I don’t have an actual life anymore.
- So I was listening to my liked music on Spotify and this song came up and I was like omg if this story would be a movie this would be the opening of it! Enjoy!
- The ADHD joke wasn’t originally a part of this chapter, I wrote it in here in tumblr while editing because I had a really hard time concentrating and came up with random questions like the one written down, while editing and I had to vent about it. Apparently listening to music, swinging my legs left to right, drinking coffee and eating chocolate isn’t enough to keep me focused today. It’s one of those days. Jesus I’m rambling now. Help.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated as always! 🥦
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist @aymasakusa @sky179ler @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07
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puzzycatdoll · 2 years
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🙋‍♂️ Hello October and 👋 Goodbye Thailand Vegetarian Festival 2022 (or Nine Emperor Gods Festival)!!🥬🥦🥒🥕🥑🥜🌰🍄 Obviously, the Vegetarian Festival was an internationally known event, while it also happened modestly in anywhere of Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya,etc. 😔 Although yesterday was the last day of Vegetarian Festival 😌 But my mom Nikki still keeps on having Jay food. Oh my mind!! 🥬🥦🥕 J food is super yummy and healthy food 😋 Do you think so? 😉 Two years ago, I could have Jay food for one day. Last year and this year I could do only 2 days in a roll of eating Jay food because my school didn't have Jay lunch for students to eat...LOL...🤣 🙃 Anyhow, when I was with mom at home, I ate J food even J snacks with her 😆 My favourite J food is deep-fried stuffs such a tofu, spring roll, taro and corn🌽 They're super crispy, crunchy and scrumptious. And my favorite J drink is Choco Grande Vitamilk. Yum..yum.. Is there anyone not eating Jay food for this year? It's all right if you didn't. My mom Nikki brought the entire merit from eating vegetarian food this year to everyone 😇 นำมออามีถ่อฝอ...Namo Amituofo...南无阿弥陀佛...観自在菩薩...Sathu...Sathu...Sathu... 🙏 🧞‍♀️ At last, mom Nikki and I may you all begin this new month and everyday with adorable smile 🥰 on your face 😄grateful thoughts in your mind 😁 joy in your soul and your beautiful heart filled with loving kindness for all ❤💯 ⚘ Happy October and blessed Wednesday to my awesome friends around the world! 😘😚💋🤘 🍉 🍈 🍉 🍈 🍉 🍈 🍉 #instagram #instapic #instaphoto #instalike #instadaily #mylove #likes #style #picoftheday #art #artwork #portrait #goodvibes #photo #happy #beautiful #happyme #cute #nice #beauty #pretty #fyp #photography #cool #amazing #awesome #moment #wonderful #gorgeous #photooftheday (ที่ Bangkok Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjVNkfFJbIh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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feastofcadavers · 4 years
Surrounded in the overcoat that Aloe had given him, Mint's trembling hadn't subsided. Even as he was gently guided into the room Sandwich had told them to go into... The fear that the scene had instilled in him shook the poor violinist to his core. So much red... He felt the need to wretch even as the atmosphere became clean. Homely, even. Moving without seeing, lost in his terror-fueled haze, he was gently nudged into a chair and sat at a small table with Aloe kept behind him. Though he wasn't paying attention, he could feel the presence of the other behind him.
"I am sure you are startled, but..." Aloe settled a hand upon Mint's shoulder, attempting to find the right words. The musician laid his head against it, shivering against how cold it was compared to the heat of his panic. It was almost grounding in how much of a difference it was to his system... Almost. "Know this state you are in is not permanent, at least... The fear, that is." Ugh, the researcher wasn't meant for this type of comforting- or any kind for that matter. Though, if they were to think of what Co would do...
Should they? It could be invasive, cause something worse to occur, even spur on thoughts of the past they weren't entirely to trace back to. Then again, it was either this or have Mint get to the point of passing out or having his instincts go wild like them... And the very thought of Mint losing himself got the scientist to huff and close their compound eyes as they gently, and hesitantly, hugged the one that was so utterly shaken.
For the one who received it, the hug was... Something that he couldn't exactly register all too well. Despite how cold the taller happened to be, there was some quality that brought comfort that he hadn't felt in so, so long... Was it a touch that was meant to be something comforting? Secure? Safe? He didn't quite feel safe, but at least it was better than being left with nothing but himself and this coat to cling onto. "No harm will come to us here... So long as we remain calm..." The researcher murmured, voice just above a whisper. A moment, two, three passed before Aloe would remove themself from the other.
There was mainly silence that came over the room, save for Aloe's steps to sit across the quaint wooden table that the two would share. It seemed to be meant for two, as big as the room was. It was almost surreal... Such a warm place behind a gruesome coating of what was the cannibalistic nature the shop owner had. Having a moment of relative calm after such sudden and high amounts of panic were sure to leave some type of daze in the atmosphere...
...one that wouldn't be noted by the slamming open of the door and who else but Sandwich bursting through with her stacked plates of plate, sandwich, plate, sandwich, and Spinny upon her shoulder! Despite how solemn the both of them seemed- including the fear that Mint had due to the door opening so suddenly- Sammy grinned as she swiftly set the sandwiches down before the both of them. To the untrained eye, these sandwiches would look akin to normal meat and cheese sandwiches. Neither would dare ask where the cheese came from for this case.
Mint would silently pick up his sandwich, gaze settling on the white plate beneath it as he would eat the awful substance. His stomach growled quietly with his first bite as if it was reminded of what is required. He was oblivious to his own body's reactions at this point, mind staring sightlessly at the plate that showed his reflection. It was so similar to what it used to be, but the bags under his eyes were more than prominent. Huh... And here he thought he had gotten a good night's sleep. Oh well. At least he can eat in thoughtlessness.
"I certainly hope you two enjoy your meals! If you need, I can get some water for the both of you, too!" Sandwich's whole body tilted to the side as if she was curious about the response she would receive. Though Mint was lost in his head, Aloe quietly nodded as they took their food in one hand. As prim and proper as they are, their eating habits were... Less than that. At least they wouldn't speak with their mouth full. "That would be appreciated. Though before you do so-" Ah, they had caught the slicer before she went out the door. Too eager to serve, wasn't she? "I... I have a few questions about you and that doll of yours..."
"Doll? This is no plushie or anything of the sort! This is Spinny!"
"Right... I have a question about Spinny."
"Go on, then! Anything for a dear cursed customer!"
There was a gentle huff as Aloe would contemplate how to phrase such a question without offending the other party. She seemed in such denial that someone dear to her was gone. Though they couldn't help but admit that in the same situation, they wouldn't consider that someone to be 'gone', either. "So, I assume that something horrid had happened to Spinny, yes? Did it happen to be fatal?"
Sandwich's face twisted into something that had never been seen from her before. Was it disgust? Fear? Something along those lines... But it was quickly shrugged off for that ever-chipper smile and voice pitched for joyousness. "Well, kind of! She was a tasty snack that I was planning on planting for the sake of, ahaha, getting away with things! But this lovely lady offered to help me out of my despair! And repair Spinny into something she could live through again! And all it took was a small part of her and some sweet memories! Truffle is such a sweet lady, I tell ya!" That... most certainly caught the many-eyed scientist's attention. "And she was brought back to life? In this new d-... In this new, cloth-covered form?"
"Mhm!! Spinny is practically as good as new!" The server gently picked up the doll from her shoulder, holding her out in front of Aloe. They could see the little thing squirm, which was followed by Sammy laughing giddily and bringing her back to the shoulder of comfort. "She's super shy, but when alone with me, she acts just as she did before she became a little wacky snacky!" The prospect gave Aloe a glimmer of hope, eyes widening for a moment before they realized that there was likely more than meets the eye. Let the excitement die down before letting disappointment and despair consume them again... Though perhaps there could be some consideration, right?
Aloe let themself take a bite of their sandwich, body feeling a wave of relief over finally being fed properly, before swallowing and following up on the conversation. "So, if you happened to have such an encounter, would you happen to know her location?"
"Oh, of course! In fact, I visit her often! If you'd like to see her, you can even do something for me in exchange!"
"That seems entirely fair... What would that happen to entail, though? I would never accept a deal without knowing both ends of the offer." ...or if they happened to be in a state of desperation, accompanied by a 'this is the only way' mentality. They were lucky not to have such at this very moment, and that the deal would be as calm as it is. "All I ask is that you deliver something for me! I run a special sandwich over to her every other day or so as thanks, so! When you two head out, I'll give you instructions on some slip and a bag full of sandwiches for her!"
"Just a delivery, hmm? Understood. We will accept your offer... It is not as if we have any other means to spend the rest of our time today... Ah, what was the woman's name again?"
"Truffle! The widow! Though- ahaha- don't call her a widow directly unless you call her a spider! She loves those!"
"How fitting for someone sympathetic of us..." Spiders and mosquitos... The relationship between the two of them was glossed over by the researcher as their mind wandered to something far more hopeful. Obliviously faithful, one could say. Such as one could be for someone near and dear... Such as they would be for them... "I accept your offer. Now, ah, you are free to grab us water. Pardon for holding you up."
"No biggie, no biggie! Just enjoy your sammies!! I will be back! Incredibly soon! Faster than juice through a kid's silly straw!!"
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