Thank y'all. Thank you. For enjoying my work, and keeping this area a safe place. That is very kind of you all. I won't talk to anyone here often, but... just this once... thank you. My work is all platonic, and has characters that I enjoy. I'm glad you all found some joy in them too. And as a thank you, here, may I present, the 🦈SirenSong AU imagine, part 2:
• For being a large place run by dangerous people, The Reef is rather... luxurious. It has a classical sort of beauty to it, with reflective gold and black tiles, warm lights of soft yellow aglow in each room, fresh seafood made to perfection, and an air of grandeur that makes it seem more regal than it already is... Of course... there are still the people who run it... and they can be a bit... frightening, to most...
• As of now, after arriving in the dusky twilight of evening, you just received your job for the night. An odder job than you're used to... but, the pay is good, and you'd rather not say no to the likes of your employers. So far you have no reason to say no to the task at hand (different as it may be), and you don't want to be the one who gets on their bad side. You're not about to ruin your chances at survival here...
• The task at hand tonight... help keep an eye on everything. Apparently one of the people who own this place realized you kept things organized when you had multiple things to find and deliver... and tonight, they needed someone to keep an eye on the smaller tasks, while they handle the bigger ones. Yep. You're a glorified assistant for the night. Not a bad job... not ideal, either. You'd rather not stay by any person or place for too long. If someone ever found out what you were... especially if a siren ever found out... it would end you.
• But at the moment, you don't have anything to worry about. Not yet. The night has been smooth sailing. Directing the staff to have the food brought in at a certain time, making sure the floors were clean and no spills happened, keeping everything in order and out of the way... Yet... most of the people you were working with... they acted... stiff. It was as though they were blank, only responding to orders and commands... It... scared you, to be honest. They were like, like... dolls, or puppets, or empty automatons... No complaints, no chatter, no spark... It gave you a creepy feeling.
• But you couldn't dwell on that. You couldn't ask questions, and you weren't about to bring attention to your fears. This place likely had dark secrets deep below the placid waters, and you weren't diving to take a look. As you did a final round to make sure everything was perfect, you heard something...
• A clatter... An uneasy feeling enters you... but... if something goes wrong tonight... you are likely to be blamed. And if checking on what caused the noise stops a problem from occurring... surely you need to investigate? With a drawn out sigh, you give final instructions, then leave to inspect what caused the strange noise.
• All seems quiet... you explore the halls, looking for any sign of disturbance, yet find nothing. It feels weird... Surely something made the noise... but where would that something be? Just as you round a corner, you hear another noise, but louder... You carefully move forward... and find... a person? What looks like a young adult human trying to sneak deeper into the hotel...
• The moment they see you, their eyes widen... and then they turn and run. With a short curse, you chase them. You sprint after them, making sure to keep them within sight at all times, not risking losing them within the giant building. Brilliant gold and shining black rush by you, paintings and murals and rooms with doors stretching from ceiling to floor... But you don't give up... The person soon runs into a dark room, lit up only with pale blue lights in odd places... And you continue your pursuit after them...
• You can barely see in the shadowy room, only the soft blue lights set around the room keep you from being blind... Carefully you tread deeper inside, listening quietly for any noise. The air is cool in there, slightly salty... And then you see your quarry bolt for the door, the light illuminating them, and with a shout, you go to follow... only to feel nothing under your feet, then water fill your lungs...
• A fearful trill escapes you, as you thrash and struggle to get out of the water, but it's already too late. You can feel your tail replacing your legs, long and fluffy and curling around you. Your eyes readjust to the darkness, and you feel your gills flutter nervously. The water around you is cold, a slightly sharp scent to it. As you readjust, you somehow heave yourself to the edge of the pool, lungs sucking in cool, sweet air.... And the human is gone...
• Anxious noises leave you as your thoughts race and crash into each other. You almost were discovered by a human. They weren't supposed to be here. You have no clue where your bosses are. The people here scare you. And you're currently trapped in your siren form at the mercy of whoever finds you. A scared chirp leaves your lips. What are you supposed to do? It would take forever to dry out in the cold room, and if your bosses see you like this, they'll likely kill you or worse... With all of these thoughts at the forefront of your mind, the best thing you can do is wait, and hope you can sneak out later...
• And so you wait... the hours pass, or maybe it's only minutes? You're curled at the bottom of the pool, in the darkest shadows you can find, praying no one enters and finds you like this. It's quiet... peaceful, even, if it weren't for the possible danger of being discovered... your mind drifts off a bit, lulled by the cool water and quiet darkness...
• And then, just barely, you hear something. A tremble goes through you. Loud footsteps can be heard, as well as a deep voice. You curl up tighter, hiding within your coils. Fur tickles your nose and face, but what would normally make you smile only makes you cry silently. Someone's up there... Someone's about to see you... And that someone might kill you...
• You can't make out the words... or who it is, yet... You don't dare move, except to fearfully look up from your tail to see if someone will see you... It scares you... but you'd rather know than not know... A few bubbles rise to the surface... Suddenly, bright lights flick on. You're momentarily blinded, until you shade your eyes a bit from the harsh glare... And then you wish you hadn't. Because soon, a figure stands at the edge of the pool you're in... and it's possibly the worst person to find you...
• It looks like who you're only told is called Mr. Creed. Someone tall, someone built as though fit to kill, and with sharp nails and sharper eyes... A strangled noise echoes through the water, as you look up from the bottom of the salty pool... You can't see much from where you are, but you hear a loud noise reverberate through the water in ripples... and suddenly there's something else in the pool, something bigger than you... twisting, serpentine coils, thick and furred, fill the pool... you can see through the bubbles sharp talons... and then, as the rippling waters settle... there's the biggest siren you've ever seen in there with you.
• For a moment, you two stare at each other... and then the hand with the glinting talons moves, and you bolt up to the surface. Clawing your way out of the pool, you drag yourself as far out of reach as you can. You can feel, rather than hear, the frightful chirps and trills coming from you, spilling out as you watch the water with wide, scared eyes. A deep, rumbling click comes comes from below the surface of the water, and you scooch back as much as you can. And then another person enters...
• It's someone you don't remember seeing before, possibly one of the guests The Reef was having business with tonight... their mouth is frozen open as they take in the sight of you, and the larger siren that chooses then to surface. Your heart feels like it's about to burst open as you try to weld yourself to the wall. You watch as the newcomer looks from you to Mr. Creed, or what was him oh cr*p he's a siren?!, as though trying to make sense of the sight before them... and then they try to approach you, and you back up even more. They freeze, then turn to look at the other siren.
• "What... what the h*ck happened here? Who are they? Did you do something? How did a pup end up here?" Their voice is concerned and befuddled, and their face is much the same. They look your way again, then produce a soft click, renewing their effort to approach you...
• "It ain't my fault... h*ck, didn't know the kid was one uv us... Skittish, though... actin' like we're gunna bite 'em..." he replies... And then the two devolve into a conversation, or what seems like one, consisting of hisses, clicking, and trills... You watch the two, and decide to try to scoot closer to the exit... As the talk seems to take a sharp turn, you wriggle towards the edge closest to the door... The conversation continues, as both seem too wrapped up, their voices sounding angrier and more passionate... You can feel that most of your fluff is still wet, but... you can try to force a change. You will yourself as much as you can, letting loose the feeling of danger, need, and urgency. The feeling of change soon latches on, and you feel as your tail slowly tries to shift back towards legs... And then the two seem to notice your trying to leave, and their attention is fully back on you.
• "Wait, wait! Don't run, okay? You're safe here. We're like you. We're sirens, too. Nothing to worry over. Can you please tell us your name?" asks the unknown person... You stiffen... Oh great oceans no... they're both sirens? A fearful trill pushes against your larynx, and you shake your head sharply. A look crosses both their faces... worry, then a knowing, angered look... "The... the humans hurt you, didn't they? They said we'd hurt you. Is that what they told you?" the newcomer questions. You stay silent. Yet they take that as an answer...
• "Burning glaciers... oh depths, I think I'm going to be sick... I thought... I thought we stopped these kinds of things from happening..." they mutter, looking nauseous. You watch the two carefully, observing how both seem to have rage flash across their faces, then determination. You decide to speak up for the first time after being found like this...
• "Um... l-look, it's no one's fault what happened... it... it just did... I won't be an issue... I promise I'll leave. Okay? Just- give me a minute," you say, nerves racking your voice into a quiet stutter. But it seems that was the wrong thing to say, because their eyes widen, and you see them position themselves to block the way to the door.
• "No, no. You don't need to leave. You're a pup, and you need help. We can help you. Our pods are here, and we can keep you safe. You don't have to go back out there alone, guppy," one of then says... You shiver slightly, but keep a firm resolve. You need to go. You can't stay here. You likely need to leave town, now.
• "It's nice that you want to help me, but I'll be fine. I've done this my whole life. I'll be gone before you know it, and y'all can go back to doing siren things," you answer. A nervous chuckle escapes you. "I'm almost twenty... just a few more years, and I'll be twenty-one... I'm not exactly a kid, you know..."
• A dark look flashes in their eyes, and one of them mulls over the age you gave them. Their eyes seem to take a new light to them, and both shift to be closer to the door, blocking your only way out... "Twenty...? Pup, guppy, that's- that's- you're not even two decades! Why are you on your own?! No. Look, pup. You aren't anywhere close to being an adult. You're not even supposed to be anywhere outside of a nest! We know this is hard, but we need to help you... I'm sorry about this... but you can't leave... just, stay calm, okay?" A soft noise escapes them, and then you hear something beautiful, a soothing noise in the cold, bright room... it sounds almost like a croon, soft and melodic, nudging at the back of your mind. You make a small trill, trying to answer the calm melody, and it leads you further towards it... And soon... water engulfs you, and you chirp in surprise. The voice only hums, smoothing away any worries or panic, beckoning you closer to it... Soon the bright, stabbing light flickers off, and a cool, quiet dark surrounds you... Your mind feels fuzzy, and soon something firm and warm wraps around you, curling against you and shifting to hold you. A soft chirp escapes you, and a reverberating one ripples through the water... And soon... you drift off, lulled asleep by the sweet noises...
• "That's it, get some rest, pup... we'll be here to help you, okay? You look like a friend of ours... maybe he used to know you? You're quite the sweet pup, aren't you? Don't worry about anything, okay? Your pod's got you..."
• And with that, the room goes quiet, save for the soft, soothing hum of a long-lost melody, barely heard except in the rippling waters that hold their bby...
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Guess what...
I know, this is certainly a fun surprise! So it looks like I get to make more art for this au, huh?😊😆😁 I hope everyone had fun with this, and enjoyed the first 🦈SirenSong!AU imagine I posted earlier. Enjoy this honeycomb thought result!
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The winner is... the 🦈SirenSong!AU! In this au, the platonic yans are sirens, and so is their bby. Sirens in this au have some form of hypnotic power, mainly their voices, which leads to them being persecuted by the humans inland... but on the coasts and islands, sirens are the ones who rule. After all, they can use their abilities to hunt and sell fresh sea food, own special hotels and aquariums filled with colorful and versatile fish and sea creatures, sell their more... "special" skills, such as singing, siren scale trading, and some have magical/mystical abilites/mutations... not to mention the pearl, sea glass, and ancient artifact trade, run and controlled by sirens who are able to explore and collect from the deepest depths of the ocean...
No one is a hero or villain in the super person sense here. They can be labeled as heroic or villainous, but they aren't exactly fighting crime... they all have their own special way of earning a living, and stick to their guns. Some sirens are built differently than others, due to their ability/mutation, their siren tail/type, and where they live. Different types include the reef sirens (colorful, smaller, and fast), the open ocean sirens (bigger, sharper teeth and claws, muted colors), and deep sea sirens (largest there is, eat a lot, can live very long). There are a mix of different patterns and color combinations, but all sirens, when fully submerged in water, have a fishy/serpentine lower half. Depending on the age of the siren, they can hold a human form better, and if young, will have duller teeth and nails, thinner scales, and be smaller than the adult sirens. Sirens are considered a young adult once they've reached two hundred years old (every decade is how they count an age; example being: 2 decs= 20 years old, 4.5 decs= 45 years old, etc.. But, sirens age... kinda slow. The young grow rather slowly, but will look like teens by age thirteen, buuut they kinda stay like that until they reach 200 years old. Thus, why sirens only consider them an adult at that age: because they look/act older, and have enough experience by then to be considered a young adult).
Sirens are protective of their young, which can be called pups or guppies. Nicknames can be near anything, from shrimp and krill, to angelfish and seal, to eel and crab (Note: shrimp and krill are generally used for small/young/scrawny pups, angelfish and seal are generally used for cute/pretty/handsome pups/sirens, and eel and crab are generally used as unsavory words, the equivalent to calling someone a b*tch/b*stard or shrew/jerk). Sirens don't have a lot of pups, due to humans hunting them down and/or using them for their scales, voices, or for meat/as a trophy. This has led to many sirens killing or enslaving humans, as a way of enacting revenge or to hurt humans for their past sins... For this au, you can imagine the platonic yans as anyone from Marvel, but I mainly stick with Avengers and X-Men heroes and villains. In this, I mainly imagine the X-Men heroes and villains (but again, free feel to imagine who you want).
The reader, for this au, has never met another siren. They don't even know anything about siren customs or culture, because they have kept themselves hidden from others of their own species. The reader is young, somewhere between 1.5 decs (15 years) and 2 decs (20 years). They were raised by a human, who took then in when they were able to escape a siren pup trafficking group... But, the reader moves into a siren territory, due to having to hide after their parent dies, and not wanting anyone to discover what they are... Cue the reader ending up in a coastal town, busy and bustling and full of water... and full of platonic yans...
I have ideas for different scenarios, which I will try to do a few, such as if they meet the siren X-Men and/or Brotherhood, what each platonic yan from those looks like in siren form, and perhaps the yans discovering the reader is a siren pup... (And not not mention each group wanting to have the reader, once discovered to be one of them, join their pod/school, staying in the group nest with the other pups... and yes, do expect the adult platonic yans acting like overprotective parents/relatives, and the younger platonic yans acting like possessive siblings... and lots and lots of purring, chirping, clicks, and some soft hypnosis).
This was a honeycomb thought for the 🦈SirenSong!AU!
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The 🦈SirenSong!AU has been a fun and memorable passion project of mine, starting with watching ocean documentaries, reading different mermaid and siren MerMay stuff, and weird dreams where some characters are sirens or similar. This is certainly a comfort project, too. Sometimes it is nice to explore each different potential world and platonic yandere-ness of characters, especially ones that bring one so much joy and comfort. So here is the first imagine for the 🦈SirenSong!AU:
• You had moved here about two months ago. Your only parent-figure had passed away, leaving you alone... and there were many, many people alike who would love to get their hands on you. But, you had a plan. And with barely a day to mourn their death, you fled your old home and hid within a coastal city, tucking yourself away within an old, creaking apartment building.
• This city is quite a strange one. You never thought something so... bright... could be possible. But during the night, the entire coastal town was lit up from post to post, each building and street ablaze with soft yellow, bright blue, and burning white lights, as though someone poured bioluminescent algae over the entire place. This... didn't help your goal.
• You were a siren, something feared and hated by humans. You had escaped them once, years ago... but with your only protector gone, you decided to go somewhere that would make even the most seasoned scientist or trafficker steer clear... an entire coastal province run and controlled by sirens... Of course... you were also hiding your nature from the sirens as well.
• You couldn't remember much of your old life, the small time when you lived in the ocean, with another being like you... all you had were the vague impressions and a few scents that triggered a few deep emotions... but... if any other sirens met you now, surely they would despise you. You were caught, experimented on, and then were raised by a member if the species that brought your kind so much misery and suffering. And wouldn't they kill you, or do worse, than the humans? All you knew about your species was what the humans taught, and what they taught wasn't child-friendly...
• It wasn't easy choosing to live within the sirens' territory, but it would at the very least ward off any humans who had hurt you before... and you did have a small living here, despite your fears and anxiety... you happened to run odd errands for different people.
• Whether that be bringing secret messages to the other side of town, finding and bringing back small but expensive ingredients for The Reef Hotel's kitchens, even securing small fish and other sea creatures for the town's various aquariums and wildlife habitation facilities, these all happened to need a willing worker, and paid well enough. You also didn't ask questions, especially when the ones who employed your service seemed... off. Maybe that was the reason they all seemed to prefer you to do the small tasks.
• And you did try to enjoy the place, though you kept everything and everyone at a distance. Fresh seafood, salty sea air, various establishments about the history and creatures that were in the oceans and waterways...
• Yet... you were reaching adulthood. Humans were considered an adult by age 21, and you only had a few years left before then. It scared you a little... but what else can you do? If you went back to the sea, you wouldn't know the first thing to survival. If you tried to find help among sirens, who's to say they wouldn't rip you apart for being so different? And you couldn't reveal anything about yourself to any human, for they would lead you to your demise. No matter what, you would be alone.
• It was a sobering, despairing thought. Yet what was done was done. You were on your own, and you would have to stay like that, lest any of the beings around you discover what you were and harm you for it...
• So you go about preparing yourself, getting ready for the evening... tonight you have to help The Reef for something...
• And little did you know... tonight would change everything...
• The sirens were going to discover your secret... and they weren't about to let a pup back out into the wilds with no pod, no protector or caretakers to keep them safe...and it's odd, that this little pup thinks they're grown... they aren't even 2 decs old, and pups aren't considered an adult until 20 decs... what in the roiling fathoms happened to this little pup?
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For the 🦈SirenSong!AU, the reader is going to be related to Logan/Wolverine (35 people voted, majority chose him in the poll, so this is the route we're taking!). The reader will likely be a deep sea siren like him, Laura, and Victor, but could also be part open ocean or reef siren... maybe the reader is more reef or open ocean siren than they are deep sea... or mayhaps they are fully presenting as one of the other two instead of the deep sea type! Imagine what you will, but I might explore (or make canon) one of these ideas in the future.
As for their color scheme, it is probably similar to Logan, Laura, and Victor as well. Something sunny, warm, or warm-toned neutrals... similar to a piece of bumblebee jasper, fire agate, amber, tiger's eye, cat's eye, or other similar warm-toned patterned and shaded gemstone, with bits of brown and black involved. Their scales and fins though... that I plan to make a poll for, one each, so until those are done, I'll leave it vague what their fin and scale types are.
The reader is a mixed bag of feelings and experiences, due to being caught in a siren pup trafficking ring when they were younger, experimented on for a short time, and then raised by a kindly human once they escaped... they don't remember much about the ocean or coastal towns and cities, nothing but vague impressions and certain key things. They do have things they like and dislike, and have unresolved traumatic issues pertaining to the ordeals they went through, and losing their human caretaker recently before the present story...
Some of the things they like are:
• Pearls (any color, shape, or size; they vaguely remember playing with them, but can't remember when; they like the smooth, cool texture to them, too)
• Shrimp (tasty and simple; ate them with the shells on, until they found out you aren't supposed to do that, ever)
• Fluffy Blankets
• Cats
• Crabs (cute AND tasty!)
• Otters (fluffy noodles)
• Seals (cute and fat)
• Octopi (cute; prefer not to eat them, due to their intelligence)
• Jewelry (gold, silver, string, pearl, gem, glass, it doesn't matter: if it is shiny, sparkly, or dangles, they want to collect it)
• Books (Shakespeare, Ivanhoe, Aesop's Fables, or even some children's books like the Narnia series, Goodnight Moon, or Winnie The Pooh... much knowledge and wisdom and whimsy can be found in all of those, and the reader loves them all)
• Classical Music (they adore hearing instruments like the harp, the drums, or the cello)
• Odd Stuffed Animals (the animals that aren't regularly made into plushies, like fish, squid and octopi, caterpillars, foods, etc.)
• Hugs (they crave affection, but don't have friends or family to receive them from or to give it to)
And some things they dislike are:
• Most Humans (they fear them, and have mostly dealt with the more wicked, shady sort; they try to avoid being near them for too long, in fear of them discovering they are a siren)
• Other Sirens (they fear the other sirens hating them or seeing them as defective, due to being so out of touch with their own species and for being caught by humans; but they haven't met another siren since they escaped the humans who caught them)
• Loud Noises
• Bright Lights
• Babies (due to the drool, vomit, and excretions that come out, not to mention their wailing)
• Hot Weather
• Open Ocean (they don't know how to survive on their own in the ocean, and they haven't been to the sea since before they can remember... and the wide, empty waters make them feel lonely)
• Sea Snakes (venomous and can swim, they are a childhood fear of their's)
• Scorpions
• Large Empty Spaces (small empty spaces don't bother them, but too large of a room and only them to fill it makes them feel lost and paranoid)
The reader is someone who feels awkward, doesn't always understand social cues, and tries to be kind (if a bit secretive) to others. They want to be good, and they want friends and family and the love they provide, but they are on their own, now that their only caretaker, the human who raised them, has passed on... So the reader heads into the coastal city, where they know sirens are in charge and they have a better chance at not being found out. They can't risk anyone coming after them or discovering what they are. They won't risk being caught again, they can't bear the thought of having to go through that sort of torture, that type of pain, again. If only the knew that sirens are very caring, especially towards their own... and with the reader being a pup... once the sirens discover that, they aren't ever leaving their new bby on their own with no protection, no pod, no parents or siblings or family... And Logan/Wolverine is certainly going to be emotional when he sees his lost pup again, and he sure as h*ll won't be letting them go, not without a fight... not after losing them all those years ago...
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For the 🦈SirenSong!AU, it looks like the popular idea is for the reader to be related to Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine! Got to admit, that will be one wild ride. Not to mention, the reader is getting every kid he has adopted/had biologically as their siblings/nestmates, all his friends (the X-Men) as their other protectors and caretakers, AND a few of his enemies/rivals (plus their kids/guppies/pups) as possible villainous uncles/aunts/parent figures/other nestmates.
Some of the possible colors and types of sirens everyone is is as follows:
The X-Men:
• Logan/Wolverine: deep sea siren; larger than regular reef or open ocean sirens, but still small compared to other deep sea sirens; long serpentine tail with a long sail, and long, sharp claws, and fangs; has rippling soft, dusky blue and lemon yellow and ink black scales (Animated Series version) or pumpkin orange and iridescent black scales (Evolution version)
• Ororo/Storm: open ocean siren; lithe and powerful; flowing fins around her tail, similar to an eel, can electrocute someone like an electric eel, can still control the elements; moonstone white and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Hank/Beast: deep sea siren; large and soft; strong tail, a bit of fluff like a yeti crab or fur seal or otter; is fluffy and blue, really strong, but his brains is where his best skills lie; furry with royal blue scales (Animated Series) or midnight blue scales and dusky blue-gray fluff (Evolution version)
• Charles Xavier/Professor X: reef siren; partially paralyzed tail, but has had help from both the X-Men and the Brotherhood, and can use a wheelchair on land; powerful ability to mind control creatures, ranging from humans to other sirens, even some animals; shady forest green and summer yellow scales (Animated Series version) or soft brown, jet black, olive green, and tiny flecks of silver (Evolution version)
• Scott/Cyclops: open ocean siren; strong tail with flowy fins at the end; either hypnotic eyes or still has some form of optic beam eyes; ruby red, navy blue, and sunflower yellow scales (Animated Series version) or garnet red, warm brown, and summer yellow scales (Evolution version)
• Jean/Marvel Girl/The Phoenix: open ocean siren; strong and long tail with a long sail; has telekinesis and can sometimes read minds, possible hidden empath ability; bright orange, sage green, and scarlet scales (Animated Series version) or spinel red, emerald green, and a small streak of golden-yellow along her sides (Evolution version)
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: open ocean siren; toned and firm tail; can mimic/take on other sirens' abilities for a short time, has long nails; auburn, sunny yellow, and vivid green scales (Animated Series version) or moss green, dusky red, bone white, and dark black scales (Evolution version)
• Remy/Gambit: reef siren; a bigger sort, has ruffled fins; can channel power into objects and make them explode, same as usual, possibly has a slightly hypnotic voice; russet red, spinel pink, and coal black scales (Animated Series version) or muted brown, charcoal gray, rusty red, and soft pink scales (Evolution version)
• Kurt/Nightcrawler: reef siren; smaller sort, fuzzy and noodly; can teleport; midnight blue fluff and scales with some red undertones (Animated Series version) or navy blue, goldenrod yellow, and small red specks (Evolution version)
• Kitty/Shadowcat: reef siren; medium-sized, and has many frills along her tail; can turn invisible, like a cuttlefish or octopus, but can sometimes become completely intangible; hazelnut brown and baby pink scales (Animated Series version) or soft lilac, dusky pink, and chestnut brown scales (Evolution version)
• Evan/Spyke: open ocean siren; lean and toned; has sharp spines, and can regrow them if lost, kinda looks like a seprentine pufferfish; he is technically only from Evolution, so his scales would be cream, butter yellow, sandy gray-yellow, and warm sepia
• Jubilation/Jubilee: reef siren; thin and wiry, ruffled sail; can make small explosions/fireworks; technically she has been in Evolution, but was a major player of the Animated Series, so for either version, she looks mainly the way from the Animated Series, human and siren form alike, with sunlight gold and bubblegum pink scales
• Laura/Wolverine 2.0/X-23: deep sea siren mixed with reef siren; smaller than most of the others, even Logan, due to being a siren pup; long claws and sharp fangs; she was from Evolution, that is where we first see her, ever; her scales would be yellow-orange and dusky black, looks similar to Logan
The Brotherhood:
• Erik/Magnus/Magneto: open ocean siren; strong and lean; can control metals, might have once dated/been with Professor Xavier; blood red, steel gray, and violet scales (Animated Series version) or brick red, silver, and wisteria purple scales (Evolution version)
• Raven/Mystique: open ocean siren and reef siren mix; lithe and graceful; can shapeshift into other beings; twilight blue and garnet red scales (Animated Series or Evolution)
• Victor/Sabretooth: deep sea siren; very large, flowing sail; sharp talons and sharp fangs; sunset orange, amber, bright yellow, and umber brown scales (Animated Series version) or caramel golden-brown, velvet black, and tan scales (Evolution version)
• Pietro/Quicksilver: reef siren; lean and thin; fastest of the sirens, on land or in the sea; sky blue and snow white scales (Animated Series version) or opalescent white-blue-green scales (Evolution version)
• Wanda/Scarlet Witch: open ocean siren; average-sized and tough; can manipulate chaos and bend some things to her will; pyrope red and dark rose scales (Animated Series version) or carnelian, scarlet, melanite black, and gray flecked scales (Evolution version)
• Lance/Avalanche: open ocean siren; a bit large, firm; can cause earthquakes; asphalt and blue-gray scales (Animated Series version) or steel gray, rawhide tan, charcoal black, and some golden spots (Evolution version)
• Fred/Blob: open ocean siren; large and thick-scaled; near-indestructible and can absorb a hit and not be harmed; mud brown, mustard yellow, and burnt black (Animated Series version) or army green, khaki, ash gray, and dirty blonde scales (Evolution version)
• John/Pyro: reef siren; a bit shrimpy, but has fast reflexes; can manipulate fire; bright orange and sunny yellow scales (Animated Series version) or fiery orange and brick red scales (Evolution version)
• Todd/Mortimer/Toad: reef siren; really small, has slick scales; long tongue and somewhat amphibious; olive green, murky yellow, and gray-green scales (any version)
Miscellaneous Characters:
• Piotr/Colossus: open ocean siren; giant and sturdy; has skin and scales akin to metal if he wills it; metallic silver, gray, black, and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Bobby/Iceman: reef siren; a bit small, and kinda thin and cold, has frills along tail; can create and manipulate ice; pale ice blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Rahne/Wolfsbane: open ocean siren; regular-sized, small bits of fluff; can turn into a wolf (or maybe something like, a seal or walrus or otter for this au?); rusty red-brown and peridot green scales and fluff (any version)
• Illyana/Magik: open ocean siren; lean and mean and a powerful teen; has a portal to and reign over Limbo, a weird, demonic dimension; platinum blonde, soft silver, and electric blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Roberto/Sunspot: reef siren; average size, has some sharp barbs along his tail; solar energy powers, turns into a living ember; ember orange, dusky red, and sunlight yellow scales (any version)
• Sam/Cannonball: open ocean and reef siren mix; skinny and long; can fly really fast and tends to crash, hence the nickname; pale blue, off-white, daffodil yellow, and bright red scales
• Dani/Mirage: open ocean siren; small but powerful; can manifest desires, dreams, and fears into the real world; banded onyx scales (any version)
• Tabitha/Boom-Boom: reef siren; tall and lithe; can make small explosives/explosions; bright hibiscus pink, banana yellow, and cherry red scales (any version)
There are others, I know, but these were the ones I remembered (and knew enough about) to list off the top of my head. Some versions I'm more familiar with of certain characters, and y'all can imagine any characters in any media, from the (X)MCU, the anime, the Animated Series, Evolution, even the comics... I did my best, and that is all I can do!😊 Please enjoy this honeycomb thought for the 🦈SirenSong!AU!
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There will be a part three for the 🦈SirenSong! AU! There will likely be several more parts! But, I'm going to finish the Wings of Fire aus' names lists first. No need to rush or worry, it will all be done. Just keep swimming, eh?🐠🐋😉
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The results are in for both 🦈SirenSong!AU polls, and the winners are:
For the type of tail the reader has:
And for the type of scales/skin/pattern, they have:
I think we can work with this! So, the reader is fluffy, with a pattern similar to what koi fish have, being a few colors in different patches all meshed together, artistic, classic, and an ancient sort of beauty. (We all have that beauty in us; a passed down ancestry from the old worlds of history, kept alive in each person, all having the chance to do and be good)
Enjoy this updated honeycomb thought💛
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These are all on the same piece of cardboard (fun thing to sketch on, and reuses otherwise uneeded material). This is all done in sharpie, and is free-hand, no stencils or references. They have some labels, such as heights/lengths, types of tails, scales, and sirens, different accessories, and even buildings found in this au where the X-Men and Brotherhood sirens live/work in!
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Here are sizes, some anatomy, what their eggs look like, and a peak of what they wear/make/sell...
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These are some of the things they make, sell, and/or wear. By some of them are little notes for what they used, and you can imagine the pearls, shells, glass, and jewels as any colors you want...
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Different tail patterns! So when I mentioned a certain character having frills, ruffles, an eel-esque look, a sail, or fluff, these are the designs I had in mind... same basic shape, but varying lengths, widths, fins and baubs, and...
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SCALES! These are just a few possibilities, but these are all up for interpretation, so use whichever ones you want for the au. You have these, and your imagination, to choose from. Scales can be any color and shade, and have many different combinations! And at the top are the different teeth and claws of the three siren types.
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Here is a hotel/base of sorts, run by the Brotherhood. It is rather large, and has special rooms full of different sized pools for sirens. Some of their... "workers"... are humans, who were hypnotized or forced into working under them. The place is grand, shiny, clean, and is called The Reef...
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And finally, this is a giant aquarium/mansion, this au's home/workplace of the X-Men! Gigantic, made with bricks, lined with hardwood floors, reinforced glass for any tanks, aquariums, or windows, many rooms and many floors, and has hidden depths. This is called the Xavier's Inlet For Gifted Species. One floor is full of aquariums for guests, a front so no one goes looking for/suspects them of being sirens... and the rest, especially the below ground levels, are for the sirens, a safe space for them and their pups/guppies/young, however many there may be...
I hope this helped bring the 🦈SirenSong!AU to life, and worked as a base if anyone needed help coming up with a image of what some of the parts of this au would look like. Enjoy this sweet honeycomb thought🧡
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(I think this is just preference, and for this, everyone can imagine what they want no matter what the winning vote is. It is okay to do that. Once more, I am curious. This is all for fun, and doesn't have to be taken seriously at all. And I would like to say thank you. Please enjoy yourselves 😊)
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(It will help to have seen the art I made for this au, specifically the tail types and the scale types... Enjoy this small poll😊)
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(It is best to look at the art I made for this au, to give a better idea of what each of these patterns looks like... Everyone have fun😊)
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Back at it again, and with another part, we have the 🦈SIRENSONG!AU COLIR PALETTES, PART FOUR!
This is the second to last one, regarding the X-Men characters. This one is exclusively other Brotherhood members, and again, feel free to use whichever palette you prefer (you could also make your own, if you want to!).
🦈SirenSong!AU Color Palettes, Part 4:
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Here we have the scale colors for Pietro/Quicksilver! Port-side we have his scale palette if you use the Animated Series, and to the starboard-side are his scale colors if you went with Evolution. Use what you will for the XMCU. (I imagined opalescent scales for his Evolution look)
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And then we have Wanda/Scarlet Witch! For her Animated Series look, we have the scale colors to the left, and to the right, we have her palette for Evolution. (Imagine what you prefer for XMCU/MCU)
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Following those two up, we have Lance/Avalanche! You have the first palette for if you preferred the Animated Series or XMCU, and the other palette for if you prefer to use Evolution.
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Next up are the colors for Fred/Blob! You have choice A for if you use the Animated Series, or choice B for if you desire Evolution.
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And finally, we have John/Pyro! Starting the palettes are his colors for if you use the Animated Series, and ending with his scale colors for if you went with Evolution or the XMCU.
(We have one last character palette post, and then I'll try to make an imagine/scenario/headcanon post for this au). Enjoy another honeycomb thought!
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Yes, I have another part. These are more for the X-Men, and should help with imagining the scale colors and palette for each character. So let's dive back in!
🦈SirenSong!AU Color Palettes Part 3:
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Beginning this tertiary part for us is Evan/Spyke! I went with what I could, and tried to give him a few different shades, since one, he had a few different ones in Evolution, and two, he has the pufferfish tail pattern in this au, and pufferfish tend to have a few colors mixed together to make one cool little creature.
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Next up is Jubilation/Jubilee! She has some brighter colors, suiting her color scheme from any media, yellow and pink. This palette works for any if your preferred X-Men media for this au.
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And here is Laura/Wolverine 2.0/X-23! I am sticking to warmer colors similar to the Evolution version of Logan/Wolverine, due to that being her debut media (and I can't help but always imagine her as how she looks from Evolution, and since we didn't get much of a special theme/palette, and we didn't see her as much, I went with something similar, but still slightly different, from her dad).
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The first of the Brotherhood sirens, here are the choice palettes for Erik/Magneto! First up we have his colors for the Animated Series, if you decided on that media. And secondly, we have his colors for if you desired to use the Evolution or XMCU medias.
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Another Brotherhood member, and Kurt and Rogue's mom, Raven/Mystique! She keeps this color palette throughout the different medias, so I imagine these as her scale colors. Reminiscent of a blue-and-red betta fish.
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And for this part, we end with the scale scheme for Victor/Sabretooth! On the left side are his colors for if you preferred the Animated Series, and to the right are his colors if you preferred Evolution or the XMCU.
This is a lot of fun, making these. I hope thisbhas helped anyone who wanted/needed help with the scale colors for these characters. Enjoy this honeycomb thought🧡
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Here are some more, since I wasn't able to post these with the first one. There will probably be a few more after this one as well, due to a ten-photo limit for each post, and some characters having at least two color schemes (due to the variating design and colors of different X-Men media, and I wanted to give people an idea of what scale colors they would have as sirens depending on the media you prefer to use for these imagines). I hope this covers any questions...
🦈SirenSong!AU Color Palettes! Part 2:
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Starting this two-parter are the scale palettes for Jean/Marvel Girl/The Phoenix! First up we have her palette for if you prefer the Animated Series. Second is her palette for if you preferred the Evolution series. And imagine whichever palette you desired for her XMCU or anime style, if you chose one of those medias instead.
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Next up, we have Anne-Marie/Rogue! To the left we have her scale colors for if you chose the Animated Series (and the anime), while to the right we have her scale scheme for if you went with Evolution or the XMCU.
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And how could we ever forget Remy/Gambit? Port side you have his color scheme for if you imagine the Animated Series or the XMCU... to starboard side we have his color scheme if you decided on using the Evolution series.
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Of course we couldn't leave out Kurt/Nightcrawler! First one is his scale palette if you went with the Animated Series or the XMCU. And secondary is his scale palette if you preferred the Evolution series.
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And ending this part two, we have the color schemes for Kitty/Shadowcat! Choose either one you want for any version of her, since each fits a color scheme she did have at some point.
There will be a third part, maybe a fourth or fifth, even. These should hopefully help anyone who wasn't sure what shades or colors to imagine... And you don't have to use any if these if you don't want to! I'm just doing this for fun, and to help anyone who might need/want help with the scale colors! Enjoy this part two honeycomb thought💕
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Now, some only have one, because their design and color schemes stayed very similar, while some have two, due to their design and color scheme noticeably changing, depending on the media. I spent the last few hours on this, perfecting each palette and debating which shades were the closest to what I had in mind (and what the chosen X-Men medias gave us!). So let's dive into...
🦈SirenSong!AU Color Palettes! Part 1:
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We are starting with Logan/Wolverine! Here, to the the left, are his scale colors if you went with the classic Animated Series (or the XMCU). To the right are his scale colors if you chose the Evolution version. (Shouod the reader have scale colors similar to his, Laura's, and Victor's, due to being related?)
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Here is Ororo's/Storm's scale color palette for whatever media you chose! Her's tend to stay the same, or very similar. I tried to invoke the sense of a cloudy day/a moonstone.
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Next is Hank/Beast with these two for his scale palette! On the left are his shades (if you decided on the Animated Series) and to the right are his other shades (if you preferred Evolution). Imagine either one for the XMCU or anime.
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Right here, we have the palette for Charles Xavier/Professor X! On the left, those are his scale colors for the Animated Series (and maybe the XMCU... possibly the anime?)... while to the right are his scale colors if you went with Evolution.
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Next up is Scott/Cyclops! We first have his color palette if you decided on using the Animated Series, XMCU, and anime... and second we have his color palette for if you chose to use Evolution.
I'll be back with the others and their scale colors in a bit! Enjoy this first color-coated honeycomb thought!
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