#🧷[rebel hearts get resurrected] about & headcanons
virulent-spark · 1 year
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Name: Agent Havok Home: Mauville, Hoenn Role: Rhythm Guitar and vocalist
Agent Havok is an Unovian army veteran, who's seen combat and takes a pretty huge stance against war of any kind. His military service had him on the front lines, using his skills as an engineer to keep Unovan tech working. He works as a mechanic now, working on motorcycles is his day job. There's rumours that he used to work for Silph Co. and subsequently Team Rocket, especially when it came to very specific experiments pertaining to a very specific Pokémon. His regrets spur him to action, standing for Pokémon rights, hoping that he can fight to save them abuse and subjugation. He often rescues Pokémon from abusive humans and rehomes them.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Name: Blitz Home: Spikemuth, Galar Role: Drummer
Blitz, like Spikes, grew up in Spikemuth, though her upbringing was less than stellar. She was put in prison after committing second degree murder. During her tenure in prison is when the biggest changes happened to her, and rumour has it she was injected with Pokémon DNA which is why she looks the way she does and can go toe-to-toe with Pokémon. Blitz likes to eat sweets and drink coffee, and holds a particular love for fighting professionally. She made a name for herself by getting into professional wrestling. Blitz suffers from anger issues, and struggles to fight against her nature, though she has a particular soft spot for kids and for people who she actually likes. Much like her bandmates, her rebellion is towards the rich elite in society as well as standing for child rights.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
Battle styles... let's see...
Fox is a trickster, so it only makes sense that she would order her Pokémon to use moves like Hypnosis, Fake Out, and most of all, Trick Room. Trick Room is what she's a master at, and she employs to destroy her opponents. Once that happens, then she uses ridiculously strong and slow Pokémon to annihilate the opponent's team.
It makes battles against others much easier, because most people choose speedy partners, especially those who actually have tried to hurt her. She's also rather ruthless when she gets serious, and this is why she's the only member of Virulent Spark that has ever achieved Championship in any manner.
When cornered, she laughs, maniacally, at the misfortune of her enemies that get caught in the trick room. Rhyperior and Octillery devastate with their Rock Slide and Water Spout combo that hits everything before they can even realise what's going on.
In much less serious situations, she is less crazy, and much more likely to use her other Pokémon.
The Pokémon Spikes current have are all not evolved in any manner, but that's fine to Spikes, because despite the idea that Pokémon are stronger when they evolve, Spikes pushes her Pokémon to their very limit in order to defeat her opponents. Someone thought a zigzagoon was weak? Spikes will make them eat those words. Though, she never managed to take part in the League other than by being a gym trainer, she learned all the battle techniques she knows from the Spikemuth gym.
As a war veteran, Keith avoids conflict. The explosions, the blasts, they are too much for him. However... he would absolutely fight if he were attacked. It's a kill or be killed scenario. Electricity and steel are his chosen Pokémon, and he will absolutely order his Pokémon to electrocute someone and crush to the point of death. By the time the opponent knows it, it's too late.
Lenore is probably the least likely to get into a real fight, she enjoys battling for the sport, and enjoys training others to reach their highest potential. Her Pokémon are grass and rock types, so she often uses binding, status effects, and sand to her advantage. She's never fought anyone for real before since Team Star annexed themselves from the Academy, though even then, battles were conducted with rules and class.
Blitz is herself, a fighter. She will punch a trainer in the face, while ordering her Pokémon to punch their Pokémon. Her extreme resilience is what keeps her going. Oh, you thought you were going to have a Pokémon battle? No. You're having a fistfight, too. She doesn't battle, she will fight. If you order a Pokémon to attack her? She will fistfight that too. And win. There's a rumour that she's actually got Pokémon DNA in her, and that's why she can handle getting hit with Pokémon moves so well.
Zephyr is shy and that shyness is what puts people off guard when battling. Elegant and eerie, Zephyr and their Pokémon use tactics like Will-O-Wisp and Tailwind to gain the upper hand. They enjoy battling for the sport, and avoid any real conflict, but if a real fight were to happen... well, either Zephyr wordlessly orders them, or they act of their own accord. That perhaps makes them more dangerous, as there's no stopping their Pokémon from destroying their victims.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Fox grew up angry at her own mother for not being there, and it mostly affected her emotional maturity and she acted out pretty often. She'd get caught by the police, taken home to her father who would simply cry to her, and make her feel awful for being a fuckup. She was like this until the wormholes opened up and the concept of Fallers existed. The realisation: If there are people who fell out of these wormholes... maybe someone could fall into one and never come back? (Yeah? Mohn did!!)
The thought that her mother could still be found simply because of that had her obsessed with finding out more. Nanu would wave her off, because even he wasn't sure how to find a lone woman in Ultra space safely, or even if she was in Ultra Space anymore.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Name: Zephyr Home: ??? Role: Keyboardist/Keytarist
Zephyr is the most mysterious member of Virulent Spark; they hide their face and identity behind a literal mask, which covers them completely save for their eyes. Despite their often depicted stoicism and their silence, they are not a "shy" person; they just act more calm than the other band members. But, once it's time for them to do a solo, they will act like a whole different person. They are very erotic, yet sweet. They're also very social, taking any chance they can get to come and interact with other band members and fans. Their motives and interests are unknown, though they definitely enjoy playing music. They are rumoured to stand against the human-lead religion surrounding Arceus, as suggested by the symbolism of the Giratina symbol on their clothes… or it could be just for fun.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Name: Spikes Home: Spikemuth, Galar Role: Lead Guitarist
Spikes, or otherwise known as Liberty, or Elle, hails from Spikemuth in the Galar region. She's well known in the punk scene in the region, and holds a very intense passion for music, social justice, and Pokémon battling, though she's leagues behind the strongest trainers. Though fame isn't what she hopes to receive for her message, but to inspire rebellion against capitalist overlords hoarding wealth and to keep Spikemuth relevant despite the growth of the Dynamax phenomenon that the rich elite wanted to push. Billionaires beware… for she might come for you.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Name: Fox Home: Po Town, Ula'ula, Alola Role: Bassist
Fox is a trickster who loves to joke around and play around; it's rare to see her more serious side unless provoked. Her hobbies include skateboarding, street art, DJing, and bboying. She joined Team Skull, a gang of social rejects in Alola, during its infancy and loves to do minor crimes that mostly inconvenience the rich and the police. She went to university in Galar and gained a PhD in medicine to be able to take care of her comrades. She holds a stance against capitalism, police brutality, and colonialism in Alola. She is very interested in the Ultra wormhole phenomenon, hoping that it might lead to answers as to what happened to her mother.
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virulent-spark · 1 year
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Lenore is from Paldea, she’s a [former] member of Team Star. Her favourite Pokémon are grass types and rock types. Her aces are Scovillain and Klawf respectively. She’s brought in to be the lead singer of Virulent Spark, and sometimes uses tambourines when she performs. 
Her singing style is loud, raspy, and full of rebellion. 
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Despite Fox having idolising all the Pokemon champions, I imagine Elle would be the one to have met all of them. Fox would be jealous, but genuinely happy, and pester Elle of all the details.
Because of Elle’s geniunely casual, witty, and teasing manner, no doubt she’d make fast friends with one or multiple Champions, especially when her passions bubble to the surface. 
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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TM Headcanon questions » @pepperjack-parasect​​ asked:
“ metronome — what kind of music does your muse listen to? does it change depending on their mood or what they’re doing? ”
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All of Virulent Spark are musicians, and like many musicians out there, they have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for music that transcends genre. 
Spikes listens to rock n’ roll but also appreciates EDM, especially dubstep and House. Of course the mood she’s in will change what she’s wanting to listen to. If she’s sad, bereft, or despondant, she’ll listen to some grunge like Stone Temple Pidoves, Smashing Pumpkaboos, or Clamperl Jam. Whilst in a very happy music, she listens to punk. Angry, it’ll be heavy metal, or some hardcore punk. 
Keith is a little different in the way that he listens to music. While in a good mood, he enjoys a good classic rock band like Durant Durant, NidoQueen, Led Drifblim, TogeKISS, and Def Liepard, to name a few. In a bad mood he listens to djent.
Fox has such a wide taste, especially when it’s Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Punk Rock, Power Metal, EDM, and her favourite video game music. She doesn’t listen to anything in particular in any emotion, but instead just puts on her huge playlist on shuffle at all times.
Aoko listens to a lot of emo and Visual Kai bands... most of her interests are bands like Pierce the Aroma Veil, Fake out boy, Joltik! At the Dusknoir,  My Chemical Aromatisse, and Bullet Punch for my Carnivine.
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Headcanon meme (Accepting) » Anonymous asked:
“ send🥛for a drink headcanon for Keith, Spikes and Fox ”
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Keith loves whiskey, and he’s a goofy drunk. He’ll make really bad jokes, laugh loudly, and dances around like an idiot.
Fox will drink anything hard liquor, no matter what it is, but has a preference for mixed vodka. She’s an affectionate drunk, a little whiney, but will give lots of compliments, hugs, and might try to lean on and cuddle with someone. 
Spikes really likes rum, beer, and mead. When she’s drunk, she’s Spikes 2.0. In your face, but genuinely nice, wants to rock out, and will encourage a room to throw bricks through a Starmiebucks window. And she might be the first to do it.
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Fox’s bloodline is inspired by kitsune that tricked and mated with humans. She’s got Ninetales blood, both kinds, on either sides of her family, though it was her great-grandmother on both her paternal and maternal side. Fox is human enough for it to not have been a deciding factor on how she looked, however, when frenzied, her pupils become slitted. Her canines are also slightly elongated, on both the top and the bottom. 
Fox has two very close teams to her heart. But only her Championship team is the closest she’s gotten to. One day, she hopes to aim to defeat a champion. Her mawile is equipped with a mawilite, and Fox wears a fingerless gauntlet on her right arm with the keystone embedded in the back of the hand. Also, Fox has a Z-ring, which she uses often to perform the Fire Z-move with her Alolan Marowak, or the Ice Z-move with her Alolan Sandslash.
While Elle hails from another region altogether, she still considers Galar her home, and Spikemuth her hometown. It was 25 years ago when she lost her father to an accident--he put his life on the line for his town, and it cost him his life. She would rather not call the town that cost her father his life her “hometown.”
Elle has lived in Galar all her life, so the only strange thing she knew about was Dynamax and subsequently Gigantimax. She owns no Z-crystals or mega stones, and none of her pokemon dynamax, she prefers a more authentic battle without gimmicks. She’s pretty good, even with unevolved pokemon.
Keith is a Faller from a timeline where the Ultimate Weapon from the Kalos War 3000 years prior had never fired. Being thrust into a new and strange version of the world he grew up in was very difficult to adjust to. Mega Evolution was intriguing, though... he managed to get a keystone, which he has embedded into his dog tags. His mega evolving pokemon is Ampharos. Also, his Duraludon could Gigantimax if he ever tried battling at a power spot.
Aoko has a Mega evolving Gengar. This Gengar can also Gigantimax if used at a power spot.
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Keith Headcanons:
- His plusle, Poz, and Minun, Neg, are brothers. They were born to the same parents. Their role in Keith’s life is specifically to be emotional support pokemon, to help ease the symptoms of his PTSD.
- Keith lived in Mauville, Hoenn for a while after he left Kanto. There, he worked under Wattson on the New Mauville project and also learned how to play guitar. Playing guitar was another good passtime that helped him cope with his PTSD.
- Keith feels very guilty about the treatment of Mewtwo. As the developer of the exo-suit, he hopes that Mewtwo doesn’t hold it against him. He wants to make things right, and seeks out the pokemon so that he can express his remorse over the events. But he doesn’t know where to look, so he spends time on tours with Virulent Spark to ask about local legends or any sightings of strange pokemon.
- He was a pilot under Lt. Surge in the war. A bit proud of his service, he still wears his dog tags and his goggles pretty often.
- He feels urges to help people learn the skills of welding and robotics.
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Love language is always a weird thing to put, since there’s like 5 of them, but I think Elle’s major love language is undivided attention, and her minor love language is acts of service. She’s difficult to really ‘tell’ that she cares, other than just doing things. It’s definitely a scenario of “show don’t tell” for her. And maybe that’s why she’s never had a romantic relationship that lasted, because she’s not the kind of person to talk about her feelings a lot or show a lot of physical affection on her own. That’s not to say she won’t reassure someone with a hand on someone’s shoulder or accept a hug that a friend has given her. 
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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Elle didn’t just go on a happy quest after her mother recovered from her illness. No, Spikes’ journey was harrowing, eye-opening, and dangerous, life-threatening. Wild Pokemon, strong ones, legends themselves, nearly killed her very often, but her young team always protected her. Elle’s experiences travelling to Alola, Unova, and Hoenn had her questioning rules back at home and that’s what shaped her even more into the punk she is today. She didn’t aim to be the best, but she wanted to return home so she could use her experiences to help Spikemuth, and ultimately be a better trainer.
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virulent-spark · 3 years
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TM Headcanon questions  » @silveratonement​​ asked:
“ self-destruct for Aoko, soft-boiled for Fox ”
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self-destruct — what does your muse look like when they’re angry? do they explode, are they quiet, do they bottle it up, etc?
Aoko is not the type of girl to hide her emotions. Most people think she’s a quiet, not easy to read kind of girl before they make her angry. She’s rather ‘cute’ when she’s angry, in that she kind of just puffs up and glares, and maybe even mutters angrily to herself. Yelling isn’t really what she does, but she won’t hesitate to get snippy and speak her mind. 
soft-boiled — does your muse have a soft spot for anything? if so, is there a reason?
Fox is very much a softie at heart. Though course and fiery to most people she meets, she has a very deep soft spot in her heart for the Skull gang and their leaders, Guzma and Plumeria. They are her family, and she would do anything to ensure their safety and their comfort. 
Fox also has a deep love for young kids who are about to begin their Pokémon journey, wholesome people who only want to help others, the downtrodden of society, and romance. 
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