libertys-lovers · 7 months
F/O Take-Over Ask-Game ~ Rainbow Theme
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(A rainbow themed ask-game was the first ask-game I ever made! So, I thought it’d be fun to revisit the idea!)
💋 [KISS] ~ What’s your favorite love language to practice towards S/I? What about your favorite to receive?
🎈 [BALLOON] ~ Do you ever like to surprise S/I?
💄 [LIPSTICK] ~ What’s your favorite outfit of S/I’s that they’ve worn?
🍑 [PEACH] ~ If you had to describe S/I with a flavor, which would you pick?
🧶 [YARN] ~ What’s your favorite activity to do with S/I?
🍯 [HONEY] ~ What’s your favorite nickname/petname to give S/I? How about your favorite nickname/petname that they call you?
🌕 [FULL MOON] ~ What aspect of S/I stands out to you the most?
🧈 [BUTTER] ~ Do you ever tease/flirt with S/I? If so, how do ya do it, and how well does it usually work?
✨ [STARS] ~ What does your nighttime routine with S/I look like?
🦠 [VIRUS] ~ How do you care for S/I when they’re sick?
📗 [BOOK] ~ What’s your favorite random fun-fact that you know about S/I?
🫂 [HUG] ~ How do you hug S/I, if you’re the type to give hugs at all?
🪼 [JELLYFISH] ~ If you had to pick an animal that represented S/I, which one would you pick?
🦄 [UNICORN] ~ What is something that you still wonder about when it comes to S/I?
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bre3zycoins · 1 year
rubbing my hands together like a little villainous cartoon guy
a hc about their childhood:
this is actually kinda about the bartender guy that shows up next chapter in burn bright as well! (also kinda a backstory) ok so cola DEFINITELY is a zoneborn, through and through. raised by the sun and nurtured by the sand. he bounced around for a little while from crew to crew before eventual stumbling across a bar owner who showed enough compassion to let him stay in an off room in the building in exchange for cola getting supplies for him. he also helped out with bartending on occasion bc the bartender didnt give a shit he was like, a little kid, he could use extra hands. cola met quite a few bad actors while helping serve drinks n some would even buy HIM drinks of which acted as a sort of gateway drug for him. through newfound vices cola became less of use for the bartender and more of a leech; not wanting to do anything but get high off his ass. so, the bartender kicked him to the curb shortly after one of his birthdays. in his desperation he ended up crashing at dr d's radio shack which ended up being long term n yea!
a hc about their clothes
cherri definitely dressed a whole lot more punk than most killjoys during the fab four being alive. like think of the song boy division, that is literally teenager cola. he gravitated towards the style to mainly seem more intimidating n to be taken more seriously. he stopped caring into his early twenties.
a hc about a weird quirk they have
he can dislocate his jaw on command and pop in back in place. i also think his finger joints would lock up a lot.
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charmmycolour · 3 years
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I posted 2384 times in 2021
40 posts created (2%)
2344 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 58.6 posts.
I added 167 tags in 2021
#milo murphy's law - 20 posts
#balthazar cavendish - 20 posts
#mml - 20 posts
#vinnie dakota - 19 posts
#dakavendish - 19 posts
#archive of our own - 17 posts
#ao3 - 17 posts
#my fic - 12 posts
#balthazar cavendish/vinnie dakota - 12 posts
#fic - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#when i get enough courage to infodumping in the first place
My Top Posts in 2021
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Milo Murphy's Law Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Balthazar Cavendish/Vinnie Dakota, Balthazar Cavendish & Vinnie Dakota Characters: Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Savannah (Milo Murphy's Law), Brick (Milo Murphy's Law), Milo Murphy, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Sara Murphy, Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb), Amanda Lopez, Mr. Block (Milo Murphy's Law), Elliot Decker, Aloyse "Rodney" von Roddenstein, Orville von Roddenstein, Calvin the Cat | Agent Kitty (Phineas and Ferb), Dennis (Milo Murphy's Law), Hildegard (Milo Murphy's Law), Gretchen (Milo Murphy's Law) Additional Tags: POV Multiple, Post-Season/Series 02, Angst and Feels, Some Humor, Domestic Bliss, Drama & Romance, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Action, Time Travel, Denial of Feelings, Amnesia, Mystery, Secrets, Shock, Revelations, Separation Anxiety, Developing Relationship, Creative License, Alternate Universe, Psychological Drama, Abusive Parents, Backstory, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sex
After Cavendish and Dakota get involved on a mission of the Bureau of Time Travel by accident, a series of unfortunate events tear them apart from each other.
Now, they must figure out what is truly important for them and what they are willing to do to achieve it.
39 notes • Posted 2021-01-23 02:56:14 GMT
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So like a millon years ago I used to do art and stuff...
(This drawing is actually from @lonelylittleships, I just did the digital color)
70 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 01:22:20 GMT
could you please do 🧬 cavendish and dakota
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I’m not very good doing fusions, sorry! I hope this is good enough.
(From this request list.)
81 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 02:51:29 GMT
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I’m VERY excited to announce a big, big project I have been working on for months (last March/July, go figure!)
A Normal Life is a story that includes a fic, for which more than a thousand pages had been already written; plus several pieces of art including chapter illustrations and concept art. With the help of my beloved Team Cavota server, I have been refining the concept and working hard on creating a unique experience. Though I have done projects before that were pure love children (Lonely Together comes to mind the most), ANL will elevate the stakes in terms of plot and the intrinsic mystery is building. I hope whatever decides to read it funds it interesting.
This cover has been carefully crafted, and is full of details and references I hope you can speculate about. Anything interesting you catch, I’ll be very excited to hear!
I want to send a huge thanks to all my readers that keep encouraging me to write. To everyone in the Team Cavota server (even people that left) for their invaluable help and support. And of course, @jcmorrigan who is still the reason I am an author and today I can share this cover with you.
Thank you all.
I hope you have fun digging for clues 🧸
94 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 02:03:13 GMT
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I have made this humble fanart for my friend (and angel) @lonelylittleships, based on her amazing fic Mysterious Music!
It’s an incredible story with a nice mystery, a lot of wonderful interactions and, of course, full of Dakavendish vibes. I’m really honored to have been given the opportunity to illustrate this piece, and I hope you like it.
Can you guess what is Cavendish so scared of?
Thanks for the collab! I love the story.
107 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 15:41:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
🩸, 🎭, and🧸 for Salem and Embry?
Thank you!! 💕💕💕@rindemption
From this OC questionare.
🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
Salem: In a way, yes. When his father was alive, he was Salem's closest, most loved person in his life--he was his only family. And his dad always came above everything else. He even put his career on pause for a while while taking care of his father in his final days. However, now that Salem is alone and doesn't have many in his life, he doesn't really put much thought into it anymore.
Embry: Yes and no. Like Salem, Embry no longer has any living relatives. But when his grandparents used to be alive, they were the most important thing in his life. Now that Embry is alone, his view point kinda switched. While they aren't blood, his found family is now the most important thing in his life.
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
Salem: Absolutely. Everyone from his fanbase, strangers and just anyone who isn’t in his inner circle, he keeps his aloof and disinterested side on display at all times. But to people he genuinely considers friends or anyone he’s very close with, he shows them his more softer, vulnerable side. They’re the ones that get to see the real him: the artistic, funny jokester that likes comedies and loves to laugh.
Embry: Not exactly, no. With Embry, what you see is what you get. He presents himself to everyone as the sweet natured, mellow and laidback guy that really prefers talking his way out of situations rather than escalate them. Doesn't matter who they are, from gangers to regular joes to fellow nomads, Embry will always act the same as he does with everyone else.
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
Salem: Salem is definitely very low on that scale 😆He's about a 3 or a 4, because he DOES have potentional to be soft, it just takes a lot of trust building and it's mostly reserved only for his partners. But he's definitely my most edgy character, from his backstory down to his personality and aesthetics. If it were up to him, he would place himself at a 1 or 2, because he's very aware of his edgyness. But a part of him would like to be a big higher on the scale. Sometimes he's tired of hiding behind his walls and craves a deeper connection with people and a happier life. Sometimes he wants to be soft, he's just scared of what might happen if he allows himself to be.
Embry: My wholesome boy is on the opposite end of this scale compared to Salem. Embry is probably way up there, at maybe about a 7 or 8. Without a doubt, he's my softest boy, or at least. The only reason he's not a full 10 is because he's not too emotional and he does have his secrets to him that relate to his trauma. If he were to place himself, he would probably bump himself up to a 9 and he would love to be at a 10. 😆Embry really does like his softness and was taught by his grandparents to not hide this part of him because "the harsh world needs more softness".
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hongism · 2 years
AHHHH I LOVED IT. per usual. i don’t know why is so fascinating to me how well you’re able to build the story’s plot, like, it always feels like the characters have a backstory and they are real people instead of characters who have been just dropped there for that particular moment that’s about to happen? I don’t know how to explain it but I think it’s one of the reasons i love your writing so much.
and now for the story itself!! i love high people. idk why but high y/n was so funny to me, i could just picture her looking at the boys like a fish with a blank stare. and what a christmas tradition am i right. i loved the way you wrote y/n and san’s relationship, and san and yeo’s as well. like I said, i love that the characters always have a past. btw san and yeosang is an interesting pairing, i liked it very much hehe 10/10 like always caly my dear - 🧸
hihi again bestie :3 MUAH take my whole heart you’re so sweet to me :c i think one of the reasons why my fics are always so long-winded is bc i feel this incessant need to build characters and give them character and personality and backstory and i simply feel incapable of doing that in less than 1-2k, i have to drag it all out T-T im glad it’s something other people can enjoy too tho that makes me so happy to hear 🥺
it was def an experimental fic for me whew i did so much research trying to figure out all the logistics and stuff ._. CRAZY! but i had a lot of fun writing it, like you said, the idea of high y/n fish staring at the boys is so amusing and i laughed a lot while writing it and im glad it could make some semblance of sense through all that mess san and yeosang is definitely an underrated pairing but i love writing them and i love writing them together i think it’s lots of fun !!!
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libertys-lovers · 8 months
Romantic F/O Take-Over ~ Halloween Themed Ask-Game
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🍁 [LEAVES] ~ In general, what’s your favorite fall activity to do with S/I?
🐈‍⬛ [BLACK CAT] ~ What was your first impression of S/I, and how did that change during the time you’ve known them?
🍬 [SWEETS] ~ Are you the type to want to rush Halloween & start Christmas/Winter activities early? What about S/I?
🎃 [PUMPKIN] ~ How does a pumpkin carving session between you and S/I go? What designs do you carve together?
👻 [GHOSTS] ~ Have you & S/I ever been to a haunted-house attraction before? If so, how did it go? If not, how do you think it’d go?
🪦 [HEADSTONE] ~ What’s something you’re really looking forward to in your future with S/I?
🕸️ [SPIDER WEBS] ~ Tell us exactly what about S/I captivates you!
🥼 [COSTUMES] ~ Show us a couple’s Halloween costume you would wanna do with S/I!
💀 [SKULL] ~ If you could describe your relationship with S/I as any genre of media (comedy, mystery, fantasy, action, etc.), what genre would you use?
🧟‍♂️ [ZOMBIES] ~ Be honest, how well do you think you and S/I would survive a zombie apocalypse? What would be your strategy for surviving it?
🌕 [FULL MOON] ~ Imagine you and S/I were going on a nice, peaceful, walk together during the night. During this walk, you decide it'd be a nice surprise to lead them somewhere sentimtental/fun, without outright telling them where you two were going. You know them well enough to know they'd enjoy the location though, of course, so where would you take them?
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