#' part of your function in the world is to bring graciousness sweetness and beauty into it '
pruinesce-a2 · 4 years
the sun  /  the basic personality:  sagittarius.   “ restless, cheerful, and friendly, sun in sagittarius people are generally on the go. they have a love of freedom, and a disdain for routine. generally quite easygoing, sagittarians make friends with people from all walks of life. they love to laugh and tease, and get along well with pretty much anyone, regardless of social factor. sagittarians have an often blind faith in people, and in the world. their optimism is infectious, although it can get them into trouble from time to time. these are curious people who love to learn. their idealistic nature is hard to miss. although generally easygoing, sagittarius is a fire sign. this gives natives a generally quick temper. fortunately, they’re usually as quick to forget what got them angry in the first place. the need for escape is generally strong, and some solar sagittarians come across as a little irresponsible. they’re generally easy to forgive, however. after all, their direct, honest approach in life is admirable. ”
sagittarius is a fire sign :    “ like fire itself, fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. fire can keep you warm, or it can do great destruction. while fire burns out quickly without fuel to keep it going, it can also regenerate its power from the ashes. a single spark can set off a forest fire. as a result, fire signs need to be nurtured and managed carefully. ”
it’s also a mutable sign :   “ these signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. they know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. more flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. a plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. ”
at first glance, fuyumi doesn’t seem like much of a sagittarian. she’s not exactly adventurous or ‘ free ’ - tied down to her family, stuck in that house as she is - but i’d say there’s still a lot of points that agree with her personality: optimistic, cheerful, the need for escape. as a fire sign, she’s oddly very subdued - but mutability fits her quite well, i think; unlike her brothers, she’s welcome to the changes her father tries to make to himself, and i think the specific phrase “chameleon themselves” is interesting - because fuyumi has and does... pretty much exactly that.
it does start to make more sense when you look at it in combination with her moon sign, the libra.
the moon  /  deepest needs, habits and reactions, emotions:  libra.   “ emotional equilibrium is the ultimate goal for those born with the moon in libra or the 7th house. on your best days, you are calm and centered, so much so that people might mistake your serenity for indifference. [...] with the sign of the scales directing your feelings, you simply like to take your time. every option must be carefully weighed and deliberated. rushing into decisions gives you major anxiety. before you can move ahead, you want to check out a situation from every possible angle. a die-hard romantic, love is all you need [...] compromise is usually the goal for this moon sign. [...] A natural peacekeeper, you have a talent for calming “difficult” people. [...] this gift can be a double-edged sword, leading you down the slippery slope to enabling or codependence—especially if you had a turbulent childhood. some relationships aren’t meant to be mended, at least not by you alone. It’s difficult for this moon sign to let go and watch people struggle. Interfering can leave you shouldering a heavy burden and might even stall people’s emotional growth and maturity. ”
SOUNDS MUCH MORE LIKE HER. fuyumi is obviously all about compromise - and the lines about a turbulent childhood, difficulty letting people struggle, and that interfering can leave them with a heavy burden / stunting another’s emotional growth... wow. fuyumi with endeavor much?
fuyumi is resistant to change here, in the sense of change AROUND her. while as a sagittarius, she can easily change HERSELF to suit the needs of others.
ascendant ( rising )  /  the mask, ‘ the persona adopted from family conditioning ’ : cancer. “ these people come across as gentle creatures. there’s something familiar about them — they’re the guy or gal next door. when [...] because they are rather sensitive to their environment, they can get flustered easily, especially in public. their first instinct, when threatened or on unfamiliar ground, is to protect themselves. when new situations present themselves, they can immediately withdraw or act shy. generally, these people come across as caring people. They seem quite sweet — even innocent. usually, these people appear unassuming enough to be quite approachable. some cancer ascendants, however, have retreated into themselves so much as to be quite the opposite. [...] in some cases, cancer ascendant people can surprise their partners. why? because they come across as rather unassuming, family-oriented people. ”
“ you appear gentle and soft, and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. you have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. you tend to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. having a home, a safe haven, is very important to you. ” 
“ you carry the qualities of and in some way embody the archetype of the mother. you will find that you attract people who need care, understanding and encouragement. [...] you are very sympathetic in both the sense that you feel for others and also in the sense of “sympathetic resonance”. your own feelings and moods will often reflect the dominant feeling tone in your environment. you absorb the atmosphere around you and thrive in surroundings that are home-like, personal, supportive, and cooperative. when out of balance you are hypersensitive to hurts and slights, are prone to extreme moodiness, worry, and self-pity, and/or feel like an insatiable needy child yourself. self-nurturing and self-responsibility are thus extremely important for you to develop in order to bring out your best. ”
“ the most noticeable feature of the cancer rising person is the round, moon-shaped face. people who have cancer rising also have a tendency to put on weight, especially in the hip area. the legs tend to be short and stocky. the cancer rising female tends to be nicely curved. ”
so this one. This One. makes me sad. and obviously there’s a lot here, but i think it’s rlly important to note - the rising sign is shaped by family conditioning, and fuyumi has been shaped into a mother. like. what more can i say - each of these is pretty self-explanatory... and i also like that it matches her appearance to LIKE WOW THIS ONE JUST. HITS HOME
sun sun & libra moon. “ when dealing with others, they are very understanding and inspiring. these natives hate confrontations and most of the time are the ones who bring the peace. that’s why they are more prone to making compromises. not to mention how tolerant and open to new opinions they can be. ”
libra moon & cancer rising. “ your moon in libra suggests that you were “born to be mild” and a peacemaker. you also carry a deep feeling for beauty and part of your function in the world is to bring graciousness, sweetness and beauty into it. the tendency to avert or avoid conflict can be a strength or a deficit. ”
sun sun & cancer rising. “ the character of a person with the sun in sagittarius and the ascendant in cancer is too emotional with respect to others, which in fact does not correspond to their inner, spiritual core. so they often live in conflict either with themselves or with others. if they behave good-naturedly and affably, they then find themselves uncomfortable; if they make demands, they run into resistance. ”
like. her whole chart is just. “i want everyone to get along please stop fighting” NGDKJMFSDGZLFSD NO WONDER SHE FUCKIN ACTS THE WAY SHE DOES
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Blood For Gold Part 9
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Short and sweet but powerful and impactful. Also this is just an excuse to show how GORGEOUS Chinese hanfu is. Look at it. I want to wear it and feel like an empress too. Not that I’m fetishizing it or anything, I just think it’s gorgeous. Thanks to @kriskukko for letting me use that regency orc art. He’s gorgeous. Don’t worry the troll will be coming up soon. I haven’t forgotten about him, not at all. Also thank to you @punkhorse96 for all your amazing feedback. 
Blood For Gold 
Part 9
Demsey woke up early and quickly got dressed in one of his nicer, and more flattering suits, eager to not miss a moment of your presence before he got out at about the same time as his brothers, also dressed in some of their nicer clothes only to see the moura men come out of their rooms across the hall, all of them wearing silk robe like garments that flowed like water around them, but the way the robes were designed and patterned, they were clearly more than just..robes, at least they looked that way as they all greeted each other good morning cordially before they rounded a corner to see Calla, Bennie and yourself also leaving Bennie’s room, dressed in similar robes, all the women had their hair down and these robes were much prettier and in striking colors as you all kissed each other’s cheeks and warmly murmured your good mornings to each other. 
“So what kind of dress is that?” Sierge asked Bennie curiously. 
“It’s Chinese hanfu, it’s extremely comfortable, it’s cool in the summer, warm in the winter depending on which layers you use and how many layers you put on and it’s easy enough that you can dress yourself all by yourself and it provides freedom of movement. Mouras really love anything we can move around a lot in and do so comfortably and there’s pants under it so you can ride horses, pegasus’, griffins and dragons easily, we decided earlier this morning that every day for the next two weeks, we would want to show our English counterparts Dorierran culture which is a world culture and show you all the different styles Dorierra has and embraces in all of it’s quarters and we decided that today was hanfu day, we already informed the Dauphine who was delighted at our choice and had her old moura clothes pulled out of storage while Audra gave Charlotte one of her other hanfu dresses to wear since Charlotte and Audra are similar in size.” Bennie revealed just as Demsey’s sisters were coming out of their rooms from across the hall and stared in awed wonder at the clothes. 
“Those are gorgeous!” Callie gushed as she came over and looked closely at the dresses. 
“Thank you! It’s Chinese hanfu, we have spare dresses, would you like to change into one of ours?” Calla offered before Callie looked to her brothers before her parents came out of their rooms. 
“Calla offered me to wear what she’s wearing could I?” Callie asked hopefully. 
“Sure.” Gwen, Callie’s mother answered. 
“Would anyone else like to change in hanfu?” Bennie asked Demsey’s sisters before they gave a look to each other and nodded yes before all the girls went back into Bennie’s room where you all helped Amara, Kiera and Callie dress into traditional chinese hanfu, taking off their corsets and trading them for the more traditional moura and much more comfortable undergarments which other than securing the bosom were not nearly as restrictive.  
“Ooooh, this is nice, I like this.” Amara said as she appraised herself in the mirror as you walked her through tying the sash around her waist before you lent her one of your other fans. 
“Isn’t it?” You laughed as Bennie helped Kiera and Calla helped Callie who because of her smaller size ended up needing one of your hanfu outfits to fit her better. 
“So what do you think?” Calla asked Callie
“I love it, do you guys just pick whichever kind of dress you want from whatever culture you want every day?” Callie asked. 
“Yup. We can dress in Chinese hanfu for breakfast, we can dress in Japanese kimonos for lunch and be in Indian sarees for dinner.” Calla answered. 
“But kimonos are very restrictive, and they take at least one or two helpers to get dressed into properly. Because while Chinese hanfu is flowy, kimonos are very stiff and try to put your round body into a straight box shape. But Indian saree’s are like hanfu in that they’re meant to move in, they’re prettiest when you dance and twirl in them actually.” You pointed out. 
“But my favorite style is the Dorierrian style, it’s a mixture of all of them, elements of everything all together to make something perfectly unique and it combines comfort, beauty, ease of movement and functionality.” Bennie insisted as she finished getting Kiera put together. 
“Now twirl in front of the mirror.” Bennie instructed before Kiera obeyed as she began and couldn’t help but giggle and laugh as she did so before all her sisters did the same, all of you laughing together. 
“I’m never going to want to take this off and get back into that blasted corset.” Kiera said as she smoothed her hands down the fabric. 
“Me either.” Amara confessed before you all left and went to breakfast where the Raymond’s had already began eating. 
“Well aren’t you all just as lovely as pictures.” Yalin cooed when she saw all of you, herself in the royal red and gold hanfu befitting an empress. 
“Yes, they duchesses wanted to try out hanfu.” Bennie reported proudly as she took her seat between Sierge and Demsey as Ramsey eagerly had you sit next to him as you reluctantly agreed and sat down in your own seat next to Ramsey but across from Demsey again as Jane meekly sat next to you. 
“Do you think my parents would be mad if I dressed in hanfu too?” Jane murmured to you. 
“Even if they did, I wouldn’t tell them if you wouldn’t.” You murmured back to her. 
“Do you have another hanfu dress?” Jane whispered.
“I do, I can get you changed into it after breakfast if you’d like.” You offered her before she nodded in confirmation. 
“And your excellency, how exquisite you look in hanfu, like a proper empress.” You complimented Yalin from her spot next to her husband. 
“Thank you so much Sultana,” Yalin thanked you graciously. 
“Please, won’t you dispense with the formalities? You may simply call me Audra.” You offered. 
“Only if you will call me Mama Yalin.” She returned happily. 
“Bennie!” Benyana insisted.
“Calla,” Callalea chimed in. 
“Amara,” Amara followed suit before it was quickly agreed to go by first names, even the Dauphin, Gregori agreed to it as Demsey’s parents rose their eyebrows in surprise but agreed to it as well, thinking it was novel and fun and it would give them a chance to get to know the jewel orcs better. But even still, Gwen could see from her spot that Ramsey was already making his intentions towards you crystal clear and feared that Demsey was already in over his head and was headed for at the very least disappointment, if not disaster, but she also knew her son well enough that once he set his mind to something, he wouldn’t quit until it was all said and done, she just hoped he wouldn’t be wounded too deeply or get his hopes too high only for them to be dashed to pieces. 
After breakfast, the group decided to tour the grounds where Bennie took Gregori and Yalin aside. 
“So I have a report,” Bennie began as Yalin and Gregori turned towards her eagerly. 
“Audra states that only love will induce her into matrimony this time around and because of the abusive treatment she received at Broadcove, she is a shell of her former self and it was like trying to pry open an oyster with a wooden spoon to get her to talk about anything. But there is leverage. She insisted that she has “insurance” against the Morrigans should they ever decide to stop paying for her silence, which is smart because she’s used that insurance to double the living Edward afforded her, I think if you enticed her to share that insurance with you, you could double that number even still and gain at least fifty to sixty thousand pounds a year out of the Morrigans because you can “sue” them for damaging Audra who will be a member of the Raymond household and Ramsey especially can sue them for damaging his future fiance and the Morrigans will pay anything to keep whatever insurance Audra has from going public or going to the royal family or whatever. However, if you truly wish for Audra to join your family, there is a simple solution- use a messengerari, use this address at lunchtime because it’ll be breakfast time there, and that is the family’s main one. Tell them that you have Audravienne safely and comfortably at your palace and that they are welcome to come and see her and talk with her with no interference, no strings attached and that she will confide in them how and why she became a shakan and Audravienne will take their council and advice which I can’t imagine them ever giving her any advice that would be against joining your family. Make sure to especially invite her twin brother Axalarize, or Axal for short. And if anyone can bring Audra back to her full glory and most importantly to her senses and her wits so that she can clearly and plainly see that Ramsey is the man for her and allow herself to give her heart to him- it’s Axal, and once she does, the rest of her will follow, you’ll have grateful inlaws, you’ll have a grateful daughter in law and a very healthy and substantial income and an ally under your thumb. Because the Morrigans should know that for every drop of life and blood you squeeze from a moura, must be paid back in gold, and don’t worry about having to pay a fee for them to come, they will come on their own dime and all you need to do is open your house up to them when they come.” Bennie suggested as she handed Yalin and Gregori her slip of paper with the address of the Saharrazat’s messengerari address as Gregori took it and grinned triumphantly. 
“Excellent work Bennie.” Gregori praised. 
“Well the royal family paid a pretty penny to get us here, it’s the least we can do to make sure you get your monies worth.” Bennie smiled charmingly. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Duke to charm.” Bennie excused herself before she practically skipped away. 
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damn-the-dark · 5 years
Vampire Damien??? Vampire Damien!!!!!
Yes? Yes!! owo)b I whole-heartedly agree!! 
(oop almost forgot to tag @boopymooplier ;w;)/ )
Words: 3200
Pairings: Damien x Reader (Y/N the DA)
Warnings: Blood, Blood drinking, Descriptions of death, Cursing, Vampires, Actor being a binch, my writing if it can be called that, sadness, my uwu’s
“Wake up, Damien.”
His eyes struggled open, unfocused, searching for the source of the voice. A playful hum came from above him and he strained to tilt his head to see a blurred smile leaning far too close to him.
“Ah there you are my friend, I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t come back.” Damien could only blink and try to clear his vision further…but just by the voice he began to realize…
“Mark?” His own voice was hoarse and dry.
A hand brushed dark locks from his face.
“In the flesh.” Another smile, this time showing his friend’s perfect teeth. A smile for the movies he so liked to star in.
He pushed himself up to an elbow, finding he was in fact at home, in his own bed. His mind searched for a reason…Last night, they’d gone drinking hadn’t they? Did Mark have to bring him in here himself? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Dames had gone too far and had to be driven home, but how had Mark dragged him up to his second story bedroom himself?
He looked around, yes he was still in his day clothes, sans his blazer which was usually discarded for a night on the town anyway.
“Wild last night wasn’t it?” Mark stood upright from where he’d leaned over Damien. He’d have answered if he remembered anything about it.
“What exactly happened? I feel…” How did he feel exactly? Drained? Like he’d been hit by a truck? Air hit the back of his throat like fire with every breath. He must be more dehydrated than normal from the alcohol.
Though strangely, he began to realize, he wasn’t hung-over. Achy? Absolutely. Tired? Sure. But no pounding in his head. No beating migraine…no…
“I feel strange.” He said almost to himself.
“You’ll get used to it my friend, why I bet you’ll be right as rain as soon as we get you something to eat.” He stopped to press the little buzzer above the night stand and spoke into the intercom, “Send up the butler will you please, dear?”
It replied with a staticky ‘right away sir’.
Used to it? Mark was acting about as off as Damien felt. He carefully swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat upright. The curtains were drawn, but he could see soft light filtering in from the window around the edges. Yet, somehow that was too bright. He rubbed his face, yes maybe breakfast would help his condition.
“What kept you here?” He didn’t mean for it to be so direct, but his mayorly political filter wasn’t yet functioning, “Surely you’d have liked to go home and rest yourself.”
“Oh I couldn’t leave you like that! Wouldn’t want you or anyone else to get hurt now would we.” Upbeat as ever, and deflecting. Damien had known this man long enough to see through his ever-present façade. He was withholding something. A prank? That was certainly like him, but Dames couldn’t shake the bristly sensation there was something wrong here…
He breathed in to speak again. It burned.
“Come now Mark, what did you do, slip something in my drink?” He mocked a friendly grin, trying to pry a straight answer from his friend. “You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, you’re up to something.” The words felt like sandpaper.
A knock at the door.
“Ah! Come in please,” The actor chimed, again avoiding Dames’ inquiry, “and, close the door behind you, would you?” His tone lowered.
Gabriel, the butler of 2 years came inside a little hesitantly, but did as he was told. “Good morning sirs, how may I be of service?” With a click, the door slid shut behind him.
Before he received a reply, Gabriel’s eyes grew wide and mouth gaped open in a gasp, “Sir! You’re hurt I-“ He’d only just begun to point in Damien’s direction when Mark…well…appeared behind him and clasped his hand over Gabriel’s mouth, silencing him to mumbles and frantic eyes.
“Shhh shh, that’s quite enough my good fellow.” His tone was dangerously sweet in contrast to his actions. “Don’t spoil it for our mayor. Especially not before his meal.”
Their mayor was just barely even processing what was happening. He jumped up to stand, a little unsteady still, but needing to protect his staff from his suddenly deranged friend.
“What the hell are you doing? Let him go this instant!” His hand began to trail up his torso, searching for what Gabe had been trying to tell him. He touched a spot where his shirt collar clung to his neck and shoulder and rubbed off some of the flaky, dry substance.
In horror, he saw it on his hand. Blood.
“What the fuck did you do Mark?” Shock raised his voice an octave. His heart should’ve been in his ears with panic.
And then he saw it. Mark smiled from behind the struggling butler, in that award winning smile grew long and deadly sharp fangs.
“Why, I’m saving you my dear Damien!” His features took on a feral quality. “I’ve found proverbial fountain of youth, as well as much, much more.” He stroked the butler’s cheek and tightened his impossibly strong hold on him.
“When your sister left me I was broken, I couldn’t bear to go on without her. I tried to die my friend, but you see the world had greater plans for me. I have conquered death itself! This is my gift to you friend, we can go on into eternity, it would be so lonesome without my one true good friend by my side. The only one who didn’t betray me.” The last sentence was barely above a growl.
“So drink up! A toast to our eternal youth!” Before Damien could even react, in a single motion, Gabe’s throat was slit open. Thick red oozing blood spilled from the wound. The man’s choked cries were now desperate gargles.
He wanted to run. To yell, scream, hide, do anything except what he was doing. Staring. Blankly staring at the disgustingly…delicious looking fluid now staining the man’s clothes and dripping onto the floor. The air was thick now in that delightful and disturbing scent. He parted his lips to say something, or yell or scream or…taste the life slowly pooling on the floor. Through those parted lips now peeked freshly grown fangs of his very own.
“Ah, that’s it friend! And I must say what a beautiful and terrifying creature you’ll be!”
Damien could only gag in response, his thoughts were disconnected and wild. He managed to slump over to the wall, unwilling to let himself get any closer. Deep in his chest, he knew. He knew that so much as a step in that direction all rational thought would be lost. He would kill Gabriel. He would gorge himself on his lifeblood and become the monster his good friend so wanted him to be.
His eyes darted around the room. Something. He had to do something. The light from behind the drapes had grown in intensity and hurt to look at.
Not sparing a moment to consider the consequence, Damien grabbed hold of the curtain and ripped it from the rod above, unleashing daylight on the room.
The fabric fell on Damien, partially shielding him, but not from the piercing cry of the actor.
“How dare you, after all I’ve done for you.” His voice was a hiss. Damien crawled away from the sound, to the farthest corner of the room. Only then was he brave enough to look back.
Mark, or whatever he’d become, had scaled his wall to another dark corner. Skin was draped off of him, leaving large open wounds on his face and arms. He still clutched the butler, now nearly a corpse. Overpowering light drew a barrier between them.
“Well Damien I won’t waste the food I’ve so graciously prepared for you.” His eyes were black and angry as he lifted the body up to his face and proceeded to ravenously feed from the limp Gabriel. The missing flesh on him began to knit itself back together as he ate.
Damien could only watch in horror. And hunger.
The vampire tossed the body aside, landing with a hollow sound on the floor. “No matter Dames, I’ll return for you later.” His face finished patching itself together. “It seems you’re just a little …lost, take your time, you’ll realize soon enough the favor I’ve done you.” He mused and straightened his dress shirt.
And with that, he was just… gone.
Damien huddled into the corner. Emotions wreaking havoc on him. Fear, anger, confusion, betrayal. A friend. A dear friend. A monster. He clenched his fists, noting the dull color his skin had taken on. He made me a monster.
Gabriel’s glossy eyes gazed into nothing. The smell of blood hung like lead in the room still, but it had soured and offered no more temptation for Damien.
Covering himself in the drapes, he worked his way to the intercom.
“Everyone,” He rasped into the speaker, “Please, go home for today. You’re all excused.” He tried to manage normally. Should they think something were wrong…they might be tempted to check on him. To come in here and walk across the barrier of sun, smelling sweet and decadent and and-
He stopped his thoughts and sank back to the floor.
The mayor didn’t know what to do.
You thumbed open the front door lock and stepped inside. Good thing Dames had given you that spare key, you knew he wouldn’t mind if you let yourself in. Often you had to -to retrieve important paperwork from his home office.
The rooms were dark and swathed in the last remnant of the evening sun. You switched on the light in the entryway and noted the servants had apparently left early. Odd, but it wasn’t unlike Dames to give them the evening off, he was always kind to his employees.
You wondered why he hadn’t been in the office today, his secretary said there hadn’t been a call from him this morning. She mentioned he had plans with Markus Iplier, the actor, with whom he’s been friends since elementary school, and didn’t really expect to hear from him. Those two really knew how to party, she’d said.
But you were worried, and decided to check in on your old friend and fellow graduate of the same college. You knew how bad he always feels in the morning after a night of festivity, you’d been with him through quite a few in college.
Never mind the fact that you fancied bringing him gifts at work and followed him around the office when he stopped in. You were just friends, and yet your smile never faded when he was present and heart skipped a beat when he offered to take you to dinner last week. 
Just friends.
You ascended the steps up to his office, usually where you found him when he was working late. The mahogany desk was empty.
Dare you poke your nose into his bedroom? Only after giving a few raps on the door first, of course.
“Damien? You in there?” No response. “I stopped by to check on you. Missed you at the office today.” Silence.
It couldn’t hurt to look in, after all it seemed he wasn’t even home.
The door groaned as you opened it. You peered in. The last rays of light sunk below the horizon and left his room in twilit darkness. The room was in disarray, the curtain rod pulled from the wall and in the dim light, something laying on the floor on the other side of the room.
What in the world had happened here? “Dames! Are you okay?”
Movement in the corner by the intercom. “Please…leave.” Barely above a whisper and full of pain. At that you didn’t hesitate to enter.
“Damien!” You swung the door open and began to rush to him, heart beating fast in your throat, was he hurt? Oh god did you need to phone an ambulance? What-
You stopped in your tracks. You were regarded by the corpse on the floor, Gabe’s eyes had clouded over in death. His neck was coated in thick dry blood. You made a choked noise.
“What the-“
“Go! Please!” He whipped around, forcing his cracking, dry voice louder. God why you, out of everyone why had you of all people…
By your terrified look, he could only guess the creature you saw in him. He felt the points poke his tongue when he closed his mouth. The sunlight had gone. There was nothing stopping him from crossing the room, irresistible scent guiding him, the pulse in your veins beckoning beckoning just a taste just a taste just a tas-
“Damien…” The way you said his name was so tender, so caring. He loved the sound of your voice. He loved the way you chatted happily to him when you brought him trinkets from gift shops. He loved how you teased him for his mayorly political-isms. The way you softened when he asked you to dinner. He loved your eyes, your hair, your blush, your beating heart your beating heart your beating heart your-
What was momentarily your friend, your quiet love, desperately pleading for you to leave, was no more. He stood from his hunched position on the floor, the normally neat and well kept mayor looked disheveled and wild. His dark hair scattered over one eye, jaw slack and eyes sharply focused. Like a predator. Like a monster.
You stepped back, instinctively. You knew your eyes didn’t deceive you when he flashed his teeth. Sharp. Too sharp. 
An animal growl rolled from his lips, a drawn snarl completing the picture your mind had already begun to piece together.
A vampire.
You had not a moment to care about the how when or why of the matter. You were already in his grasp. 
If there was any conflict about his actions you couldn’t see it. Your darling. Your warm sunny day at the seaside, soft whispers in the study long past curfew, the one your heart beat for…was nowhere in the beast that pinned you to the floor with an iron grip.
Your breath was caught. Unable to sob or scream or beg, tears flowed in their stead. He forced your head to the side, exposing your bare neck to his waiting, hungry lips. The lips you had desperately wanted on you for so long, leaving tender trails of kisses, perhaps maybe, in another life.
But not this one. 
His fangs tore into your flesh easily. You found your breath enough for a yelp of pain that echoed through the room. It didn’t stop him, he greedily drank from your punctured artery, you felt drops and rivulets trace your collarbone. He fed from you sloppily, like a starved animal. Licking and biting at the already open wound.
As your vision began to dance and your struggles grew weak, you didn’t find yourself angry. You knew that this wasn’t who he was. Something had happened to him. He wasn’t to blame. You could never be angry with him. Confusion and heartbreak clouded your thoughts as your surroundings slipped into darkness.
Damien was narrowly cognizant of what he was doing, but through a thick haze of bloodlust. You were sweet on his tongue, though not in the way he’d ever wished to be tasting you.
He swallowed hungrily, feasting himself on your delectable essence. In the back of his mind he shuddered at how good it felt. Deplorable…yet natural to his new state of being, he could only continue to feed, helpless to override his new instincts and the sensations they rewarded him with.
When his better, more human senses, slowly began to return to him. He wished they hadn’t, for the sight of you, limp and encrusted with gore was simply too much for his stilled heart.
His screams of agony came from between bloodstained lips. He clutched you close and wailed.
“My, my, I see you’ve come to your senses and ate.” Damien’s head snapped up instantly at the voice. Mark was perched neatly on the window sill. “And it’s that lovely little crush of yours, I’m surprised Damien, I thought you’d have better control of yourself.”
Tears still wet on his face, his features contorted into a snarl, hot red rage boiled in his chest. The intensity of the feeling would have scared him at any other moment. But now, staring at the man who betrayed his trust, the monster that caused him to hurt one he loved so dearly…he let it drown him.
“You. Bastard.” Oh how he would’ve hated to hear the venom in his own voice.
Damien made a move to stand. But the actor motioned for him to stay put. For some reason he did so.
“Now, now,” he tutted, as though scolding a child, “I don’t think you’ve realized the picture I’m putting together here, dear sweet Damien.” Mark leaned casually against the window frame, “Your friend there isn’t quite lost to you forever. If you promise to play nice, I’ll tell you how you can bring them back from the brink.” A pointed devil’s smile graced his lips. “Why, I’ll bet they’ll make a wonderful member of the cast.”
His flash of anger evaporated into confusion. The mayor couldn’t think, what should he do? Agree to whatever sick game his former friend was getting at to bring you back…as a vampire too no doubt. He could just say yes now…just long enough to see the life back in your eyes…he knew that you couldn’t possibly forgive him. Just as he will never forgive Mark. But, maybe there would be a way…to live in dignity with this curse…this disease…
He could only hope. Because even the life of a creature such that he now was would only be bearable with you in it.
“Fine then…just tell me.”
A dastardly look. “Good boy.” He brought his wrist to his face and made a biting motion at it, “simply open a vein, you’ll find that your blood can work miracles on the recently drained if you offer some of yours in return.” He stated whimsically.
“I’ll be seeing you Damien,” Mark turned as if to go, then paused to look back, “And, you should leave your hair down like that more, it really gives me the ‘brooding villainous creature of the night’ sort of vibes.” His parting laugh echoed across the room and rattled into Damien’s very core.
He didn’t have time to think about what the hell Mark was blathering about, his only thought was of you.
He did as Mark had said, feeling stupid and selfish and upset that he wanted you back so badly. Biting his own wrist offered very little pain. His own dark colored blood slithered out of the wound, as if the night itself had taken up residence in his arteries.
Drip. Drip. Each drop fell into your mouth, and the burn of his fresh tears rolled down next to them.
Damien cradled your body, waiting in the cold silence. In that silence he vowed, the red burning fury briefly returning, Mark will regret the day he made him immortal. Because he will use every day into eternity to find him and make him feel every ounce of pain he felt here tonight.
That was a promise.
It could’ve been half a decade, or only after a few minutes, the body in his arms stirred.
He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t beg your forgiveness, he couldn’t do anything but give you the truth. Damien could only hope as your eyes opened, reborn in death, that you could somehow understand.
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stargazersastronomy · 7 years
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Cancer Rising: The Eternal Nurturer
Cancer -- Ruled by the Moon and exalted in Jupiter
Cancer Rising -- Moon Ruling the Horoscope
Following Women With Cancer Rising
Amy (nee Lee) Hartzler [Sagittarius Sun & Leo Moon] “I feel you rushing all through me/In these walls I still hear your heartbeat/And nothing in this world can hold me back/From breaking through to you “ -- Speak To Me
Lindsay Schoolcraft [Pisces Sun & Libra Moon] “So far from home /I've come to find you on my own/Just a flicker to your flame/So many burned by what they can’t tame “ -- Fading Star ft Dani Filth
Maria Brink [Sagittarius Sun & Pisces Moon] “You're the light, in my darkest hour/I'll be fine, with you I can move on/This is our eternity “ -- He Said Eternity
About Cancer Risings
Whether you are male or female, you carry the qualities of and in some way embody the archetype of the mother. You will find that you attract people who need care, understanding and encouragement. Devotion and maintaining emotional soul-connections to life is the heart of your approach to living. You are very sympathetic in both the sense that you feel for others and also in the sense of “sympathetic resonance”. Your own feelings and moods will often reflect the dominant feeling tone in your environment. You absorb the atmosphere around you and thrive in surroundings that are home-like, personal, supportive, and cooperative.
When out of balance you are hypersensitive to hurts and slights, are prone to extreme moodiness, worry, and self-pity, and/or feel like an insatiable needy child yourself. Self-nurturing and self-responsibility are thus extremely important for you to develop in order to bring out your best.
Cancer Rising/Leo Moon Your Moon in Leo suggests that your sympathetic and nurturing qualities are infused with warmth, generous feeling and a strong sense of personal pride in the ones in your care.
Cancer Rising/Libra Moon Your Moon in Libra suggests that you were “born to be mild” and a peacemaker. You also carry a deep feeling for beauty and part of your function in the world is to bring graciousness, sweetness and beauty into it. The tendency to avert or avoid conflict can be a strength or a deficit.
Cancer Rising/Pisces Moon Your Moon in Pisces expands your empathy and devotion to include not just your own immediate family, but all of life. You are a spiritual “mother” to many.
Source: Cafeastrology
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huntertales · 7 years
Part Three: Push and Pull. (Point of No Return S05E18)
Episode Summary: Dean begins to think the only way to stop Lucifer is to say yes to Michael, but the angels decide they don’t need him anymore. The Winchesters and Castiel are horrified at the angels’ new game plan and take on Zachariah to prevent an all out war on Earth. Meanwhile, the reader quickly learns making risky deals with Heaven and Hell have their consequences. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,769.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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Note: The painting that I’m referencing is this one. (It’s called The Happy Accidents of the Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.)
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
The last thing you remembered was crying. You were lost in your own personal demons about the stresses of everything that was unraveling all at once, with no chance of stopping the impending doom. And what you had heard come straight out of his mouth. "She's gonna be your reason. Like she's mine." Dean, the man you would do anything he asked, the one you went to Hell for after you made a deal to pull his ass out of the fire—the person you have been trying to save, had the audacity to mutter those words with such a sad, sad tone. Like he didn't have a choice. His struggle was keeping his mouth shut and not saying a single word. Meanwhile, you've been keeping quiet for once while an evil force was growing inside of you. You were trying your hardest not to let it win. In what messed up world did he have a right to feel sorry for himself and take the easy way out?
You were so caught up in your own pessimistic thoughts, you almost didn't realize you weren't in Bobby's house anymore. And you had a feeling you weren't even in Sioux Falls. Your mind seemed to have figured out you had been staring at an oil painting in a gold frame. It must have been from at least the late eighteenth century based upon the clothing the people were wearing. Your head tilted to the side slightly to the side as a small smile spread across your lips from how much fun they seemed to have been having. The setting was of a young woman dressed in a pastel pink dress swinging off of a tree with blossomed white flowers in some kind of garden that seemed hidden away from the world. It appeared to be peaceful, almost like their own little oasis away from the troubles of the world.
Your eyes wandered to a man standing behind the woman, from what he was holding, it appeared that he was pushing her. Another man laid in a bush with a hand out as he stared up at her with happiness, or maybe it was longing for her. Your eyes noticed that her shoe had accidentally come off, as it floated mid frame in the picture, and straight for a statue you almost didn’t notice. It was a stone statue of an angel bending on one knee as he pressed a finger against his lips. Both men had no idea it was there, and while the woman was smiling and having fun, her eyes were focused on the statue. For some reason the statue reminded you of someone from the way his small finger was pressed against his lips, like he was telling her to keep a secret from the two men around her as she had her fun with them.
You tore your gaze away from the painting to inspect the new surroundings that you had landed yourself in. The room was something of magnificent beauty. You noticed right away of the gold trimmings and very expensive looking furniture that you might see belonging to royalty and other things like statues or vases that looked to have been artifacts you would observe in a museum. Out of curiosity, you reached out a hand to touch a statue of what appeared to be an angel, but a voice coming out from thin air, made you accidentally flinch, causing your arm to knock over the statue to break into several pieces. A heavy sigh of annoyance fell from someone’s mouth at what you had done. Turning your head, you looked to see it was a face you hadn’t seen that long ago, it was Zachariah, and you didn't need much more clarification to know where you had ended up.
"Welcome back, Y/N." Zachariah greeted you with open arms as he gave you a smile, his hands gestured to the room, your eyes wandered around the familiar sight before landing back on the angel. You furrowed your  brow in confusion and began to wonder if you were dreaming about this place and he was in your head, trying to find out of your whereabouts. "Oh, no. You're not dreaming, Y/N. Adam graciously offered where you and him have been hiding. It's time.”
“Time for what?” You asked. You weren’t honestly sure what you were doing here in the room of where the angels kept you and Dean before Lucifer got free from his cage. But then the reality came crashing down all at once from the thought of the past that was the reason why you were here. You bit your tongue to keep yourself from letting out a few curse words to let him know you knew exactly what was going on. Eight months of trying not to get here, and you thought the only thing you had to worry about was making sure Dean didn't escape and say yes to Michael. But it was now all over. This is it. This was the end. "Oh, no."
“Oh, yes. I’ve been waiting millenniums for this exact moment. Have to admit, I'm a bit surprised to see that you would be the one standing here in my presence right before the big fight. But of course, I understand you’re scared. You thought judgement day would never come. As if the answer to all your problems could be found in some dusty book.” Zachariah said. He put one foot in front of the other and began walking. “You honestly thought you could play Heaven and Hell to your advantage, huh? All that effort of sneaking around just to save Sam and Dean from their destiny. I don’t know if I should congratulate you for being smarter than those two maggots together. Or think you’re desperate as the both of them. You know you can’t trust them.”
"I trust them more than any of you." You said. You crossed your arms over your chest and watched as the angel began to circle around you. Like a predator circling its prey, he watched you squirm under the pressure, and slowly realize you had stuck yourself straight in the spot of giving both sides exactly what they wanted so the boys could be safe. There was no way out of this. You knew they were probably hunting down Lucifer to give him exactly what he wanted, and that was you. But you stood straighter up and grew a smirk. “And besides, it won’t take them long until they realize I’m gone. They’ll come for me.”
“You sure about that? Because I just got word that Dean ran off to try and say yes to Michael first. And Sam's out looking for him. They have no idea you're even gone. And you still think they care about you. Why do you still?” Zachariah asked you. You swallowed as you looked away from him. “Trust me, Y/N, this is history repeating itself all over again. When the heat gets hot, they never gave a crap about you. They’d rather save each other’s sweet bacon than the planet. Or your life, for that matter.”
“You’re lying.” You said. “When Dean finds out what you’re trying to do, he’ll kill you.”
“What am I doing? You're the one with all the free will here. I never pushed you into making a single decision.
the one who asked me to bring Adam back from the dead.
the one who told the Devil that you would be his vessel after you gave him permission to turn you into his little pet demon. I’m doing simply as you asked.” Zachariah shifted his tone to a cold and threatening one. You pretended not to be afraid of his attempt at be the authority over you as he stood taller, trying to make you feel small. Like David going up against Goliath, but without any special tricks up your sleeve. There was no way out of this, and the angel knew he had you cornered exactly where he wanted you. “They’re not your family, Y/N.”
"You know what? Screw you, screw Lucifer. I'm not doing this. You understand me? I am out of this." You suddenly snapped at him, diverting your nervousness into anger. You thought taking permission away from the situation would have made it disappear like that. But when Zachariah began laughing and looking at you like a small child having a temper tantrum, you could feel your heartbeat pound in your chest. "You heard me, you son of a bitch. Lucifer can't get this sweet ass of mine and he sure as hell isn't making me a demon. The deal's off the table."
This might have been the stupidest thing you ever did. You had read stories where vampires could have been uninvited from someone's house if you told them to get out. For some reason, you thought it couldn't hurt to work here. If you could somehow reject your invitation from Lucifer so you could have it where he couldn't jump into your skin, it was worth a shot. However, from the smile of amusement that spread across Zachariah's face, you knew it was a shot in the dark. And you missed your target.
"Sorry, kiddo. No can do. You made your bed, and now it's time to lie in it. Once we track down Lucifer and get you out of my hair, we can get this show on the road. Oh. And before you can do anything stupid.” Zachariah said, stopping himself from vanishing from sight. You watched as he pulled out your cell phone from the inside of his suit pocket and dropped it to the floor without a care. With the heel of his shoe, he smashed it to tiny pieces, making sure it was nothing more than dust. “Just in case you tried to do anything stupid. And we don’t want that, now do we?”
“You…” You stared at your phone, the one thing that connected you from the outside world. You had a thought about calling Cas or the boys to tell them what was going on here. But it seemed he had went through every scenario to keep you here. Now you were trapped with no way out of this. You could feel your breathing becoming labored as your eyes glanced up at the angel. “You bastard.”
"You know, if I didn't have to hand you to Lucifer so soon, I'd make you regret those words. And everything you did to me." Zachariah said. You narrowed your eyes at him from his threatening tone, like you were scared of him anymore. "But I guess we can't regret that, can't we? We have bigger things ahead of us. Sit tight, Y/N. You’re on your own now. But I’ll be back soon enough. And...Don't forget the deal we made, champ.”
In the blink of an eye, Zachariah disappeared from your sight. You were left to stare at the same painting that you had been so focused on since arriving here. You were left alone in the room with your rushing thoughts as your only company. All these months your biggest worry was about trying not to have either of the boys say yes. But, in a twist of events, you were standing here with judgement day right behind you. It was you who was going to be fighting Michael. You've never felt so small, so guilty in your life before until now. Zachariah was right about this. History was repeating itself. You tried so hard to save the day, but you only pushed things into exactly where they wanted it.
This was just like the time he told you that you would help Lilith break the final seal. You agreed, thinking you could somehow help Sam take her down before time was up. Only that was exactly what they wanted. Lilith had been the final seal, and in your presence, it broke, setting Lucifer free from the cage. You somehow managed to get yourself to sit as you felt the room starting to spin around you. Suddenly you wanted to be back in Sioux Falls..hell, anywhere than this place right now. This wasn’t meant to happen. You were trying to help. But you shot yourself in the foot with nobody to help you. Your eyes wandered down to your cell phone that was nothing more than broken pieces of plastic and wires.
What if Zachariah was right? What if Sam and Dean didn’t realize you were gone? You suddenly bit the inside of your cheek, hard enough until your tongue noticed the familiar thick copper taste of blood. You would do just about anything to keep yourself from crying.
+ + + "Bobby, what do you mean 'Adam and Y/N are gone'?" "Should I say it in Spanish?" "They're gone how?" Sam tried to keep himself calm in the situation being thrown at him all at once. His brother escaped, Cas was blown off somewhere else, and on top of the crap show that was turning out to be his night, you and his half brother disappeared out of thin air. The younger Winchester paced around the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair as he tried not to lash out at the man for what he couldn't control. But he accidentally thrown out a question. "What the hell, Bobby?! You shouldn't have let her walk out like that!" "Watch your tone, boy." Bobby warned the younger man when Sam dare try to raise his voice at him. The older hunter might be paralyzed, but he wasn't going to be blamed for something he couldn't control. He was getting worried himself. "He was right in front of me, and then he disappeared out from thin air. And I tried looking for Y/N the best that I can. Called her phone at least dozen times. She's reckless, I've give her that. But she's not stupid. She wouldn't leave like this, Sam." "They're not here because the angels took them." The two hunters quickly looked over at the other side of the library to figure out where the other voice coming from. Sam could feel himself letting out the slightest sigh of relief at the sight of his brother back with Cas, but he was unconscious, not to mention, bloody and battered. The younger Winchester furrowed his brow and asked what happened as Cas carelessly tossed Dean's body to the empty cot to rest. He adjusted his shoulders after carrying the man's weight and answered that he had done it. Cas had went a few rounds with the older man, but from the way that it turned out, he was a bit pissed off at him for reasons Sam really didn't care about right now. "What the hell do you mean the angels to them?" Bobby asked. "You branded their ribs, didn't you?" "Yes. Y/N wouldn't tell them where we are. It must have been Adam." Cas said. He thought to himself for a moment about how this could have happened, Bobby wondered himself when he asked. "I don't know. Maybe in a dream." "Well, where they have have taken them?" Sam asked, hopeful the angel might have an idea. "It can't be crazy far, right?" Cas fell silent as he tried to figure out where his fellow brother would stash two people that they were lead to believe was the vessels for the apocalypse. He suddenly remembered the year before, right before Lucifer was set free, you and Dean had been swiped away from Bobby's house, and to a special room. Sam and Bobby blinked, only to see the angel disappeared from their sight. Sam clenched his jaw in frustration and looked down at his brother. He could only hope this wouldn't end up in a disaster.
+ + +
You sat at the head of the table with your arms crossed over your chest as you leaned back in your seat, your eyes narrowed in annoyance as you watched Adam scarf down yet another burger. You and him had been locked together in the room for what felt like an eternity. Time seemed to have been an illusion when you were here—in this twisted place you started to call the angels' greenroom. One of Zachariah's goons offered you just about anything to please your desire to make you happy. Food, books, alcohol. All you told them that you wanted to go home for one last time. The angel found himself laughing at your request, but when he realized you were being serious from the glare that seemed to have been permanently sketched on your face, it was quickly denied. So you quietly sat for however long since the angel had left, lost in your own anger as Adam had the time of his life indulging in food and having a beer.
Every so often when he wasn’t paying attention, a scowl crossed your face from how he was behaving. He had been brainwashed into giving the exact location of where you and him were hiding out, all because Zachariah made him believe his own blood was the enemy here. He didn’t realize what he was about to get himself into once things started getting serious.
“You know, this isn’t so bad.” Adam tried to make conversation with you, breaking your attention away from a spot on the wall you had been staring at. You turned your head over to look at him, the man swallowed down another bite of his burger. “I mean, think about what paradise is gonna be like once we win.”
You rolled your eyes from his conversation starter, "Shut up and eat your damn food."
“I see you and your brother share the same refined palate.” Zachariah’s voice came out from thin air, bringing your attention away from the young man you sat next to. The glare on your face never faltered when the angel sat on top of the marble table with his hands folded neatly in his lap. He turned his gaze away from Adam and to you, he seemed cheery, acting as if nothing had unfolded before between the both of you. You crossed your arms tighter around your body and avoided his gaze. “What’s wrong? You don’t want anything before the big hoorah, Y/N?”
“I wanna go home.” You told him your request. “That’s what I want.”
"You know I can't do that." Zachariah said, sounding apologetic for your ludicrous demand that you knew he wouldn’t dare do. Not after the struggle he went through to get you exactly where he wanted you. "Unlike last time, I need you where I can see you."
“So, uh…” Adam finished the last bite of his food before placing down on the table. Unlike you and your pessimistic behavior, the younger man was restless to get this started. He decided to change the subject to the more important events that were being drawn up as all of you shared this conversation. He looked at the angel with a bit of an eager expression from the question that he asked next. “We ready?”
Zachariah looked a little confused at what the young man asked, "For what?"
“What do you mean, for what?" Adam asked. He cracked a smile, thinking the angel was joking with him. "For Michael."
“Oh. Right. About that…” Zachariah winced at how the conversation was about to turn. He gave the both of you a smile as you furrowed your brow from how he was acting, it was like he had to break some bad news to you. “Look, this is never easy, and I know how much trouble you went through to get here Y/N, but...I’m afraid we’ve had to terminate your position at this time.”
“What?” You didn't understand one word he just said, you looked at the angel sitting right across from you like he was speaking some foreign language you never heard of. You slowly looked over at Adam, the both of you were confused at what Zachariah was trying to say, but you knew it wasn't good. Things just kept getting worse the more they kept you around here. "What the hell are you trying to say? I thought we had a deal."
"Yeah, sorry. No. But, I admit, you did have us going there for a while, Y/N. It was smart thinking for you to try and be Lucifer's vessel. You can't get get the party started if he can never find you. And bringing Adam into this? A nice little touch to keep us happy. But the fun's over. It's time to get the real show on the road." Zachariah said. You clenched your jaw from what was happening here. This wasn't the real thing, this was something far worse. "Come on. Both of you have been hell of a sport, really—good stuff. But the thing is, you two aren't exactly the perfect fit as you are...a clammy scrap of bait."
"No, but what about the stuff that you said?" Adam asked. He wasn't pleased himself at what was going on. Being pulled away from his Heaven and told that he was the chosen one, only to find out, he was being used like a piece of meat to get the real beast. "I'm supposed to fight the Devil—I mean, her. I thought we were supposed to win."
"Mm, not so much. You see, the Winchesters and Y/N have a very easy relationship that we use to our advantage. I wasn't lying when they said they are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other." Zachariah said. You looked at him with a bit of a disturbed expression from how he explained his relationship with you and the boys. It was far different from what he had told you earlier. "All you need to do is get someone they love, dangle their feet into the fire and Winchesters turn into putty right in our hands. How do you think we got Lucifer free from the cage?"
"You son of a bitch!" You hissed at him, You pushed yourself to your feet, letting the legs of the chair scrape against the floor. "You set us up. You told me—"
"Did you honestly think for a second I would listen to you—a little cambion, the scum on the bottom of my shoe, could fool Heaven and Hell into doing whatever you wanted. Did you honestly think I was that dumb?" Zachariah asked. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, wondering how he could trust someone that had resisted each step of the way, only to suddenly come to him when he was down on his luck with a plan that was too good to be true. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a glare. Your lips pouted out slightly more as your brow furrowed tightly together, making you appear as a child having a temper tantrum. "Hey, if it makes you two feel any better, you happen to be the illegitimate half brother of the guy we do care about. Y/N here is the reincarnation of the woman Michael had a thing for. And she’s the reason why Lucifer’s walking around free That's not bad, is it?”
“So, you lied to us.” You said. “About everything.”
“We didn’t lie, Y/N. We just avoided certain truths to manipulate you.” Zachariah said. “But to be fair, you set yourself up the moment you opened your big mouth to Lucifer. You might not be his vessel, but he’s looking for you. When he gets his hands on you, it’s only gonna be a step in the right direction. And you’ll be out of my hair for good. Thank heavens for that.”
“Oh, you son of a bitch.” You hissed at him, your lips stretching into a grim smile as you tried your hardest not to lunge across the table and claw his eyes out with your bare hands. “If the boys don’t kill you, I swear, I’m gonna do it myself.”
“Hey, do you two think I feel? I’m the one that’s got to put up with his dumb, slack-jawed look on his face. And your temper tantrums.” Zachariah mocked the both of you from how the way you were acting. You looked up from the table and stared at him with a deathly glare. He seemed to have sense your frustration at what you did. “Kid, we didn’t have a choice. The Winchesters got one blind spot, and that’s family. See, Sam and Dean, they’re gonna put aside their differences, and they’re gonna come get you two. And that is gonna put Dean right here—right where I need him.” “That was your whole trick, huh? You brought Adam into this and let everyone believe that he was gonna be the one to fight. And you knew Dean would never let him stand for that. That’s pretty clever. I’ll give you that.” You said, shrugging your shoulders. You wanted to know their entire game plan to see what they had up their sleeve. You wanted to know where you went wrong. “Okay. What about Sam? He’s not gonna say yes.” “You know, Dean was right about you being the reason why both of them said yes. Adam here is a prime example. Who brought him back? You. And did you honestly think Sam was going to be okay with Lucifer taking over your body? I think he’ll soften up when you get personally handed off to Lucifer. It’ll only be a matter of time before Sam breaks down and takes your place. Like I said, history repeating itself. I just needed to nudge you in the direction.” The angel explained. You shut your eyes for a moment at what was happening. Each way you tried to think, you were only greeted with the terrifying thought that there was no way out of this. “Don’t beat yourself up, Y/N. We really couldn’t have do this without you. Michael’s seen it. The tumblers finally click into place, and it’s all because of you. And me. But who’s keeping score?”
“Hate to burst you bubble, but I’m afraid you forget about one little detail.” You said. “Dean knows there’s a way to stop Lucifer that doesn’t require saying yes. And who’s to say we won’t tell him this isn’t a trap?”
“Y/N’s right.” Adam pushed himself to his feet and joined you. It seemed that he had come to his own conclusion that this was wrong, he wasn’t brought back from the dead to save the day. If the both of you worked together, maybe you could avoid certain problems. “We’re not gonna let you do this.”
“Cool your jets, corky. Sit down. Don’t drink the kool-aid she’s handing out. You and I will do this together. Plus, if you do, you get to keep your severance.” Zachariah reassured the younger man as he watched Adam take his seat again, letting him back away from the mistake he was about to do from bringing up the promise he made. “You still get to see your mom, okay?”
Adam seemed a bit skeptical about what he was being told. You slowly looked away from Zachariah and to Adam, who was sitting next to you. Both of you locked eyes for a moment. You had told him before that the angels weren't the good guys, they would use anyone for their own advantage. And when you shook your head, Adam seemed to have grown skeptical. He was lied to before about being the chosen one, who was to say they weren’t lying about letting him see his mother again. He looked over at the angel and asked, "Why should I believe you?"
“You know what? I keep hearing this.” Zachariah dismissed Adam’s question as he began mocking a talking motion with his hand at the both of you. Your brow scrunched together from how rude he was being, but it was a way for the two of you to do exactly what he wanted until the plan called for it. “But what I want to be hearing is this.”
You watched as he pointed his hand in Adam’s direction, and before you realized it, the marble tabletop was covered in blood after the young man leaned over at coughed it up. He leaned over the table and hugged his stomach, seeming to act like he was in pain. You quickly looked over at the angel to demand him to stop what he was doing, but before you could say the words, you felt like a thousand needles piercing your stomach. The thick taste of copper filled your mouth like bile, and much as you tried to keep it down, you leaned over the table and began spitting out your own blood, staining the white marble. You knew Zachariah had you exactly where he wanted you all this time. Silent and suffering in pain.
While he waited for the boys to put their thick skulls together and figure out something, he walked forward to the table, deciding that maybe he was wrong. He did have some time to have a bit of fun with you before Lucifer came along.
+ + +
Dean Winchester woke up to his entire body feeling like it was in pain and one of his wrists cuff to a bed. The man slowly adjusted himself back into consciousness and looked around at his surroundings to see that he was cuffed to the bed in the panic room. This sure wasn't the events of a fun night. Dean winced slightly as he pushed himself to a sitting position the best way that he could, but making sure not to move from the pain that shot through his body. He took a moment and try to reduce the headache that was starting to settle in his head, not realizing that he had company.
“How you feeling?”
“Word to the wise, don't piss off the nerd angel. But, I guess this means Y/N and Cas are best friends." Dean said. He remembered what Cas had said back in the alley while the angel beat him up. Cas had done so much for him. And to hear about what Dean had said about you only made the angel become even more furious. Dean looked over at his little brother, he noticed the mention of your name made him look uncomfortable, like he was trying his hardest not to worry. "So, how's it going? I'm guessing Y/N heard everything I said."
"Y/N and Adam are gone." Sam broke the news to his brother, diverting away from the question that wasn't important right now. "The angels have them."
“Where?” Dean asked.
"The room where they took you and Y/N. Cas did a recon." Sam explained the information that he had been gathering over the past few hours while his brother was unconscious. Dean listened to every word that the man said, and just like that, his plans to sell himself to Michael had disappeared when he asked about the competition they were dealing with. "And the place is crawling with mooks—pretty much no-shot-in-hell, hail-Mary kind of thing."
“Ah, the usual.” Dean muttered underneath his breath. He looked around the room for a moment when he realized there was no way he could help. Not the way he wanted it to. “What are you gonna do?”
“For starters...I’m bringing you with.” Sam said. He pushed himself up from the chair that he had been sitting in and headed over to his brother. Shoving the key into the lock of the handcuffs, it only took a simple turn before Dean was free. The older Winchester willingly took back his free wrist and began to wonder if his brother was being stupid. But Sam didn’t think so. “There are too many of them. We can’t do it alone, and since Y/N isn’t here, you’re pretty much the only game in town.”
“Isn’t that a bad idea?” Dean asked, he watched as his little brother tossed the key to the desk and sat himself down on the edge. Sam shrugged his shoulders, saying how Cas and Bobby thought so, but he wasn’t so sure, he decided to be stupid and put some trust in his brother. “Well, they’re right. Because either it’s a trap to get us there and make us say yes, or it’s not a trap and I’m gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I’ll do it—fair warning.”
“No, you won’t.” Sam said. “When push shoves, you’ll make the right call.”
Dean looked at his brother for a moment, not so sure why he was putting so much confidence in the man. He had clearly stated that he was willingly ready to put his life on the line and push for the apocalypse. But Sam didn't believe him. "You know, if tables were turned...I'd let you rot in here." Dean said. "Hell, I have let you rot in here."
"Yeah, well...I guess I'm not that smart." Sam said, shrugging his shoulders.
"I don't get it." Dean muttered, knowing there was something else that his brother wasn't saying. "Sam, why are you still doing this?"
"Because, you're still my big brother. Y/N's our family. She's constantly pulling our asses out of the fire. Look at where it ended her. I need the help I can find to get her back. If you wanna go in there and say yes, fine. I can’t stop you.” Sam said. He pushed himself to his feet, but before he walked to the door, he looked back at his brother, wanting to say just one more thing. “But you love her, which I know you do, you won’t say yes. You’ll do the right thing.”
“And what’s that?” Dean asked.
"It's like the demon deal all over again." Sam said, giving him a bit of a hint. "And you know it."
Dean bit his bottom lip as he watched his little brother exit the panic room, leaving him to reflect on the words that he had said. The demon deal each of you had put out to save one another. Dean sold his soul to save his brother, you sold your soul to save him from Hell. Each of you fought tooth and nail to beat each other to a certain death. But at the end of it, both of you agreed that you didn't want to die. Dean realized that things didn't change much since then. Not even his desperation to get you back from the enemy after landing yourself in trouble, yet again.
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester @lotsofspnshitposts @everything-i-tried-was-taken @starswirlblitz @albot-e @supernaturalismydrug @we-are-band-sexuals @angiewinchestercas @kaylinfayezink @owhatshername1@kgbrenner @kartuziprincessofhorrors @cleo-is-my-doggy @eeyore1988@dakota-dream  @lilylovelyxo @timetravelingginger @xoxokokooxox @holahellohialoha   (Message me if you would like to be added!)
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A Week at Farm Sanctuary: Cold Weather, Warm Hearts
Farm Sanctuary’s New York Shelter has been quite the winter wonderland these days, as beautiful coats of fresh snow blanket the sanctuary grounds.
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These winter days in Watkins Glen, NY, are lovely to look at, but they also bring their share of added challenges (as anyone who’s experiencing a snow-filled winter of their own can attest!). 
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The extra work that accompanies our current weather includes winterizing barns, de-icing paths, and making sure that any resident who might need a little extra warmth is outfitted with a nice, cozy coat. It’s no easy task — but the animals keep our spirits light and help us see the good in any situation. 
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Benedict and Chucky goats are keeping warm even on the coldest days.
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Chucky’s coat is both functional and fashionable. Of course, the function is the important part, but the fashion is a nice bonus!
Benedict and Chucky, for example, are quite stylish in their warm winter coats, wouldn’t you agree? These best friends, who’ve both come so far since their rescue from a backyard butcher in the fall of 2015, can bring light to even the darkest of winter days.
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Another stylish coat-wearing resident, Gary calf, follows his friend and caregiver Amy. “What’s in that bucket — is it something delicious?”
The cattle residents of our New York Shelter are not ones to let a little snow and cold get in the way of their good time — or a good snack.
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Frank and Ari dining together.
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Sonny takes a break from his snack to say hello.
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Beautiful Cheryl digging in to her hay. She’s come a long way since arriving, terrified and pregnant, in late 2015. She’s still never far from her beloved son, Pecan, who was born at our New York Shelter last spring.
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Pecan is getting to be such a big boy, but he’ll always be Cheryl’s baby!
Some Farm Sanctuary families, like Cheryl and Pecan’s, are biological, but many are created when our residents see something special and kindred in each other and form their own adoptive families. Recently, we’ve gotten to witness the happy beginning of one such family among our pig residents.
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Ben David (above, at left) and Cameron (right) piglets came to us separately, but quickly bonded once they were introduced. But something was missing.
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Ben David adores his new mom, Honey.
Meanwhile, a longtime resident, Honey pig, had gone through a difficult ordeal with the recent loss of her friend and herdmate Nikki. Both Honey and Nikki were being used as gestation sows in Iowa when terrible flooding struck the area in 2008. At Farm Sanctuary, Nikki was able to raise her babies in peace, and she graciously allowed Honey into the family as well. But when Nikki passed away late last year, the harmonious family dynamic changed, and Honey began to be bullied. We had to remove her from the family she had lived with for years, and she was terribly depressed.
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Now one very happy family: adoptive mom Honey and her babies Cameron (left) and Ben David (right).
Happily, a new family was formed by these three pigs who were each missing something in their lives.
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Honey is one very happy mom...
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...and Cameron and Ben David are thriving in their new family!
These days, Honey is happily caring for her two boys, and they are so devoted to her and loving every minute of their new life together!
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Aretha goat seems to have a new pep in her step lately.
Meanwhile, another happy development has been brewing with a few of our goat friends. Aretha, who came to us from the Hudson Valley backyard butcher rescue, has really hit it off with Earl, one of 177 animals who came to us last year from a cruelty case at a so-called “farm-to-table” operation in Cattaraugus County, NY. 
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Lovebirds (lovegoats?) Earl and Aretha.
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Earl fits in beautifully with Aretha’s family (including daughter Min).
Aretha and Earl love spending time together, and Earl fits right in with Aretha’s little herd, which of course also includes her beloved twins, Min and Lulu.
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When Earl first came to Farm Sanctuary, he and his friends were among the most frightened goats we’d ever met. We love seeing him so happy.
The best way to get through these sometimes-dreary winter days is to focus on what makes us feel warm at heart — for instance, the individuals (be they human or non-human) who fill our hearts with joy. With Valentine’s Day approaching, one special way to celebrate is by helping us to honor the loving relationships formed by our rescued residents. Our Valentine’s Day sponsorships are a wonderful way to treat yourself or a compassionate loved one to something unique and special this time of year, all while helping Farm Sanctuary continue to be the rescuer, caregiver, and advocate that farm animals so desperately need. This year’s featured groups include Earl & Aretha; Li Mu Bai rooster & Kaiser hen, who live at our Southern California Shelter; Rosy & Susie Moo cows, co-leaders of their herd at our Northern California Shelter; and our Watkins Glen “lamb fam,” moms Zepha, Izzy, and Daniella sheep, and their babies Vera Jo, Cindy, Laura, Bob Barker, and Jack.
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Your support makes love stories like Archie and Tatiana’s possible! These love bugs have been there for each other through thick and thin, and the strength they draw from one another teaches us that anything is possible when we live life from the heart.
For more Farm Sanctuary updates, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Want to meet our incredible rescued residents in person? Learn how to visit here. Want to help? Your support makes our rescue, education, and advocacy efforts possible. You can also help by sharing our residents’ stories to spread the word that farm animals like them are each someone, not something. A compassionate world begins with you! 
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Sam rooster and his lady friends soaking up some rare winter sunshine.
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