voidless-screaming · 3 years
its funny how people have no issue with Tubbo and BBH sometimes using an innocent persona (and then the fandom further OwOfying them) 
But when Crumb does it (in a genuine way) its suddenly a problem?
Also suspicious she gets backlash right when she starts actually interacting with the Fav White Boys more :)
If Crumb was a guy you BET people would make jokes about her being y/n and meeting all these youtubers and being oblivious and adorable and yada yada
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lispectore · 4 years
Everyone gets mad at the fandom, but I am just watching with awe b/c dang, they are really having to rush through the fandom cycle. Most content creators have 5 -10 years to build up their fanbase and fandom and often the fandom is built up slowly that when the cc finally gets big, most of the boundaries and rules have already been set, but in Dream's case? He just blew up and the fandom is still on the beginning of the fandom cycle, which is the reason why it just feels like the fandom sucks.
exactly!! there’s also the problem that a lot of people on this fandom (especially on twitter) are very young and that’s their first experience of being part of a fandom, so they don’t know how to act and end up doing things that are very weirdchamp. the fact that the fandom only keeps growing more and more is also one of the problems because a lot of people who end up here just get thrown in the middle of this tornado and it takes a while to get used to and learn how to navigate inside of it. another problem is that the gaming community has never been open to this type of crowd (minorites, lgbtq+, poc) so there’s a big contrast from the cishet white gamer dudes who were used to own this place, but are now being called out by the people that they despised the most. 
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
i was the author of both anons and i just want to reiterate that i'm not trying to accuse sjm antis specifically of anything regarding why they criticise sjm its more something i've noticed as a general trend with other problematic authors like cc and jkr as well as sjm. i just don't feel like grrm or other male authors receive ample pushback in comparison and i imagine that being the reason sjm stans fixate on him. anyway thank you for the explanation.
Okay, thanks for the clarification. I understood by your second ask that you were generally making a statement about the nature of criticism against men vs against women. This is a big fandom problem that’s been around since the dawn of fandom itself. It has to do entirely with the systemic problems of the world we live in. Simply because of the fact that GRRM is a white man who writes about white men doing ~dark and edgy~ (AKA boring and tasteless) things, he gets a lot of unwarranted praise and nowhere near as much criticism he deserves. I’ve seen many a Youtube comment praising GRRM and other comments on disparate websites that make fun of SJ/M for her appearance and for the fact that she writes about and for girls. Personally I hardly ever read fantasy books written by men anymore simply because of this issue and because their lens doesn’t bring me anything new. I find most of the staple fantasy writers at the moment to be dull, overrated, and not very inclusive (Rothfuss, Sanderson, GRRM, etc), so the media I consume and comment on skews toward women. I suspect that a lot of readers of fantasy written by women have this issue or a similar one. And I don’t have a source for this info, but I have read from more than one place that women are more often the ones who make metas, fic, art, etc (creator fandom) while men are the ones who collect (curator fandom), so that probably also adds to the difference in criticism of men vs criticism of women.
Does anti SJ/M discourse contribute to this problem? I’m sure in some ways it does. When that happens, SJ/M antis should be called out and we should make adjustments to our behavior, but I also wish there was recognition on stans’ part that this isn’t just SJ/M antis’ problem. Our community is dedicated to calling out the privilege that this specific white cishet woman has used to disempower several minoritized groups. And while I don’t think this was your point, I still think it’s relevant to the conversation: just because she is a woman does not mean she is not responsible for problematic things she writes about women and minorities. That’s my biggest issue with SJ/M: that she has never taken responsibility for the things in her books. I also greatly wish that stans would take our criticisms of SJ/M and their fandom antics to heart. We have called out SJ/M and the problematic fandom several times. While I’m sure some stans have grown from that criticism, the fandom as a whole has shown little capacity for self-reflection while I have seen many antis respond and adjust to criticism from other antis and stans multiple times.
Additionally, maybe instead of targeting their comments at antis who actually have a vested interest in greater diversity and more inclusive fan discourse, like apparently some stans do if they are concerned about misogyny against SJ/M, they should direct their comments not just at us but at GRRM and other white male author antis/stans who do not recognize the privilege these authors exercise in their writing and careers. They have the power to make their own anti posts about GRRM if they find him that abhorrent, or to ask antis to discuss GRRM more, or to look at the GRRM critics that they find too lenient. In fact, they are always welcome to my inbox or to comment on my posts (although like you said yesterday, are in the minority) that criticize him. Picking apart the posts and dynamics within the anti SJ/M community is a very bizarre way to go about the problem of misogyny in fantasy fandoms at large and the interactions I’ve had with stans leads me to believe that their issue is about antis in particular and not the lack of inclusion within fandom at large.
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