#''had to'' i had a great time! my parents argued over if TC was hot or not
lesbiancolumbo · 6 months
the real story is i wanted to show my parents double indemnity because i'd just recently seen it at the billy wilder matinees series at the music box (not for the first time lol) and seeing it on film was just so cool, and tcm was showing it the weekend i was hanging out with them, so i tape it and we're watching the credits and i'm telling them about how frickin' cool this movie is and my mother almost immediately goes this movie looks scary, sydney put on that movie you were talking about. the funny one. and i was like...... some like it hot? so we had to watch that instead.
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snakerps · 5 years
TC didn’t get an awful lot of free time to himself, what time he did take away from work was often spent at his brother’s place watching his kids while him and his wife took some much needed time together. Together away from their current three youngsters full of energy and itching to get into trouble. Which was where good ol’ uncle TC came in. It was a system that worked, and had been working for them for years now--years. Years and years really as he’d been stationary in the city for over fifty years now and the oldest two of his brother’s pups (twins of course) were just shy of twelve years and TC had been volunteering his free time to the happy family since day one. 
If he had been around for their other kids he might have claimed to do the same, maybe this was his attempt at making up for lost time. For the life of him, as he rolled around in the dirt with his nephew, he couldn’t understand why he’d wanted to get away from his family so damn much. You ought to be thinking about settling down proper now, huh? His brother’s voice chimes from the back of his mind, a bitter reminder. 
His nephew lets out an oof as he lands flat on his back, dark hair mussed in the dirt and staring up at the sky with a look of distinct childlike frustration “Come on little man,” TC says with a wry smile, hands resting on his thighs as he half leans over “You’re getting there, don’t take it personally yeah? You’re still--”
A scream rips through the air, a white hot bolt of fear rips through him and he whips around in place as he watches in horror; his niece as she falls out of the tree with a sickening crunch. Heedless of the thin line every supernatural has to walk, he uses Alpha speed to close the space and crouches down by her while “Elise! Elise baby what happened?” she rolls around on the ground, her arm held close and the stench of blood hits him like a slap to the face, fat tears roll down her face as he tears his flannel off to tie makeshift sling, and scoops her up just as her sister’s shoes hit the ground.
She was too young for the entirety of her werewolf genes to have kicked in, her healing factor wasn’t enough to combat a break this brutal. Coupled with her omega status...which her sister is quick to blame “If she wasn’t such a cry baby she wouldn’t have fell!” 
“She pushed me!”
“Did not!”
“I didn’t...I didn’t wanna play the game she wah--wanted and she got mad and--” “Shut up! You stupid crybaby ome--”
“Hey!” his strong voice cuts through as Carver shuffles closer with wide eyes “None of that bullsh--” he closes his eyes as he starts towards the gate leading out of the backyard, his free hand reaching out to sntach Abigail’s wrist to pull her along (She tries to dig her heels in, saying she doesn’t want to go) and what a picture he must paint for the neighbours, at least he’s in his civvies as he herds the three into the family van (he’d lent his brother his car for the trip, muscle cars were ten times sexier than the family minivan that forever smelled of mother’s milk even if the pups had been off such for years). 
Abigail huffs and puffs in the back seat, arms crossed and pouting as she slouches in place. Carver’s lower lip wobbles as he holds Elise’s uninjured hand. She’s still crying. Reeking of blood and pain and sadness and worst of all: guilt. Too damn young to be letting her sister’s damn cruel words be affecting her like that. He tears out of the driveway yearning absently for his siren as he weaves through traffic, try and let one of his boys in blue stop him, just let them try.
Like any wolf he’s ever met, TC hates hospitals. He’s done his time on countless battlefields and the stench of blood, death, and rot was the kind of thing that stuck with you. The heavy perfume of gunsmoke and mud could never hope to drown out. Abigail is arguing again from the backseat, an alpha--both her siblings omegas and she used it to lord over them constantly. It was a known issue that both parents (alpha and beta) were trying desperately to work on. But it extended to her own mother. 
Worries. Things to stress over when he wasn’t breaking the speed limit to get to the only hospital in Athame. He screeches to a stop just outside the emergency entrance and all but ejects himself from the driver’s seat, the door slams shut with the sound of shattered glass--emotions getting the better of him and Gods is he ever grateful his brother is in another country right now. 
He takes Elise into the ER and has to argue with them for a hot minute, two other children trailing behind him one on the brink of tears and the other on the brink of mutiny. All of them are directed to a stretcher and the curtain pulled to give them some privacy, there’s a part of him that feels a lick of guilt over being fast tracked ahead of the busy waiting room due largely in part to his occupation, his status. Elise sits sniffling on the stretcher, Carver next to her pressing himself against her uninjured side while Abigail continues to give all of them the silent treatment. Their regular doctor is blissfully on rotation today, he stands with his arms folded over his chest doing his damndest to ignore the little Alpha’s roiling stench of emotions--not a lick of remorse. 
TC’s stomach churns at the implications of this. He’s an Alpha sure but he’s not THE Alpha. That’s his Mother’s role. And he’s not Abigail’s Alpha either, that’s his brother’s role. But he’s got age. He’s got a whole novel’s worth of experience and as he glances over his shoulder at her, his eyes flash red and a low growl rumbles from his throat. A spark of fear so pugnant in her emotional aura sounds and she slouches, chin pressed to her chest and he looks away reverting back to normal. 
He doesn’t want to be here, but at least none of their senses have developed over much to really been overwhelmed by the stench of this place. He’s tense, feeling like a wire pulled taught. 
And then he catches the scent of another wolf.
He cocks his head to the side and breathes deep, an adult. Here? Willingly? Visiting a friend maybe? Wolves and humans mingled easy enough, like the ever laughable man’s best friend, saying that rang true. But the wolf is approaching them, he wonders if he smells them; knows them. And it immediately puts him on guard but ducking out of the curtain to get in his face in such a public place is a bad one. The responsibility to his blood, his pack, is a strong one to fight against. Blunt nails turned to claws as they dig into the meat of his arms and he finds he’s re-positioned himself in front of his niece facing outwards towards the curtain’s direction the Omega is approaching. The growl sounding from his throat is low, dangerous and if he were to look in a mirror...well it didn’t take much for him to know his eyes were red. 
He chokes it back, coughing as his throat chokes off the warning sound just as the curtain parts and he gets an eyeful of the other wolf, the omega, the doctor. 
That makes sense. 
He stands straighter then, to his full height which...wasn’t much different than his “...You’re their doctor?” he says and it sounds rough, like his mouth had started to shift and his teeth felt too sharp--Elise’s hand touches his leg with a sniffle and he reels himself back in “Yeah makes sense I just…” he works his jaw as he steps out of the way with great reluctance “She’s my niece. I’m...she…her healing hasn’t kicked in yet, too young I…”
“I pushed her!” Abigail says and he hates that he hears the pride, hates that this child is already proud of it, already on the bandwagon for putting an omega in its place and he’s only grateful that her senses haven’t evolved enough to sense that their doctor was one of the very wolves she already decided herself to be better than “She was being a baby.”
He shoots the doctor a pleading look as Carver finally caves and starts to bawl at his sister’s side which in turns makes Elise cry more and Abigail rolls her eyes at this display as if she was somehow above all this and not the cause of it in the least “We’re working on it.”
With clear hesitation he moves away from Elise and over to Abigail who he grips by the arm to haul out of the seat “It’s a clean break doc’,” he says as Abigail whines “But I haven’t done anything medical for another soul in decades I just...please help her.”
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jordm · 7 years
Heartland 11x02- Highs and Lows review
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This episode, we have Cass, Caleb, Lisa AND Peter back for their season 11 debut. Holy moly! Cannoli! (So I don’t know where I was going with that but it totally rhymed & I do like Cannoli). Anyways, here we go.
I’ll start off by saying I loved the opening sequence where Amy (Amber) herding the animals in the beginning because not only do I love seeing Amy ride but it’s also how I imagine Amber doing chores around her house, with Remi following close. And it honestly, just feels so natural to see.
Overall, I thought this episode was a high.... no pun intended ;)
At the top, Ty still seems protective but this time it doesn’t bug me because Ty does seem to catch himself and Amy seems amused by it. And frankly, I am too. It’s his first time leaving his girls behind and it just felt like a natural reaction from Ty as someone whose leaving for his first day. I loved that last lingering look Ty gives to Amy/Lyndy before he leaves. It shows his love for them... and that he doesn’t want to go even though he really really should. Because dear god, he’s been off for like a year and they have expenses to pay!
Them finding out about Georgie’s parents and her experience in foster care, made Amy and Ty think about their will. They didn’t want Lyndy to have to go through that if they were to ever both die. Let’s go through their options:
Jack & Lisa - too old (or not as young as they used to be). And let’s face it, not great options since if they do die, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to have to care of an infant and enjoy their retirement. Plus, chances are they can still see Lyndy regardless of who Amy and Ty choose.
Tim & Casey / Lou - Well, frankly, they’re just all over the place. We don’t know where Casey is and Tim has his past issues which we know will come up again, not to mention Lou is never home. If Lou was home more often and regularly, I would argue that Lou would be a better option than....
Cassandra & Caleb - definitely an option, especially after Amy witnessed Caleb holding Lyndy and talking to her, and furthering their case, when Ty witnessed how affectionate they were when they adopted Jasper. Seriously, how cute was Jasper?!
... yeah, Cass and Caleb definitely seem like the best option at the present moment and because of Michelle Morgan’s seemingly reduced role in the show this season (or as they know, Lou basically lives in NYC half the time), Amy & Ty seemed to agree, luckily- so did Cass & Caleb! 
Of course, the minute Amy leaves, of course Lyndy cries, however I loved seeing Amy’s reaction to Caleb bonding with Lyndy, despite the frightened look on his face when Lyndy starting crying. They also adopt a dog named Jasper and it’s also really really cute and adorable with how they interact with the Jasper. I have also used the word cute way too much in this section... oops. 
I still don’t know much about their marriage, except that they are ready for the responsibility of a dog & being the parents in the case of both Ty & Amy’s death. So. That was disappointing but also not wholly unexpected. More Cass & Caleb please! 
Oh Lisa, how I’ve missed you on our screen! How I’ve missed seeing Fairfield, it’s been a few seasons for sure, even though I think there could have been way more Lisa & Lisa/Jack scenes but y’know. We can’t all have nice things.
Anyways, one of the name “Fernand LeForte” sent Lisa flowers and this sent Jack to Fairfield. Lisa says that in France, they talked investments and that’s why he was sending her flowers. As a viewer, I’m sure there’s more to this truth. Nothing is ever as it seems; further, at that moment I’m also positive it’s nothing bad, but something that could get ugly with misunderstandings. 
Eventually, Jack looks up Fernand on the super convenient world wide web, where Amy calls Fernand, not just a real estate agent, but “the worlds’ best looking real estate agent.” Yikes. I mean, if that photo was Fernand then he looks like half of Lisa’s age... so i’m thinking she isn’t having an affair?
But thank god Jack is an adult and instead of moping or assuming things, he ASKS Lisa about Fernand... and what Lisa says isn’t what he thought. 
The assumption: Fernand is someone who likes Lisa and wants to... date her? Or something? I’m not sure what Jack was implying but it definitely wasn’t the truth
The truth: Lisa is broke because no one is buying high end horses as much anymore and she’s renting her house in France so she doesn’t have to lay off any of her staff because they have families and mortgages y’all. I love Lisa and her big heart. Such an angel. 
I loved this conversation between Lisa and Jack. It show’s how mature they are; despite Lisa not telling Jack initially. Once confronted with the truth, they don’t make it worse by covering up the truth. They were able to have a mature, sensible conversation without getting angry that the other kept a secret from the other. 
It was also nice to see SOMEONE struggling financially. Logically, it should be Amy & Ty since well... obvious reasons so Lisa being broke came out of left field, but it gave me a belief of realism, that not everyone on Heartland is well off and never struggles with money anymore (since we haven’t heard about it the last few seasons)
Which leads me to a few questions: Does this mean more Lisa this season since she has absolutely no excuse to be in France anymore? How broke is broke for Lisa? And how long has she been broke for? If all she had to do was lay off a few trainers she couldn’t have been that broke... right? Anyways I’m glad Lisa is back on my screen & I hope for more Lisa soon.
(Warning, this section is long!)
We find out early on that Jeff had the article about the drunk driver and he didn’t want to give it to Georgie until she was older. As much as I loved this Jeff mention, I don’t understand why Jeff would send this to Georgie with little to no explanation when he knows it will affect Georgie and he should/will need to be there for her; since out of everybody, he knows what it feels like the most. Heck, he lived it. 
But I supposed, the actor wasn’t available and I will assume Jeff and Georgie talked on the phone about this. But let’s be honest, I just really wanted a Jeff appearance. Doesn’t Jeff only live a few hours away somewhere else in Calgary? My memory is failing me.
When Jade seems visibly worried about Georgie going to visit Charles, one must think it must not be such a hot idea. But she’s a good friend so she goes with her. Some things I noted:
- Georgie must be driving, so she must’ve gotten over her fear of driving? That’s a plus. 
- Did anyone think that maybe Jade should have been driving? I know it’s Georgie’s car but like, someone must have thought that Georgie driving was not the best idea especially given the situation. 
Georgie wants to put the “genie back in the bottle,” once the truth comes out but we (and probably deep down Georgie) that this is not a good idea. One way or another this fear/past will manifest and it’s best to face it head on to prevent it from coming up at an inconvenient time, like say while in a jumping competition? Luckily, she has the support of her family to get her through this.
Enter Peter. Jack calls Peter since Georgie really could use the support, because she literally has no parents around. +1 for jack realizing having parents around is good and for communicating with Peter about Georgie’s whereabouts/happenings despite him living so far away (or a 30 minute plane ride as @the-real-tc so pointed out). and +1 for Peter for realizing he needs to be there for Georgie and catching a flight asap. 
With her father’s encouragement, she agrees to talk to Charles. And for what it’s worth Charles did seem truly sorry. He seems to have realized how his actions impacted Georgie, have truly changed and turned his life around. With him having a family, I personally think that it made him realize what he took away from Georgie. Georgie, although realizing this, could not forgive Charles, to the complete understanding of all parties, but of course she was able to turn it around and make the best amends she could... by making Charles promise to love his daughter everyday, and by therein turn realizing everything Peter has done for her. 
Upon rewatch, I also realized that making amends with Georgie probably also helped Charles move on as well. Not that I would know, but I imagine if you caused an accident and innocent lives to die, you would live with so many regrets; regrets that aren’t usually fully realized because you can’t/won’t confront the victim’s family to apologize; regrets that nag at you the rest of your life. Thereby, this conversation gave both Georgie and Charles CLOSURE (not forgiveness). And sometimes, closure is the best you can ask for when it’s something this serious and it’s all you need to move on (but never forget).
ANYWAYS, this seemed to have freed her from her past, knowing that while she can’t forgive, she can make amends with what happened and move on, with the support of her family. It was so great to see Peter and Georgie bonding, something I feel like I we have seen so rarely lately, and I hope we get to see this more.
I loved Peter being a good father and flying back to be with Georgie, despite her reservations. in the end he’s the one who ends up getting through to Georgie and being there for her when she talks to Charles, encouraging (but not forcing) her to face her fears and talk to Charles, and the one who was there when she woke up from her nightmare. 
I’m so glad Georgie acknowledged that she needs and loves her father; the first happy family memory she had since her parents died. Peter has, have and will continue to do everything to be there for Georgie
Frankly, I’m surprised that Mitch even came when Tim called since he doesn’t even work there. Of note, Mitch didn’t know Lou turned down Peter... SO HOW DID SHE GET THE CASH TO KEEP MAGGIE’S GOING??!?!?!? Like seriously. I need an explanation here. 
Speaking of the Dude Ranch..., with Lou gone is she neglecting the dude ranch? Is it on purpose? Did she not have someone running it at one point in her absence? So many questions! But one can imagine no one has been taking care of it since she has been gone since it’s been so dusty, plus the skunk appearance, which was pretty stinkin’ cute... also, no pun intended ;) Let’s add the dude ranch to list of things suffering in Lou’s absence. 
Tim calling Mitch trooper shows that he still respects Mitch, and might even miss having him around the ranch, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Jack missing Mitch around the ranch only makes sense and I feel like Tim may have told Mitch that as a cover up. He did thank Mitch for his skunk help... which I think Mitch was surprised at, because Tim is not the person to say ‘thank you’ or show gratitude as easily as others.
“Thanks for your help trooper” 
- Tim
Another favourite moment of this episode was at the end when Tim was on the phone bragging to Lou about how he saved $300... only to find out the duvet cost twice as much and he actually lost money. Oh Tim. 
Side note: Are duvet’s REALLY $600?! 
- Jade being a good friend and almost forcing Georgie to tell the family about her visiting Charles. Because if she didn’t then this fear/issue/past might continue to haunt her which will not do any good for the future.
- Jack being a good great-grand father and calling Peter since Lou can’t be around (and she literally has no parents around at the moment); knowing that Georgie knows her parents.
- The whole family being there for Georgie and Amy knowing intuitively that something was bugging Georgie and on her mind when she wasn’t able to jump successfully; and not pushing the issue, knowing that hopefully Georgie will tell when she’s ready. 
“I only remember my life without them and it was pretty bad before I come here. I can’t forgive you for something I don’t remember, but you can make me a promise instead. Promise me you’ll tell Jillian you love her everyday..
and when she’s a teenager, be the kind of dad who flies in from anywhere even when she tells him she doesn’t need him, because the truth is, she loves him and needs him, even though she doesn’t say it enough.” 
- Georgie Fleming-Morris
SONGS IN THIS EPISODE (@heartlandians)
Through the Fire - performed by Sion- Russell Jones
If you made it to the end of this, hopefully you found no grammar or spelling mistakes because I actually read it over once or twice. If you did. Eh. You got the point ;) Till next week! 
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