#''im gonna use some fancy brushes and coloring styles'' i said
mountainashfae · 2 years
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his anger burns as hot as the fire gifted by the Dawnflower he serves
Anybody ask for fiery rage Vio? No? Here it is anyway. He let his hair down.
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When Our Hands Next Meet
Series summary: Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.
This series was created for @analogicalweek and made in collaboration with the lovely @birdsongisland! Please go look at the wonderful art that inspired this work and support them with reblogs so their work can be seen!
Credit to birdsongisland for beta reading this as well, they helped make it flow a lot better.
Chapter 6: Mirror Our Past with a Better Future
Chapter Summary: Virgil didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky being able to work with Logan in stars tailoring shop. All he knew is Logan made him feel beautiful, inside and out. 
Day 5 Prompt: Past/Future
Warnings: none. If there are any please let me know!
WC: 1918
AO3 link
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi @logans-library @im-an-anxious-wreck @edupunkn00b
Logan leaned back in stars stool, a quirk to stars lips as star eyed the newest frock up and down. It wasn’t a style star usually went for- elegant and flowing as it was star much preferred a lot more poof and edge when it came to dress design. Carefully taking the pins from stars mouth back into the container star took another look at stars sketch. Long, delicate looking fabric swung off the hips and just barely brushed the floor. star hadn’t added color but star knew that it faded from a rich purple to a smoky black at the bottom, trimmed with a slight frill that made it swirl across the floor. The medium scoop neck flared out into puffed sleeves that gathered at the ends to grip the wrists. star had already made the deeper purple corset covered in a delicate lace, with shining false buckles lining the front and black ribbon that actually laced it in the back.
Looking down at stars own slightly oversized jumper paired with a medium length skirt and boots laced up to stars knees star couldn’t help but laugh softly. This was definitely a far cry from what star ever thought star would wear, let alone make. Somehow though, star knew star wasn’t going to be the one wearing it, and thankfully working alone in the shop meant star could afford a side project without tripping up anyone else. Typically with more elaborate projects like this star would make a prototype first, of a slightly less fancy design, and make sure all the kinks and possible uncomfortable spots were worked out of the design and made into something star could be proud of selling. Ever since star had taken over the tailoring shop star had been working towards a single goal- making things people could feel comfortable in. But with this- it had sat in stars brain for not even a day before star had finally relented and sketched it out and set to work immediately picking out the perfect fabric for it. 
Taking the needle back up star leaned close to gather the waist as carefully as star could, quick fingers moving skillfully to the tune star was quietly humming. This would certainly take a while, but star had a feeling it would be worth it.
Virgil leaned back in his stool, a smile on his lips as he looked the newest frock up and down. It was stunning like everything Logan made was and he found himself caught by how grateful he was to be sitting with stars, listening to stars quiet humming as star worked diligently. He knew star used to work here alone so he was always grateful to be allowed to sit with star. It was a simple thing, far from his usual somewhat dramatic style but Logan had assured him it would look nice so he had eventually resented. Folding his legs underneath him he only smiled further at the concerned look he was given, waving it off but putting one leg back down as a compromise. He assumed the quiet huff meant he had won and settled down even further to continue admiring the other work.
The skirt was gathered at the waist and slightly poofy from the petticoat layer underneath purple plaid dominated the pattern with black accents that broke it up nicely. Swinging his current jean-clad leg he began softly humming along to the tune Logan had been repeating, harmonizing low so it wouldn’t be too much of a distraction. He beamed as Logan shot him a smile- Virgil never could resist it- and looked away with a small blush to observe the rest of the shop. It was quiet today thankfully, the emptiness being a welcome reprieve from the chaos of yesterday. There had been a slight scheduling error which meant nearly everyone had come to get their orders at the same time, clamoring for places in line while the two frantically ran back and forth trying to shove everything in boxes as neatly as they could before shooing the clients out the door and tending to the next. As good a business day as it was they had been exhausted afterwards and the day spent with just the two of them was helping to melt away the lingering anxiety.
His smile turned soft again while watching Logan carefully pin along a seam, admiring the years of skill built into the movements. He remembered the first time he had walked into the store- not realized Logan had made nearly everything there- and being awestruck at the realization of how much time and care was put into every project. This one would most likely still take a while but he had a feeling it would be worth it.
Logan perked stars head up as the bell chimed at the door, managing to get one last stitch in before standing and making stars way out of the workroom. Stepping out star could just barely see a shock of purple hair moving between the racks, piquing stars curiosity enough to smooth down stars choppy, self cut mullet and make stars way over. star caught the other’s eye as star approached and star made sure to offer a kind smile to the obviously uncomfortable customer. They were gripping a couple different dress sleeves and worrying the fabric between their fingers as they shuffled their feet awkwardly.
star offered stars hand to shake, trying valiantly to be polite and not suggest a fidget cube instead for the nervous tic. “Hello, I’m Logan, star/stars pronouns please. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Virgil...he/him.” He didn’t take stars hand so Logan retracted it easily. Some people were weary of soulmates, preferring not to touch anyone’s hand before they were ready and Logan could respect that. “I uh- I like your skirt. I kinda miss wearing them so I was just browsing.”
“Is there a particular style you’re looking for?”
Licking his lips Virgil nervously glanced through the various styles on the rack, mumbling low enough Logan had to strain to hear. “No...I’m not really sure I should be wearing them anymore- just wanted to look.”
Oh. Logan knew where this person was coming from, star had felt the same way when stars pronouns had changed- wanting to pass as...well decidedly not feminine but missing the garments star had made and worn nearly all stars life. Offering an understanding smile, star turned and began sifting through the colors to try and find something simple he might be comfortable trying. “You just have to find something you’re confident in.”
Virgil slid off the stool as he heard the bell chime, motioning to Logan that he could take care of it and making his way to the front of the store. Blowing his purple hair out of his eyes in a vain attempt  to make it look more presentable he caught sight of someone's back to him as they browsed the racks nearest to the front of the store. Leaning against the counter he made sure to make a bit of noise before speaking up so as not to startle them. “May I help you find something?”
Throwing a smile over their shoulder they held up a comfortable looking blouse triumphantly and made their way over. “Already found it!” 
Smiling at the cheerful customer he quickly rang them up and handed them their bag, waving as they left as he thought back to when he had first stepped foot through the doors. He wished he had had even half of that person’s confidence back then, instead if he remembered correctly he had nearly had a nervous breakdown over a skirt. Screwing his mouth to one side he turned on his heel and walked back into the workroom, hands on his hips as he stood next to Logan and leaned his head on stars shoulder. “You’re gonna go cross eyes if you keep squinting like that.”
Rolling stars eyes only to wince immediately after star consented and stuck the needle in a safe spot where it wouldn’t fall out. “I’m almost done anyway. Just need to patch up this side, I didn’t cut it straight enough to lay right.”
Pressing a kiss to stars cheek Virgil looked at the garment with barely contained excitement. “I love it already.”
“I just want to make you something you’ll be confident in.” Virgil smiled hearing the phrase he had heard so many years ago, remembering the effort star had gone through to find something he would like.
“Come out when you’re ready.” Logan called as star hung the already discarded pieces back on the rack. Biting stars lip star glanced at stars workroom in thought. Technically the dress was done and star was sure Virgil would look beautiful in it but star wasn’t sure he’d be comfortable in something so fancy right now. Looking back as Virgil came out with the skirt hung over his arm the decision was made for stars. 
“Wait here.” Shooting him a smile star left to quickly tie off the last of the stitching and tug the dress off the mannequin, grabbing up the corset as star passed through the door. Virgil’s eyes blew wide when he saw the dress, immediately going to protest but getting quickly shushed as the pile of fabric was shoved into his arms. “Go change it’s fine! I need someone to model it anyway!”
A few minutes passed during which Logan nervously worried at the skin around stars thumb, hoping star hadn’t pushed the man too far. When star finally heard the door creak and turned towards virgil however, all the nervous tension drained away leaving nothing but quiet awe.
“Oh,” star said simply. 
The realization earned star a puzzled look but the brief confusion did nothing to wipe away the brilliant smile on his face. The dress fit perfectly, the ends of the flowing skirt hitting the floor just so and the deep purple contrasting nickel with his pale features. The corset smoothed out his curves while still framing him wonderfully and Logan could swear there was air in the room just a moment ago but all star could do was gape stupidly at the radiance before him.
“I must have been making that for you,” star said quietly. “You look stunning.”
Blushing profusely, Virgil raised one of his hands. “I couldn’t get the buttons…”
“Allow me.” Logan was careful to avoid making contact with his skin as star looped the buttons. Pausing suddenly as memory after happy memory flooded stars thoughts star looked down to see one finger curled tentatively around stars own, glancing back up to see Virgil smiling softly.
“I had a feeling.” He offered sheepishly.
Logan smiled, squeezing his hand in stars. “So did I.”
“Come out when you’re ready!” Virgil heard Logan call for him and gave himself one last once over before deeming himself presentable. He ducked out of the dressing room giddily and twirled for his audience of one, cheeks aching from the wideness of his smile as he rubbed the fabric between his fingers excitedly. 
“It fits perfectly!” He watched as Logan smiled and reached for his hand, happily taking it and squeezing. 
“You look absolutely stunning.” Blushing at the compliment he leaned forward to rest his head against the others chest, drinking in stars presence and relaxing against stars.
“I love you.” He offered quietly.
Smiling, Logan enveloped him in a gentle hug. “So do I.”
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night-rhea · 4 years
MC House Challenge! ❤️💛💙💚
This is  @kyril-hphm​ ‘s amazing idea!  I wanted to do it daays days ago but... Some shit happens everyday right? And ı also wanted to try different style to draw hairs, ım sure one day ım gonna figure it out. (ı realized ı made their eyes color wrong...damn.)
So here ı am with my girls!
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İts turn out a bit long, so ım putting this button here. İf you want to know girls better, just click it!
Gryffindor Night ❤️
She is LOUD. You think Slytherin Night is loud enough? Just wait to hear this Gryffindor's voice. Bill use her in the mornings when a few Gryffindor couldn’t wake up in the time. Also need a silent moment in the common room? Just ask her, ım pretty sure even Ravenclaw Tower can hear her "Shut the fuck up!"
Also yes, this Night is not shy about swearing. But she is mostly creating absurd swear sentences. "For the fuck sake Merula, ı dont give a fuck about your fucking power GO AWAY AND FUCK SOMEBODY ELSES EAR WİTH ALL YOUR SHİT" As you can guess, she is bff with Merula.
İf you cant hear her voice, there is 2 possible place she can be. Quidditch Pitch and detention.
She is playing as a Chaser and this is the one of the only way to shut her up. Like Rath, she let her skills speak for her.  Even its just a practise, Night is always so focussed in game, sometimes her looks scaring Charlie away. She really loves Quidditch, this adrenaline. Oh and she loves the victory of course. That makes her second Skye. Poor poor Orion..
For the detention part, she is in there more than she is in  her own dorm room. Unlike Slytherin Night, she is a fan of Tonks and Tulip's pranks and loves to mess with grumpy Filch. Also detention is not that bad. With Jae here, there is always a way to have fun. Charlie always says that one day Night and Jae's closeness will blow their towers up. Everyone is just waiting for this day. Even McG.
Lets talk about her relationship with Jacob. They were really close when they are little. Because of their last name's bad popularity (ım planning to explain this later), they didnt have any friend other than each other. When Jacob left home, she lost not just her brother but also her best friend too. (Lucky for her, in Hogwarts there will be Rowan)
She dyed her hair red right before coming Hogwarts. To show everyone how she is gonna be Gryffindor just like her brother. Also while everyone talking shit about Jacob, Night refused to believe her precious brother can do something bad like that.
giggles Wanna gossip about her? Like her best friend ,she has a big fat crush on Bill. You should see how she blush when Bill compliment her. She cant help it he is "too fucking cool"!
Night and Rowan spend so many nights to talking and fangirling about him. But after realizing that he see her as a sibling,  not a lover, she was a little heartbroken and tried to date some other guys who is like him. She ended up single of course, because no one can be perfect like him.
İf you want chaos, Gryffindor Night is your girl!
Hufflepuff Night 💛
My favorite thing about this Night is her smile. İts so warm and full of love..I should admit she is the purest Night but she is too good for her own. This is the why she is entire Hufflepuff's little sister. Especially Diego's. But nor she or me can decide that he fancy her or just love her as a little sister. you know, because its Diego...
Not so suprisingly ,She loves to take care of her friends, just like Orj Night, but this girl is doing it more serious. She is the mom friend of their group. She is gonna make sure you eat all your meal and drink enough water. And if you didnt, well you need to deal with her.  Also Night will remind you to take right books for your class if you two have same class. "Did you study for todays quiz? Oh why didnt you?! Come on ı can tutor you! We only got 11 minutes but nevermind that!" Dont worry she got you. Aand One more thing, she has best shoulder to cry. Im not kidding, she will hug you until you feel better and ı can guarentee you that her kind hug and angelic voice will help you calm down.
İn the other hand, Huff Night is not good at handling her own bad emotions. Her anxiety level is a little higher than other Night's.
She is not a "so different" person. İts her words not mine. Being Rhea makes her a little bit special of course but not in the good way. She is just average girl with a unlucky family, thats all. She loves her loved ones more than she loves herself, and always wish that she can be powerfull just to protect them. But sadly she dont believe she can, she is not like Merula. Not that brave or confident . Or Tonks. Not that talented. Or Penny. Not that pretty and popüler. Aah ah, this pure girl has a lot in her mind(or should ı say her heart?) but so shy to talk about them. Damn girl, go and talk about this to Rowan (While you still can...Can you imagine how she break after she cant save her best friend..?)
Enough, İts time to tell you happy thing about her life!   She was very suprised and happy (but mostly suprised) when Merula ask Night to be her date. They started to date in fourth year. (Everyone thanked Night for making Merula more calm and tolerable. Night said that Merula dont need to be tolerated)  Well they have their up and downs of course. Before Rakepick betray them, fifth year was pretty good (Night cried for her girlfriend when she learn about Merula's parent) but unfortunate thing  that  happened in buried vault, made their hearts to apart. Night still love her deeply and wishes  she was powerfull enough to save her from Rakepick so they would still next to each other now.(I know ı said "happy thing". Thats why ı wont tell you that after Rowan's death Night thinks maybe its best if Merula far from her. No ı wont tell you that)
But dont worry about her! She is gonna smile no matter what because her smile can make someone else smile too! İf you love tea and cookie, please let her know your favorite cookie. Her mom sending her delicious Turkish tea and she will be happy to share with you!
Ravenclaw Night 💙
After Slytherin Night, Ravenclaw Night is my second favorite. I really love her general mood.
As you can see, she is the only Prefect Night. And there is simple reason for that, she is perfectionist. She didnt became Prefect because she wants to help others, she became one to make sure everything is right. All other Night helped their Rowan to be Prefect but Ravenclaw Night dont believe that other Ravenclaw's will listen Rowan. She herself is more suited, just like Chester. (She really respect Chester) But dont get me wrong, Night dont underestimated Rowan. She just believe Prefect should be more serious and Rowan's heart is so pure for that.
And unlike Hufflepuff Night, this girl have a lot faith in herself. When Night is doing something, she knows it will be perfect because she wont stop untill its perfect.  
I should warn you about her, she loves to complain. "Damn ı have to do all work. Why cant you do anything  right on your own? İt was easy, even for you. Go and do something else ım gonna finish this one. No stop wait dont do anything. Just. Go."
Just like this,she can easily tell "rude" words. Even if she didnt trying to be rude.  She is just saying whats true! İts not her fault that truth is more bitter than lies. And sorry but truth has to be told. Even if someones heart can get hurt. Lies can make everything worse than a little heartbreak. İts like a poison that tastes good and late effecting. They should thank her for not poisoning them.
Her friends? She dont have a lot. Because of her rude attitude, a lot of people dont get near her often. Fine by her. She dont want "extras" anyways. Her little group of friends is enough for her. Also she have Rowan, right? Rowan is her true soulmate. This two girls can spent hours in library and this is their favorite hang out. Honestly all Night need is Rowan and some book, she can live without any other people, thanks. But she can admit Talbott and Badea are pretty good too. Especially Talbott. He is her second best friend, if she has to give it a number. (This two became friends a little too fast. They have so many similarities. Biggest one is "Fuck Peoples" motto. They even have a ugly t-shirt that saying that. Andre died when he saw it for the first time.)
I think her mom Selina is responsible for Night's reckless behaviour. She was already angry to Jacob for leaving her behind and being ignored by her only parent makes her..ıdk, like that? She tried so hard to make Selina to notice her daughter is still with her.Tried to make her portrait with her pastel pencils, tried to brush her long hair and dressed like a princess, tried to write " I love you" in her mirror.  But little Night's little heart couldnt understand that pain of losing her son (just like how she lose her husband.) When she came to Hogwarts, she give up about her mom." İf a mother dont need to worry about her own child, then ı dont need to worry about anyone else too." But of course, she is not that heartless like she likes to think.
I think you can imagine that other students calls her names. Like "freak" or "selfish" or "egoist". She mostly just ignore them (because she dont believe they are worth to explain why she is not these name) and pretend like nothing had happened, Talbott and Rowan know she actually care and wants to be more "good". More "likeable". She is just making everyone uncomfortable when she walks in and she know it. But there is nothing she can do. İts in her blood. She is just like her mother.
I feel like ı talk too much about bad thing. İts time to tell moments when Ravenclaw Night smile. She dont have a normally smiley face but of course she smile. And you know what? İts mostly because of her boyfriend. This girl has a big soft spot for Barnaby. She literally melt every time he talk. İn the beggining she thinks he is just some stupid Slytherin and not worth lose any time but after being friends (which is a miracle) she can punch you in the face if you call him stupid. (Dont test about how hard she can punch.)
How the heck this boys heart can be this beautiful? Like, boy your parents nothing but shit to you how did you turn into biggest and cutest puppy in the world? And again, how did he love her? I mean, look at Night and look at Barnaby. They are so different and he can be with literally every witch in schooli and yet he is with Night. She dont know what she did to be this lucky but she is not planning to let him go. Just watch her.
(And ı dont know if she will notice you if you dont talk with her. She will talk with you politely at first, dont worry. Just try to not say something about her being bad prefect or something bad about her friends or boyfriend, you will be fine.)
Slytherin Night 💚
It's finally Original Night's turn to shine. How about starting with why she is most masculine looking Night?
İt was because of Selina. After Jacob left, he was the only thing Selina talk about. She talked about how she misses him playing violin, his eyes that he took from her husband, his gentle voice. Unlike Ravenclaw Night, this didnt make our Night angry. İt made her jealous. She decided that if she wants to make her mom happy, she should remind her Jacob. Maybe if she can do this, her mom would miss him less and smile more to Night. So she asked Selina to cut her hair like Jacob's.
While she growing, she tried to act like Jacob. She learned violin, wore his old clothes. She even answered when Selina called her "Jacob". And it worked. Selina started to smile more, started to talking with her more, even she cook  special meals sometimes. Menu was always full with Jacob's favorites but it doesnt matter to Night. Her mom did it for her!
İn Hogwarts, she learned that she is nothing like Jacob. Hello,  dissappointment. She was too loud, too energetic, too friendly. She learned that she can't be Jacob for her mom. At first, it  freaked her out.
Thats why she didnt want to go Celestial Ball. Didnt want to wear dress and made her hair longer. (She did want. She just didnt let herself.) And when Andre and Rowan keep asking about,, Night finally tell them everything. You know what happened? Her two angel friends talked about hours how they love her in the way she is, how she dont need to be Jacob because its her own life and she deserved to be happy.
After a lot of hugs and crying, Night wore the dress that match her name, kept her hair short.
I made this too longer ı guess ( ı was planning not to tell about Slytherin Night...) but ı always wanted to explain why ı love her. İm proud of that she can make her peace with herself. Selina is still problem for her, and still will be problem in the future too but right now Night is free from the cage she made it herself. Of course sometimes her anxiety hit her and made her feel like she is all wrong but its not a something a few late night flying cant solve.
Am ı gonna make it longer because ı wanna talk about Night and Talbott relationship? No, there will be another time for that.
She is always open for more friends. Wanna play quidditch or make/ listen music or drink tea or cook something? Night will be happy to join you in literally everything.
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mimis-mm · 7 years
Hi, this is the one who asked for barista MC. OH MY GOD!! HOW DID YOU KNOW I AM CLUMSY😂😂😂😂. Im so in love with this. Now Im gonna let my imagination run wilder. What could happen for their first date😍😍😍😍😂😂😂. Thank you😘😘😘😘
lmao I’m actually watching you all day long who wouldn’t be a clumsy mess when Zen is complimenting them? So here goes your date with him, with of course a little something more to it. 
Valentine’s Day special
A.K.A. Zen with a barista MC too shy to ask him out part 2
part 1 here: x
Word count: 2 741 words
FYI: Valentine’s Day in Korea is celebrated mainly with the girls giving chocolates to boys/men they like platonically and handmade or higher quality bought to those they love. It’s the 14th March, during White Day, that boys do the same.
Warning: It gets slightly NSFW at the end, but nothing too lewd.
“[Y/N], it’s time for your date with Mister Handsome. ~” you hear your supervisor say while they pat on your shoulder.
Your cheeks take a pinkish color and you glance at the clock.  
“Wait, there’s still ten minutes to my shift.”
“I’ll cover you, girl.” They smile at you with a wink. “Besides, I don’t think you want to go to your first date with him, and on Valentine’s Day at that, while looking like that.”
She does a motion toward their hair and face with their hand, and it doesn’t take much IQ to know that they mean you look like shit. Well, considering the fact that you’re about to go out with someone who would put Apollo to shame. But… did they just say…
“It’s Valentine’s Day!?” You jump and almost smudge the pink heart you’re creating for the couple waiting their coffee.
Today is not the 13th? You were sure this morning that it was. Gosh, good thing you have the same shift for both days.  
Your superior laughs.  
“Yes, it is. Now go.” They take the cup and shoo you away.
You thank them and go to the employees’ changing room and open your locker. You’re greeted by a pair of black leggings and a deep red hoodie. Oh crap. You were in a hurry this morning and you just picked what fell in your hands. At least you get a point for being on point with the color scheme, right? You change from your uniform to your civil clothing and take a look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t look that bad, but your hair could use a little brushing and maybe some makeup wouldn’t hurt. So, you take care of that and after a few minutes, you put on your coat, take your bag and you’re ready to go.
You step outside of the employees’ room and your eyes are locked on the man sitting at one of the tables. His large back is facing you and he is hunched over the table, probably fidgeting with his phone. All you can see is his leather jacket, which enhances his imposing frame, and his short white hair. You walk towards him, then lightly tap on his firm shoulder. He looks at you and flashes you a bright smile with white teeth.  
“Are you ready to go?” He asks as he stands up.
You shake your head up and down quickly, too captivated by his beauty to be able to form a single word. He chuckles and reaches his hand out to you with his palm upward. Your reaction is to put your own hand on top, and you almost let out a whimper when Zen kisses the back of it without breaking eye contact with you. You can feel your entire face burning up and turning the same color of his crimson eyes.  
“Then, let’s get going, shall we?” He winks playfully at you.
“Yes,” you finally stutter after a few seconds.
He exits the café with you, holding your hand in his. It does feels funny, but not in a bad way. Maybe it’s because you’ve known each other for almost two months but never did hang out together, or maybe it’s just the blast of holding hands with a handsome man that you barely know anything about. Either way, it just feels right.  
“So, where are we going?” You ask as you look up at him.
“In a restaurant not far from here that I like to go from time to time. You must be hungry, right?“
Heck yeah. You could eat a whole fucking horse.
“Yes, thank you for your consideration,” you reply sweetly. Now is not the time to creep him out.
You two continue walking in a comfortable silence. A few couples are roaming the streets hand in hand, some even have matching scarves to fight against the cold winter wind. At the sight of them, your heart aches to the idea of doing the same with Zen. However, you can’t deny being confused on whether he would be willing to comply with it. After all, his style of clothing is screaming bad boy, but the moment he opens his mouth, he transforms into Prince Charming. So, who knows.
Your date stops, then enters in a fancy restaurant that claims to serve fine cuisine with the possibility to eat outside during the right season. You actually remember your colleagues talking about wanting to go eat there when they’ll have the time for. Hah, you’ll be able to tease them during your next shift.
“Thanks.” You whisper to Zen who is holding the door for you.
The interior is more spacious than you imagined, with even some banquets in the back. The place is obviously decorated with a few Valentine’s themed decorations, such as cardboard hearts hanging from the ceiling, bouquets of roses are scattered around on the different surfaces and a romantic music is playing in the background. A waitress comes to great you and Zen answers that he made a reservation an hour ago to the name of Hyun Ryu. She smiles politely at him and brings you to the back of the room, where she leaves two menus. Both you and Zen sit down and you hesitantly take off your coat, while he casually does it, revealing at the same time a rAT TAIL?
You guess that you must have a strange expression, because he looks at you with worry in his eyes. He finally breaks the awkward silence:
“Is there something wrong?”
“N-no!” Shoot. You may have said it a little too loudly. “It’s just… I didn’t know you had long hair?”
He blinks once, then looks down, only to jump at the sight of his own perfect white hair.
“Oh, I always protect them from the cold. It breaks the point, you see.” He chuckles while playing with a strand of it. He looks back at you. “You don’t seem to like it.”
“that’s not it! I’m just surprised, that’s all.” You make big gestures with your hands at the same time of trying to save the day. “It’s just, you know, damn.”
There’s a moment of silence, then he burst out laughing and tries to hide it by placing a hand on his mouth. He finally gets to articulate something between two laughers:
“I’m so sorry, but you’re just too cute. No one ever complimented my hair with a simple ‘damn’.”
You want to hide so badly. Not only because he thinks you’re cute, but also because you only said the truth partially and don’t want him to know what you actually think about his hair. That you just found out that long hair for a man is quite a turn on for you.  
Or maybe just for him?
Ugh. It doesn’t matter now, you probably won’t end the date in a bed. So no need to get ahead of yourselfor give yourself some weird scenarios.
You both order your dish, wait and then eat while talking about this and that, as a result, gives an answer to one of the biggest mystery of the café. The reason Zen only orders that famous organic honey and lemon tea of his is because it’s supposedly pretty good for the voice and he happens to be a musical actor. He is trying really hard to know more about you, which flatters you greatly. It’s not every day a handsome musical actor is excessively interested in you, a totally normal person.  
The waitress comes back and inquires on if you’re ready to pay, and how the bills are separated. You quickly answer, knowing that your date would want to pay for you.
“I’ll pay for both.”  
Zen looks at you with a semi shocked expression, not knowing how to react. It takes a few seconds for him to come back to his sense.
“Are you sure? I’m the one who invited you.”
“And I’m the one who accepted to come. Also, it’s Valentine’s Day and I didn’t bought any chocolate for you, so let me make up for it, please.”
He sighs, but soon nods with a smile.  
“Alright, if you put it that way.”
The woman takes off, coming back not even two minutes later with the bill. Well two bills. She gives one to Zen and explains that it’s for him to know how much it costs. You find it strange but didn’t think much of it since you’re composing your nip. You then give back the paying device, but notice Zen handing his paper back with a frown on his face.
“I won’t need it, thank you.” He says, his voice slightly dry.
She seems surprised, but still takes it back with a smile that, somehow, doesn’t reach the eyes. You glance at Zen and raise an inquisitive eyebrow, to which he only responds with a quick smile, chasing away the rudeness he had a few seconds ago on his face. You decide to brush it off and put on your coat instead. He quickly follows your lead, then you both go outside.
The temperature has gone up during the time you were inside. The snow has begun to melt a bit and some people even dare to unzip their coat.
“What do you want to do, princess?”
Your heart skips a beat at the nickname, but you’re trying to not let yourself get overwhelmed by your emotions. Is he trying to fluster you, or what? If that’s the case, then you won’t let yourself be without fighting back, so you smirk back and wrap your arms arounds his. You whisper with batting eyes:
“Hmm… We can just walk like this.”
You’re surprised to see his cheeks flaring up. He quickly looks away with a hand on his mouth, as if he wants to hides his embarrassment. Good, now he’s tasting his own medicine.  
“If you want to,” he says.  
His voice, huskier than usual, gives a sudden warm feeling in your lower abdomen.
Oh boi, you know this sensation. Maybe going there isn’t the best idea to keep this date in the romantic mood, and not something entirely different.  
You clear your throat and gently pull him by the hand, to which he complies without any protest. The streets are now more filled, making it a bit difficult to walking around freely. However, people get out of the way when they look up to you. Or, to be precise, they’re looking at Zen behind you.  
You both come across a public park that is almost empty, with the exception of a few small children along with their parents. You decide to continue your way through it, still holding Zen’s hand in yours. The place is filled with trees undressed of their leaves, swinging leisurely at the rhythm of the wind. You breathe deeply, taking the fresh and cold scent of this winter day in to relax. The only sounds you can hear are the laughers of the children, the birds singing and both of your footsteps on the snow. Your fingers entwine with his all on their own, squeezing his hand at the same time, to which he responds by doing the same.  
“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” he whispers with a chuckle. “I wish I was as comfortable as you are.”
“Why are you saying that?” You ask as you look up to him.
His cheeks are still pink, but at this point, you’re not even sure if the cold is behind it or something else. He smiles, trying to brush off the tense feeling he has since the moment you curled up against him.
“Nothing, I just… haven’t had a girlfriend for more than five years. So, I’m quite nervous right now.” He pauses, then looks at you. “Please don’t look at me like that.”
“No, it’s not weird! I’m just surprised that someone so… perfect like you has been single for so long.” You whisper the last part, suddenly feeling all shy to compliment him.
He laughs bashfully before looking at you with a tender gaze. However, you catch a glint of slyness in it.  
“Well, I’m more than happy that I made you mess up your coffee that time.”
He winks playfully at you while you groan in embarrassment. Why must he make you remember that? Gosh, you were doing a great job at forgetting that it ever happened. You shake your head and stick your tongue at him, only to make him laugh.
You both continue your way, talking about some juicy news circulating around your job since you don’t really know what to talk about, but still want to hear his voice. At your surprise, he’s a real sucker for gossips and knowing people’s life. You go back to the busy streets and even enter in a few stores, joking with Zen about all the Valentine’s Day merchandises. He sometimes makes a few remarks about wanting to buy matching tops, which he ends up doing. To pay back the restaurant, he says. But you saw his eyes light up at the sight of the sweaters.  
When you step outside of a store, your belly is making dying whale noises, so you look up at the sky, seeing that the sun is setting down. Zen suggests to walk you home and you accept after thinking about it for a moment. You pull his by the hand, leading the way to your place. You two arrive at destination, then enter the building.  
You stop in front of your apartment door, then turn to face him. He stares at you, his ruby colored eyes staring at you in an intense manner, as if nothing else was present beside the two of you. The air is getting more and more heavy, with a tint of sultry in it. You gulp down, trying to make your throat less dry before you could speak in a coherent manner:
“Thank you for this date, Zen. It really was the best day I had in a while.”
He blushes lightly with his lips twitching as if he’s trying to control something he wants to tell so badly it’s making him lose his composure. He looks away for a second, then return his attention on you.
“Then, can I ask you something selfish?” He finally says in a low voice. “You can refuse if you’re not feeling at ease, though.”
You nod without breaking eye contact with him, but you can feel your inside going crazy, half-knowing what he’s about to request. He continues:
“Can I kiss you? I won’t try anything funny, I swear.”
The same warm, clenching feeling you had earlier takes your stomach by surprise, not to mention your entire face burning up. You’re such a mess that you’re barely able to shake your head up and down. Zen gently cups you face in his hands, then he leans slowly on you, making you shut your eyes in anticipation. Soon enough, you feel his soft lips on yours. An electric sensation runs through your entire body, and you can’t help but to surrender at the urge to pull him closer. He breaks contact, but quickly catches your lower lip in his own lips, sucking and nibbling on it while one of his hands caresses your shoulder. The overwhelming sensations draw a low and sensual moan out of you, making him groans. He rapidly pulls away, fleeing your gaze.  
“Sorry, babe.” Your thighs squeeze at his hoarse voice and the pet name. “I don’t want you to think I only went on this date just to bed you.”
He clears his throat, puts his hands in the pockets of his pants and risks a glance in your direction.
“It’s ok, I understand.”
There’s an awkward silence, so you decide to say the goodbyes first.
“So, I guess we’ll see each other tomorrow then.”
“Yes, have a great evening.”
You wave him goodbye then enters your apartment, closing the door behind you and leaning on it since you’re still a bit dizzy from the kiss. You touch your lips, still feeling his kiss on them, longing Zen’s presence already. There’s something inside of you that wants to call him back and bring his ass over here to finish from where you left off, but your rational side is screaming to take your time.
Is this how it’s like to be sexually frustrated?  
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tinyolsen · 8 years
o 1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? Sort of level but if anything more milko 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Post it notes, traintickets, bus tickets, anything tbho 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes if my mouth is open/ showing some teeth cos idk it feels weird but to quote my mate I have “a cheeky lil smile” so o 7: do you name your plants? I have a mini cactus called oucho (see ed and oucho from cbbc) o 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes if no one is around, I was singing in the kitchen in my uni accom and the cleaner walked in, I nearly diedo 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Bert box, hughhhhhhhh and hades without any of the weird shito 13: what’s something that made you smile today? I went to a talk by sunny Jacobs and peter pringle and when they said we have 4 goats and live together, I beamed they are sooo cute (btw look them up their story is amazing)o 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Venus is 462 Co 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I wont dye it but like dark blue/ black like gabriella in hsm 2o 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I do I have three, one for cute memories, one for random facts and one that has doodles in it mainly of my dogo 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My fav bag is no bag ever, cos effort to carry but my mufc hold all, has been to football tournaments, dance shows, America and back and its now under my bed at uni with spare towels and tea towels ino 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Play guitar, catch up on tv just chill, don’t think about work, go to the park and just sit and take pictures, dance in the kitchen (opps thing)o 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? I have never broken in anywhere o 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Cherry o 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? one of them does a sideways smile when you say her nameo 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love patterned socks, football socks, trainer socks, slipper socks, but I have to wear just plain black trainer socks otherwise I think someone is judging me, but I really love my monkey and banana ones they are burgundy I also just got iron man, spiderman and captain America ones from my mateo 33: what’s your fave pastry? Puff, comes ready rolled, is vegan and I use it to make cheese straws for my flatmates (I have just been told that this means pastry thing, in which case cheese straws) o 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yessssss! I just bought purple and blue highlighters cos I had to get rid of my old ones (long story) and they are awesomeo 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like it lived in but not messy, and clean o 39: what color do you wear the most? blacko 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, its just inspiredo 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Someone who I dated for a bit but id like to forget that plsssso 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? lol noo 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Custard o 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Not really cos I often don’t like full albums, unless its Rumors – Fleetwood mac but I bought when you love someone (acoustic) – James TW on itunes if that countso 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? My brother and little things cos we have a funny joke with it (funny to us)o 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? yes, no, no , yes/ loved it, n/a, n/a, and loved it.o 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? eaten a tub of ice cream to prove that I could bite ice cream for more than just one bite, I stared the girl in the face and bit every spoonfulo 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Awake, course, you are lying if you say you don’to 59: what’s your favorite myth? The Trojan horse was the first one I ever learnt in year four and it will always be my fave, but Icarus and Daedalus comes closeo 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? This all happened this Christmas, I gave my dad a mug saying “im retired (emphasis on the tired)” and my mum gave me bin bags (im an excellent gift giver just ask my family, I out do them all every year) o 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?  As long as the books are upright with small in the middle, large at each side idm, and my music is on specific playlists on my phone (i.e fast walking playlist, chill walk playlist)o 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Quite a few people from school, and the three awesome people who made my dance class epic (going to uni and leaving them sucks)o 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Awesome, if im okay anyway cos its so prettyo 69: what are your favorite board games? Monopoly cos I rule at it, block us and scrabble with my grandparents cos they like to use non English words/ made up oneso 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? Good ol’ cuppa (Yorkshire tea bags) o 73: what are some of your worst habits? I isolate myself, blank out, cant react to other peoples emotions and I pop my shoulder in and outo 75: tell us about your pets! Omggg, Alfie the cute lil puppy is my bae, hes the light of my life, hes a cavalier king Charles spaniel and he’s the best boy, the only guy bar my lil brother I trust. And then my rabbit, leon the lion lop, died just before xmas, I miss the lil fluff but he was the cuddliest thingo 77: pink or yellow lemonade? After learning that this probably means American style lemonade, yellow. But uk style, lucazade pinks one is pengo 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My best mate gives my the best handmade cards all the time, that and a date gave my guitar picks with my name on onceo 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. grey pebbles imagine if you put the clearest water blue stripped though out it or a grey and blue stepsil mushed together o 83: what’s some of your favorite album art? Idk tbh not gonna lieo 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? On and off, and probs the one amazing fantasy ive reado 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Dead poets society, 50/50 and some others I cant think ofo 89: are you close to your parents? Ish, um naho 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Back home and idk where else yeto 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Side parting and just brushed, nothing fancyo 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Do uni worko 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Infj, Aquarius and ive had Hufflepuff, ravenclaw and Gryffindor in recent weekso 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Scars to your beautiful, facing west cover and halo- lewis Watson
thank you :)
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