#it was a kingmaker post that got this on the brain
mountainashfae · 2 years
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his anger burns as hot as the fire gifted by the Dawnflower he serves
Anybody ask for fiery rage Vio? No? Here it is anyway. He let his hair down.
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outeremissary · 1 year
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r1kysblog · 1 year
Avatar ANG a character I've always seen as mirror of three every powerful yogis,krishna vasudeva, gautama Siddhartha, Adiyogi shiva,
In each of these three legendary being, are quality, potential and possibilities, that I think Ang has, that if he was a real being he would have sweep threw the yogic process of liberation with such ease that it would make buddha and krishna his equal,
Imma start by telling you abt each of these three characters, first up,
krishna, the lover, the prankster, the playful, the fighter, the kingmaker, the lawgiver, the statesman, krishna is know for his immense love, joy,happiness, bliss, everything abt him just screamed the highest form of pleasantness,
Gautama buddha, a yogi ova the mind, he's spent 6 years as a seeker on the yogic pass, it is in the tradition that realization is the goal, not attainment, in this awareness he set abt dispelling every form of inner constructs of the mind everything his mind created before he became a seeker he destroyed, and so one day under that now famous bodhhi tree he found peace of mind, thus liberation Nirvana
Adiyogi is significant to every human alive because this being is the first yogi. He is the man that opened all the gates to humankind, without him, we wouldn't have krishna, buddha, gorakh Nath, or other very power yogi, because of Adiyogi this earth has witnessed thousands of realized being, powerful people, beautiful people, glorious people,not just in India, spirituality is said to have be given to humanity threw the 7 sages or saptarishi, who are the deciple of shiva,
Now Ang, in my mind, I've seen Ang character, and I hear people say he's boring or two nice, but I don't think he's boring or just nice, to me he is one Hella guy, but like krishna, Ang has that type of love that can be playful, joyful, and compassionate, and so like krishna love, Ang love keeps him evolved with just abt anything, this right here, Ang ability to be evolved in the moment is what krishna life was all abt, but going threw life no matter what happens but with love in his heart, Ang love for katara is one krishna had to many people, there is a yogic process could bhakti yog, yoga of emotions or devotion, or to be devoid of oneself, soo I'd say falling in love, this here is a significant word, couse Ang fell hard to the point he denied his own cosmic nature for katara, this is someone who doesn't need a big idea abt who he is, as fare as he concerned he packed up full of love for her, like who the fk cares if you ain't got money or big brains or what, Ang knew love in all its beauti and that is worth more then fancy ideas,
Ang the seeker, or gautam the seeker, from day one Ang life after katara saved him, his life was on the move and he was made to be both aware, alert and responsible for himself his friends and the world, as a seeker it is best to be alert thus you don't miss any possibilities, aware so you can map out the depth of ur ignorance, and responsibility to know that what happen, happen because ur making it happen, responsibility if you look at it from an understanding of union and unity of life couse and effect, then ur whole being is talking and listening to everything in the cosmos, or responding, like gautam, Ang finds peace, but it doesn't End there no,
This is where Ang next journey begins, and one i believe could change atla, soo ADIYOGI or shiva. It's my belief that because of the ancient lion turtle, Ang has been given the seed of possibility. In yoga, they call this kriya yog, and sense the time of shiva, yogi have been transmitting knowledge,experience,or energy through many form of practice but the most legendary way of transmitting it, is threw energy,I've made a post abt my thought on the potential of energy bending but it doesn't complete what I think,only bits and pieces of my thoughts,
Energy in yog is described as a serpent or Shakti, so believe it or not Shakti husband is Shiva, he is the one she dance for, shiva means no thing, but it is said threwout the world that nothingness is the foundation for energy, so Shakti dances and shiva sits and allows her to express her nature,
Ang and katara relationships are like a cosmic dance, in that Ang allows her to grow before him, doesn't interfere, but is ever so involved, he is there for her wen is needed and is still , silent and stable for katara to grow and dance and build on, look at katara growth, Ang life is that type of foundation or ambiance that grace her with a new possibility, one of freedom, strength, love, compassion, and continual growth,
Ang now given the power of the lion turtle opens up a new possibility one I believe could have change the atla vers forever, in my eyes just like Shiva Adiyogi was for human kind, Ang has that type of potential, to create such a spiritual bomb that it could create hundren thousands of power being in atla, Anyway I'm tired I'm going to sleep byy
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princess-stabbity · 2 years
the main reason i haven't been posting much lately is i got pathfinder: wrath of the righteous for my birthday and it's eaten my brain. i suggested amy play it, and offered to compile a mini guide, based on the immense amount of walkthrough reading and trial-and-error i have endured to get the most out of this clunky but enjoyable game. this is that guide. feel free to read or reply with your own tips, tho technically i'm just posting this here so it won't get lost in our messages.
in order (so you can know where to skip to) we have
general tips
combat tips
crusade tips
general build tips
party build tips
chapter 1 tips
chapter 2 tips
chapter 3 tips
chapter 4 tips
general story tips
the secret ending
general tips
if you want a more detailed and spoilery guide, check out neoseeker or search the pathfinder_kingmaker subreddit (which is the main source for neoseeker's guides). the wiki kinda sucks.
the toybox mod is highly, highly useful. it's basically a dozen mods in one: it lets you get achievements with mods enabled, changes the dumb alignment system, allows polyamory, lets you cheat stuff into your inventory, respec characters on the fly, hear dialogue interjections from absent party members, etc. i strongly recommend it.
save like crazy. good god, the backtracking i have done.
owlcat's sense of pacing is real weird. like apparently in kingmaker they completely reverse the usual rpg logic and you need to do main quests before you can kick it with side quests (...usually). wrath of the righteous is a little better, but still kind of weird and uneven. i'll try to give headsups in the story tips section, but if in doubt, check if there's a lil red hourglass symbol in the journal. that means you need to do that before the main questline is done. they also usually warn you if a main quest is a point-of-no-return for the chapter.
the alignment system is...pretty dumb, imo. as i understand it, "good" and "evil" choices actually pull you towards neutral good and neutral evil, so you can end up like a guy i saw on the subreddit recently, who ended up losing his paladin powers while being explicitly praised by an angel for "pleasing heaven." bc it knocked him into neutral good. anyway, this is why i strongly recommed turning on toybox's "fix alignment system" setting, which should make it work the way you'd expect it to.
have at least one companion with high perception (pets are great for this, and every character rolls independently so more is better) and keep your finger on that tab key, brother. there are hidden shinies every goddamn where.
the puzzles are plentiful and most of them are very bad and annoying. i don't recommend bothering trying to figure them out yourself, just look up a solution. i say this as somebody who usually rawdogs bioware's tower of hanoi obsession.
while resting in the field, there are roles that call for one character to have high lore (religion), one to have high stealth, one to have high knowledge (world), one to have high knowledge (arcana) OR (iirc) lore (religion), and two to have high perception. one character can't fill multiple roles at once. that said, the knowledge rolls are optional (crafting/buffs), and the perception roles won't be needed if stealth does well enough. main takeaway being: try to keep at least one character with you that has a high religion score, and one that has a high stealth score, so you can rest peacefully.
if you see a nice item in the shop, it will probably be available in later acts. i busted my ass trying to buy shit early, in case i lost access to the vendors who sold it, but i've found most things are available again later from a different vendor. there are exceptions, but like. don't worry too much. the main upside of buying stuff early is that in some cases, it allows you to get two. main ones to look out for, off the top of my head, are the icy protector and red salamander rings. you can get two of those. broadly i'll say that, if you're debating what to buy in chapter 1, start with hawke and joran's stock.
when you leave an area, a prompt comes up that allows you to snag all the loose gear left on the map. you can sometimes use this to get around weight limits by dropping stuff and picking it back up via this menu, right before you leave. that said, buy bags of holding as soon as you find them.
"bulk selling" allows you to gather all the vendor trash in one go, which saves a lot of time and helps show what is, in fact, vendor trash. which is smth i struggled with a lot, early on. sell those giant spider legs, they ain't used for shit in this game.
in general, if it ain't unique and you're not using it, sell it. i've even sold some uniques i know i'll never use, like that diadem only usable by kineticists.
unity mod manager
toybox. strongly recommend turning on "fix alignment," "allow achievements," and "no jealousy"
modfinder. a tool that lets you browse, search, (un)install, and update mods from both the nexus and github quickly and easily.
won't bother linking them all (should be able to find them in modfinder if you're interested) but for extra subclasses, feats, etc, i use tabletop tweaks, expanded content, and tome of the firebird. i find it kind of tricky and glitchy, but visual adjustment 2 allows changing portraits and character models. respecmod allows you to fully respec characters, rather than being restricted to respeccing them from the level you recruited them at (e.g., you could make seelah not a paladin, or choose new hexes and spells for ember's first 3 or 4 levels).
note that when updates hit, your mods may need to be updated, and since they get baked into your save, you can be SOL if a mod you're using is broken by an update and been abandoned by the author. so maybe don't be like me and download like 4 different class content mods. (that said, in my experience so far, mod authors have been very fast at updating for patches. the toybox dev in particular is quick as hell, thank christ.)
combat tips
the difference between life and death in this game is buffing. try to get a grip on what buffs do or do not stack, and which ones can be cast in advance so you don't have to spend a turn on it. some good ones in my experience: mage armor, protection from alignment, resist/protection from elements, all the stat buffs (e.g. cat's grace), magical vestment, barkskin, haste.
pets are god. dogs, wolves, and velociraptors are especially great, because they can trip enemies (w/o needing to select the "trip" feat), which makes the enemy lose a turn (they have to spend it getting up) and opens them up to bonus attacks from all party members in melee range (attack of opportunity). mounts (esp horses) also rock because their AC and health essentially act as a barrier, so make 'em as chunky as possible. investing in better stats (via the boon companion and/or mythical beast feats) is recommended, esp if you're multiclassing.
don't forget to buff pets! i give them all mage armor and magical vestment, just as a baseline, and if a tough battle is coming i also use bull's strength/cat's grace and uh. animal embiggerer. whatever the name is, i forgot and don't feel like looking it up. both camellia and nenio should be able to get it. oh, barkskin is good, too, i have lann cast his on his pet, since he's rarely on the frontlines and has great AC. magic fang, esp the improved version that lasts for hours, is great.
scrolls are fun and easy to use. they can fail if your character doesn't have a high enough "use magic" skill, but there's no skill check if it's a class spell (i.e., one their class can learn, not necessarily one they already know). this basically means you get a free casting of that spell, no spell slot required. arcane int-based casters can also learn spells from scrolls (tho you lose those extra spells if you respec and will have to learn them again).
scrolls are also good for having access to cures for some of the nastier debuffs, especially in chapter 1, where you don't have access to a cleric unless you rolled one yourself or specced lann into it. buying some emergency remove blindness and restoration scrolls are recommended.
potions can basically act as a free spell, just like scrolls, but with the added bonus of not requiring any "use magic" skill. so have your fighters and rogues etc glug away
crusade tips
the key is to recruit either chief ageboya or setsuna shy as your general (and, if you create a second force, recruit whichever of the two you didn't pick first). place melee units to stand guard in front of archers, and use the archers + your general's scorching ray/fireball to wreck the shit out of enemy units before they can even reach your melee lines. once they get healing spells and some ranks in master of maneuver (+1 unit per army) shit really pops off.
don't accept heavy losses. reload.
never feel like you have to fight an enemy army that isn't marked green. just wait.
bite the bullet and give irabeth that 7k for extra soldiers, it's worth it.
my fav units so far are hellknights, clerics, shieldbearers, and any kind of archer but especially marksmen and mongrel archers. pick up more of these units often.
army get strong from more guys + the general leveling up
it can be difficult to figure out a good rhythm for moving your party vs moving your armies, but you pick it up after awhile. basically, have your army move until they run out of points, then send your party wherever they need to go. once the clock at the top of the page hits midnight, take control of your armies again to hit "continue" so they continue moving. switch as often as necessary to get everybody where they need to be.
when building outposts, start with the engineering workshop (lowers costs for all subsequent buildings), then start placing a supply cart in basically every outpost you've captured. inns can generate income, but only if you place them before/instead of garrison buildings.
i would also recommend saving the left block of space in drezen for the 4-square buildings, and building stuff like hospitals and apothecaries in the lower block of space, leaving the main block for military units and buff buildings. but that's just me.
don't feel like you have to wipe every enemy off the map. due to the way morale mechanics work, it's good to spread battles out a bit.
in chapter 3, it's better to spend funds on buildings and mercs than trainable troops (e.g. footmen, archers, light scouts). try to have a decent number of forts built up by the end of the act.
save a few decrees that boost morale for a rainy day. just in case.
there's a limit to how many forts and bastions you can have, so think strategically about which ones you want to upgrade. having the ability to teleport to different parts of the map can really help cut down on travel time (assuming you want to).
you can save while on the world map (tho only one save per in-game calendar day for some reason), and it's a good idea to save before entering drezen, because often scenes in the citadel will trigger automatically when you load in.
general build tips
i recommend tabletop tweaks and respecmod. the former adds some good content from tabletop (the pet feats in particular are great), and respecmod allows you to fully respec your companions (goodbye, subpar class choice and un-respeccable character levels!) or respec your main character without having to fully remake them from scratch and lose their 'biography' section. i can grab the relevant settings for you if need be (took a lot of trial and error to get a handle on that).
dexterity is king. high dex builds are generally much sturdier than armor-based ones. part of why cat's grace is arguably the best of the stat buff spells.
point-blank + precise shot are basically necessary for everyone except strict melee characters. even spellcasters have to take these as soon as possible, because many spells count as ranged attacks and frankly you don't have enough slots early on not to use a crossbow anyway.
due to an exploit, lots of people take the crane style feats to buff AC. it goes dodge -> improved unarmed strike -> crane wing/riposte/etc. i don't really think they're necessary on normal difficulty (and tabletop tweaks might remove the exploit by default? haven't checked) but it's good to know.
another very good feat chain is weapon focus -> dazzling display -> shatter defenses, especially if you decide to go with the trickster mythic like i did and get the persuasion 1 trick, or have a skald or dirge bard in your party.
the outflank teamwork feat is also fantastic. mostly for melee fighters, but if you have a feat to spare on a ranged fighter, you may as well (iirc they can proc but not benefit directly from it). make sure to get it on pets, too, including mounts (they count as being in range with their rider at all times!). pets need 3 int to choose teamwork feats, so either give them all a boost to intelligence, or wait until you have a +2 int tiara and keep it in the inventory to put on them for levelups (as i do).
archmage armor and abundant spellcasting are very good mythic abilities for spell casters. you probably want to prioritize them. note that archmage armor only works if YOU cast mage armor on yourself (e.g., don't have a party member do it for you), but the bonus still applies if it's via potion or scroll.
cleaving shot is a great mythic ability for ranged characters. it's free AOE.
if you get tabletop tweaks, there's a short feat chain that's smth like nature spirit -> animal companion, which is a pretty low-cost way to get an animal companion without multiclassing. go wild. who needs to fit thru doorways.
combat reflexes and ever ready mythic ability are excellent choices for melee units, especially with trip and outflank. extra attacks of opportunity basically let your melee units say "oh no you don't" when enemies try to run past them to hit your ranged characters.
if you want to plan future builds, you can always save, then use toybox to grant yourself full levels to plot out the possibilities. i did that a lot.
party builds
seelah: a lot of people say seelah is a mediocre tank, but there's actually a pretty easy way to fix that: a tiny dip in oracle. i leveled her up as a paladin until 5, when she gets her horse, then took a level of oracle and chose nature mystery, which gives her access to an ability called "nature's whispers," which lets her use charisma rather than dex for AC. ta da! as a bonus, there's an "extra revelation" mythic feat option, so i also grabbed her the one that gives boosts to nearby animals. now she's one of the strongest members of my party. for the oracle curse, most people would rec wolf-scarred face, but i don't like that for story reasons, so i chose the one that affects her movement speed, because she's on her horse 24/7 anyway. "pranked" is also ok. if you don't use tabletop tweaks (or turn the fix off in settings) you can also take a dip in scaled fist monk, to stack the charisma AC bonus (i didn't).
camellia: pretty solid all-rounder, generally best as off-tank and skill monkey. i recently respecced her original subclass from spirit hunter to shadow shaman because i think it makes more sense, and paired with a two level dip into alchemist vivisectionist, i think i've finally got her in a good place after trying out a pretty subpar build. that said, straight shaman is not bad for her; general strategy is to give her iceplant hex and the icy protector ring to boost her armor early on, then have her slap on some buffs and go melee with her rapier.
lann: i recommend either giving him only one level of his default class, or, perhaps better yet, fully respeccing him into crusader cleric and/or demonslayer ranger and/or wandering marksman hunter. it makes more sense in-universe imo, and it's more useful (zen archer monk has some abilities that are kind of neat, but by endgame they have accuracy issues that weigh them down). i went ranger and it's been pretty swell, but i think next time i'll make him a cleric and give him "impossible domain: animal" ASAP so he can get back the sweet, sweet velociraptor buddy i gave him (true MVP of the party).
wenduag: sadly can't give too much advice here, but i've heard that mutation warrior + throwing axes turns her into an absolute beast. (note, however, that it takes a stupidly long time to get good throwing axes 💀 baby need CARNAGE)
woljif: haha sneak attack go brrrr. generally focus on self buffs (e.g., mirror image) and stuff like grease and haste and he'll do just fine. as long as another character is flanking the same enemy, or he's behind his target, he can dish out good damage, and sense vitals can fill the gaps in-between. that said, despite the name, i don't rec having him go arcane trickster, they're more of a blaster class. "slippery mind" rogue ability is a good idea, along with sneak attack debuffs.
ember: my baby. my joy. light of my life. against murder but very good at it! i personally leveled her as a mystic theurge (YOU get to be an oracle! YOU get to be an oracle! everybody gets a dip in ORACLE!!!), but that has devolved into a very delicate balancing act of spell selection, so you'll probably just want to level her as a pure witch, or witch with a minor dip in loremaster (so she can get, say, greater command, a spell available to oracles and clerics). pop that ring of the red salamander on her, give her weapon focus: rays and a few fire-based feats, maybe some enchantment ones to give her some very in-character non-violent CC options, and she's good as gold. pay attention to the description of hexes. some of them, like evil eye, are reduced to a single round if the enemy saves...which means, if you follow it up with a cackle each round, you can keep them debuffed forever, save or no save. protective luck and fortune are also great if you use toybox and toggle the option to have cackle extend for 10min out of combat. you can have ember buff-cackle-buff-cackle each party member to get universal advantage for hours.
nenio: ok look. scroll savant is not a bad subclass, i am told. but i highly recommend instead fully respeccing her as an arcanist brownfur transmuter. it makes just as much sense for her as a character, and they truly are the best buffers in the game. i am terrified to go anywhere without her now. she can juice all the stat boost spells, AND she can share "range: personal" buffs like shield or hurricane bow (tho i've recently learned seamantle doesn't work, i assume as an oversight 😑). she's effectively a spontaneous caster but can also learn spells from scrolls. as with vanilla nenio, all her lore and knowledge scores are crazy high, she can use basically any magical device (hello, spare wands!), and can take feats/gear to boost her illusion caster level to "fuck you, die." i'm telling you, brownfur transmuter nenio is the blueprint.
daeran: the king of healing. also an extremely solid buffer. honestly just go full oracle, maybe give him a second mystery. i went "bones" because, as a dhampir, i need the mcfucking help. it turns out animate dead is great for throwing meat(less)shields to buy time and protect squishy caster types. truly the backbone of the party.
sosiel: i used "impossible domain: animal" to give him a nice horsey, to keep him safe, since he is basically a dex-free tin can. "community" is also a very popular additional domain choice for him, since "guarded hearth" is apparently a good buff (can't say, have only remembered to use it once). keep him with glaives, there are a lot of good ones and the specialization is free, so...
regill: this little man slays. that said, you're way better off leveling him some more as an armiger, or dipping into cavalier, than giving him more levels in hellknight. i gave mine beastrider so i could put him on a smilodon, purely because that's fucking metal, and he rages around murdering shit. generally you'll want to give him two-handed weapon feats (to continue specializing in his weird hammer thing) and finesse stuff, tho you can compensate for his low strength pretty easily with the "enlarge person" spell, if you want to skip weapon finesse.
arue: honestly op. unless you really wanna try respeccing her from start as a bard or smth, just let her do her thing. "instant enemy" and "ranger's bond" or w/e it's called let her give good damage buffs to the whole party. ranged dps queen.
greybor: personally, i lightly respecced him to use throwing axes, but if you want to go vanilla, crpgguy on youtube has a solid build to check out. if you want to go with my build, keep him a slayer but choose ranged perks (except manyshot), two-weapon fighting, and weapon focus/specialization throwing axes. oh, and same recs as woljif for rogue abilities. i recently got him the ability to damage constitution with his sneak attacks and it's glorious.
chapter 1 tips
when you get to kenabres, an invisible timer starts counting down to a big, tough battle. you'll want to a) put it off as long as possible, and b) prep for it. online sources and my own experience leave the exact mechanics of the countdown kind of a mystery. best guess is that it relies on number of rests, so try to go as long as you can without them. some quests fail or change if you don't do them first, so try to do the following before the battle procs:
recruit woljif in the basement.
recruit ember in the market square.
scout the tower of estrod and kill the enemies there, if you can. this may or may not buy you time, i'm not sure.
meet prelate hulrun and settle the issue between him and ramien (i suggest showing hulrun the sword, and strongly suggest bringing ember).
go to the burning library (there's checks here for perception, lore (religion), and persuasion (diplomacy) you'll probably want to pass.)
as for prep: generally gain as much experience as you can so you'll be as strong as possible before it procs. grease and to a lesser extent create pit are useful for choke points and are available to both woljif and nenio, and can be bought or crafted into scrolls beforehand if need be. just remember you have no access to selective metamagic yet, so try to keep your own guys from slipping around all silly by either having them attack from range behind the trap, or stand in front of it (i went ranged, even for seelah). besides the very obvious chokepoints the game makes you aware of, you can also lay these down at the enemy spawnpoints by the ladders (though you will affect the allied soldiers, too, so keep that in mind). focus on the alchemists; every other enemy is secondary. kill or disable them as quickly as possible.
chapter 2 tips
if you saved the disciples of desna in kenabres and sang along with them in act 1, then solve the (pretty easy) puzzle at the altar of desna at the base of the lost chapel, you can recruit a very useful companion early. look for them in the drezen prison.
chapter 2 is less time-sensitive than chapter 1, but you get a lil reward if you finish it within 2 months. not too hard, imo
try to put off moving the camp to just south of drezen, because a whole bunch of shit kinda pops off at once.
pay attention to nurah. pop into her tent a few times. a high perception skill will get you far.
the only things really worth grabbing in leper's smile are the robe of silky veil (you can use savescum with quicksave to look for it without losing time) and the halfling in the crevice.
honestly i recommend cranking down the difficulty for a lot of the lost chapel quest because the game is keeping track of npc casualties and those motherfuckers pop like grapes if you don't nerf the shit outta enemies, even on normal difficulty. one fight in particular i kept having 3-4 out of 5 immediately die in the first round, even when i got a good initiative roll and came out the gate with controlled fireball. very frustrating experience.
to stop the constantly reviving undead in that one cave, you need to grab the interactable object near the center of the area.
chapter 3 tips
at the beginning of chapter 3, immediately head south, towards the chapel, and keep going until you get two not-so-random encounters.
then head towards molten scar (just south of greengates) with seelah to get a time sensitive quest done.
take arue to wintersun. (probably take someone with a good lore (nature) skill, too. and somebody with fire spells. dear god. you will need so much fire.) don't feel like you need to complete the whole map in one go, you WILL have to come back at least once for one of the side quests.
blackwater has a lot of tough combat. prep for electricity damage.
chapter 4 tips
still in it, so my advice at this point is just to start with battlebliss. the story flows more naturally that way, tho they don't tell you that.
you can turn the fleshmarkets into a tarantino movie, but buy the shit you want from the vendors first. or don't, and cheat it into your inventory via toybox. up to you. if you need the funds, returning to the midnight isles dlc can help.
as it turns out, you only get the one chance to free suture, so if you wanna do that, don't be like me and go "oobh i got plany off time"
general story tips
don't be a buzzkill at daeran's party by making him work. try to keep things fun, and tell him you think he can change or that he can trust you. he likes it if you banter playfully with him, and will interject during a lot of quests (i particularly enjoyed his comments in the grey garrison).
lann's mostly straightforward from what i can tell, but you can miss some of his content annoyingly easily. :/ make sure to check in with him every now and then (i feel like his dialogue updates more than any other companion so far, but there's no notification from the game when that happens, so you just have to swing by and talk to him to see). and take him camping with you, if you want to romance him. there's also no indication of this from quest markers or anything, but at one point he'll ask you to meet him back at your home base, but when you arrive, there'll just be a note in his usual spot. look for him by the local tavern. (not sure if this is romance-specific, but just in case)
wenduag has a massive humiliation kink
don't be judgey of greybor, and pay him what he's worth (or more, if you've got the money and are feeling generous, like i was). make sure to have at least 12,500 gold on hand when you go on the hunt with him, or you'll lose the chance to recruit him permanently.
bring your favs to the desolate hovel! the combat isn't hard, and there are some juicy character moments. kicking myself for not bringing ember, because i bet hers is great (thanks to toybox, i did get to enjoy a cute bit of dialogue between her and daeran).
the secret ending
i'm gonna try to lay out the requirements with as few spoilers as possible. if you don't wanna know, just skip this. i may be missing some stuff, or including some stuff that isn't strictly required, but this is my best understanding of it, distilled as much as possible.
note that unlocking the secret ending does not mean you have to actually choose it.
choose the crossbow in the prologue
keeping the purple stone knife is advised but not required
pick up every midnight bolt you see, and only use them against demon lords. (if you don't get a "new" crystal, you wasted the bolt on an invalid target and need to reload.) apparently if you use one on the big bad himself, you need to grab the crystal as quickly as possible or it'll disappear?
finish your mythic questline all the way through. don't choose the "legend" mythic.
help the storyteller collect elven notes
don't reject the idea of learning from demons
do not enable auto-crusade
research the sword of valor (first available in chapter 3), the crystals (first available in chapter 5), areelu's drafts (not sure, probably 5), and the records of pulura's stargazers (maybe as early as 3 for angels, 5 for everybody else) via crusade management
grab the book, accept its power, find a way to put it back together
have high perception, ask areelu about suture (not an option in the first convo with her, i think this is in chapter 4)
tell hep she shouldn't have trusted her dad
in the secret lab (not on the first visit, since they weren't there when i got there), click on the crib, drawings, and textbooks in that order, which will give you gloves. take said gloves.
pour the secret sauce over the summoning circle in the lab. kill the demon outside the summoning circle for convenience's sake
save the library
the ending date is important. enter the final area between 16 and 21 gozran. doesn't matter what year.
don't waste time examining areelu's wards, launch directly into "stop! listen to me!"
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ab121500 · 2 years
Been a second since I posted any art so:
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Have a drawing of my General and Queen from Pathfinder Kingmaker!
A little bit about them (i tagged their love interests lol)
Dawn was formerly the general of Varnhold until Maegar gave it to Faith. Shes a very smart woman, and often the brains of every operation. She does not give the slightest fuck about politics, making her pretty useless when shes dragged into those conversations. Her and Maegar were extremely close even before they started courting/ got married. She puts the blame of the deaths of her friends at Lostlarn Keep entirely on her shoulders.
Faith's been posted about before by me. She is an assimar, not that anyone can tell. She has a constant alter-self spell going that hides her wings/halo/bright hair and eyes. Shes a very powerful bard, and a good cleric. Very happily married to Tristian.
Maybe at somepoint i'll finally finish and post the fanfics i've started for pathfinder. Hell if i could finish the shit about these two i'd be happy. Ah well.
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fenharel-archived · 5 years
tagged by @lelibela 💕 tagging @rkyloren @thalasians @mtethras @denerim @aloths @flmeth @clanventrues
5 senses aesthetic       
Melody - Pathfinder: Kingmaker
small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a/c units. a phone call to mum / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favourite shampoo /conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning. wet dogs. copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different. camp fires.
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founderscouncil · 3 years
this is much less thought through compared to my list for hope and tbh, i’m lowkey considering doing a full rewatch of tvd/to to help get some more ideas, so these are even more generic 
for the love of all that is the tiniest bit holy, give bonnie one of those ships. you know which ones i’m talking about!! i genuinely don’t think i have a notp for her and my interpretation is very morally gray (so lowwwwwkey give her someone who appeals to that darkness a bit maybe?), idk mostly just give her some happiness??
jeremy’s bisexual awakening (you think i’m joking but we all know it was tyler lockwood)
grumpy hunter jeremy who randomly shows up at salvatore once a month to drag alaric out and makes sure he showers and gets away from the school before dumping him at damon and elena’s for the day
uncle jeremy with his favorite pseudo-nieces, josie and lizzie
either hayley or even keelin taking coda under their wing after they learn of the aftermath of the hollow’s rampage. could be one of the many reasons hayley really takes a leadership role after the mikaelsons split up after TO S4
if you don’t acknowledge the hollow storyline, coda’s backstory could be changed up so that she was orphaned when kingmaker development hunted down the pack while they were cursed by dahlia. either way, the idea is that her story touches on themes of community and generosity, while she also plays a foil to hope, as someone who lost everything due to the mikaelsons’ story but she still has to find a way to move on anyways
coda at salvatore and interacting with the squad bc that would be fun. maybe she gets sent with henry and hope when they’re seven, maybe she shows up after hope is revealed to be a mikaelson, but interesting to see how the squad reacts to someone who has known hope in a completely different context
coda just annoying hope. the end.
series of letters over the years between elijah and hope, hayley, rebekah, freya, klaus, anyone after the events of to s4. please do not make this man suffer alone with his thoughts. he will go through so many home improvement projects that the south of france will look like a completely rebuilt area by the time he’s done.
post-series threads where elijah lurks like a maddeningly well-dressed english professor near whitmore and spoils his niece (but also bc it’s me, he’s probably doing research on how to eliminate all threats ever and also how to stick hope in a magical bubble without her knowledge)
idk to even call this an au or a divergent verse or what but imagining a ship (prob a vampire?) where it’s a slow burn of finding each other every century, dodging dahlia, the angst of only having one year together at a time, etc etc etc. she lived through so much but also not really? so it’d be half period au in the way we can jump all over the timeline (basically anything post her baby dying), half canon-compliant? like eventually we could sync up with canon and introduce the rest of the mikaelsons and see what spins up from there? does this make sense to anyone other than my brain lmao? 
vampire freya - either she turned so klaus could stay with hayley and hope after to s4 or one of the family’s enemies catches up to her and forces a turn to remove their magical help, or some other way, she’s undead now. it’s bittersweet because she sorely misses her magic but at the same time, she doesn’t have to grow old without her siblings either. she doesn’t know what to think about it, but she has to figure it out eventually. 
alternatively, she got turned into a vampire sometime before the series starts and she was able to live life freely away from dahlia for the first time in her life, and she doesn’t have to worry about having a child anymore, which makes her effectively useless to her aunt now, but once hope is born, freya has to actually meet her family and try to convince them that she is who she says she is, idk that’s all i’ve got rn
verses where hayley never died, verses where hayley is resurrected, verses where hayley is the best mom for hope, anything that lets her have the life with hope that she deserves. 
hayley / caroline / klaus co-parenting shenanigans. make it poly if so inclined.
slow burn freelin. a version where keelin is actually around in the years during the hollow because as wanderlust-y as she is, she’s not going to just abandon freya like please
keelin talking to hayley (or any other werewolf) about their differences in opinions about the wolf. keelin remembers her entire family being hunted down by lucien castle and how being a wolf never brought her anything but pain, yet at the same time, she does feel a disconnect to a huge part of who she is. someone to help her bridge that gap and her fear and showing her that her wolf side isn’t something to be feared or shunned
things with freya and/or keelin. nik could exist or not, i just enjoy that relationship a lot
the city holding vincent responsible for the hollow’s initial bid for power, and maybe he can’t be removed as regent but exploring a broken trust (especially in the years between s4 and s5) and how he has to overcome that to win back people’s backing
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haledamage · 4 years
Check Up Tag
tagged by @rannadylin​ <3 thanks for checking in, darling! I’m not sure who all has done this already, so I’ll tag... @allisondraste​ @queen-scribbles​ @captainofthefallen​ @actualanxiousswampwitch​ @shimmer-like-agirl​ @supergenericteam​ @thewildmother​ and anyone else that wants to do this :)
How has your day been? Today is... a day. Honestly, my days aren’t that different than they were before this whole quarantine thing, since I’m a stay at home mom. I have even less of a grasp of what day of the week it is, though, without any weekly touchstones (no Critical Role, my husband’s working from home so I don’t have the “he’s gone = weekday” benchmark) it’s all just kinda blending together.
But! my head doesn’t hurt today, and the weather is nice here now, and I’ve got a couple things I’m almost done writing that I’m really excited to share! so, all in all, a good day :)
What was the last thing that made you smile?
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I knew it was gonna kill me, and it did <3 does Tristian know he invented romance? because damn
What’s keeping you entertained these days? my daughter, usually. we’ve been baking together a lot. she is very good at making cookies except that she eats half the chocolate chips before they ever make it into the batter :) I’ve been watching The Expanse with my husband, and switching between Critical Role Campaign 2 rewatch and a Buzzfeed Unsolved rewatch, depending on my mood. Been writing a lot, been playing A LOT of Pathfinder: Kingmaker, reading a few interactive novels on my phone, too, some new and some I’ve read before but still love. I get bored easy, so I’m trying to make sure I have lots of options.
If you are in some sort of quarantine / self - isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time? I don’t have any particular goals, as I said before this isn’t too much different than my normal day-to-day life. Trying to write at least a little bit every day. Apparently, telling my brain that I don’t have to go to the store every week was like a magic switch flipped, though! I’ve been writing more consistently (and, in my opinion, better) than I had been before. The ordeal of grocery shopping was clearly the only thing holding me back.
Post a selfie (if you want)! Selfie + one Spook! She magically appears whenever you point a camera somewhere, it’s amazing
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gefdreamsofthesea · 5 years
Hello hello! I hope you are well during these end times. Pathfinder kingmaker is on sale on steam and I got a gift card for my b-day. I remember when you were playing and I reaaaally wanted to play too! I went back to look at your previous posts, but I wanted to ask... what did you think of it over all? Have you played any of the dlc? I have 0 knowledge of this game or regular pathfinder, so if it isnt a bother id like to pick your brain? Thanks!
I really, really, really want to recommend it to you but I can't for a bunch of reasons.
Keep in mind I played the game before the Enhanced Edition came out so there's a chance they might have fixed most or all of my complaints.
I think my biggest complaint is that Kingdom Mode is broken and the devs responded to complaints basically saying "put it on auto mode", and maybe it's just me but if you have to put a major selling point of your game on auto to get it to work, that's just bad desig, and even then people have reported that their kingdoms are on auto and they still get a game over.
The timers, the main quests and a bunch of side quests are on timers. If you don't address the main quest fast enough? Oops, game over, but you also have to make sure you manage your kingdom so if you go off to address the main quest and leave your kingdom for a bit? Have a bunch of bad events and a game over. If you get a bunch of bad outcomes in random events in a row? That's probably a game over.
Lack of enemy variety: do you like spiders? The game throws a fuckton of spiders at you. There's a cave area that's pretty important for one of the arcs and all you fight in there are spiders and maybe a goblin thing.
I stopped playing after realizing my current game was basically screwed and haven't picked it up since. I'm tempted to start over from scratch with a new character, but it's such a pain in the ass to have to lose something like forty hours of progress.
It's such a shame because I love the characters. I love the companion quests, but I can't recommend the game unless they've made some pretty big changes.
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thirteen-jades · 5 years
I started playing a Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign recently, and figured as an effort to write more here and to keep notes for my own benefit, I'll post updates here. I should note, these updates will largely be from my character’s point of view and will generally reflect her understanding of what’s going on. This post is fairly long, so I’ll hide the bulk of it under the cut.
I'm playing a half-alraune plant girl named Cybele, a LG* Verdant bloodline sorcerer/oracle of intrigue with the legalistic curse. She has hardly any experience with humans and generally has a sort of... I'm not sure how to describe it, adorable and childlike if somewhat horrifying innocence to her. I plan to play her as an intrigue-oriented seductress eventually, though it may take a little character development for her to really reach that point.
Cybele’s current goal is to help her friends establish a city, she’s very curious what such a thing would be like and wants to help fill it full of flowers and plants and make it a hospitable place for her. She would also like eventually to have her alraune mother meet her new friends, though with alraunen being typically evil-aligned human-eating plant creatures that may be easier said than done. Ultimately, however, Cybele wants to see alraunen and humans living together peacefully, preferably sharing the city she wants to help found.
Cybele was raised by her mother, a (human) blood-drinking flower with no regard for human life, and is still struggling to adapt to human sensibilities about things like consuming human corpses, for example. Despite this disconnect, she's made fast friends with her party and in particular likes Mia, an energetic young warrior with a similar curiosity and eagerness to explore. She also views Micaiah, the party's cleric and other healer, as a sort of friendly authority figure to whom she looks for both moral guidance and approval. Micaiah's disdain for killing clashes with Cybele's need to consume the blood of other creatures, but as Cybele doesn't need to kill to feed she can probably be taught to care a little more about others with time.
In our first session, the party had dinner in Restov, where they were given charters to explore and settle the Stolen Lands, which includes Cybele’s homeland, the Narlmarshes. After being given the charter, and a warning about a bandit lord in the area known as the Stag Lord (allegedly after his impressive endowment), the party had an exciting meal where Cybele tasted some human food for the first time (she can eat human food, but mostly for pleasure or social purposes; she derives little to no nutrition from anything other than blood) and got to meet her new comrades. They spent a week or so travelling back to the Stolen Lands, where they set up shop in a trading post inhabited by a trader, his wife, and two NPCs that we seem to have recruited. The party fought off a group of eight bandits with no casualties or even injuries and rested for the night.
The second session picked up not long after the first ended, with the arrival of a group of four guards dispatched to protect the trading post. The lead guard, a man named Kesten Garess, seems to have some troubled history with his family that Cybele neither understands nor knows much about, though she is very interested in it. The group (now slightly enlarged with the addition of one of the NPCs; the other remained back to help guard the post) set out on their first expedition to map the area. Specifically, they’re headed south to investigate a group of kobolds that have been causing trouble lately.
On their journey, the group found two things of note. First was a dangerous trapdoor spider lurking in a flat depression in the ground. Cybele got to find out what humans look like on the inside (there were human skeletons about), the party killed the spider, and we looted it’s lair, finding a dead bandit among other things. The bandit had what appears to be a treasure map, which the party pocketed and moved on. Second, the group discovered a ruined orchard filled with blackberry bushes, potentially a useful spot for a farm. Cybele surprised the group with her ability to speak to plants, and carried on a brief conversation with one such bush, which revealed that the orchard was destroyed by some yet-unidentified green-skinned beasts. Following this was a conversation with the party about the intelligence (or lack thereof) of blackberry bushes in which Cybele realized she has little understanding of how her own body works (specifically whether or not she even has a brain), a condition which she now seeks to remedy in time.
*I should note that while Cybele is now more or less LG, much of her previous life would best be described as some kind of evil. She did kill and consume humans for nutrition, even when other forms of animal life were available as alternatives. She’s now sworn off the consumption of humans, or at least those that she’s not willing to kill anyway; if a bandit attacks her she sees no reason not to feed on them once she kills them. That said, she’s mostly hopeful that her new friends don’t investigate her past too much. While Micaiah is a redemption domain cleric and would likely be at least supportive of her efforts to change for the better, Cybele still doesn’t want these people afraid of or repulsed by her.
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feliciasink · 8 years
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on my blog.
I so forgot my Sunday Post last week, so I’ve combined the two as one big one. Not much exciting has happened these past two weeks. Been tired a lot lately, especially the last few days. My bf has a kind of flu thingy and gets a weird sleep cycle because of it, which results in screwing up my sleep as well… Feel like I could sleep for two days straight and still not have enough sleep… Fell asleep on the couch at least four times in the last few days… One at night and most during the days, watching a movie or episode… Maybe it’s also the winter coming down at my energy levels… It’s cold, sad weather and not much to do… And especially with him having the flu, it means I can’t do a lot – besides reading, sleeping, eating, cooking, blogging or watching an episode or movie – I know you need your rest when not feeling well, so I won’t bother him with too much noise and stuff… But it’s gets kinda boring after a few days… In combination with my sleepiness, it makes me less motivated to watch or read anything.. So it get’s real boring.. Hope he feels better soon and I feel more energetic again… Gotta work out tomorrow again, prepare for my first Taekwondo exam on February 3rd!!
One exciting thing that did happen was discussing out holiday. It’s becoming more permanently set and booked =]=]=]=]=] I so wanna go to Orlando and Harry Potter’s Wizarding World…. Biggest issue is saving money to spend there hahahahaha
Big thingy did happen on the blog…. I WROTE/PUBLISHED/ MY FIRST REVIEW IN THREE MONTHS AGAIN!!!!!
This weeks posts:
What about that bookchallenge 2016 + goal 2017.
December Wrap-Up + January TBR.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017.
TTT#19 Top Ten 2017 Debuts I’m Excited For.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Awesomeness!!
TTT#20 Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To (But TOTALLY plan to).
#72 The Diabolic.  <<<<<————- !!!!!!!!!!!
  Coming next week:
TTT#21 Ten Underrated/Hidden Gem Books I’ve Read In The Past Year Or So (up to you if you want it to be those published in the past year or so or just ANY underrated book you’ve read recently).
Tv Thursday #7. Week 3 [need some motivation there too, don’t want to let you guys down…]
Maybe some reviews =]
So in the last two weeks I’ve had a great start of this year’s Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017. I’ve finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I’ve read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Quidditch Through the Ages, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them all by J.K. Rowling and The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid.
I’m currently reading Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet [Kingmaker Chronicles #2] as a NetGalley review, Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling and Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. After Breath of Fire I’ll start reading Halfway Bitten by Terry Maggert and/or The Gender Secret by Bella Forrest. After Snow Like Ashes I’ll start Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth. That beautiful hardcover will arrive this Tuesday and so I hope I’ve finished reading Snow Like Ashes before it arrives =]
So these two weeks I watched A LOT of episodes… If you’ve noticed a weird watching order with bones that’s true nothing is weird there… Apart from the fact that the first two episodes of Season 4 were a double episode and my streamer made episode 1 episode 1&2 and made episode 2 number 3 and so on… So I got confused in the episode titles and figured it out after watching episode 8 hahaha… A bit late, I know but I’ve watched the missing episode after all…
My bf finally wants to watch series again during dinner – instead of brain-dead comedy central re-runs – and now we’re watching Modern Family S8. We’ve watched How I Met You Mother as our dinner series before Modern Family and You’re the Worst will probably be our next. We also watch a few others together, but mostly they wait a long time because of the snack series [HIMYM and Modern Family, eps of 20-23 minutes instead of at least 40 minutes an episode]. Those are Gotham, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Scorpion. The rest of the shows can’t be watched together because of work, our preferences in watching series and our progress if watching the same series.. haha we love a lot of the same things, but in some series I’m ahead of him and some he’s ahead of me.. So we watch together separately mostly lol.
Monday Jan 2, Charmed S4E18: Bite Me
Thursday Jan 5, Charmed S4E19: We’re Off to See the Wizard
Friday Jan 6, Charmed S4E20: Long Live the Queen
Saturday Jan 7, Charmed S4E21: Womb Raider
Saturday Jan 7, Charmed S4E22: Witch Way Now?
Saturday Jan 7, Bones S4E1: Yanks in the U.K. (1)
Saturday Jan 7, Bones S4E2: Yanks in the U.K. (2)
Sunday Jan 8, Bones S4E4: The Finger in the Nest
Monday Jan 9, Bones S4E5: The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
Monday Jan 9, Bones S4E6: The Crank in the Shaft
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E7: The He in the She
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E8: The Skull in the Sculpture
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E3: The Man in the Outhouse
Tuesday Jan 10, Bones S4E9: The Con Man in the Meth Lab
Thursday Jan 12, Bones S4E10: The Passenger in the Oven
Thursday Jan 12, Bones S4E11: The Bone That Blew
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E12: The Double Trouble in the Panhandle
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E13: The Fire in the Ice
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E14: The Hero in the Hold
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E15: The Princess and the Pear
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E16: The Bones That Foam
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E17: The Salt in the Wounds
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E18: The Doctor in the Den
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E19: The Science in the Physicist
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E20: The Cinderella in the Cardboard
Friday Jan 13, Bones S4E21: Mayem on a Cross
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E22: The Double Death of the Dearly Departed
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E23: The Girl in the Mask
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E24: The Beaver in the Otter
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E25: The Critic in the Cabernet
Saturday Jan 14, Bones S4E26: The End in the Beginning
Saturday Jan 14, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E1: Pilot (1)
Saturday Jan 14, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E2: Pilot (2)
Sunday Jan 15, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E3: Blood Ties
Sunday Jan 15, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1E4: White Knights
Sunday Jan 15, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
With the boyfriend:
Tuesday Jan 3, Mars S1E4: Power
Wednesday Jan 4, Mars S1E5: Darkest Days
Wednesday Jan 4, Mars S1E6: Crossroads
Friday Jan 6, Modern Family S8E1: The Tale of Three Cities
Thursday Jan 12, Modern Family S8E2: A Stereotypical Day
Friday Jan 13, Modern Family S8E3: Blindsighted
Saturday Jan 14, Modern Family S8E4: Weathering Heights
Sunday Jan 15, Modern Family S8E5: Halloween 4: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 2, 2017 at 5:54am PST
When you were being cheeky and asked if you could have them after the movie leaves the movie theatre. When you hear you can take them now and the lady helps you get them down. When this happens, I'm a very, very, very happy girl😍😁 • #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #fangirl #fandom #luckygirl #happygirl #newtscamander #queeniegoldstein #tinagoldstein #jacobkowalski #nomaj #happy #fangirling #movietheatre
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 4, 2017 at 7:18am PST
Getting my geek up again🖖🏼 first time entering the Star Trek universe in chronological order. Awesome to see what they could already do in the 70s. And such a young Shatner haha. And what a difference in voice volume and effects. • #startrek #startrekuniverse #startrekthemotionpicture #startrek1979 #mrspock #🖖🏼 #captainkirk #geek #geekgirl #geeky #nerdy #nerdygirl #geekygirl
A photo posted by Felicia (@felicias.ink) on Jan 15, 2017 at 11:22am PST
In case you’ve missed these:
#72 The Diabolic.
TTT#20 Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To (But TOTALLY plan to).
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Awesomeness!!
TTT#19 Top Ten 2017 Debuts I’m Excited For.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017.
Sunday Post #23 & #24. January 8 & 15 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News.
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