#''soon'' says muse
twistedappletree · 7 months
when you’re trying to argue with him but he goes on a nerdy, detailed tangent about how he’d humanely catch and release a rat 🐀
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0509-brainrot · 1 year
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smoke and mirrors
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softceleste · 25 days
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Barbara Palvin Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse in Breaking Ground (Episode 3 - The Town)
Please do not save, repost, or edit these gifs for any reason, use the reblog button instead. Also please do not interact if you’re a celeb rp blog or if you write taboo content on your blog, thank you!
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brutalmasks · 13 days
just imagining how frightening it would be to be out in public and perhaps doing things that are normal, even though you are a career criminal (or, your character is, more like. and particularly in the DC verse), but then you hear people suddenly start gasping around you. and how is someone going to ignore something like that? so, you stop doing what you're doing and then, things just get more strange because you see what almost looks like people seeming to clear a way for someone. thus, you've FINALLY turned around at this point and all you see is this otherworldly looking woman with green skin wearing a bunny mask, whom is dragging a dead body with them and has abruptly dropped it at the end of all of these people around you. and at first, you think, what the hell is going on? should i start running? because she certainly doesn't look friendly.
but then thing's just get worse because this bunny mask clad person, or whatever they may be, is looking at you straight in the eyes and yeppp... this is your cue to start running. but just imagine ALL of the tension that would be building up in a scene like this while this opposing criminal character, whoever they may be, hears people react and that's the ONLY reason why they even had a chance to run away from bunny mask. like OMG. and a chase scene afterward??? this is now going on my wishlist because, god damn, can bunny mask be intimidating. but i'd love to be able to roleplay her more ' brutal ' side with someone even so
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djsangos · 16 days
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//who are THESE fresh squids?? (made here)
okay these guys might not get a mention on this blog for a while- if ever- so i'm gonna talk about them now bc i've been rotating them in my mind for a while
these are captain's siblings! the ones they left behind when they were 14 to run away to inkopolis. captain certainly isn't proud of leaving them behind at ALL, in fact the one thing they wish they'd done differently is taking them with them, even if it would've been damn near impossible to take care of 2 younger siblings all on their own away from home when they were already struggling to take care of themself. they have no idea how their siblings fared with their neglectful ass father after they left, but pierce (right) was only a year or 2 younger than them, so they hoped he'd be able to leave soon too- taking harper (left) with him
so yeah harper (left) i think is probably around 16 or 17 now, having been 7 or 8 when captain left. since she was pretty young she didn't really know exactly why they left, and they didn't tell her either, so i'd say she probably resents them for it. she's a hotheaded edgy teen, classic rebel, you know the deal.
and then there's pierce (right), who's around 21 or 22 now, so he would've been 12 or 13 when they left. even if they didn't say a word to him before packing their bags and hopping a train at the asscrack of dawn, he knows exactly why they did. because being a kid and not only growing up, but having to parent your 2 younger siblings in your father's place, is hard. he basically had to take on their role as caretaker of harper when they left, being the second oldest, and that's how he realized. he doesn't resent them exactly, but he does wish they'd at least said goodbye. he's an outwardly chipper guy, and puts on a brave face even at the worst of times.
and they both did eventually get out of that house- pierce didn't leave as soon as he turned 14 like captain did (though cod, he wanted to) but when harper was old enough to be left home alone he got a job and saved up what he could to get himself and his younger sister out of there. and then when harper was 12 and he was 17, he got them both out of there. they might have gone somewhere else first, but i wanna say they probably ended up in splatsville, living in an apartment together with pierce doing what he can to support harper through school, and she does some turfing herself to help with rent and save up her own money so she can get her own place eventually.
i feel like the reason they probably haven't run into captain is that captain lives in inkopolis and only really goes to splatsville to visit rookie, and the last time they saw their siblings, neither of them were fully transformed yet, and they aren't so easy to recognize anymore themself. so if they've happened to pass each other on the street, it'd take more than just a cursory glance to realize just who they're passing. so it could definitely, and likely will, happen eventually. who's to say.
#ooc text#ooc img#headcanons#muse lore#jesus chirst this is a fucking novel and a half#but also i wanna say i think the reason captain is so fiercely loyal and 'no squid left behind' with their current found family#is because they'll die before repeating their perceived mistake with their siblings#tbcf to them they were only FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and were NOT equipped to raise 2 younger siblings#so it's fully understandable why they would dip as soon as they could from the situation.#they loved their siblings. they did everything they could. but they reached their breaking point. so they left that house before they broke#they DO feel a lot of guilt over it but they've never tried to go back and find them for multiple reasons- the guilt being one of them#but also when it comes to their father: i likely won't incorporate him into the blog in any way more than a mention or a flashback#he was a single father of 3 and he did an absolute shrimpshit job of it.#should've gotten help with parenting from someone OTHER than his oldest barely teenaged child#though he pushed the parenting role onto them long before they reached their teen years#anyway what the fuck am i talking about#wrote ANOTHER WHOLE ESSAY IN HTE TAGS I'M SORRY#I JUST HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS BACKSTORY I'VE BEEN CRAFTING FOR THIS SQUID BEHIND THE SCENES#but anyway my point with these tags is: it's a very complicated family dynamic#all these squids are fucked up but at least they're out of that house now#i DO want to incorporate them into the blog somehow i'm just not sure when/how yet
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Guys!!! So happy right now, just had the best night of my life! We got barrier, we were standing right in front of Matt and oh my god I need to collect my thoughts. So in no particular order:
1) We got Citizen Erased! Matt introduced it going, “we’re bringing out an old song for you all, from our second album” and everybody lost their minds. Complete with the piano outro, what a treat!
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2) The WOTP masks and pyro are insane. In row 1, they’re even more insane (and hot). How do three little lads look so cool? Their designs are excellent!
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3) Disco Ball jacket!
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(Still in utter disbelief that these are my pictures… that I was up there!!)
4) Verona!!
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The confetti is so special to me. Also for Verona is Matt’s new sunburst-like Strat-shaped Manson.
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5) Speaking of guitars, the Mirror Manson lives!!! This alone has made my night, my week, my year, the Mirror Manson, or some reincarnation of it, is back on the road, and Matt used it for Plug In Baby, so honestly what more could I ask for?
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This beloved guitar! And also, Matt did his fall-to-your-knees Plug In Baby moves so :)
6) I don’t have a picture of this but you’ve got to take my word for it— the squealing Kaoss pad call-and-response section: the face is back!
7) Speaking of faces! Chris’s blep :p
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7.1) Duckface!
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More Chris!
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8) Undisclosed Desires is officially the new Muse In The Round song of the set ♥️♥️
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(The picture quality sucks but it’s the sentiment of it all okay :’) )
9) Matt’s mushroom solo moment during The Dark Side
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Matt is really like if a human with a guitar had a cat tree.
10) Dom! I couldn’t get super clear pictures of him though, his live camera was over on our side.
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More to come…
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yeonban · 2 months
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Honestly I think the first panel here is the one in which Soma realized he's going to die for certain. The moment Tatsuomi got his arm around him and told him that he's long since decided to die alongside him, Soma knew there'd be no way out no matter what he tried to do. So I'd like to think that instead of wasting energy in trying to heal the damage with his obsidian heart, he used his last moments to send Seiroku one final "beat" of his heart before being completely annihilated by Tatsuomi's technique, which is funnily enough also the exact moment Seiroku's door opened in the last panel
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
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ℳ ➙
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duelcafe · 6 months
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Hello everyone! I am once again here to say that I am still around despite being quiet due to the... matters affecting me in real life. On a lighter note, I’ve also been quiet because I’ve been working on a super secret project and I wanted to finally unveil it all to you this Christmas as a sort of gift! So say hello to my newest hub, @ovenmade! A place for Cookie Run muses! While I never expected to pick up any characters from this franchise ( or against my better judgement pick up more muses in general whoops ), I’ve fallen in love with Kingdom especially and found myself working on some muses before I even knew it. For the moment though, I won’t be advertising my CRKO hub anymore than just here to my mutuals. I want to take it slow and just vibe there for the time being while I get affairs here on duelcafe in order — the holidays are still busy for me, after all, and there are still a few things I need to get down there before I fully open the doors there.
I also want to say that this doesn’t mean that my TCG hub will be abandoned. I obviously have big plans for @duelcafe as implied, and some of you might’ve noticed some changes already! In short, I will be working on various things across my blogs here, but the major items on my list to complete are updating my themes to work with the new text editor ( this is the most important one ), revamping certain pages of mine ( both information and coding-wise – progress has been made here ), and just general overall organization. Like I said earlier though, the holiday season is busy for me, and I have family down visiting us. When I do have the time, know that I am focusing on getting these things done and crossed off my to-do list. I also have decided against setting up my queue here until I am more active again, so while my blogs here look inactive, please don’t worry — I’m still here in the background when I can be! And like I said, I’ll be musing on @ovenmade from time to time!
Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! I’ll probably see you all here sometime in 2024. ♥
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infernal-feminae · 5 months
I'm finally working on Hestia's Overlord redesign
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rosehearrt · 1 year
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ok screw it i'm tired of waiting for riddle to hurry up and catch feelings, we can at least plan for them ahead of time,,, I NEED SHIPS so like if u wanna ship w riddle / kiss these lips ♡ multis specify pls!!
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respondedinkind · 5 months
|| I am so sorry for being somewhat slow on here - I promise I have your replies and I am going to get to them. I have just been a little exhausted lately and my focus has been very much pinpointed on some special things - and that's where I have the most fun with atm asdfgh. I promise though I will get to the things I did not immediately reply to! ♥
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fateviled · 9 months
feeling cute might commit crimes against god and the state later
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mythvoiced · 1 month
-. CORE SPECIAL EDITION: the trifecta of new muses: june, aaron, lián
they're beautiful. i've been reading some manhwa and manhua here and there lately and i just sort of dig just how many 'gosh he's so beautiful' shots you get lmao makes me chuckle sensibly, yes mx author draw attention to this guy's waist one more time, go ahead--
their 'oh he's so pretty/handsome/beautiful/ethereal' is also meant to directly juxtapose their attitude btw so we're having FUN hehehe~
june looks like androgynous sex on legs (the phan's can't do gender) and he does like pretending he's promiscuous because it makes most people uncomfortable, but he's just a guy who is cat coded that's all
aaron is on the shorter side of things, and he's pretty and soft and he's got these honey-brown hazel eyes and he gets the 'freeze frame of lead being gentle' treatment, but he's also deadpan, soulless, resigned, has Completely given up, NO fight in him, NONE, he's not gentle he's dead inside, he's made out entirely of sighs and not the dreamy kind, more like 'please leave me alone to wallow in the misery of existing' he's nice because not being nice sounds like a hassle lmao
lián is Stunning he gets the wuxia xianxia danmei pretty boi treatment, he even gets a FAN depending on verse HEHEHE~, that perfect smile, the warm sensible chuckle, the casual lingering brush of fingertips along someone's upper arm, but he's also Killed™ so~
if you put june, aaron, and lián in a room and told them whoever avoids revealing something profound about themselves the longest wins, aaron would win
june is a hopeless romantic, aaron thinks romcoms make zero sense, and lián consumes historical romance for the Intrigue and the Drama
june is painfully easy to crack even though he always makes a fuss, lián can be made to crack if you intrigue him enough but why would you do that to yourself don't get his attention, and aaron is Tough good luck my friends getting through THAT shield
like, if you put these three somewhere, june has by far the worst social skills, and he's quick to get defensive and he very pointedly pushes people away and then, turns out! easiest route
then there's lián who just finds things Silly and Interesting so if you can convince him you've got an interesting personality you're good to go
and then there's aaron who has officially dethroned eunjae from being the 'least likely muse to warm up to strangers'
june's got that bad boy look, the tousled hair, the attitude, the leather jackets, the tight black t-shirts lmao, big ol' doof honestly, whenever thanh tells him 'you're a good kid' he has an impostor syndrome crisis about it for five business days
aaron wears soft sweatshirts and turtlenecks, always dresses like the Money the shaw's have (his family, aaron shaw--), you look at him and you're worried flowers will bloom around him if you make eye contact, coldest bitch on earth (very warm actually, just... you gotta revive that part-)
lián designer brands ONLY, prefers light colours with lavender and light aquamarine accents, never pink, red, or orange and related colours, is he even real??! yes, he is, he killed his dad ♥
june isn't his actual name it's a nickname from his childhood he gave himself to have 'an american sounding name', aaron will very openly cringe if you call him 'mr shaw', and lián will flail you if you don't use his courtesy name (wuxia verse only, beyond wuxia he'll flail you if you try to skip out on at least trying to pronounce his name properly)
june has very soft hair that you should tousle, aaron's hair is... like caramel blonde and typically v dry, lián's hair is either wuxia immortal cultivator white or bleached white in modern verse
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yeonban · 2 months
Naotora and Tsubasa who went in thinking they'd save both Soma and Shishikado only to return without them AND without Tatsuomi:
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brutalmasks · 1 month
where do you carry your pain?
your heart.
you have loved and been hurt. your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
tagged by: @divingdownthehole
tagging: @volegne, @warled, @question-marked, @cxpperhead, and anyone else who might like to take this quiz!
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