#''well hes a vampire he views a human familiar as lesser its not personal its just a Vampire Thing''
gothwizardmagic · 2 years
8 notes · View notes
hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
Angel Squad component list:
 “The Saviors”
 Rosie Valentine
Age: 37
Codename:  The Sphinx, Juliet, Lady Moon, Hello Kitty
Status: Living
Not only one of the two leaders of the team, but the founder of the Angel Project. While initially founding the project in order to spare Kasimir and his group of heroes from being divided and deported back for their sudden “Vigilante” appearance after showing up and making a mess with fighting another demon that had surfaced, Rosie’s choice came from an impulsive drive within her to carry on Kasimir’s idealistic of being a “Hero”. It was a vow he had made in their youth as a couple, when he promised to return to her when they were divided in the Calvary, and although he returned with no actual remorse for not keeping his promise (Which broke her heart, despite having an unspoken relationship with Rocky), Rosie is driven nonetheless to try to maintain the symbolic goal as the last remaining shard of a girl she once was. No matter how much it hurt her to keep it up. 
Getting the permission to run the project, it is privately funded by a sponsor, with government approval. They run their own missions in accordance to supernatural phenomena that need to be investigated. As the public desired, they don't deal with the average human issues like robberies or muggings lest asked for by officials (Rosie does not make these orders, but the other members may do so at their own free will ). At times, at the request of government officials, they are sent out of state to investigate phenomenons for Rosie to fix with the group. Typically tears in dimensions that are letting demons in, which would be Rosie’s specialty in handling. 
When the project first started, Rosie was only human, and therefore remained as a simple overseer to the Angel’s activities and director in battle from an outside perspective. After gaining her powers and becoming a mother, not only did her perspective and goals change with the project, but her job as well. Gaining the powers of an Imperial Angel (Ancient Angel), That alone puts Rosie at a tier with dangerous and unstable power far above others because of the matter and dimensional properties they are able to manipulate. Fueled by her emotions and still in a stage of learning, Rosie chooses to remain as an overseer lest the team really needs her heavy hitting to complete a mission. When she gained her new powers, that was the beginning of out of state missions being introduced. Since becoming a parent, Rosie has slowly come to terms with the goal of her project – no longer for just Kasimir and the team,  but for ALL Angels that live in fear because humans are unwelcoming to the supernatural. For the future her kids are gonna live in. To make a better world. As well as other underlying personal reasons 
In the Death of Rocky, her powers grew unstable for a time. She deals with grief, with being left alone with her kids and being mentally unstable to an extent, all the while managing the legal matters of her Project, and keeping the Angels out of trouble. 
- Naturally heightened feline senses + Increased strength + Durability + Agility
-  Regeneration ( to an extent, even using the life force of another to heal herself/others should her power reserves run slim. )
-  Opening/Closing portals( Dimensional manipulation)
-  Future sight (Because of her ability to manipulate dimensional properties to open portals, future sight is an aspect that happens in her dreams in which, because of the multiple dimensional timelines, she can see multiple versions of timelines. Takes a trained eye to notice the differences between them. )
- Matter manipulation ( outwardly appears like psychokinesis, down to an atomic level. )
- Soul manipulation. (To completely separate the soul from the physical body and hold them in hand. This is especially useful in dispelling a spirit from a possessed host, or even separating two bonded individuals. If its a soul, she can pull it out. )
- Flight + Aerokinesis (Used to create jet streams of air for easier flight, as well as using winds for combat purposes– both qualities learned from Rocky. Eventually, learning to manipulate the atmosphere around her, she learns to fly even without having to flap her wings. Utilizes her wings more for direction and combat.) + winged combat
- Astral projection ( going hand in hand with the soul manipulation, this projection-- with physical contact to a person’s head-- is able to augment the reality of a person’s perception. To even allow her to go through their memories, change their perception of them, or even insert herself or an idea into their mind. Used for calming an individual, more often than not. )
- Conjuring energized balls with the explosive power of a hydrogen bomb. Connected to her moon abilities, the energy is deadly to any kind of supernatural being (Namely those like demons and others on the darker side of the spectrum )
 Kasimir Everhart
▪ Age: 44
▪Codename:  Sunshine, Snowflake, Romeo, The Sun
▪ Status: Living
The original leader of “The Saviors” before they became the angel project, Kasimir is a man with the powers of a supernova in his body, although he himself isn't that bright despite his raw power. Kasimir is childlike in his idealistic world of being a hero everyone can look up to. A beacon of light for the lost, which is how he gained many of the members in the group. He is no stranger to selling dreams, and he is really good at it, but practicality and the essentials is not his strong point. Similar to Rosie, he is the Sun guardian which took a physical form in a mortal, lesser angel boy who had died in an attack on him and his mother when he was a child. Kasimir, similar to Rosie, had lost all his previous memories as the Sun, and awoke an orphan in a bloody mess in Germany. He was a quiet and scared boy in his youth, living in an orphanage and keeping his flaming powers a secret. It was while he was in an orphanage that he would meet his future villain, Nathair, who fixated on the little kasimir because of his angel abilities. When Kasimir, at age 7, rejected in becoming friends with the 12 year old Nathair who urged him to use his powers with him, Nathair was enraged and discovered his powers at last by burning down the Orphanage.
In the Ashes, young Kasimir had been rescued and adopted by the angel who would later be the source of Rosie’s abilities, Vassago. He grew up loved, but always seemed to have his head in the clouds. Vassago homeschooled him, but he grew up with a fascination and love of heroes. Namely, a legend called “ The Dogboy of San Francisco”. When he became an adult had gone for the police academy, but failed the academics. Dropped out, this would eventually lead to the albino joining the Calvary, where he would meet Rosie and spend 3 years with her before eventually being shipped to another base because his nationality as a German, and then later discharged because of the revelation of his angel genetics. Left with absolutely nothing to his name, and no real home given the wandering habits of his old angel father, Kasimir set out on an adventure with a simple idea in mind: he would become a hero everyone would know and look up to. Nothing could sway that dream, no person or thing.
His warm and charismatic personality makes him likeable, but too much time with him is obnoxious, as most would say. His greatest strong point lies in his welcoming sympathetic nature, although he lacks the ability to truly empathize because he doesnt let the past shaped him. He often thinks that everyone can just get over their experiences and make something better, and people who can't, generally confuse him. He drew most of the members of the angel squad by giving them a purpose and a goal in becoming great heroes. While he is the original leader of “The Saviors”, he really undermines Rosie with infield battle. Who is the perceived leader is often split between the members of the team. The younger members tend to view Kasimir as their leader more than Rosie, while the older members may vary.
- Pyrokinesis produced from himself, and able to manipulate his environment. Given he is an angel, it makes his own flame a divine one which can effectively be used against the supernatural. He is also able to manipulate outside flames to an extent but can't extinguish them at will. 
- Heightened abilities such as strength, endurance, agility, etc. 
- Winged flight + Combat
- Supernova, in which he is able to reach extreme levels of heat, and combust himself with the release of energy without any harm to himself. This move is mostly emotionally driven, and exhausting to overuse.
Zoey Winters
Age: 35
Codename: Hellcat, Cinderella, huntress
Status: Living
Zoey is the wife of Kasimir , and one of the sassiest members on the team. She is most recognizable for her blue ombre dyed hair, provocative fashion sense, and her sharp fiery personality. Originally a member of the Branches of virtue (A tab to look for in the lore page, for elaboration), she was a vampire hunter, born into the role with little choice. Originally from Miami, as she grew older, her youth and beauty were an asset which was used by her step father to further their goals for the branches, though done with malicious intent against his step daughter after the death of Zoey’s mother.  Zoey was trained at a young age to slay the vampires, and when she was 16 she was used as one of the dancers in her step father’s strip club. While she saw her deeds of vampire slaying as helpful, she felt disgusted in the fashion she was forced to do so. Her clothing style is a sense of reclaiming what was taken from her, she dresses herself with pride in herself, not for anyone else’s entertainment.
Her eventual escape came in the shape of a familiar man who would be the one to tie Rosie, Kasimir, and Zoey together in a twist of fate, and with the fated meeting was the coined nicknamed of Romeo, Juliet, and Cinderella. Damon promised her freedom with the help of a demon, and in exchange, she was given a task. Though in the end she had failed the mission, she had her freedom in rags, and she would not go back to her former life. In this meeting she initially met Kasimir, and they would not cross paths again until years later. Zoey was the first person he recruited in forming the angel squad, charming her with his goofy and optimistic outlook in everything, she felt a fondness in him as something she could look up to, and eventually joined him on his journey through the world that eventually formed ‘The Saviors’ before they came back to America.
Zoey is highly skilled, but only human when it comes to strength. She relies on wits, looks, and weapon skills to get the job done. She's one of the smarter members on the team, but she too –like most members of the team – lives in Kasimir’s shadow. As the threat levels of most demons continue to grow with bigger and bigger monsters, she unfortunately gets sidelined a lot. While she and Rosie are a lot alike in many aspects, there is an unspoken animosity between the two, most on Rosie’s part. Rosie holds resentment that Zoey was the woman that replaced her, but it's animosity they try to work to. Overtime their dynamics change, and Zoey would become one of the main people to help train Rosie for hand to hand combat once Rosie has gained her angelic abilities.
-Extensive knowledge of Vampirism and how to slay them
-Extensive knowledge in bladed weapons and firearms
-Highly trained in hand to hand combat
-Highly agile and flexible
-Great sense of fashion
Ashley Vega
Age: 25
Codename: Roxanne Pink
Status: Living
The most colorful of all the squadron members. Hailing from the poor parts of Chicago, Ashley grew up originally with only her dad and  older sister. Hardship was no stranger to their family, with their dad working himself to death practically to sustain the two girls, but it was nonetheless a pleasant childhood. The fondest memory Ashley holds is the personal time spent as a family out in the baseball field, the sisters picking up a love for the same game their father adored in the time they were able to spend together, which inevitably plays a large part of her future character role as Roxanne Pink. 
Unfortunately for the girls, tragedy strikes when their father’s overworking habits takes a rapid decline in his health, and with so little funds, it would eventually lead to his death when they could not afford the medicine to even diagnose or treat his condition. At the tender age of 16 and 10, young Ashley and her older sister Roxanne were left on their own to fend for themselves with no other family to turn to. Roxanne, while still in highschool, was quick to take the role of guardian for her sister. Roxanne had been working in a paid internship in engineering and biotechnology while in highschool, and continued diligently until they were willing to hire her full time. Roxanne had given up much of her teenage life to take care of Ashley, but happily did so for her sister’s sake. Asheley was encouraged to blossom despite their tragedy, taking on a love for the vibrancy of pop and punk look and developing it into her own trending style. Ashley was a smart girl, however she often slacked off in school to indulge in her own activities. Roxanne often dabbled in making little gadgets to have her sister test run, and taught Ashley some of the basics to make her own minor gadgets to splash color in Ashley fashion.
Roxanne Pink was born after a traumatic moment of tragedy, when the 16 year old Ashley and her older sister had been caught in what was assumed to be a terrorist attack on the lab building Roxanne worked in. Sacrificing herself to save Ashley and throwing her body over the younger sister; The lost of her sister sparked the birth of the alter ego vigilante in Ashley upon having no one but herself in the cruel cruel world. Roxanne Pink is thought to be a kind of split personality, combining Roxanne’s clever smarts with Ashley’s punk style in a way for Ashley to keep her alive in herself. With no real well paying job, Ashley turned to vigilante work to survive, with nothing but her hand made color bombs and her father’s baseball bat. She’d rob criminals after they make a hit-- sometimes return stolen goods, but she’d take the cash. Kasimir had been making a pass when he came across Roxanne Pink in an alleyway after pursuing a purse thief, which Roxanne had gotten to first. Kasimir, in the process of recruiting heroes for his team, was absolutely delighted to meet her. He and the team were in  the city for a good amount of time looking for the opportunity to get themselves out there, and within those few days it was all it took for Kasi to convince Ashley to join their little family of misfits. Since then, Ashley has been undying loyal to Kasimir and the team. They are her new family, and if it weren’t for them, she'd be living on the streets.
Shes incredibly playful in battle, in fact very childlike and bubbly. She and Jay both share that trouble making trait, but are incredibly smart about landing blows in battle. 
Jay Wilde
Age: 26
Codename: Speedy, Speedster, Lucky Charms
Status: Living
A former rock star dropout straight from Ireland, Jay joined the Angel Squad in a similar fashion as Ashley-- which set the stage for their long time friendship, as both members are the youngest on the team from similarly troubled backgrounds.
Jay, unlike all other members of the team, still has his parents in the image. As a boy, the family was far from wealthy, but nonetheless they were comfortable with their lives. Jay’s mother was a musician and music teacher, while his father was a pilot in the Irish Air Corps. The source of his inherited Deviant abilities comes from his mother, whose abilities were more along the lines of manipulating sound waves, and very well kept a secret to everyone but her son and her husband. Growing up, Jay was taught the wonders of music , and from very early on showed a talent for songwriting and musical instruments; however, he remained torn in the career he wanted to pursue, between a rock star, or to utilize his abilities to be a hero like the father he idolized. In his teens, Jay tried his hand at the climb for fame as the electric guitarist in a band of a few of his trouble making friends all looking for a ticket off the little rock they called home. Though popular in their hometown , the group got very little beyond that, with nowhere near enough popularity to get them noticed on the scale they wanted. Disappointed and irritated, the group fell apart, and turned to bad habits ( Vandalism, thieving, drugs, etc.)  to make up for the fallen dream that devastated them. Much to the dismay of Jay’s parents.
It was at this time, in that iconic Kasimir fashion, that the Saviors in the making showed up. They came originally for a vacation , or at least they called it that because realistically they didn’t have much money for anything nice. The money they made was thanks to Ashley, though they had no idea where she’d been getting it. Nobody bothered to ask her how she did it. Lives entwine when, by sheer chance, it was Kasimir that the hooligans had attempted to rob. They had never encountered another super-powered being besides Jay, and been entirely knocked off guard when faced with Kasimir’s inhuman strength and combat skill. Upon Jay’s attempt to use his powers to stop Kasimir and take him down, Kasimir stopped the fight and was absolutely delighted at the fact that Jay had the speedster powers. Jay was bewildered, but just as equally fascinated by Kasimir. Seeing the potential in Jay as an asset to their team, Kasimir worked his magic and offered the teen an opportunity of tagging along with their growing team. With his mind split, he went home to mull it over, and even discussed it with his parents. Truth be told, they were more thrilled to have him do anything beyond what he was doing now, but naturally showed some hesitance in letting him go. Still, with Jay being a young man, his father encouraged he take the chance.
Jay joined the team, and quickly hit it off with Ashley as his partner in crime. He still actively sends letters to update his parents on how he is doing. He is playful but most important, a pretty boy that likes to impress the ladies.
- Super speed - Hyper-metabolism (which keeps him slim and fit)
* Never should Ashley and Jay be teamed up on mission without the supervision of one of the older members of the team. Without supervision, they will cause mayhem. Specific reminder set by Rosie after they paint bombed multiple alley ways in the business district, claiming it was ‘too plain’ 
Lyaksandro Troy
Age: N/A, Physically appears in his 60s, though physically  maintained
Codename: The Blacksmith, Old man, Grandpops
Status: Living
Not much is known about Lyaksandro’s history, besides being incredibly old, and a talented metal-smith. He is undoubtedly the oldest member of the angel team, being a Lesser Angel himself, and acts like a voice of reason with Fei as they manage their young leader and the other members. Lyaksandro proves to be skilled in his craft, and it the mastermind which keeps the tools and weapons in ship-shape after every battle. He often keeps to himself, observant of the world and fatherly to his younger associates, with some duality behind his reason for choosing to follow Kasimir on his journey of becoming a hero. 
- Ferrokinesis (Metal Manipulation of all kinds, in use of combat as well as forging )
- Heightened physical capabilities + Endurance ( as well as the other standards enhancements of being an angel )
- Minor healing ability ( heals a little quicker than the average human but cannot regenerate entirely. Also able to heal small wounds of others )
Fei de Ren
Age: N/A, seems to be in his 50′s. 
Codename: The Archer, The Dragon
Status: Living
Just as with Lyaksandro, Fei’s history remains unknown besides the fact that the two men know each other, which is what wound up bringing Fei into the developing group of heroes. While not an Angel, he seems to be endowed with talents for magic and a talisman relic which seems to preserve his physical capabilities.  As far as anything is known, it is thought that Fei was alive during World War 2, in which he had met Lyaksandro, but there is no confirmation or rejection of the theory. Fei does not speak of his past and refuses to explain anything of his abilities or his relics. 
He tends to keep to himself and spends most of his time either meditating or analyzing the world around him. Or helping the members of the team with their children, along with Lyaksandro 
- Master Archer
- Master in swordsmanship and bladed weapons 
- Skilled in the use of poisons and knowledgeable in herbalism
- Master martial artist in traditional Chinese fighting techniques.
 Jacob Alvin McCool
Age: 45
Codename: Abbadon
Status: Living
If Alex Mercer fused with Superman, you get the walking apocalypse that is Jacob. Jacob Alvin Mccool is thought to be the physically strongest angel in existence at the moment, seemingly immortal with a near invincible body as far as any government knows. He able to withstand heavy artillery blasts with nothing more than slight bruising if it manages to hit just right, and that's if they're lucky to even get that marked on him. Has shown high tolerance for direct fire and can take on demons the size of office buildings without even flinching-- his true limits are unknown. Jacob was considered a menace despite his actions being that of a heroic nature, solely because of the costly collateral damage he leaves in his wake after the brawls. It’s hard keeping track of him, as he appears for these battles, then disappears before he can get bashed at or hassled by the public or officials. Because of his hostility and threat level, all attempts to capture him had been put off to cut back any losses on personnel until further notice. He remained on watch, but never approached.  Jacob was an orphan as a child, and was kidnapped in his adolescence by an unknown organization that tormented him to trigger and study his powers. He was their final project, which failed when he escaped in his teens, and the organization fell apart without a trace. Jacob remains traumatized from it, with avid hatred for laboratories, doctors, and military personnel. 
He is put under the guide of Rosie, and is the main reason her project was given a green light when she offered to put Jacob under control. Jacob is aggressive and constantly irritable, but selectively listens to those close to him. 
- Heightened senses + Physical abilities (Strength, endurance, etc) 
- Regenerative healing abilities, though nearly impossible to actually hurt him when his muscle and bones are fortified for battle. Has not had a break since he was a child, before his abilities were fully triggered. Can even survive without his head for a while. 
- Bodily mutations (His muscles swell, harden, and change color to metallic like armor mainly on his limbs -- able to form massive clawed hands and shield, and generally protect major body parts. However, cannot completely mutate himself at once. Can only do parts. ) + small tendrils from his back. Strong, but not very good reach. It strains him to push it. 
- Resilience to superheat + pressure. Could take a supernova blast and still survive. 
 - Jacob suffers from mild psychosis that mainly causes auditory hallucination + his heightened senses leave him in a state of almost constant overload when hes in the city or around large groups. It leaves him constantly angry and on a hairline trigger to strike someone for being in the way. His patience tends to be incredibly thin, and despite what people may think of him, he does try to cooperate and act like a normal person. But his range of friends is limited for this reason, as his snapping and his strength tends to make people avoid him. Afraid of his feelings being hurt or being rejected, he is more prone to rejecting friendship lest someone really persists. 
- He was an orphan for as long as he could remember, his childhood a vague memory of who his parents really are, but there is some memory of his dad being a hero of legend, the Dog Boy of San Francisco that saved humanity from a deity and his hell spawn. Though it's written off as a legend, and in that legend the Dog Boy never had a family, Jacob feels like it's his father. And it further makes him angrier when it's written off as part of his delusions, especially when he believes it real (Important story point )
- Rocky was Jacob's best friend and the two often play as sparring buddies, and even tag team to fight demons before disappearing.
- Rosie's abilities are a major key in why Jacob cooperates. Her ability to bond to minds grants her the ability to augment and sooth his mental distress and dampen his super senses for periods of time to the point he can feel like a normal man for a good while. Rosie also conditioned him at the start of their "friendship" by consistently bringing him his favourite candies and pastries when she would see him, until he liked her. Now, while she doesnt have to, she still bribes him to do work by offering to buy him meals. Jacob is heavily food oriented and you're almost always likely to find him eating. Rosie proves to be not only his friend but even a kind of therapist when he is not sure how to handle things with Nikki, or when he vents about the thoughts in his head that grate at him.
 - The only people who Jacob actively shows weakness for is his wife Nikki, who was his (or rather, her) teenage sweetheart. And their twins, Kaiya and Ericiel(Or Eric). Kaiya is most like her dad in standoffish and aggressive personality, but Eric looks most like him. Eric is the peacekeeper among the family of chaotic monster people. They have his heart, and he loves his wife, but she doesn't always understand him very well. 
- Pretends Zoey doesn't exists. Like outright ignores her just to annoy her 
- Despite his super abilities, he has a phobia of deep water because of a fear of drowning. Anothing that his head can go under with makes him highly defensive and uncomfortable. 
Rocky Nathan Blagrove
Age: 40
Codename: Skeiron, Black Stallion, Cookies and Creme, 
Status: Verse dependent, Deceased
Rocky is one of the more sensible and laid back of all the Angel members. Hes incredibly friendly and flexible no matter the situation. As the lover to Rosie, he often helps her make plans and directs the team alongside her as a second opinion -- mainly in helping monitor Jacob, as well as keep her stable. He was the one to teach her to fly and how to use her abilities when she first became an Angel. When Mia was born, he became a stay at home dad to take care of Mia and Malakaid while Rosie had to focus on maintaining the angel project. He still, however, occasionally tagged along when Rosie insisted his powers were needed, and when that happened it was Nikki, Jacob's wife, or Dakota who is left with the kids.
Rocky was originally born in Kingston, Jamaica , The Blagrove family is a long lineage of demon slayers of both human and angel origins. He was the only child from his mother, however his family loved together in a close knit group- he grew up with well over 7 cousins like brothers and sisters. From the moment he was able, he and all his cousins were taught to fight and handle weapons and themselves in battle. Not all of them had angel blood in them, and not all of them had powers. Rocky grew up without a father in his life, however, he had plenty of uncles to make up for it. From his own understanding, his father was also an angel and the source of his aerokinesis abilities.  
Although he had a loving family, life confined to the islands or a fate of traveling to fight monsters was not the ideal dream he had ever wanted for himself. He had a passion for music, just as much as he did fighting, and he wanted to pursue it. By the time he was 18, Rocky left home to make himself a life in the United states. Though naturally rough at the start, with getting his identification and citizenship in place, Rocky made a living doing odd jobs and playing the saxophone in Jazz clubs and shows for a quick buck. On his down time he took up boxing and mma fighting tournaments, keeping his superhuman abilities a secret, as angel kind were still very much unwelcomed to the world. There was a time he even crossed paths with Rosie while living in New Orleans, Louisiana, on New years eve. Though it was a single night, it was meaningful, and he had never imagined he'd meet her again nearly 6 years later when he was living in New York.  For a time he traveled the world, studied different cultures for fun by taking up an assortment of jobs (one including blacksmithing and swordsmithing while he was in Japan, where he got his Katana), until eventually settling back in New York city, once again taking whatever job he could, and pursuing MMA and boxing tournaments under the table for a pass time.
Rocky met jacob by sheer coincidence when they happened to Team up when a demon decided to surface and wreak havoc in a farmer's market they both happened to be in, and they hit it off pretty well afterwards despite Jacob's tense personality. Been best friends ever since. 
In reality, Rocky never wanted to be a hero like his family. He didn't mind fighting and saving people, but it wasn't something he wanted to dedicate his life to, up until Rosie happened. Why they got together still goes back to the first time he saw her; she was interesting, and she looked like she needed the company. She needed someone to save her, even if she didn't say it. Rocky in fact did save her life from her own hand on multiple occasions, and theyve been together ever since. Truthfully, he liked the side that was revealed when she was comforted and was able to soften. He admired her tenacity when it came to the few things she was passionate about, especially when it came to her perception of the world and what she wanted to change in it. One way or another, he ended up becoming a hero because of her, and hers wasn't so bad. 
His Death( dependent on the time playing him): 
The angel project had been established for a good 5 years now, and they were given a particular mission out in the midwest to investigate what seemed to be a demonic pest problem with an opening they couldn't find the source to. While Rosie herself already had a bad feeling about the case, what should have only been a small dilemma blew up and was completely underestimated. With more monsters and a rift larger than they had anticipated, they were ill prepared with the Angels she had taken with her, and had been overrun by them. Rosie, being the strongest at the time, blew out all her energy in trying to close the dimensional rift and at the same time trying to save her Angels from fatal injury. She was split between closing rifts, healing injuries, opening portals(and keeping the demons from jumping through as well) and getting the Angels out. In the end, with only she and Rocky left, overexertion would eventually overwhelm her and completely knocked her out in the middle of battle in an comatose state. 
Refusing to leave her behind, Rocky pushed his way through and had to carry her out on his own to safety, though in the process receiving a fatal bite to the leg that severed a major artery. He continued to make his escape with her despite bleeding out, and only came down when they finally did escape to the safety of the facility. By the time they arrived, he had already lost too much blood for anything to be done, and passed still holding onto Rosie in his arms. 
Rosie remained in a comatose state for 2 weeks afterwards. She awoke in time to attend the funeral, and took a leave from Angel Project shortly after for 6 months to grieve. Mia was only 3 years old at the time and only has vague memories of her father, and Malakaid didn't hasn't entirely processed that Rocky is entirely gone.
- Heightened physical abilities (strength, endurance, etc.) 
- Aerokinesis ( Extetension of his Atmokineses, which is utilized mainly for flight and combat) 
- Atmokineses  
- Extensive knowledge on Demon slaying 
- Masterful MMA fighter 
- Master swordsman (Mainly uses a Katana) 
- The tattoos that cover his body are a symbol to remind him of the angel warrior he is. They're tribal tattoos with heavy significance to him, and he got them shortly after coming to America so he'd never forget his roots.
- He's a chill guy. Likes to smoke to relax on his down time, but he isnt the type to make it a necessity if money is tight. Because of this, the smell tends to linger on his clothes, especially his jacket, and he tends to hide it under cologne.
- His demon familiar Is a tiny baby albino crocodile named crocky, who's actually thousands of years old and has been passed down from father to son for centuries. This was the only creature left to him by his dad, and Crocky is in fact an asshole monster if given the chance. He rides inside of Rocky's jacket pocket inside against his chest. They've made little schemes of selling Crocky for a quick buck and then Crocky escaping and returning to him later. 
- Heavily music inclined, his instruments of choice are saxophone and acoustic guitar, but he also capable of playing the typical reggae as well. 
~Accessory Members~
These members are not officially on the payroll. This later goes into tidbits about other figures associated with the Angel Project
Dakota Ryder
Age: 40
Codename: The Dark Messenger, The Reaper
Status: Living
     Dakota hails from the Branches of Virtue just as Zoey did, specializing in the assassins branch from which he had long since abandoned. Part of a project in which scientists had been trying to endow and enhance angelic abilities into humans using angel genetics, Dakota was one of the few successful cases of the project in which the splicing did not kill it. From it, his childhood health issues and fragility had been overcome, and is abilities to surpass the average human capabilities put him at a high ranking position at the side of the original Branchian’s leader. Though, It was never his intention to stay. Only serve his purpose, learn, make his father proud, and then move on after the corruption of the branches was too far gone. Dakota had truly been trained by a rogue master who, after breaking away from the branches upon the growing corruption, started his own camp to carry on the initial mission of the branches by cleansing the world of the corrupted human beings. It was here where Dakota would have gained his codename as “ The Dark Messenger” and meet his soon to be adopted sister, Nikki, after Dakota himself was taken in by the master. His relations to Nikki makes Dakota Jacob’s brother-in-law, although Dakota doesn’t particularly come around much nor speaks much with Jacob. It was with the Angels that Dakota eventually met his ex-girlfriend, Amy , and they had a son, but the relationship did not last.
Dakota is the occasional ally when he does happen to be around, but has long since settled in the city taking up odd jobs while taking care of his son D’angelo with the help of Nikki. He and Rosie share a funky history way back when she was a teenager, Dakota being one of the few people aware of the former relationship she shared with Kasimir, but now he and Rosie get along quite well.
- Master of Stealth
- Masterful swordsman and weapons specialist
- Highly trained assassin, talented martial artist 
- Okay dad 
- Enhanced physical capabilities (strength, speed, endurance, healing, etc) 
Amy Smith 
Age: 32
Codename: Curiosity
Status: Living
The other cat member within their squadron, Amy tends to be their spy and scout for possible cases they can investigate. As well as playing as a lookout for trouble that could be looking to harm the reputation of the angels. Amy came from  the Branches of Virtue in the same fashion as Dakota and Zoey, although she came specifically from the same branch as Dakota. She was trained for infiltration and information tunneling, While Dakota had been an assassin. It was in the branches that the two had been young lovers, and had eventually escaped the Branches’ influence side by side. They eventually even had a son together, however the love did not last the test of time.
They got older, and Amy was free from the rigidity of the branches to do as she wished, however old habits die hard with Dakota. As time goes by, people change, and her personality did not mesh well with the stoicism and negativity of Dakota’s own personality. He had a problem with letting go of his past, and simply couldn’t adapt to domestic life that Amy had wanted. They had initially tried to make it work for their son, but eventually parted ways for the better. They shared custody of their son, however the love simply never rekindled.
She had found a job under Ed’s company to keep him informed on the nature of his different assets of business, and had eventually been assigned as an asset of the Angel squad when the project was sponsored. She was the one to invite Dakota in for an odd job here and there, and that eventually reintroduced him to Rosie and the squad. His history with Rosie eventually makes him a go-to choice when an extra hand is needed.
- Highly trained in Infiltration and Information tunneling
- Skilled in hand to hand combat
- Skilled in the use of small bladed weapons and poisons
Sophia Song 
Age: 36
Status: Living
The Korean attorney for Ed’s company, she handles all the legalities for the Angel Squadron alongside Rosie. She is a first generation child living in America, first generation Lawyer building her status to make her family proud. Although, there tends to be some tension between she and Rosie when publicity starts getting heated for the angels. 
Nova Von Ritter
Age: 50
Species: Human-turned-Vampire
Status: Living
Nova von ritter, former government bounty hunter, former mercenary, former mentor to Rosie, and now the wife of a rich man.  Nova is an entirely abhorrent and difficult to be around for long periods of time, mostly because of her poor morality and overpowering personality. Having spent her entire life with the military and given a free range to carry out the deeds required of her without question, she is used to living a lawless life as she pleased. Going where the best money goes, she had loyalty to no one else but herself, but was nonetheless a reliable asset when the work needed to be done. 
Nova does not shy away from taking what she wants, no matter if it's from a man or a woman, with little respect for people's wishes lest it suits her goals at the time. Ed showers her with primarily military goods to keep her pleased, and the Angel Project was sponsored by Ed because of Nova's affiliation with Rosie. She and Ed have a very odd relationship, but are nonetheless loving of one another. Nova is pretty open about checking out younger men and women, despite having a son with Ed. However, she doesnt actively makes moves on them, as far as anyone knows. 
Note on becoming a Vampire: 
Nova was not always a vampire, and became one in order to save her life. In her history with Rosie, Nova was her mentor, but had incredibly unorthodox and violating methods in training the young Rosie in a way she believed "would make her a better soldier". At the time, Rosie was not aware that what Nova did would be called sexual and emotional abuse until she was well into her adult life. Although Nova's intentions were not truly for getting off, it was her perception of preparing Rosie for the worst in the world. As Nova herself had experienced. 
Nonetheless, the awareness of what was done to her fills Rosie with a certain disgust and resentment for Nova, but because Nova is the reason the project is sponsored and paid for, Rosie has no choice but to compromise and make nice. Internally Rosie's feelings are conflicted towards Nova, and she's uncertain if she hates her or loves her , with Nova being the closest thing to a female figure she had in her life. Nova likes to push her buttons and tease her, and on one occasion she had taunted that Rosie wouldn't have the guts to kill her , and to her surprise, the enraged Rosie did in fact shoot her 
Unfortunately, because of her own conflicted feelings and the possible consequences that would come from Nova's death, Rosie did save her- or rather, reanimated her, by calling in a mutual vampire friend who was willing to go through a blood transfusion to save her.  It remains unknown to everyone what really happened, and Nova doesn't hold it against Rosie.
In fact, shes thankful she gained a whole arsenal of new strength and abilities from it.
Edward “Ed” Scott
Age: 53
Status: Living 
The man who ties everyone together, the sponsoring provider of the Angel project, Edward Scott is a multibillionaire tycoon and Philanthropist. He has his hand in all fields of business as a source of income, although not much is known about him. He is of Egyptian descent, inheriting a family company originally in the oil industry which he has long expanded from, and is the only known member of his lineage now, besides his son. While he is older, he is well groomed and taken care off, looking more in his earthly 30s than a man in his 50s. Ed’s choice in funding the project had to do with his wife Nova, who he often spends money on whatever she likes to keep her pleased. He seemed to do it because Nova happened to know Rosie, however there is some alternate Agenda he does not speak of which drives his motives. He makes a profit off the angels, as they gain popularity, by selling merchandise of the team.
Serabi Watson
Age: Physically appears 35, actually in his 80s.
Species: Full blooded Atrolian 
Status: Living
Originally a full blooded Atrolian, brilliant scientist/Doctor, and inventor that helped design many of the armored technology from his homeworld, and that of the angel squad, Serabi is a good friend of Jacob’s wife, Nikki. Knowing her from their childhood on their homeworld, he had paid a visit to earth in the past once before when he initially came to find Nikki and take her back home while she was with Jacob, and another time years later to check up on her in the time where she lived with Rosie. In that time while visiting, he would have come across the woman who would be his wife in the future, May. Although he could not stay, he had developed quite the feelings for her, and vowed he’d return if fate should have it so. In time, when homeworld turmoil and  drama within the family monarchy became even too much for his liking, he abandoned the homeworld  with his best friend to return to Earth; As he promised, he sought out May, and shortly after moved to the city again where he was closer to Nikki. With the help of Rosie and the others, he was able to get naturalized and legal papers set up for himself, and quickly picked up in the fields of medicine and engineering. He landed a job with Ed’s company as a scientist to study possible medical breakthroughs, as well as some engineering work on the side, and since then that has kept him happily busy with a plethora of resources for him to work with. He happily settled down with his wife, May, and  is now the happy father to a bouncy baby boy, Alistair. 
Anthony “Tony” Capello
Age: 46
Status: Living  
Ex-Military and former narcotics detective, Tony was Rosie’s first partner when she originally transferred to the City as a detective.From Navy SEAL to civilian, to Officer, Tony has had a hard life; Transferring from Narcotics after an undercover case cost him his wife by pursuing a high profile druglord in the city. While he did eventually make the bust, it left him a single father of their triplets, and with a growing resentment for all criminals and the city that was more than he had already had to begin with. He is often an impatient, cut and dry kind of man that simply wants to get his shit done. When he was initially partnered with Rosie, he absolutely hated her and found her beyond obnoxious. He had always worked best alone, and the fact that Seth had saddled him with a small town rookie pissed him off, but he had no choice but to accept it. Eventually, she did grow on him, and he begrudgingly accepted her when she showed to be a diligent worker who could take hits and keep getting up. She became a sort of aunt to his kids and helped him as a parent, offering a soft nurturing voice in things in a way he wasn’t sure how to be soft with. 
Tony doesn’t particularly like nor care for the Angels, especially because of the costly collateral damage Jacob had a notorious history for. He dislikes Ed and his company because he sees it as a kind of super powered monopoly, but he does trust Rosie. He remains a man inside the force to let Rosie know whats going on, and they continue to interact with play dates for the kids.
-Experienced detective, knowledgeable of Narcotics, the criminal underground, and the criminal justice system 
- Extensive military training in artillery, strategic tactics, and combat 
Seth Johnson
Age: 55
Status: Living
Chief of Police in New York City and Rosie’s long time friend, Seth is one of the major assets Rosie has within the city. He has been the chief of police for years, since transferring from Tennessee where he was the sheriff in the small town Rosie originally lived in, taking up the mantle as his father did before him. What was originally a middle ground town used for illegal smuggling and other criminal activities, Seth completely turned around in an act of vengeance for his father who died in the line of duty pursuing the case of bringing the activities to light. Endowed with supernatural abilities since birth, inherited from his mother, he keeps them under tight wraps with very few people knowing about them. He only ever used them for police work, and that was only when there was no one to see it. He happens to be the brother in law to Jacob’s wife, Nikki, who was Seth’s deceased wife’s proclaimed sister. Mia(Seth’s wife) died in a car accident while driving in a car with Nikki and their younger sister Misa while Nikki had been staying with them, in the period where she had broken up with Jacob. Nikki disappeared without a trace in weeks to follow, assumingly because of the guilt of being the sole survivor of the accident, which left Seth a single father to his 5 year old son, Spencer . When Rosie had first appeared into town with Nikki, who seemed to have no full recollection of Seth or his family besides in bits and pieces, he had first been suspicious of the whole setup until Rosie stressed her situation and sold him a false story of being under conditions which could not be spoken about. Eventually, Rosie had worked her way into his good graces, and has been a friend ever since.
Since then, Seth has done all that he could to ensure the best life for his son. He moved to New York for the sake of opportunity for his growing boy, and the chance to take on a bigger case of corruption he felt needed to be handled. He has been living in the city for years, trying his best to unravel the corruption in the system and lower the crime rates in the city, all the while trying to raise his now teenage son who inherited his abilities. He remains in close contact with Rosie and her angel project despite the differences in their fields.
(Although it is known that his mother had the abilities, she died in childbirth. There was no explanation to the source of her powers, but Seth inherited those same abilities )
- Super Strength + speed (That pushes the limits of human durability– based in flight)
-Heightened sense of hearing + Endurance (Not invincible, however) 
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thesydneyfeminists · 6 years
Joss Whedon and Vee: It’s Complicated
By: Vee H.
Here’s the thing, I have a confusing relationship with Joss Whedon. If we were “Facebook official” (does anyone still call it that, or have I just revealed my true spiritual age of 105?) our relationship status would be “it’s complicated”. It didn’t used to be like that; as a teenager, I probably would have said my favourite tv show was Buffy The Vampire Slayer, with its spin-off, Angel, in second place. I fell in love with a premise that Whedon certainly did not create (one girl in all the world, blah blah) nor was he the best at executing it. Whether it was the characters he’d created, the actors playing them, the witty scripts and storylines – or a mix of all of these things, I was hooked. I staunchly defended the show, and by proxy, Whedon himself, from any harsh criticisms, and overlooked anything that now, as a 32-year-old, stands out as (and I hate using this word) problematic. I followed him from Buffy; to Angel, Dr Horrible’s Singalong Blog, Dollhouse (look, I skipped Firefly for some reason, I’ve tried dipping a toe in but space cowboys aren’t for me, it seems), and that’s not to mention the movies he had a hand in (not an exhaustive list) – The Cabin in the Woods, The Avengers and The Avengers Age of Ultron. I was loyal, if Whedon’s name was attached, most likely, I was all in. There was something comforting and familiar about his humour, the way he told his stories – all of them laughably simple but layered to make them more complex. Like Shrek and onions.
So maybe you’re wondering where I took a left turn, jumped off the Joss Whedon Fan Train, as it were. Admittedly, it was a slow process, it wasn’t just a running leap off into the unknown post-Whedon world. A few years after Angel ended, some things circulated in the Buffy and Angel fandoms, rumours of how he treated his favourites, and those who had fallen out of favour with him. One of those people being Charisma Carpenter. In 2009 at a convention, a fan asked her how she felt about Cordelia’s last story line in Angel and how the show changed after her departure. While she didn’t explicitly come out and say the exact reason, she hinted that Whedon had been mad at her for making certain life decisions that would directly impact the vision he had for his show. Rumours have long since abounded that, in short, he punished her for falling pregnant. Obviously, no one but Carpenter and Whedon know the true story and at the time of hearing it, I took it with a grain of salt, but that seedling sat in the back of my mind and began to grow. After all, it explained a lot about the fourth season of Angel, and why the character of Cordelia made a complete 360. It was here that my relationship with Whedon started to sour, I began to question how someone who was so outspoken and publicly proud to be a feminist, could treat a woman that he had worked with for nearly a decade like that.
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With that knowledge in mind, it was hard not to view some of the dialogue and plot points in his media a little differently, this is only one small example, but looking back, there is way too much slut shaming going on in Buffy to the point where Faith (my favourite character in the whole series, don’t @ me, I’ll defend her until I die) is seen as a lesser person than everyone else, because other female characters (Willow, Cordelia and Buffy herself) have branded her as a “cleavagey slutbomb”. Sure, ok, she goes and kills a bunch of people but they focus on her being slut much more than a psychopath – and I feel the need to point out that we only actually saw her sleep with one person (Xander) by the time the slut shaming actually started, and not that we should count, but Faith only slept with three people (Xander, Robin, and Riley in Buffy’s body) in the whole course of the show. And she killed four humans. Which means in Joss Whedon’s world, if you’re a woman, having sex is a worse crime than murder. Not exactly a feminist message.
Cut to just last year, when Whedon’s ex-wife, Kai Cole, came out with a heartbreakingly honest account of just what went down in their marriage. Details of his infidelity, gaslighting and emotional manipulation came spilling out of her, and sure, you could argue she was an embittered ex-wife, wanting to hit him where it would hurt the most, but it’s interesting to note that Whedon himself has never actually outright denied or refuted these claims. And ok, infidelity does not strip you of the right to call yourself a feminist, but as written by Clementine Ford “it's about how he absolved himself in a letter sent to Cole after his infidelity had finally been exposed, blaming the women he cheated with, calling them "beautiful, needy, aggressive young women" who "surrounded" him.” It’s about how he used his feminist badge as a shield, claiming he was raised feminist so he just liked women better, or how he claimed in a letter to Cole, and I quote, “in many ways I was the HEIGHT of normal, in this culture. We’re taught to be providers and companions and at the same time, to conquer and acquire — specifically sexually — and I was pulling off both!”
With all of these things in mind, I started to see Whedon’s feminism as what it likely is; performative, a way to excuse his behaviour, a safeguard to hide behind as if to say, “oh no, I am not like other men at all, although I may act as other men do and fully accept my privilege as a cis-het white male, I’m different. Because I’m a feminist so when I do these terrible things to women, it’s ok, because I love, respect and support women.” Maybe he truly believes he’s a feminist, publicly, he flies the flag very well, and there’s no denying he’s profited from this label, heralded as a great feminist hero, an ally to women everywhere. It’s only when you start to scratch the surface, peel back the layers of the Shrek-onion, do you start to see him for what he (in my mind) really is. A dudebro playing at being the nice guy, someone who says all the right things but whose actions don’t quite match up, in fact, they crumble under any real scrutiny (for further proof of this, go read the leak of the Wonder Woman script, allegedly by Whedon. If you can make it through the whole thing, I’ll buy you a coffee – hell if you can make it through the first 10 pages).
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Where does that leave Joss and I then? I admit that I’m conflicted, in a culture that has moved more and more towards “cancelling” people I’m the proverbial fence sitter. I acknowledge that there are people, media, etc that are problematic (the dreaded word) and I think everyone has the right to decide whether or not to consume said media. And for myself, personally, I endlessly flip between the two schools of thought. I won’t watch anything new with Johnny Depp, nor anything from Woody Allen, for example, but I have gone back (since Amber Heard spoke of her abuse at his hands) and watched some of Depp’s older movies. Some people have told me that they disagree, that even watching his older stuff is wrong, that I should ban all forms of Depp media from my life otherwise I am giving him my tacit approval, and that’s their choice and their right, but I suppose I’m still working out where I want to draw the line. I (maybe naively and incorrectly) believe that I can view a piece of media and know its flaws, or the flaws of the person behind it, but still somewhat enjoy it for what it is, or the story it’s telling.
Maybe that’s where I am with Whedon, somewhere in between, neither in the black or the white, somewhere in the shades of grey, because that’s how life is sometimes. I don’t think he’s a fully bad person, nor do I think he’s a fully good person. I think he’s human, and humans are inherently flawed. And maybe that feels like a cop out, but it’s all I have to offer right now. My view of him will never be as it once was, and thus my viewing of the media he has created and produced will likely reflect that. Re-watching Buffy and Angel has become a different experience; I’m no longer blindly swept up in the twists and turns, the witty repartee between characters, but instead viewing through a different lens, one where I question what message he's really trying to send, what his true intentions are. Instead of laughing at every single joke, they never quite land right with me anymore, my childish naivety gone, replaced with the simmering anger of a woman who wonders why sexist jokes and judgements are supposed to be funny, why the rape of a female character is an excusable plot device to teach men a lesson. It’s exhausting to second guess someone I don’t even know, but this is the brave new world that a combination of his behaviour and my own feminist journey has left me in. These days, I wouldn’t ever say “I love Joss Whedon”, like I would’ve back in my teenage years, more likely you’ll find me saying “I loved Buffy but God it’s weird to watch as an adult”.
Like I said, it’s complicated.
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Storyteller Short. Unguided Ambition and its Consequences.
“I find myself standing atop my castle, the crown jewel of my conquests. I have laid waste to all I have known and claimed it as my own, no one could have stood between me and my ambition. It has always been this way, a constant need for greater desires. I could not ever wallow in the sty of my previous holdings, for it was beneath me to put myself on the level of someone else. No one should see eye to eye with me, any creature who dared no longer walks this plane without a limp or loss. In my ears I only hear the beating drums that I have always heard.
I look out over the lands I have taken, me and me alone. No army was worth taking with me, none could match my drive. My determination was intimidating, those who had tried to mantle it have found themselves dissolved into nothingness. But not me. My name is forever etched into the histories. Elders shudder when they tell my name to their young, towns abandon themselves when word of my arrival comes upon them. They scatter like cockroaches exposed to light. The light of a more deserving man.
My castle, of which I am unsure to name yet, stands atop a jagged rock and overlooks its domain with a watchful gaze. Under its previous owners it was always a symbol of safety, knowing the monarchs could see the people and protect them from their warring neighbors. Oh how foolish they were to believe that only stone and mud could halt the advance of one who has long surpassed the constraints of regular management. For now, as the paid price for their folly, their once safe beacon has now turned into the eyes and ears of the malevolent.
The room and its occupants I had slaughtered lay in disarray behind me, the colors of chaos creating a painting all to familiar to me. A brilliant swath of crimson and burgundy across all manners. A tapestry of artistic prowess, soiled with the iron rich paint I seem to spawn around me. The wondrous gold goblets and chalices the rich and powerful always seem to adorn and surround themselves with are filled with a red wine that is far thicker than normal.
I am not a monster, no I am a bored god. Though I was born man, I found that to be too limiting. So I gave my humanity away. I sold it to the highest bidder, to whomever wanted my eternal being. I haggled and bartered with beings that would have turned lesser men’s minds to sludge, and came out on top. I destroy all any and all now, but I look back on that deal. That handshake with the crooked smiling man who had approached me in the night. He appeared out of nowhere, was dressed in nothing and everything at once, and spoke the exact words I needed to hear. When he left I felt empty, but my shell was no longer a weak one.”
I turn from the balcony, overlooking miles of burnt crops and fires dancing over villages and homesteads. Before me, across the room of the pitiful monarchs I had given the mercy of death, stands an orc. In his hands he holds a hefty ax, one nearly clipping the door frame he had walked through. He stands near seven feet tall, and was built like the castle I stood upon. What he wore and how he wore it was interesting to me though. A barbarian’s kit , to be sure, furs stick out of metal shoulder pads and chest plate, and his legs are protected by nothing but a tattered cloth. 
“I say all this, brute, so that you understand that you have committed a folly in your own right. By not only showing up with a weapon and dressed the way you are, you have certainly come here to try and kill me. And ,like the others, you will fail too.”
I was nothing like the orc before me. I was a foot shorter, a few hundred pounds lighter, and I carry no weapon. I dress in nothing but pants and shoes, letting the scars upon my chest be all the covering I need. I do not need to carry a weapon. I am far more dangerous than any machination of the mortal realm.
The orc smiled, and with his off hand stroked a short and spiked black beard. “Ya think highly of yourself, huh? All big ‘n mighty atop yer throne of shattered bones ‘n what-not?” The orc gave a loud laughed and slapped his knee, erupting into a fit as he whipped a tear away from his eye. My blood started to boil, how dare a lesser thing like him dare to say this?!
As I open my mouth to speak, he cuts me off. “I’ve ‘eard it all before. A divine blesses you with the unimaginable, yah? You go on a big rampage and think yerself the top o’ the world, but always settle down in the seat of power where you belong, huh?” The orc lifts the ax from the ground and holds it in two hands, the laughing face falling. It was as if a different person was behind those suns of gold he called eyes.
“This is where I come in. You put a bad name on conquest. Destruction for the sake of destroying is a disgrace to creation. My own conquest cannot go on with this tumor you’ve created growing next to me. So, I challenge you for all your worldly possessions. Your empire, your wealth. All of it.” The orc takes his stance before me, and readies his weapon. “I avenge those who have sworn their oaths to me, and I will do the same here. I am Gukrag the Undefeated. You will fall before me.”
He then rushes me. And I must admit, he truly had angered me.Never before had such a mortal made me feel emotion, especially anger. I had always felt boredom, never anger. I would savor this fight. I rush forward to meet his charge, my fists primed before me. When we make contact in the middle of the room he swings his ax with lighting speed, but I dodge it just the same. I level a punch straight for his head.
The sounds of bone cracking and pure pain erupt within my arm as I hit the ground. My back hits the floor and I raise my hand in astonishment, seeing how mangled it has become before me. I look up in abject horror upon my attacker. Someone...is stronger than me?
He looks different. His aura was visible,t he space around him seemed to bend into him, creating a warped perception. His body glowed red and I could hear the drums.. but they had left my ears. 
I hear them from his.
“No godly help in this one, Knuckleduster.” After that his ax swings, and my world as I knew it ends.
I wake up, surrounded by darkness. My skin feels heavy, my bones feel hollow. I attempt to raise my hands but find I cannot. I lay upon stone, its coldness on my back the only thing I feel. Around me, though I cannot move my head I know what it is, are walls of glyphs and runes. Their power keeps me restrained in this coffin. My skin does not grow to fix itself,my bones do not heal,my thirst and hunger do not satiate themselves. My eyes do not water, for their lids have been torn from me.These runes keep me in a state of defeat and eternal pain. But that is not the only thing they do. They emit a low blue light, one that shows a message engraved into the lid above my eyes.
“For each life you have taken, I will take a decade of yours.” - G
I vow when I escape, for it is a when not an if, I will destroy all of which Gokrug has built. I will destroy the world he created and all who dare to do so with him. I swear upon my new name, the moniker he had given me as an insult. The world will know to fear me.
They will fear Knuckleduster.
“Hey Armak, why are avoiding this castle here? There’s probably some good stuff we can find! I mean, depending on its age there can be untold number of books and knowledge that-”
“We will not walk anywhere near it.”
Holly and Armak were cutting across a large field near the very south of the continent, making their way to Clearmont in a straight line. Beyond the foothills and resting atop a jagged rock lays a castle, obviously uncared for and decrepit. Its towering figure overlooks all for miles, and Holly had been staring at it for a few days now. Something about it just seemed so...calling.
Holly gave Armak one of her signature pouty faces. “Pleaaseee? Our last adventure was a huge bust, I mean come on a vampire who thinks they can run an entire kingdom just by themselves and the occasional traveling band of merchants? Totally boring! This castle just seems so -”
“Holly, no.” Armak had not once looked at this castle, at least when Holly could see him, since they had come across its watchful visage. His voice sounds out with decisiveness. “That castle is only home to dust, destruction, and demons. No treasure rests behind those walls.”
“Well how do you know?”
Armak turns to look at Holly with a far away look, as if recalling a fond memory for the first time in a while. His silence is broken after a smile slowly forms across his face.”An old friend told me. Now, lets cut the chatter. Clearmont’s annual collapse of government is about to happen and I’ll be damned if I miss it again.” The duo continued their walking then, moving on to different topics. And after a while the castle faded from view. But it never left Armak’s mind.
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