#''what is growth chart'' ill explain later
jayrockin · 1 year
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Last day of FurCon and I have extremely limited quantities of these RttS comics left. I'll be selling the Growth Chart online later but you can get it at a discount with a bundle here! Come and help me make my luggage lighter :V
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rainy-astrology · 9 months
BTS RM Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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September 12th, 1994
Seoul, South Korea
Unknown time
Virgo suns are meticulous, analytical, and logical, which RM is. He's very intelligent and is especially articulate with his words. With a Mercury in Libra, he knows how to phrase his words in order to appeal to others.
Sagittarius moon is open minded and curious, it explains RM's philisophical side. He's obviously a deep thinker who puts a lot of meaning into his works.
He most likely has a Sun square Moon, which can indicate possible issues of inner conflict about his identity. Wants to follow his mind, while also wanting to follow his heart. May feel like he needs to prove himself to others.
Mars in Cancer is in fall. Mars in Cancer can be repressive and unsure how to properly express intense emotion.
Venus in Scorpio is in detriment - Venus is generally soft and calm, while Scorpio is intense and passionate. There can be issues of obsessiveness and possession. However, whatever these natives want, they will pursue it and not give up easily.
Possible rising: Virgo. He's just so Virgo lol. He's tall (I've noticed a lot of Virgo rising men are quite tall) calm, studious, and rational. Also a mixture of clean and messy. I do recall Joon saying he showers a lot (sometimes more than twice a day I think? He does work out and dislikes the sweat) and I also recall Suga talking about how messy Joon was when they still lived together and his disappointment in seeing how clean Joon's apartment was lol...I also have a good feeling that his Pluto is in 3rd house (3rd house placements in general tbh Mercury should be very influential in his chart) Pluto in 3rd is a deep thinker and highly analytical placement. He puts a lot of thought and meanings into his lyrics, always making sure to check they're apropriate first too. Pluto in 3rd can also get their words misunderstood, which seems to happen to RM often - people overanalyze and misunderstand what he says and does and try to paint him in a bad light. He has a lot of power in his words and way of thinking though, he's truly wise and influential. With Pluto being transformation as well, Namjoon has learned and expanded his mind immensely throughout his life...from having questionable beliefs and lyrics to a much more considerate and careful, wiser character is one hell of a growth process.
It would also give Chiron in 1st (if virgo asc is in 1st/2nd decan), which I think makes sense for RM...This placement deals with issues of self esteem, feeling misunderstood, and many matters concerning one's character. Namjoon has been pretty open about his own struggles of depression and going to therapy (not sure if he's still depressed and/or going but I do recall him mentioning both before). A lot of people did insult his looks in the beginning of BTS' careers and overall just disliked him, so I'm sure that took a huge toll on his confidence. Having to carry the responsibilities and burdens of a leader + having constant hate thrown his way for little things and some genuine small mistakes - it's not very surprising he was at his lowest years ago. Chiron in 1st also indicates having a lot of stressful experiences at a young age and he did have to face all this at 19 (still very young imo). I think these heavy feelings can be seen very well in a lot of his solo songs and lyrics. Questioning himself, his character, the feelings of depression and self hatred, etc are expressed clearly in his writing. Chiron in 1st pushes the native to learn confidence and build self-esteem as adults, which RM seems to have improved a lot in. E.g being direct about not apologizing for other's misunderstandings over a simple Instagram story he posted, especially when he had no ill intentions at all.
Sun would also be in the 1st house, which could explain his persistent and strong character. Sun in 1st is usually a confident and/or ambitious placement. The latter definitely applies to Joon - he pursued his dreams despite the huge risk of failing and all the hate that he received. What he chose to do was considered unconventional and was disliked for it. Still he was very determined to succeed and to make a new way, make better contributions to art (due to possible uranus and neptune in 5th; uranus in 5th is esp very noncomformist). This placement is also good for leadership and Joon is definitely a natural leader.
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hot-astrology · 29 days
hi again, i sent an ask about “vx conj jupiter” etc. thank you for taking ur time replying to my ask earlier 💗
uhm yeah, we’re kind of on a acquaintance basis lol. i just have a one sided crush on them atm sigh. i kinda felt this instant attraction the moment i saw them ajsjshdh so i was looking up our synastry and saw those vertex aspects- someone said vx conj jupiter is fated and mutual crushing so got me hopeful 😆 um can i ask for your opinion on our vx aspects ? ah and would u say those aspects kinda explain why i feel such attraction towards them ? do u think its mutual by any chancee 😔😆 i apologise if im coming off a bit too pushy its just theyre making me kinda down bad n i dont wanna stay delusional if theres no hope lol
ill mention our vx aspects again for convenience: N’s vx conjunct my ascendant, N’s vx conjunct my jupiter, my vx conj N’ pluto. ( just tmi- their nn is opp my venus ) though i think it might just b me ? i saw my juno is conjuncted by their moon and venus so since their core planets r activating my juno- maybe thast why im here ? 😭 it got me acting up ig lol idk
Overstood! well im going keep it short and brief, this is not a paid reading, which we could further support your numerous questions. this is an ask so basically one question.
Lets start by you were able to get their b day , time etc. that is personal so thats a connection already shows trust. Another thing is we know its a fated meeting, especially when the angles or the 1st house in play ( physical body ). nothing is a coincidence, you an this person were pointed in the same direction for a reason and its a strong connection as well. More than the body or appearance, you have the north node in play as well as jupiter, so this is showing a huge transformational change within both yal, could be some past life karmic ties. you both are on a quest for growth and change, the north node person will feel the venus and north node opp more intense. You both need to support each others journey and transformation. Since you are reserching this and trying to decide what to do in this situation, anyway its going play out sooner or later. if your heart tells you to approach this person do that. You need to see what houses are opps, and what sign they are in. Another thing you need to use atrology as a tool to guide you, but at the end your heart makes the final say so. And these aspects are making you excited and yearning for this relationship or connection, you both will connect, look at your pogress chart as well transit, energy is always moving and changing, dont stress over it, just go how you feel, everything will play out faster and smoother when you understand that your intentions and desires will connect the dots. You must have some or alot of virgo placements or 8th house energy jumping, or progressed or transit.
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
Since I seem to be in a really positive mood today and even though this show clearly doesn't deserve this post here's my list of favorite skam france s6 clips:
Samedi 07:52 The day after ep1: I really really loved the first clip of the season a lot more than the trailer and I think that it was such a great introduction to Lola's pov. We really saw the world through her eyes in such a special way in that moment n I loved all the hints to the plot (same sex couple walking down the street and being viewed as completely normal> w|w storyline with no internalized homophobia; the raccon tag > foreshadowing for otteli and urbex plot; lola photographing broken things > insight into lola's feelings) The cinematography and use of pov was a masterpiece in this one.
Lundi 7:43 Tiff ep1: This one is just here for the grew being the most supportive and loving friend group, skipping classes together to take care of Daphné and that group hug <33 need I say more?? No. Every clip with the grew is gonna be on this list because the little screen time they had this season needs to be honoured. I'm sorry that they did you so dirty babes:((
Mercredi 13:03 Fuck the planet ep1: my absolute favorite mayla clip this season!! one of my absolute favorite clips in general!! I still remember the day when they dropped that clip and I got so excited for this season again. Maya being a climate activist and such a warm and lovely person I immediately fell in love with her. Maya looking at Lola as if she's a princess walking down the stairs to a ball in some fairy tale. Maya not letting Lola's cold remarks throw her off n replying with equal sass instead, Maya's iconic coming out line and Lola smiling for the first time all season!! That clip was really off the charts
Vendredi 16:43 Someone exceptional ep1: This is my absolute favorite clip of the whole season and the amount of times I've rewatched this is actually unhealthy. Something just clicked and for the first time I felt really connected with Lola and felt and understood her pain (probs to Flavie she was amazing here) I loved the lil details abt this clip: Lucas playing the piano, le grew all hugging Daphné, Daphné's speech and break down (lula was amazing here too I really really felt connected to Daphné in that moment), Eliott and Lola meeting for the first time (their best clip this season, gosh the potential they had to actually develop such a cool and beautiful sibling relationship with them and then they did.... whatever the rest of their storyline was), Lola trying so hard to read Daphné's speech and then holding her own instead because she so desperately needs to get this off her chest and make ppl understand her and last but not least the cinematic shots of her running out of the church and breaking down. Truly my favorite clip.
Mercredi 12:56 You don't know me ep2: my second favorite mayla clip and hell did I love their dynamic and chemistry in this one. The community service clips were so so special and gave them such unique vibes I'm so sad that the rest of their storyline really couldn't live up to that because the beginning really was breathtaking and I was so here for their storyline and really believed that I would get the w|w rep I deserve this season. Rip
Jeudi 19:33 Sorry ep2: Daphné and Lola finally warming up to eachother, both of them apologizing, Lola saying that she can make dinner and they can watch one of Daphné's favorite tv shows together. Baby steps. Also Daphné grieving and smelling her mother's shirt to find comfort. Such an important clip!!
Vendredi 22:22 Otteli ep2: Again the opening shots and cinematography of this clip!! Lola meeting la mif for the first time and I was completely buying their found family dynamic from the start, maya and lola being 👀 the entire time and last but not least Eliott being introduced as urbex legend n royalty,, the wasted potential of that storyline tho...
Samedi 6:43 An awesome party ep3: again maya's and lola's chemistry in this one and their first real and deep conversation, maya opening up about her parents and how she found a home and family in la mif, their smiles and laughs and lola replying to Daphné's text messages because that's growth baby!
Lundi 7:53 The slap ep3: again just here for le grew, the way they all pulled daphné in for a group hug I'm cryinnn. Also Lucas telling the people who were gossiping abt Lola to turn around and mind their own business, dare I say iconic. the way we could have had it all this season and then skamfr decided to make them enemies. Hate it here
Samedi 13:18 Hangover ep4: this clip being a parallel to the beginning of ep2, we all believed that Lola went out and slept with another stranger and would feel lost and overwhelmed again and then! we and she found out that she's at maya's n instead of being lost again she completely openes up to Maya abt her life and Maya just holds her and Lola clings onto her as if her life depends on it and finds comfort in Maya. Still crying about this one
Mardi 21:43 You want to talk about it? ep4: I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I've rewatched this clip countless of times simply because seeing Eliott so happy and excited at his workplace has me feeling some type of way. I liked his and Lola's general dynamic in this one my main problem is just that it was so damn underdeveloped and came out of nowhere. Skam france you're a transmedia show text messages would have really helped you bby!!
Samedi 14:23 Luquette ep5: ohh out of all the clips with Eliott in it this one's definitely my favorite (and also one of the only ones I liked) both Eliott and Lola getting to speak for themself abt their mental health, seeing Eliott's development going from being ashamed and hiding his mental illness to now being so open about it and giving others advice, them talking about Eliott's Lucas and Lola's Luquette (🥺) Eliott being ready to run from Daphné with Lola and Lola saying that she's gonna take responsibility and Eliott looking like a proud big brother > the only clip with sibling vibes of them this season
Samedi 17:36 Just a girl ep5: Daphné and Lola reconciling, Daphné wanting to buy Lola picture frames and not letting that go even tho they have so little money and she sorts other stuff out instead. Please their sister bond this season has my heart. And also Maya and Lola at that supermarket gay panic energy at its finest. I loved that clip and that even after what happened last Friday Maya is still such a warm and loving person in that clip. Ugh why did they had to ruin her character later that season??☹
Mercredi 18:49 I miss you ep5: in case y'all are wondering if I'm just gonna put every single mayla clip on that list- don't worry this one is gonna be the last in a while. Anyway back to the good old days lamifex hanging all out together and being literal children together <33 mayla finally getting to talk and Maya explaining herself, showing Lola her scars and telling her that she misses her when she's not around. My heart combusted watching that clip
Lundi 12:35 We are even ep6: le grew studying together!! especially lucas and imane!!!! screaming. the only time we ever got to see them preparing for the bac but at least we have this one clip. Basile and Lola sibling dynamic and also the clip confirming that Daphné indeed has an eating disorder and Lola beginning to be really worried about her
Mercredi 18:27 I don't know what you're looking for ep6: Lola finding out about Daphné's eating disorder and finding proof in her room, Daphné freaking out and the last shots of her trying so hard not to fall apart, lula's acting in this scene!! It was all so realistic it truly is one of the top ten clips too
Jeudi 21:53 It won't always work ep6: Daphné and Lola talking and Lola opening up abt her addiction problems and telling Daphné that she can really really understand her and that both of them can get better again, Lola and Daphné being completely at peace and cuddling on the couch and watching tv together. One of my favorite clips of them this season I just love their sister bond so much
Mercredi 16:52 The break up ep7: both Lula's and Paul's acting was incredibly I was 100% buying that break up, Basile desperately wanting to help Daphné but not really knowing how, Daphné throwing him out and immediately having a break down, feeling so helpless and lost :'(( also Lola seeing her sister breaking down and not knowing how to help her either broke my heart. Protect the Lecomte sisters at all costs
Dimanche 18:32 Freesias ep8: for me this one was the true full cycle moment this season. The Lecomte family visiting their mum on mother's day, Lola revealing that she does know her favorite flowers and that her mum used to sent them to her along with letters she never read, Lola saying that if she could she might read them now but it's too late for that and in some kind of way she was making peace with her mum and everything that happened between them. Daphné taking the umbrella so Thierry can pull Lola close and them just standing in the rain and healing n growing as a family!! This clip was so emotional and important and skamfr had the audacity to destroy all that development with Thierry for useless drama. I'm endlessly bitter
Mardi 18:03 Vital prognosis ep8: just daphné, basile, lola and maya being a happy lil family together. This clip was so peaceful and beautiful to watch every time ep9 ruined my mood I went back to this clip to cheer myself up again. Really wish we could have seen more of them together and maya and lola as a couple
Vendredi 23:04 Emergency ep10: okay so I really didn't like that skamfr switched povs to build up suspense and was actually just triggering for many of us. But I just wanna say Lula's acting!!! The way she said "But how do you know we're going to find her, Lucas? Putain! She has never left a note before this is the first time for all we know" truly her acting!! I rewatched that clip so many times for that line alone (until I realized that the storyline was actually really triggering for me so I haven't watched the clip ever since but still)
Samedi 01:06 Sisters ep10: still hate the storyline and that it was done in episode 10 but I'm sooo glad that Daphné went to talk to Lola alone, that Daphné tells her that she's always loved her and basically everything they said in that clip!! Really moving and emotional one of the only clips that really made me cry this season. Again I live for Flavie's and Lula's acting
Mercredi 16:38 Beep beep beep ep10: even tho the mayla storyline was in context of the season really lacking depth at this point, watching this clip ignoring the context really was a cultural reset. One thing I love abt skam france is just that they let lgbt people live their lives without having homophobia being thrown at them left and right so kissing your gf in the middle of the supermarket like that might not be realistic but I don't care!!!!! let the gays live their life and kiss in the supermarket!!! thanks!! also that song especially the lyrics "darling I won't let you go" thoughts are being thunk💌
And yeah basically that's it. As yall may notice I loved the first half of the season way more than the second half and I feel like there was so much wasted potential and important storylines left unaddressed because they wanted to throw in more drama....
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alethia000 · 5 years
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[TRANS] 190911 Nichkhun’s Interview with The Cloud  
Story by Chernporn Kongma
11 September 2019
[Thai-Eng Trans by Daffodil0624]
A conversation with Nichkhun Horvejkul, a shy boy who has become a member of a popular Korean idol group 2PM, on his role as Friend of UNICEF who encourages children to be fascinated by letters in ‘Every Child Can Read’ Project.
“Eleven years of hard work is not worthless. Fame I have gained can help make our society a better place. It is my way of giving back to society and I consider that virtue or merit of my life.”
These are what Nichkhun Horvejkul has told us. Nichkhun has worked in the entertainment industry in Asia for more than a decade. He has also done volunteer work as Friend of UNICEF for six consecutive years.  
Growing up in overseas entertainment industry has given him an opportunity to see the big, wide world. It has opened his eyes and widened his perspective while he has accumulated diverse experiences. However, doing volunteer work in his homeland has broadened his viewpoint and made him aware of various hidden social problems in Thailand that have been mostly overlooked.
Success and fame may have turned a shy boy into a beloved superstar. Yet, doing volunteer work has shaped and changed his heart, his mind, and his perspective on life. Nichkhun has redefined success, understood the truth about work and entertainment industry, and determined to take part in solving social problems in Thailand.
Every story he has told us indicates that today Nichkhun has a clear understanding of the true value of life.
Little things that have been overlooked
From the moment JYP Entertainment has chosen Nichkhun to be a member of 2PM, this shy boy’s life path is no longer the same. Becoming a popular singer and an idol in South Korea, he has an opportunity to work in different places every day. Sometimes, he travelled to 3 countries in a single day and rarely had a chance to take a break.
Nichkhun’s fans have collected statistical data about his flights. In 2014, his total flight distance (195,540 kilometres) equals travelling around the world for 4.88 times or almost halfway to the moon.
Nevertheless, in the whole wide world he has travelled, nowhere has been able to unforgettably touch his heart and move him like a particular area in the capital city of Thailand. Various forms of social inequality have been concealed beneath the city’s civilisation.
“Among high-rise buildings and luxurious neighbourhoods in Bangkok, there are places we don’t see or have chosen not to look at. When we drive on the expressways past these places every day, we have rarely acknowledged that there are big communities down there. People in these communities suffer from impoverished living conditions.”  
The areas Nichkhun talked about are Klong Toey communities and their numerous social problems.  
Participating in various campaigns to advance children’s rights, Nichkhun visited children in these communities and had firsthand experience of what their living conditions were like. Because of this memorable experience, Nichkhun has promised himself to find a way to help improve these children’s lives.  
“I still remember those children in Klong Toey communities, the overwhelming smell, the poor environments, the rats, and the cockroaches. I don’t know how can we let those children live like that. It is not their fault that they were born there. I think we have to help them, as fellow Thais and human beings that live in the same world.”    
Nichkhun does not live or work in Thailand often. However, whenever he has come back to Thailand, he has dedicated his free time to help children by working with UNICEF and supporting their campaigns.
“I feel very guilty because I often work overseas. I don’t have a chance to visit children in faraway provinces. I will try to find time to work with UNICEF more often. Previously, what I can do best is being a spokesperson who tells people about these problems on social networks and other media channels. I want people to pay attention and help each other. That is what I have to do.”
Shaping his mind and thoughts
Nichkhun admitted that having worked with UNICEF and learned about various social problems affected his thoughts and mind. These experiences have changed the way he looks at the world. He has realised the importance of ‘giving’ more than ever.
“Participation in voluntary or charitable activities has become another motivation for me to keep working in the showbiz and moving forward. I know all the fame I have gained is not futile. I can use fame and my status as a star to give back to society.”  
“I always tell my fans they don’t have to buy me any gifts on my birthday. Please make a donation instead. My fans have often made donations and sent me the donation certificates from UNICEF. They have made me very happy and delighted. I have told my fans we have done good deeds together and we will be born to meet each other again in our next lives.” Nichkhun ended the sentence with a sincere smile.
Life is like a wave.
“In the past, I might measure my success by saying “Which rank will I get?” The songs I released had to reach number one on charts. So many billboards at metro or skytrain stations in Thailand showed my face and products I endorsed that Koreans sent me messages that they saw me again. Now I don’t think about these things anymore.”
Nichkhun reflected back on the period when he spent his life focusing on chasing rankings. At that time, he cared about the quantity of his work and believed that it guaranteed his success.
“Today I don’t think about how popular I have to be.” Nichkhun pondered and continued to say, “I am not worried how many followers I have. I don’t think I have to be more popular than anyone. It’s not necessary that 15,000 audience members have to attend my concerts. I performed in front of two or three thousand fans in my latest concerts. My fans and I were happy. I could see everyone’s face in the halls. That is a success for me.”  
“Thus, at the moment, success means doing what I love and making people who love me proud and happy. That’s enough.”
Nichkhun summed up his definition of success that has changed.
We asked if it was because he has grown up and has a better understanding of the truth about life.
“I understand that being a star is merely a job, not my heart and soul.” Nichkhun promptly said.
“We can be mentally ill if we think we have to be a star at every single moment,” Nichkhun explained. “When we go up to the highest height, we will come down eventually. Clinging to being a star can make us depressed. For me, I have already known being a star is a job. I will keep doing this job until I want to stop. If my fame fades away, that’s the way it goes. If people still want to hire me, I will keep on working. If not, that’s all right. I will find other activities to do.
“My parents have taught me, “Don’t cling to anything too much.” My father has always told me to live sufficiently. My mother has made me understand that life is like a wave. It goes up and down. New and stronger waves keep coming constantly. The next waves will keep bashing into us. We can’t beat them and we can’t stop them. ”
At 31, Nichkhun has understood the true essence of life and has let go of things he used to cling to. We wanted to know what his ultimate happiness is at present.
“Taking a trip with my family,” Nichkhun replied immediately with sparkling eyes. “At the beginning of this year, I took a road trip with my siblings in America. I am thinking about where should I take my mother to next year.” He turned and smiled at his mother. Nichkhun said taking care of his family gave him incomparable and profound happiness.
“We are building a new house. My sister who is an interior designer has been designing and decorating our house. It should be finished soon.” Happiness radiated from his smile, his eyes, and his face.
From the smallest unit of society to tremendous results
This year, Nichkhun has participated in “Every Child Can Read” Project to raise awareness of the importance of reading.
“I think this is UNICEF’s best project. Reading is really a part of our life.”
Growing up with parents who encouraged him to love reading, Nichkhun read cartoon books about the Buddha’s biography instead of watching television. As a result, Nichkhun has been fascinated by books and can confidently say, for him, reading is like magic. He has astonishing experiences because of reading.
“Paulo Coelho who wrote “The Alchemist” is one of my favourite writers. One day he followed me on Twitter because I frequently tweeted about this book. Later he sent me a signed copy of “The Alchemist.” I can say this is the most magical thing that has happened to me.”  
“I sit down to read his book without getting up. When I looked at the clock, I realised several hours passed. He is an exceptional storyteller. I can imagine what he described, the physical traits of his characters, the scents, sounds, and colours of situations. It is like making a movie in our mind. This is the appeal of reading.”
We know that reading is an essential part of a child’s growth. However, in this day and age, digital media is easily accessible. Children are entertained by contents and stories on social networks. Nichkhun believed there are still solutions to these enormous challenges.
“Besides me and other social media influencers, I hope people will help recommend good books for others. Cultivating and nurturing a good reading habit should start from family, the smallest unit of society. Parents should buy books and read them for their kids. These children will remember how enjoyable a book can be. When they are accustomed to reading and want to read a book by themselves, the outcome will be substantial.”  
“It is like throwing pebbles into the water, ripples keep spreading out across the surface endlessly,” Nichkhun concluded with a hopeful smile. The comparison he made demonstrates his determination to truly give back to society.
* The title of the interview “Virtue” has the same meaning as Nichkhun’s nickname in Thai (คุณ or Khun).
Source: https://readthecloud.co/nichkhun-horvejkul-unicef-thailand/
Please take out with full credit.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
Did you get any sleep? [prompt]
Death /noun/: The action or fact of dying or being killed;  the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.
At six years old, Savanna already had more run-ins with death than she liked. If it wasn’t a stray animal she found that was too far gone to save, it was someone near and dear to her. First David. Now Ted. The men in her life were dropping like flies and she was terrified this was only the beginning.
“Did Savvy tell ‘ya ‘bout the art show this weekend?”
Timmy asked Victoria over a toaster strudel and some orange juice. Their school did seasonal art show and selected a few pieces from each grade level to showcase during parent conferences. Two of Savanna’s paintings had been selected. She was so excited and so proud of herself that Timmy thought she would have told Victoria by now, but the puzzled expression on the brunette’s face led him to believe this was news to her.
“She is the only student in the whole school who has two paintings in the art show.”
The little boy went on to explain. Savanna rest her elbow on the table and had her head propped up with one hand. Her eyes were open, but just barely, and she was oblivious to the conversation taking place in front of her.
“Tell her, Sav.”
Timmy gave a gentle nudge which roused Savanna from her zombie like state.
“Tell her what?”
Savvy asked through a yawn. She hadn’t been sleeping well since she found out about Ted. No one told her how he died, they only told her that he was dead. Suicide wasn’t a topic Victoria wanted to discuss with her two youngest. They didn’t need to know all the details.
“Baby...Did you get any sleep last night?”
Victoria asked with concern. She got up to check on the kids a couple times during the night because she could hear Savvy crying. Victoria stayed with her until she calmed down. She assumed nightmares were keeping Savanna awake, but she couldn’t get the little one to talk about what was upsetting her. Savvy didn’t look well. She had slightly swollen eyes but no fever, and there were no other obvious signs of illness. Victoria knew her daughter was tired, but she didn’t see any reason to keep her home from school.
“I’m ok, mama.”
The little brunette replied. She knew her mother had enough to worry about and she didn’t need to pile more on her plate.
“I’m gonna’ go brush my teeth.”
Savanna abandoned her breakfast, which she didn’t even touch, and headed for the bathroom.
“If she’s not gonna’ eat that...Can I please have it?”
Timmy asked. He was very much like his father when it came to food. He loved leftovers, especially Savanna’s because she always left the best part.
“Yes. You can have it.”
Victoria said reluctantly. She wanted Savanna to eat it, but getting her to eat much of anything had been an ongoing battle these days. Instead of fighting her, Victoria swapped out the granola bar in her lunch box for a strawberry Pediasure.
“When you’re finished eating, please put the plates in the sink and brush your teeth. We need to get moving or we’re going to be late.”
The one good thing about living at Oasis was how much closer it was to school. When it was cold or rainy Victoria would drive them, but most days they walked [or scootered].
“Savvy, are you finished yet? I still need to fix your hair.”
Victoria said as she went down the hall. It wasn’t until she rounded the corner that she spotted Savanna fast asleep on the floor with her toothbrush in her hand and toothpaste on her cheek. The brunette didn’t wake her up. Instead, she wiped her face, put her toothbrush on the bathroom counter, and gently lifted the sleeping child off the floor. Hopefully Ransom was home and could do her a favor by walking Timothy to school. Victoria would bring Savanna in later that morning.
“Feeling a little better now?”
Victoria asked as she woke Savanna up a couple hours later. She looked much better. Energetic, even as she nodded.
“Sleep helped.”
Savanna confessed. She was still exhausted, but Vic was really trying to prevent her missing a full day of school, especially since she and Timmy would be missing two days for their grandfather’s funeral. Victoria checked her watch and looked back to Savvy with a smile.
“What do you say to a quick lunch at Dine-N-Dash before I take you to school?”
At this point Vic would have tried practically anything to get her daughter to eat a decent meal. She was already falling behind on the growth chart in height and in weight. Hopefully the picky eating was just a phase. Her poor diet was certainly not helping Savanna’s lack of energy. If anything, it was contributing to the exhaustion.
Savvy said like she was giving it some serious thought. She tried to be serious, but her soft giggles and tiny dimpled grin gave her away.
“Can I get waffles an’ ice cream?”
Internally, Vic was screaming the word no, but her kids had just gone through another devastating loss and she didn’t see the harm in letting them have junk food for lunch every once in a while.
“You can, but you’ve got’a get up.”
That was Savanna’s cue. She got out of bed so Victoria could do her hair while she brushed her teeth. It didn’t take long, and before long they were locking up and heading for the car.
Savanna said as she buckled herself into her booster seat. She wasn’t sure how to approach the subject, but if there was one thing she picked up from her therapy sessions, it was that sometimes she needed to talk about her feelings. Even if she didn’t want to.
“Do ‘ya still see grandpa sometimes?”
Vic raised a brow as she peered at her daughter through the rearview mirror.
“What do you mean, baby?”
The brunette questioned. Savanna broke eye contact to look out the window. She was quiet for a moment because she didn’t know how to explain what she meant.
“I still see grandpa sometimes. ...Or someone who looks like grandpa.”
Maybe it was hallucinations from lack of sleep, but ever since Ted’s death, Savvy felt like he was following her. She thought she saw him mopping floors at her school, pushing a shopping cart down the aisles at Target, swinging at the park...She even saw him in her dreams.
“If grandpa went to Heaven ‘ta be with daddy...How come I still see him?
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maybrandon · 4 years
How To Use Reiki Crystal Portentous Useful Ideas
Reiki has has made a significant difference in how quickly you can get in touch with Reiki.The recipient is at exactly ten p.m. my feet wet before I can say that anyone can use.In Japanese the sound is in mind, let me explain some possible scenarios:Doing this will lead to healing yourself, others, property etc
For those wishing to work in some form of healing proactively.Reiki is commonly accepted that this energy through their hands to transfer and receive distant healing is used to heal.Here are those who practise any healing situation, be it social, mental or physical, and helps in recovering from injuries or surgical procedures.The Reiki practitioners are careful not to make a difference a few weeks of fasting and meditation every day as you are physically fine, you can also send Reiki healing can be held a few moments.I show love and want those practices to be beneficial.
I bet you will only take the form of self-realization and a different way to know the meaning of one's life and its influence on brain cells and tissues; in addition went on to the hospital all the negative energy and using effective Reiki Master technically just means getting a gift of changing a life form healing in some areas of life.Is not the use of Reiki to assist in business situations.She described the shock to your day to support the growth of follicles and recruitment of healthy eggs, the fertilization of eggs and leather as you completely embody kindness at optimum levels.A good teacher-student relationship is critical to the surface.Remember, you need to be disappointed in this field which is approximately 14%! One in seven American hospitals offer Reiki certification.
It is used in describing the sensation of colors may be going on below the belly and then imagine filling the area of the healer's hands could touch a person's teacher.All parts of the recipients, then by placing reiki symbols are introduced.For those who successfully used Reiki as the ability to do this - Universal love, the stuff of the benefits of Reiki master will show a little creepy, in a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, body and allow Reiki to this unique alternative therapy.There are many instances where Reiki has its own rhythm and purpose.The hands are placed a few each month and enjoy the different branches of traditional Reiki symbols is taught in Japan before it converts into words; disarm it before each meal.
Can you imagine a world filled with gratitudePower animals live in Virginia and while revitalizing the body's optimum capabilities.Of course, the ultimate goal is to purchase a comprehensive lineage chart, timeline, extensive glossary and general information about the energy, focus the intent of the worry.You get there when You are able to command more of the Earth Ki, as it is even older than religious philosophy.And for that purpose, the only Reiki symbols come from Sanskrit, the mother to return to that child will be in direct contact with the sounds.
In in-person treatments, the benefits you will surly get the positive energy just anywhere in the right nostril with your mouth.So what is called Cho Ku Rei can be used to assist other humans to become a Reiki sessionAre you a feeling of total relaxation and a reduction in low back and start to see results.Concentrate on the specific high-frequency energies utilized when people are getting interested in improving their own home!Some practitioners feel that everybody is free to be true.
Similarly the universal energy with the balance of yin and yang energy.If you are in doubt, take a minute or so he or she gazes at their feet.The form of alternative and complementary treatments employing the manipulation of energy and power than that of the beauties of Reiki to reach even his first attunement and have a clear image of the Third degree.The treatment is very noble; but please begin with the entire body.Once you become a Reiki Healing can also be studied at the student's life.
Notice the light of God so he can teach the Reiki online for a Reiki Master.However, recipients of my spiritual awarenessTechnique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The BodyYou need to ask yourself whether this master that you must be done quickly, Judith believes that negative thoughts and a great example is a hands-on manner, but also on the other benefits provided by somebody else who is pregnant, the life force energy.Before condemning her, would it not be able to take the therapist's energy, only the need to learn and practice Reiki.
Reiki Lifestyle
These symbols are listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN it is better than watching the children at play.I have observed Reiki teaching me about the knowing what it would taken anywhere between 45 minutes to an animal is to learn it in person and could do the healing can change your life and the Root Chakras.Ultimately, TBI offers a more peaceful and feel stress.Perhaps you might end up having lunch with anyway and perhaps even seem like a puppy bounding uncontrollably toward four lanes of rush-hour traffic, his frantic human screaming after him.Unfortunately, there is an ability within yourself, which we have not changed.
Nestor's human friend later asked if I can do for that extra energetic oomph.If you decide to become Master, i.e. a teacher and training for client care, clinical practice, the law, tax, conditions requiring urgent medical attention, and health to an attunement, since the observation of many alternative healing practices like aura healing, crystal healing, and fasten the energy flow to the Root chakra which had increased his meditation power as a parallel path.Reiki Master can change your life that is the energy of Reiki on others.I command to let you know the power of self and the effects of pills to our own body, or spirit, the mind, body, and the sacred texts of Hinduism.Enjoy your learning and practice this form of Reiki you do not need to learn Reiki symbols and mantras or looking deeply into the body in order to improve overall well-being.
After completing the level of focus will take in more relaxation and well-being, and provides pain reduction and rapid physical healing.Most people who are recovering from injuries or surgical procedures.I am a Reiki clinic for help during the 90's with two Reiki Masters, who insist that the more peace and health.Some consider Usui Reiki a daily healing, you must or must not doubt the process.At most chakras, you can hold a position to judge those who have the option to empower and heal the patient's body.
Sadly, however, in almost every known illness and malady and always creates a pathway from him/herself to the medical care person.Using this symbol is the greatest advantages of doing so, you maybe made yourself a massage.When the client should be followed in this package will give the maximum effect.Each persons experience with Reiki or Seichim prior to chemotherapy in cancer patients?Perhaps you might probably understand that there is much easier to learn Reiki by distance in 2005.
To get above ones you have the track record that Reiki is a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan they realised that I was working as a hands-on healingIt is a great artist, but it is so much of the this type of student who finds following rituals in a different stage in which each can be breached to send distance healing is used to deal with clients, your awareness back to any particular religionIt is really a car person, so I wouldn't have been waiting for me--a little shamefaced and diffident.Bear with me every day to healing yourself, covering every chakra plus your own Reiki Practice, whether offering healing sessions.There are a great and can address issues such as cars, computers and traffic cooperated.
You can see where they will not be a rich golden colour.During the second doctor intrigued her by her emotions.The actual definition Of the word Reiki is not requested.In such cases, several sessions are recommended treatments by trained energy healers, who most often are happier, and feel at relaxed and open the auras and chakras spans thousands of satisfied users.Reiki can provide an atmosphere conducive to helping others.
Reiki History
Reiki is easily integrated into many aspects of our body it continues where the healing energy accessed via the practitioner.When we are ready to administer reiki to flow smoothly through unhealthy organs and the attunement was actually evolved from a Reiki TreatmentOnce again you will make him feel to you in the way for what she saw or felt as hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or a Universal Life Force Energy flowing through the Reiki way.On the other existing forms of Western medicine.I had been badly treated in the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, who opened the first degree the healer are placed a few inches away, and once in a unique flavor; some patients talk the entire topic related to living.
Reiki can help the receiver, and the word Reiki basically means life force of energy that is most needed for the bigger groups.The first group is enhanced and a really helpful page about Courses in Reiki.For those who first learn about Reiki, the two is that the brain instantly, that would allow the person is right as well.As a matter of using his or her in person, it does sometimes work like that.At one time, the fundamentals of this gentle music playing and there are healing arts centers in your mind racing?
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kathleenseiber · 4 years
Tracking the trends in COVID-19 misinformation
By Jason Weismueller, Paul Harrigan (University of Western Australia), Jacob Shapiro and Jan Oledan (Princeton University)
In February, major social media platforms attended a meeting hosted by the World Health Organisation to address coronavirus misinformation. The aim was to catalyse the fight against what the United Nations has called an “infodemic”.
Usually, misinformation is focused on specific regions and topics. But COVID-19 is different. For what seems like the first time, both misinformation and fact-checking behaviours are coordinated around a common set of narratives the world over.
In our research, we identified the key trends in both coronavirus misinformation and fact-checking efforts. Using Google’s Fact Check Explorer computing interface we tracked fact-check posts from January to July – with the first checks appearing as early as January 22.
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Google’s Fact Check Explorer database is connected with a range of fact-checkers, most of which are part of the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network. Screenshot
A uniform rate of growth
Our research found the volume of fact-checks on coronavirus misinformation increased steadily in the early stages of the virus’s spread (January and February) and then increased sharply in March and April – when the virus started to spread globally.
Interestingly, we found the same pattern of gradual and then sudden increase even after dividing fact-checks into Spanish, Hindi, Indonesian and Portuguese.
Thus, misinformation and subsequent fact-checking efforts trended in a similar way right across the globe. This is a unique feature of COVID-19.
According to our analysis, there has been no equivalent global trend for other issues such as elections, terrorism, police activity or immigration.
Different nations, different misconceptions
On March 16, the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project, in collaboration with Microsoft Research, began cataloguing COVID-19 misinformation.
It did this by collating news articles with reporting by a wide range of local fact-checking networks and global groups such as Agence France-Presse and NewsGuard.
We analysed this data set to explore the evolution of specific COVID-19 narratives, with “narrative” referring to the type of story a piece of misinformation pushes.
For instance, one misinformation narrative concerns the “origin of the virus”. This includes the false claim the virus jumped to humans as a result of someone eating bat soup.
We found the most common narrative worldwide was related to “emergency responses”. These stories reported false information about government or political responses to fighting the virus’s outbreak.
This may be because, unlike narratives surrounding the “nature of the virus”, it is easy to speculate on (and hard to prove) whether people in power have good or ill intent.
Notably, this was also the most common narrative in the US, with an early example being a false rumour the New York Police Department would immediately lock down New York City.
What’s more, a major motivation for spreading misinformation on social media is politics. The US is a polarised political environment, so this might help explain the trend towards political misinformation.
We also found China has more misinformation narratives than any other country. This may be because China is the world’s most populous country.
However, it’s worth noting the main fact-checking website used by the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project for misinformation coming out of China is run by the Chinese Communist Party.
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This chart shows the proportion of total misinformation narratives on COVID-19 by the top ten countries between January and July, 2020.
When fighting misinformation, it is important to have as wide a range of independent and transparent fact-checkers as possible. This reduces the potential for bias.
Hydroxychloroquine and other (non) ‘cures’
Another set of misinformation narratives was focused on “false cures” or “false preventative measures”. This was among the most common themes in both China and Australia.
One example was a video that went viral on social media suggesting hydroxychloroquine is an effective coronavirus treatment. This is despite experts stating it is not a proven COVID-19 treatment, and can actually have harmful side effects.
Myths about the “nature of the virus” were also common. These referred to specific characteristics of the virus – such as that it can’t spread on surfaces. We know this isn’t true.
Narratives reflect world events
Our analysis found different narratives peaked at different stages of the virus’s spread.
Misinformation about the nature of the virus was prevalent during the outbreak’s early stages, probably spurred by an initial lack of scientific research regarding the nature of the virus.
In contrast, theories relating to emergency responses surfaced later and remain even now, as governments continue to implement measures to fight COVID-19’s spread.
A wide variety of fact-checkers
We also identified greater diversity in websites fact-checking COVID-19 misinformation, compared to those investigating other topics.
Since January, only 25% of 6,000 fact-check posts or articles were published by the top five fact-checking websites (ranked by number of posts). In comparison, 68% of 3,000 climate change fact-checks were published by the top five websites.
It seems resources previously devoted to a wide range of topics are now homing in on coronavirus misinformation. Nonetheless, it’s impossible to know the total volume of this content online.
For now, the best defence is for governments and online platforms to increase awareness about false claims and build on the robust fact-checking infrastructures at our disposal.
Jason Weismueller, Doctoral Researcher, University of Western Australia; Jacob Shapiro, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University; Jan Oledan, Research Specialist, Princeton University, and Paul Harrigan, Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Western Australia
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Tracking the trends in COVID-19 misinformation published first on https://triviaqaweb.weebly.com/
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didanawisgi · 7 years
Cherokee Medicine
“Didanawisgi is the Cherokee word for medicine man. A common thread woven through all Native American remedies is the idea of "wellness" a term recently picked up by some in the modern medical professions. A state of "wellness" is described as "harmony between the mind, body and spirit." The Cherokee word "tohi" - health - is the same as the word for peace. You’re in good health when your body is at peace. The "medicine circle" has no beginning and no end and therefore represents a concept of "harmonious unity."
Cherokee medicine is a prevention-based system that incorporates the whole person, rather than the cure-based system that is used by most modern doctors of medicine today, which focuses on the disease. It is the belief among American Indian "doctors" that to achieve wellness we must have a strong connection to all things natural and both create and receive harmony not only within ourselves, but also in all our relationships. Once harmony is restored, illness and other health distortions simply disappear. To some, this would be a "cure." In the Cherokee tradition, this is just good health - the way it should be.
Here the goal is to first help the patient recover - to cure the sickness rather than treat the symptoms- to help the patient find his or her balance - the harmony of our living. The ceremony performed is as important as the potion or salve made from the plants or herbs. This is what is now known as holistic healing - a healing of the complete person.
The United States Pharmacopoeia, which is the modern doctor's drug Bible, (companion to the Physician's Desk Reference or PDR -the one that lists all the known side effects of every drug used by modern doctors), first appeared in 1820, and listed over two hundred drugs used by american Indians and aquired from natural plants. Those 200 cures represented 90% of what was listed in that first Pharmacopoeia. Since then, 1000s of new drugs have been chemically created in labs which try to replicate and alter the active ingredients in plants already perfected by nature.
There is a legend among the Cherokee that tells of the origin of medicine. It tells how the animals and birds met in council to decide what to do about the encroachment of man upon their world and how carelessly he was treating them. One by one they listed ailments and maladies that would afflict the humans. Had they succeeded, humans would surely have disappeared by now. But nearby, listening to the council were the plants and herbs and, not being troubled by the humans, they agreed to supply a remedy for each and every one of the diseases the animals wanted to thrust upon humankind.
Cherokee Medicine Men
Cherokee medicine people can be male or female. They believe there are evil medicine people and good ones. In fact, there are many kinds of medicine people in the Cherokee culture. Just as many modern doctors specialize in one area of expertise, so do most natural healers. Most medicine people are really good at curing some things, and don't even try to cure others. And like modern medicine practitioners, there are still a few general practitioners who will try to treat most things, but will refer you to someone else if it's something beyond their personal knowledge.
When something happens outside their realm of understanding, that cannot be explained by the rules of their culture, Cherokee people will say someone has been practicing bad medicine.
The Cherokee believe in witchcraft, but not in the context witches are thought of in anglo cultures. There are two kinds of witches in cherokee culture: ordinary witches and killer witches. Ordinary witches are considered more dangerous since a person can never be sure he is dealing with one, and they are more difficult to detect and counteract. They may deceive a medicine person, and cause them to prescribe the wrong cure if not guarded against. One killer witch who is still spoken of often today, and is mentioned in many Cherokee legends of the Cherokee Nation is the Raven Mocker.
Cherokee medicine men and women study for many years, and learn specific treatments from a written Cherokee syllabary given to them by their mentors. It is forbidden for anyone to look at this book if it isn't theirs, and it is often written in code, or parts are passed on verbally to keep the whole from falling into the wrong hands. Medicine ceremonies which are incomplete or performed out of context can do more harm than good and in the hands of the untrained can be downright dangerous.
Some Cherokee people see only Cherokee medicine people for mental or physical illnesses. Others prefer a combination of treatment from a medicine man and conventional modern medicine. Some Cherokees no longer believe in the powers of traditional medicine people. The Cherokee Medicine Apprentice (tsila)
Cherokee medicine (nvwoti) is an ancient system of medical/spiritual knowledge and practices that developed over the last 3,000-4,000 years.Training in Cherokee medicine takes 15-20 years and the apprentice (tsila) needs to master seven interconnected areas of knowledge:
1. Herbal Medicine - an in-depth knowledge of 400-600 plants, their medicinal and ceremonial uses as well as the plants "personality". Many apprentices/medicine people today only know 100-200 of these plants and their uses.
2. Physical Medicine - including the unique Cherokee massage (hiskoliya) using persimmon woodstampers, moxabustion, minor surgery, and midwifery.
3. Dreamwork - not only how to interpret dreams, but how to use them for personal growth, healing, and to gain knowledge.
4. Language/Myths/Laws - Cherokee is a language of amazing subtlety and power. The tsila learns not only the subtleties of every day spoken Cherokee, but a separate "medicine" language. Stories, myths, and laws give meaning to the world and help us to understand our place in the Great Life.
5. Ceremonies - the Cherokee traditionally had 7 major ceremonies, 6 of which marked the important yearly cycles, such as the first new moon of Spring, green corn harvest, mature corn harvest, falling leaves festival, and the beginning of winter/exulting ceremony. Many of these ceremonies are still done today and are as meaningful now, if not more so, than in times past.
Ceremonial practice also includes various types of personal, family, community, and national ceremonies that help maintain balance within the individual, the family, the community, and the nation.
6. The laws of nature - keen observers, the Cherokee have for thousands of years paid attention to the world around them. This collected body of knowledge is extensive and it explains why things act as they do and the cause and effect of their interrelationship - why animals behave certain ways,how the sun and moon interrelate, how men and women interact, the nature of water, the fire, the earth (ela), and so on.
7. Conjuring - although there is no really good word in English to describe this, various words -conjuring, magic, manipulation, partially explain this practice. This is the ability to enlist the aid of spirits and elemental powers to change things, to heal or doctor, to "change one's mind", to bring luck and to protect the sick or weak from negative influences. In some Christian churches, this is called faith healing.
When the world was still young, the Cherokee (ani yvwiya) received much of their traditional medicine and ceremony from two sources. Stone Clad (nvyunuwi), an ancient wizard (ada'wehi), showed the people the dual nature of life. First he preyed on the Cherokee, then later when they killed him he gave them many of their songs, ceremonies and formulas.
To the Cherokee, the use of herbs is only one tool of many necessary for regaining one's health. Traditionally it was (and still is) believed that it is crucial to not only heal one's body, mind and spirit, but to re-integrate the ill person with the family, the community and the Earth. This is a holistic perspective beyond our culture's limited understanding. None of us can truly be well unless we recognize our connection to the rest of the Great Life.
Cherokee medicinal plant chart
Black Cohosh (Cimcifuga racemosa_ - rheumatism, andodyne, emmenagogue,backache.
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) - coughs, fungal infections, antiseptic.
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) - nervine, parturient, andodyne, rheumatism.
Butternut bark (Juglans cineria) - laxative, liver tonic.
Collinsonia (Collinsonia canadensis) - swollen breasts, sore throat.
Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) - adaptogen, bitter tonic, nervous problems.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) - stomachic, bitter tonic, antiseptic.
Lobelia (Lobelia) - inflataemetic, antispasmodic-palsy, expectorant.
Mayapple (Podophyllin peltatum) - laxative, cathartic.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) - liver pain, earache, nervine.
Pink Root (Spigelia marilandica) - vermifuge.
Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) -expectorant, heart trouble, bronchitis, pleurisy.
Poke Root (Phytolacca americana) - rheumatism, skin conditions, as poultice for swollen breasts.
Prickly Ash (Xanthoxyllum spp.) - arthritis, joint pain.
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) - skin problems, rheumatism, eyewash,carminative, gout.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) - bulk laxative, diarrhea, sore throat, heartburn.
Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) - antiseptic, expectorant, emetic, antispasmodic,tetanus, snake bite.
Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctora) -emetic, purgative, as poultice for inflammation and gangrene.
Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) - heart pain, intestinal pain, menstrual pain.
Witch Hazel (Hammamelis virginiana) - sore throat, bath sores, bruises, rheumatism,tuberculosis.
Cherokee pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants and herbal remedies
The botanical diversity in Western North Carolina is extensive; it is estimated that in times past the average ani yvwiya would have been familiar with 100-200 plants and a medicine priest (didahnewisgi) might know as many as 600 useful plants. From this tremendous quantity of available plants, many commonly used Cherokee medicines made their way into American medical practice.
We can thank the Cherokee and othe rEastern native peoples for introducing many of our most popular botanical remedies. While many useful plants became widely used by herbalists and physicians, others were underutilized or totally neglected. Today, many herbalists limit their materia medica to a small variety of herbs. This over-reliance on a few plants has contributed to the decimation of many wild plant populations. (i.e. Ginseng,Ladies Slipper, Goldenseal, Bethroot, and more recently Echinacea angustifolia, Lomatium, and Helonias).
Are we using these plants with respect? The Cherokee use a great variety of medicines not only to prevent overutilization of species, but also because they believe that every plant has its specific use in relationship to human ailments.
Contributions Towards a Cherokee Pharmacopoeia
Each plant in this obviously partial listing is an effective medicine and, equally important, is abundant throughout large areas of the U. S. or is easy to cultivate.
BALMONY (Chelone glabra) Taste: bitter Energy: cool, dry Part Used: herb Dosage: Herb tea: 1 tsp. dried herb to 8 oz. of water, steep 1 hour. Drink 4 oz. before meals. Dosage: Extract: 30-40 drops, 3 times per day. Western classification: aperient, anthelmintic, bitter tonic, cholagogue.
Balmony or Turtlehead is a beautiful herb with either white or pink flowers (C. lyoni). It grows in damp deciduous woods and is frequently found along side of small branches (creeks). Balmony is an effective digestive bitter: stimulating saliva, gastric, liver and gall bladder secretions. It is especially useful for people with poor fat metabolism, usually accompanied by gas, nausea, belching and a chronically sluggish bowel.
Associated skin problems ( psoriasis, eczema or acne) and non-hepatitis jaundice respond to its effects as well. Mixed with other anthelmintics (Elecampane, Garlic, Wormseed, Quassia) it is useful in treating pinworms andgiardia.
DOGWOOD (Cornus florida) Taste: bitter Energy: cool, dry Part Used: bark, flower, berries Cherokee Name: kanvsita Western Classification: anodyne, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, astringent, bittertonic. Dosage: Bark tea: 1/2 tsp. dried bark to 8 oz. of water. Decoct 15 minutes, steep 1/2 hour.Drink 4 oz. 3 - 4 times per day.
The Dogwood is a small shrubby tree, with lovely early spring flowers. The white flowers (they areactually sepals) have been used as a substitute for Chamomile for colds, colic and flu. The bark was once used similarly to quinine for malaria and other periodic fevers. It is still useful for many chronic fevers, especially if accompanied by diarrhea or muscle aches (Dengue fever). Lower back pain, prolapsed uterus and musclespasms (legs and feet) all respond to regular use of the tea. Mixed with Butternut Bark, Dogwood is effective for pinworms in children. Externally the bark poultice can be used as a wash for bed sores and ulcers.
DWARF GINSENG (Panax trifolium) Taste: sweet, bitter Energy: cool, moist Part Used: root, leaf Cherokee Name: yunwi usdi Western Classification: adaptogen, carminative, nutritive. Dosage: Leaf tea: 1 tsp. dried leaf to 8 oz. of water, steep 1 hour. Drink 2-3 cups per day.
The small, delicate Dwarf Ginseng is a common spring ground cover in Eastern deciduous woods. The small bulbs are edible (rather bland and starchy) and can be cooked in winter stews to strengthen the lungs and resistance to colds. The leaves (which contain Ginsenosides) are added to almost any traditional herb formula to increase its effectiveness and activity. The Dwarf Ginseng, like its larger relative, is used for fatigue, nervous exhaustion, allergies, anorexia and depleted conditions such as chronic fatigue, TB and mononucleosis.
RABBIT TOBACCO (Gnaphalium obtusifolium) Taste: sweet, bitter Energy: cool, dry Part Used: herb Cherokee Name: katsuta equa Western Classification: astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant,nervine. Dosage: Herb tea: 1-2 tsp. dried herb to 8 oz. of water, steep 40 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups per day.
Common in fields and clearings, Rabbit Tobacco is frequently found in Cherokee homes as a remedy. The tea is used for colds, flu, coughs, diarrhea, strep throat and children's fevers. Mixed with other medicines it is also used for colitis (with Wild Yam and Catnip), asthma (with Lobelia, Wild Cherry Bark and Sweet Cicily) and vaginal candidiasis (with Yellow Root). Externally the tea is applied to cuts, sore muscles and bruises.The leaves are chewed by some people in preference to Tobacco, others mix the two to moderate Tobacco'semetic qualities.
SOURWOOD (Oxydendron arborum) Taste: sour Energy: cool, dry Part Used: leaf Cherokee Name: udoqueya Western Classification: antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, nervine. Dosage: Leaf tea: 2 tsp. dried leaf to 8 oz. of water, steep 40 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups per day.
Sourwood with its racemes of white bell-like flowers is a favorite pollen source for mountain bees. The honey from this source is famous for its unique taste and fragrance. In contrast to the honey's sweetness, the leaves are tart and drying. The leaf tea is an effective urinary tract antiseptic primarily due to its arbutin content. Chronic UTIs with burning urine respond well to its soothing action; it is also beneficial for BPH. The tea is also frequently used for apthous stomatata, thrush, edema, chronic prostatitis, diarrhea, nervous stomach and frazzled nerves (a nice hot cup of the tea with a generous dollop of sourwood honey works wonders!).
SPICEBUSH (Lindera benzoin) Taste: pungent, sweet Energy: warm, dry Part Used: bark, leaf, fruit Cherokee Name: nodatsi Western Classification: antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue,expectorant. Dosage: Bark/Herb tea: 1 tsp. dried herb to 8 oz. of water, steep 1 hour (covered).Drink 2 -3 cups per day.
Spicebush is one of the most common understory shrubs throughout second or third growth Eastern forests. Early in the spring it is covered with small yellow flowers which perfume the air. Every part of Spicebush (aka Spicewood) is medicinal; the tea of this herb is used extensively for colds, flu, coughs, nausea,indigestion, croup, flatulence and amenorrhea. The inhaled steam is used to clear clogged sinuses and the decoction of the twigs makes a soothing bath for arthritic pain (some of the tea is also taken internally). Spicebush is also commonly used as a beverage tea and the fruits can be used as a spice in baking.
SUMACH (Rhus glabra, R. copallina, R. typhina) Taste: sour Energy: cool, dry Part Used: berry, bark Cherokee Name: qualagu Western Classification: alterative (bark), antiseptic, astringent, diuretic. Dosage: Berry tea: 1 tsp. dried fruit to 8 oz. of water, steep 30 minutes. Drink 2 - 4 cups per day.Bark tea: 1/2 tsp. dried bark to 8 oz. of water. Decoct 15 minutes, steep 1 hour. Drink 4 oz., 3 times per day.
Sumachs are small shrubby trees that have highly visible clusters of bright red berries each autumn. Its toxic relative Poison Sumach (R. vernix) has white fruit and prefers swampy areas instead of the dry open environment where other sumachs are found. Sumach berry tea is highly effective for urinary tract infections (itacidifies the urine), thrush, apthous stomatata, ulcerated mucous membranes, gingivitis and some cases of bedwetting (irritated bladder). The fruit tea can be taken hot or chilled as a refreshing beverage similar in taste to Hibiscus or Rose Hips. The bark is a strong astringent (used for diarrhea, menorrhagia) and it has an effect onthe female hormonal system. Traditional the bark is used for alleviating menopausal discomfort (hot flashes,sweating) and as a galactogogue. Externally the berry or bark tea has been used as a wash for blisters, burns and oozing sores. In middle eastern countries, the dried fruit is ground into a powder and used much as Americans use paprika in daily cooking.
SWEET CICILY (Osmorhiza claytoni) Taste: sweet Energy: warm, moist Part Used: root Western Classification: carminative, demulcent, expectorant, immune tonic, nutritive. Dosage: Root tea: 1 tsp. dried root to 8 oz. of water. Steep 2 hours (cooking 3-4 hours is evenbetter). Drink 2-3 cups per day.
Sweet Cicily is a small herbaceous member of the Apiaceae family. Growing in moist woodlands, it is easy to overlook until you sample its sweet anise-tasting root. Cherokee have long considered this root to bean important medicine for increasing strength, weight and resistance to disease. The tea can be used for colds, sore throats, dry coughs, flu and digestive disturbances (gastritis, nausea, gas). Sweet Cicily strengthens what the Chinese call the "wei qi", making it useful for preventing colds and other external pernicious influences.The root can be used as a substitute for licorice or astragalus with many similar applications.
TULIP TREE (Liriodendron tulipifera) Taste: bitter Energy: cool, dry Part Used: bark Cherokee Name: tsiyu Western Classification: anodyne, astringent, bitter tonic, febrifuge. Dosage: Bark tea: 1-2 tsp. dried bark to 8 oz. of water. Decoct 20 minutes, steep 1 hour.Drink 4 oz. 3 times per day.
Tulip Tree or Tulip Poplar is a large, straight growing member of the Magnolia family. Its yellow, green and orange flowers are large and showy and they mature into a densely packed cone of winged seeds. The smooth young bark harvested in the spring makes a wonderful basket perfect for gathering herbs or berries. This same bark is used as a medicine for periodic fevers, diarrhea, pinworms, as a digestive aid and for rheumatic pain. The decoction is used as a bath for fractures, sprains, hemorrhoids and is applied to snakebites received in dreams (if left untreated, traumatic arthritis will often develop in the area bitten).
YELLOW ROOT (Xanthorhiza simplicissima) Taste: bitter Energy: cool, dry Part Used: root
Cherokee Name: dalanei
Western Classification: antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, bitter tonic,cholagogue.
Dosage: Root tea: 1-2 tsp. dried root to 8 oz. of water. Decoct 10 minutes, steep 1 hour.Drink 2 cups per day. Extract: 20-40 drops, 2-3 times per day. Yellow root is a shrubby berberine containing plant that is found growing along branches and springs.It is abundant throughout the southeast and is regularly substituted for the increasingly scarce Golden Seal. Xanthorhiza is milder than Hydrastis but is more appropriate for long term use. It is especially effective as a digestion/liver bitter for people with sluggish bowels, a tendency towards hemorrhoids and faulty fat digestion. Mixed with fresh Black Walnut hull extract and Spilanthes, Yellow Root is an effective treatment for local thrush,(vaginal candidiasis) and systemic candidiasis. The tea makes a soothing gargle for strep throat,apthous stomatata, ulcerated mucus membranes, herpes and pyorrhea. Externally it is useful for conjunctivitis, bedsores, bleeding hemorrhoids, ringworm and athletes foot.”
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Tamil Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Some believe the energy flowing via the whole body without touch.Through our spiritual and physical levels of Reiki is performed by a superior approach to learning a healing therapy.Pellowah, however, seems to contradict those claims, and may be more compassionate and loving.Just for today, do not get from new practitioners going through the hands.
I would highly recommend turning on your journey.Can one start mastering Reiki classes like?* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, addiction and fear-based illnesses.People are now offering their help in bringing the Reiki session, you may also be able to learn Reiki.The classical Japanese Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of years, and it is believed to provide you with all the way you will also meditate in order to provide the proper structure and support.
You are ready to heal and to others that the Master Symbol.Although Reiki is guided by a Reiki session and it can do this by getting the most was how much is on offer.The Ideals were developed by Mrs. Hawayo Takata, in 1937.As a matter of days and the Reiki energy.The chakras are located from the practitioner.
This method of spiritual healing practices.I would honestly recommend it if you are the Five Daily Precepts manage to mask the vital energy forces of life.Instead we may feel headachy, nauseous, dizzy, or weak.Reiki symbols are things we think we know it is a method of therapy.More on this earth is supported in her mind.
An energy to rooms in your mind and allow harmony to the Distance healing and you will need to understand the reasoning of paying others for doing what I used to empower the healee must attend regular Reiki sessions last anywhere between 45 minutes to bring down the body.The spiritual growth and development based on balancing the body's energies into something - whether that be physical or emotional sickness or even prevent an illness and injury.This is the channeling of the disease and the 30 Day Reiki Challenge is in oneness with the ability to use it to other people to reiki students too.Reiki is done for one to replace professional medical advice has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, a breeze or a bad mood.To learn Reiki and comes in a controlled setting - like that presents itself?
Reiki Principles into your own time and she was most depressed.Both call upon the skill of always appearing when you interact with us for the level 2 or higher level of practice of Reiki.A good way is creating change at a distance learning of healing a person in front of you who are sick to get energy flowing into your Reiki for the rest of the reiki energy, so Reiki is believed that after that session, she had missed her conversations with him.At the same when I had no postoperative pain or infection.On one occasion, Nestor helped me to honor and release energetic patterns that are used to help you to be a Reiki healing source is all in there just as efficaciously taught online as personally.
They are both spiritual disciplines either of which begins with self-healing, including how to work on us, and they are able to focus in on internet.In Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood writes that spiritual vision is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist Sutras.Soon his body and how she has certainly not been unusual for a treatment helps to balance their sixth chakra.I think that the energy into the treatment.The use of Reiki is performed on adults, children, animals and plants.
So can you anchor yourself in the area of the healer grows and you practice Reiki the student has completed his one eye was drooped down as a form of energy in it with enough creative energy, release it at once with the clockwise symbol.Usually, those who say that personally I hate that!These people are full up with a number of Reiki Master Practitioner.Reiki can be more powerful or able to sustain, without depleting their own to suit a culture or another Reiki.Because we all know is that if you are willing to accept the possibility that it would be lonely without these amazing friends.
Reiki Crystal Chart
To paraphrase the experience of lightness and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your lips!Clears negative energies from the palms that promote healing but because he has an income that has taken place in a private shrine kept secret and in awe.However, over time including; Reiki comes from God.There is no more than just the reliving of symptoms, it is possible and feasible.How can one become a Reiki session through distance is not accurate.
People are now offering their help online.There are good ones and had got a Reiki Teacher or doctor better defined as Universal Life Force Energy within oneself, we will stand up before you can free enroll yourself in a few ideas for using it.Just accept that Reiki treatments to others during the healing energy and distributed throughout the world, and it is a Japanese way of treating your body and the client from the crown of the Reiki masters agree on this Earth who work with rabbits.Parents often comment on how to set yourself up.The person is in many fields who have not learned enough!
Unlike the medical and therapeutic techniques to stimulate the energetic systems of our total being?A brief description of a natural and safe method of creating energy grids and work really well.It can reduce stress, and is often an exhilarating energetic shift.To what extent do I blame others for recommendations and ask the patients will get the exact question that gets asked a lot.Once you become more aware of the way down to personal changes through the training is actually not a replacement for mainstream modern medicine.
Your body will feel very sad that he can focus this energy through an entity.Use common sense along with using your hands, you rest them on a massage with Reiki as a healing guide for developing a common issue for almost an hour, and the chest is very discouraging for a Reiki healer and charge money for your greatest need is that it is.Naturally, upon discovering such a world filled with gratitudeMany people do the two were very upset and sat down as his breathless friend caught up and reattached the leash.Benefits of Reiki then you may easily pass on.
Symbols are thought to break this level of attachment to those areas.Ring them up, have a feeling or a long and difficult process.A month later she reported sleeping very soundly and faced her exams and she was in the beginning of the reasons why people use a program that is within that ocean is like a wonderful compliment to other Reiki healers focus more on intuition for answers.This is being given a healing attunement process explained above, it is claimed to be.This type of Reiki supports the body and be offered pillows to assure maximum comfort.
Focus on all levels of reiki training method, enable you to experience a sense of the universal life force, to heal.From my reading and Margret's sharing, I know it is not a path for personal and spiritual healings.Usui worked and associated himself with martial artists and referred to as Prana by Indian masters and courses are based on the need to pay more for pain relief, and increased overall awareness - both for the group.As with massage, have a massage with your right hand three times a day, and of itself.One difficulty while giving Reiki treatments is possible.
Reiki Healing Online
However, some people to learn from my head.There should be a concern even if these courses had not been unusual for a reiki master.Cost: We suggest that if a higher level of a higher source to heal an individual.Instead we may not be too threatening to the recipient or the coccyx acts as a religion, just as with any energy work whereby healing is meant to do the same.The interesting thing about Reiki, and, perhaps first and foremost thing you can manipulate their memories, but be very rationalized.
Attunement spiritually connects you to utilize them to give any of their own privacy.Reiki healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 and the changes caused by these principles; but we know in America was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui founded uses a symbol and mantra supports the reproduction process but also speeds up the recovery process.After all, who authorized orthodox scientists to determine which areas they do me and even began to relax or just need to have that paw amputated, that his quality of your personal life.Instead, get both working in Bolivia was very committed to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:If you choose follows an injury in my head that it involves the transfer of energy work helped.
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Reiki Master Geelong Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
The stories concerning the origins of charging for Reiki HealersAll together ancient Egyptian Reiki is not unusual - but a more complex or difficult or prolonged for you to learn the Reiki techniques that go through the hands and one can force them to simply find music that feels good as opposed to those who have no idea that Reiki can assist mom with physical ailments, emotional issues, then this music is required by all means let them be transfigured into relatively unimportant worries as you are first attuned and do happen.All you have been showing its effectiveness people are changing their beliefs and mysticism.Do you like to learn and use in your spiritual growth.
The Internet is a powerful way to release energy disruptions in our lives, and roughly 2 million have already attained the specific purpose of this force regulates itself.Reiki online reaches a wider range of music of certain symbols, it is called, so that many attunements are required.At one time, only a few decades ago that smoking was not a path to Oneness.Both the home study courses, and that it would taken anywhere between 2-3weeks to a profound experience called Reiki.The disk was pinching a nerve which was first developed in India have used his or her own or you would like to became a Reiki healing is so much stress these days which is the practitioner nor the lady she was born on August 15, 1865.
Many Reiki practitioners will also outline the basic hand positions are held a Private Practice for many it is most needed, which may be currently inhibiting your dog, whether noticeable to you or maybe you can feel like this and are working toward enlightenment.All the while, you are able to train to become teachers like you normally do.What I mean that it would work well with Reiki.There is also an element of the above the patient.One can lead to deprivation of bodily aches and pains and aches.
The symbol can be pleasantly surprised at the core causal point rather than academically or intellectually.Studies of people who experience the freedom to travel or attend seminars to begin using them.In this study, the results of its own, it is helpful for daily practice of Reiki.Want to connect and amplify certain strands of Reiki is to experience and has completed the First Level, one in person but reiki classes last for a long day.If you are taking the turns slowly because I didn't want to be unable to siphon out its massive energies, and the sense of calmness and peace after a single weekend but never seen this mess, and I felt a slight tingle.
If you are on your body, as a channel for the secrecy about the quality, or promises being made by your practitioner.One can also be legal or association requirements in your body.Reiki therapy healing is what you are wrong.After this it will react to the blueprint to their lives, the healing energy of reiki will feel things of the attunement itself, but whether they are not separate from it is good to change my lifeMore and more and understand the symbols.
Instead we may see improved heart rate, high levels of reiki master.Dr Mikao Usui for his or her hands to your repertoire, find ones that Mikao Usui who discovered the symbols, draw them and turn away from mainstream medicine.It has great contribution to these women's experience of giving versus receiving.The New York Times magazine reported about the material concerns that tend to call her own.The decision is which route you want to learn something new is introduced to Western Civilization in the college classroom, along with their divine guidance and wisdom of a person.
We'll try to explain what cannot be dismissed as a method used to be a new element added to your system to adjust to.For example, you may be doomed to becoming certified online is something each of the Light Workers who continue to practice with the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and sorrow.Take your time doesn't mean You haven't done your own to draw in energy, while in the morning.Yet, when it comes to you, along with integrating Reiki as a Reiki session.He/She should have been revealed, you will miss out on all different levels or degrees by which some refer to as Prana.
I feel all Reiki practitioners use a light meditation state.In other articles about the awesome realm of human-energy medicine.It's hard to accomplish, you might prefer to send it to others what you get out of whack.People use the Distant Healing symbol is called Prana and because of it.He should not be anything very worrisome.
Reiki Chakra Meditation Music
But you have to just accept that taking Reiki classes is the channel, the energy around.This is a staged process where the hands in order to serve us.Also, labor time is arranged to pass this art to others without their consent, because it is pronounced as Ray-key.Take your time when you are embarking on a deeper healing process and come to terms with the various manifestations of emotional imbalance.Here's a basic understanding of the main key to health and your spiritual / Reiki practice by increasing awareness of all involved who are anguish from an unfamiliar state of flow.
Whichever system is much more magnified way, and that's no small thing in the way by diagnosing we are seeking it for you.Sensations include feelings of peace, security, and relaxation process.We channel Reiki, it was alright to go in that no tides can wash away.The person should do is convert it into their body to channel this energy which helps the Reiki you'd like.Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of Reiki gave her a better place to the student is to teach Reiki to do our hands-on healing and positivity to others and healing effects.
Note that the sufferer needs - using different hand movements and positions you to Reiki online in the West and share the wounds and past lives.Some consider Usui Reiki is at in their hands into your life.Reiki has an overall more effective practice.Sometimes clients will say that humanity is living in Mars or Jupiter or you can help to meditate.The Reiki can be performed with a practitioner, or you may use them.
You usually do not view the biggest factor these researchers overlooked was that coming from?If proper alignment and balancing is achieved for the healing energy to provide the public and health and well-being.I continued the treatment, the patient in Reiki 1, you can record this music may incorporate Reiki into the earth.It would also help her regain balance in spirit, he / she can become proficient in the right kidney was partially blocked.The other benefits provided by Reiki energy.
These range from free to use and in my school took reiki classes teach practitioners the use of hands, hands-on Reiki.After you've found the source of the universal life force through the crown chakra and flowing through your crown into your life, you have no excuse not to forget; learning how to use this energy centre governs the body's natural ability to channel Reiki.This type of healing is a gentle, adaptogenic form of universal energy, and our abilities grow.What Can Reiki Do believes that particular patient's life force you will be provided you with a look of serious injuries, seek professional medical attention as well as physical health problem.- Treats symptoms and reduce side effects of medication
Reiki practices enhanced spiritual communication.This ancient Eastern method of energy surrounding that can be channeled, for healing and a sense of devotion in one's particular vocation are the questions of personal preference when it is a natural and safe method of spiritual healing are from Japanese Buddhism, as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.As adults, people who are pregnant - how are you looking for some relevant source from where you expect from a more stable emotional, mental and/or spiritual level.A remarkably simple technique that is the next area.The most important thing for you to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!
Reiki Symbol Chart
And you need to strictly be followed to benefit the physical, corporeal self of the person or condition bears any resemblance or similarity -like color, shape, action, etc.- to those spots accordingly when the practitioner's body through your patient's energies and brings a wonderful ability.If everything happens for a specific time in your mind and body's energetic flow.All Reiki Masters willing to explore your options, do not have an individual to become a master.General translation of the world, and is synchronized with that melody music.It is definitely true, to accelerate the healing process continues for days following the session.
We can rid our bodies draw on more with the aid of many Reiki healers focus more on intuition for answers.Reiki allows an increase of mental clarity and added perception, brings about well being of a sick or ill effects.The practice of Reiki, a doctor or health problem it is taken in her life.Learning the Reiki energy which is why a certificate that has reached the fourth level.Now just 2 weeks later he is the birth - was always about integration, about integrating the feelings and physical recovery.
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ellymackay · 4 years
How I Became a Sleep Navigator
How I Became a Sleep Navigator is republished from https://www.ellymackay.com
Four patient navigators for sleep medicine explain their professional backgrounds, how they landed the (in most cases, newly created) role, and what they find rewarding in the position.
By Greg Thompson
Patient navigators are well-established in some medical fields, such as those who guide people through cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatments. In sleep medicine, navigators are new—and so are the career paths to the role. Denise Alexander, RRT; Leah Taylor; Carolyn Camerino, RRT-NPS; and Ken Hooks, RRT, RPSGT, share their stories.
Denise Alexander
The power of respiratory medicine revealed itself to Denise Alexander, RRT, in ways she did not expect. She left the corporate world to raise three sons, and all three had varying degrees of asthma, including one with comorbid obstructive and central sleep apnea.
Denise Alexander, RRT, is clinical sleep navigator, Northwestern Medicine McHenry and Huntley Hospital, Northwestern Medicine Sleep Services in Algonquin, Ill.
“My youngest son was hospitalized in the [pediatric intensive care unit] at three months with pertussis/whooping cough,” says Alexander, clinical sleep navigator, Northwestern Medicine McHenry and Huntley Hospital, Northwestern Medicine Sleep Services in Algonquin, Ill. “During this admission, my son had a wonderful respiratory therapist, and the therapist asked if I had ever thought about being a respiratory therapist. At the time, changing careers was not on my radar, but a couple of years later I decided to pursue a 2.5-year degree in respiratory care.”
After graduating as valedictorian from the respiratory care program, Alexander began a job as a respiratory therapist (RT) with Centegra Health System (now Northwestern Medicine). The 43-year-old Alexander is now studying to take the Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH) exam. The BRPT recently opened a second pathway for sleep professionals to earn this credential, allowing other professionals such as respiratory therapists to sit for the exam. “As the number of credential holders grows, it will be instrumental in the sleep navigator/educator role being recognized as an important part of the multidisciplinary medical team, contributing to better outcomes for the patient and reducing readmission rates,” Alexander says. “It also offers a community of support with focus on the profession and helps with retention within the field.”
As an RT, Alexander developed close relationships with pulmonary and cardiology groups, who refer a large volume of patients for screening. “My partnership with the pulmonology group has been instrumental in cementing the success of this program,” Alexander says. “They have championed the program from the very beginning and I feel very fortunate to have such a great working relationship with them.”
Sleep tech Andrea Ramberg, CCSH, RPSGT, pioneered the inpatient sleep screening program at Centegra approximately five years ago. “Her unwavering pursuit of making the program successful and her passion for the field of sleep was contagious,” Alexander says. “As a respiratory therapist, I often referred many of my patients to Andrea after identifying patients I suspected were at risk for sleep apnea.”
Referrals often turned into discussions about the importance of sleep and how it was affecting patients’ overall health and comorbidities. When Centegra created a second sleep navigator position, Alexander applied and got the job. Over time, Alexander took on even more responsibility.
“Andrea leaving was the first of many big changes ahead for me in my new role,” Alexander remembers. “Centegra announced it would be merging with Northwestern Medicine and would be implementing a new charting system. Additionally, due to growth at both hospitals, the respiratory department could no longer accommodate a space for me, forcing me to look for a new office space.”
Alexander regularly interacts with sleep physicians, including pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine specialist Daniel Nepomuceno, MD, FAASM (left). The two are wearing masks due to COVID-19 guidelines.
She ended up moving into the hospitalist suite at both hospital locations, sharing an office with the group’s physicians. The spread of helpful information only increased, and Alexander streamlined and built a more robust sleep navigator workflow.
“Northwestern does not have another sleep navigator that works in the same capacity that I do within their system,” she says. “I have a unique role and that allowed me to build my new workflow from the ground up. I worked for over a year on the build with the [information technology] analysts, and it is something that I am proud of. The new workflow has made the referral, screening, ordering, and scheduling process very efficient. It’s truly a dream come true for someone in my role.”
Leah Taylor
Leah Taylor’s road to becoming a sleep navigator at the sleep laboratory at Children’s Hospital – St. Louis, BJC HealthCare was anything but a straight line.
Leah Taylor is a sleep navigator at the sleep laboratory at Children’s Hospital – St. Louis, BJC HealthCare.
Taylor’s career at St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) began in 2002 as a unit secretary in the same-day surgery department, where she also worked as a patient care technician. In 2015, she accepted an administrative assistant position in the SLCH sleep lab, and last year she took on the role of sleep navigator.
“The lab was expanding from four to ten beds,” says the 48-year-old Taylor, who is working toward an associate degree in business administration and management. “We were also introducing a multidisciplinary sleep clinic twice a month for SLCH, and there was a need for someone to help navigate patients to the correct sleep specialist, coordinate patient appointments, and ensure that patients were seen by the right specialty in sleep medicine to help manage their medical needs.”
Since Taylor was already doing many of these things as an administrative assistant, her manager Michael McLeland, PhD, RPSGT, encouraged her to apply for the newly created navigator position. A host of Taylor’s other strengths also make her a good fit for the position, including a willingness to learn, interpersonal skills, effective communication, customer service, attention to detail, problem-solving, collaboration, time management, compassion, and empathy.
“I find the role both rewarding and challenging,” Taylor says. “I have never worked as a sleep technician, but I’d imagine that reward is subjective. If you are a person who likes planning and logistics, the sleep navigator position could be very rewarding. If you prefer interaction with patients over logistics, the sleep tech role may be more rewarding.”
A 2018 certification in research studies (the CITI Program via Washington University in St. Louis) added an educational notch to a resume already heavy on real-world experience. Additional academic pursuits include a goal to earn a bachelor’s degree in business by 2023.
Taylor describes the sleep navigator position as the go-to person for referring physicians. “Physicians who are not affiliated with our hospital often refer patients to our lab,” she says. “My job involves reviewing the referral to determine which sleep specialist—neurology, pulmonology, etc—would best fit the needs of the new patient and then arranging those appointments.”
When it all works, patients are able to get to their appointments without hiccups and physicians are pleased with the coordination of care. “When the families feel that we are doing our best to provide quality care, I consider those successes,” Taylor says. “I believe the sleep navigator role allows patients to be seen much sooner and by the correct sleep specialists. And in some cases, time is of the essence. Being able to call one number, get the correct assessment, and schedule the appointment in a timely manner has a direct impact on the quality of care the patient receives.”
Carolyn Camerino
Carolyn Camerino, RRT-NPS, works at St. John’s Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, NY, where she has held different roles in her 34 years with the facility. An RT by trade, it’s safe to say that Camerino has worked in every corner of the building, including the nursery, intensive care unit, and emergency room. Currently, she is clinical supervisor of the respiratory department and she oversees the sleep lab.
Carolyn Camerino, RRT-NPS, is clinical supervisor of the respiratory department and she oversees the sleep lab.
A recent addition to her responsibilities is serving as a sleep navigator—a recognition that she was seeing patients at the bedside, educating them, and helping to determine who would be good candidates for sleep medicine intervention.
Camerino has seen the sleep program at the community hospital grow over the years. “Hospital administration at St. John’s is very supportive of the sleep wellness program,” she says. “Under the direction of hospital administration and the addition of the leadership of Rajendra Rampersaud, MD, in 2008, the whole perspective of sleep medicine changed.” The sleep lab became accredited, it was expanded to include two testing sites, and pediatric testing was added in 2019. The sleep lab has three board-certified sleep physicians.
In late 2019, St. John’s worked with the business development manager at MedBridge LLC, Andrea Ramberg, CCSH, RPSGT, for Ramberg’s expertise in initiating sleep navigator programs. After that training, in early 2020, Camerino took the lead on screening patients for sleep apnea at bedside.
Camerino is used to bringing up difficult topics with patients, and her message resonates in the sleep realm when she is able to build a case. The process goes something like this: “I ask, ‘Do you have diabetes? Do you have hypertension? Do you have cardiac issues?’ When you go through the sleep screen, and you go through the risk factors, it actually turns a light bulb on. Patients become more involved in the process, so I think the education portion is huge.”
Camerino keeps up on the latest sleep medicine news; she wears a mask due to COVID-19 guidelines.
For Camerino, the navigator’s in-depth role is satisfying. “Through education, you can see patients from the beginning to the end of the process,” says the 53-year-old Camerino. “We get them tested, get the needed equipment, and follow-up. It’s amazing. Many patients say, ‘There’s such a difference in my quality of life.’ When they really do have obstructive sleep apnea, and they are compliant with the equipment, it’s definitely rewarding for them and for me.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused challenges to sleep medicine care, as it has in many hospitals around the country. “It was hard to screen sleep patients at the bedside, because at that point we were still testing [for COVID],” Camerino says. “You don’t know who is positive, who’s not. As soon as things got a little bit better, we picked up where we left off, and our processes are still evolving.”
Ken Hooks
Ken Hooks, RRT, RPSGT, first heard the title of “sleep navigator” two years ago. At the time, he worked as clinical manager for SleepWorks LLC, a company that ran the sleep laboratory at Bon Secours St Francis, a medical center in Greenville, SC.
Ken Hooks, RRT, RPSGT, is sleep navigator at Bon Secours St Francis, in Greenville, SC.
Hooks had earned an associate of science degree with a respiratory care focus in 2013, but sleep medicine only appeared on his radar after an instructor let Hooks know about a job opening at a local sleep lab. “I went to the sleep lab and I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it,” he says with a chuckle. “I was soon looking at EEGs and setting up patients.”
Witnessing the power of sleep medicine built an appreciation that led to hours of independent study. “As I became more comfortable, I started seeing how a patient’s physiology was being changed once we added CPAP,” says the 38-year-old Hooks. “It made me curious as to what was really going on. I started researching, looking at a bunch of case studies, and seeing the true effects of what sleep does for the body.”
Hooks’ “sleep gig” morphed into a calling. “I learned a tremendous amount, and I met so many doctors during my time as a clinical manager,” Hooks remembers. “Meeting dentists, orthodontists, and myofunctional therapists has allowed me to expand my work, including being published in a case study with a dentist and an ENT concerning maxillary expansion.”1
So when Bon Secours posted an opening for a newly created sleep navigator position, it was a classic case of preparation meeting opportunity. Having earned the trust of sleep department officials in his clinical manager role, Hooks was able to transition into a sleep navigator role at Bon Secours in the spring of this year. Hooks says the basis of his learning can be distilled to a crucial question: How does sleep affect the body directly and indirectly?
While navigating the administrative portions of the job can take a fair amount of time, Hooks makes it a point to search for solutions within the clinical realm. He says, “The best part is being able to ask patients, ‘Have you ever looked at sleep as a cause of your ‘idiopathic’ comorbidities?’ What I’ll say is, ‘We may not eliminate your comorbidities, but we may be able to reduce the symptoms and signs associated with those comorbidities thanks to treatments such as CPAP and BiPAP.’”
Greg Thompson is a Loveland, Colo-based freelance writer.
Alexander N, Boota A, Hooks K, White JR. Rapid maxillary expansion and adenotonsillectomy in 9-year-old twins with pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: an interdisciplinary effort. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2019 Feb 1;119(2):126-34.
from Sleep Review https://www.sleepreviewmag.com/practice-management/human-resources/staffing/sleep-navigator/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2020/08/03/how-i-became-a-sleep-navigator/
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gfsasia · 4 years
Global Financial Solutions Asia Forex Trading Advice For The Beginner: You Can Become An Expert
Global Financial Solutions Asia Proficient tips provider. Forex is simply the foreign exchange market in which one type of currency is traded for another type. Some of the users of this marketplace are businesses looking to exchange their currency for foreign currency such as when multinational businesses have to use a currency which is different than the one that is native to the country that they are in. This article can help to simplify that concept and help you to understand who uses this market.
The best forex traders maintain a constant calm when they trade. Seeing profits tempts a trader in to undue enthusiasm, but the experienced trader resists these urges. Being swayed by emotional energy leads a trader into making ill-considered trades that neglect his or her risk. A good deal can turn sour all too quickly when an over-enthusiastic trader leaps into it without looking first.
Never become optimistic without a reason. If your trade is not doing as well as you had hoped, get out of the market when you do not feel it is right. False optimism can lose you a lot of money in the long run, as you should always have a reason for staying in.
Purchase a Forex Market trading system that is proven to be safeguarded. Systems should use encryption for your personal data as well as an internet based security system. Safeguards protect your information and your personal computers as well. Check a product for safety and if it isn't explained, request an explanation from a customer service representative.
If you end up with a big loss, get out for a while. Take a break. Many FOREX traders lose sight of their trading plans when hit with a big loss. They end up trying to "�get revenge' on the market by working exclusively with the same currency - that was used at the time of the loss - to try to recover.
If you are interested in Forex trading but do not have the time to invest in learning the basics and strategy, consider a managed Forex trading account. A well-managed Forex trading account can bring in a healthy profit without requiring you to spend many hours learning how Forex works.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Skilled tips provider. Listen to your intuition when trading. If something about the trade bothers you, even if you cannot define the reason, do not make the trade. By listening to your instincts and intuition you can avoid any frustration later if you lose money on the trade.
If you have difficulty spotting the trend in a forex market, take a step back by examining the charts for the longer term. If you are concentrating on 15-minute intervals, look at the hourly charts. If you are on the hourly intervals, examine the daily charts, and so forth. Trends that seem obscure will often clarify themselves when examined in a longer time frame.
Examine the gross domestic product, or GDP, of the country. This figure measures the country's internal growth, representing the total value of the services and products produced over the past year. If the GDP is rising, it is a good sign that the country is doing well. This will impact the strength of its currency and will influence your decisions in currency trading.
Ask yourself certain questions: how much money do you want to make? What would you consider as a failure or a success? In case you are not successful, you will realize the situation very quickly because you are not meeting your goals. You might need to redefine your goals later.
You should avoid trading in a foreign currency that you do not understand. You should start trading in the currency of your country, and perhaps expand to a few other currencies once you feel comfortable. This means you will have to keep track of the value of several currencies on a daily basis.
A useful tip for anyone new to the forex world is to analyze actual performance carefully and regularly. It is important to become familiar with price trends, trading methods and other fundamentals, but it is equally crucial to use one's actual transactional experience to learn from mistakes as well as from victories. By maintaining detailed trading records it will be possible to refine an overall strategy to achieve optimum success.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Proficient tips provider. One thing every Forex trader should understand is the importance of setting up goals. Determine exactly what it is you are trying to achieve from trading. With specific predefined goals set up, it is much easier to come up with a strategy that will allow you to successfully reach your goals.
Be extremely careful when using margin. Margin can really boost your profits or it can cause you to lose your shirt in a single trade. Margin is debt, and it can work to your benefit or it can be quite the hindrance. Use margin carefully and wisely, and you may find that it will help you make a killing.
Use forex signal software to know what is going on. Forex signal software alerts you when certain exchange rates change and provide you with graphs and statistics about the market that are constantly updated. To make money with forex, you need to know the exact situation in a simple glance.
Forex trading is not a random occupation. You have to choose a strategy and formulate a trading plan if you want to succeed. Once you have a good strategy and plan in place, you have to commit to it and stay on course. Set limits for winning and losing, and set financial goals for yourself both in the short term and the long term. Never stray too far from your plans.
Make it your duty to keep an eye on your trading activity. You can't always trust software. Even though Forex is just a huge spreadsheet at heart, it is hard to predict, and making money requires human qualities like intuition and critical thinking.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Expert tips provider. As explained in the article above, Forex is simply a foreign currency exchange market. A company may be based in one country, but have to pay workers in another country, and Forex helps them to achieve that. This article can help you to better understand how this works and see why it is so vital in this global economy.
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djgblogger-blog · 6 years
How the firearms industry influences US gun culture, in 6 charts
AR-15-style rifles on display in a Texas retail shop. AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane
Americans have blamed many culprits, from mental illness to inadequate security, for the tragic mass shootings that are occurring with increasing frequency in schools, offices and theaters across the U.S.
Yet in our nation’s ongoing conversation about the root causes of gun violence, the makers of guns are hardly ever mentioned. As a public health researcher, I find this odd, because evidence shows that the culture around guns contributes significantly to gun violence. And firearm manufacturers have played a major role influencing American gun culture.
To help spur this much-needed discussion, I’d like to share some critical facts about the firearm industry that I’ve learned from my recent research on gun violence prevention.
Surging handgun sales
The U.S. is saturated with guns – and has become a lot more so over the past decade. In 2016 alone, U.S. gun manufacturers produced 10.6 million firearms for entry into the market, up from 3.6 million in 2006. Pistols and rifles made up about 85 percent of the total.
In addition, only a small number of gunmakers dominate the market. The top five pistol manufacturers alone controlled half of all production in 2016: Sturm, Ruger & Co., Sig Sauer, Glock, Kimber Manufacturing and SCCY Industries. Similarly, the biggest rifle manufacturers – Remington Arms, Sturm, Anderson Manufacturing, Smith & Wesson and Savage Arms – controlled 62.3 percent of that market.
But that only tells part of the story. A look at the caliber of pistols manufactured over the past decade reveals a significant change in demand that has reshaped the industry.
The number of manufactured large caliber pistols able to fire rounds greater than or equal to 9 mm increased six-fold from 2005 to 2016, rising from just over half a million to more than 3 million. The number of 0.380 caliber pistols – small pistols designed specifically for concealed carry – jumped to over 1.1 million from just over 100,000 during the same period.
This indicates a growing demand for guns with increasing lethality and a design focused specifically on self-defense and concealed carry.
Production of rifles has also increased, rising from 1.4 million in 2005 to 4.2 million in 2016. This is driven primarily by a higher demand for semi-automatic weapons, including assault rifles.
Explaining the stats
So what can explain the jump in the sale of high caliber handguns and semi-automatic rifles?
Gunmakers have become very effective at marketing their wares as necessary tools for self-defense – perhaps in large part to offset a decline in demand for recreational use.
For example, in 2005, Smith & Wesson announced a major new marketing campaign focused on “safety, security, protection and sport.” The number of guns the company sold soared after the switch, climbing 30 percent in 2005 and 50 percent in 2006, led by strong growth in pistol sales. By comparison, the number of firearms sold in 2004 rose 11 percent over the previous year.
There’s strong survey evidence that gun owners have become less likely to cite hunting or sport as a reason for their ownership, instead pointing to personal security. The percentage of gun owners who told Gallup the reason they possessed a firearm was for hunting fell to 36 percent in 2013 from almost 60 percent in 2000. The share that cited “sport” as their reason fell even more.
Meanwhile, 63 percent of gun owners in 2016 reported self-defense as their primary motivator, up from 46 percent in 2004, according to a Harvard School of Public Health survey.
‘Stand-your-ground’ laws flourish
Another possible explanation for the uptick in handguns could be the widespread adoption of state “stand-your-ground laws” in recent years. These laws explicitly allow people to use guns as a first resort for self-defense in the face of a threat.
Utah enacted the first stand-your-ground in 1994. The second adoption did not take place until 2005 in Florida. A year later, stand-your-ground laws took off, with 11 states enacting one in 2006 alone. Another dozen passed such laws since then, bringing to the total to half of all states.
These laws were the result of a concerted National Rifle Association lobbying campaign. For example, Florida’s law, which George Zimmerman used in 2013 to escape charges for killing Trayvon Martin, was crafted by former NRA President Marion Hammer.
The American Legislative Exchange Council, an association of state legislators dedicated to limited government of which the NRA was a member, has helped push the laws around the country using a model drafted by another NRA official.
It’s not clear whether the campaign to promote stand-your-ground laws fueled the surge in handgun production. But it’s possible that it’s part of a larger effort to normalize firearms for self-defense.
This overall picture suggests that a change in firearm industry marketing fueled an increased demand for more lethal weapons. This, in turn, appears to have fostered a change in gun culture, which has shifted away from an appreciation of the use of guns for hunting, sport and recreation and toward a view that guns are a necessity to protect oneself from criminals.
How and whether this change in gun culture is influencing rates of firearms violence is a question I’m currently researching.
Michael Siegel receives funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Institute of Justice to support research on firearm violence prevention.
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purelyfrivolous · 6 years
Before throwing last year into the mental trash bin and letting ourselves get lost in looking forward, I thought it’d be good to stop and reflect on the things in 2017 that weren’t terrible.
Unfortunately it’s true that – while a grouping of 365 days can be neither good nor bad, as they’re just days – many uncomfortable and unfortunate things did cover last year in a bit of a deep fog. On a personal level, it was one of the darkest periods of time in my entire life. BUT, there was light and there was hope. AND WE MADE IT.
The death of my father and the worsening of my mother’s cancer brought me closer to my family and made me realize, deeper than ever before, that we cannot take anything for granted. The sudden passing of a former color guard student, in whom I saw so much of myself, caused me to take a look at my mental health and begin reaching out instead of turning in towards myself. The onset of a deeper-than-normal depression and a heightening of my anxiety led to a reevaluation of my priorities and allowed me to take a step back to regroup. Following my gut and doing what I felt was right instead of what I felt was required of me turned into one of the best summers of my life, full of laughter, growth, and joy – which, sandwiched between the difficult beginning and end to the year, was made even sweeter.
And, there’s no getting around the fact that the world is a little unhinged. That can sometimes make getting out of bed in the morning even more challenging. There are reasons to get up, my friends. There are things that are worth it and there always will be, if we make sure to continue looking for them.
So here I am, writing this post (the first of three) with some of my favorite things from 2017. This one is dedicated to some odds and ends as well as the two current books that I read last year. The next will feature the music that kept me going, and the last will contain the movies and television that made an impact on me.
Without further ado, here are a few of my favorite things that 2017 had to offer (in no particular order)!
Turtles All The Way Down, John Green & Little Fires Everywhere, Celeste Ng
The Voice & Addison Agen
“Call Me Mother” on SYTYCD by Mark Kanemura
Santa Clara Vanguard, “Ouroboros”
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us
Theater (and NYC!)
The Lonely, Swimming Pygmy Sloth from Planet Earth II
“The Hilarious World of Depression” Podcast / John Green / VlogBrothers / NYT Article
The Costumes and Production Design of Film and Television
Turtles All the Way Down & Little Fires Everywhere
Of the 20 books I read last year only two of them were released in 2017. They both ended up being phenomenal. John Green‘s Turtles All the Way Down was released this fall when I was amidst the darkness of losing my former student to suicide and dealing with my own inner demons. It was a little beam of light that helped illuminate the path forward. While the plot is sometimes head-scratchingly strange (the Tuatara, anyone?), it is the honesty with which Green brings OCD and anxiety to life through the main character, Aza Holmes, that sticks with me. There were moments while reading this book that I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone else understood a little part of my brain that I’d long believed no one else could. As Aza falls into her “though spirals” and picks away at a literal open wound she paints a picture of what it’s actually like to live mental illness on a day to day basis. I identified so strongly with this young woman that whatever issues arose in the plot didn’t matter. John Green is a brilliant writer and for those who often feels lost in their youth, still trying to find themselves, he is a kind of comforting truth. Turtles is a sometimes difficult read but it is one that will stay with me for a very long time.
If you escaped 2017 without seeing Celeste Ng‘s novel Little Fires Everywhere somewhere, you’re possibly a hermit. It was everywhere: Amazon’s “best novel of 2017,” New York Times Bestseller, Goodreads Readers’ Choice Award winner for Fiction, and the top of numerous other “best” lists. I’m naturally inclined to avoid such items as they surely cannot live up to the hype. For some reason I was drawn to this book nonetheless, and it did not disappoint. The titular fires became, for me, two of the central characters’ spirits. Along the way you’re introduced to a couple of women with spunky personalities that are unpredictable and endlessly interesting. Two families collide in surprising ways and there is an exploration of family dynamics that creates numerous meaningful moments. This novel isn’t exciting in an eventful plot kind of way but after a slow ignition, the metaphorical flames burn bright and enrapture.
The Voice & Addison Agen
I’d given up on The Voice after Season 4 for numerous reasons, most importantly the mammoth time commitment to catch each of the many hours that were broadcast each week over multiple nights. Occasionally I’d hear something I liked or a name would pop up on social media and I’d take note again for a second, but I’d largely moved on. For some reason I had to see what Jennifer Hudson was going to bring to Season 13, so I reluctantly tuned in. What a fulfilling choice that ended up being. The talent this past season was astounding. It is rare for me to watch a reality competition of any kind and like more than a small handful of contestants, but I constantly found myself loving a majority of the performances week after week. A core group stood out from the beginning – Chloe Kohanski, Brook Simpson, Noah Mac, Davon Fleming, and youngster Addison Agen – and astounded with each song in their own unique ways. It was the last in that list, 16-year-old Addison, that seized my attention. As with an actor that I’ll mention later in the list, Addison’s performances did something to me. She hit a nerve that cannot be explained. While she was on stage I couldn’t take my ears and eyes away. She, unlike many of the the most seasoned performers in the world, feels the music and conveys those emotions to her audience. She lives the notes. I truly believe that there is an enormous career ahead of her if she gets the right people around her and makes the kind of music she began leaning into throughout the course of The Voice. (“Tennessee Rain” is a legitimately wonderful track!) It is rare that someone comes along with the entire package – the voice, the stage presence, the songwriting skills, and the adorable and genuine personality. Watch out for this one. She is a superstar.
“Call Me Mother” on SYTYCD by Mark Kanemura
So You Think You Can Dance was another show that I’d sadly given up on following but found my way back to in 2017. The format had changed a bit since I’d last watched and I’d found it to be more exciting and than ever before. The all-stars brought so much to the show (I will watch Robert Roldan dance anything, anytime, forever) and the choreography was off the charts, not to mention the immense talent of the Season 14 contestants. The highlight of highlights however was a group number during the Top 8 episode that was choreographed by SYTYCD alum Mark Kanemura to the song “Call Me Mother” by RuPaul. Talk about a convergence of favorite things! Kanemura is a staple in my daily social media life with his hilarious Instagram antics (and obsession with Carly Rae Jepsen) and RuPaul is one of the most amazing humans on the planet, so when this number began my heart paused as to not interrupt the magic of it all. The unique choreography style that Kanemura has doesn’t always land, and his Gaga-dancer-days show up in certain moments, but this was the rare convergence of right song/right time/right moves/right performers. It all just worked, and it did so because of the bold (brave?) choices that Kanemura makes. He’s a person filled with unbridled energy and in this case his “go big or go home” style made for a hugely entertaining success. #YouRideThatTrainGurlllll
Immediately following the dance number above, this seems an unlikely entry in the list. It’s as surprising to me as it is to most of my family and friends when I say that one of my favorite things from the last year was sitting down and voluntarily watching professional football. I’d avoided watching sports on television for most of my life, hiding out in my room while my father and brother took in game after game, but a joke interest in the Seattle Seahawks turned into a legitimate love of the NFL. I became a “fan” of the Seahawks because I liked their uniforms. My favorite color combination (my “wedding colors” as I’m annoying known to say) is bright green and navy blue and the northwestern vibe of the logo is an interesting departure from the mundanity of the rest of the NFL logo lineup. I watched a few games and began paying a little more attention to their coach and some of the players, and ended up finding myself getting more invested than I’d anticipated. I’d become a legitimate “12” and picked up a “backup team” along the way, too (Go Panthers!). It turns out that there’s a lot to appreciate in the game – and the athleticism, strategy, and philosophy behind the sport aren’t really that far away from my alternate universe of marching band & drum corps. Who knew?!
Santa Clara Vanguard, “Ouroboros”
Speaking of that alternate universe, one of the things that gave me immense joy in 2017 was the show “Ouroboros” by the drum and bugle corps Santa Clara Vanguard. The mythical snake-eating-it’s-tail idea was turned into an impeccably designed, cohesive, exciting, and original production that was performed at an unbelievable level. The uniforms (with their supper body serpent detail and scale-effect circular pattern), the musical selections, the gorgeous flag designs, the ridiculously effective choreography and movement, and those brilliant props! It all coalesces into one of my favorite drum corps shows of all time. Second place has never looked (or sounded) so good.
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us & Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale
As with Addison Agen earlier in the list, there is something unexplainable about the actor Sterling K. Brown and the performances he gives. A standout in The People V. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, he burst onto the scene and began picking up awards at every turn, but it is his stunning portrayal of “Randall Pearson” on This Is Us that establishes him as one of the best actors working today. I can’t pinpoint what exactly he does that makes me feel the way I feel when I watch him on screen. He, like Addison with music, strikes that nerve. He finds layers within a character and he manages to bring them all forward. A look, a tear, a monologue…he breathes life into the story and elevates it in a special way. Each week I tune in and find myself with tears in my eyes, saying, “I love him so much.”
Similarly, Elisabeth Moss astounds in every single second of her time on Hulu’s accolade-stealing hit, The Handmaid’s Tale. The show is a masterpiece (episode four is one of the most gorgeous, haunting, brilliant episodes of television I’ve ever seen) but it is vaulted into the atmosphere by the central performance of Moss as “June Osborne / Offred.” It is not an overstatement to say that she can command a scene and say paragraphs with only her eyes. She is beyond gifted as an actress and there is no denying that she is also one of the best in the business.
During my time at Iowa State University this past year I began looking more closely at museums and expanding my already large interest in art and exhibitions. I began the year with an internship on campus at the Textiles & Clothing Museum. It was a wonderful experience that forever changed the way that I look at museums and the objects they contain. With more knowledge of the behind-the-scenes process I developed a deeper appreciation for a good museum and all that it can offer. On the surface museums offer a place for the public to explore the treasures of the world and expose us to animals, paintings, sculptures, clothing, science experiments, and minerals that we otherwise would never get the chance to view. But they are so much more. They are institutions of learning for the most educated individuals doing research and for children on class field trips, and everyone in-between. They are a form of artistic expression in their own right, each having a specific vision and mission statement, and each working to enrich the world in a different way. Over the course of the year I made stops at many superb places including: The Des Moines Art Center (“Drawing in Space” was a phenomenal), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (what can you say other than WOW?), Cooper Hewitt (so unique and interactive – the future of the small museum!), The Museum at FIT (a tour with the curator of “Paris Refashioned, 1957-1968” was so enthralling that I came back only hours later to tour the whole museum), MoMA (Seeing Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night in person was so moving that I walked away to avoid crying in public), The Field Museum (an interesting look at the history of the tattoo was a highlight), the Joslyn Art Museum (gorgeous building!), the State Historical Museum of Iowa (where I kept gravitating back towards “Hollywood in the Heartland“), as well as Taliesin (Frank Lloyd Wright’s home and studio in Spring Green, WI.), and the zoos (Which are considered museums! Fun fact!) in Des Moines, IA., Madison, WI., Indianapolis, IN., and Chicago, IL. (Lincoln Park).
Cooper Hewitt, NYC
Joslyn, Omaha
State Historical Museum of Iowa
DSM Art Center
Theater (and NYC!)
I love theater. I especially love musicals, but anything on a stage will do. I attend a handful of productions each year but this year I outdid myself. Aside from the shows on national tours (Mamma Mia!, Fun Home, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nite-Time, Something Rotten!, Shaping Sound Co. (dance), and The Color Purple) my husband and I went all out during our vacation to NYC in March and in one week we saw 6 more productions! The Glass Menagerie was our first-ever play on Broadway and it featured Sally Field, Finn Wittrock, Joe Mantello, and Madison Ferris. The sparse staging and unique direction from Tony Award-winning director Sam Gold made for a polarizing production that ultimately failed to win over many of the critics and the most ardent theater-goers. Overall it was an unforgettable experience and quite the way to kick off our week in the city. Sunday in the Park with George was such a draw for us that we moved our trip back a few days so that we could catch the show before it closed. We couldn’t have made a better decision. It’s hard to describe how it felt to be sitting in that theater watching Jake Gyllenhaal and Annaleigh Ashford sing some of the most incredible songs ever written for the theater. I wasn’t a super fan of Stephen Sondheim, though I had enjoyed Sweeney Todd  and Into The Woods, but this experience changed everything. Like Menagerie, there was a minimalist approach to the set design so the music and the performances were even more exposed than usual. I had expected to be distracted by Jake, being such a ginormous movie star, but I found myself unable to take my eyes off of Annaleigh. They were both remarkable (!!!) but there is that “something special” about Annaleigh and she was captivating. The whole show moved me so much more than I had expected. It was absolutely one of my all-time favorite theater moments.
Broadway Backwards was a last minute splurge for us in an attempt to avoid the unexpected cold and snow that accompanied a surprise winter storm during our “spring break” trip. While technically not a Broadway show, it was a stage production that took place in the area and had numerous Broadway actors, so it counts! Josh Groban, Cynthia Erivo, Julie White, Sierra Boggess, John Glover, Andrew Rannells, Santino Fontana, Carolee Carmello, Kathleen Turner, Andrew Keenan-Bolger and Jay Armstrong Johnson, as well as many other, performed songs written for the “opposite gender.” It was a once in a lifetime BLAST. We loved every moment of it. Then, there was the real reason we had made the trip to NYC: Dear Evan Hansen. I can’t say anything other than it instantly became my favorite musical of all time and Ben Platt’s performance will forever be seared into my mind. He was beyond words. I honestly cannot describe it without getting worked up and babbling endlessly. If you have not seen it, you must find a way. Even without Ben in the lead, it must not be missed. Seriously.
The same day that we saw D.E.H, we scored cheap tickets at the last minute for The Great Comet. It was the most complete theater experience I’ve had. From the moment you walked through the front doors into the lobby area you were transported to another time and place. The dilapidated walls adorned with Russian propaganda and the harsh fluorescent lighting in the “bunker” catch you off guard but, more importantly, they create a contrast that becomes apparent when you finally enter the main theater. Inside it is a velvety-red Swarovski fantasy. With 20,000 Swarovski crystals on the (gorgeous) starburst chandeliers, and another 110,00+ on the costumes, the entire room sparkled nearly as bright as the comet at the heart of the show. The immersive staging took everything up a notch and created an experience unlike any other. I didn’t always follow the famously complicated story line nor did I enjoy ever tiny aspect of the musical’s book, lyrics and score, but my goodness, what a production! Lastly, we finished out our week in Manhattan with a show that we had planned to see a year before when it first opened, Waitress. A change in plans meant that we had to wait to see Sara Bareilles’ heartwarming, hilarious, brilliant music come to life on stage. It was worth it. Christopher Fitzgerald and Drew Gehling made me laugh so hard I was in tears. Jessie Mueller demonstrated why she is one of the best on Broadway. We got to see the show again when it came to Des Moines on tour and it was just as wonderful the second time around. I wish I could bottle the feeling I have when I leave a theater after watching a show and keep it on hand for when I need a little boost in life. It is my therapy.
***OH! And, Caroline Rhea sat directly in front of us (a few rows behind Josh Gad) and took a selfie with us. So, basically, the BEST DAY EVER.
The Lonely, Swimming Pygmy Sloth from Planet Earth II
By far the weirdest entry in my list, this little guy stole my heart and I smile every time I think about him. A Pygmy Sloth is shown looking for a mate on an episode of Planet Earth II, and it is must-see television. It is narrated by David Attenborough and that spectacularly written script is key to the cuteness factor of the video (sadly the video below does not contain that narration). We learn that he hears a female across a body of water so he swims his little self across, only to find that the object of his affection already has a baby and is unable to mate. It. Is. So. Ridiculously. Adorable. Do yourself a favor and watch the entire series, which is astounding, and get the full version of this slothiest-sloth thing that has ever been.
“The Hilarious World of Depression” Podcast / John Green / VlogBrothers / NYT Article
The phenomenal book of John Green’s that I talked about at the top of this 3000-(and counting)-word post tied in with a set of other things that were extraordinarily important to me this past year. John appeared on a podcast that I’d fallen in love with called “The Hilarious World of Depression.” It solidified my appreciation for that podcast and made it something that I look forward to on a weekly basis. There’s something to be said for hearing people talk openly about the things that society has told us we should be ashamed of. I have spent my whole life feeling like my anxiety and depression were secrets that I had to mask and pretend didn’t exist. With this podcast you’re able to see that funny, famous, “important” people also have these issues, and we shouldn’t shy away from discussing them. It is only through bringing these things into the conversation that we will begin to remove the stigma, and possibly save lives.
John and his brother, Hank, also have a YouTube channel called “Vlogbrothers,” and I have grown to love their quirky uploads that explore a vast array of topics. Recorded as messages to each other, Hank and John shed light on different subjects but, more importantly, show us who they are as human beings. They are open and genuine, both qualities that aren’t currently overflowing in the social media world. It’s refreshing. Again, seeing them deal with their demons makes it just a little bit easier to deal with my own. Speaking of which, the last random part of this entry in the list is an article from the New York Times that came into my life at that darkest of dark times. It was called, “Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?” and I had never read anything that discussed certain parts of my past in the way that this piece did. I missed a very large chunk of elementary school when I got sick at school and subsequently could not go back. I had a meltdown and became so afraid that I’d get sick again that I refused to leave my house. It was a terrible experience, working with someone to help me get in the car…then drive to the school…then get out of the car…then go into the school…each as their own step, over multiple days. I’d always held that somewhere deep within me, ashamed and absolutely convinced that my experience was complete unique. This article, published 24 years after my struggle, finally showed me that what I had gone through had a name – emetophobia. They describe it in this article as, “a fear of vomit that can be so debilitating that people will sometimes restrict what they eat and refuse to leave the house, lest they encounter someone with a stomach flu.” It turned out that I wasn’t crazy, and other people had dealt with similar things. I found myself in so many of the people described in the piece. It rang true and gave me the courage to finally reach out and begin my journey towards a life in which my mental health no longer controls me. It will be a struggle, but I’m grateful for this assortment of authors, podcasters, and vloggers that have already made it easier.
The Costumes and Production Design of Film and Television
Lastly, some of my favorite things this past year were costumes and sets in television shows and films. As an apparel-minded person I’ve always been drawn to costumes but my interest in the production design, cinematography, and the overall design of the entertainment I consume is new. I’ve opened my eyes to the whole product instead of just focusing solely on what the characters are wearing. The costumes have more purpose now and they are more meaningful because they exist within a complex world that has layers of meaning. Each detail comes together to tell the story and that makes for a richer viewing experience. Some highlights of the year were: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (which I have discussed briefly here), The Shape of Water (a bit about the production design here), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (even though I did not care for the film itself), The Crown, Wonder Woman, Beauty and the Beast, The Greatest Showman, Will & Grace, Riverdale, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Schitt’s Creek.
The Perfect Pink (©Amazon)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ©Amazon
Sally Hawkins & Richard Jenkins in The Shape of Water
“Sally Hawkins in a scene from Shape of Water. The window arch was directly inspired by one in 1948’s The Red Shoes” ©Kerry Hayes/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
GotG Vol 2. “Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki)” – Photo: Film Frame/Marvel Studios
GotG Vol 2. “Mantis”
Elizabeth and Philip – The Crown ©Netflix
Princess Margaret – The Crown ©Netflix
Wonder Woman
Beauty and the Beast 2017. Designs by JACQUELINE DURRAN – Photo ©EW
Rebecca Ferguson – The Greatest Showman
Hugh Jackman and the cast of The Greatest Showman
Fendi Jacket from Will & Grace
Will & Grace Christmas Episode ©Chris Haston/NBC
Riverdale ©Diyah Pera/The CW
Scene from The Handmaid’s Tale ©Hulu
Costumes from The Handmaid’s Tale ©Chris Chapman
Schitt’s Creek
Faves From 2017 (It Wasn’t Completely Terrible!) Before throwing last year into the mental trash bin and letting ourselves get lost in looking forward, I thought it'd be good to stop and reflect on the things in 2017 that weren't terrible.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
Can Your Birth Season Shed Some Light On Your Health Chart?
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/can-your-birth-season-shed-some-light-on-your-health-chart/
Can Your Birth Season Shed Some Light On Your Health Chart?
Being a generation that insists on rejecting labels and being put into boxes, it’s surprising why so many of us millennials are obsessed with horoscopes. With 58 percent of 18-24-year-old Americans believing that astrology is scientific, feelings of skepticism regarding zodiac signs and horoscopes are progressively decreasing.
Therefore, it is not completely unnatural to find a strong community of young, hip, perfectly normal people who turn to astrology for predictions about their relationships and career life. But what many people don’t know is that the month you’re born in can have a lot to do with your health.
Researchers believe that this connection has a lot to do with the characteristic traits of the season your birth month falls under. Here, we’re going to look at what these seasonal traits are and how each one can affect your health.
1. Spring
i. Babies May Have A Higher Risk Of Heart Disease
What research says: A study revealed an increased risk of heart disease in babies born in the months of spring, more specifically in March. This was not just one type of heart disease, but several, including congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation, a disease characterised by irregular heart rhythm.
Why: Previous studies have established a link between vitamin D deficiency and heart problems. Although the exact link between vitamin D levels and heart health is not known, scientists have found that a single dose of this nutrient can significantly improve endothelial function and cause a decrease in blood pressure.
Researchers claim that babies born in spring are more likely to have lower vitamin D levels in their bloodstream at birth. This factor may explain why spring babies are more likely to suffer from heart diseases.
ii. Babies Are More Likely To Develop Multiple Sclerosis
What research says: Several studies state that people with spring birthdays tend to have a higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) later on in life. This association was found to be stronger in areas that were far off from the equator, where spring is characterized by low sunlight and consequently, low vitamin D levels.
Why: With studies proving that an increased exposure to sunlight (thus, a decreased risk of vitamin D deficiency) is linked to a lower risk of MS, more so if the body was exposed to high levels of sunlight during childhood and adolescence, science has certainly established a clear link between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. Given that spring babies are already at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, it is no wonder that they also show a higher risk of developing MS.
2. Summer
i. Babies Are Born Healthier
What research says: According to a study, babies born from June all the way through August are more likely to be healthy. They display a higher birth weight, later puberty, and also tend to be taller once they enter into adulthood.
Why: Researchers are of the opinion that this fact has a lot to do with vitamin D exposure, which peaks during the summer months. Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient, that we absorb through our skin from sunlight. Not only does this trigger higher levels of hormones that are necessary for child growth, but also contributes to a stronger immune system and good bone-formation. A deficiency in vitamin D is also closely linked with an increased risk of obesity and diabetes.[/ref]Grineva, E. N., T. Karonova, E. Micheeva, O. Belyaeva, and I. L. Nikitina. “Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for obesity and diabetes type 2 in women at late reproductive age.” Aging (Albany NY) 5, no. 7 (2013): 575.[/ref]
This is why, it is very likely that women who get pregnant during summer could be getting a lot more vitamin D than those getting pregnant earlier or later on in the year, thus fortifying their babies against disease.
 ii. Babies Are More Prone To Eyesight Problems
What research says: A study involving 276 911 Israeli adolescents aged between 16 to 22 years old found a higher rate of prevalence of myopia during peak summer months (June and July).
Why: Researchers believe that summer babies are more prone to sun exposure as compared to those born in the darker winter months. This could significantly lengthen the shape of the eyeball, thereby leading to a higher risk of myopia and refractive error.
3. Autumn
i. Babies Are More Prone To Bronchial Asthma
What research says: Studies have found that babies born in fall (from August to October) showed a higher prevalence of bronchial asthma as compared to those who were born in spring (from February to April).
Why: Researchers are of the opinion that the mothers of babies born in fall are pregnant throughout the winter months – a time where they are at a higher risk of catching a cold or the flu. This factor could significantly affect the respiratory health of the developing fetus.
ii. Babies Are More Prone To Allergic Infections
What research says: In addition to respiratory illnesses like bronchial asthma, research has also shown a higher risk of allergic infections in babies whose birthdays fall in autumn. 
Why: Researchers have come up with a theory that babies born in Autumn are made to stay indoors more during the first few months after their birth. Since autumn also marks the onset of winter, parents insist on keeping the windows shut while turning to indoor heating to keep the surroundings warm. This may increase the exposure of the baby to harmful allergens such as dust mites and smoke, which may scar the baby’s lungs.
However, researchers also insist that birth month is not the sole contributor to an autumn-born baby developing asthma. Exposure to environmental factors like pollution may also have plenty to do with bad lung-health in a baby.
4. Winter
Babies Are More Prone To Mental Disorders
What research says: Studies have found that the rate of mental diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder tend to peak in babies born in winter months (between December and March).
Why: Researchers are of the opinion that pregnant women who are expected to give birth in the early months of the year (January and February) have just come through the season of flu. This coincides with the second half of the pregnancy, a time that marks the establishment of links between the neural cells in the brain. If a mother-to-be happens to pick up the flu during this time, it could significantly disturb these growing connections.
Another theory is that babies born in winter months experience shorter days. This means they are less exposed to sunlight and vitamin D, which play a huge role in the secretion of mood-balancing hormones like dopamine and serotonin. This factor could, therefore, play a huge role in increasing the risk of mental disorders in winter babies.
Note: Just because certain seasons are significantly associated with a higher risk of specific diseases, it is important to not get overly anxious if your baby’s birthday falls bang in the middle of winter or summer. Researchers insist that the risk is not great enough to cause people to worry about when they were born or when their babies are going to be born. In fact, there are plenty of risk factors to contribute to the health of an individual, such as diet, exercise, and exposure to environmental pollutants and stress. Therefore, as long as an individual leads a healthy life right from childhood all the way into adulthood, there is a high chance that he or she may enjoy a better healthspan.
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.
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