#''will I still want to kms if I'm high?'' the answer is always no when I'm high I want to eat dry cereal and listen to video game music
apollo-zero-one · 9 months
I'm fine now dw
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tutyayilmazz · 3 years
Translation of a nice interview with chuso:
After receiving the title of Honoured Coach of UZB she wants to open her own gym even more. The president promised to make this happen, and that it will be the best club around.
They show the silly dance she does on her Insta at the meeting of the President & UZB team and says that shows her typical daily mood - she's very a very positive & happy person
They ask whether the title makes up for the incident with the flag at the OG. She says you can't relate the two. She's not the person to hold a grudge and has let it go and moved on.
Her brother did gym and started taking her with him she she wouldn't be at home alone. For the first while she trained with the boys because she liked it better with them. When she was 8 she moved to the girls group.
It's just coincidence that she ended up in gymnastics as she doesn't have a sporty family, had never seen gym on TV or watched the OG. When people asked her as a kid what she wanted to be she would say "a policeman" as she had no concept of being a gymnastics champion
She was first noticed by the national team at the Komsomolka competition in Tashkent, a jnr comp for KMS level, she thinks in 1987. Aleksandrov was the head coach at that time. She won the AA and was invited to Round Lake for the 1st time
She actually didn't like the 1st training camp at all. It was a different regime and expectations, and she also felt the other girls weren't very nice. Now she understands that it was because it was very competitive to get on the team
When the USSR collapsed she never had any thoughts about going to compete for Russia. She came back to UZB and only thought about competing for them. Her parents were actually working and living in Russia, but she stayed in UZB
Her coach was in UZB, she had grown up as a gymnast there. She never actually wanted to compete for another country.
She's asked what kind of official privileges etc her titles have granted her and she's not sure! She says she will find out as now she has time to :) She knows that you do get a lifetime pension for titles and Olympic medals.
Toyota was the sponsor of the Bundesliga club she was competing for at the time her son was ill & provided the guarantee for him to get a place in the hospital. They needed this in case they didn't manage to raise the funds to prove that the cost of treatment would still be paid.
After she got her citizenship there was never any pressure on her to compete and win medals for Germany, it was completely up to her whether she wanted to or not.
Her coach in Germany was Zhanna Polyakova who is originally from BLR. Oksana credits her with teaching her how to get enjoyment from and love gymnastics.
She always planned on returning to UZB once her son was better. The host says many people might be surprised at this decision after having lived in Germany. She felt the opposite :) She loves Tashkent & adores UZB, it's her home.
There was no issue transferring back to competing for UZB, Germany gave the release and UZB accepted, no animosity from Germany for leaving and UZB happy to have her back!
She just knew Tokyo would be her last time competing, and not that she doesn't love gymnastics any more, just that it was time.
Oksana thanks the host for being the first to name & describe all her own elements correctly! She explains that most of them came about spontaneously, ie doing the twist in the 1st salto wasn't working so they tried it on the 2nd.
They never purposefully tried to be innovative, didn't always know if they were the 1st person to do it etc.
She is asked to explain how difficult her skills are to the layperson. She uses the HS 540 vault as an example and says there are only about 5 people in the world who do it. Asked to name them, she says Moreno, Steingruber, the Korean gymnast, Akhaimova & her.
She doesn't consider herself a legend or a hero. She's a person who does something she enjoys. Asked how she would label herself in the sports world she says "just a good person".
Her decision to finish after Tokyo felt easy until her last performance when she got the standing ovation and had tears in her eyes. Then she realised it wasn't that simple! [I'm gonna cry again 😭😭😭]
Re flag incident. Still doesn't know the reason that happened & so doesn't have much to say. Thinks if they weren't sure they shouldn't have announced it. Athletes are sensitive, take things to heart and that the officials didn't think about how much that could affect someone.
She cried a lot that night and was really upset about it. It's still very painful, and you could see it in her eyes in the interview :(
It did affect her performance. She didn't have the same fire in her eyes & same adrenaline as usual. During the OG she didn't read any media about her etc. Mentions she spoke with Nemov, Boginskaya later - they know her well enough to leave her alone at the time.
The host compliments her and says she saw all the photos of her with the RUS, USA team etc at the OG and that she looks amazing. Oksana says "I know!"
She jokes about how in warm up etc the younger gymnasts are so respectful to her, sometimes they offer for her to go ahead of them etc and it's like letting elders get on the bus first :)
Her plans now are to live a full life, open her gym and enrol kids, raise new stars, and enjoy life.
Asked about current situation with gymnastics in UZB she says they have good juniors and so it's okay. Explains its very hard to qualify a team. Doing so for 2024 isn't realistic but they will try to do so by 2028.
She will try to enrol as many kids as possible at her gym as she knows the more you start with, the better chance that some will continue to a high level.
She names upcomers in UZB as Dildora Aripova, Anastasiya Mishnichenko and also that they have new seniors next year so should have a full team at the Asian Games.
Asked what is the meaning of life. Oksana struggles to think of an answer, but decides it is to make the world a kinder place. It's not sport, that's a hobby. She knows that people are kind, just sometimes they don't know it themselves :)
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Alex relives the old days as he single-handedly embarks on a mission to help local German Militia regain their village from the hands of Augustus. But he seemed a little distracted. I wonder why.
Previous Chapter : Roach - A Walk to Remember
Chapter 7 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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"Just Like Old Times"
Task Force 141
1 km East of A Local Militia Settlement, Germany
"Guten Morgen. Hallo." Alex muttered as the plane slowly descended toward his drop off area. He was readying his accent for the negotiation. A few more walks and he'll be on potential enemy territory or ally territory, depending how well he seals the deal. For the whole duration of the flight, he cleared his head on Samantha, how she has no clue about him, and focused on his new task. He was confident he'd get this one right, as this was his playing field. The CIA days were almost nostalgic as he plopped his metal foot on the ground and signaled the chopper goodbye.
Leading small armies to help create forces to counter terrorism. That was his role in the Special Activities Division of the CIA. He was Kate Laswell's favorite when it comes to these kinds of activities and he's confident enough that he could convince them to fight.
The walk was long and quiet, no one was around, most of Alex's trails were just forest upon forest upon forest. He started heading to the sound of the water, and immediately spotted four men, armed and possibly his ticket inside the settlement. Taking a deep breath he emerged from the forest and greeted the gentlemen.
"Hello. Does anyone here know anyone named Blitz?" Alex asked in fluent german. The four of them pointed their guns directly at him and he quickly dropped his bag and raised his hands showing surrender.
"No no. I'm here to help." He kicked the bag as it started to pour out heavy grenadier weapons and bullets. One of them grabbed a radio and called the base.
"What is your name?" he asked.
"Call me Alex." he replied with a grin. The next thing he knew is that he was being tied and escorted to the village. He didn't mind, it's always normal for them to be cautious, especially when facing an unknown person.
They trod the dense forestry until they got to a small settlement buzzing with activity.
Alex found himself seated on a small wooden table, his bag of weapons in front of him while Blitz slowly stepped out of the shadows. Blitz was the leader of the said settlement. He has a pale white skin and almost bald hair, his brethren surrounded him, guns pointed at Alex.
"What brings you to this little town, Alex?" he asked. 
"Augustus." he replied confidently, all the other brothers whispered with each other.
"Shhh!" he silenced the group. "What about him?"
"I want answers from him and I need your help." 
Alex took a sip of their popular soup recipe, they were all gathered by the campfire outside but Blitz wanted to talk to him in private.
"Augustus, has done a lot of bad things in our village. He has slaughtered our animals, stolen some of our men and worst of all, he took away our village." he frowned.
"My wife and kids, they are still there… He's using them as shields so your heavy weapons have no use to win them back." he pushed the bag back to him.
"I still have friends who can help. If you're willing to lend us your strength." Blitz looked concerned at Alex's eagerness.
"Tell me, why do you want this Augustus man so bad?" he asked, his eyes reflected the little burn they had on their campfire.
"He's our only hope to save a lot of people," he replied.
"Good. Join us later for our plans. If we are able to evacuate my people, we can have time to play with your toys." he smiled and Alex nodded. Tomorrow, the 141 is going to have Augustus for interrogation.
"Don't get your hopes too high, Alex. I don't want to live waiting for uncertainty. I'm done with that." Samantha's words hit him like a brick. Alex peeked at the scope and took a general sweep of the view looking for possible hostiles. It's been months since they last met and if she's true to her word and lives a normal life, she must have someone else looking for her right now, someone else she currently loves and he just had to suck it up when his suspicions were to be true.
He had his chance to tell her everything back at the infirmary but seeing her smile like that made him hesitate. Bringing back memories of him would just cause him pain, like what Maxine felt when she heard her name. And he didn't want her hurt, he just wanted her back.
He started to crumple her letter as he fished it from his pocket. It was inside the ziploc he had to protect from the rain, but now he just wanted to forget. He had been hurt many times in the past days that he couldn't handle facing her anymore. The feeling that he isn't reciprocated the way he expected was pushing him down.
'Don't you dare forget about me.' he sighed. 
He wished it would be the same as last time. She rejected him at first but convinced herself to give him a chance the next day, but even with Maxine badgering her about him, it didn't seem to work.
"There they go Alex. The 6 am supply drop." Blitz whispered over comms. The plan was easy: Augustus supplies a lot of boxes to the base. They contain food and weapons stolen from farms or delivered to them from their higher leaders. This is the opening where most of their forces carry boxes, Anja, Blitz's wife, would lead all their members to a small tunnel they built in cases of invasion. Once everyone is out and accounted for, we will barge in and surround them, taking back what's rightfully theirs.
It's also important that most forces will focus on the northern ridge as that was the place where they came from before they invaded, and Blitz believes that a bigger base is situated there. Alex quickly relays this intel to the Task Force and reconnaissance has since begun.
"Ready, Alex?" Blitz asked one last time, holding their guns.
"Let's go." he said as they slowly creeped towards the entrance.
Alex's fingers gently felt the trigger through his gloves, he was alone with new found friends and he's not going to let Augustus slide past his hands. This has to end now. For Samantha.
For Samantha, who doesn't recognize him anymore, those days in Brazil were Alex's best days as a normal person. He got to experience living full of love for a while and he got into it. He liked the idea.
One huge explosion on an open area inside the settlement. They were smart, they're reclaiming the base so they didn't destroy anything in there. They just set out a warning.
"Alex! These weapons are top-notch!" One of the soldiers he's with roared, dashing across the field and started firing rounds. 
Alex quickly covered himself by an empty barrel, peeking with his sights and firing at the tangos who were defending, slowly pressing themselves inward onto the base.
"Brothers! Let's take back what's rightfully ours!" Blitz yelled in their language, followed by a collective "Ja!" from the men.
Enemies scattered, those with weapons slung on their shoulders immediately retaliated while some of them retreated far back into the village. Alex took note of this and shot runners when he could.
"Brothers, they're going to reinforce themselves with weapons!" Blitz yelled, commanding the rest of the forces to flank, putting pressure on the back exit where most of them could retreat.
"Alex, come with me. Let's get Augustus." The leader commanded and Alex nodded, fighting their way inside the central tent. It was heavily guarded and the duo cautiously made their way in shooting hostiles one barrage of bullets at a time. By the time they made it in a huge chunk of metal caught their attention, it had some sort of satellite components and it hummed dangerously.
Alex and Blitz successfully entered the base but it was Augustus-less, more bad news were reported as their weapons cache was already empty.
"Scheisse!!" Blitz cursed loudly as the village fell quiet. They had won their fight back, but at what cost? Alex consoled the leader and turned to the machine which hummed louder.
"We gotta get out of here!" he yelled, escorting Blitz to the door. But it was too late, the machine whirred and released some sort of small scale EMP blast, forcing their comms to ring in static followed by a loud side effect of ear ringing and minor dizziness.
Alex felt himself drop on the floor, trying his hardest to remove his earpiece. The feeling was mind bending, the ringing didn't stop and it felt piercing straight to the brain, unlike standard military EMP grenades, these lasted longer and rang louder. Whatever this contraption was, he needed it to be destroyed.
With the last of his strength, Alex covered his already bleeding ears and dragged Blitz outside the tent, threw a grenade and hid to safety. It was a slow and steady action but as soon as the machine blasted into pieces, the ringing stopped and everyone started to recover.
The group slowly recovered and got up. Some of Blitz's men began puking as their minds were assaulted by the big machine. If this is one of Nero's big plans, then the team must prepare. Alex still pondered how these blasts weren't familiar on his previous mission and how they could potentially tie to the missing person cases that continued to spread across America.
Alex was afraid of what this thing is capable of and he must report this immediately to the rest of the squad, who he thinks is making their way inside Augustus' base just beyond the mountains behind them.
Next Chapter : Experiment 001
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
"You mean to say that you managed to convince Marie to transfer from the survey corps just two days before the expedition?" Hanji asked me with disbelief. "Yes" I simply answered. "Well, we don't even have time for replacement... Why exactly did you do that? And don't bring up the reports on her endangering the squad. If that bothered you, you would've done this earlier." Hanji asked in a flat tone. "I thought I could make her obedient. However, if she has the guts to try to open her shirt and try to seduce my husband, I don't think she would ever listen to me. I need obedient soldiers in my squad, not people who try to steal their superior's husband." I answered with the same flat tone.
"Huhhhhhh? That bitch did that? Oh sorry.. I keep forgetting that I'm the commander now and I should be.. Ahem... A bit more reasonable but yes, Marie will be transferred to the Garrison tomorrow as getting the paperwork done would take time. I have sent the papers to Commander Pixis already before talking to you because I knew that you must have a reason for making this decision." Hanji answered giving me a mischievous glint. I gave her a victorious smirk of my own because I got an useless burden off my shoulder. I went back to the stable and saddled my horse to go back home. Hanji was in Utopia district with her squad.
She left for Utopia 3 days before the expedition. Marie gave me her letter requesting transfer only a few hours after the talk we had at my office. I left for Utopia with Levi and Farlan that evening. Levi and I had dropped off Farlan at Historia's Orphanage on our way to Utopia. It was an 11 hour journey and so, we reached Utopia at dawn. The first thing we did was send the letter to Hanji's office by a cadet, take a small nap, had breakfast and went straight to Hanji's office. It was already afternoon when I was called to talk to Hanji. We already were done with lunch by then. "So, how did that go?" Levi asked me. He was already in the stable when I arrived, his horse ready to go. "It was alright. Hanji approved of the transfer. We just have to go back and I'll see that everything goes smoothly." I answered, as I saddled my horse.
Levi answered with a "hmm" and was silent till I was done with the saddling. "Do you want to see how Farlan is doing on our way?" Levi asked me. I personally felt uneasy not having Farlan near me, given that I spent every second of my time home with him. I knew that Levi felt odd too as he always looked after Farlan whenever I was cooking or cleaning or busy with something. "Yeah. That's a good idea." I muttered as we both got up on our horses and galloped out of the stable and out of the scout regiment branch.
"(Y/N) SAN!" the kids in the orphanage yelled happily as they ran towards me. I didn't see them for a while and so, didn't mind when they all tackled me to the ground. "Oi calm down! I already have to fight titans and having to fight you kids now aren't helping!" I told them trying to sound irritated but the smile on my face betrayed me. "Oi brats. Get off her." Levi walked towards them and they all got off me immediately. Obviously, they were all scared of him. "(Y/N)! Welcome back!" a smiling Historia came towards me from inside the orphanage as we stood at the yard. She had Farlan in her arms.
"Yeah... I just had to see Farlan before going." I muttered with a smile as I took Farlan from her arms. "He's doing very well so far. The kids love him." Historia smiled at me. "Thank you for taking care of him. I'd not trust anyone about this besides Hanji and Mikasa." I answered her with a smile. Levi was already beside me and took Farlan from me. "We will be late if we delay more now." he muttered, holding Farlan. "Yeah... We have to keep going..." I muttered sadly. I wasn't ready to leave Farlan alone for so long, that for a life threatening expedition. I trusted mine and Levi's ability to survive though. I kissed Farlan's forehead before Levi handed him to historia again. We bade eachother farewell before going back on our way.
The next day
I woke up at dawn. Levi woke up a little later after I was done making breakfast. The expedition would start today. After taking a bath, a very long one since we won't be able to do that for 3 days. We both dressed in our new uniforms, ones that were heavily insulated to protect us from the bitter cold. Green overcoats with a fur lining inside, our usual white pants as they are warm enough and fingerless gloves to protect our hands from frostbite but retain the perfect grip on our swords. Our boots were good enough to keep the cold out of our feet. Wearing earmuffs weren't an option as that would hinder our ability to hear clearly and decrease survival rate further.
It was assumed that all the titans that aren't already killed are either abnormals or ones that were too weak to travel to the executioner from hell or didn't go there by chance. Dealing with abnormals are much much harder than normals. The districts in wall Maria were safe as the gates were sealed in every district, even in Shiganshina. That bastard beast titan did that one thing right. It would take us 20 hours to travel half of wall Maria as we intend to, however, we cannot leave one spot missed. There's a chance that we could encounter the beast titan, the cart titan and Reiner. We just couldn't afford to leave a small area untouched. We could fight for 10 hours before the sun sets. The first expedition is solely to take out any titans, not the shifters, however, you can never be too careful. We usually kept our horses at a small shed we made in our yard.
After saddling the horses, we galloped towards the headquarters, I went to the supply room to get mine and Levi's gear. We were a bit late as Levi insisted on getting clean properly and bathed for nearly an hour. Levi was assembling all the soldiers in our team and asked me to get his gear for him. Just as I was at the entrance of the supply room, I saw Marie getting out of there. "Oi Marie. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be going to the Garrison barracks?" I asked her with suspicion. "Yes. I was taking my gear." she answered simply before she left.
"Why didn't she do it earlier? Was this intentional? Did she mess with mine or Levi's gear? No... I did her a huge favour by not ruining her career. Anyone with common sense knows that there's still a high chance that I'd survive with a messed up gear, a higher chance for Levi. No one in the right mind would try to sabotage my gear. That's practically ruining their lives by themselves." I thought as I strapped onto my gear and walked out of the room with Levi's. There wasn't any time to check the gear now. There's 30 minutes left till 6am. We need to be going now.
"Listen you all. I will be repeating the plan once again. Once we all get in position, the team furthest, the one near the wall Maria would shoot flare signals. The closest to them would do the same and it will go on till it reaches the members closest to Trost. The same will be done in the opposite way to indicate the start of the expedition. Levi heichou and I would be in the middle. If squad 1-4 faces any major problem, notify Levi heichou as you all are under him. He will be in squad 5, closest to you. Squad 7-9 would do the same but with me. I'll be in squad 6. Use smoke signals to contact any of us the same way we would start the expedition.
If the issue isn’t major, use red signals to ask back up from the closest team. If the issue is major, use black signals and we will be there as soon as possible. If a snow storm starts, retreat immediately near wall Rose. We will be moving in a straight line and so, we will all be able to meet at one point in that case. The teams furthest from wall Rose will have to cover a distance of about 1508km in this expedition. We would have to adjust our speed with that. Every one hour, we would shoot green smoke signals that would be used at the start of the expedition too to help everyone detect each squad's position. Speed will be adjusted according to that.
The signals will start from the squad closest to wall Maria, and the other team will adjust to their speed and position and shoot a signal again and so forth. The formation cannot be broken at any cost. We will travel 503 km each day, search every spot for titans. It would generally take about 7 hours to travel that distance each day but we need to make sure no titan slips our hand. We would take a look inside every city, every building, and make sure no titan escapes our sight. The supply wagons will be stationed with squad 5 and 6 as those are the most heavily guarded squads. Squad 1 and squad 2 will be moving together when we are near the districts and will separate as the districts end. Just one more advice to you all, stay alive." I lectured the soldiers.
We were on top of Wall Rose, a cold wind blowing and a somewhat calm atmosphere. The place outside the walls were white with snow. Winter expeditions had a different advantage towards us. The sunlight level is lower during winter and thus, titans will be less strong. Taking them down in open ground will be easier. However, there's no telling for sure if the new recruits can do that. After all, things like that come from experience.
"Let the expedition begin!" I shouted as we got down the wall with everyone else and were on our horses. I wondered how uncle Erwin felt when he did that. This feeling of fear, guilt, determination and excitement... Did he feel all that too? As I was the strategist in our team, Hanji left the entire team under my command. Levi was in charge of keeping everything in control and our biggest weapon. His experience would help me make quick decisions about unfamiliar scenarios. Basically, Levi was controlling my decisions with his experience while I controlled the team with my strategies. This was the beginning of the 67th expedition.
3 hours later
My squad was in position, traveling in the middle of the formation. We didn't encounter any titan yet and I was glad to know that Hanji's predictions may have been right. Most of the titans were killed by the executioner from hell. The survey was going well, however, squad 8 would be travelling in a village as we speak. They will have to search every building there. We decreased our speeds as the map says us to do so, to let squad 8 pick up the pace with us within the next hour. However, just as I thought everything was going smooth, a black smoke signal was detected from squad 7.
"Diana, take command of the squad. I'll go take a look at that." I instructed my second in command and charged towards squad 7. It took me about 7 and half minutes to reach squad 7 only to find that another smoke signal had been shot in squad 8. Damn it... They couldn't take the abnormal even with perfect manoeuvring grounds? It took a total of 15 mins to reach squad 8 and two people were already dead there. 5 abnormals were chasing them and they were trying their best to avoid them. Obviously they couldn’t hold off that many abnormals.
Just as I looked back, there was a titan standing next to the building behind me. An abnormal. It had a grotesque smile and dived at me but I jumped away at immediately. I went to use my 3DMG to get away from it but the strings shot out and away from the equipment, suddenly breaking with the force. I took a quick look at the torn metallic string and it was clear that it was cut. Marie sabotaged my equipment. The titan dived at me again and jumped away at the last moment, gripping it's hair to use it as a rope and used the force on it as the titan got up to fly upwards and slashing the titan's nape barely, using the blades on the titan's back to slow my fall down. I met squad 7 on my way there and I needed quick reinforcements.
Not just recruits, I needed Levi here as getting 4 abnormals without a 3DMG was impossible. I shot a black smoke signal, hoping that squad 7 would understand the emergency. I saw squad 7 doing the same thankfully and I knew my squad was smart enough to inform Levi. With that, I tried my best to hide from the abnormals, that the three remaining members from squad 8 was keeping busy and I searched for the bodies of the two deceased members so that I could take one of their gear.
Levi POV
We have only encountered one abnormal so far and it seemed like shitty glasses did a good job predicting the amount of titan we could face. Things were going pretty well till I saw a black flare being shot from squad 6. (Y/N)'s squad needs help? How is that possible? "Mikasa, take command." I commanded Mikasa as she was the most capable out of all my squad members and rushed towards (Y/N)'s squad. After reaching there, I found no Titans, however, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. "Oi, where's (Y/N)? What's with the black flare?" I asked her second in command. "Heichou, (Y/N)-san went to check on a black flare that came from squad 7.
They shot another black flare just now. I assumed that (Y/N) san asked for backup." she explained. I noticed that black flare too. "Okay. I'll be going then." I told her before galloping to squad 7. No titans were there and I could see a black flare from squad 8. They should be in a village now. That's probably where they encountered titans. I didn't waste any time and sped my way to squad 8. It took me about 23 minutes to reach and I found three recruits barely hanging onto their lives, trying to keep away from 4 abnormals. (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. I didn't waste my time and sped towards the titans and just as I tried to use my 3DMG, the wires broke when they were shot. I was taken aback by that.
I probably maintain my gear better than anyone else in the survey corps. What the fuck just happened? Before I could react, an abnormal caught me from behind. I was struggling in its hand when the titan suddenly fell flat on its face, dropping me. I landed on my feet to see (Y/N), running at me.
"Levi, Marie sabotaged my gear. I'm guessing she did the same with yours. I had my doubts that's why I was able to escape the titans. There's a body with a 3DMG attached to it 2 houses from here. I got mine there too. I'll hold them off. Hurry!" (Y/N) briefed me on the situation and I left her to handle it while I ran towards the location she pointed me to only to find a titan standing there. However, it was a 2 meter class. It sped at me as it was an abnormal and I got up the stairs of the house next to me, used the railing to jump high enough and cut the titan's nape flawlessly.
I could see another 12 meter class drop in the distance as I reached the bodies. One of them didn't have a gear. I assumed that's the one (Y/N) is using. I took the gear from the other soldier and strapped it on quickly and joined the fight. (Y/N) killed one more titan and assisted me to get the fifth one. "You guys are very less in number. I'll send someone from my squad. Fall into formation for now." I commanded the 3 soldiers left as (Y/N) called both of our horses. "Hai!" the soldiers saluted before I motioned them to be at ease and got on my horse as (Y/N) got on hers.
We travelled together towards our squads as I told her, "You should've just expelled her out of the survey corps." "Yes. I know. I figured that she would take the chance I gave her and use it properly. I'll have to talk to Hanji about it and get her a criminal offence." (Y/N) answered, with a grave expression on her face. "It'll be alright. See you later." I told her as I parted from her after she reached her squad.
Day 2 of expedition
We were closing in to the titan forest near Karanese district. Only mine and (Y/N)'s squad will be going through the forest as our positioning was like that. The peaceful atmosphere didn't last for too long after we entered the forest. It seemed like hoards of abnormals were in there, just waiting for someone to enter. My squad, including me shifted to ODM gear, getting as many titans as I can. I was getting them all flawlessly while Mikasa was a big help too. The others were struggling. There were about 40 titans in this forest and after I was done with about 20 and my squad got 10 more. I heard the sound of one more ODM gear and (Y/N) came to assist.
I was fascinated by the graceful moves she was making with her body, the flawless use of ODM gear and the clean cuts she made. She moved in perfect harmony with me, assisted me in my kills and took assist from my moves too. She made me feel like both a proud mentor and a husband. She got 4 more titans, Mikasa got one as I took down the 5 remaining titans. "(Y/N), what are you doing here? Where's your squad?" I asked her as she landed. "Well, we entered the forest before you, cleaned up about 28 titans. I had to take down most of it but the squad got like 7 of them. Some titans fled in your direction and I followed them and got here and helped you out." she explained. This is why I loved her. One person who doesn't have to be the damsel in distress was all I've ever asked for. The rest of the expedition was more or less peaceful.
Day 3, end of expedition
The expedition was over as we reached Utopia district at evening. I had a titan kill of 54 as I had to assist the squads under me a few times. (Y/N)'s titan kill was 43 as she had to assist the squads under her too. All squads encountered heavy numbers of titans and apparently my training helped them. 20 people from our team died. A total of 177 titans were killed. We got 5 more black flares in the entire expedition. I got 3 and (Y/N) got 2. Most of the titans were abnormals as Hanji predicted. There were a few titans that were too deformed to move fast enough and we killed them easily. It was the same as every other expeditions. The parents of the dead demanding answer. This time, (Y/N) was the victim as she made all the plans and she was in charge.
"YOU GOT MY SON KILLED! HOW COULD YOU! YOU DIDN'T EVEN BRING HIS BODY! ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?" a woman was shouting at (Y/N). (Y/N)'s head was bowed. I didn't know what she was thinking. "That's enough. Your son was useful for the recapture of Wall Maria. He killed a titan before going out. I'm sure he won't appreciate it if you call the people he gave up his life for monsters." I told the woman, putting a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder but she shrugged it off.
"Levi, I need to deal with this on my own." she told me before facing the woman. "I am very sorry for your loss. I truly am. Your son was very brave. I wasn't there when he died but I heard from his squad mates about how he took down a titan as Levi heichou says so. Levi heichou tried his best to save as many people as possible and so did I. I'm a mother myself, so I know how it feels. If something happened to my son, I would feel as if death for myself is better. I won't judge you for being angry. You have every right to be angry. It was your son who laid his life on line. No mother would ever want their children to do that. I understand that. If calling me the monster helps you ease your pain, I will gladly take that name for myself." she told the woman, who now looked at her with surprise.
The woman broke down and started crying before sitting on the streets. (Y/N) kneeled in front of her and rested her arm on the woman's shoulder. "I'm sorry. No one deserves to die. Your son deserved a better leader. I'm sorry we weren't good enough." (Y/N) told the woman, her eyes showing remorse but her face as hard as a stone. "(Y/N), we have to go and report to HQ and pick Farlan up." I told her as I stood beside her. (Y/N) got up and got on her horse. The other parents of the dead saw this scene and didn't question (Y/N) anymore. They understood the message she wanted to give.
The bodies that could be recovered were distributed before we went to pick Farlan up and travelled to Trost. We reached Trost at 3AM. I held Farlan to my chest the whole time as I was warmer than (Y/N). Farlan wore warm clothes but still, you couldn't be more careful. (Y/N) left for home with Farlan while I went to report to Hanji on her behalf. Our team was lucky that most of the abnormals we faced were concentrated towards mine and (Y/N)'s squad. Hanji's team lost 40 people. Infact, they had to stop at Krolva district to take in reinforcements from the Garrison. It wasted time but was effective in getting rid of all the titans on their path.
"So, we have to make do with 140 scout members for the next expedition." I stated, raising an eyebrow. "No. We will take support from Garrison. They will send their most elite soldiers with us. The next expedition won't be too hard as we took down most of the titans left anyway. By the way, what did you want to tell me about Marie?" Hanji asked me before I explained the whole situation of her destroying our gears. "She actually did that? Well, I'll talk to Pixis personally about it. I'm sure he will take action as he's (Y/N)'s father. Other than that, he was never much fond of indiscipline except for when it comes to drinking." Hanji answered.
"Wait, you know?" I asked her, quiet surprised. "Yes of course I do. She told me on your wedding day. Didn't she mention it to you?" Hanji asked me. "Well, she might have forgot. Things weren't very steady back then as she was pregnant and all." I muttered. So Hanji knows. I'll have to ask (Y/N) about it. "Well, I'll have to make reports now. Being commander is such a pain... It even affects my titan research... Anyway, you may leave." Hanji told me and I left. At least we were all safe for one more day. The 67th expedition was over.
To be continued...
[AUTHOR'S NOTE:(Y/N) and Levi left from Trost to go to utopia at 7PM and reached Utopia at 6AM. (Y/N) was called in Hanji's office at 2PM and they reached Trost at 11 PM that day.
Given that Orvud district is 80 km far from the Reiss Chapel, and that the distance between wall Rose and Wall Sina is 130 km, it could be assumed that every district is 20 km long, and the distance between the reiss Chapel and Utopia district is 30km. It could be assumed that Historia's orphanage is near the Reiss Chapel as she owns many lands there and possibly other lords had land there too. So, Levi and (Y/N) would reach Historia's Orphanage by 24 minutes.
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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bettsfic · 5 years
betts, you've always given amazing writing advice in the past, so I'm coming to you with a question that legitimately keeps me up at night. I really want to write literary fiction. the only issue is - whenever I start writing that kind stuff, it immediately starts turning into porn? like, obviously, there is plot and stuff but it feels like ultimately all I want to write is people fucking and all the fall out that comes with it. is there a way to make this more ~literary? or is it just erotica?
i actually have a real, serious answer to this!! 
so, before the MFA, all i’d written was porn. it was all i knew how to write. i got to the MFA, and my first semester i decided to workshop candy tongue. bad idea. i was so comfortable writing for my fandom audience that i wasn’t aware of the stodgy nature of non-fandom audiences. my cohort was fine reading the incest stuff and the gratuitous sex, but they had trouble giving me feedback because they didn’t understand the point of it. and truly, there was none. i made maggie a gold-star submissive because i wanted to, even though it had no real function in the story. i wrote like 4 graphic sex scenes into a 25k novella, and i workshopped it, and made everyone, myself included, deeply uncomfortable.
i decided i could not write porn in my MFA. i was allowed and even encouraged by my thesis advisor, but ultimately i didn’t want the stress of it hanging over my head. so i started writing about money, and picking through my resentment toward my decade spent in finance. in fact the working title of my thesis was Sex & Money. i workshopped each story without being nervous at all, and realized i was taking no risks. by the end of my MFA, i really thought i was pulling my punches. 
and let me share the results of this sex/money content divide -- i’ve sent five stories out for publication. the two that haven’t picked up are the ones about money. the three that have been picked up are about sex. in one, a middle-aged woman buys her first dildo. that one won an award. in another, a 22 year old woman pursues her middle-aged boss. that one got nominated for a PEN. and in my most recent publication, an asexual masochist falls in love with his professional sadist. 
what i’m saying is, sex and stories about it are important. i’ve since separated my thesis collection into two -- zucchini, which is about (a)sexual exploration told through realism/absurdism, and dotted lines, which is a collection of fabulist stories about commodification and regulation. will they ever be published? probably not. will they ever even be finished? who knows! i’m a novelist, not a short storyist.
the resolution to your problem isn’t in how to avoid porn. rather you should ask, why do you write porn in the first place? and that answer is most likely: it’s the easiest conflict to write, and it exposes the characters’ true colors and intentions most easily. it’s a tool to uncover the story you are trying to tell. when you write two characters banging it out, you are resolving their conflict of desire in a tangible way. moreover, it’s an extremely high stake. when characters have sex, they’re at their most vulnerable, their most exposed. they’re literally laid bare for you, the writer, to see. if you think about the highest possible stakes in a story, it boils down to creation and destruction, sex and death. writing about death is a fucking bummer, so you’re left with sex to figure out who your characters really are. 
with porn, so many of your decisions -- like what and why, you know, conflict and motive -- are made for you, and you can focus on the important stuff, like pacing and voice and character. i firmly believe that when you begin any major project, you can’t make all your decisions at once. you can only make a few at a time, draft over draft, until eventually you’ve created an entire world. if all character A wants is to bang character B, you can get him across that distance without figuring out the make and model of the car he drives, or how often he calls his grandmother. those are decisions that can be made later, after your characters boink.
i have accepted that nearly everything i write will have what i call a “prime draft” in polite company but which is actually a porn draft. this isn’t even a first draft, it’s the 0th draft, where anything goes, and my id can run wild. the entire purpose of the porn draft can be frivolous nonsense with no depth or complexity. completely pressure-free and all for funsies. but i have to tell the story the fun way, the story i want to tell, to figure out what the story even is, what work it’s doing, and what i maybe want it to become later. in the porn draft, i’m allowing myself to focus on certain decisions, and sacrifice others for future drafts.
when i sit down and think of a novel i want to write, and that novel is Real and Important and tackling Difficult Topics, my boner flags. that’s not fun. i’m not inspired by seriousness or profound meaning. i may have all these important things i want to say in my writing, but in terms of the actual act, i mostly want to entertain and engage myself. and call me shallow, but the fastest way to do that is by giving me a hot character who is pining over another hot character, and they fuck a lot. 
once i’ve written the porn draft, i can go through and uncover the ~literary work i’m trying to do and the messages i’m trying to convey. usually i’ve figured out the major beats of the story, the voice, setting, motivations, etc. -- all things that are hard for me to figure out on the front end -- and i rework it into something more palatable for major audiences, that actually is Real and Important and tackling Difficult Topics.
the thing is, often the work i’m trying to do is about sex and sexual exploration, identity and its discovery, so usually i can’t take out all the porn. but i can make sure each scene is focused not on the pleasure or arousal i intended in the porn draft, but what i mean to uncover in my characters and plot by having it occur. that’s the difference between literary fiction and erotica -- in erotica, you’re trying to arouse your audience’s body; in literature, you’re trying to arouse their heart :’)
sex is allowed to and should exist in literature. some of my favorite literary works have tons of sex in them. it is not something to be shied away from or self-censored. if you want to write about sex, you should. but let the story tell you its underlying intentions, and in future drafts, pull those discoveries to the forefront of the story. 
i wrote training wheels solely for the detention scene in chapter 8. everything that happened up to that point was leading to that scene that i desperately wanted to write. and now, in the original fiction version, it doesn’t exist. it was scaffolding, an illusion i was chasing to lower the pressure on myself and convince myself i didn’t have to take anything seriously. but once the story was built and i saw what it really was, i could remove that scaffolding because the piece stands stronger without it. now, on the fourth draft, it’s no longer the story i originally intended it to be. it’s its own beast. there’s still a ton of sex in it, but it’s more subtle now, less over the top and gratuitous. it still ends in overt bdsm. i didn’t sacrifice any of that, because that was the work of the story. what i did sacrifice was descriptions of enormous throbbing cocks and characters coming 5 times in a row. 
same goes for some of my km prompts like coping skills and shut up and kill me -- stories that have way too much sex in them right now but have literary merit yet to be uncovered. coping skills might currently be a noncon pissplay fic, but it’s also a world in which character A has given blanket consent to character B, and B takes advantage of it, and beneath all that, they still somehow love each other. it’s an interesting space to explore, ripe for a story in which maybe nobody pees on anybody else, or maybe they do and it’s described in a different way. whatever might happen in that space, i needed the porn draft to even see those characters in that world with that conflict. and now i have it, and i can build something else with it.  
writing advice tag | ko-fi
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denimini · 6 years
I think Black or White was self-explanatory today, but what did you think about it? What about the party, in general? I'm love your blog
Hey, sweet Anon. Thank you for your love 💙💛😍😘
I first have to say that I applaud Seokjin for his strength and professionalism to participate in the Prom Party in his family’s time of grief and loss. It must have been very hard to do and ARMYs should be really thankful to him.
Overall, I enjoyed the Party a lot, perhaps more than last year. I was surprised by it in a positive way. I didn’t expect this particular units nor their respective performances apart from Ddaeng. I thought we would get a JK+V+Jhope, RM+JM and Sope units as the comeback show suggested. Still, I wasn’t disappointed; I loved their perfomances very much.
Taejin really came for me with “Even if I die it’s you”. I loove the song and have always wanted to hear it live and they did not disappoint in the slightest. Their vocals were impeccable, Jin with his high notes truly mesmerized and of course Tae’s voice was on a different level. It seemed he really enjoyed performing it, the song must hold very special and fond memories for him. Their outfits were totally my style and once again I was reminded just how much chemistry Tae and Jin have while performing as well as in general. They sound and look wonderful together.
Ddaeng left me speechless. The Asian aesthetics in the choice of outfits, the energy of the performance all made me enjoy it tremendously. BTS truly have a superb and very unique rap line. I particularly liked Hoseok’s part as his way of rapping is really different to me. To be fair, I had to watch the performance at least twice because the first time I was so distracted trying to figure out if Namjoon had a shirt (and trying not to die), that I missed half of it. Speaking of Joon, he really came for me in this performance. I felt attacked by him on a new level. Suga of course killed it but that is nothing new, he always does. My favorite part was Tae hopping on stage in the middle of the song. I died laughing. He finally made his dream come true albeit very shortly. It’s one of my most favorite moments.
I really liked the choice of songs. Butterfly and Whalien 52 were awesome. The BT 21 costumes were really cute (Jimin’s little ponytail 😂), Fake love sounded great and I liked that the Encore stage included Best of me and Pied paper as I like both songs and choreographies very much. Particularly funny I found the segment with the members trying to remember their old dances. Jimin was sooo bad, yet so cuutee and Tae was a literal king. The games and skits were very good too. I found them more entertaining this year perhaps due to the fact that each member was playing for himself. It made them more competitive and therefore pettier. Bangtan arguing over who got what right is a whole mood. Truly like a Run episode.
Random little things I loved: Jin’s falling headband during Anpanman; Jimin’s little ballet dance; Tae’s cameo; Tae and Kook plotting against Suga and Hoseok and Jimin turning it around to include all of them; that Minjoon hug 😍😍😍; JM pleading the staff to take down his old photos; Kookie and Tae arguing for Minie’s attention; Jimin leaning on Jk during Butterfly and much more.
Now about The Dance, The Performance, The Black and White Couple.
First, no-one is allowed to say anymore that JM and JK don’t know about the black and white thing. Ofc it’s logical that they would know, especially since there was a Korean article about it, but now it’s painfully obvious. They really are aware of everything, huh. Those little Chick and Bunny onesies were not random too. They just wanted us dead.
Second, their outfits.. God, their outfits. The all black look really suits JK the best as well as the all white is made for JM. Both of them were very sexy, Jimin in a softer, more sultry and delicately seductive way with that choker and Kook in a more raw and aggressive way. Each of them looked the best they’ve ever looked in my opinion and together they were intimidatingly attractive. They were like a cross between a wet fantasy coming to life and a royal couple. If I see them on the street I wouldn’t be able to lift my jaw from the ground to be honest.
The Dance itself was magnificent. The choreography suited their individual styles perfectly and each of them shined. JK’s high kick must be my most favorite move he’s ever done. The moments where they danced together were on another level, that jacket taking off move is something I can’t wait to see in the practice video. The song itself holds a lot of meaning and I’m really glad they chose it. With it’s message being “love transcends differences” I don’t think it was a random decision at all.
All in all, I was very surprised to see them paired up for a third year. I thought that for sure they would switch things around this time but nope. They proved once again that if they have the opportunity they will always choose each other. And why not? They really are something else together. The chemistry they have while performing, be it dancing or singing, is phenomenal. Their voices, dancing styles and personalities go so well together as if they were made for each other. None of them overshadows the other, each shines and compliments the other in creating a masterpiece. Truly, every time it’s just the two of them, I think to myself that it can’t be a coincidence they met. They were meant to find each other even if just to deliver us amazing performances. When the time comes for sub-units, I hope they form one because it would be a total shame if they don’t. They really are that pair: insanely talented, insanely attractive and insanely in-love. Okay, that last one was just a joke. Or was it, really? 
Apart from the dance, there were many other KM moments throughout the Prom Party that I find meaningful. JK openly thirsting over JM’s abs as well as Jimin thanking Jungkook for growing up and showing his body were very funny. That hint of Jinjikook vlive also left me very very excited. I think Jimin being equal parts exasperated and dying of laughter is an accurate representation of the trio’s vlives that we’ve seen so far. Also, Jin complaining of KM always ordering their food for his room is an entertaining glimpse of Bangtan behind the scenes. How often are Jimin and Jungkook together? Are they ever even more than 2 meter away from each other? How many times have they ordered their food to Jin’s room for him to complain about it? And of course, the whole Jikook annoying Jin skit was also very funny as it’s probably very accurate. This is exactly how I think JK and JM are off camera: in their world, doing their own thing and tormenting their hyungs in the process. Particularly heart-warming to me is the moment in which JK oh-so-casually admits that he doesn’t have any secrets from Jimin. The fact that his answer to a member keeping something from JM was immediately and without any thinking “It wasn’t me then” is so telling for the state of their relationship. JK said it so casually, so simply, as if that’s obvious and goes without even mentioning: If it’s a secret, then it automatically isn’t his.
If his doesn’t convince people of how close Jimin and Jungkook are, I don’t know what will.  I don’t think there’s even one person in the world that I don’t have at least a very small secret from and I don’t think that’s a problem. But of course JK and JM will outdo us all and be that couple, the “we tell each other absolutely everything” one who finish each other’s sentences and have at least three nicknames for the oneother. Come to think of it, it’s really not that much of a surprise considering they’re known as Jiminclopedia and Jeonclopedia. They really are putting everyone to shame with their healthy and ever stronger relationship. 
The other also casually delivered curve ball that hit me right at the heart was that “I told Jungkook I would go to the moon with him”. Like, what? WHAT? I’d really really like to know in what context exactly did that came up? I can’t think of even one entirely platonic situation in which I would choose these exact words in a conversation with a friend. Sure, I’d say “I’ll be there for you through everything” or “I’ll support you always, you can count on me” but “I’do go to the moon with you”? That’s such a strong and romantically sounding statement that it is not something you’ll often hear between just friends, let alone bRotHerS. And the meaning of it is so precious: Jimin would follow Jungkook everywhere, he would be there with him in anything and everything, he will not leave his side. Again, it isn’t something we didn’t know but hearing it stated so explicitly and so directly gives it a whole new level of impact. 
Which leads me to my next thought: will we ever know what is the deal with KM and the moon? It obviously holds a significance for them as it’s been mentioned several times now but in what way?
It’ll probably stay a mystery as many other KM things. Which is actually a big part of what I love about them: their relationship has layers upon layers, it deepens in roots and grows in height every year. It’s a beautifully intricate thing, like a century old tree in the beginning of its life or a masterpiece painting yet to be finished. It’s the one “ship” that keeps on giving because it’s not really a ship. It’s two people loving each other thoroughly and continuously in and through time (in whatever way that love knows form). 
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Is it true? Rio: Whatever could you be talking about, McKenna? Rio: Gis us a clue Buster: Stop playing. My sister and her MILF Rio: Sounds like a porno and suddenly you're back on the scene Rio: Funny that Rio: Why do you have any right to know if it is or isn't? Buster: Shut up Buster: Re-read the part where I said MY sister. There's your answer Rio: Re-read you making any attempt to contact her in the past however how long Rio: Oh wait, you can't Buster: Just tell me, Rio Rio: Would I be making any effort to conceal the answer if it wasn't Rio: Use your brain, Buster Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Don't be getting at me 'cause she ain't been using hers Rio: You think THIS is getting at you? Rio: Tip of the iceberg but what's the point Rio: Cba Buster: What's your fucking point, like? Buster: She's in the doghouse for once, not me Rio: Such a child Rio: Happy about that, are you? Buster: Yeah. Get's the rents off my back Buster: Am I meant to be crying about her not fucking her teacher? Buster: Move onto a new target Rio: For God's sake Rio: its not like that, you should care that your sister is heartbroken Rio: she isn't like you, she experiences human emotions Rio: at least make an attempt at sympathy, fucking hell Buster: There's plenty of younger, hotter lesbians around, she'll be fine Buster: If she could've pulled it off, fair play like, but she didn't Rio: If she wanted that, she would've gone there in the first place Rio: Are you really this dense or just committed to the act, like? Buster: She didn't really want anyone, that's why she went for the teacher who'd never go for her Buster: And her heart ain't proper broke Rio: What qualifies you to make that call? Rio: Have you even spoken to her Rio: She's felt like this about her since she got here, that's years Buster: Tried. She ain't taking my calls Buster: Got more attention that she can handle now Rio: Not everyone's a whore for it Rio: and I'm unsurprised she doesn't wanna talk to you rn Buster: Says you Buster: Don't wanna talk to her either, she's an embarrassment, that's why I'm in your inbox instead Rio: Excuse me Rio: Sure. At least the feeling's mutual then, hooray! Buster: Don't give it out like you're proud of her Rio: I'm not loving it for her, no Rio: but I'm not fucking embarrassed by her Rio: You don't even have to hear the shit said about her or see her struggle so get over yourself Buster: Whatever Buster: I've heard it all before Buster: She moved schools for a reason like Rio: Yeah and you didn't give a shit then Rio: So don't front anything else now Buster: She tell you that, did she? Buster: Don't front that you know me, girl Rio: Your actions speak loud enough Rio: Deal with it Buster: You got me under 24 hour surveillance then yeah? Rio: You wish you were that relevant Buster: You wish you had something better to do that stalk me more like Rio: You're in my inbox Buster: For a legit reason Buster: You're just chatting shit on me Rio: Just 'cause you don't wanna hear it Rio: doesn't mean it ain't legit Buster: I'm here asking Buster: Don't flatter yourself I'd be talking to you otherwise Buster: Haven't even told me how Nance is Rio: If I needed to come to you for flattery, I'd kms Rio: and I did Rio: heartbroken Rio: but you noped that 'cos you're the fucking expert on it Buster: Fuck off Buster: She coming home? Rio: No Rio: She doesn't want to Rio: Think your parents are coming here to see her Rio: If you are really arsed, at all, you should come see her too Buster: More fool her Buster: I'll check my schedule, cheers Rio: Like you said, there's reasons she left Rio: One thing you got right Buster: Like you said, it's been years Buster: She needs to get over it Rio: Being bullied by a load of posh cunts? Rio: Why should she? Rio: She gains nothing from 'getting over' that Rio: just 'cos you thrive from sponging off that scene Buster: It was hardly lord of the flies like Buster: We can't all thrive off hanging round the streets pretending we're poor as fuck, there'd be no room for you Rio: Yeah, as if you have any fucking clue Rio: even if you didn't see and hear what you wanna Rio: its girls, you don't get the dynamic, you're not privy to it Buster: There's nothing to get. She didn't stand up for herself Rio: Mhmm, that's exactly how that works Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: She'll never know she didn't try it Rio: I'm fairly sure she did Rio: Anyway, this is ancient history Rio: she doesn't like you and your friends, boohoo Rio: its done, she's got her own life Buster: Get your own clue Buster: It wasn't me and my friends Buster: Good, don't need her tagging along and cramping my style Rio: They're all good as the same Rio: the female equivalent Rio: and evidently not, challenged already in that department Buster: You're full of shit Buster: You should sort that Rio: You reckon? Rio: I don't need your advice, thanks very much Buster: More fool you Rio: Not from where I'm standing Buster: More fun to look down your nose at me Buster: Whatever Buster: Not here to make friends Rio: You've gotta be kidding me Rio: If your nose was any higher in the air, you'd drown Buster: I've got plenty of reasons to hold my head high Rio: oh, please do regale me, i am so fascinated. Buster: Always trying to get with me Buster: You're as embarrassing as Nance is like Rio: what dream world are you living in? Rio: yeah, really pains not to be one of your favourites Rio: think I'll survive Buster: Survive but not thrive, yeah? Buster: Unlucky, babe Rio: You ain't that special, babe Buster: Says you Buster: Your loss Rio: Yeah you chat real loud but what would you do if I said otherwise? Rio: Freak Buster: You'll never know Buster: Deal with it Rio: Gutting, truly Buster: Yeah I know, you make it well obvious Rio: Only in your warped little mind, McKenna Buster: Keep telling yourself that, Cavante Rio: Don't need to, I'm not the delusional one Rio: but you do you, boo Buster: Well it ain't me, babe Rio: Heard that one before Buster: Should have taught you something then Rio: Don't worry, it did, I'm not waiting around for your infinite wisdom to know men ain't shit Rio: beaten to the punch there, like Buster: Back at you. I already know how crazy girls are Rio: Of course you do Rio: Colour me shook Buster: You'd have to stop knowing it all first like Rio: Ha, and do you think that's very likely? Buster: I know you think it ain't Buster: Reckoning you're clued into everything and everyone's shit Rio: N'awh, don't be salty 'cos I am and I can see through yours Buster: I ain't. I got your number too Buster: Just think it's hilarious you couldn't be more a ma and you ain't got no kids Buster: So middle aged I'm surprised my sister don't fancy you Rio: Fuck off, McKenna Rio: Just 'cos you're still a little boy Rio: isn't it past your bedtime, like? Buster: Glad to go Buster: Someone'll be round to tuck me in regardless Rio: Good, you're boring me Rio: and I didn't ask, just FYI Buster: Course I am Buster: Doesn't mean you weren't dying to know Buster: Later then Rio: Trust me, no one but you is even a little impressed by your conquests Rio: Especially not me, you weirdo Buster: Tell it to the girls forming a line Buster: Go ahead and speak up when you see me around Rio: If I fancied wasting my breath Rio: it'd be to tell them to run, nothing else Rio: Sorry to devastate you like that Buster: Trust me you ain't Buster: Gotta try a little harder to sell it if you want me to buy in Rio: Trust me when I say you'd know if I wanted that Rio: There is no try Buster: Course not Rio: We're not all tryhards, hun Buster: Just you Buster: I've seen you out, girl Buster: I've watched the hustle Buster: Not effortless as you reckon Rio: Why you watching? Buster: Why not? Buster: It's good for a laugh like Rio: Gotta get your kicks somehow, kid Buster: Least I'm up front about it Buster: You're all front Rio: Idk, I've got ass too Rio: Pretty well-proportioned all in all Buster: Hilarious Rio: What's hilarious is you thinking you know the first thing about me Buster: Likewise, babe Rio: Nah Rio: you're up front about it, remember dickhead? Rio: Contradictory too but we'll let that one slide Buster: Keeping up with you, that's all Rio: Good luck with that Rio: on any and all fronts Buster: Don't need luck Buster: Bored, yeah? but you're still here Rio: Manners cost nothing, McKenna Rio: assumedly why you've got no interest Buster: Wasting them as well as your time Buster: You do you Rio: Not talking to myself, am I? Rio: Though the effect is about the same Buster: I never said I was bored, did I? Buster: You're the one pretending you've got somewhere better to be Rio: Using people for your own amusement is par for the course in posh boy life Buster: Yeah Rio: if I was feeling it, I have plenty better candidates for the task, don't take it so personal Buster: The heartbreak catching, is it? Buster: I better watch myself like Rio: You'd need one to break it Rio: and my heart is just fine, tah for the concern Buster: Cheers for the head's up
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