#All is well. keep on keepin on. no need to think beyond tomorrow. no need to think beyond tonight.
apollo-zero-one · 1 year
I'm fine now dw
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softcorehippos · 8 years
Chamber of Secrets - Part 10
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: After the Avenger’s falling out, you were put in charge of putting Bucky together. Under King T’Challa’s orders, you were given a month’s time to create a new arm while simultaneously figure out how to get the triggering memories of his past out of his mind. As the time goes by, you found yourself confiding in him, despite his frozen state.
A/N: This one’s a bit short, kinda filler-ish, but building up for the next chapter will hopefully be up soon. Expect someone to make their first appearance in the next part! 
Previous Part 
You were glad that things between you and Steve was no longer an issue, it took an enormous weight off your shoulder because even though you told people that you don’t care what he thinks about you, and that you will continue on with or without his approval, his opinion does matter. Knowing that someone hates you because of what you’re doing makes it incredibly hard to concentrate, so with the issue being resolved, you were now fully concentrating on the project once again.
With the rest of the team working with Wanda in regards of the memory extraction, you and Steve focused on working on Bucky’s new cybernetic arm. You were up until the crack of dawn coming up with new features for the arm, scribbling ideas to go over with Steve on your notebook. When he met you down at the manufacturing lab, he looked just as excited as you are, despite the evident fatigue that was written all over his face.
“Morning, Doc.” He smiled at you.
“Hey, Cap.” You greeted him back, before returning to the blueprint that was spread on the design table.
“How’s everything going?” Steve took a seat on the stool next to you as he examined the design.
“It’s going great, everything is according to schedule.”
“How’s the arm coming along?”
You grabbed the folder at the end of the table and handed it off to Steve. “I have something I want you to take a look, maybe give a little input.”
He flipped it open and began to study the contents. “Are these ideas for the new arm?”
“Yeah, I figured you’d like to have a say in it. I’m having a hard time figuring out the cosmetic side of the whole thing. Do you think we should stick with it being plain steel or add some color?”
Steve mused the idea in his head.
“His favorite color is black and red.” He muttered as he realized the fact.
You nodded. “Do you think he’d like to keep the star? Or would he like to have the Avengers’ logo on it?”
Steve’s face fell as he closed the folder and set it aside on the table. “The Avengers are over.”
You mentally cursed yourself and cleared your throat. “Right, sorry.”
“That’s fine. I… uh, I’m not sure about the star, I’ll think about it.” He said before standing up.
“Where are you going?” You asked confusedly, was he really that offended over the Avengers thing? You thought.
“I need to make call real quick.” And with that, Steve exited the manufacturing lab and head out to the botanical garden.
Steve stood by the large palm trees waiting for the program on his phone to finish securing the phone line. When the beeping of the alert that the line was secured went off, Steve dialed the number he had remembered by heart.
“Hey, Steve. Is everything okay?” Sharon’s voice on the other end of the call was muffled.
“Yeah, yeah. I was just calling to check up on you, can we talk?”
There was shuffling heard from the other end before Sharon replied.
“Yeah, yeah. Is the line secured?”
“Of course.”
“Alright, what’s up?”
“I feel like I’m being paranoid but have you heard anything from Tony? Any suspicious activity?” Steve sighed as he went over to one of the benches.
“I’m sorry Steve but things have been incredibly hectic around here that I haven’t got the chance to go over the surveillance footages.”
Steve immediately felt guilty. “Oh no, no. That’s alright, I just had a thought and I thought of calling you.”
“Well, let’s see…” Sharon’s voice trailed as she began working on the surveillance files that she got from a friend who owed her a favor. “I wasn’t able to keep tracks on his phone or Internet usage since FRIDAY’s encryption is beyond what I can breach, but apparently in the past week Tony was seen around… the office of the Secretary of State.”
Steve’s heart sunk when Secretary Ross’ face came to mind. He couldn’t believe that Tony would sell him out like that, he thought, despite what happened, Tony wouldn’t stoop that low. Reaching out to Tony after the fallout was a risk that Steve thought was necessary to take, because to him, he was still family, but apparently the feeling was one-sided.
“Steve?” Sharon’s voice woke him up from his thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Do you know what he was doing there?”  
“I wasn’t able to find that out, but he was there twice this week. I’ll try to crack FRIDAY’s firewall so I could see his messages and call log.”
“Thanks, Sharon. I owe you big time.”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “Told you, I’m keepin’ a list.”
You were still hunched over the design table with a few engineers discussing the manufacturing of Bucky’s new arm. You were up to your eyeballs in calculations that you literally felt like you were going to vomit mathematical equations, so you excused yourself and head up to your lab.
After closing the laboratory door, you set down your lab coat on the floor by Bucky’s chamber and lied down.
“Hope you don’t mind me down here, I’m exhausted.” You started the conversation.
“I’m working on your arm right now, which is hard since I have no idea what your preference is. I could just make it up to me, design it the way I wanted and I’m sure you wouldn’t care, but I don’t want to. You’ve been robbed of your freedom and choice that I don’t want to take this away from you.
“I have a few ideas that I think would look great on you, but in the end it’s your choice. The measurements and everything are almost done; I just need to find away to attach it to the rest of your body without looking like it was done in an illegal operation room. No offence.”  
You pinched the bridge of your nose to relieve some of the throbbing pain in your head.
“I get migraines now, can you believe it? I nearly passed out yesterday from sheer pain. Thankfully Steve saved me from falling on my face. Can you imagine how hard it’ll be for me to get asked to dates if I break this gorgeous face?” You chuckled.
After a beat, you let out a long sigh. “When this is over, you owe me a nice dinner, you hear? And I’m not talking about some fancy restaurant that serves you children’s portion, I’m talking about a nice home-cooked meal by the balcony, looking over the mountains or the ocean, your choice.” You drawled on.
“Just to make it easier on you, because I’m nice like that, I like Italian food, or some spicy and hot Asian food. I’m fine with either one.”
“And I’m making it a mission to earn myself a long-ass vacation time from T’Challa. I don’t even have to go anywhere, I just want to sleep in and do nothing all day.”
Your gaze was fixed on the ceiling above you, a million things running inside your brain at a rapid speed but you were so exhausted that it doesn’t take long until you fell asleep on the laboratory floor.
When you woke up, the sun was already set and the laboratory was pitch black, aside from the lights from Bucky’s chamber. You were groggy and disoriented, it wasn’t until you looked at the clock that you jumped awake, you’ve been sleeping for almost 7 hours and now the lab was closed.
You made a mad dash to the meeting room to look for the rest of your team but it was empty and the lights were off. When you figured that everybody had retreated back to their quarters, you went back to your lab and chose to get some work done.
When you returned, Efua was cleaning out her desk and was getting ready to go home for the day.
“You’re not going home, doctor?”
“I fell asleep in the lab earlier.” You chuckled. “I’m going to get some work done, I’ll see you tomorrow, Efua.”
You dove right back where you left off and that was figuring out how to attach Bucky’s arm to the rest of his body. Neuro and limb attachments were not your specialty so you spent hours on the phone consulting with the one of the world’s best Neurosurgeon and Orthopedic surgeon. You made a mental note to go to T’Challa to discuss the possibility of bringing them over to Wakanda to perform the surgery once Bucky is out of Cryo but at the moment, you just needed to find the correct neurotransmitter to be fitted into Bucky’s arm. It would be a helluva lot easier if you had his old arm to examine what kind of transmitter that HYDRA was using before, but apparently the appendage was left somewhere in Siberia.
Now, if only there’s a way to retrieve that metal appendage…
Next Part
Tags: @bovaria​ @thenightmarebeforebucky​ @beccaanne814-blog​ @buckyywiththegoodhair​ @rheavanya​ @cassiopeiassky​ @avengerofyourheart​ @hellomissmabel​ @pixierox101​ @vaisabu​ @ishipmybed​ @almondbuttercup​ @itsemz​ @canumoveyourseatup-no​ @langinator​ @gingerbatchwife​ @mrshopkirk @robecca-le-blog-des-citations​ @isaxhorror​  @lilasiannerd​ @toastmaster94​ @allofthesearetakendafuq​ @priettierthanyou​ @brittanymcsharry​ @omnis-immundusspiritus @nikkitia7​ @callamint​ @elenafiore13 @cojootromuelle​ @darkheartvamp​ @hettledettle​ @ladyale-1993​ @jodyri​ @edward-lover18​ @nathalieruaudel​ @imsecretlyromanburki​ @heytherepartner​ @neverenoughmarvel​ @oyechula​ @snuggleducky​ @scarletbitxh​ @omalleysgirl22​ @winterboobaer​ @earinafae​ @the-hidden-seeker​ @dracsgirl​ @50shadesofyes​ @stovehairington​ @crazyliraz​ @luciferwaitsformetogethome​ @averagesizedbaguette​ @osweetdevilo​ @dark-night-lover​ @themistsofmyavalon​ 
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