#''your hair is pretty'' im a creep! im a weirdo! radiohead....
solargeist · 5 months
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i dont know how people do it ! how do they compliment people so easily, hold a persons hand, say i love you, and make eye contact, i cant do it ! im sweating !!
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lldolphin · 5 days
Hiii! I liked your creepypasta post :D Can you write some general headcanons about Toby??
ABSOLUTELY. I've been having writer's block for a while and this is perfect. Not sure if you wanted dating headcannons, so i didn't include them!
a/n ; toby being a weirdo and a creep (radiohead reference?!). This version of Toby is written in a SLENDERVERSE au where all the pastas live in a manor !! i also am working on writing my own/more realistic au's.
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warnings - mentions of mental illness and physical illnesses. !tourettes syndrome mention! (I think). SLIGHT gloss over the situation with his father(a small mention of a hit.)
He's so worried about how he smells
Being surrounded by repulsive-smelling people has taken a big toll on how he presents himself. He doesn't want to smell like death, especially since it would get him caught
He carries around shitty drugstore breathmints, and does what he can to make himself smell good. They can't afford cologne, and why would he waste his time stealing it? he legit sprays febreze on his clothes.
I do believe his hair is fluffy and curly, but not naturally. It is unwashed and the humidity makes it puffy and somewhat curly.
He absolutely hates being babied. By anyone. What do they know? Why do they care?
ESPECIALLY when he accidentally cuts himself, and some son of a bitch decides to coddle him. he cant even feel it, so what does it matter?
He's not cuteness overload BPD OCD ADHD yk, yk. He does have those things! They just arent as prominent as everyone exaggerates. He toom his meds with him, hes a maniac. Not an idiot. If he didn't, he literally wouldn't be functioning. Nobody can function without meds and ALL of the disorders he canonically has.
He has memory loss, and other disorders mostly because of abusive blows to the head from his dad.
But he isn't like..losing his shit. He forgets small things. Like, "where did I see my pack of cigarettes?" Or, "where was the mission destination again?"
When he was younger, he saw a child psychologist and it helped him calm down alot during overstimulated moments. He uses those still.
He CANT grow facial hair. Like he literally just cant. Anywhere else? No problem. But nowhere on his face, its mostly because of the gash in his face.
I don't really like to believe that he ATE the whole thing out of his cheek...NOW BARE WITH ME. I do believe he chewed out some of the inside of his mouth, but i feel like he picked at it with his fingers and it formed the infamous injury.
He doesn't smoke THAT often. He's already pretty fucked, why mess up his working organs? Nothing else is working, he only has those LEFT. But under stress, its inevitable.
Sorry these are kinda shitty, I wanted to keep it short because im working on so many more bigger things 😭 hope you liked it!♡
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stillwooozy · 3 years
no don't worry it was cute. made me smile at least. and sorry bout the late response, school work is kicking my ass.
true, guess it's not much of a "fake persona" if you basically know who i am. i don't think it's that "i'm not a real person" but there's less. idk. social risk? to the convo. if one of us really insults the other, worst case scenario the other just doesn't respond, and it doesn't really impact each other outside of this convo. that's probably why i sent my first ask anonymously, if you'd responded negatively, it probably would've just ended there. honestly without backlash. guess your therapist metaphor is fitting.
lmao yeah no, transitions who? just one topic to the other with me. keep moving forward right? and to be fair it's not like i didnt go back to flirting with you. guess i couldn't help it ;). and thanks! i was like "this gives off uwu im such a weirdo. im so quirky. not like other ppl uwu" vibes. which. ha, no. i don't care one way or the other how most view me unless im close to them, im gonna do what im gonna do. but it was sooo smooth. had to send it
hahahsghshd ok now i absolutely want you to try to compliment/describe me based on who you think i am because 1) im not great at taking compliments but i wouldn't exactly turn them down either ;) 2) if you get who I am wrong that'd be hilarious. but doesn't have to be a compliment. roast me if you want. just be honest. or lie n just describe the exact opposite or me, that'd be funny too.
idk maybe there's no real way to perfectly be aware of ourselves. if we're always trying to analyze our behavior, doesn't that impact it? at the end of the day, as long as we're trying to not be assholes, that's what matters right?
THIS ASK IS SO LOADED BUT IN A GOOD WAY I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND - plus my brain has been stuck in an air-fryer and while yes - these anon asks technically carry no risk - now that i'm pretty close to 100% sure of who you are... my flirting ability is out the window
it's the PRESSURE man, cuz I think you're super cool person and attractive is that creepy of me to say idk probably but you're cute bby
but you're right, no social risk, technically, kinda? worst case as you said: no reply obligated.
these "~normal people scare me~"-esque vibes are on point on though. "uwuwu ur so weird I love that hehe" - but to be fair I don't think you're actually WEIRD, whatever weird means.
and don't apologize for late replies cuz I will beat you in that game..... One Week Later - finally - a reply
I love your dyed blue hair though ;) such a cool style. 100% know who you are - on point, right?
but fr this is random but I like your music taste. saw a playlist you posted... somewhere. this is not me making shit up.
and is this a weird compliment but i like the way you type? talk? like sentence structure. if that makes sense. doesn't narrow down ~who you may be~ because I could just be talking about your anon asks but also. referencing overall. off anon too. unless you've never talked to me off anon and then well I'm wrong.
also you have a smart-person aura and not in a pretentious way - sheesh i'm not sapiosexual or anything - but like... you're an intelligent human being. and that's hot /jk?/hj? idk if I even know
that last paragraph sums things up though. I TRY not to be an asshole. you obviously try not to be an asshole cuz you haven't come across as remotely even asshole-adjacent. so yeah. that's life. we're characters (in a literal sense you kinnie) - human characters - with flaws and shit but. just don't cause the rumbling okay? pot calling kettle black. well - partly - you know what I mean.
but remember - i'm gay - but homoflexible for historia ;,,) brings up post from years ago about thirsting for fem-eren Is that flirting? Creep by radiohead starts playing in the bg - incel core remix
so: transition: let's go on an anon date. quiz time. love language = psychoanalyzing people by their music taste. favorite song/album of all time? assignment due by 11:59pm on Moodle.org.
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