lldolphin · 10 days
i hate having to make the decision😣
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lldolphin · 10 days
the second chapter of a jtk x reader saga series...
a/n; not every chapter will have these little author's notes, but I just wanted to say that my requests are VASTLY open. My inbox is a VOID of nothingness. Send me some interesting requests! I also have to say that this chapter will contain the burn scene and is THANKFULLY proofread. Im adding little recaps to the starts of the chapter's aswell!
RECAP ~ in a frivolous game of hide and seek with the young children at the party keith, troy, and randy found jeff hiding in the closet. a childish game turns into a disaster.
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"Definitely not even," Keith grumbled. You heard the sound of fabric being pulled. Behind your closed eyes, you thought they had pushed back the hoodies covering you. But when your eyes opened, looking through the cracks of the hung jackets, you see the three boys dragging Jeff down the stairs, where he was thrashing.
This wasn't your business. You shake your head and let out a hitched gasp, running out of the closet and around the other exit, looking back at the scene before deciding if you really wanted to just leave.
But you were naïve, driven by pure emotion rather than logic in this young juvenile stage of your life. Albeit, you prided yourself on being so much more witty and clever than the others in your age group, all teenagers react the same.
It didn't help that the rowdy part of you was attracted to this long, raven grudge-haired male. He had a stalky and scary presence to him. Something forbidden, something that shouldn't be worth your time. You wondered why you hadn't gone for his brother, the normal one. The one who could promise you a sealed future. The type of guy you could bring home to your mother and leave with a good impression.
"Fuckin' asshole!" An almost scream from Jeff snapped you out of your trance. Children broke into wails and commotion occurred downstairs while you sat in the closet swooning over the boy being tormented downstairs.
You get up on your feet, your socks sweeping briefly against the bungy carpeted floor as you dash down the stairs. The wood under the plush carpet creaks at your fast movements. You swing around on the railing and sprint out the open patio door, your hands reaching to cover your mouth the second you see Jeff beating Troy bloody to the floor.
Liu was held back by groups of parents you saw tears streaming down his usually calm and collected face as he reached out for his brother. Why was nobody stopping anything? Why weren't you doing anything? Your body couldn't move...stuck in place like you were glued down. Your heart ran cold when a white bottle of lighter fluid fills your feild of vision.
"Fuck it, little bitch...New kid thinkin' he can just say whatever the fuck he wants. Hold him down for fucks sake!" Keith yelled to his other friends, like soldiers they clicked into gear and did what they were told. Jeff was silent, his blues wide and his breath quickened. For once he wasn't so sure what to do. No witty comebacks, no smartass remarks. Keith shittily poured it over him and lit a match. It all happened in such a quick moment to get away with it infront of almost everyone.
"Keith stop!" Yelled various parents, his mother running out and ripping him apart from the scene. The force caused the lighter to fall from his grubby hands. Troy and Randy flinched back once Jeff was set ablaze. All you did was watch while hos screams filled your head.
You squeaked, falling as your behind hit the floor when multiple parents ran forward, pushing you out of the way to get to Jeff. Swarms of adults surrounded him, putting out the fire almost as soon as it was lit. There was no way he would leave unscared, though. You turned, locking eyes with Liu, you two being the only ones behind the large crowd.
Jeff was still screaming, hissing. The pain must've been the worst imaginable, you couldn't bear to hear his screams in your ears. Tears left their ducts and poured down your cheekbone.
You stumble up with scraped knees, hissing and holding the center of your back, your tailbone ached with a stunging pain. It couldn't have ever been worse than being burned. Stumbling over to Liu, your voice croaks;
"I think he'll be okay.."
"I'm...I'm sure physically. I'm not so sure mentally." He followed with, both of you staring out somberly to the crowd as sirens wail in the background.
to be continued...
another quick a/n! i dont remember if ive mentioned this before, but i made liu not in jail in this because the "beat up scene" in my rewrite happened at school and he only got iss to make it a bit more realistic. also, i made the burns so very breif because the way i canonically imagine jeff, he only jas burns on his hands and up his legs, some on his lower torso aswell. im planning on drawing the creepypastas how i imagine them in my writings and posting them on my masterlist which is in PROGRESS. sorry this was short! hope you enjoyed loves<3
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lldolphin · 10 days
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im feeling a bit inspired but dont know what to write. send me some creative requests for the fandoms in my bio!
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lldolphin · 18 days
the first part of a jtk x reader saga series...
/n; this is the first part of a mass series i've been writing for jeff. this story is strictly written for fem!reader because of some future aspects i am planning. long awaited, yet definitely not proofread. enjoy...
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The beginning...
Groaning, you threw the black hoodie off of your shoulder. The fabric falls to the floor, clinking against its zipper. Your bed squawks when you bounce down onto the plush fabric and spongy mattress. Falling back, with your flip-phone to your ear, your hair tossling onto your cheetah-printed pillow.
"Bad day?" Your friend on the other line speaks, her voice softened by the shitty static quality of your cheap LG white flip phone. You remove it from your ear, your brows furrowing in already frustrated confusion. Your hand's sole bangs against the bottom of the phone, hoping the hit would help the wifi. It didn't. Still upset, you sigh and bring the phone back to your ear.
"Don't even get me started. This new kid moved in recently, and my mom is making me meet him at the neighbor's kid's birthday party this weekend." You explained, hoisting off of your bed with a grunt, and walking over to your vanity. The mascara in your hands opens with a slick pop as you reapply to your clumped, short lashes. Your fingers wipe under your eyes, ridding the smudged black liner that melted from your waterline. You were a classic, somewhat bitchy popular girl. Of course, you didn't want to meet some weird new kid and his older brother.
"Yeah...I told my mom I was sick to get out of that," Your friend started. Causing the brow on your face to rise. It wasn't a bad idea, perhaps you'd try it later if it wasn't already too late. "..Anyways, I gotta go. Work in a few hours, ya'know.." You nod, flipping your phone closed with a click, leaving her without a response.
- - -
That Saturday, you found yourself getting ready for the party despite your constant reminder to yourself that you would fake a sickness. Something to get out of going to some six-year-old's birthday. You weren't allowed to get mad, you completely forgot to carry out your little plan. So here you were, walking down the paved sidewalk with a bag stuffed with candy junk you figured a kid would pig out on. The bag crumpled as you walked, the wind causing it to hit your shin.
When you stepped up to the door, your feet hung precariously on the ledge of the cement steps as the doorbell rang. You groaned, already hearing the roars of cries and laughter from endless amounts of children behind the door.
"Jesus Christ.." A mumble escaped your lips. Not only did you not want to be here, but you were also going to be completely bombarded with children the moment you walked through that door. As if it were magic, just as you were thinking, the door swung open.
"Hi, honey...Thankyou for coming, is this from your mom?" The lady, who was assumed to be the kid's mom spoke softly. A croon in her voice as if she was born, and made to be specifically a mother. The lady was your neighbor, but you didn't know her name. Leaving you with a slight guilt, she seemed kind. Your tongue rolled over the textured bottoms of your front teeth, clicking your tongue and forcing a sweet smile out of your system.
"Sure," You replied kindly, holding out the bag to her as you stepped inside the house. Your parents conveniently were just "too busy" to attend with you, leaving you pissed, and alone. The brown carpeted floor was scattered with small cloth socks, sharp-edged toys, and colorful frosting smears. Flattering. Was the only thought in your head as you took a seat on the uncomfortably flimsy leather couch. Without intention, you had sat next to that familiar new boy and his odd brother. If nobody else here was your age, you might as well get comfortable with the people around you. What's so tough about that? You'd most likely only ever see glimpses of them in the halls after this, anyway. Your friends weren't here to hold this to you, so you turn to the long haired brother.
"Y/n," You start, holding out your hand. He was the stranger one, his grey eyes almost rid of emotion completely as he just stared at your held-out hand. The brother seemed to have noticed because he swerved around his sibling and shook your unattended hand.
"Liu. This is Jeff." An odd pair of names that seemed to feel wrong in your brain. Usually, parents would name siblings with similar sounding names, rhyming names, and alliterated names. The fact that they were both so random scratched the wrong part of your brain. Yet, you appriciated the effort Liu was putting in to make up for his lacking brother. You shook his hand firmly.
"Pretty ass, right?" You attempt loosely at a joke, cocking your head towards the horde of running children around the entirety of the house. A rumble of chuckles escapes both of the brothers, surprised by the response from the previously nonchalant Jeff. Their laughs flatter you, making you perk up your posture and feel a bit better about yourself for a moment, laughing with them.
As the three of you are laughing, and hopefully making the best of your shitty time at the party -- a child walked up to you. Blonde whispy locks topped her small head, green eyes look up at the three of you. Being naturally great with children, you shift in your seat. The leather moans underneath yout movements, as your leg crosses over the other.
"Hi honey, what's up?" You crooned with a motherly-like presence. One that earned an appreciative smile from Liu. If you hadn't just met the two new boys, you would've thought the older brother was definetly your next boyfriend. Despite how odd his brother was, how unpopular he was, and how popular you were.
"We're playing hide 'n seen-k.." The six-year-olds grammar makes you chuckle, sitting up from the rickety couch and looking down at the child as you stand, letting her tenderly take your hand. Her youthful fingers soft with childhood innocence. "We'd love to play! Right guys?" You mutter the last bit to the boys behind you. Despite still being strangers to each other, you might as well make the best of this party.
The long-haired younger brother, which you've learned was Jeff, stood up oddly close behind you. His breath on the back of your neck, making the fuzz rise under your ears. He was weird. Silent. As if he had been stalking you like prey the moment you walked through the door. You heard him inhale, immediately causing your shoulders to roll forward with an involuntary cringe.
"Yeah," He spoke finally, his voice with undertones of gravely static as he pushed past you, following the child. His brother didn't even seem to notice the way you were left feeling disgusted with yourself. He had smelled you. Without any shame, as if he didn't feel any embarrassment.
As if you were like a puppet, forced to follow the two, you walk forward with them. Almost without will, knowing it was better to just shove it all down and forget. Maybe he hadn't taken in your scent. Maybe you were only imagining things. But then, you remember the way he had been looking at you. The way he had been looking at everything as if it had no value to him. As if he wanted to end it all with the snap of his fingers, the bark of his commands.
- - -
Hiding in a dark closet, hand over your mouth. The condensation from your breath makes your hand clammy and warm. You giggle under your breath, hearing the kids trot around the creaky carpet, laughing to themselves as they try to find the three of you. Your neck cranks, flinching back as a chain hits your nose. You yelp and fall back against something warm. Frozen for a few moments, your shaky hand reaches out and pulls on the chain, turning on a dim bulb in the closet that buzzes with electricity. You whimper, your bottom lip quivering with slight fear as you turn around.
"Shutup, they'll find us." Said Jeff, who was miraculously behind you the entirety of your hiding. His smug smirk never wiped from his barely visible features. His hair covers almost everything. He looked like the chick from the ring, standing there with a few long black strands blocking his face, looking down at you menacingly. He ignored the fact that you were horrified, playing innocent.
"Oh...Y-yeah, right." A nod came from you, turning back around and scooting away from him in the dark closet. A taunting voice spoke through the crack of the door. Your brows furrow, trying to figure out who was speaking to the two of you. The voice sounded familiar, yet so unfamiliar.
"C'mon, Jeff. We know yer' in here. Can't hide anymore now." The door was swung open, and Jeff's larger hand pushed you back -- behind heaps of hoodies and jackets. He was hiding you. But why? You knew immediately who it was. It was Randy and his goons, infamous around your school. Especially to you and your girlfriends, gawking at your low-cut tops with pushed-up bras. Finding any excuse to brush their hands on any of you.
"Shit...The fuck are you guy's doing? We're even, remember?" Jeff said, his voice sounded monotone and raspy, as if he had been smoking for years despite your younger age. You hold your hand over your mouth once again, staying silent in the hidden spot you were thrown into thankfully. They were even? But with what? Jeff was new, there was no way he was already tied into this shit with the kind of dogs those guys are.
"Definitely not even," Keith grumbled. You heard the spund of fabric being pulled. Behind your closed eyes, you thought they had pushed back the hoodies covering you. But when your eyes opened, looking through the cracks of the hung jackets, you see the three boys dragging Jeff down the stairs, where he was thrashing.
This wasn't your business. You shake your head and let out a hitched gasp, running out of the closet and around the other exit, looking back at the scene before deciding if you really wanted to just leave...
to be continued...
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lldolphin · 19 days
Travis Phelps x Demon!Reader? 🤔
totally love this concept.♡
a/n; this isn't proofread. its also just a short oneshot because i wasn't exactly sure how to write for a demon! reader. <3
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The devourers of God had one mission and one mission only. To bring a demon to the surface of the Earth. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice. It had a big impact on young Travis Phelps, who was just trying to get through high school and the pain his father had given him..
He was stressed, understandably. Nothing was more stressful than being pressured to follow the word of God when you knew your own family was doing what was against it. Constantly asking the higher-up what he was doing wrong. If there even was a higher-up.
But it was also hard trying to hide something from God. The fact that he was seeing...dating something against the good force.
He had summoned you again, you're grey skin slowly appearing into a figure he could make out sitting on his bed. He had new purple welts on his arms, and nail scratches down his leg. His brown eye was squinted, and swollen with a bruise. Purple mostly, his eye-white was red and bloodshot. Black rings around the crease in his eye. He looked solemnly at you.
His voice was hoarse, you knew he was trying to quiet himself, he didn't need his father hearing him with someone, especially after the lecture he already received. More so a screaming battle, you could only imagine the pain Travis has to go through now.
"What's wrong? You normally don't...y'know. You don't usually wanna talk this late,"
You'd murmur while shifting more comfortably on his stiff bed. The old wood croaks under you, your almond-shaped claws scratch gently at your arm.
"I just...wanted to.." He hesitates, furrowing his defined brows, and scoffs at himself. Almost as if he was annoyed at what he was saying.
He waves you off and snaps, "Whatever...forget it."
This confuses you. You flinch back. His attitude surprises you, but it doesn't at the same time. He often was...off towards you. Whether he liked to or not.
"Whatever. Nevermind. Can you..stay for the night?"
"As in...Sleep here?"
Confusion washed over you, he seemed to notice. Your confusion was understandable...If his father were to catch him, you don't even know what would happen. Sometimes it felt as if you were living in fear, because of your demonic nature -- it confused you. You felt like people should be living in fear of you.
"Yeah, I...I'll stay.." You mumble, crawling up into his sheets. Balls of lint pill off of his cheap sheets. He was lucky enough his father even bought him sheets and blankets. Even though they were bad quality, and the seams opened at the ends where the plush cotton would come out -- it was still something. He crawled right in after you, immediately resting in your embrace.
"Don't fuckin' scratch me.."
He started, letting you spoon him and nuzzle your head into his chestnut-scented hair. It sometimes made you laugh. Humans could be silly that way, caring so much about their appearance.
"Freak.." Was the finished response, before you heard a soft exhale. You felt his body go loose in your tender grasp, he was asleep.
Asleep with you, and everything felt right again.
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lldolphin · 19 days
your writing is so so good !! the hcs are realistic and now canon to me <3 i was wondering what you think of jeff in a relationship ^_^
omgg yess i was actually writing this in progress before so im just going to finish it here!!
warnings: jeff, slight stalkish behavior, wall punching, threats, arguing, yada yada
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Definitely not the type of guy I'd expect to get a girl/boyfriend as fast as he does.
He can pull bitches faster than anybody else in the manor, and you (unfortunately) had to be the best one to him.
His little girl/boyfriend. HIS. If anybody so much as looks at you, dead.
A trail of blood follows this man around him no matter the right or wrong reasons.
And sometimes, there are right reasons.
You're abusive ex comes back to remind you of the pain they caused? Dead. Some guy at a bar gawks at you for too long? Dead.
But relationships with Jeff aren't always so pretty.
He'd never lay a hand on you, but he definitely will threaten you if you catch him on a bad day.
"You wanna fuckin' go out with your friends instead of me, ha'?! I'm not fun enough, is that it? Maybe I'll just haf'ta fuckin' teach you a lesson then."
Dents in your walls after bad fights with him
Occasionally he'll rip pictures of you apart.
A very jump to conclusion kind of guy, too. If he sees you walking with someone else, he'll assume you dont love him.
But when he's happy, and you're happy it can be the best.
Fun teasing nicknames, a light jab to the arm.
He's an asshole, but he can be so sweet when he wants to be.
It's your birthday? He'll slide pictures of you sleeping under your door with little hearts on them. And later, he'll try his best to do everything for you. He even cooked for you.
It sucked, but its the thought that counts..right?
In conclusion, he's definitely the kind of guy to hold his arms out and say, "No hug?" After seeing you for the first time in a while.
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lldolphin · 21 days
Hiii, I was the one who requested the Toby headcanons, and you did an amazing job<3 I love that you are realistic. I was not sure if you were okay with doing relationship headcanons, but I would love to read your take on Toby in a relationship👀
absolutely! i just posted a list of things i am not comfortable writing as well for anyone else requesting! Toby is DEFINITELY in high demand!! my mans is WANTED 📈📈📈
warnings: slight!nsfw, emotionally unavailable partner, manipulative relationship, possessiveness, overly obsessive love
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God, he just thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world, he could never let you out of his sight.
Never. He would never let you leave without him striding behind you, in your shadow. What if some guy tries to touch you? What if some guy tries to look at you? He has to be there to know who to kill later.
God forbid you ask to be alone today, the one time you did he locked you in your room.
He could hear you crying for him on the other side, his back leaned against the wood as he himself might've shed a few tears. He placed his hand against the wood and mumbled things he thought were comforting. "I know, hun...It's for your own guh-good, okay? You would've gotten hurt out there.." He crooned eerily, followed by a whistle.
But the night he decided to make this up to you? You were seeing stars.
He leaves BIG welts of purple on your body. Bite marks, scratch marks, hickeys. Anything to let every motherfucker out there know that you are HIS.
You are always comforting him, always making sure he's happy. He could never get sick of your comforting words.
But when it's time for him to comfort you? He doesn't know how. He kisses you and leaves you to figure it out yourself. He can't handle helping someone else, because he isn't the best he could be.
Your body is his entire reason for living. On a mission? His eyes are on you, ogling you. Making him food? He can't keep his hands off of you, wrapped around your waist.
He is SO in love with you, it's crazy. To the point where it gets a little scary. You saw pictures of yourself sleeping on his phone while peering over his shoulder. When you asked, he told you it was because you looked so pretty.
"Yuh-You looked so pretty..Even suh-sleeping. Look at you, a-all mine.."
that's all! thanks for the request! ❤️
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lldolphin · 21 days
Is there anything you DON'T write for? what are your limits?
a list of things I absolutely will not write for!<3
Overly gory murder scenes.
Blackout drunk scenes/OD scenes.
For personal reasons, I won't write physically abusive relationships. (Mentally and verbally are okay only for creepypasta writings because I like to make them as realistic as possible.)
thats all! the list isn't very long, I'm sure theres some things I've forgotten. if you request something that I am personally not comfortable with, I just wont reply! i will usually write ALL requests i get. thanks for asking!<3
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lldolphin · 23 days
Hiii! I liked your creepypasta post :D Can you write some general headcanons about Toby??
ABSOLUTELY. I've been having writer's block for a while and this is perfect. Not sure if you wanted dating headcannons, so i didn't include them!
a/n ; toby being a weirdo and a creep (radiohead reference?!). This version of Toby is written in a SLENDERVERSE au where all the pastas live in a manor !! i also am working on writing my own/more realistic au's.
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warnings - mentions of mental illness and physical illnesses. !tourettes syndrome mention! (I think). SLIGHT gloss over the situation with his father(a small mention of a hit.)
He's so worried about how he smells
Being surrounded by repulsive-smelling people has taken a big toll on how he presents himself. He doesn't want to smell like death, especially since it would get him caught
He carries around shitty drugstore breathmints, and does what he can to make himself smell good. They can't afford cologne, and why would he waste his time stealing it? he legit sprays febreze on his clothes.
I do believe his hair is fluffy and curly, but not naturally. It is unwashed and the humidity makes it puffy and somewhat curly.
He absolutely hates being babied. By anyone. What do they know? Why do they care?
ESPECIALLY when he accidentally cuts himself, and some son of a bitch decides to coddle him. he cant even feel it, so what does it matter?
He's not cuteness overload BPD OCD ADHD yk, yk. He does have those things! They just arent as prominent as everyone exaggerates. He toom his meds with him, hes a maniac. Not an idiot. If he didn't, he literally wouldn't be functioning. Nobody can function without meds and ALL of the disorders he canonically has.
He has memory loss, and other disorders mostly because of abusive blows to the head from his dad.
But he isn't like..losing his shit. He forgets small things. Like, "where did I see my pack of cigarettes?" Or, "where was the mission destination again?"
When he was younger, he saw a child psychologist and it helped him calm down alot during overstimulated moments. He uses those still.
He CANT grow facial hair. Like he literally just cant. Anywhere else? No problem. But nowhere on his face, its mostly because of the gash in his face.
I don't really like to believe that he ATE the whole thing out of his cheek...NOW BARE WITH ME. I do believe he chewed out some of the inside of his mouth, but i feel like he picked at it with his fingers and it formed the infamous injury.
He doesn't smoke THAT often. He's already pretty fucked, why mess up his working organs? Nothing else is working, he only has those LEFT. But under stress, its inevitable.
Sorry these are kinda shitty, I wanted to keep it short because im working on so many more bigger things 😭 hope you liked it!♡
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lldolphin · 1 month
feat. jeff the killer, nina the killer, jane the killer, clockwork, toby, laughing jack, eyeless jack.
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i feel like he smells like cigarettes and blood. like he REEKS of blood, but its not like a disgusting stinky ass smell. i think the pastas often shower in victims homes.
he doesn't actually hate his brother. he's actually happy that he survived. its just, hes an asshole and doesn't know how to resolve confict, so he doesn't talk to liu.
probably makes fun of toby alot. for everything.
i dont actually think they all live in a manor. realistically, they dont know each other. jeff specifically, lives in an old warehouse. (im a hypocrite. i still write them living in a manor despite my own headcannon 😜)
he has like, really long hair. its long, black, heat damaged at the ends and, middle parted. he doesn't have a cute uwu emo boy haircut. he probably DID before he snapped, but thats long gone.
he pierced himself on his nose, ears, bridge, eyebrow, and lip. his ears got infected.
RAGING lesbian
she doesn't even talk to jeff. she hates him, yeah, but she doesn't actively try and reach out and/or kill him. she has trauma from him. she doesnt seek out the main cause of her ptsd.
she probably has a smoker voice. like she sounds like a chain smoker.
she definitely WAS goth before, but she doesn't really dress it now. it would be hard to be on the run, killing, and constantly getting into combat dressed in full goth attire.
not to mention, it would make her so noticeable to police and detectives.
i imagine her wearing the leggings with the rips down the legs, and a tank top with maybe some band on it.
definitely a little chubby.
shes definitely poc. you cannot tell me otherwise.
she didn't cut up her face. she puts on makeup. lets be real.
she still keeps her pretty scene hair. its black with a few pink raccoon tails.
i dont think she actually ever killed anyone.
her parents put her in a psych ward after going through her computer.
id say, realistically, she got super interested in jeffs case. after a while, she became obsessed with him.
her parents quickly ended that whole thing, sending her to the ward.
she escaped and literally never went back home.
like, she has missing posters out there.
she spends her whole time trying to find jeff.
shes never actually met him.
shes RIPPED.
i like to think shes also lesbian, and jane and her definitely have a situationship
green eyes
okay. there is no POSSIBLE way a human can put a clock inside of their eyeball. she just went crazy and probably stabbed her eye out or some shit.
look, i KNOW that the clock is her whole gimmick, but come on yall.
tank top, blue hoodie and jeans.
very tumblr 2014 core outfits.
she probably did wrestling in school
her hair is like almost ginger, but still brunette.
his hair is really fluffy.
he has brown eyes.
his mouth gash never healed because he never got it taken care of.
i feel like his breath smells REALLY good. mans is so nervous abt his scent, hes scared he'll smell like jeff.
always has a tic tac in his mouth.
he has scars on his tongue, he used to bite down on it when he would tic.
black hoodie and blue jeans. black converse. simple outfits yall.
he made himself watch shocking content in his early years to TRY and feel something. It didn't work, but it helped him snap and become insane.
he doesnt work for slenderman, but he heard about it and his schizophrenia makes him hallucinate him. So, he THINKS he works for him, but he doesn't.
hes not annoying uwu "hey masky" boy. he's quiet and afraid of fucking up any attempt at social interactions or relationships. when he DOES get comfortable with people he knows, ex; masky, hoodie, etc..hes LOUD and really vulgar about his jokes.
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lldolphin · 4 months
-- nobody is writing about travis, so I'm gonna do it.
warnings ; mentions of abuse, starvation, nsfw, religious trauma, p in v, pregnancy scare.
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When he had first met you, he absolutely despised you.
He hated your confidence, the way you spoke your mind..and generally everything he wanted to be, he hated you for being.
The first time you cooked for him, he ate it up like an animal.
His father usually starved him severely, and he was significantly skinny when you both met.
He didn't gain a lot, but after a while of being with you -- he had gotten much healthier. But we all know he's always been slim.
He got extremely mad at you the first time you tried to show him affection.
He's been rejected of it for his entire life, he didn't know what to do.
But when you held his face while he was getting emotional, he involuntary leaned into your hand -- warming both of your hearts.
He has loved your touch ever since that day. Melting at the lightest caress.
That being said, when you two got intimate for the first time -- he was a moaning mess.
He isn't kinky at all, and never really experiments with any other positions except for missionary.
Occasionally, he'll let you ride him. Looking up at you in ecstasy turns him on to the max.
Once he's comfortable, every once in a while, he'll have you sitting on the edge of the bed spread legged.
Him between your legs, candles lit, a steady tempo between the both of you. Nothing would make you ever feel better.
The first time he came inside you, he was absolutely horrified.
It was in the moment, his grip was tight on your behind as you sat still -- his hips bucking upward rapidly.
"Fuc-..'m gonna..God, y/n.." He muttered barely coherent sentences. You knew he was close and began to maneuver off of him.
Until he slammed you back down onto his hips, his head throwing back as he groaned loudly.
That was the loudest you've ever heard him be. You sat wide eyed on his lap.
At first he was confused, why did you look so scared?
And then he realized his own mistake.
He felt bad enough for having sex before marriage, but now this?
He felt like God had been disappointed in him, and he started to tear up.
You crawled off of him and wiped his tears away, reassuring him that he was alright. Telling him that God had loved him no matter what.
hearing those words from your beautiful lips made him realize he loved you.
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