epickiya722 · 8 months
If you ever heard the line "Big Raga, the Opp Stoppa", just know it's from Rabsopetty on YouTube from this video here at precisely at 9:44.
EDIT: By the way, there is a full version of this HERE! As well as an extended version of the Sukuna vs. Mahoraga fight HERE!!
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Jenna Moonlight Dating Sim walkthroughs
If you’re interested in the history of amateur flash otome games or wants to have a small nostalgia trip, you may watch Jenna Moonlight Dating Sim walkthrough videos I’ve uploaded on YT today. I decided to record only the good endings.
I wasn’t into this type of games, when it came out, but apparently it was quite original among other amateur otome games at the time it was released, due to being a postapo horror story instead of an another romantic comedy.
The creator wrote in 2007:
“Bomee's last dating sim for the 2007 year, completely drawn with a mouse, with backgrounds from real pictures taken by my sister in Montreal Canada. You play as Jenna Moonlight for an unlimited amount of time as the war between the living and those infected by the Blood Pond Ensue. The Blood Prince is the son of Fantom and Ari from Love Dating Sim 1, taken away from the lovers by the Jealous Blood Pond Craven. Those with Vampric blood are not affected by the fumes from the Pond. Those affected become vampires like Stas. And those with witch blood like Jenna mixed with Vampric blood are very powerful-- you as Jenna can choose to destroy the world or save it... with eight different endings and five original characters...
This may be a very simple dating sim, but it's like no other with an original storyline and hentai-less graphics/gameplay. Is it love or lust at first bite? You decide.“
The original is still playable here.
The love interests:
1. Annej - the only female LI. This poor girl tormented by self-hatred is not an actual human being - she’s Jenna’s shadow and was created to become the Blood Prince’s bride. She ran away to the last existing city in the world and now she’s a clerk in the local shop. And she’s very happy, when you drink her blood ;P
2. Mobley - the scientist and Jenna’s supportive friend. At the beginning he gives you your first mission and you may accept it or deny it. No matter what will be your choice, you still may date him in the end. Poor guy doesn’t like, when you drink his blood, and unfortunately for him he doesn’t fight back.
3. Logan - the distrustful hunter that Mobley wants you to find. This guy may train you (which is a must, if you want to kill the Blood Prince or Stas), even if initially he claims he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t get along with Mobley and finds him to be an annoying weakling (although he admits he’s very intelligent). He doesn’t like, when you drink his blood, but unfortunately for you he fights back, when you cross the line ;P
4. Stas - my personal favorite (and maybe a fellow Slav?). Poor guy was turned into a vampire and despite not wanting to do so, now he preys on people, who had misfortune of coming near him. Luckily for you, he immediately falls in love with you and is not able to kill you even when you try to kill him. 
5. The Blood Prince - the main villain of the game and the master manipulator, who finds you interesting for some reason. Any why the hell his runaway bride is your shadow created specifically for the purpose of marrying him? You may become his Blood Princess and then rule the world together as the ultimate villainous power couple,
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gcmblingdice · 1 year
Anyway dad has cancer. AML is the type of lukeimia he has. He needs both blood and blood platelte transfusions daily. Ive been checking on him every morning, after work and because Im the closest I always being called.
This cancer has, within a month made him weak, he needs a walker, needs so much but I keep trying to encourage him to do things on his own. He needs to keep his independce as long as he can, to feel like he can make it.
He is on chemo now. June 6th ot 7th they do the bome marrow biopsy to see where to go from there. Im honesty drained because of my family
The only good thing is my brother stepping up. I know I havent been rping actively on disvord or here, but aside from the cancer and my dad, ive been doing a lot of inner healing work lately and work is getting to me. Im going to try my best to rp soon, I promise. Its just beem so stressful in all aspects of my lofe that Im drowning and its...
Very hard. Im safe though, just exhausted and figured you would all like an update.
As always my discord is Anzy#2797 and you can reach me there.
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zargsnake · 2 years
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Through a Blackened Mirror
Chapter 2: The Curse
Word Count: 3471 Links: Chapter 1, Table of Contents
   *   *   *
“Everyone was horrified, but the twelfth wise woman stepped forward. She still had her wish to make, and although she could not undo the evil spell, she could nevertheless soften it.
“‘The princess shall not die,’ she said. ‘Instead, she shall fall into a deep sleep for one hundred years.’”
-- “Brier Rose,” translated by Jack Snipes
  *   *   *
Darth Zaster opens her eyes and sees blurry blueness in front of her. Everything feels fizzy, like a carbonated drink. Fizzy, hollow, and numb. She looks down at her hands. Instead of her brown scales, she sees dashes and dots, quivering scanlines. A holographic projection. Is this another dream? Or did her master’s promise actually come true? She focuses on the blueness in front of her.
Fish. Fish in a tank.
She reaches out, but her hand goes through the glass. She feels nothing, no wetness. The tank curves over her head and below her, a tunnel. She’s never seen anything like it. It’s quite disorienting. But peaceful, she supposes. She looks to the side and sees a figure sitting next to her in the tunnel, silhouetted against the soft glow. She flinches in surprise at the sight of a stranger, but she is too well-trained to make a sound. The boy -- man? -- boy -- is in deep meditation. Her holocron, glowing red, floats between his fingers, which are even redder. She reaches for her holocron, but her fingers go through that too.
Okay. She can’t do anything.
“... Hello, boy?” she addresses him in the ancient, unchangeable Sith language.
He stirs from his meditation. He catches his breath at the sight of her and almost drops the holocron, then places it cautiously on the tunnel floor. A fish, below them, bumps against the holocron from the other side of the glass.
“Darth Zaster?”
“Yes,” she says, surprising herself with her own timidity.
He grins and puts a hand on his chest. “Darth Maul!” His mastery of the language is flawless; their accents are identical. “I...I have been trying to wake you for two years!” 
“Two years? Was it really that difficult?”
“Well, I’ve done it all by myself, and only in short, stolen moments. But the whole day is mine today. Perhaps that’s all I really needed.” He shivers in sheer delight, almost as if he is an electric projection too. “Your master didn’t make it easy. Your holo’s probably drunk more than a gallon of my blood over those two years.”
“Delicious,” says Zaster, dubiously.
Maul realizes he is not impressing her. He tries to look cool, but he can’t do it. So he smiles again, his voice full of wonder and warmth. “You’re really here. You’re alive.”
“‘Alive’...in a way... Master Bomes would disagree. He opposed the whole project. He thinks I’m meant to die, that it has always been my fate. And even if it weren’t, it’s impossible anyway; I’m only a student, too young and weak in the Force to linger, even in the most complex hard drive in the most new-fangled holo. That at best, we could only save a diminishing copy of a true spirit. But Master Sunke… He would say ’alive,’ just as you have.”
“Do you feel alive?”
“I feel something.”
“Something is more than nothing.”
“Not always.” Zaster grins back at him, finally. “You’re quite a phenomenon, aren’t you?”
Her smile breaks his nervous energy down. He takes a deep breath and searches through his flickering feelings. He knows there must be something there, behind them all, that he’s never felt before.
Maybe it is peace.
“You’re a glowing feat of photonics and engineering. I’m an ordinary block of meat.”
“I’ve done nothing except die in my sleep. You’re the one who’s awoken the dead.”
Maul waves his hand dismissively. “Anytime, sister.”
“What year is it?”
“By your calendar, 7548,” he says gently.
“Seven thou... You mean I���ve been gone for nearly two thousand years?!”
Now she is the nervous one. He must take care of her.
“And you don’t look a day over eighteen, girl.”
“How is the Empire? How is the war? -- I mean -- how was the war?”
“... Oh, um…”
“We didn’t -- we didn’t lose? Did we?”
“It was a tie.”
“And the Jedi?”
“Do they thrive?”
“We’re…working on it.”
“Damn it. Those fucking Jedi. Maul, you said? Darth Maul?”
“The one and only.”
“And you are young; you must have a master.”
“Yes, Darth Sidious.”
“Your names are strange, yet I feel relieved to know them. Two thousand years later, and there are at least two of us still remaining.” She laughs, and Maul wilts a little. “What? How many of us are there?”
Black blood rushes to Maul’s face. He clears his throat. “Three.”
“Three? Three, just three?”
“Two, officially. I don’t technically exist.”
“I -- Three? Three Sith in all the galaxy?”
Maul counts on his claws. “One, two… Indeed. Three.”
“Oh, put me back to sleep.”
“Look, it works differently now--”
“My sisters numbered four thousand, five hundred thirty six. In my temple alone.”
“Well you can’t expect that kind of productivity to sustain itself.”
“I think I can expect more than three.”
“Please, let me explain. After your time, we fell into a nasty civil war, on top of the war with the Jedi. Slaughter and excommunication winnowed our numbers down to unrecognizably teeny amounts, and finally, defeat at the hands of our enemy forced us into hiding. Our leader enacted the Rule of Two -- one master, one apprentice. Since then, only two Sith have ever existed at the same time. No more. But no less, either. Never once have we died completely.”
“This is horrible. I don’t believe it.”
“Hey, Zaster, it’s not as bad as it sounds.” Maul smiles daringly. “I’m Sith enough for a million Siths. And I am quite alive.”
Zaster grants him another smile, but she shudders; whether from powerful emotions or low resolution, Maul cannot tell.
“Didn’t you say you technically don’t exist?” she asks.
“See? Is there anything more Sithlike? I’m a damn Sith icon.”
Zaster laughs, but her eyes fill with tears. She brings her wrist to her eyes, and her tears sizzle on the holo.
The pain from the static shocks feels more real than any of these other numb sensations; it is so strong that, for a moment, it blocks everything else out. But she knows this trick as well as Maul does. Instead of allowing pain to distract her, she uses it to focus. Her holo glows a little more brightly, though not any more sharply.
Maul is surprised and shaken to see her cry -- Zaster, a famous Sith from their glorious past -- no, she is more than a relic, she is a living person with feelings and fears and desires. He speaks to her in the kind tone he’s only ever heard in stories.
“Your Master, Darth Sunke, died just two weeks after he sealed you away in the holo. He died well; he avenged you by blowing up the New Life Star station. The Jedi haven’t dared to create a ‘medical’ facility of such magnitude ever since.”
“The NLS was a place of poison, not medicine.” Zaster wipes her face again and sets a harder expression. “Two weeks, you say?”
“It is written that his lust for vengeance was powerful enough to drive any Jedi mad, should he have so much as glanced at them. I have no doubt this is true, and yet I sensed in his life and story another feeling, one Sith do not speak of in terms of our own. He missed you. He missed you so badly that he lost the will to live without you. Happily, he channeled that ache into something useful. He was a worthy master of the Force.”
Zaster smiles proudly. “He was the greatest master who ever lived. And I am glad to hear he loved me so much it killed him. My last thought as I fell asleep to die was how jealous I was that the world would have Shell, and I would not. So it’s good to know it only had him for two weeks more than I did.”
“Yes, Sunke’s name, Shell Mree.”
“That was never recorded.”
“I think names have fallen out of fashion.”
“Names have fallen out of fashion?”
“That’s what I said.”
“How can names fall out of fashion?”
“Well, I don’t have one.”
“Didn’t your mother give you one?”
“I don’t know. I never knew her.”
His blithe delivery of this strange and terrible news disturbs her, but, out of politeness, she hides her judgment.
“They should have written it down.”
“I don’t need one. I am Maul.”
“Does your master have a name? Sidious?”
“Yes, but he doesn’t like it, or use it. I hardly associate it with him. It’s purely for his other life.”
“Other life?”
“Yes, he lives openly as a Senator of the Galactic Republic, and a family man here on Naboo, but his true, secret life is with me, as a Sith. I am the only thing he really cares about.”
“Do you have another life?”
“Nothing so elaborate. I suppose this kind of thing counts as my other life. Secret conversations beyond Sidious’ knowledge.”
“Why would you keep secrets from your own master?”
“I… It’s not like I want to. But it’s the only thing I have that’s all mine.”
Zaster can’t hide the discomfort from her expression any longer. “I don’t like the new ways of the Sith. Not at all.”
“Our ways are good. My life is good. We are very strong. And my master has a great and wonderful plan to crush the Jedi, and democracy, and to order all the cosmos around Sith rule.”
“Where does that leave you?”
Maul answers, beaming, “I am the prince! The inheritor! He is old. He won’t live forever. He is doing it all for me.”
Zaster returns his smile, grateful for the good news. “He must be a wonderful master.”
“Frankly, he’s a piece of shit. But I love him.”
Zaster laughs in surprise. “How can you say that?”
“He’s, ah, not very nice.”
“Is that why you keep secrets from him?”
“I suppose.”
“Well. The important thing is you love him.”
“Was love your way?”
“What do you mean?”
“Was love the way of the Sith?”
“Yes, of course. Isn’t it still?”
“Yes. It is.”
Zaster is not sure if he is lying. She has a very bad feeling about this Sidious. “Nevertheless, I’m glad you are the one to wake me, not him. I’d much rather talk to someone nice.”
“Thank you, Zaster.”
“Dreela. Dreela Sage.”
“Dreela,” Maul corrects himself, his heart nearly bursting with happiness. No one else alive knows the great Zaster’s real name.
“What is this place?” asks Dreela.
“This is an aquarium, the biggest in the galaxy. It’s closed, but I snuck in. This tunnel is great for meditating. The glow is a good white-out, and the fish all share communion in the Force, but silently, and in a vicious, animalistic manner that treats me right.”
“You said you had this whole day to yourself, and you spent it with a bunch of fish?”
Maul frowns. “I spent it trying to open your holocron, which has been my greatest desire these past two years.”
“What do you want from me?”
“All I wanted was this. To rescue you. To talk to you.”
“And what will happen to me now?”
“I will keep you. One day I will be the ruler of the galaxy. You can be my advisor. When I am in charge, I will make things the way they used to be. A thousand Sith on every planet. A great empire, with colonies in every system. You were there. You can help me.”
“I’ve been dead for so long. I worry I will go mad.” Dreela’s voice is quiet.
“A little madness keeps the fire alive,” Maul says just as quietly, to comfort her.
Dreela wipes her eyes. “But this will be years and years from now.”
“Yes, but Dreela, what are years to you?”
Dreela smiles at him. “Nothing, I suppose. Maul?”
“Thank you.”
His heart feels so warm in this chilly tunnel. “You’re welcome, Dreela.”
Dreela watches a shark swim past them. “Maul?”
Looking him over, Dreela says, “You are the most stunning Zabrak I have ever seen.”
“Oh… Thank you.” Maul blushes again, from pride now instead of shame; his black blood darkens the red in his face a little, which only makes it look richer and more beautiful.
“I have never seen such strong, deep colors, nor such sharp stripes.”
“Thank you,” he repeats, with increasing devotion.
“May I see more?”
Maul smile slyly and tilts his head up. “Of course, my queen!” He unfastens his cloak and starts taking all his clothes off for her.
Dreela holds her translucent hands over her mouth, giggling. “It is so strange to see a Zabrak among all this clear water, and these tame fish! Doesn’t it just flatten your spirit?”
Maul is unbuttoning his shirt; each of his buttons is engraved with a Sith Commandment. “Why should water and fish flatten my spirit?”
“Why, the waters of Iridonia are black as night, and glittering, so dense with the fertile minerals of your home planet. And your fish are all at least 80% teeth, even the smallest toojafish.”
Maul pulls his shirt off his shoulders; Dreela marvels at the markings on his chest. “I’ve never been to Iridonia. I wasn’t born there.”
“A Zabrak? And you’ve never been to Iridonia?”
“No.” He unbuttons his pants. “Is it all that great?”
“You must go. It is my favorite planet. It is -- it was a mighty Sith stronghold! My Sunke was a Zabrak!”
“I know.” Maul thinks of the rows of horns in jars. “I suppose something about Zabraks makes us irresistible to our leaders.”
“Our leaders?”
“Yes. Our leaders. The humans.”
“Humans?” She makes a face. “Those flimsy little things? I guess one or two of them were leaders, historically. But Zabraks are one of the superior species. Zabraks mostly led themselves and always led the inferior species -- humans, even my own species, the Grinanin. All the greatest Sith are Zabrak.”
Of all the strange things Dreela has said about the Sith of her time, this is the one thing Maul cannot believe at all. Of course humans are the only superior species. But the girl has been gathering dust for millenia. He can’t expect her brain to be working quite right, yet. Better to smile and nod. The last thing he wants to do is distress her again.
“Of course. But my master is a human, and he is amazingly powerful.”
“Oh -- I am sorry. I didn’t mean to insult him.”
“Never be sorry. You can say whatever you like in front of me.” Maul lies naked before her, leaning his head on his hand. “The eighth millennia isn’t so bad, is it?”
Dreela feasts her eyes. “Not so bad at all.”
“More stunning than your Sunke, you think?”
Dreela laughs again. “Oh, he was brilliant, but ugly as hell. There was a Force-lightning accident.”
Maul sighs. “Do all great Sith have to get ugly?”
“I hope you don’t. How old are you?”
“Stay seventeen.”
“Oh, I will,” he says, posing and flexing for her.
“Where were you born, if not Iridonia?”
“I don’t know.”
“Then how do you know you weren’t born on Iridonia?”
“The Force told me.”
“But it didn’t tell you where you were born?”
“The Force is better at yes-or-no questions.”
“It is? I never get such straightforward answers.”
“Oh, it is all due to my master’s training.”
“Hell no. I’m a fucking Force genius.”
“Turn around,” Dreela orders.
Maul obliges. She stares at the stripes down his back, then reaches for him. Her hand passes through him. No matter what she touches, she feels the same numb nothingness.
“Can you feel me, Maul?” she whispers.
Maul looks over his shoulder and meets her eyes with an intense look. Then he closes his eyes and concentrates on her presence. He can hear the hum of her electricity, and, beneath that, the softness of her breathing. Breathing what? Not the air around them; gas particles carry on among her photons, undisturbed. She still breathes the air she died in. Ancient, faraway air, copied into subroutines in her program, circulating according to a relatively simple code compared to the blinking of her eyes and the beating of her heart.
He focuses on his own skin. He can feel the cold air, the colder tank. He can even feel within, his outermost muscles touching his tissues, his blood running up and down. Hotter and faster, but not because of her touch. He cannot feel her.
He rolls onto his back and opens his eyes again. She looks much sadder than she was, but, more alarmingly, she looks much dimmer than she was. He reaches for her hand and pretends to hold it for a second. He makes a small move as if he is tugging it toward himself, but she does not play along. He picks up her holocron.
“I’m sorry, Dreela. I have to turn you off.”
“Can’t you just keep me on?”
“Believe me, I want to. But your projection is running low on battery.”
“Just charge it later.”
“I’m afraid of what will happen if I let it run out.”
“I’m sure it will be fine. My master would have foreseen that eventuality and prepared.”
“I am not so sure.” He sits up, fingers tracing the edges of the device. “I won’t lose you.”
“When will you turn me back on?” she asks.
“As soon as I can.”
“I mean it. You are the best thing in my–”
“When, Maul?”
“I don’t know. Sidious was tied up with business today, something about his spy network. I don’t know when I’ll have another day to myself.”
“Then tell him the truth. Tell him about me. He’ll be proud of you for awakening me.”
“But -- isn’t it more fun with just me?”
“Not if I’ll be turned off another 2000 years.”
“It won’t be 2000 years. It won’t even be a week. I will steal time for you.”
“I don’t enjoy the prospect of a lifetime at the beck and call of a lonesome, cocky slave boy.”
“Hey. Leave my cock out of this.”
Dreela snorts in noncommittal laughter.
“Alright, maybe things look bad now,” Maul says. “But one day, I will rule. And you’ll be my right hand man.”
“I’d feel better if I spoke to your master.”
“You really wouldn’t.”
Dreela growls.
“Look, as much fun as this argument is, your holocron needs a couple more volts of electricity and at least another cup of blood. I swear to you, I’ll bring you back to life as soon as –”
“Alright, alright. Turn me off.”
“Goodbye, my darli--”
“Shut it, just turn me off.”
Maul obliges her. Of course it hurt to be interrupted and to be called a slave. But he can’t blame her for being grumpy, and she’s not wrong about what he is.
As he dresses himself, he feels a great burden on his heart, the burden of forty-five hundred sisters on Zaster’s planet alone, the burden of a whole forgotten people. He knows Sidious’ heart, he knows Sidious doesn’t care about their past, their traditions. All he cares about is himself. He gives more time and face to Naboo holidays than Sith ones. His mask is so strong and powerful, and he wears it so frequently, that more often than not it seems like his mask is his real face. Plagueis cares a little more, from what Maul can tell, but Plagueis’ other life of numbers and worldly concerns infects his rigid mind. They are disgraces to the Sith.
Only he, Maul, has the guts, the passion, the strength, the energy, the focus, the horns, the bond with the Force necessary to bring back the ancient ways, to renew them even better than they were. Plagueis can fail in every attempt, and Sidious can sit and stew for years and years, until he’s all rotted away. Only he, Maul, can triumph. He is the true Sith lord, and one day Sidious will see that. And then he will kneel before him, and call him master. Maul’s hands, deep in his pockets with the holocron, shake, as he proceeds out the tunnel, out the aquarium, through the foggy streets to the Senatorial basement that he calls home, his hood up, his face down.
The burden makes his throat feel dry, in spite of all the water in the air. He wonders what fog looks like on Iridonia, if the water there is black.
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echothagram · 3 years
VNC Episode 11 Reaction
I’m here again, fashionably late 😘
This week’s episode covers chapters 18-21 (although, there were some important scenes that weren’t adapted that I assume will be in the next episode)
I can’t believe Bomes has already adapted to volume 5! Since next week’s ep is the last for this cour (I think), I’m guessing it will end with a teaser to the Gevaudan arc
A lot of the date parts seemed slideshow-y but I can forgive Bones for it bc they did a great job adapting the date
Jeanne’ s VA was AWESOME! She made some of the already cool scenes in this ep even cooler!!!!!
I didn’t mind the blood sucking scenes in the manga but whew,,,,,,Bones increases the intensity of them tenfold 😳
Some things I noticed:
No Amelia as Noe’s hug pillow comment by Vani :(
The Date scene & the scene between Ruthven & Noé keep switching to each other (I really like this change)
Some of the shojo-esque panels from the manga moved to later
More Domi & Dante dialogue 👌
EP starts w Jeanne asking Vani on a date (which doesn’t happen in the manga until the end of ch19)
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rescuedoglove · 4 years
A little rescue dog has a tapeworm
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When it comes to life with rescue dogs, some things take you truly by surprise. On the very first day little rescue dog Bome came to live with us Lia saw her arch her back, put her little butt right on our carpet, and then scoot it across the floor. This happened again and again over the following weeks.  Clearly something was causing her anus to have the itches, but we were mystified as to what could be causing it.  (No doubt this contributed to Lia’s resolve to wipe rescue dog butts after each poop; refer to an earlier blog post for the messy details).  It was not until Bome went into heat that we began to figure out what was happening.
Here is how I described it in my book:  A couple weeks later Bome went into heat, to which we were clued into when blood spots suddenly began appearing on the carpet. Lia went out to the pet store and bought a doggy diaper and cut down some human feminine napkins to the right size to fit her.  But then the strangest thing began to happen.   Every morning that whole week she kept seeing what looked like a little dead worm right next to the diaper and stuck in Bome’s fur, and we were mystified as to where on earth they were coming from.  Was Bome catching them in the yard when she went out for some exercise?
Finally, one night Lia was treated to an especially shocking sight. Up to this point she had only seen the dead "worms" in the morning and on Bome’s fur outside the diaper. But this time she found one in the evening just after she finished teaching for the day.  She was intending to change out Bome’s feminine napkin, so she took the diaper off and found one inside it.  The realization suddenly hit her:  Bome was not picking them up in the yard, but they were coming from inside her body!  
The next morning Lia took Bome’s diaper off and we carefully examined her little butt.  Lia took a paper towel and began wiping the anus, and sure enough we found a little white worm looking thing stuck to the paper towel.
So, we kept one of the "worms" as a sample and took it and Bome to the vet once again.  The doctor took one look at the sample and told us straight up Bome had a tapeworm.*
A tapeworm!  Just the thought of such a creature living inside our new rescue dog brought horror to our minds.  We asked the vet to take care of it, and he shoved a pill down Bome’s throat and told us the tapeworm would be dead within the next few days.  Two days later after dark Bome suddenly became nauseous and vomited on our family room carpet.  Shortly thereafter she went out and discharged something from her rear end, and we think that evening was the end of the road for the tapeworm. Thankfully, we stopped seeing the body segments emerge from her butt, and as an added benefit Bome stopped the scooting.*
How did Bome get the tapeworm?  Well, that is a good topic for next time.  Stay tuned.
Have you ever had an experience with a parasite in your dog?  Let us know in the comments below.
* Excerpts from “Rescued Love, Vignettes from Our Life with Rescue Dogs” by Kenneth Wright, Copyright 2018
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