#'Evil Teara'
lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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Repostober Day 6 Another one involving these goobers, Teara and "Evil Teara". I just love the way this one came out. The original conceit of it was based on a song called On the Rocks by a YouTube artist named Ken Ashcorp, which was about space and relationships. I also wanted an excuse to draw these two in their anthro forms cus I love them :D
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Ringwaldt Deities Part 1
Here is some fun info for some of the deities of Ringwaldt for all of you.
Each of these posts will include 3 Deities most often from the same Pantheon or with overlapping fields.
Ollphéist God of the Beasts : TN : Animal, Feather, Fur, Insect, Nature, Spring; The Hunter of All : Lord of the Beasts : Master of Forms : The Father of Therianthropes
Favored Weapon: Shortspear
Symbol: A Rearing Gryphon on an Emerald Background
Sacred Animal: All Animals
Sacred Colours: Green
Myths of the Deity
-Ollpheist is said to have made the first Lycanthropes when his favored hunting hound was replaced by a faerie playing a trick on him. After the trick was sprung, the enraged deity cursed the faerie to shift between the two forms. Though most natural lycanthropes can control their forms, they have problems not shifting under moonlight, and are often more bestial. The popular story  is that Ollpheist’s curse only comes under the watchful gaze of the guests who witnessed it.
-Ollpheist the great hunter’s prized boar is said to have been slain on a hunt. He took up the boar’s hide, gaining with it the power to assume it’s shape. He may also grant the hide to others, upon whom it confers the same power.
-Ollpheist wishes to hunt Klavapt- to rip, teara, and crush him. It is said that the god of beasts hunted the cannibal god for 40 days and 40 nights across the planes, seeking to claim his flesh- and that at the end of each summer, he hunts him again, chasing off the coming of the Cannibal God.
Rituals, Holidays, and Sacred Days
-Ollpheist has no regular holidays- instead any hunt (or any other way of communing with nature) is considered sacred, and used as part of holy rites. 
-Clerics of Ollpheist make it a priority to hunt their own game if at all possible. Though they will not refuse food taken from livestock, they would much rather slay and prepare the animal themself
-A silver knife is a common secondary weapon to most priests of Ollpheist. It is often stylized as a boars tusk.
-A proper temple to Ollpheist in a city is rare. The temples to this god are usually out in the wilderness. They are built like open pagodas, welcoming the spring and summer.
-Ollpheist says to protect nature, be the guide and shepherd for it and those who seek to use it.
-Plant and grow: use the end of Winter to blossom.
-Ollpheist preaches to test your mate’s mettle. Breed others, or test your mate to see if they will let you slip away to be bred by others.  There are no significant marriage rites among Ollpheist’s faithful.
-Ollpheist clerics are instructed to never drink fermented grains, but fruits, honey and milks that are fermented are permitted
-When confronted and challenged on faith with another, ignore them. You know your path holds the power of the hunt, and the horn sounds for all.
-Ollpheist’s most common sects are those of wildmen, hunters, or rangers, who target those who would cross them or their subscribed territory.  Those who follow this interpretation of the faith often come in conflict with small villages, farmsteads and the like.
- - - - - I need and want to expand on all of the deities - - - - -
Bócapall God of Centaurs & Minotaurs : NE : Animal, Evil, Ferocity, Protection, Solitude, Strength
Adjective;  Lord of Hooves : The Ferocious Protector : The Horned Lord
Favored Weapon; Greataxe
Symbol; A horses head with long pair of pronged horns
Sacred Animal; Cows and Horses
Sacred Colours; Black and Tawny Brown
Myths of the Deity
-He is said to be the son of Ollpheist and a beautiful mare. Others say he is the get of a union of a bull and mare who were blessed with the power to interbreed by Ollpheist. 
-The twin forms of Bocapall have led many to think they were two minor gods who have become one in time. One such myth holds that Boca and Apall were half brothers, both sons of Ollpheist, who together were strong as a god- so Apall the bull gifted his power to his brother Boca, who took his name before his own as a sign of thanks. 
-Bocapall is the father of the Minotaurs and Centaurs.  Supposedly fathering Centaurs from an affair with a beautiful woman.  Other versions say he blessed a herd of stallions with human midwives.  As the creator of Minotaurs the myths go that he punished a follower with the head of a bull the curse passing to his sons and daughters.  Other versions state he went to save a follower and a celestial bull by fusing the two together into the first of the minotaurs.
-The beastly cloven god seeks to show his strength and power. He has fought in single combat with most other gods of strength for the chance to prove himself in a challenge, and will frequently desire rematches.
Rituals, Holidays, and Sacred Days
-The Horned Lord reminds one to honour and defend himself and those he cherishes above all else. 
-In solitude, one can find the power of personal strength and will. 
-Two priests of the Horned Lord will fight one another when they meet. Their clash of steel will end when one gives up- or more frequently, is unable to continue. 
-Ferocity is the truest strength of the body. Unleash it as a storm of hooves and horns upon your foe.
-Take one wife, and as many courtesans or concubines as you can support with your wealth and power.
-The two biggest sects of the Horned Lord are that of the Bull and the Colt.  Bulls follow the ideal of pure ferocity and rage, discounting the idea of protection as lacking in power.  Colts, meanwhile, believe in an identity of protecting what is theirs at all costs. Their doctrine holds that in solitude, with you and what you want to protect, is the finest way to live.
-Those who follow his path frequently target priests of other gods and their holdings to take for themselves.  Due to this constant violence, Bocepal has little sway in civilized lands. 
-Bocapall has a small offshoot order called the Bronze Mares.  This all female centaur(though it has and does include non-centaur members and more rarely male members) order can be found within the nation of Biekal.  Its members are trained as paladins forsaking evil to act as the lawful guardians of solitude and protection to those who seek it.  Their quarters are built to emphasize the community and allow collective action and personal solitude for meditation.  The Bronze Mares treat Bocapall as Lawful Neutral for patronage.
- - - - - I plan and need to add in an additional Minotaur and Centaur god or add in an aspect for other gods to be fair the general/universal section exists which covers deities worshipped all over and anyone can worship Bocapall he is just directly related to centaurs and minotaurs - - - -
Sionnach, God of Kitsune : CN : Arcane, Captivation, Chaos, Charm, Magic, Whimsy
Adjective; The 100 Tailed Lady : The Mischievous Fox : The Chaotic Magician
Favored Weapon; Naginata
Symbol; An arcane symbol with 9 thin braid talismans dangling from it, each tipped with a small brush
Sacred Animal; Foxes
Sacred Colours; Amber & Byzantine
Myths of the Deity
-Sionnach tried to prank her brother with a snake- but the viper proved to be venomous, so he was forced to carry her to a mystic who saved her.
-Seeking more fun and fancy the Kitsune collected gems from many places gathering them she used it to captivate mages and craft spells which needed the pretty baubles and in time used this knowledge to have mages teach her more of magic.
-Sionnach gifted her fellow kitsunes knowledge and the tails to learn more of magic and to become versed in it freely giving them illusions and trickery to bring whimsy and study magic freely with a certain charm.
-Sionnach stole into the heart of domain of the Dark Elves and Brynn’s mother entwining her tails she pilfered the goddess’s favored instrument a harp of godly craftsmanship.  Carved of amber with strings of silver gossamer spider webs the fox goddess made it a game to keep the artifact away from the patron of the dark elves.   She took the harp and had it remade into 7 smaller harps and scattered them across the planes.
Rituals, Holidays, and Sacred Days
-Bring joy and captivate the audience with your charm.
-Magic is an art, treat it as such. The arcane can be used to create beauty and captivate those who need it.
-Be charming to all your meet you never know who they might be. 
-Embrace the con and play to the audience, bring joy in all of magics forms
-Chaos keeps boredom away, try something new if you lose Whimsy.
-Clerics and followers often pull pranks and show off to one another at the temples to the goddess holy days there being more of a series of escalating antics with sermon
-Temples to the goddess have Foxweed a bright yellow weed used to make oil.  Foxes like to chew on the weed, and it is popular use for golden makeup.
-The Rite of the Fox is simply to catch a fox. This is easier said than done.
-The Rite of Charming is to go into town and use your words, wiles, and more- but not your magic- to win a night with 3 different individuals in one week.  Sionnach would prefer both genders, but she doesn’t require it so long as the idea is followed.
-The Temples of Sionnach are bright and bombastic, with colorful tapestries, curtains and more hanging along the corridors and chambers. Large estates feature gardens of Foxweed and elaborate murals and mosaics depicting the goddess’s stories.
-Sionnach has a particular sect who interpret her lessons on magic to mean one must wield magic to promote and create whimsy, to captivate and to love- and that magic’s purpose is to never twist or harm, but only to promote expression.
Frankly any critique would be greatly appreciated.
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch One Piece #750 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 溶鉱炉 (ようこうろ/youkouro) - 'smelting furnace, blast furnace' 煩悩 (ぼんのう/bon'nou) - 'worldly desires, evil passions, appetites of the flesh, klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)' 鉱石 (こうせき/kouseki) - 'ore, mineral, crystal' 欲望 (よくぼう/yokubou) - 'desire, appetite, lust' 風情 (ふぜい/fuzei) - 'taste, elegance, charm, appearance, air, the likes of ..., lowly people such as ...' 匹敵 (ひってき/hitteki) - 'comparing with, match, rival, equal' 殴り込み (なぐりこみ/nagurikomi) - 'raid, attack, assault' 奴隷 (どれい/dorei) - 'slave, servant, slavery' 手荒 (てあら/teara) - 'violent, rough' 忠実 (ちゅうじつ/chuujitsu) - 'faithfulness, devotion, loyalty, honesty, truth, fidelity' 単細胞 (たんさいぼう/tansaibou) - 'single cell, simple-minded person, one-track-minded person' 惨め (みじめ/mijime) - 'miserable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable' 名演技 (めいえんぎ/meiengi) - 'fine performance, tour de force' 舞台俳優 (ぶたいはいゆう/butaihaiyuu) - 'stage actor or actress' 失望 (しつぼう/shitsubou) - 'disappointment, despair' 屈服 (くっぷく/kuppuku) - 'yielding, submission, surrender, giving way, succumbing'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
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This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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This started as a warm-up sketch, and then turned into another piece inspired by a song as time went on. Wanted to draw my beans in their anthro forms and it got a little out of hand XD
The song is On The Rocks by Ken Ashcorp
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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Repostober Day 9 It's not a fully finished piece, but I still ADORE this one I drew a while back of a "What If" scenario. A "What if "Evil Teara" was stricken with lycanthropy, but instead of becoming a regular werewolf, she became some kind of Dark Souls-esque monster?" kinda deal.
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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Repostober Day 8 I still love this pic/reference for two of the "antagonists" of The Traveler's Diaries, and the first introduction of "Evil Teara". I still love "Negative" Wynn's design, and I wanna do more stuff with her ^_^
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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For the second day of Repostober I'll repost this piece I did a while ago called Dancing With The Devil
The implication here is that either one of these woman could be the devil, but it's all based on your point of view
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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I loved this meme too much not to draw it, though I ran out of steam and will probably get around to finishing it another time ^_^
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lynns-art-blog · 2 years
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FINALLY got around to finishing this piece and VERY happy with how it turned out
Dancing With The Devil
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lynns-art-blog · 2 years
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As per @liyuanne 's request, Teara and "Evil Teara" having a fun time at the county fair ouo
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lynns-art-blog · 2 years
Nightmare before chrimas time
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It's just a sketch, but this IMMEDIATELY popped into my head when you said this.
TMW your partner can turn into a literal skeleton at will, but she decides instead to just use grease paint
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
💃 ❌ or 👑 , whichever and for whoever you want to do most!
❌OC in something they would absolutely never wear Since The Barbie movie is coming out, I figured it'd be fitting to finally answer this ask. "Evil Teara" would NEVER wear this kind of outfit. It's too frilly. TOO pink!
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lynns-art-blog · 11 months
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Repostober Day 19 I don't think I ever posted this on here, but I had an idea and finalized something I've been mulling around in my brain for years now. Every night Teara goes to bed she dreams of a sword. A sword that hovers just out of reach above her bed. A sword that has been passed down from mother to daughter in her family for generations. A blade she has despised since she was very young, and never wanted to own. A sentient blade that knows its wielder hates them, and in turn feels that very hatred for her. A blade made with the blood of oni, and the soul of ancestors long since gone; forged in a time of pain, and suffering, and death.
A blade simple known as The Demon's Tooth
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lynns-art-blog · 2 years
34) Is there a song you know every word to by heart? Oh gods, there are so many many songs. First song to come to mind is Misery by Maroon 5, but I think that's cus I listened to that recently. That and Guilty from the LA Noir soundtrack
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lynns-art-blog · 1 year
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Repostober Day 10 As much as I love draw Teara and "Evil Teara" together, I will never get over the first ship I ever had between these goobers. I love them both so very much, and I love what they have together. Childhood friends who stuck by each other through thick and thin, who love each other deeply, and want the best for each other. A small feisty ball of anger and her calm and gentle giant. I love them so much ;u;
Also Mia is there
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lynns-art-blog · 2 years
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A WIP for a piece I'm calling "Dancing With The Devil" I'm pretty happy with how this is turning out :D Now, you may be wondering "Who's the devil in this scenario?" and the answer is "Yes" ouo
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