#'Mana! Give me my son! MANA!'- Yugi screaming at the top of his lungs as Mana runs off with lil Jaden in his arms squealing
lyralumina · 6 years
~ ✨ I mean, Seto letting Yugi and little Jaden go see Atem is just such a kind gesture for Seto to do but the please, don't let Mana see little Jaden, she will steal the child for a long time and probably never let him leave. Mana then becomes the God mother of little Jaden.  Also Jaden likes to hide under Atem’s long royal purple cape and Atem freaks out when he cant find his step son but then he feels something weighing him down, he looks down to see Jaden. Ensue Atem scooping up little Jaden in his arms and proceeding to pepper kiss his cheeks and forehead because oh man did he give him a fright, he thought he lost the young one.  Last but not least, Priest Seto being the god father to Seto’s two sons and instantly regretting it because they have so many questions about his ridiculous hat and who he has a crush on because they saw a lady with white hair with him one time and the two jumping up and down because they want to see her. ✨  ~
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