#'We are not going to invade Blue Umbrella headquarters'
purpledusty · 2 years
Leon: So, truth or dare?
Chris: Leon, this is NOT a slumber party
Leon: Sure feels like one
Jill: Kennedy, we are in a prison cell
Claire: I choose dare
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demaisepouco · 5 years
I remember you when I look at the rain - Part 2
Pairings: Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor
Word count: 1218
Part 1
Rain stained the balcony glass of Lena Luthor's large office the first time Kara's work had crossed the path of LuthorCorp's newest technology headquarters. She tried to find something through it to distract herself from her loneliness in that white-walled with not much happier furniture and found herself once again that week watching the heavy blanket of dark clouds conceal the skies of National City.  
Her fingers tightened on the new book in an attempt to calm her nervousness. A reminder of why Cat Grant was known to be cruel to her employees. The media queen had offered Kara's assistance to her grumpy fellow Snapper who in turn had tasked her with accompanying the new junior reporter almost as unpleasantly as him, Mike Matthews. What Kara just couldn't figure out was why a job that required as much professionalism as interviewing Lena Luthor had been assigned to this inexperienced man,  still consumed by the same behavior that Kara would say to be of a reckless frat boy. Not even on time Mike could be there. Kara held back her complaints for a moment, wondering if this had all been combined to take the form of Cat's personal retaliation. From her boss it was not expected anything less elaborate.
She watched the next few minutes crawl ahead of her, while her only company was still the nervousness of meeting National City's newest personality. The thought that Lena Luthor herself was also late, was unnerving, since if she arrived at any moment she would come across the fact that her interviewer would be even later and all of this would fall once again on Kara's shoulders.
“I have to apologize for my delay”, Kara's feet seemed to be stitched to the floor as that familiar voice reached her ears, not moving an inch until the owner reached the spot in front of her, distracted by the tablet in her hands. “I had no idea that something so simple would hol-” The green eyes finally raised to Kara's face. She could see her own surprise reflected on Lena's parted lips at the sudden disappearance of her words. “You”, Lena said then with a smile that made Kara sure she wouldn't be able to form any words. "You know, Mike isn't exactly a name I'd associate with your face."
Kara opened her mouth hoping she could make an answer, but all she got was a short and embarrassed laugh, as if the blush creeping up her neck was no longer enough. Lena raised one eyebrow in a gesture the blonde had already witnessed, the necessary measure in order for Kara to make her attempt to stop embarrassing herself harder. 
“I'm not Mike. Actually, I'm Kara Danvers, also from CatCo”, she pushed her glasses up her nose and looked down at the floor to erase the evidence of her foolishness. "Mike had an, huh, he had some problems. I hope it's not a problem if I get on with the interview", the messy sketch of questions in her block of notes that she had helped Mike formulate seemed to weigh tons. Kara just hoped not to be fired for making that bold decision. Mike being irresponsible was not her fault, however, and Lena Luthor was a very busy woman.
"Of course it won't be, as long as we follow the same line I was previously informed of," Lena folded her arms and leaned against the table behind her.
The thought of how she looked different in that black pencil skirt and crimson blouse suddenly hit Kara like a runaway train, especially how beautiful Lena was. Even if Kara had concluded that other day that the worn sweatshirt and jeans was not a choice that underestimated her breathtaking beauty. Maybe Lena was one of those people who might look good even in a trash bag.
“Of course, Miss Luthor.” 
“So I can conclude that there is nothing else in our way but all this formality. Please call me Lena”, LuthorCorp's new CEO smiled again and circled around her white table to sit in her comfortable-looking chair. “Please take your sit, Miss Danvers.”
“If I call you Lena, I think it's fair that you call me Kara.”
“Kara it is”, Lena tested the word, filling in the name of the woman in front of her with her slight accent that the blonde suspected was British. Kara thought her name could never have sounded prettier.
"So, Miss Lu… Lena, what do yo-"
A panting man walked through the dark wood doors before Kara could finish her first question. "I'm sorry for the delay, but you should know what traffic can be like and even on a day like this", he advanced to the chair next to Kara, sitting without waiting for the invitation, and extended his hand to receive Lena's firm grip. "I'm Mike Matthews from CatCo, but I think Kara already said that."
Kara wasn't amused watching Mike invade her space in the interview as he asked the questions and Lena answered. At least Kara was still able to realize that Lena had taken a different stance with her colleague. More professional and less smiling, she threw sharp answers to questions Kara didn't recognize from her draft, that she could be sure it came completely from Mike's mind, by the slightly accusing and disrespectful tone.
"I think that's all", Mike finally said after his shallow interrogation session. "Thank you, Miss Luthor", He got out of his chair and left the room quickly, not even caring about his colleague.
Still sitting Kara watched Lena raise her eyebrows in an expression twisted by the man's rough exit.
“Sorry about Mike, he's new at this."
"It's okay, nothing I'm not used to", Lena smiled, wiping away the evidence of her annoyance that remained in her expression and Kara had to strain to pay attention to what was being said. "So can I hope to see your name on the byline too?"
"Oh, hum, actually no", Kara pushed her glasses up her nose, looking away from Lena's eyes. "I'm not a reporter. Cat Grant's assistant… Well, Snapper Carr now, and in charge of accompanying Mike, for now. ”
"You could fooled me", Lena finally said, very different from what Kara had expected, and pursed her lips in a new smile, drawing the blonde's blue eyes back to her. “I hope this isn't the last time we talk."
"Me too", Kara smiled too, unable to break the steady eye contact that lasted a few more moments, out of the ordinary of anyone else occupying this place. "I should go. Thank you, Lena. I'm sorry if I took longer than I should." Kara got out of her chair and extended her hand to Lena.
"It wasn't a bother."
"Have a good day", Kara saw the red lips open in some kind of protest as thunder reached her ears. "I didn't forget today", she said taking a flowered umbrella from her purse.
"You know, I can lend you my driver," Lena bit her lip and Kara almost fumbled with her feet. "It's free for cute girls."
"I-I like the rain!" Kara hurried out the doors to hide her embarrassment, but not to the point where she couldn't hear a melodic laugh from where she had just left. 
Lena Luthor would be her death.
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