#'all might is crazier than you' sis i been knew that
epickiya722 · 1 year
Um... I just have but one question... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!
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justmikethepoet · 5 years
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Most days I mind my business But on the mornings I drink the wine that I import in, I find it important to preach the word of the living God, to sis that love her man more than her job. And she a doctor, and he just socked her in her eye. Yeah, that part. Now with the exception of the few times I met women that made me wanna purchase the suit tie, for the better part of my life I’ve been the fly on the wall in many women’s apartments, and when i tell you this shit is somewhere between robbery and retarded. Please believe me. I’m just tryna figure out when they put the queens on clearance and inflated the valuation of women who be more patient than patient with their body. It’s crazy when you think about. If you treat your body like a party you might get some free bands in the future. But until you realize it’s the best on earth, Russ ain’t coming. And if that ain’t saying something, then you might end up getting cuffed by some bump & grind dude, and have to pray that he runs out of the money he uses to pay the people that supposed to come find you. Sons of the father... but to take it even farther.... I know some people surviving shit crazier than Robert. Like the ones who told all their insecurities to a robber, then woke up broke in one day. Woke up broken one day. Woke up broke in phone I should say. You ever read a text message that made you realized you wasn’t special. Or that the person you’re in love with doesn’t respect you. Cold worlds made hot girls but when it’s always summer, that means it’s more pressure on your body to be 100. So you wrap one of them bulletproof vests around your stomach. Till you peep you’re sweating for people that don’t even sweat you. See the cries for help all in your story but won’t text. Reporting live from the trap. Where the price for security is disrespect. Where the only options you’re offered are either forgive or forget. Would you sell your Spirit for a seat on the jet? I seen seven figure sisters that still manage to find time to look ridiculous. That’s how I knew this world was different. So while I get on the phone and see about a reboot. I pray all my Whitleys get their Dwaynes and get out the way. Good day🎈 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7JAnI5FpEi/?igshid=1nvdvs9ny8t0a
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tomandwilladventure · 4 years
Why do netizens view actresses as always being better than idols?
I don't know how it is with American celebrities, but Koreans generally don't put idols and actresses on the same level of ANYTHING. netizenbuzz  I didn't think to bring it up until I saw an article about Jessica sitting at a fashion show next to a row of other actresses yesterday.
Whenever pictures comparing idols to actresses come up, the general consensus seems to always be that idols, no matter how utterly gorgeous, can never live up to the '~aura~' of an actress. Actresses are put on a pedestal, even if they suck at acting/their job, and are seen as having the better, more luxurious profession.
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This has always been the case with SNSD in particular (don't ask why), and most recently Suzy ever since she starred in that movie with Han Ga In.
Below are the best replies from two articles about Jessica surrounded by actresses at a fashion show.
Another picture that has been uploaded to death on several community boards for a while now is a comparison photo between SNSD and Park Si Yeon. They call it the 'Park Si Yeon all kill' picture, and you can easily find it just searching keywords like 'SNSD's embarrassment' and 'Park Si Yeon all kill' on Naver.
Netizens are also always going on and on about SM's actresses Go Ara and Lee Yeon Hee and how they're too 'perfect' to join an idol group and how they have faces that were 'made for acting' even though the consensus seems to be that they both could use some more help in the acting department.
Whenever topics about either of them possibly being an SNSD member or a solo like BoA is brought up, the best replies are usually always about how Lee Soo Man knew that the two were too perfect to become idols and saved them for acting instead.
I don't even know where this actress > idol thing came up from but it's been the mindset for a while now. But then again, I guess you wouldn't really compare Miley Cyrus with Angelina Jolie? so I might be missing something universal...
Even just running a simple 'actresses’ vs idol comparison' search into Naver turns up results like:
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1.      Comparison of beauty between female actresses and female idols
2.      Actresses >>>>>>> a wall you cannot climb over >>>> idols
One Pann post with several pictures of idols and actresses in the same picture had the following best replies:
1.      [+228, -16] Idols can never ever be put on the same level as actresses. I see a few crazy b@stards say stupid shit like how Suzy is prettier than Han Ga in but they better stop spouting nonsense if they don't want to get hurt.
2.      [+171, -14] Han Ga in is daebak... She's not an actress for no reason. Anyone with eyes can see that she's on a different level from Suzy
Reviews On NetizenBuzz
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1.      “Interesting. But I really like the comparison you made OP of how you would not compare Miley Cyrus to Angelina Jolie(blasphemy!). It totally made the whole thing fall in place for me. No matter how famous idols are they are always going to be just teeny-boppers. I think even in the west actresses are generally seen as more glamorous and sophisticated than singers (let alone disney-channel type singers).
2.      Also interesting because a lot of these fabulous actresses have very poor acting skills. Especially Kim Tae Hee. Even though most idols are even poorer at acting, I'd say some are on par with a couple of Korean actresses (and by that I mean they both suck).
3.      Also i-fans are VERY mistaken if they think idols started Hallyu. Everyone knows it all started with K-dramas because even before BoA and DBSK, there was Winter Sonata and THAT's what really opened the door for Korean media in Asia. I know my complete immersion with Korean culture started with BOF.”
4.      “didn't everyone's start with BOF? It's truly what got people into hallyu culture. Winter Sonata was great but if you truly think about it, Boys Over Flowers is something 99% of international fans have watched/seen as their first kdrama. TV is more powerful than music/radio, so kdramas actually started the hallyu wave really, and it was fueled by BoA and DBSK, etc.
5.      Also, I'd like to point out that the actresses > idols/singers thing probably started with icons like Aubrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. They established themselves as icons of beauty, class, sophistication. Everyone has seen that image of Aubrey Hepburn with her long gloves and pearls. And of Marilyn with red lips and a beautiful white dress, at the red carpet. Since a long time ago, actresses set themselves as sophisticated, beautiful, elegant and classy.
6.      Singers started as entertainers, dancing on stage in pretty racy/crazy outfits (think flapper style), even prostitutes who dance on stage for men - so from the beginning they had a wilder, less refined and high-class profile. They dress crazier and do more crazy things because they must enertain on stage; actresses just need to act, and go to red carpets looking classy af. That being said, there are exceptions.
7.      If you compared Angelina Jolie with, say, Celine Dion or Mariah Carey - that wouldn't be blasphemous, would it? Because Celine Dion is considered extremely beautiful, classy and elegant. So I'd say it really depends on the image and career. You could compare Emma Stone with Taylor Swift, and Taylor would win. I'd say it depends really.” for more kissanime visit our site 
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amuelle · 6 years
The A word
For me to realise that I was in an emotionally abusive relationship someone had to tell me. I knew something wasn’t right and I made excuses. When I opened up to my sister, trying to defend his behavior saying he didn’t know how to communicate and that resulted in him being hurtful. She said “ that doesn’t sound like someone who doesn’t know how to communicate. That sounds like abuse”. I’ll never forget those words. Could I have been in an abusive relationship? Once the A word was on the table it could never leave. It was sitting heavily on my heart. I knew what he was doing to me now. Whether he knew it or not….he was abusing me. I was now a statistic like many women. I wrote “She...” (also on this Tumblr) but I’m still struggling with getting over what happened.
If you speak to women who have been abused they will tell you how he was great in the beginning and provided then the monster came and they had no idea what to do. You see the monster but believe that the good man you fell for will come back and you can be happy again. He won’t. I was incredibly lucky. My life wasn’t dependent on his. I had the money to move and my life wasn’t entwined with his to the point where I couldn’t leave him when I wanted. Some women aren’t that lucky. They are stuck and can’t imagine a life without this man providing. These women need support.
If you see your friend or family member in a relationship where you suspect abuse…what do you do? My sister is a social worker. She knew exactly what to do but not everyone is that lucky. Sometimes as with me the abuse isn’t physical but emotional and it’s just as bad. He used to talk to me as if I was the filthiest woman to ever walk the earth and I stayed. Why did I stay? I was afraid and my fear took away my voice. If you suspect you are with someone with abusive tendencies you are also responsible for acknowledging your own symptoms of abuse. Just like coming down with a cold, there are symptoms. Have you changed? Do you apologise unnecessarily? Are you happy when you are with this person? Are you scared of upsetting this person? Is your fear rational? Is this relationship healthy? Are you being controlled? Are you sacrificing yourself? Can you say how you truly feel without being made to feel guilty?
Do not to ignore the signs if you see that he is crazier than a bag of cats in water. Don’t bother sis, he is not the one.
Typically abusers woo you and pretend to be everything every other person in your life can’t be. They woo your family so that even when they change on you they have the support of your family and friends telling you he isn’t so bad. Then they isolate you, once you are isolated from your loved ones that’s when you are your most vulnerable. That’s when they start to chip away at your soul. A successful abuser abuses continuously. They drive the point home constantly to diminish your light. I’m not saying be hard and guarded but I am saying that if it doesn’t feel right, RUN! You don’t have to try make it work, your worth isn’t dependent on making a relationship with another person work. Work on the relationship with yourself!!! The one who is for you won’t miss you!
When supporting a friend through getting out of an abusive or potentially abusive situation never normalise abusive behaviour. It’s not normal to lose your entire mind because your phone died, or that you can’t check in so that someone can ignore you to punish you. It’s not normal for someone to speak to you like you are the biggest slut on the whole planet just because you have friends male or female. When I had the strength to start speaking about my break up a friend tried to normalise the behaviour the ex had exhibited. It scared me to think its normal, maybe I left too soon and there was something to salvage? Then I remembered….he took my peace and I wasn’t prepared to part with it again. There are women out there telling other women to stay in relationships where they feel like they are slowly having their soul chipped away. DON’T BE THE WOMAN or MAN giving that trash ass advice.  Its not NORMAL!!!! Just because he/she hasn’t laid a hand on you doesn’t mean he/she isn’t hurting you.
I always say had just anyone, one person said to me “Nah Bi, your nigga acting crazy” I could have broken the cycle earlier. They were all convinced I wasn’t ready to hear it. Secretly I was hoping that I wasn’t wrong, that he was abusive and someone else could see it. The conversation I was having inside didn’t say that unfortunately. When you are supporting someone out of a situation, you need to be consistent to help them change their inner dialogue. Help them understand they aren’t going crazy and imagining that they are being abused. Most abusers get their power from the person they are abusing keeping their secrets. You don’t tell a soul and continue to get punched in the ribs where no one sees. If you even suspect someone you know is being abused speak on it!! Don’t let the sun go down on them! TALK ABOUT IT!!!
Regardless of how much sense it makes to leave, the person you are supporting might not be ready. You need to be honest with the person you are supporting. Tell them its abuse even if they don’t agree. However, not ready is not ready. Fear kept me where I was and once I opened up, my sister helped me get to a point where I was ready. It wasn’t overnight, it took MONTHS. I could see it hurt her to see me wither away. I still wasn’t ready. If you are the supporter don’t rush the process. Until the person you are supporting is ready nothing good will come of it if you force it. In some cases you forcing it on someone will drive a wedge between the two of you. The reality is, you will not always be available to answer a call or come running. You are encouraging someone to change what feels like their entire life, you can’t expect it to happen on your time. Support means you agree to be part of the journey and in doing so you need to respect their process. It won’t happen in your time. It’s not about you and what you think is best.  It will happen in time and you just have to be there consistent and loving. Never let external forces come between you and your loved one least of all an abuser.
If someone is hurting you, you have every right to leave. I’m not an expert of any sort. I’m just a woman who has been through some stuff I thought to share.
Ps. I consulted a health care professionals before posting this.
Thank you for reading…
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justmikethepoet · 3 years
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​​Most days I mind my business ​​But on the mornings I drink the wine that I import in, I find it important to preach the word of the living God, to sis that love her man more than her job. And she a doctor, and he just popped her in her eye. ​​Now with the exception of a few times, for the better part of my life I’ve been the fly on the wall in many women’s apartments, and when i tell you this shit is somewhere between robbery and extortion. Please believe me. I’m just tryna figure out when they put the queens on clearance and inflated the valuation of women who be more patient than patient with their body. It’s crazy when you think about. If you treat your body like a party you might get some free bands in the future. But until you realize it’s the best on earth, Russ ain’t coming. And if that ain’t saying something, then you might end up getting cuffed by some bump & grind dude, and have to pray that he runs out of the money he uses to pay the people that supposed to come find you. ​​Sins of the father... but to take it even farther.... ​​I know some people surviving shit crazier than Robert. Like the ones who told all their insecurities to a robber, then woke up broke in one day. Woke up broken one day. Woke up broke in phone I should say. You ever read a text message that made you realized you wasn’t special. Or that the person you’re in love with doesn’t respect you. Cold worlds made hot girls but when it’s always summer, that means it’s more pressure on your body to be 100. So you wrap one of them bulletproof vests around your stomach. Till you peep you’re sweating for people that don’t even sweat you. See the cries for help all in your story but won’t text. Reporting live from the trap. Where the price for security is disrespect. Where the only options you’re offered are either forgive or forget. Would you sell your Spirit for a seat on the jet? I seen seven figure sisters that still manage to find time to look ridiculous. That’s how I knew this world was different. So while I get on the phone and see about a reboot. I pray all my Whitleys get their Dwaynes and get out the way. Good day. #hopeisontheway 🎈 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZbzNcl60m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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