#'and their partner ashton'
olessan · 4 months
Essek and the rest of Bells Hells: Okay, we're going to Eiselcross, an icy, glacially-locked wasteland. Everyone grab some stuff to dress accordingly.
Dorian, Imogen, and Ashton:
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difeisheng · 2 months
qiao wanmian and li xiangyi's relationship really is so important to me, because they're a study in how amatonormativity causes people to idealize one another and others to idealize the image of them together, until neither of them can bear the weight of those combined expectations. they're two people who loved each other but later realized that being in love perhaps meant something else, but it was too little too late at the time and there would have been no way to separate without hurt. but i'd also say that their ending is hopeful, in that they do manage to get closure, and although it gets cut short, they manage to restart a relationship as friends who know one another well. i don't know, it's just nice to see that there's a way through/around exhausting societal standards and the damage they've done, and the possibility to heal from it with others
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edge-oftheworld · 28 days
hey guys I just connected some dots and when I say to you that we owe every 5sos gf since 2011 so much better treatment that doesn’t even cover half of it. it’s one thing to empathise over the internet sure but when it’s a real person less than 2 degrees of separation from you it feels so much more like. this is a human who deserves to be adored and celebrated just as much as a man she’s associated with and it’s like. I know I can’t gift anyone else the experience of empathy in like being a local or whatever but when I tell you that this fandom has inadvertently done so much damage to not only women who happened to know the boys but also to their professional careers and music and things they choose to share with us (or stop sharing with us) please believe me and please join the conversation around the fact that yes we’ve done a really shitty job in the past. but we’re growing up and we can do better I believe that 100%
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astralleywright · 11 months
orym blatantly checking out ashton one ep and then saying fearne and ashton should bang the next episode. he's so mysterious
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There were a lot of excellent and heartbreaking lines in the emotional moments of E69
and Liam O’Brian is truly a monster (pos)
but the exchange that just absolutely broke me was
Orym to Will: “I’ll see you soon”
Fearne: “But not too soon!”
combined with all the little touches, the casual physical contact and the deliberate (as players) almost unconscious (as characters) affection
and like, i don’t ship it, because Orym is dedicated mlm and honestly i think Fearne is gray aro, but they’ve def got one of the deepest connections of the Hells (and yes, that includes my prime ship of sapphic tethers)
it’s a real platonic soul mates vibe
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I know everyone is scared and excited for the Imodna reunion tomorrow (I am too) but let’s not forget about Ashton and FCG reuniting because I have a feeling it’s gonna be a shit show…
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nat1nonsense · 2 months
I wrote this long before Ashton and Fearne became A Thing, pinky promise!!
This old fic of mine has been getting a lot more attention lately, which is odd considering I posted it a year and a half ago, but I’m not gonna complain!! I’m still very proud of this one honestly, it’s by no means perfect and there are plenty of things I would change if I had written this more recently, but even still, for a 6.6k word, almost entirely fluff, fanfic? It does it’s job well, and I’m proud of it
Anyway. I’m reposting it again because it’s been getting a lot more attention. If it continues to get more and more attention, maybe I’ll start writing and posting again <3
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jadequarze · 1 year
You know, it will be really interesting that when BH is reunited, they don’t recognize each other as they once thought. Like, this group were split up and went through different series of events. Who knows how long they’re separated (though at the moment it’s only been a few days). Because, along the way, they learn and grow to adapt with their surroundings. I want to see how they navigate through each other again. Learning about their new parts and seeing them with a different light.
“Do you love them for the way you want to see them?“ and/or “Do you love them still even with the parts you didn’t know about and want to relearn them again?”
Team Wildemount have the fucked up ones (no offense to Team Marquet but Team Wildemount have the funny characters). Tbf still, we dont know what’s happening to Team Marquet, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Maybe it’s just me, seeing Team Wildemount have a slightly brighter and warmer tone (especially because mama Deanna and FRIDA being there). Moreover, they saved Uthodurn and santa! People acknowledge them with bright smile and cheers.
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So I was thinking about that modern AU, trying to figure out how to incorporate FCG because robot (literally he's just a pastors son. Duh)
but for some reason my brain said "Ashton's service dog" first. Then I thought about Ashton needing a service dog because of brain stuff. THEN I thought about Ashton needing a service animal AND a mobility aid.
So I'm just living for Ashton in a wheelchair rolling through school. They've got the key to the elevator. They've obviously got a whole dog at school that people try desperately not to pet.
When someone decides to bully FCG (Francis Charles Grady) or Laudna, they get out of their chair to their full height. People freak because they didn't know he could walk or stand. Ashton just shrugs because "you know what they say about assuming"
And when Dorian shows up and asks about it not as tactfully as he probably meant to Ashton pops a wheely and is just like "what's sadder than an orphan with a wheelchair and a service dog? Unfortunately it didn't get me adopted. People just don't want their inspiration porn in house anymore I guess."
And they try to be chill. They try to avoid those harsh topics with their friends because they don't wanna be a bummer. It'd bring down the mood to say "sure I can walk but sometimes my spine is on fire and my calves are full of knives so I don't." It'd suck to say "I can walk fine until I can't." It's not relatable to say "my whole body hurts all the time and if I want to be able to do other things like think, I should probably be sitting."
Slowly their friends get them to understand that they don't have to put on a brave face for them. They don't have to pretend like it doesn't hurt. They don't have to pretend like it doesn't bother them. Their friends care about them. Hell they're even down to help if they can. Anything to make Ashton feel like they are wanted, that they're not a burden.
#silver sending stones#ashton greymoore#yeah i know its fucking weird about fcg being a dog#i was like “thats fucked up thats a person” so i looked at their class and was like#oh shit thats a pastors son#thats butters#FCG hovers around them because in the third grade (when ashton still walked around school) ashton beat a kid up that made him c ry#so theyve been beat friends ever since#and people dont get it but they dont have to#ashton once ran over a dudes foot because he was making fun of laudnas shirt for having holes in it#and she was glued to him ever sinxe#the alliances forged in elementary school and middle school are ones that will live with us forever#fearne is the new kid who comes from like. Catholic school.#shes so clueless and so sheltered she asked what rhe chair was for first day#and ashton said “legs dont work” and she said “got it” and hasnt said anything since#imogen sits next to laudna in biology and they start to get close because no one else would partner up with them for labs#imogen and orym are both ffa kids and when imogen starts hanging with laudna and her friends she invite orym#who just lost his best friend after a tornado so hes like “fuck it maybe i should make some friends”#and theyre a cute little hodge podge group when Dorian moves from way out of town#i think him and fearne are both going to be theatre kids so fearne is like “omg. youre so nice you have to meet my friends”#then the whole group is here!! except for c pop#i thought maybe a teacher or oryms dad but i gate all of that#idk man we'll see
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hand-of-devotion · 1 year
I've come around on Callowmoore and in doing so realized my main problem with them originally was part of the fandoms insistence on chalking them up to being "a sexy provocative woman being sexy next to a sexy gruff man". Where as I can only enjoy them through the lens of their autistic arospec t4t weirdness.
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difeisheng · 1 year
no thoughts just xiao hua ignoring everyone to play games on his phone during a mission (while sitting on his car)
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masterqwertster · 8 months
🏴‍☠️ and/or 🫂 for the au tidbits
Evergreen AU Prompt
🏴‍☠️ Orym keeps a sharp eye on Liliana. Mother of his captain she may be, but he doesn't trust her.
It's not that she hired them for a smuggling job. Mostly. Orym's learned in his time on The Hellion that some things need to be smuggled for the good of others. He's also pretty sure Liliana's cargo is not that kind of job. Not with the imperious way she treats anyone not Imogen (and even Imogen is talked down to, though in the manner of a child rather than an inferior person not worth the time). The good kind of smuggling tends to come from worn-down but well-meaning and kindly folk.
No, the main reason Orym doesn't trust her is the way Liliana is trying to force herself into the role of a mother to Imogen without acknowledging her nearly lifelong absence in Imogen's life, or even seeming to notice that Imogen is her own grown woman, not a helpless child.
So when Orym notices Liliana's brow furrow in that same way Imogen's does when she's actively listening to thoughts, as the interloper stands on the deck over the Green Cabin, he heads on over to put an end to that mess in the making.
"She won't appreciate that," Orym says as he draws close, placing himself between her and Dorian at the helm, and crossing his arms over his chest.
"She ain't gonna find out, now, is she?" Liliana retorts with a threatening look in her eye.
Orym can't help but think it's the kind of look befitting of a cutthroat. Dangerous, if you aren't a dangerous fighter yourself. It's not nearly so terrifying, so cowing, as a sharp look from one of his mothers. More proof, really, that Liliana may have birthed Imogen, but she's not much of an actual mother.
"Maybe Imogen isn't as good at this telepath-psychic stuff as you, but I'm pretty sure she can tell when someone's poking at her brain all on her own," Orym evenly replies.
He doesn't mention that Imogen also wears an enchanted circlet under her captain's hat that prevents mental intrusion, so what Liliana's trying won't work anyways. Nor does he mention that the other mind Liliana will find in the cabin could potentially eat her alive. The galaxy depths of Ashton's mind have already nearly taken Imogen and FCG and Prism, and Ashton likes them.
"I'm just tryin' to get to know my daughter," Liliana wheedles.
"Then talk to her," like a normal person, he doesn't say.
And maybe that's just a Thing with psychic telepaths: they'd much rather take unfiltered information straight out of your head than attempt to articulate anything in words or let you consider your answer. Because honestly? Imogen pulls this shit too. If people don't answer her questions, if they're not fast enough to reply, if she feels their answer is lacking details, she dives right in to search for what she wants to know.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but she won't talk to me," Liliana scathingly says.
Right. Because the other problem is that–
"You don't listen to what she's saying. So is it really any surprise she doesn't want to talk to you when you just ignore what she tells you anyways?" Orym pointedly replies.
He watches the woman flinch back, thinks he feels the flutter of another mind brushing his own.
"I do listen," she insists. "Imogen just don't listen to me."
Orym huffs a sigh. Stubborn as her daughter, this one. It's going to take someone better at people than him to straighten this mess out.
🫂 "I can't believe you were living with an earth genasi," Cyrus says as they sit tucked away on Eshteross's airship.
"It's not like I ended up there on purpose," Dorian defends himself. "Ashton helped me out of a tight spot early on, took me in."
"And you didn't leave," Cyrus points out the obvious, brows furrowed.
"Well, I..."
Dorian trails off. It's difficult to describe the deeply buried elemental instincts that sticking around Ashton stirs. Yes, there's that disconnect of Earth and Air that makes his previous living situation so unbelievable to his brother. But there was also a sense of safety in the immensity of the power sleeping in Ashton's veins. Great wings to shelter under from the storm outside, if he's being poetic. A sense of belonging when Ashton checked-in with Dorian, asked him to help them.
"Well, what?" Cyrus impatiently asks as Dorian's silence stretches.
"Well, I– You know how we were taught as kids to sense the strength of another's elemental bloodline?" Dorian asks, completely changing tracks.
"...Yeah?" Cyrus warily answers.
"I don't think I've ever sensed anyone with a bloodline as strong as Ashton's. It's... I don't even really know how to quantify it besides immense. And it's scary. I won't deny that. A bit off-putting too because he's Earth and I'm Air. But also incredibly comforting when you know they're on your side," Dorian explains.
Cyrus gives him a blank look.
"I– It's– Look, I know it was unconventional. I went in thinking I'd take their hospitality for a few days, maybe a week, and be on my way. But it felt like a slightly off-kilter sort of right to be in Ashton's care. Like– like the stories mom would tell, about how the greater Elementals, the greater bloodlines and families of the genasi, are supposed to care for and protect those under them. That's how strong Ashton's bloodline is, strong enough to overcome the divide of elements," Dorian desperately tries to explain.
Cyrus gives his little brother a searching look.
"...Okay. I believe you," he softly says. "But I also think that's kind of terrifying, and it makes me worried for you."
"I'm alright. I promise," Dorian gently murmurs, pulling Cyrus in to press their foreheads together. "Ashton's rough around the edges, but good. I'm just going to miss them."
Cyrus doesn't say that that's what worries him. All genies, all greater Elementals, are collectors. And he's terrified by what may have collected his little brother.
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upwards-descent · 9 months
Names I can't give my OCs because I have an ex with that name and it'd make me feel weird
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astralleywright · 7 months
among the many silly things in the "ceremonial sex" bit i love Fearne immediately being like When and Where. you thought a little crush would stop her from getting it in you thought wrong
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amplexadversary · 1 month
I'm in tears, "Hi, we're in your house, with your significant other," sounds like a very disconcerting thing to hear from someone you met on a covert ops mission.
At least if the cast is too nice to cuck Caleb, that seed of worry has been planted by Liam himself XD
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sniped-hugger · 3 months
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btw Hey Gang
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