#'bi people care about whats in your pants :) hope that clarifies :)'
spacedlexi · 2 years
#more biphobia today fellas :)#when i say its every day i Literally mean it#when will people stop twisting our label into like a million different things that its not#the biphobia and transphobia is off the charts#as an nb bisexial: trans and nb bisexuals get behind me#saw more twitter nonsense today but its the same conversation literally everywhere so does it really make a difference#'bi people care about whats in your pants :) hope that clarifies :)'#'bi people only care about genitalia and not personality :) hope that helps :)'#i am biting and killing you#'bi people arent attracted to nb people :) even tho a lot of bi people are trans or nb? wait what? i dont make sense :)#so many 'distinctions' i see too are like second handedly ripping on every other sexuality as well#like you have to be a specific sexuality to be attracted to trans/nb people#WHICH IS...........A BIG YIKES#like yea lets continue to make room for transphobes :) good job everyone#and people just continue to be like 'yep thats the difference and i see nothing wrong with this :)'#i just get so sad when i see young bisexuals who are so confused bc EVERYONE is confused. for no reason#bc yall keep changing our definition without listening to us#babe stop youre scaring the bisexuals#it speaks#i really dont want to keep talking about this stuff it makes me so sad and im sure it makes the bisexuals who follow me sad as well#but like#i am at my limit#i cannot take it anymore#as a bisexual i feel like i gotta speak up more about it bc like#no ones fighting for bisexuals except bisexuals#and everyone loves speaking over us#to the bisexuals who see this i love u so so much#we cant even talk about the Real problems bisexuals face bc every day we gotta argue about the fucking definition of our sexuality#and on the rare occasion i see posts about bisexual struggles (bc i specifically follow bi blogs) its got like 100 notes#'this is what bi means' post: 30.000 notes
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alltingfinns · 5 years
A Scandal in Belgravia
So I’m back on this.
The swoosh on some sped up footage in the previously, don’t remember noticing that.
This episode’s start gets so much funnier if you read some of the fic written between this and the previous episode.
Silly song now becomes more dramatic in TRF.
What did Irene offer Jim to get him so riled up? If it’s the plot plane plan that would explain why Sherlock is needed alive. But his emotional reaction... maybe he’s already been trying to get it on his own. Indicates possibly that Jim has been looking for a way to get to Mycroft.
“You’re typing a lot.”
This montage is nicely done.
Arguing about the blog.
The pouncing on the title.
He’s so hurt. He knows ash!
“We do watch the news.”
“You said boring and switched the channel.”
First time where “people” = John.
And the hat.
“It’s time.” I never thought about the waiting period.
Ehh, Hudson called up to the next floor so John’s room? Boys?
Ha cool, a SAAB. An old one too. I’d guess a 900 model from the early nineties.
Lestrade probably makes these calls a lot.
I get Sherlock’s confusion, he’s just in a sheet it’d make sense for him to be humiliated.
Their silent conversation + John’s acceptance of the absurdity.
That was a pretty long look on Sherlock’s lap and then asking about pants.
The Swedish subtitles on Netflix just referred to John as ”kronans gosse” I love it!
John took the queen liking his blog as a point in their argument.
I always like looking at John during the sheet bit.
Mycroft and John conversing in subtext that you need to remember their original conversation from a whole series/three episodes ago. And people think johnlock is too subtextual.
They made “the woman” a work title clearly to explain why Sherlock would refer to her that way. A bit harder to work in the context from ACD canon. It would be weird if Sherlock in modern times went “a credit to your gender” for defeating him.
Sherlock’s reaction Mycroft’s veiled assertion settles the question, I think. He’s making a “damn, he’s got me there” face. Mainly because John’s presence, if we considers his previous statement. If it were just him and Mycroft he’d just say “just because I haven’t done it doesn’t mean I can’t understand it!”
Btw, in case you think my typing speed is phenomenal I am hitting pause when something gets really interesting to me.
The parallel of checking the pictures have the “obvious” reading of romantic set up. But Sherlock is still learning details of a case he has been given so another reading is that while he’s targeting her she’s targeting him.
My reading is backed up by Sherlock’s immediate demeanor. His interest in her didn’t really appear until he found out she didn’t ask for anything. Blackmailers are a dime a dozen, but someone making a point of threat against the reputation of the BRF without asking for direct compensation? That’s someone with a plan and someone who can give him the kick he feeds of from casework.
John getting the last word in only for Sherlock to get the laterer word in.
Pinching an ashtray from the aforementioned BRF, whom himself mentioned as his first client with a navy, just to make John laugh? Some things are priceless but for everything else there’s MasterCard.
Okay, I had to back up a bit but: I don’t know who’s getting these pictures for Irene, but the last one that makes her smile is focused on John. She sees Sherlock more naked in the pictures where he’s fully clothed in the back of a cab than when he was in just a sheet on the pavement.
More parallels. This is really about their similarities. Could still be considered romantic foreshadowing “they’re made of the same cloth” type.
Ah yes, punch me.
That little dialogue snippet about “punch me” usually being subtext is what got me to first watch this show.
In general I have a lot of issues with how they handled Irene. But I especially don’t think I get the nudity in this scene. It reveals to Sherlock immediately that his ruse was all in vain since she either a) knew he was coming anyway or b) usually greet priests in distress while stark naked and might therefor just be stark raving.
Unflappable John Watson. Oh dear, my flat mate who I just beat up is sitting in front of a naked dominatrix with his vicar collar between her teeth. “I’ve missed something, haven’t I?”
He doesn’t like being a third wheel either. “I had tea too! Just so you know. In case you thought Sherlock got tea at the palace by himself. I was there too. The tea was lovely. Just the right temperature.”
Now I want tea.
Wait wait wait! When did John put his “date” shoes on? Only time it makes sense is when Sherlock was looking through his disguises. (He definitively wouldn’t wear them to traipse around the muddy crime scene.) Maybe they’re part of his “battle uniform”? Also obviously Sherlock can only “deduce” date because he knows what shoes John wears on dates. This isn’t really clothed people are easier to deduce.
How is he not deducing the heck out of her make up and ear piercing? Is it because she’s acting so extraordinary that her indicators become harder to contextualise?
Or is that whole thing just a plot hole?
And her comes her actual opening chess move. Nudity and banter was just setting up the pieces.
“Somebody loves you.” She pressed John’s big red “DO NOT PRESS” button right away. Later she says Jim told her how to play the Holmes brothers, but he definitively gave some pointers on John as well.
There’s something about John’s facial movements when Irene says he knows exactly where to look. Hard to compare with the sheet scene because of the different angles. But yeah, John is bi.
“You do borrow my laptop” with such an angry glare.
Wait are Irene’s shoes those shoes that are expensive because they’re red on the bottom? (I do not care enough to google their names.)
And it’s when John starts to smile that Sherlock does his verbal keysmash. Officially Ben said it was because Irene was paying attention to John instead of him, but she does that a number of times previously and has had quite a moment of getting cosy at John. But up until then John has been a bit standoffish. Of course you can only take so much of a pretty lady flirting with you before your smile reflex gets activated. Also he whips his head immediately at Sherlock in medical concern for his friend and Sherlock can speak clearly again.
Sherlock thinks he knows her game now as he makes his move getting her to confirm that the pictures are in the room.
Imagine the egg on his face if John hadn’t managed the smoke alarm in time.
“Amazing how fire exposes our priorities” should be part of a collection of lines that are only said once but thematically repeated throughout the show.
Some would argue maybe “I really hope you don’t have a baby in there” could be added but I don’t think it could be considered as repeated enough thematically.
Sherlock being his usual demanding self about turning off the fire alarm. The fool! Doesn’t he know how hard fire alarms are to turn off? (Maybe just a problem for me...)
Okay sure, easy enough with a gun, but impractical as a long term solution.
Umm, excuse me why does he go “no disrespect but you were clearly born in the 80s” in an episode from 2012? The most she’d be is 32, so clearly she looks at most like that then. Why would she be insulted by that? Also he earlier called a dude unhealthy, stupid and with bad breath in front of him without clarifying level of respect. So basically he’s needling her by adding that. That’s the most positive spin it can get.
John apologising for not stopping /forewarning about a whole bunch of trained killers sweeping in? That is diehard loyalty.
She’s staring hard at him as fire exposes his priority.
She actually does give him a clue by looking down the moment he looks at her. Never thought of that.
He heard something click wrong, looked at her for additional clue so she looks to the side “get out of the way”.
I love that John’s priority is medically inclined in the action scene, checking the vital signs of the guy that got shot.
“Observant?” “Flattered?” Honestly he shouldn’t be so surprised by the first bit as it was obvious some kind of observation + deduction got Sherlock the code.
As usual Sherlock gives zero fucks about gun safety. I feel John at some point is going to tie him down and lecture him about it. “We do not scratch our heads with the barrel of a gun, and we don’t call for the police by shooting in the air!”
You know if you’re knocking him out cold regardless, you don’t need him to drop the phone first. You just wanted the beating to be literal.
“He’ll be fine. I’ve used it on loads of my friends.” Yeah no, tell the doctor what chemical knockout drug you just put in a former drug addict!!
I wonder how much of dream Adler is actual Adler speaking to a drugged out Sherlock.
Could be nothing with the only real part being “hush now, returning your coat”. Would make sense for a dreaming brain to jumble the two cases together.
Start of series 2 we get to see Sherlock’s bedroom while John’s remain a mystery after 4 series.
John is not on the top of his game this episode. “What woman?”
And so it begins.
Mycroft does not have “shut up Hudson” privilege.
That whole phone noise discussion is punctuated with embarrassment.
Ah the gaping jaw that set the sails for the lestrolly ship.
“Christmas is canceled!” I love when John banters with Sherlock.
Sherlock is mean to Molly, but to be fair she kind of blundered a bit with the others and Sherlock complaining about John being away was clearly something he told in confidence. Telling Greg and John that their loved ones are betraying the trust put in them is general misanthropy, but Sherlock probably feels justified in needling Molly about a crush that he figures none of them know anyway.
Oh John’s look there. Greg clearly knows too what is coming but John has the recognition factor.
“Oh shit. It was me. Still me? She still has a thing for me?”
For a sort of dramatic moment it still has one of John’s absolutely funniest facial journeys. “Wait, you apologised? You know what an apology is? Are you feeling well?”
Obviously Irene’s text signal gets a lot of funny moments, but nothing will beat the timing of this one. And now I am imagining Jim with a pair of binoculars sitting across the street and telling Irene “now, send it now, it’ll be fucking priceless!”
And Greg “wait really?” When you’re not sure what your consultant can do to surprise you next.
I believe I made a post about it earlier but Jeanette’s boyfriend just said he’s been keeping track up till 57 on text messages that his platonic flat mate gets where the signal is a woman moaning.
“Do you ever reply?”
Jeanette starts working on her break up speech about then, I believe.
Molly nervously gulps a drink. Now Molly is everyone’s favorite John mirror. Medical professional with a crush on Sherlock, and whose favored type of outfit involves knitwear. John usually takes a drink at emotionally difficult times. Is this Molly handling her rejection, or showing what John is doing/will do without showing John?
Mycroft. If they passed a new law why would Sherlock know about it before you?
“How did Sherlock recognize her from... not-her-face?”
Mycroft answers with a smile and leaving the room.
“I got plans”
“No” I know you. If it’s a date you’ve probably bungled it already. Regardless if it is or isn’t you’ll still prioritize my brother because you always do.
John really goes for the superconfident strategy when dating, huh? “I always thought I was great.”
“I’ll even walk your dog!”
“I don’t have a dog!”
“No, because that was the last one...”
Always thought you were a great boyfriend, huh?
When even your landlady who got out of her marriage through execution thinks you bungled it, you probably bungled it.
Think I’ll break here and continue the rest of the episode tomorrow.
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