#'but the copyright!!' i can promise you i am not making money off my silly little fursonas
mechagender · 8 months
Idk what a kinsona is but it looks cool as fuck so it can't be cringe it is epic 👍
a kinsona is a sona that takes attributes from a canon character and incorporates them into that design! sort of like a "based off of" thing! it's usually with fictionkin in mind but i've seen plenty of people make some for characters they just really like as well. you know how people on deviantart in the early 2000s used to draw naruto characters as emo wolves? sort of like that
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You know nobody’s going to want to make stuff anymore if some jackass can just lift it , make money off it and claim it’s theirs . It’s not gonna make a free idea paradise it’s just going to lead to huge company’s robbing the shit out of smaller creators even worse than they do already and driving them out of every single creative industry .
For context, this is regarding an AITA post about a someone resenting someone else for using many element of their fan AU in their own fan creations. My response was fuck that, down with intellectual property.
First, I think it’s hypocritical to write a fanfic derived from someone else’s work and then turn around and resent someone else for deriving something from your work. This is a situation in which no one is making money, it’s just people playing in a sandbox of ideas together. Resenting a smaller artist in this context seems pretty despicable to me. Your feelings about this may vary.
Second, in in my 30 second reply, I did not elaborate on my politics. I think it was fair to assume from the reply that I was a libertarian shithead. I am, in fact, a c-c-c-communist.
The primary concern you raise here seems to be that artists won’t get paid. Art already isn’t profitable though. You can work for shit wages at an animation studio, you can become an influencer to hock your book, or you can be a good enough poster that people support you on patreon. Stricter copyright laws wouldn’t fix that, it would just make it easier for Disney to go after fan artists. The problem is that the market is oversaturated with art. There are more people out there making art than can get paid a decent living for it.
That sucks! I think artists should get paid more, and I think more people should be artists! It’s depressing that such a large percentage of working artists are the children of rich people, but the flip side of the coin is that when people have financial security and leisure time, they gravitate to the arts. The obvious answer here is to create a society in which everyone has financial security and leisure time.
Finally, copyright laws most benefit people who already have accrued capital. If you’re a working artist, you’re not making enough money to take people to court over them selling merch based on your design. If you’re Anne Rice, you can afford employ lawyers to threaten people who write stories where your vampires bone and burn thousands of dollars on ads decrying a restaurant built in an empty lot featured in one of your books. This is silly, but it’s a logical extension of feeling possessive over your story and being empowered by the law to do something about it.
Copyright law promises that one day you, yes you, will profit off of your creations. Unfortunately, except for a few people who win the lottery, it’s just not gonna happen.
Instead of supporting intellectual property, it would be more meaningful to actually give artists you know money. Support someone’s patreon. Buy someone’s shit on itch.io.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 150
Chapter Summary - A new arrival for the Hiddleston clan.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
I have no idea if Emma Hiddleston plans to even have kids, it's not my business, but hey, this is fiction, so here she does.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @jessibelle-nerdy-mum​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @damalseer​ @hiddlesbitch1​ @winterisakiller​ @fairlightswiftly​ @salempoe​ @wolfsmom1​ @black-ninja-blade
Danielle looked at the small sleeping bundle in her arms and smiled lovingly. Her niece was only six hours old and already she adored her.
Lucy Blakiston Houston was born after what Sarah called an enviable labour, Emma barely had time to get from lunch with Tom and Danielle to the hospital before she was ready to be brought to the birthing suite. She, Danielle and Jack tried to calculate if she had been in labour at the house, but going by her pleasant demeanour and lack of pain, they ascertained that no, it was only four hours of actual painful contractions.
Danielle had spent much of the past month juggling training, work and being effectively Emma's minder since Jack still had to work and Emma was on maternity leave and did not want to be by herself all day. Diana was in London with them more than she was at home in Suffolk but Danielle was the one that Emma could depend on most.
Danielle confessed her slight “issue”, so to speak, with Emma only for her friend to actually confess that there was a girl at work feeling the same way. She used the fact that she could help Emma to prepare for her baby as a distraction from her minds ridiculous idea that she should have her own. She and Emma prepared everything that was small and meticulous outside of such things like cots, cradles and other such things. She even went to the birthing class with Emma that Jack could not make and acted as chauffeur to doctors appointments. Having the ability to help her friend so much made Danielle feel as though she was of some use and able to make up for being such a terrible friend when she was dealing, badly, with her own madness.
“What else do we need?” She asked as she insisted on holding Emma's purchases.
“Steriliser and I was going to look at breast pumps,” Emma explained.
“Scratch them.”
“Tom got you a steriliser and I got you a breast pump, that really good Medela electric one.”
“Wait, you and Tom went buying baby stuff?” Emma couldn't help laughing at the idea of her brother's fans seeing him purchasing baby items.
“No, he just gave me the money to get you stuff and I went and bought them online because if I was seen doing that, people would lose their little-warped minds and poor Luke would have to be signed into a lunatic asylum.” Danielle laughed. “Not to mention, I would probably be reported to Social Services for risking an unborn child with all my training.”
“Why would anyone choose to do what you do?”
“Why do people choose to do anything? Jack has run marathons, so has Tom.”
“And I called them mad before, during and after such. You are doing a marathon after doing two other acts of madness first.”
“Well, you're consistent if nothing else.” Danielle joked. “So anything else?”
“That can be arranged.” Danielle smiled. “How about I cook you a nice lunch and give you some frozen dinners first?”
”Best sister-in-law/best friend ever.”
“I am not your sister-in-law.” Danielle pointed out.
“You and Tom are together long enough to call you that,” Emma argued.
“If it gets me auntie status, I'll bear it.” She joked.
“You already had that status.”
“Good to know.”
With a text to Tom and Jack, they arranged a lunch at Tom and Danielle's home and had food there. Halfway through the meal, Emma felt small twinges of pain that quickly became more painful. Taking note of the length of time of each pain and the time between them, Danielle was able to inform her friend that it was regular and consistent enough to be classed as labour.
She drove them to the hospital as she was most likely the one that would remain calm. Tom had the duty of going to their home to retrieve the hospital bag, as at thirty-seven weeks, they thought she would go over like so many first time mothers would, but the baby clearly did not take after her uncle, Danielle joked to a bemused look from Tom. She also gave him the last of their purchases from the day to drop off to the house for when Emma got out of the hospital.
A mere four hours later, Lucy had arrived in the world.
Tom and Danielle waited patiently as both sets of grandparents met their grandchild first, then, after they went in. Tom looked at his niece fondly, joking that the family had yet another woman in it, and with the women in the family being so independent and strong-willed, Lucy was no doubt going to join a proud tradition.
“Of course she will, and with you two as one set of her Godparents, how could she not be?” Emma smiled.
For a moment, Danielle and Tom didn't really react, having not really heard the words used fully, but as they replayed in both of their minds, they paused and looked at each other before looking to Emma and Tom, who were both smiling at them. “Sorry?” Tom was adamant that he had heard them incorrectly.
“Well, she has a set of godparents on both sides and we were hoping that you two would be the ones from the Hiddleston side,” Emma explained with a large grin.
“I...really?” Tom looked at his little sister and then to the small little girl that she created. “I am not sure I am suitable for such a duty.”
“Hence why we asked Danielle too, to balance it out.” Emma joked.
“Oh, ha-ha.”
“I thought it was funny.” Danielle laughed. She looked at the small baby. “Who were you in a past life to say you're getting stuck with us? What crimes did you commit for such a penance? Poor Mammy and Daddy are never allowed to do anything reckless or stupid for the rest of their lives now.” Danielle gave Emma a playful look. “Don't worry, I'll live it on your behalf.”
“You can do whatever you want and you choose to do some stupid length thing?” Emma scoffed.
“Yep, because I can.”
“I rather my baby. Can I have her back, by the way?”
“When she's a teenager.” Danielle joked as she walked back over to the bed and gave Lucy to her mother. “I love the hair, it must be said.”
“She had no hope with both sides.” Jack shook his head, indicating to both his and Tom's auburn hair before looking at his daughter's own auburn tufts.
“It's gorgeous, and I see a risk of curls. She is just gorgeous.” Danielle smiled rubbing her little fingers with the back of Lucy's hand. “But of course she is, just like her Mammy.”
“Best friend ever.” Emma smiled.
Tom looked at his phone. “Em, Sarah and Yakov are here. We'll go and give you a chance to talk to them for a few minutes, visiting hours are over in twenty minutes.”
“Okay, I am supposed to be out in the morning.”
“I can bring some food to yours to help you?” Danielle offered.
“Please. I have none of that ready. I thought she'd be longer.”
“Well, she decided to be early, so just text me whatever you need to be done, I will sort it and that will allow you two to deal with family, yourselves and Lucy okay?’ Danielle offered.
“Best friend ever.” Emma smiled. “Thank you.” She gave Danielle a small hug before Danielle gave another finger rub goodbye to Lucy.
Tom came over, having given Jack a hug and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations Emma, Elle is right, she is beautiful, like you, with a little bit of Jack.”
“She has good genes.” Danielle smiled as she gave Jack a kiss on the cheek. “If you need anything from, let me know, okay? Taxi service, laundry, whatever.”
“Thank you, Elle.” Jack hugged her close. “By the way, your lasagne…”
Danielle laughed. “I will do one just for ye.” She promised as they said goodbye and walked to the lobby.
Tom had his arm around her. “How are you?”
“I want to steal Lucy, she is too cute.”
“Don't steal our niece. She's at the eat, sleep and poop-only stage.”
They quickly met Sarah and Yakov in the hallway. “How cute is she?” Sarah asked excitedly.
“Ovary hurting,” Danielle warned. “Wait until you see her.”
Sarah smiled and urged Yakov on. “Come on.”
“We'll see you tomorrow.” Tom beamed as they went one direction and his sister and her husband went the other.
Danielle and Tom drove their cars home at a reasonable speed before Danielle began tidying up after their earlier meal, whose plates had to be left on the countertop as they dealt with the impending arrival of Lucy.
“Are you alright?” She looked at Tom curiously. “With how your mind is at the moment and seeing Emma's baby?”
Danielle gave a small smile. “I am working on it. She doesn't help though, being the cutest little munchkin.” Tom wrapped his arms around her. “I get to dote on her something terrible now. Hopefully, helping with her will make my silly head see how much work they are and realise we're too busy for that at present.”
“We have so much to do first.” Tom smiled. “How was your swim this morning?”
“I broke my personal best.”
“You're incredible.” He kissed her neck. “It's late, Elle, do that tomorrow.” His kisses continued.
“I think you mean that you don't want to wait for me to finish tidying to see if you can get some.” She laughed, leaning into his kisses.
In the time since she confessed to her issue, Danielle was not particularly amorous, a mixture of her training and her hormones making her want to avoid it but she was slowly getting back to herself.
“Is it working?” He smiled.
“Maybe….” She gave a sly smirk.
“Go upstairs, I'm going to put the dogs out for a moment and then I am going to show you how much I adore you.”
“Naughty boy.” She smirked over her shoulder, opening the blouse she was wearing to reveal her bra strap to him.
“That's new.” He declared. “That is definitely new.”
“Mhmm… and I think it is high time that you get acquainted with it.” She showed him a little more. Tom's eyes widened. “Hurry up.”
“Bobby, Mac, out now.” Tom urged the dogs to the back door. “Come on.”
The dogs were quickly ushered out the door and as soon as they completed their business, they were even more swiftly ushered back in before Tom rushed up the stairs to where Danielle was wearing nothing but her new underwear and one of his shirts open to reveal it. “Well?”
“I think it best if I show you rather than say it.” He walked swiftly over to her and kissed her passionately. “I don't know if I said it to you previously, my beautiful Elle, but you have exquisite taste in lingerie.”
“I think I have too many, how do you even remember whether or not you have seen them before?”
“No such thing as too many. And I love getting to be the one with the honour of seeing them on you. I remember them because I get to remember how incredibly sexy you are in them.” He smiled before lifting her to straddle her legs around him before bringing them both to the bed and placing her on it. “And don't think that my shirt escaped my notice and of all the shirts, that one.”
The baby blue shirt was unbuttoned, revealing her body to him. She loved that shirt on him and how he rolled up the sleeves on it when he was doing things around the house. “I am smitten with it.”
“Evidently.” He smiled wickedly. He looked over her body. With her intense training and even with increasing her food intake to assist it, her physique was altering slightly. If he had not been there when she returned from a nutritionist who increased her calorie intake by a thousand extra calories a day, he would be worried but seeing her stick to her meal plan to ensure she was looking after herself properly, he was not concerned. She looked as beautiful as ever to him and in such lingerie, she looked incredibly sexy. “God, I love you.” He declared leaning down to kiss her, which she reciprocated immediately.
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Chapter Four
Bella’s back!
Before we get into it, I have a couple of things I wanted to say; first of all, I will not be posting on the 24th as it is Christmas Eve and so family time, but I will post the next chapter on Friday the 28th, so think of this as an early Christmas gift! Second, my plans for a banner for this have fallen through and so I am looking for another banner maker, if anyone knows somebody who would like to do it, or you want to do it yourself, please drop me a message. Third of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe time and cherish the ones you love.
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Chapter Four
I had never felt so relieved to see home after I had tumbled through the portal. I landed on my hands and knees very ungracefully, but I was home and that was all that mattered.
I ran up the steps to the house and through the back door. “Rose - you are not going to believe what happened!” I wanted to tell her everything, and that we had a faerie cousin.
When I walked into the living room, I was met with several familiar faces; Jasper, Jessica, Emmett, Rose, Jake, Nessie, Carlisle and Edward. Although Edward seemed to be in pain, clutching his chest as Nessie hovered anxiously beside him.
Looking around I realised that the house had changed. The furniture had been updated, the walls repainted, and a new floor had been put down.
“What happened to the house?” I asked, thoroughly confused as to when Rose would have the time or money to do any of this.
Nobody responded. They are just stared back at me as if I was a ghost.
Jasper was the first to break the silence as he turned to Edward who was still staring at me; “Well, I guess you really didn’t kill her.”
“Kill me?” I asked, at the same time as Edward turned to him and growled.
“Where have you been?” Rose asked shakily as she walked towards me a few steps, tears glistening in her eyes as she took me in. “Is it really you?”
“Of course it’s me! And you won’t believe where I’ve been…” I trailed off when I saw they all looked so shocked… and sad.
“Why are you all looking at me like that?”
Rose shook her head, squeezed her eyes tight and then opened them once more. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Why? I’ve not been gone long.”
Once again, I was met with silence and stares.
“Bella?” Jake spoke from his spot next to Nessie before moving towards me and standing next to Rose. “How long do you think you’ve been gone?”
“I’m not really sure, but a few hours tops,” I peered out the window to see that darkness. I then checked the clock on the wall and saw it was close to half past seven. “Maybe longer then, it was about midnight when I left - oh my God! Have I been missing a whole day?” Time really did get away from me in that place.
“A day?” Rose asked, her voice quiet. “Bella, you’ve been missing a lot longer than a day.”
I looked back at Rose. “I can’t have been.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry if you were worried about me, but Rose, you’re not going to believe what happened.”
“Bella - you’ve been missing for a year,” Jake’s deep voice told me.
A laugh bubbled up in my throat and burst from my mouth. “Haha, you’re so funny,” I told him, wanting him to break down in laughter with me at the practical joke. But he didn’t. His face (as all the other faces were), were serious.
“Bella, I’m not joking,” he told me.
I looked between him and Rose.
“No - I can’t have been gone a year.”
“You have,” Rose said, tears slipping down her face. “It’s been a year, B.”
I didn’t understand why they were saying this.
“It can’t have been a year!” I told them all forcefully. I was trying to work out how it could have been, I was sure I wasn’t gone that long.
“Bella?” a voice asked and I turned to see Esme stood to the side of me, looking shocked, but pleased.
I wanted to respond, to tell her to tell the others to stop being so silly, but the words died in my mouth when I saw a small toddler clutching her hand at her side and staring up at me with caramel coloured hair and brown eyes. It was Ethan, and he was much older than the last time I had seen him.
“Hi,” he said, raising his hand to give me a small wave, as in my stunned form I gave a small wave back.
I turned to Rose, shock across my features this time. I really had been gone a year.
I had told them everything. Once I had gotten over the shock of it actually being a year since I’d last been home, the rest of them had gotten over the shock of seeing me. I’d told them about seeing ‘Grandpa’ and him taking me away. Waking up in a strange place and feeling oddly calm. I’d told them about Benjamin and him helping me to remember and leave.
“It all sounds crazy, doesn’t it?” I asked no one in particular. Rose had pulled me down to sit on the couch and was now clasping my hands tightly in hers. I’d seen in her mind the pain she had suffered, the worry and the hurt with me being gone, and it made me love her so much. To know that someone cared about me that way.
Edward had kept his eyes on me most of the evening. He sat back down when I’d begun to tell the story and Nessie had perched on the side of his chair, a hand on his shoulder as they listened. I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I didn’t want to address it just yet, I didn’t want to talk about what we had gone through.
“There are certain… species that have their own realm,” Esme said from where she was sat on the chair with Ethan falling asleep against her. Carlisle was sat, just as Nessie was, perched on the side, an arm around her shoulder as she spoke to me. “The Valkyrie do - Valhalla. It serves as a place where they can go if they don’t want to be on Earth anymore. It sounds like you were taken to the Faerie’s own realm.”
“Valhalla exists?” Emmett asked from where he was hovering by the door.
Esme turned her head towards him and nodded.
“You and I need to sit down and have a conversation about this one day,” he muttered.
“Getting back to Bella,” Rose harshly said as she glared at Emmett. “You weren’t hurt were you?”
I shook my head. “No, they just wanted to keep me there, but Benjamin helped me leave, as I said.”
Everyone seemed to consider my words.
“I’m just so glad you’re back,” Rose whispered.
“I’m glad to be back too,” I told her. “Now are you going to tell me what the hell has happened to the house?”
Rose looked away. “Things have changed Bella, you were gone for a year.” she turned back to face me. “I hired several PI’s to try and find you, I took time off work to organise searches and ask if anyone had seen you. I couldn’t afford to keep the house. I had to sell it.”
“What?” I couldn’t believe it. “Well, then why are still here if you sold it?”  
I felt a mental wall go up in her mind and I immediately knew I wouldn’t like the answer.
“I didn’t know who I was selling it to, they offered me the asking price and I jumped. I needed the money, Bella.”
“Who did you sell the house to, Rose?”
“What?” I turned to look at the burly vampire, his face was blank.
“I didn’t know it was him, Bella, but it all worked out - it meant I could stay here.” I understood where she was coming from, I did. But that didn’t mean I was pleased.
“We’ll just have to buy it back from him,” I told Rose.
Emmett laughed. “Who said I’m selling?”
“I’m back now-” He cut me off.
“I know. And I’m glad you’re alright. But I’m not selling this house.”
I opened my mouth but Rose cut me off.
“Bella, it doesn’t matter. I’m just so glad you’re back.” Tears welled in her eyes and my anger at Emmett died down. Rose and I both embraced.
“I’m glad to be back too, Rose.”
The rest of the evening was pretty relaxed and as time went on, people began to leave. Esme and Carlisle left with a sleeping Ethan - I’d promise Esme we’d catch up soon. Jasper and Jessica left after that. Edward and Nessie were the next two to go, Nessie and Jake sharing a look before they left. Edward and I had flitted around each other, neither one of us quite sure what to say to the other. Jake had finally left after making sure Rose and I were alright. He’d given an Emmett a friendly nod and headed out.
When it was just Rose, Emmett and me, I turned to face the vampire.
“Why are you still here?”
“I live here - you can’t kick me out.” I let out a long sigh.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to bed now.” He turned to Rose. “You know where I am if you need me.” With that, he headed to ‘his’ bedroom (God, those words left a bitter taste in my mouth). I felt like he was taking advantage of Rose, why else would he want to buy this house? When he brought it, it wasn’t in the best condition, and this house didn’t seem like the type he would want to buy. I was sure he had ulterior motives.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” Rose asked and I gladly nodded. I headed upstairs to get changed and was pleased to see my room exactly how I had left it, if not a little cleaner. There had been new hardwood flooring down, new lighting and a fresh coat of paint on the wall - I thought the changes were nice (not that I would ever admit it to Emmett).
When I was changed I headed downstairs and into Rose’s bedroom, smiling when I saw she was already snuggled up in bed. Rose’s room hadn’t changed too much, there was hardwood flooring in the bedroom too and the walls had also been painted.
I got into bed next to Rose and we sat in a comfortable silence.
Getting more comfortable, I lied down completely on my back, only to frown when I saw a reflective surface staring back at me.
“Rose, why is there a mirror on your ceiling?”
“Don’t ask,” Rose mumbled, her cheeks reddening.
The Next Morning
“We’ve not been this busy in a long while,” Jake groaned as he lugged another beer crate up from the storage room. We hadn’t stopped all morning and now it was drawing close to dinner time, we were just as busy.
“They’re all here to see, Bella,” Esme said as she headed into the kitchen with some dirty dishes.
“But why? People go missing all the time.”
“Not in Forks they don’t,” Jake replied. “Don’t forget, a majority thought you were dead.”
“I still don’t get why,” I told him, stuffing some napkins in the holder.
“You and he broke up, he’s a vampire, they went with the whole ‘if I can’t have you, no one can’ philosophy.”
I looked at Jake and shook my head.
“Yeah, I know it’s stupid - but small town mentality, B,”
“You have to admit,” Esme began as she came out of the kitchen, “Victoria’s reaction this morning was the funniest.”
I giggled just thinking about it. Apparently, Victoria had been convinced I was dead and so seeing me arrive at work this morning with Rose had been such a shock. So much so that she had screamed and ran in the opposite direction. When she had finally calmed down and asked me where I had been, I realised I didn’t know what to tell people. Rose had my back though and just said I had been backpacking around the country, just to get away from it all. Victoria hadn’t believed her but wasn’t going to question it. She didn’t really care too much.
Throughout the day, whenever there was a quiet period, I had managed to catch up with everyone; I learnt that Esme and Carlisle were dating, Jake and Nessie were friends with benefits (I  hadn’t needed to see those particular images) and that Rose was thinking about Emmett much more than she would have liked. But in these memories, I had seen how Emmett had looked after Rose, and it made me wonder if there was more to that story that met the eye. I’d have to ask Jake and Esme when Rose wasn’t around. I still didn’t particularly like him, but he had looked after Rose.
“Hey!” Nessie called as she came in, a smile on her face as she navigated the crowded bar. “We are busy tonight.”
“You don’t mind working do you?” Jake asked. “Victoria’s due off soon and I think Esme’s leaving in the next hour or two to go and get Ethan.”
“No, of course not.” Nessie smiled once more at Jake, gave his arm a little squeeze and then went to put her apron on.
I watched Jake as he stared as Nessie’s ass. When he saw me looking at him, he at least had the decency to blush and stammer something about replacing the barrels.
“I’m going to need information on that,” I told Rose as she came to get some sauces for a table she was serving, knowing she had heard our conversation.
“Nobody really knows much. They think we don’t know what they’re doing, but they’re not very discreet. In the last few months we’ve all walked in on them doing it in Jake’s office,” she turned, walked a few steps before coming back over. “Which reminds me - don’t sit on his couch.” I pulled a disgusted face as she laughed.
I was just about to go and make sure everyone was enjoying their food when Edward walked through the door. I felt my heart skip a beat and then I remembered what had caused me to leave in the first place. I didn’t think I was over his betrayal.
Edward walked over to me. “Do you have a couple of minutes, so we could talk?”
I swallowed. “Yeah - things are getting quieter now so I could probably take a quick break,” I told Esme I was going to take a break and she looked around me, smiling and nodding when she saw Edward.
“Take as much time as you need.” I nodded gratefully.
Edward and I sat in a booth near the back of the bar. We were both quiet.
“I don’t know where to start,” Edward began. “I’ve rehearsed so many times what I would say to you, but none of it seems right.” There was a pause. “First of all, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Bella.” I looked into his emerald green eyes. “I never wanted you to get hurt, I was trying to protect you. But now I can see that I was wrong. I should have refused Heidi, or told you from the start.” He splayed his pale hands on the table and flexed his fingers. “I don’t expect things to go back to the way they were, but I just wanted you to know I am genuinely sorry that things happened the way they did.” He swallowed. “I’ll never lie to you again, Bella - that probably doesn’t mean much, but if there is anything you need to know, I’ll tell you.”
“Thank you,” I said quietly, shocked that he had the courage to admit he was wrong and apologise.
“As I’m being honest with you, you need to know that Heidi is no longer the Queen of Washington… I killed her, and now I’m King.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that,” I told him honestly. “Do you kill her because of me?”
Edward contemplated that question. “You and Rose were one of the reasons, yes.” I couldn’t find it in me to feel sorry for her. She and Tanya definitely deserved each other.
“And you didn’t get in trouble? You weren’t punished?”
A small smile formed on Edward’s face. “I see my being appointed to King as punishment.” I smiled.
“Bella - can we friends? I know I don’t deserve your friendship, I’ve hurt you physically and emotionally, but-”
“You have hurt me, Edward, in ways I never thought you would.” he looked wounded. “But I sort of understand why - and I don’t think you hurt me to be mean or malicious.
I’ve been gone for a year - but to me, it only feels like twenty-fours hours max, so I am going to need some time. But I would like to be your friend.”
Edward looked so relieved and a smile that was so bright spread across his face.
Looking at him, seeing him look so happy made me realise one thing; I was still in love with Edward Masen.
Thank-you for reading.
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Stories of Our Lives - Chapter 10
A/N: I am so sorry it's taken me a little bit longer to post this. I wanted to make sure all was right because this is my favorite chapter just for the suspense. Let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.
December 31, 2018
She should have known today was different when she woke up to an empty bed. Gia couldn't recall the last time she didn't wake up to Louis' snores and quiet hums. A note was placed on his pillow along with a pink Dahlia.
Morning Italia,
I'm sorry I'm not there with you when you wake but I'm planning a surprise for you. You're going on a bit of a scavenger's hunt today. The girls should be there soon and they'll spend the morning with you. They have your first clue.
Have fun and I love you!
Pulling herself out of bed, Gia wondering what her boyfriend had up his sleeve. Pulling on her dark washed jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt, her teal scarf and a pair of grey boots, she shook her hair trying to figure out what to do with it. Deciding not to mess with it, she pulled it up into a messy bun, heading out of the bedroom. Grinning, she heard the girls' loud voices as she neared the kitchen.
"There she is!" Tricia grinned holding a mug in her hands and a bright smile on her face. "Did you sleep well?"
Gia smirked, making herself a cup of tea. "Yes I did. Lou is very skilled, if you catch my drift."
The girls laughed, shaking their heads at their friend. "So what's the plans for the day?"
"That's for you to find out at a later time." Danielle smiled, her eyes bright with excitement.
Not wanting to push it, Gia nodded turning her attention to the littlest one in the room. "Hi Mollie!!."
"Hi Aunt Gia. Uncle Lewie told us he's got a 'prise for you." Mollie grinned brightly twirling around the room in her dress.
Moving closer to the newly turned five year old, Gia crouched down to Mollie's height. "He did? Can you give me a hint?"
"No silly. It's a 'prise! He promise me 50 pounds if I didn't dell you anything with a trip to de zoo." She giggled loudly. "But he said to give you dis."
It was a small box wrapped in multicolored polka dots paper. There was a thick black ribbon tied around it. Sliding it off, she wrapped it around Mollie's arm, who in returned smiled brightly. Ripping off the paper, Gia opened the box, noticing a gold bracelet and an envelope.
Tearing open the envelope, she grabbed the letter unfolding it.
Hi Damsel,
So this is officially your first clue. You should be able to figure this out pretty quickly. There are some rules though. At each stop, you must take a photo and send it my way. Take as many photos as you want, you're going to want to remember this. Second, ask as many questions as you want or need. The girls will be with you for most of the morning but they will be leaving you in capable hands later on in the day. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I love you and I'll see you later.
P.S. - Your next clue will be at the place on the bracelet
Looking up from the letter, she smiled at the girls. "What do you have there?"
"My first clue and a letter. Louis is sending me on a scavenger's hunt of sorts. And apparently you girls are along for the ride." Gia smiled taking the bracelet out of the box and looking at it. The gold band was plain with “51° 30' 11.8542" and “-0° 7' 47.8128" inscribed on it. She racked her brain trying to figure out where the coordinates laid.
"He would throw me for a loop." She muttered, pulling out her phone. Plugging in the coordinates into the app, she smiled seeing where they landed. "Let's go girls."
Slipping on coats and gathering their purses, Gia and the girls headed towards the door. "And where are we going exactly?" Tricia asked, holding Mollie's hand as they locked up the flat.
"The park we always ended up after our dates. It's kinda become a tradition for Louis and I." Gia smiled leading the way down the sidewalk.
Despite being New Year's Eve, it was 2°C with no wind. It was actually a pretty pleasant day. She hummed to herself as her and the girls trotted down the way. Mollie was chattering with Scarlett and while Scarlett was giggling with Danielle.
"What are you thinking about?" Tricia creeped up silently to walk beside her friend.
Startled by the intrusion to her thoughts, Gia jumped. "Jeez woman you need a bell. Give a girl some warning next time."
"And you're avoiding my question miss. What are you thinking about?" Tricia smirked.
Seeing the park ahead, Gia looked over at Tricia. "Just how much Louis has planned. I'm anxious to see what he has up his sleeve."
"Oh you will love it. Let's just say Louis has given the boys some big shoes to fill." Tricia gushed.
Entering the park, Gia let her eyes scan the area she had come to love. "Now what?"
"I'm suppose to look for the next clue.  It should be around here somewhere."
Scarlett looked at Gia. The park was a good size and would take a while to search the entire area. "Is there a bench you two always sat on or somewhere here that's special for the two of you?"
There were two places that were special to the couple within the park. Walking towards a bench they often sat on, Gia's shoulders slumped when she realized that was a dead-end. "One more place.
Heading across the park, the girls struggled to keep up with Gia.
Stopping at a large sycamore tree in which Louis had carved their initials into the truck. Tied up in the branch above her was a yellow sunflower and an envelope. Untying the bundle, she quickly opened up the envelope pulling out the letter.
Hello Soldier,
So you're on your second clue! Congrats on figuring out the first one. Hope you liked the bracelet. Wear it and know that's our little secret place if you ever need to get away but always promise you'll come back to me.
Now for the next part: head to your favorite dress shop and pick out a dress to party the night away. Not long now until I see you.
All my love,
Folding the letter back up, she turned to the girls. "We have our next destination."
Taking a photo with the tree, Gia smiled, sending the photo to Louis before pocketing her phone. "Where to now madam?"
Laughing at Danielle's posh accent, Gia nodded towards the park entrance. "The dress shop we always frequent."
"Why there?" Tricia asked.
Taking Mollie from her arms, Gia danced down the sidewalk causing the little girl and their friends laugh. "Did Louis not tell you anything? According to his letter, I could ask you guys any and all questions I wanted."
"He told us need to know information." Scarlett informed her. "But he didn't give us specific information."
The group continued on their journey. Gia had Mollie in her arms singing an One Direction song softly in her ear.
Stopping in front of Hoopla, Gia threw open the door, stepping inside followed by the girls. A perky saleswoman smiled brightly in her direction.
"Hi can I help you?"
Transferring Mollie back to Tricia, Gia smiled. "I'm looking for a dress. My boyfriend is surprising me with a big night out."
"You wouldn't happen to be Giovanna would you?" The saleswoman asked shuffling through some papers.
Nodding, Gia looked at her friends with wide eyes. "I am."
"Louis spoke very highly of you. He has everything taken care of." Pausing, the woman smiled. "I'm sorry; I'm Mary and I will be assisting you today. If you follow me, we have a dressing room started for you. You have some guests waiting for you as well."
Looking back at the girls, Gia tried to figure out who would be waiting for her. Ava and her mum both had plans so it couldn't be them.
Nevertheless, the group followed Mary to the back. Gia lost in her own thoughts failed to see who her guests were until Tricia bumped her hip with Gia's. "Surprise!"
Looking up, Gia gasped seeing her mum, Ava and her grandma Catalanotte standing there along with Jay, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe. "What are you all doing here?"
"We are here to help the Princess get ready for the ball or at least that's what Louis told us." Daisy exclaimed causing Phoebe and Mollie to giggle.
Jay smiled at her daughter. "Louis asked us to come down for the weekend. He asked us to help you."
"Thank you for coming. Avie, Mumma, Nonna you three little liars." Gia smirked at her family.
Ava laughed at her sister. "Like I was going to ruin the surprise. I'm not about to cross Louis Tomlinson when he's determined. I value my life too much!"
"All right dramatic one. I completely understand. Louis has always been a sneaky one." Gia smiled at the thought of her boyfriend.
Mary smiled at the sisters. "Shall we get started and let Gia try on some dresses?"
For the next hour and half, Gia tried on several dresses, opting for a plain black dress that she dressed up with a mint green bubble necklace, a green stoned ring and the emerald green earrings Louis had bought her while they were in Spain. Black peep-toed heels would accent her emerald painted toenails.
"I think this has been a very successful shopping trip." Jay grinned at her son's girlfriend.
Gia smiled back, watching Mary wrap up the dress in a plastic bag. "Now I believe this is for you."
Taking the now familiar envelope from her mum along with the Pale Pink Ranunculus, Gia opened the envelope, pulling out the letter.
Hi! You're almost there love. Hopefully the shopping trip was successful. Can't wait to see you all dressed up and ready to party the night away. Now for the next part. You are going to leave the girls behind. There's a car waiting for you outside. The driver will take you to your next destination. Not long now love. See you soon.
Gia folded the letter back up, putting it in her purse with the others before looking up at her friends and family.
"I guess this is where I say goodbye and continue on." Gia stated.
A group photo was taken, sent, hugs and well wishes were given before Gia left the shop and headed towards the car. Paul grinned at her opening the door. "Don't you have anything better to be doing than drive me around?"
"You would think so but seeing Louis beg for my help was just too sweet to witness." And with that Paul helped Gia into the car, shutting the door behind her.
He hopped into the car and before long the two of them were on their way to a place where only one of them knew. "Do you know what's happening?"
"Yes and I will not be spilling any secrets miss." Paul teased with a smile.
Gia laughed. "So no hints?"
"Nope but I will say Louis was pretty funny while he was planning this. He had millions of pieces of paper laying around trying to figure out which you'd like best." Paul made a left turn looking in the mirror. "You are going to love what he has planned. We are almost there. Take a few minutes to calm your nerves."
Returning to her thoughts, Gia completely trusting Louis but was nervous about what was in store. Everyone was telling her she would love it and Louis was setting the bar high for the other boys. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would spend her New Year's Eve running around London. But she was having fun while her boyfriend left her guessing at every turn.
"Gia, hey Gia?"
Shaking from her thoughts, she looked at Paul. "Sorry to interrupt but we're at your next stop."
"Thanks." Gathering her dress, purse and jewelry, she looked out the car window, finding herself at an airfield. "Are you kidding me?"
Paul laughed opening the door for her. "Nope. Your chariot awaits."
Gia followed his finger to the private jet that waited. "Thanks Paul."
She made her way to the jet. Walking up the steps, she placed her bags on a seat, noticing a Purple Peony and an envelope sitting in an adjacent seat. She took a deep breath, grabbing the envelope and opening it.
Come fly with me! You're on your way to another place you've always wanted to go. It's a short plane ride. Once you land, there will be a limo waiting for you. Almost time to meet up with me. Now, sit back, relax, and you'll see me before you know it.
I love you always.
Folding up the letter, Gia smiled to herself. She took his advice and relaxed against the seat. Or at least tried to. The nerves bubbled in her tummy as she thought about her remarkable boyfriend.
Her mind traveled back to their first date. He wouldn't put on the big elaborate plan just to propose ... would he?
She closed her eyes willing the plane ride to go quickly anxious to see what her boyfriend was up to.
Hour and half later
She awoke as the plane touched down. Taking a deep breath, she took a moment to coat her lips in lipstick before the plane came to a stop. The stairs were pushed away from the plane allowing Gia to take a moment to gather her belongings. Heading down the steps she smiled at the man awaiting her in front of the limo.  
"Ciao Giovanna. Benvenuti Italia." A man in a suit smiled at her, holding out his hand. "I'm James and I'll be your driver. Welcome to Italy!"
Shaking his hand, Gia's face brightened. "It's very nice to meet you and thank you."
Opening the door, she allowed him to help her into the limo. Shutting the door, she took a couple of deep breaths knowing she would be seeing Louis soon. "Ahh miss?"
James cleared his throat, passing her something from the front seat. "A Mr Tomlinson left this for you."
Taking the letter and an Orange Lily, she smiled in thanks. Quickly opening the letter, she got comfortable before allowing herself to read the words written.
You're in the last leg of your journey. Welcome to Rome, Italy. I wish I could see your face right now. Get ready in your dress and be downstairs by 7:00p.m.  I will meet you and we will party the night away.
See you soon love.
She shook her head at Louis. Rome of all places. She couldn't believe her life and the amazing man she was dating. She would probably let Louis have it at some point but for now she was just too happy. Before long the limo pulled to a stop in front of a hotel. James came and opened the door for her before handing over a key card. "Room 1427."
"Thank you James."
Walking into the hotel, her boots squeaked against the tile floor. Going to the elevator, she pushed the button to the 14th floor. Her heart beated loudly against her chest as she stepped off the elevator. Following the hallway, she stopped in front of the door, putting the key into the door. Pushing open the door, she stepped into the room. Two duffel bags sat on the bed and Gia quickly recognized them as hers and Louis'.
On the beside table, a letter and a bouquet of flowers laid. The flowers were the exact same ones she found in her room the day Louis asked her to be his girlfriend. Dahlias, Ranunculus, Sunflowers, Peonies, Lilies, Chrysanthemums, Forget Me Nots, Daisies, Carnations and Daffodils. There were new additions, two red roses. Smiling she smelt the flowers before unfolding the letter.
You've got about two hours until you meet me downstairs. Take a shower, calm your heart, and take a few deep breaths. Get ready in your dress and be ready to have the night of your life.
Love you to the moon and back.
Taking his advice, she hopped into the shower and calmed herself down. Taking her time getting ready, she blow dried her hair, curling it slightly, it laying on her shoulders. She put on her necklace and ring before attaching her earrings to her ear lobes. She spritzed herself with the perfume Louis loved, granting herself one more look in the mirror.
She realized it was 6:30p.m. She wasn't nervous, no it was more anxiety, the unknown of what the night held caused her heart to skyrocket. She knew once she saw Louis, all would be right in her world. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, each crazier than the previous. But the thing was Louis knew her better than she knew herself sometimes.
Her cell phone chimed, alerting her of a text messages. Picking up the phone, a smiled tugged on her lips as she read the message.
You ready?
Yes! Are you?
Come on down then.
She slipped on her black peep-toed heels, grabbed her coat and black clutch before walking out the door, letting it slam behind her. Pausing she took a breath, trying to will the nerves away.
Dear god, what if he was asking her to marry him? Mrs Giovanna Maria Tomlinson ... has a nice ring to it. Of course she'd say yes. Shaking her head, Gia was getting ahead of herself.
Moving quickly down the hallway, her heels clicked against the tiles near the elevator. Pushing the down button, she stepped inside once the doors were opened. The smile couldn't be wiped from her lips as she thought about all the trouble her boyfriend had gone through. Whatever would happen that night, she knew she would have fun all because she was with Louis.
The elevator doors opened revealing the lobby. Stepping out of the elevator, her eyes scanned the space, landing on Louis with his hands in his dark grey dress pant pockets. From what she could see, he was dressed in a suit. He was staring at something out the front doors.
The clicking of her heels drew him out of his daydream causing him to turn around, his eyes landing on her and a bright smile on his face. "Well hello Damsel aren’t you are a sight for sore eyes, darling."
"Well, well look who is sucking up to me big time? So what is so important that you've kept me in suspense all day and fly me out to Rome?"
Louis chuckled, pulling Gia closer to his chest. "All in good time, Italia. All in good time."
"So now what? I mean we are dressed to the nines and I'd hate to see our suit and dress go to waste." Gia leaned up, giving him a kiss.
Louis returned the kiss, tightening his grip on her waist. "Dinner first then from there it's a surprise. You ready?"
Gia nodded, accepting his arm once it was offered. She let him take the lead, letting him guide her towards the door and out of the hotel. He helped her into the limo, getting in behind her.
"So I get no hints about what is going on tonight?" Gia shook her head. "By the way, your mum and sisters say hello."
Louis laughed. "I had tea with them this morning. They were very excited to see you this afternoon. As for a hint, you will be checking something you've wanted to do for a long time off your bucket list."
"I've got 23 things still on my bucket list, twelve of which could be accomplished in this country." Gia exclaimed listening to her boyfriend laugh.
He smiled. "I know you're frustrated with me but all I ask is a little more time. I promise you will know everything by midnight."
"Five hours to go." Gia smiled feeling the limo pull to a stop.
Louis raised his eyes. "Is that a challenge Giovanna?"
"Why not? I challenge you Pooks to make the next five hours the best I've ever had." Gia smirked in his direction.
Louis nodded. "Challenge accepted, Giovanna. But let's make this a little more interesting."
"In what way?"
Opening the limo door, Louis got out offering her his hand, helping her out. "I'm saying if the next five hours aren't the best you've ever had, I will do whatever you want for an entire day but if they are then, you do whatever I want. I'm envisioning footsie games, lots of them."
"Ok hot shot, you're on. But prepare yourself for a spa day, pedicures, and manicures." Gia giggled watching Louis' face turn to disgust.
He opened the door for her, grinning. "Let the fun begin. We have reservations under Buckland." Louis directed the last part to the hostess.
As the hostess led the couple to a table in the back, Gia raised her eyes in her boyfriend's direction. "Buckland?"
"I wanted and needed discretion for tonight." He laughed. "You'll have to thank Niall and Harry for thinking up the name."
She laughed, sitting in the chair as he pushed it in. Louis ordered a really good bottle of wine before the two were left alone. "So how involved were our friends and family in helping you plan tonight?"
"Very involved, even more than I anticipated. But I wouldn't have it any other way." He smirked her way. "They were very helpful. The girls threatened my life more times than I could count; the boys yelled at me for creating such big shoes to fill; and my mum couldn't stop crying, the girls yelling."
Shaking her head at the craziness that made up their extended family. "And my family?"
"Beyond excited. I think your mum is a bit jealous though."
The waitress brought their wine interrupting their conversation. Louis ordered for them both, the waitress leaving them alone. "Why would mum be jealous?"
"You're currently in Rome, Italy on New Year's Eve, sweetheart."
And with that their conversation left friends and family and turned to that of 2019. The boys were planning a late summer tour that had sold completely out. They were excited to get back on the road. They were finishing up a record that would drop in April, their 9th studio album, written entirely by the boys.
Their meals were delivered, tickling their senses with their delicious scents. They dug in, each enjoying stealing bites from each other plates.
Drowning the last of her wine, Gia looked at Louis with curiosity. "Now what?"
"Dessert now or later?"
"Later I'm too full." Gia's hand fell to her belly, too full to eat another bite.
Louis signaled for the check, grinning in Gia's direction. Once everything was settled, Louis stood offered Gia his hand, pulling her from her seat.
"Let's go for a walk."
Leading her from the restaurant, Louis waved off James and the limo, telling him to they'd call when they were ready to be picked up.
Rome was incredibly gorgeous at night when the city was lit up. The streets were eerily quiet for it being New Year's Eve. They stopped and threw change into the foundations they passed, each wishing for different things but at the same time the same things. Louis tugged on her hand leading her towards the bridge to their right.
"Do you know what this is?" Louis asked watching Gia touch all the locks attached to the bridge.
Gia grinned. "It's a love bridge. They say that if you attach a lock to the bridge with a partner then the two will be together forever."
"I was thinking we could attach a lock. But first there's something I want to ask you." Louis said putting a hand in his pocket.
"Fourteen months ago you came into my life and I knew that my life would never be the same. We started dating a little more than a year ago and I knew I wanted you by my side for the rest of my life." Sinking to his knee, he noticed the tears in her eyes, Louis squeezed her hand. "Giovanna Maria, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
She didn't have to think; quickly nodding, too emotional to physically say the word but Louis understood it all too well. He got to his feet, pulling her closer to him. "Yes, yes, yes a million times yes I will marry you!"
He kissed her on the middle of the bridge, stopping only to pick her up and twirl her around. Once she was steady on her feet, Louis slipped the 2.3 carat channel-round diamond ring on her finger.
Raising her hand to admire the ring, Gia gasped. "Louis William Tomlinson you spent way too much on this ring and trip."
Raising his eyebrows in her direction, he leaned over and kissed her. "I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I have too much damn money and if I can spend some of it on you, then I'm too happy to do so. Besides, you better get used to it, especially since you will be Mrs. Louis Tomlinson."
"And so it begins." Gia grinned kissing him. "Now I believe you promised me a lock."
Bringing out a lime green lock from his pocket, he placed it in her open palm. The side was engraved with their initials and today's date. Smiling, Gia locked it amongst a cluster of gold locks, theirs sticking out like a sore thumb.
Pulling her phone from her clutch, she quickly took a photo of the lock before turning the phone on the two of them. "Since I'm sure our friends and family are waiting for news, let's tell them."
He took the photo from her, she held up her left hand, both of them smiling for the camera. Snapping the photo, it was quickly sent off to their friends and family. "So has this been the best night of your life?"
Damn Gia was caught. "Yes it was but you're forgetting one thing."
"What's that?" Louis ask enjoying the fact he won their challenge.
Gia smirked. "I love football just like you so it's not going to be a downer day like you planned."
"I know I figured it would be a day where we could just have fun and we both loved football so it's a win for us both." Louis grinned
Shaking her head, Gia smiled. "Damn you're amazing. You won by a landslide."
"I know. I love you Damsel, have I told you that lately?" Louis pulled her closer to him capturing her lips in a kiss.
Shaking her head, she snaked her arms around his neck. "Nope but guess what? I love you too Popstar."
"So now what Damsel?"
Titling her head to the side, Gia looked at him. "Thought you'd have everything planned out. All out of ideas?"
"I got my plans out of the way. Now it's up to you fiancée to figure what we are going to do." Louis grinned in his fiancée's direction. Fiancée was such a foreign word but he loved the way it rolled off his tongue.
Her eyes went wide, a grin stretched wide across her lips. "Ohhhh I love you calling me that."
"Fiancée, fiancée, fiancée .... I will continue to call you that until you get two new name." He brushed his lips across hers.
Pecking his lips with hers, she smirked. "And what will that be?"
"Wife and Mrs. Giovanna Maria Tomlinson."
Her eyes sparkled with the thought a chuckle escaping seeing her so excited. "I love those names!"
"So when do you want to get married?"
Placing a hand on his chest, Gia shook her head. "We've been engaged for 20 minutes and you wanna talk wedding? Who are you and what have you done with my fiancé?"
"I was just asking." Louis defended.
Shaking her head, Gia shrugged. "Haven't given it much thought. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you asked me to be your wife much less that we have a wedding to plan. But do you know what I really want?"
Gia kissed him. "Gelato .... I believe you promised me some earlier. And then I've got the rest of the evening planned."
"What are we doing after gelato?"
She hummed, lacing their fingers together pulling him off the bridge. "You know they say the one you kiss at the strike of midnight is the one you'll be kissing the entire year? Well I'm planning on kissing you for a hell of a lot longer than that."
"Have I told you how much I love your plans?"
Gia thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Nope but remember that when I'm roping you into wedding plans!"
He laughed tugging her closer to him. The kiss the two would share at midnight definitely was the first the two would share for the rest of their lives.
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lynseylags · 5 years
WOW, have things gotten wild over the past week! I’m currently in self-imposed quarantine, as is almost everyone I know. Several close friends have fallen ill. It’s scary out there right now. I sincerely hope that all of you readers this are safe and healthy. And that you’re washing your hands, avoiding contact with other people….and not terribly bored if you’re working (or not working) at home. Sounds like a good time to support and read some indie comics, if you ask me.
A cheap shot? Maybe.
But, hey. In the midst of all this COVID-19 madness, I’m…uh…still trying to fund this book I wrote. I’ve got a few days left before the Kickstarter to fund Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments ends on Friday, March 20. And, well, that’s looking just about as bleak as the outside world right about now. I’ve worked very hard on the book itself, and on the Kickstarter campaign to fund it. And yet, there’s more than 50% left to raise in just over three days.
Yeah. I’m scared.
Not just because I have a compromised immune system due to medication I take for my autoimmune condition. (Although I am scared as heck about that, not gonna lie.) But also about my future as a writer. I rely on Kickstarter as a means to market, print, and distribute the comics I write, as well as books by other creators that I publish. So far, I’ve never had one fail. But with COVID-19 on the loose, interest in funding my work seems to have taken a precipitous dive. I’m not mad, because everyone is terrified. And it would be selfish and silly to be mad that folks are a little preoccuppied.
But I am scared.
Because, you know all those people who are losing income and afraid about whether they can make rent in the midst of all this fear and uncertainty? They’re me. And the future of my business as a comics writer and independent publisher may rely on this Kickstarter. If this campaign doesn’t get fully funded, we don’t get ANY of the money people have pledged. And then we may have to give up on, or at least severely alter, the future of my company—Oneshi Press. The proceeds from this campaign were meant to fund printing of this book and also help us stay afloat for the next few months, pay some of the artists who are creating work for our projects, and pay some bills. If we don’t make it, well…
I’m an indie creator, and my business helps support other indie creators.
So, hey. If you’re looking for ways to support folks whose livelihoods are on the line right now? Folks who work for themselves, have no paid time off, no sick leave, and usually really crappy health insurance? Look no further.
Hey. I know things are massively uncertain right now. I know people are losing income left and right, the stock market is taking a nosedive, and not every government is exactly stepping up to help people get through. *cough cough USA* I know shit’s scary.
But I’m literally trying to sell some comics. For cheap. For you to read while you’re in quarantine.
Folks. For $10, we’ll give you FOUR full-length digital comic books absolutely stuffed with art. That art took multiple artists thousands of hours and lots of money to produce.
For $25, we’ll give you all that and a printed comic book, too. The pot sweetens with every increase in pledge level after that. We’ve added new rewards of hand-drawn, gorgeous art, awesome stickers, and so much more. No matter what level you back at, I promise you: You’ll get more than your money’s worth, and you’ll likely get most of it while you’re still in quarantine.
Because those comics? They’re ready to go.
We’ll have digital rewards out within two weeks of the Kickstarter, if we get fully funded. That means, just when quarantine cabin fever is beginning to truly set in…BAM! Digital comics! And a few weeks after that (assuming our printer is operational) BLAMMO! Printed comics and art!
So, even if you’re not into supporting artists. If you’re just looking for something to do to keep yourself busy while you’re at home, bored and/or scared and/or desperate to stay entertained? Look no further. Our books will entertain you and get your brain going and let you immerse yourself in a world that’s not our messed-up situation in this world.
Help me give people comics!
If you’ve got a few bucks to spare and you want some comics, please pledge. If you don’t have anything to spare but you want to help, you can share the link. Or any of the following links, which provide interesting listening, fun-as-heck viewing, fascinating reads, and links back to my Kickstarter:
Smash Pages Q&A: Lynsey G.
Adrian Has Issues Episode 153: All Hail The Queen (with Lynsey G & Jayel Draco of Oneshi Press)
Which Tracy Queen Character Are You?
Let’s Talk About Socks, Baby! (And Changing the World!)
support tracy queen: a weird, wild, sex-positive graphic novel
My Sex-Positive, Feminist Graphic Novel, Tracy Queen, is Being Shadow Banned
Hot off the interview, we had reinvited our friends from Oneshi Press, Jayel and Lynsey, to talk about the TRACY QUEEN Volume 2 Kickstarter!
Here’s what’s in it for you.
Freaking ART. So much art! Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments is a graphic novel, which means there’s art throughout by illustrator Jayel Draco. But there’s also cover art and fan art on the line by five other guest artists!
“Dangerous Experiments” front cover art by Tangmo Cecchini
Tracy Queen character turnaround, art print by Jayel Draco
“Dangerous Experiments” Chapter 1 cover art by Shaydens Doodle
Tracy Queen dominating Patience, fan art by Pink Pitcher
“Dangerous Experiments” Chapter 2 cover art by Jason Johnson
Tracy Queen in Mr. Guy Socks, art print by Jayel Draco
“Dangerous Experiments” Chapter 3 cover art by Dylan Jay Fox
“Dangerous Experiments” Chapter 3 cover art by Sophia Murphy
Plus comics! We’re offering Tracy Queen volumes 1 and 2, as well PACK issues 1 and 2, to everyone at $10 and over. Higher-level backers get even more comics in the form of our anthologies, which feature dozens of short comics by well over a hundred creators!
We’re also sending out stickers, postcards, a paper doll of Tracy, hand-drawn sketches, tote bags! The whole kit and caboodle!
Look. You’re in quarantine. I’m in quarantine. Let’s help each other out.
Please. Help if you can. Every pledge and every share means the absolute world to me right now.
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In Quarantine? Want a Comic Book? I’m Making One. WOW, have things gotten wild over the past week! I'm currently in self-imposed quarantine, as is almost everyone I know.
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DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter brings to you the third post in the Health Transformation series. Thank you for loving & reading Sameer Karve & Mohit Anand‘s stories. The story you are about to read is about a high flying Global Consultant to Ministeries with no time for himself. He hangs out with the likes of Bill Clinton and has about 300 travel days in his calendar.
Despite an extremely busy life, SR Shrikant lost 53 Kgs & 44% body fat in 19 months! Here is how he did it…
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Don’t forget to scroll to the end for a downloadable infographic containing invaluable tips from SR Srikant.
SR Srikant or as we fondly call him SRS is a friend that you absolutely want around. He is jovial, calm and patient. I remember him as a cute, huggable Panda who you can depend on for all your woes and troubles. We were all part of a happy group of friends who met often with the love of cars and travel uniting us all. As fate would have it, we drifted apart due to work pressures.
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A while ago, at a party, a fit gentleman tapped my shoulder and said, “Hi Mayura, its me, SRS .” I turned around, gasped and said, “WTF, where is the rest of you?”  He let out his signature laugh and narrated his story.
You look leaner, fitter and energetic. What was the trigger that made you commit to fitness?
Thank you, Mayura. It’s a large bag of mixed emotions – some positive and nice and some brutal and negative too.
Tonnes of taunts by near and dear ones, office mates, very good pals, even strangers who asked me ‘ how can an overweight obese man like you stand on the stage and talk about Sustainability?’
“Finally, physical pain in the knees making me almost quit my profession and my daughter’s dream to play sport with me … made me take one final gigantic dig at becoming what am totally capable of being – a real fit guy.”
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People asked me: ‘ how can an overweight, obese man like you stand on the stage and talk about Sustainability?’
So tonnes of anger, spirit, and fire are part of the process. And I don’t think I have reached any real stage where I can say safely that now I am now on the path of fitness salvation.
“Loads of hard earned money lost in the form of gym memberships, swimming classes, nutrition programs – online and real-time, at least a dozen promises to my better half that next time when we meet at the annual function, I will get fitter. !!!”
What was the weight you started with and how much is it now? How much time did it take to come to come to this figure?
“In Jan 2016, I was 123 kgs, February, it was 121 kgs and the slide started there on.
Now in September 2018, am 69.3 kgs and feel like a million bloody bucks!!!!”
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What preparations did you make before hitting the gym? Please tell our readers so that they keep these tips in mind.
I made an excel sheet that counted everything I did. And I for professional nutrition advice to GO SLOW but NEVER QUIT.
So a simple and effective start was to divide my entire waking day into 30 mins intervals. And create a plan for my day for intake of food – Solids and liquids into 30 min targets. 5:30am to 6am – liquids … warm water 350-500ml 6-6:30am – solids – cereal breakfasts 630-7am – liquids – coffee + water – 500ml 7-730am – solids – 3-4 idlis and so on…
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“No change in what I ate but a very regulated approach to everything was the start of my process – for 2 months.”
I personally observed many changes… high energy times and low energy zones and the rationale behind the foods etc…
Also, I managed to finally start drinking 4 litres of water daily and that felt great to be hydrated constantly…
The beginning of a transformation process – in my own head – had begun well.
Did you follow a particular routine or diet? What were the lifestyle changes you made to ensure that your commitment to fitness remains intact
Yes, I followed a regular diet plan for a 90 day period & adjusted it as I moved along.
“Commitments made by me remains to not have a single cheat day. Not one.”
All Garbage IN must be accounted for within the same 24 hrs period and must be shoved out of the system. No matter what. Let’s hope I can stick to it forever… that’s as simple as that really.
There must have been moments of frustration where you felt like giving up. What kept you going? Can you share a couple of instances?
Tonnes of instances where I felt my past creeping up on me and the devil in my head. I used to enjoy my single malts, ice cream sessions, sweet tooth sessions, and shaadi walla khaana session and took the very personally…now I smile at them and say been there… done that enough.
Anyone who knows me … knows how bloody tough it is for me to resist these simple but unhealthy pleasures in life. But not anymore.
“My profession as a Global Consultant for Ministries across the world grants me access to some very pleasant hospitality destinations. My goal in such places for a good 10 years before I got here used to be hitting a 24X7 bar and nightclub. Now I search for 24X7 gym and yoga sessions !!!”
My friend circle has narrowed down a bit but my best buddies have stayed and loved me for who I am becoming day-by-day
How did your family support you in this mission?
Family support has been immense…initially, they assumed what I am doing was part of my regular nautanki. They thought the phase would last a fortnight and no more. As they saw me struggle over months and even howling at nite with pain/ hunger but not giving in…. their support was amazing.
“My daughter, Adithi’s study table has my old picture… and she proudly tells all her friends:- that was my dad when he was just great fun now he is a super fit and fun dad too.”
I am now my daughter’s basketball, football, badminton partner in all club events and we do fitness training together too. Feels bloody awesome.
My better half…I couldn’t have achieved this without her…
Family support remains invincible, it’s like that perfect stool you just find when you wanna lean on something… not that Swanky soft-leather recliner that lies in one corner of a drawing room but that four-legged creature lurking right behind you… when you behind need it the very most.
My better half … rightfully so too, is one creature who can’t live without telling me to improve constantly. Also making sure that am off sweets during my weakest days… and peps me constantly for finding my rhythm with sports and work and also balancing it.
“All men, by default, need an auditor in our lives. Not just the financial kind but for our more weaker and supposedly manly moments too.”
Our judgements, in my humble opinion, need constant review and an in-house auditor is the best help we can get. My better half – Keerthana – is that shining spirit of no-compromise in my life. Even after a good-show, her attention is to make sure I don’t end up indulging too much. And she is bloody right. Since such silly acts are the ones that have derailed me many many many times before.
“So now, as a proud wife of a fit husband, she remains vigilant about my lifestyle and even in my worst moments – she only has advice for me!!!”
That no-sugar diet, those amazing tasting lemon infused yellow dal soups, that extra crispy dosa with no oil… she did all this to keep me incentivised in my lifestyle.
Kudos to her constant companionship and enthusiasm and care that am happily marching along making this whole fit-lifestyle business a personal milestone.
Your journey is still ongoing, what are you doing so that you reach your target weight?
My target weight has been attained a few months ago. But that is not what am after…from losing weight… to getting fit… to maintaining an athletic routine and body… to staying super fit to do a Himalayan trek soon… that’s the journey now.
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“How much ever we love the very many flavours of mocktails, we must remember to praise dear old water as the main ingredient of it all.”
What were the positive changes in your health that you noticed after committing to fitness?
All the medical reports seem like a journey through a rose garden! Personally, even when I was obese, I had the ability to continue my spiritual journey smoothly… now with physical fitness that spiritual journey only feels much easier too. Like the opening of many chakras inside of you allowing you to raise your internal game!!!
Please give a message to our readers who are struggling to lose weight.
“This is a war only you have to fight. And fight it only for Yourself as anything and everything else can derail you. It’s like the salvation of the soul. It’s all you’re doing… for your own self. It’s all internal. No drama please.”
What are some of the dos and don’ts for a person who wants to lose weight fast?
What is ‘fast’? Sadly there are no ‘fast and permanent’ solutions. Give up that struggle fast, to lose weight fast.
Take a conscious and studied approach and you’re gonna feel like Mohammed Ali before a fight. All fire in the ballet ready to explode in the ring.
Water – increase intake to 4-5 litres a day
Maintain a notebook on everything you do…. and measure up yourself.
Raise your heart rate to peak / optimum atleast once every 10 hrs and see the difference it makes to your system.
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“Our body is an extremely intelligent mass of flesh. It has inbuilt AI to support your mental desires. Learn from it and enjoy the ride.“
Were there any foods you avoided, any that were absolutely part of your routine. Please share a sample diet chart if you can.
My current routine is very different from when I began… and precisely why I am SOO convinced that our body has inbuilt AI to lead us to amazing results.
“Right now, I play Pro-Grade badminton 5 mornings a week for 120 mins, Muscle training at a gym for 4 evenings a week, execute 18-20 k steps daily and take every opportunity to sleep off by 10 pm every day… all days of the week.”
From a diet perspective, I am back to regular eating habits but only in 1/10th, the portions spread over 6-7 meals a day.
Only fruits and liquids after 7 pm… no matter what.
Small amounts of Ghee & tofu every day.
Yoghurt, green salads, and fruits of all kinds especially all berries from farms …. to my heart’s content.
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“For moving ahead… am convinced it is a 70% diet control and 30% muscle mass orientation that’s gonna be the key.”
SRS is no longer the huggable Panda, instead, he has turned into a fit person with strong shoulders for his friends and family. He remains the ‘4 am friend’, however, he is now an inspiration to all his friends, including me.
Here is a downloadable infographic containing Weight Loss Tips by SR Shrikant.
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I really hope SRS’s story inspired you as well. Do leave your comments and questions so that we can have SRS answer them. All the best for your journey to fitness.
Penned by:
Mayura Amarkant 
I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa Campaign.
"Not a single cheat day in 20 months!!" that's how @SRSIyer lost 53 kgs & 44% body fat. #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter brings to you the third post in the Health Transformation series. Thank you for loving & reading…
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topicprinter · 6 years
None of you know me IRL (at least not that we know of), I am what most would consider an exceedingly even-keeled, well-mannered person. It's true both in what I outwardly show as well as internally - a necessary result of dealing with the stresses and frustrations of relying 100% on your startup to fund your life.That said, right now as I sit down to write this, it is because I am so angry that I can barely see straight - mad enough that I know I have to write today off as zero productivity. So, while this may come across as obvious, self-induced self pity, I'm writing in genuinely in the hopes that it saves someone the exact feelings I'm having right now. This is the story of how a well-meaning, relatively intelligent, too-trusting entrepreneur created amazing things, and made silly mistakes the result of which cost him literally hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years of unnecessary financial stress.TL,DR; This is long, your time is valuable - here is the jist:Document EVERYTHING in writing. Your best friend / partner / cofounder / priest / brother / etc. will screw you over in a heartbeat some time down the road and it's impossible to know when or how. So, get in the habit from Day 0 of documenting not only every agreement you make, but everything you invest time in (including exactly how much time and when) that is supporting someone else's cause.I was going to write this out as short stories for each of these 3 points, but honestly the stories are too long, too complicated, and the view is the view regardless of whether you know the route we climbed. So, I will boil these down to just the critical lessons.Background In 2009 I left the corporate world (not exactly by choice, but that's another story!) and started a small design consulting business. I had been an automotive enthusiast for years, had a new found passion for 3D CAD modeling, and intended to do contract-design work for the automotive performance (racing and modding) market. I had some good luck and was able to get rolling, though it too years before the business was actually making money. I have since pivoted that company (to manufacturing and selling B2B and B2C parts we designed) and sold it for a modest sum. All these 3 stories relate to that company though I retained ownership of the product mentioned in the 3rd story after the sale of the company.Mistake 1 circa 2010I found it nearly impossible to get paid royalties I was due for products in a timely manner (I licensed the design, I did not manufacture them). When I did get paid, the lifetime value of the amount I got was equivalent to roughly $9/hr for the time it had taken to do the design and validation work. Eventually they had a shop copy my parts, stopped paying me any royalties whatsoever, and then "sold their business" for a significant amount of money to another company who now claims (though they know otherwise) they bought the rights to those designs. Estimated annual sales of the designs in question is $100-$175k.Lesson 1: RoyaltiesRoyalties should be ideally based off MSRP assuming you control that number. If not, you can come up with a separate, legal schedule showing each product and the royalty calculationYou MUST HAVE a royalty agreement (a contract) even if it's simple that covers the basics, it should have at least the following: royalty calculation, periodic (monthly or quarterly) sales audits, explicit verbiage indicating you retain all ownership of the copyrighted design work, and a non-circumvent that precludes your licensee from tweaking the color/shape and claiming it's no longer your designYou must include a volume-per-time frame requirement and have an actionable plan to deal with under performing licenseesNEVER give exclusivity to a particular licensee unless the volume commitment is astronomical and failure to meet that commitment immediately revokes exclusivityManaging a royalty deal is non-trivial from a number of perspectives. It can sound very enticing (and in many cases is used successfully), but as a startup - tread carefully hereMistake 2 circa 2011From early 2011 until mid 2016 I did engineering and design work for a guy (we'll call him MouthOnFace) who had an actual good idea, but not the technical skills or cash to turn it into something. We had a handshake deal at the very beginning that I would get an equity stake so I would bill him occasionally once he had some funds (which he did not for the first year we worked together) but I would also put in a lot of sweat equity. It has turned out poorly. Long story, but here are the lessons:Lesson 2: Delayed GratificationIf you are doing any kind of work in kind or in exchange for ANYTHING, document every hour of work you do and every dollar you spend to get it done (travel, supplies - anything)If you agree to offer a discount on some work in exchange for whatever it is, record the sale at full price, the discount with an explicit explanation why as another line item on each invoice - this makes a great and concise paper trailBe very careful about equity agreements in general. MouthOnFace has started 4 different LLC's during his fund-raising spree and as of right now zero of them are still operating (though I believe one is only playing dead). So MouthOnFace is claiming any promises of equity made were for another company and not relevant to this oneWeigh carefully how much you want to invest - how far you want to lean out into this venture - and track your actuals against that targetTomorrow I am filing suit against MouthOnFace to recover nearly 900 hours of work I did - unpaid - at a time when those hours could have been far better spent on other cash-generating projects. I am not a lawsuit kind of guy, but there is no other resolution to this.Mistake 3 circa 2015I was flattered and honored to be asked to design a fairly complex product for a leader in the performance industry - let's call them WellRespectedShop. They had tried to tackle it internally but could not come up with a good solution. I literally worked on it for a week, and they loved my design so we built and sold them. During a visit there, they mentioned another problem they'd been working on for years and had never come up with a satisfactory solution. As it turned out, I had been thinking about exactly the same problem and come up with an idea that I thought was a slam dunk. In fact, I had even built a prototype.This morning I woke up to news that WellRespectedShop is about to release a new product...Lesson 3: Patents and NDA's in the Real WorldIf you are working on something that is legitimately patentable (a whole other topic), you will be in this situation: you want it protected but do not have the cash to get an actual good patent filed, so you MUSTGet a (much cheaper) NDA around the specific tech you want to demonstrate - I skipped this step. Get it signed by anyone and everyone you show it to. Many NDA's (like mine back then) are so stupidly broad (cheap!) that people carte blanche refuse to sign them (like I do!)Record, in writing, and have both parties sign any time you share access to this technology (I did NOT skip this step, thankfully)If there is interest, by gawd do everything in your power to move forward QUICKLY. The 1-year life on your provisional sounds like a long time, but it is not. Move now. Sooner than now if possible.If possible, demonstrate the function of your device without showing the "how it works." Not always possible, but in our case a cutaway prototype that we thought would be helpful was essentially the open kimono that gave them everything they neededI was too excited to share the beauty and simplicity of my solution, and too excited to be "there" with the big kids that I let my guard way down and now, even though I have filed a Utility Patent on the design, I am left with no bargaining power beyond how much I'm willing to pay an attorney to argue on my behalf with one of their team of attorneys (who are riding a far taller pile of cash)If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Know that writing this has been somewhat cathartic and as I finish it up (some 10 hours after I started it) I'm back to calm(ish) and cool(ish). We'll win our lawsuit against MouthOnFace and I will make a surprise visit to WellRespectedShop soon to at least have a face-to-face conversation with the owner about exactly wtf is going on. But, there is a very good chance that best case scenario is we both make the parts and try to not cross streams.Document the work you do. Believe in the value you create strongly enough to know that others will try to capitalize on it. Don't be jaded, but understand that in business your best buddy today can be your mortal enemy tomorrow and it may have not a thing to do with you.Good luck in all your endeavors, and I sincerely hope my foolish mistakes can help someone else avoid at least one. Cheers all, off to bed.
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