#'noooooo bee thats nothing
ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
God please let me be soooo sick so i dont have to work. Amen
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mangora · 1 year
Ok episode 2 time sorry spoiler post again:
•Bowie and Emma are soooo slay I love them they’re such friendship goals
•Also Emma is so cute :,)
• “WHAT ARE YOU WRITING NERD? WORDS?” God he’s so fucking lame mwah
•Nvm he’s farting
•Millie 🤝 Damien
•I actually like Damien way more than I expected
•I like Ripper about as much as I thought I would but i did not expect him to be this funny and chaotic
•Axel my beloved omg <3
•Chase is such a douche and Axel is such a bitch and they are so real for that
• “Here’s the dealio for realio” my god. They’re such a dork. Love MK
•Wait why is this shot of the boats so nice
•It gave him a hickey…
• “Cabbage isn’t a fruit. That’s all I came here to say”
• Lesbians!!
•”why do I ALWAYS forget to release the Sharks” Chris is killing it this season. “Because I put them there” god /pos
•Lauren you’re my weird autistic angel
•”your team is getting outsmarted by WAYNE”
•why does scary girl stand like that
•leafy balls. Okay Raj
•Zee my babygirl
•Oooo Nichelle’s side profile is so pretty
•Why are they just screaming
•Raj and Wayne doing the confessional together >>>>
•”This is a bummer, I really liked that leg too”
•Oh I love him I love himmmm
•It’s gonna be axel right. It’s gotta be. Man :(
•”I hurt him :3”
•God Zee is so cool
•She better get farther next season :( I already miss her she deserved an arc
•She really did nothing wrong <3 /hj
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irrfahrer · 3 years
❓ for that honesty meme.... ik they haven't interacted all that much but that's not about to stop me if you're up for it! 💕
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Send ❓  and my muse will answer all questions honestly !  
Does my muse trust yours? “As far as I can throw him.”, Ziv shrugged her shoulders with a quiet huff that made her whiskers flair a little: “Which is kriffing far because I could benchpress a kriffing Bantha, so Kriff off. As long as he does not give me a reason to not trust him, I will trust him.”  
Does my muse dislike yours? “No?”, Ziv blinked, her head tilted to the side as if she was a confused loth-cat: “I mean I do not know much about him, but he seems like a sweet pup so why shold I dislike him? He helped me working in my gardens, so he deserves a peck on the cheek from me and thats it about it. ”
Would my muse kill someone for yours? “What the kriffing Kriff- NO!”, the Tynnans pelt bristled like from electricity and she bare dher teeth in a loud snarl: “Of course kriffing not! How could one ever think of killing another person?! I have a kriffing oath as a Healer to work after for Kriffs sake! And even if not, one does not just go around and kill other people just because one does not like them, can you kriffing imagine!”
Would my muse kill your muse? “Do you-”, the young woman crossed her arms before her chest, leaning forward with a tensed flick of her tail: “Do you perhaps need some help, buddy? That does not exactly sound like questions one should ask themself, let alone anoter kriffing person. Like kriff, this, of course kriffing not but why the kriff does that need to be said out loud?”
Would my muse save yours? “If you need to ask that I seem to really fail at beeing a kriffing healer, huh?”, Ziv flicked her left ear which might was a Tynnans equivalent from grimacing in annoyance: “Of course I kriffing would do that! ITS MY KRIFFING JOB! That has nothing to do with that pup, but I would do that for anyone who needs me! Like for Kriffs sake it needs exactly none kriffing credit to be a kriffing decent person, so why do you even need to kriffing ask that?!”
Does my muse find your muse attractive? “Is that a kriffing joke?”, The Tynnan with a natural horrible eyesight just blinked confused: “Sorry to say it out loud, but  I have not found a reason to press my snout in his face and took a good look at his features to measure if he is attractive since there are kriffing more important things to do, you know. Like, I don´t know, find a kriffing painkiller he reacts to well. ”
Is my muse disgusted by yours? “If he would eat Naboo onions more often than I would be kriffing disgusted by him, yeh!”, The Tynnan grinned, showing her sharp teeth in all their glory. Then she just shaked her head, laughing: “Nah, as soon as you had studied the reproductive systems of every species in the known Galaxy, it needs a lot to be disgusted by anything ever again. The perks of beeing a kriffing midwife.”
would my muse go on a date with your muse?   There was a strange expression twisting the young womans, round, fluffy face- a expression as if she had bitten on something sour: “I do not date patients. Thats a kriffing hard break of that Healers oath to treat every patient the same and also puts the patient in the unfair situation of fearing that the healer might stop treatening them if they would not answer the healers advances- which is kriffing inhumane and the most kriffed up thing one could do to another beeing, like kriffing Kriff! So no, kriff this, I am not such a narcisstic asshole that I need to date someone who is dependant on me in that moment. Thats kriffing disgusting!” She shruddered as if she could shake the idea off like a sinking rainwater sticking to her pelt. “If he is nolonger in need of treatment than maybe, if he would want to why not go out and fetch some dinner together and exchange kriffing dramatically tragic backstories, eh? He´s a sweet pup and nice company, so eh- ”, Ziv added before she added with a sly wink: “In all honesty, I doubt sweet little me has the bits and pieces that pup prefers to date, you get me?”
would my muse kiss yours?   Ziv just shrugged her shoulders, huffing: “If he wants me to, sure. I am not exactly keen on that humanoid gesture, can you kriffing imagine-”, she tapped a claw against one of her as sharp as razors teeth. The young woman did grew up between humanoids n a by humanoids dominated Galaxy, so of course she knew thecultural heavieness and meanings of kisses, but that did not made it any easier for someone like her to preform that gesture: “- but if he needs a peck on the forehead or on a bandaged injury to calm down and feel save, I will do that for him.”
would my muse betray yours? “No.”, Ziv put her small paws akimbo, shoving her chin forward with a deviant snarl and her ears pinned back as if she was a animal ready to forget barking and start biting: “At the moment he is my patient, so he is under my protection. And when he is under my protection, he will be save with me for kriffs sake!”  
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____ “He is a sweet pup.”, Ziv tilted her head to the side, thinking: “And he is willing  to learn about the plants I am working with. I am not asking for more.”
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____ ”Aw, kriffing easy!”, the young woman threw her small paws up, snarling loudly: “’It is not that bad!’”, she growled mockingly: “’It is not hurting that much!’ , Kriff you, you kriffing I-fee-no-pain-and-am-no-worth-treatment-asshole! Of course it hurts and of course one is worth treatment for Kriffs sake! Whatever one has done, one always deserves to get krififng better for Kriffs sake! Saying one is not hurting only makes my kriffing job a lot of harder but noooooo! Those kriffing assholes prefer to be all manly and painless while they break kriffing down! Thats so kriffing stupid!” [ @cardinal-carvings ]
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prorevenge · 6 years
Guy annoys people on the bus, gets bamboozled
Before we start: English is not my native language, excuse any spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
So i was not realy sure if this story fits pro revenge (spoiler: there will be revenge for sure) but after having read some storys I think you might like this one.
This story took place about 3 or 4 years ago. At that time I was around the age of ~20. I always was a very introvert person and had a few panic attacks when beeing in very populated areas or having to deal with strangers (shitty childhood buf not part of this story). I am also a very slim/smal person, I don't have muscles at all and generally try to evade fights whenever possible. Keep that in mind for later.
So on that day I was on my way back home from my workplace. Since I had no car at that time (just finished my 3 year training period and got my final working contract) I took the bus home (about ~15 minutes which was nice).
Meet Tough Guy (TG from now on) who was sitting near the front of the bus (me beeing near the middle of the bus). TG looked like your avarage "i am looking for trouble" guy: Big muscles, small shirt, cappy on his shaved head and just the general aura of "if you look at me you are looking for trouble". To put it short: your average below 80 IQ idiot who most likely knows nothing and does nothing but pumping those muscles up.
TG was also doing his best to be as annoying as one could possible be: His dirty shoes (it was a rainy day) on the seats while eating a Burger from McDonalds - burger sauce dripping everywhere.
The Bus driver (a nice lady) told him multiple times to stop eating inside the bus and to put his feet down the chairs or else she would have to throw him out at the next bus stop. Of course TG had none of it. "Fuck no, I paid for the ticket, the fuck you wanna do?" - throw in some more insults and general bad behavior and you get a good picture of the situation.
Now, to be honest, I am a person who loves to laugh about the missery of other people (as long as they only hurt themself). I know that this is not the best character trait, but whatever.
While I thought that TG was a idiot I found it quite amusing (my bus stop was the next one anyway), but then the bus driver lady went into serious rage mode.
Bus driver lady: "I have talked with Headquarters. You have to leave the bus now. We will not drive ANY further before you have left the bus". TG: "Fuck noooooo, I paid for that ticket!".
This went on for a solid 5 minutes, all the way while the bus was standing at the bus stop (which was my station, but i wanted to see the end of their "discussion").
Suddenly, another woman who was quiet until now started talking: "E-E-Excuse me...I *have* to reach the train station by time to get my train - I have a very important meeting and i can not miss the bus." to which the Bus Driver Lady responded "I am sorry, nothing I can do. We will continue the tour as soon as Mr. TG has left the bus".
Of course knowing that another person was struggling because of his missbehaviour fired up Mr. TG even more, now beeing 100% certain that he will not leave the bus and they would have to call the cops to get him out.
At this point I got annoyed by TG, but i knew that i would mostz likely loose in a fight. Here in germany you can't expect to get help from other people (one thing that is much bette in america in my opinion, but thats another topic) so I had to think of a way to get that guy off the bus and to help the poor lady. So I stod up and told him in a very rude and loud manner: "Dude, you are fucking annoying everyone on this ride! Now get your stuff and leave the bus!" which triggered the exact reaction I was hoping for!
TG: "You looking for trouble? YOU LOOKING FOR TROUBLE!?!" Me: "Yeah" TG (with real excitement in his eyes, jumping up and down and doing some kind of warmup): "I WILL FUCK YOU UP YO! I WILL FUCK YOU UP" ME: "Yeah, lets clear this out of the bus, there is more room for a fight" while grabbing my bag and pretending to get ready to leave the bus.
TG, who was already hyped that he was going to get to beat the shit out of me (which he would clearly have done), jumped out of the bus in excitement.
...just as planed...
Right after he left the bus I moved my head to the bus driver lady (who had been watching the situation) and just noded to her, implying that she should close the door - which she did. TG, still outside the bus, realized his mistake and that he got fooled, but it was already to late. The door closed right in front of him, smashing his face against it. To be honest I have never seen someone so angry, you could see the veins on his head almost exploding. While he was shouting "I WILL KILL YOU" from the outside of the bus I just smiled at him and flipped the bird.
The other people on the bus (even the asshole cool kids that are always sitting at the backseats) bursted out in laughter, clapping and even applauding me.
I have never met that guy again - and I realy hope that I will never meet him.
Yes, the revenge was not as harsh as other stories on this Reddit, but I still wanted to share that story. Even if you are weak remember that you can still outsmart people - especially those kind of idiots.
(source) story by (/u/Kadji100)
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