#'stars' bothers me because it was heavily adopted by star wars fandom so now i get cognitive dissonance
kradogsrats · 2 years
raised to spouse the question of “wait, what the hell is Opeli High Cleric OF, exactly, in this setting that appears to be completely devoid of actual religion?” last night, causing us to rehash a discussion that apparently we had before and I somehow completely forgot (thanks ADHD?)
Opeli is very clearly designed to look religious, and she has this explicitly religious title in some official sources (Callum’s Spellbook, at least... I haven’t dug through the novelizations to see if it’s referenced there), but for a fantasy setting TDP is actually shockingly areligious. Where there would usually be gods of various elemental powers, instead there are the primal sources, regarded more as natural phenomena. (And also, through the arcana, instilling a bit of the divine in every Xadian, but that’s irrelevant.) The Archdragons, which could also be a focus of religious worship, are instead portrayed and regarded as essentially political beings. (Rayla acknowledges Sol Regem’s power and prestige, but also that he’s kind of a dick in a very non-reverent way.)
Opeli is also presented entirely as political--every official source description of her emphasizes her focus on law and her competence as an administrator. Not her spirituality. Not her religious morality. Those simply don’t exist. In fact, the rituals we see performed in Katolis are also pretty much devoid of any religious significance. Take Harrow’s funeral: there’s a prescribed set of rituals around the burial of a king, including a set amount of time that the body is expected to lie in state before interment. But Viren breaking those rules is a violation of propriety, not blasphemy. He has offended Opeli and the traditions of Katolis, but not god. And Harrow’s soul isn’t going to be trapped in the the mortal realm because his body was destroyed early, or anything. It’s just rude.
It’s all just legalistic ritual. Which aligns with Opeli’s character as described, sure, but the religious nature of her design still makes me itchy.
I’d like to do a deeper check for references to religion in canon through rewatch/reread, even just any errant “gods/god” light cursing, but until then the only thing I remember is in the Tales of Xadia sourcebook’s section on--get this--Startouch elves. It describes a poem held by the Royal Library of Evenere called “The Epic of the Void,” which pre-dates the fall of Elarion and is held in greatest secrecy and security:
Those hoping to study the poem must petition the High Mage of Evenere personally, but she is notoriously strict in allowing access to the work. Most hopeful readers are turned away without explanation (and often with a stern lecture on the sacred nature of Startouch scholarship), creating ever more mystery around this ambiguous poem.
(Emphasis added.)
A stanza of the poem is included:
Where do the fabled Great Ones hide? What secrets have you locked inside? From rising Sun to Moonlight’s grace I search the Sky for any trace Of Starfolk, fabled, fallen, found-- Once everywhere, now none around. Is all we are to know of thee Consumed by Dark, or cast to Sea? So bound to Earth, are we denied The touch of Stars? Have our Gods died? Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?
(Again, emphasis added.)
So a) nice tie-in with the recent Aaravos short Patience, but b) wasn’t Aaravos just casually standing around at the expulsion of humans from Xadia? Pretty sure that was after the fall of Elarion. So unless he’s like... the only Startouch elf who has ever manifested on Xadia, something’s weird. (Also, just for fun, c) note the inclusion of Dark among the references to the primals.)
So idk but what I’m getting here is that modern humans are largely areligious, but deep in the history of human culture there is the concept of a plural divinity associated with the stars that has, for some reason, not survived. This could be something shared in elven culture, but the inclusion of dark magic with the other primal sources in the poem implies a human author, and the same section in Tales of Xadia describes an elven children’s rhyme that references Startouch elves being gone(tm) but not really distinct from other elves. (Elves are more likely to have religion-adjacent rituals associated with their primals, imo. For example, the ostentatious purification ritual of the Sun elves.)
Anyway, to circle back to what started the discussion: Opeli’s role is almost definitely more of a “master of laws and rituals” one than a “spiritual guide” one, and also (the real reason I was thinking about this) the routine mild blasphemy used by humans for emphasis would likely be “gods,” or possibly some variant of “stars,” “stars above,” etc.
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idk why u act like being a brown person frustrated that some media that im a fan of implied that having lighter skin is superior is me walking around angry all the time. u minimizing the feelings of poc just shows how privileged u are to not constantly be assaulted by the message of how we're inferior for our race. youre insensitive, entitled, and just an unsympathetic person towards issues of race when it involves things u like. why do u not care about poc? 🤔 or do u just care when it doesnt inconvenience u
Ooo, my first angry anon in this fandom. How nice. I’m going to try and go through this line by line so I don’t miss anything, stick with me.
idk why u act like being a brown person frustrated that some media that im a fan of implied that having lighter skin is superior is me walking around angry all the time.
Sorry, but I don’t recall saying that? From day one I have agreed the whitewashing of the bad batch isn’t cool, and it should be heavily criticized for how it stomps on POC representation within Star Wars. I did say, however, that people trying to make Galaxy Brain takes about the bad batch (ex. This show is bad because it tweaked how one specific scene in a comic went down, or this show is terrible because it makes the chipped clones seem like droids) is stupid and people should calm down a little bit. I also said that it’s okay to enjoy something while also pointing out its valid flaws, and you don’t need to strain yourself trying to reach for any petty criticism you can find when there are actual legit, real flaws we can talk about. Trying to make everything an issue takes away from the real issues (like whitewashing) and shifts the focuses from what we should be discussing / criticizing.
u minimizing the feelings of poc just shows how privileged u are to not constantly be assaulted by the message of how we're inferior for our race.
I’m trying to figure out how to answer this one without giving too much away about myself and typing too much out. I guess I’ll put it like this; please do not assume that I do not know what it is like to have my race thrown in my face and been made to feel inferior. I am indeed privileged over the rest of my family in that I’m white passing, but at the end of the day I am mixed race. I know, shocking, right?
My Mother is Mexican, her first language is Spanish, and her parents (my grandparents) were migrant workers that traveled up and down the west coast picking crops and doing labor jobs. I spoke Spanish growing up, and i used to be brown as hell when I was younger. Oh, and my first name? Yeah it ain’t white sounding at all, its Spanish as hell and I’ve never in my life met another person with my name.
With this in mind, you think when i moved to the Bible Belt as a kid I didn’t have that shit thrown in my face? You think I didn’t constantly have other kids, and their parents, make comments about my name, or ask if my Mom could speak English? You think I didn’t have to hear the teacher mumble about “that dirty beaner” under her breath? I’m super pale now because I never freaking go outside for one reason or another (depression, its hot and humid here in cornfield hell, etc.) and haven’t for over a decade but I still get shit about my name constantly. My Mom, sister, and brother are all a hell of a lot darker than me, in fact I look like the adopted white kid when I’m around them, but my mom and i sure as shit still get followed around by loss prevention when we go shopping.
Just last year I had a lawyer keep getting more and more aggressive as he demanded to know if my grandparents needed a translator, and he refused to believe me when i told him no, they could speak English just fine. Hell, there’s a client at work that only refers to me as “that little Spanish girl” and if that isn’t a little slap in the face idk what is.
So yeah my dude, I’m white passing and there is without a doubt a level of privilege that goes with that, but please do not assume to know my life, my experiences, or the experiences of my family.
youre insensitive, entitled, and just an unsympathetic person towards issues of race when it involves things u like
Now I don’t know about that friend, that’s assuming quite a lot about me? Especially when I am 100% firmly of the mindset that whitewashing and overall POC representation in Star Wars is a major problem. This is an absolutely valid criticism of Star Wars and should continue to be discussed until the creators start making an effort.
why do u not care about poc?
Again, a pretty bold assumption and one I really don’t appreciate. But I guess I’ll go let my Mom and Grandma know I no longer care about them. May as well call all my Tias and Tios and tell them to fuck off too, since tumblr said I don’t care about POC. (This is sarcasm, by the way. Just wanted to make that clear.)
or do u just care when it doesnt inconvenience u
No, I’d say I care all the time actually. Especially when they inconvenience me, because if I’m bothered by something I can’t imagine how hard it is for someone it has a real impact on.
Anyway to sum this all up, I find people getting up in arms about stupid stuff (minor changes in canon, crosshair’s chip working, etc.) is ridiculous. However, I do think it is absolutely okay to call out media for its legit flaws (whitewashing, POC representation) while still enjoying the good parts.
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tsoaandpatroclus · 7 years
@nenufair tagged me in the self fic-rec challenge, so i guess the object is to post 5-10 fics and comment what you liked about it?
i wish i had more than 4 fandoms in my ao3 lmao
así despacio reconozco libertad - all for the game
words: 2020 // explicit rating
They've talked about doing something different before. Hell, they've tried to get Andrew's mental stability to agree to doggy-style with semi-successful results, all ending with Neil maneuvering them so Andrew could have some semblance of control back. But Andrew is having a good night, and he's going to let Neil fuck him against the headboard on their bed and he's going to cum so hard his legs feel it for the next 12 hours.
this is literally 100% porn. i’m not even gonna fool you here. 100% trans!andrew minyard porn, because i love him and i actually somewhat enjoyed how this came out.
in the ruins of man - all for the game
words: 1545 // general audiences
In the aftermath of chaos, Neil looks back on his life.
this was a fic i wanted to have end up longer but it never did. i chopped it from about 5k to 1.5k because it was s h i t, and this was the result. i still do enjoy how this came out, though.
decadence and humanity go hand in hand - bungou stray dogs
words: 6313 // explicit rating
His nose is still dripping blood and Ango is suddenly reminded how lethal Dazai truly is, and how, if he felt the need, could snap Ango's neck with one hand and both feet tied behind his back.
(He's seen it happen before. He is not thinking about it.)
IM LAUGHIN THIS FIC TOOK ME LIKE SEVEN YEARS TO CREATE AND ITS SHAMELESS DAZANGO NSFW. the list of kinks in this thing is the side of my mothers ego, in all honestly, including but not limited to power play, pet play, blood play, and some implied defacing of some church pews.
just like siblings - bungou stray dogs
words: 737 // general audiences
the moment dazai realizes kyouka will always be his family.
Kyouka didn't have to come after him. She didn't have to lock the door so no one would bother them before he was ready. She didn't have to stay by his side, didn’t have to look at him, didn't have to protect him like this.
one of the softest things ive ever written. dazai and kyouka bonding over their mutual pasts because i sure as hell didnt get it enough in canon.
of juice boxes and nail polish - k project
words: 1333 // general audiences
a soft moment with kusanagi, his weird boyfriend, and their adopted kid. set in-universe.
He lets his eyes close.
This is catastrophic for several reasons.
the last thing i posted both in general and within the fandom. im always a ho for soft moments between my favorite boys, especially when they’re having very begrudging fun. the soulwrecks (trainwreck soulmates) are at it again.
a fold in space and time - star wars
words: 370 // general audiences
He knows damn well what people think of him.
He hears them sometimes, walking down, down, down into the mouth the temple, walking away from a mission, breathing too heavily in the presence of sensitive politicians.
He knows. He's just never... understood, per se.
both the oldest thing in my ao3 and the only star wars thing ive posted. i might hate looking at it now and refuse to even try and edit it due to how bad i think it is, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart tbh.
im only gonna put five fics, but these are the ones i like the most, i think? or at least hold sentiment to me. i tag @stubbornjerk bc i have no other writer ish friends lMAO
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