#'well sansa started menstruating' SHE'S A BABY. 'well arya-' A BABY CHILD.
atopvisenyashill · 1 month
I’ve just seen the take that when Arya said she once knew a girl who loved lemon cakes she was talking about herself and not Sansa. Thoughts? I’ll concede that Arya does like lemon cakes in the text but I think this is obviously about Sansa. When she’s with the FM Arya never refers to herself as someone she knew. She refers to herself as “not me” but never as someone she knew. People are really mad about this one and it just seems like. Why?
Here's the quote for reference:
To the girl he said, "Drink this," and pressed a cup into her hand. She drank it down at once. It was very tart, like biting into a lemon. A thousand years ago, she had known a girl who loved lemon cakes. No, that was not me, that was only Arya.
Yeah, that's so obviously about Sansa lmao. That one is as obvious to me as Sansa's "I can't let my sister marry Joffrey" moment, where one girl is clearly thinking about the other and grieving the loss of this relationship, but dealing with it by pushing the thought away before it can grab hold too quick. And like you said, she thinks she had "known a girl" and she doesn't refer to herself as "someone she knew" but "no longer me" like she does literally in the last line. Clearly, it means she's thinking "once upon a time, Arya knew a girl who loved lemon cakes" and she's beating around saying the name and getting too involved in the memory because it's a memory that hurts.
idk why people are so mad beyond the idea that people are just really committed to the concept that Arya hates Sansa and Sansa hates Arya and when they meet again they're going to drop everything just to beat the shit out of each other. We all know how deeply stupid I find that take lol. I guess for like....more proof (and also because I think in terms of comparisons, sorry?) but in Outlander (no tomatoes pls) there was also a big hubbub over a vague line in season 3. Jamie, Claire's husband in the 1700s, rattles off a little plant fact and when someone else asks how he knows this, Jamie says "I learnt the trick from... a lass... who knew a fair amount about healing." People were SO MAD he didn't just say "Claire taught me" but it's like....he's grieving so much he can't even say her name, and much is made about the fact that a) when he says "a lass" his eyes well up with tears and he smiles just a bit, and the man he's talking to who also knew Claire smiles too and b) Much IS Made about the fact that Jamie can't bring himself to say her name, and that the first time he says it is several years after they're separated, to a fellow widow(er) when they talk about their dead spouses. So it's like yeah of COURSE Arya doesn't specifically think "Sansa loved lemon cakes." She's busy, and she's trying not to cry and shriek and lose her mind at every turn. Of course Sansa doesn't think "why couldn't I see Joffrey was a monster earlier, maybe Arya would be alive still, but maybe I can save Margaery from him the way I couldn't Arya" because she's grieving, she feels guilty, she's in a dire hostage situation and her every move is tracked constantly.
Also, not for nothing, but me and my sibling both love matcha, and if we were suddenly separated and I got emo over someone offering me some matcha tea, I would not be thinking "wow a thousand years ago Me And Just Me used to drink matcha" NO I would be thinking "a thousand years ago, my weeabo little sibling started getting interested in tea so I bought them some special matcha and made them a matcha crepe cake, I miss them so much" ya know? Like, that's just a really human reaction, to see a thing and be reminded of someone you love who shared that thing with you. Just because their relationship was strained doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or didn't like some of the same treats, they literally share a table together every night and clearly spend the most time around each other because they're both girls and expected to socialize with each other frequently. Of course they think about each other all the time. Why are people so weird about these two kids. They're practically still toddlers man leave them alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
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