#'wow hes so stupid good thing you are an adult and wont fall for this right?'
liquidjapanesetit · 9 months
I will forever mourn how we couldnt have an episode around draxum and donnie because i know it would be the most embarrasing battle of wits in the world because one of the participants is a 1 million year old failure of a man and the other is the world's most annoying 14 year old both of them are arch nemesis and none of them have anything better to do
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malwaredykes · 3 months
ok. finished honest hearts. most of my inventory is plants and mushroom and Soups And Potions And Elixirs made from said plants and mushrooms. which is excellent.
the salt-upon-wounds confrontation was Tchruly garbo like. first of all they lit up ole josh before anyone even had the chance to say anything LOL that wasnt like Bad necessarily just rly funny. like yeah we can negotiate before anything breaks out *the camera pans to Jotchua Grams lifeless body on the pavement* but um second of all what the hell was that dialogue. "grrrr im gonna kill you" "[speech 75] no thats stupid. dont" "umm okei :) but i'll be back >:(" *runs away* Like. man. listen. throughout the entire dlc i Did Not want to be fighting all those white legs lol. i didnt know those people. you know i generally hate the Hostile By Default Irredeemable Canon Fodder Raiders crap and in this case its just especially egregious to me, with them being a Tribe and with me being some random ass normie strolling into the area getting instructed by the local white saviors. like, okay, since i Was getting involved, then if anyone deserved to Feel The Judgment Of Mine fall upon them it was in fact salt-upon-wounds with his track record of being a horrible fucking person. so i had to fight my way through all those white legs only for the Problem Guy to be like "Hm Okay. Deal. You Leave Forever And I Get To Live. Sounds Good. Sucker" like. fuck no. youre dead. this is for waking clouds husband how DARE you make my bald queen SAD
which btw i did encourage cloud to get mad at daniel for hiding that from her. like yeah girl dont take this shit from him. youre allowed to feel angry. who does he think he is. making decisions for the sorrows like youre all children. be mad at him. chase him out. tell him to never show his stinky mug around these parts. If You Want. ahh but then the ending slides said she forgave him.... well i suppose i have to respect her choice... but... cloud honey if you ever wanna team up and chase daniels stinky mug far away just give me a call
i also encouraged follows-chalk to go out there and experience the world outside... i really hated how he felt obligated to ask joshua permission, and how joshua was like Well 🥺 I wont tell him what to do but 🥺 Is it wise... I just worry about my foolish little lamb 🥺... like. Shut Uuuupppp.... chalk is an adult. i think. either way what do You know. jotchua. last time you ventured into The Civilized Lands (lol) you were a fucked up genocide army general so forgive me for thinking you might not have the most objective and up to date outlook here. Anyway. chalk come hang out sometime. come to the lucky 38. youll meet my epic swag friends and family. LOL bit of an aside but (mostly so i dont become insane because of the dlcs writing) i like to imagine that most of the time chalk expresses incredulity about some Civilized World Concept like gambling (-_-) or big dams or big weapons, hes literally fucking with you. like hes joking around. he used to mess with daniel and jotchua like that and now hes doing it with you. like Wow... How Strange... You Say It Is Called A... "Window".... 😂😂😂...
loving how the ending slides barely mentioned joshua also. like wtf happened to him. who knows. damn maybe he did die and i didnt even notice. im sorry jotchua. may your soul quickly find its way to NOWHERE lol #owned
final verdict: waking-cloud and follows-chalk are great, joshua graham is an extremely funny character, daniel is nothing to me, the area is cool, the plot is dumb as hell, the whole thing is racist, the quests are boring. 3/10
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Undercooked Popcorn
You and Konner have a mini training session in the barn and get in trouble with Clark.
Warnings: fluff, Swearing,
A/n: Here is a small fluff piece I have been working on enjoy XX
Taglist: @iloveyouyen​
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After the initial move to Mrs Kent's house they had given you a week to settle in before getting stuck in to your school work. Not only you but konner as well letting you both bond which you had, the both of you had become close...konner had opened up quicker than you had, already secure about his place in the family you on the other hand was less sure. You had a trouble with it you wanted to believe that you was here permanently , that this was it where you belonged but you couldnt help holdingnyour breath still waiting for something to happen. Currently you and konner was in the old barn, you'd both unconsciously decided that it was your hang out, the place you go to escape the adults and get to know one another without the eagle eyes of the others. Somewhere to get away from an overbearing Clark who seemed to take the term mother hen to a whole new level, it wasnt necessarily bad but it was hard for you to go from no one gives a shit to holy shit this guy is consistently fussing over you. You knew he was trying to be inclusive and trying to solidify your place in the family reassuring you, wanting to show you he cared. Which was good youll admit you liked the attention in a way, you'd not had this type of parental guidance for a long long time but you'd didn't realoze how suffocating it was. You also suspected that your injuries had something to do with it aswell, you couldn't exactly fault him for it.
So here you were hiding out in the barn with konner as Clark flitted about the place doing odd chores here and there .Martha had gone out to work and would be home after the lunch rush at work.  You rolled across the blanket that covered the hay pile your lime green cast glowing in the noon sun you winced as the light reflected off of it and shuffled moving it into a shadowed area. Currently you and konner were shareing details about your abilities, something the both of you had avoided and danced around until you got more comfortable with each other.
"Soo you don't make things? You just stretch'em" you nodded at him as he sat above you cross legged on one of the wooden cross beams that spanned the large space.
"Yeah pretty much..I can't touch living things tho, no plants or animals or people" you said glancing at your arm sighing it would have been nice to just fix it but no  you had to wait it out.
"That sucks..." you nodded mournfully but then tilted your head back to get a better look at him.
"So what about you? Your an ET wannabe right?" He laughed flipping you the bird"Fuck you" you giggled as he shook his head jumping down from the beam landing just before you.
"Kryptonian is the politically correct term I think....Well hybrid... I'm half Clarks and... Half human" he said dusting off a little to sit on the hay across from you. You noticed the hesitation and the way he swerved around his own comments. Deciding to leave it be you opted to ignore it, much to Konners relief.
"So can you do all the stuff he can?" Konner smiled and shrugged
"You mean dad? Yeah sort of, I can do most...We are still waiting to see if we're exactly alike but I've got the strength speed and flight....I can do the lazer thing to which is cool but I havent found a practical use for it yet...Or a way to practice that shit is hot." You hummed at him then looked out of the open barn doors to the corn field.
"Corn?" He tilted his head following your gaze confused
"What?" You smiled at him Sitting up letting your arms fall into your lap
"Pop some corn...I mean theres a field right there...." he looked at the rows of corn catiously.
"Popcorn...You want me to use my laser eyes to...Get you a snack? How is that gojng to help me?" You rolled your eyes at him grunting."Oh for fuck sake...get unpopped popcorn and I will throw them in the air and you pop'em with your melty eyes.... you know target practice...And if I happen to catch some with my mouth its a bonus!" He sat up a little it wasn't a bad idea but Clark wouldn't like it.He doesnt like him practicing without him here.
"What about dad? Won't he be pissed?" You laughed and shook your head.
"Not really not like anyone can see us out hear and Clark did say we can practice around the place" Konner's grin fell he was worried that you hadn't really...Adapted? well you had...But you wont refer to the others as Dad and Grandma. As far as he was concered you were his sister already but he just really wanted you to know it was okay...That you really did have a family now. His dad and Grandma had told him not to push but he got the feeling you wanted to...Somethjng was holding you back.
"..You do know he is technically your dad now to right... You can call him dad and you can call Grandma, Grandma they wont be mad....I think they would like that." you sighed looking down, you knew that but it just... You didn't know, was it disrespectful to your real parents? You'd only been here a week? Surely it was to early...Even if it felt right, natural. He waved a hand at you
"You dont have to...I just didn't want you not to.. you know..Incase you thought they didn't want you to thats all, don't want you to have stupid thoughts like that holding you back" you blinked at him smiling sadly
"I-I do but...I still dont think I will be here long...I'm gonna slip up, if I ever accidentally hurt Martha I'm gone"  he frowned at you
"No...If that happens; which I don't think it will, but if it does then we deal with it togethet...you wont get very far if you do run...Me and dad will bring you back home and we talk things out .Thats what family is, we stay together and help each other, your my little sister, the first person my age I don't have to worry about hurting so much. I can relax more around you because you can protect yourself if thing get to much, you think im gonna let you leave over an accident? Fuck no like Dad keeps saying your here now, your a kent and your stuck with us...I hope you see that sooner rather then later it can't be nice always being ready to run" your lip quivered eyes filling with tears as he explained this, the conviction in his voice how he spoke with absolute certainty. Unwilling to cry in front of him you simply nodded to him. Getting the message he patted your arm then disappeared for what seemed like seconds with a small bag of unpopped corn cernals.
"Show off" you sniffed moving to wipe your eyes only to hiss when you cracked yourself on the head with your cast you whined rubbing to sore spot and froze when Konner held out some tissues to you
"I grabbed them inside" you smiled at him meekly. He gave you a soft look, he hated seeing you struggle but he had said what needed to be said, said what he had needed to hear when it was him all those years ago. Quickly he changed his expression and smirked tossing you the bag of popcorn cernals you opened them swiftly still fighting a few tears back then looked around deciding on the safest area to throw them.
"So... Just to clarify if this falls down you will save me right?" he smiled nodding"Of course I will, you will be out of here before it even started falling down" you nodded then took two cernals in hand.
"so one or two?" he smiled and held up a finger. One. you threw it up and shreiked as he tried to ignite it missing ...well you only noticed he missed when you heard the little tap of it hitting the floor you both laughed seeing two tiny holes in the side of the barn. You grabbed another and threw it up he missed again, but he ws closer than before.This carried on for another few minutes with you oth getting excited as he got closer just skimming one, the heat from his vision making it partially pop.
"Oh no that one dont count you didnt hit the fuckjng thing!" He argued
"It popped tho!"  You blinked at him.
"Okay half a point ready to go again?" He fist pumped then nodded readying himslef to go agajn.Finally thirty six cernals later he got it. You both jumped up.
"FUCK YEAH WOO!" You quickly moved to the popped popcorn on the floor dusting it off then ate it, you held up your hands to him chewing slowly as if you was a food critic then shook our head.
"Yep no under cooked" you both stared then burst out into hysterics crying with laughter.
"Lets try two this time!" You nodded moving to the bag pulling two more cernals out of the bag when you turned back round you froze. Shit.
"Why are there singe holes all over this barn?" Konner jumped turning around faceing an unamused Clark, who stood frowning at the both of you with his arms crossed. You and konner shared a look then peered around the barn...There was lots of them.. Some were just peep holes others longer and had charred lines around them. In all the fun youd both forgot where you were, and the barn now looked like it had taken a spray of bullets from a firing squad.
"Well? Konner? Y/n?" You cleared your throat and smoved to stand beside Konner
"Konner was...practicing, training" Clark raised an eyebrow shifti g his weight to one foot.
"Hmm? what exactly? See how he could burn the barn down without setting it on fire?" You both winced at his tone...He really wasnt impressed.
"You know this barn is older then me? It survived me growing up playing in it, yet an afternoon with the both of you and it looks about ready  to keel over?....What were you both doing?" You moved to open your mouth but Clark stopped you holding up a hand.
"And if you try to get smart with me and say training again your going to be grounded for much longer then you already are young lady!" You flinched back. Wow. He had never spoke to you like that...Well not since you met him, he was always so laid back and fun, the type of adult you listened to because they were so chill but who knew he could switch over to no nonsense stern dad so effortlessly... You wavered uncertain how to approach him like this, it had been a while since youd cared about an adults opinion of you and you really didn't want Clark to hate you turning you looked to konner for help.
"Well...we were seeing how accurate my aim was...So y/n was throwing popcorn cernals and I was trying to pop them....I did miss a few times." Clark blinked then scanned the barn. He sighed shaking his head at his son exasperated.
"Konner... We've spoke about this I will take you to the fortress to train, but not here you could hurt yourself!" Clark stopped his scolding when he saw you take a large step infront of konner
"It was my fault I wanted to see so I came up with the idea...He was just trying to cheer me up." You stood firm shaking a little, you didn't like Clark raising his voice, he didn't shout but it was enough to make you nervous of him. He fixed you with a look making you cower from him slightly then sighed shaking his head, he didn't want you to be scared of him.
"Thank you y/n. But even if it was your idea he still knows how I feel about it I'm disappointed in both of you. Your both grounded for the rest of the week, this was very reckless and I don't want to catch either of you doing this again are we clear?" You both nodded to him solonmly resigning yourself to a few days being stuck indoors. He sighed then smiled a little to tell you the truh he was happy in a way, you'd become close and were up to mischief, which was good? You could both be a little reckless and act your age. You both had someone to let loose with. But he couldn't help worrying over the two of you. Had you got to carried away the barn could have collapsed,  yes konner would have most likely got you both out but you were already hurt, already vulnerable and fragile.  He really didn't want to risk anything. Luckily it hadn't come to that and the damage to the barm wasn't that bad... A few new boards and a new cross beam at the top, regular humans would need to dismantle the roof to sort it out but him and konner could have it done in an afternoon, he would also have you help as he had no doubt that you'd encouraged your brother. He smiled chuckling catching the two teens by surprise.
"Popcorn...I mean it was obvious right?..Wish I'd thought of that one...Any way lets start sorting this out befor Ma gets home shouldn't take to long not like the time I-" he caught him slef noticing the looks he was getting.
"What did you do to the barn?" You asked breaking the silence as konner waited both eager to hear what Clark had gotten up to when he was little. He cleared his throat
"Never you mind, now come on get to it, start picking up all that corn the we can see about plugging some of those holes" you shared a look with konner moving slowly collecting the corn as Clark moved to the back of the barn inspecting the damage.
"What do you think he did?" Konner shrugged
"Not sure apparently according to Grandma he was a little goody two shoes so... it couldn't have been that bad"
"Im gonna ask her when she gets back" konner froze and shook his head.
"No dont! Do not do that! We don't wana be in trouble with Grandma ever, dads a piece of piss to deal with but Grandma? She is a different beast altogether...To clever with punishments I mean she perfected her methods on him... She knows what shes doing" you blinked at him.
"We? You mean you I wont get in to much trouble...I mean evidence points to you, your the one with laser eyes." You smirked impishly at him as he looked shocked.
"You'd throw me under the bus? Just like that?" You nodded
"To avoid Martha's wrath abso-fucking-lutly sorry dude but Im not getting sucked into that shit show...Actually....Dont worry I got this she will never know." Befor Either on them could ask you'd closed your eyes then opened. Konner took a step back as they glowed bright. And sure enough the small holed were closeing, you coiled the fibres of the wood around in tight circles until the holes were all coveres feeljng aroh d the planks looking for them all. Konner gasped watching the way you manipulated the planks hearing a slight tiny creaking of the wood as it bended around itself.  You moved to the side looking at the damaged beam quickly knitting it back together filling in the two deep burns that ran across it. Slowly you looked back down to the other two and smiled.
"All done...The beam should hold I made the grain tighter where it was." Clark smiled as he made his way towards you patting your shoulder and giving a sweet kiss to your hair.
"Thank you y/n now I think we shouldall head inside dont you?" You stuttered as he continued past you and Konner. Who was gaping at you.
"That was so fucking awsome! You made that look so easy...Is it? Whats else can you dowith it? And your eyes shit! Even I was scared for a second..." you flushed fidgeting going all bashfull.
"Oh haha sorry for scaring you...And that was easythey were tiny holes to plug." You moved slowly following Konner and Clark to the house.
"You still gonna ask Grandma about what he did?" You nodded at him laughing.
"You bet! I wana hear about all the dumb shit he did" he smiled at you as you both made it to the kitchen. Clark had entered and was already sitting down at the table with a drink.
"Your both still grounded by the way" you pouted at him
"No fair I fixed it!" He rose a brow at you
"It wasn't about the damage, I want you both to be carefull, you were reckless and both put yourselves at risk unnecessarily so rest of the week. No phones, games or tv. No leaving the farm and you can help your Grandma and me with the chores..." you sighed and looked to konner defeated he only shrugged in responseas if to say 'nothing you can you do' you slumped down into the chair pouring yourself a glass of juice from the pitcher Konner following suit grumbling to yourselves Clark shook his head getting up placing his glass in the sink. Teenagers.
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
I'm so sad Regina got buried in the woods
these fucking comparison shots are amazing
someone just tried to text me and I low-key flipped out because I was like you need to leave me the fuck alone
What if he just took her jacket and was like this is mine bitch
Katharina looks so dope with glasses
I'm so into her being the rock of this family by the way which I was never surprised by because women have the strength of 6 million men but
we've literally never seen Charlotte and her dad interact (like for reals)
That's one of the problems of this show is that some relationships fell by the wayside and I'm not a fan of that
did Charlotte drop herself off on the stoop
That's Tannhaus baby is somewhere because they never found the body of that infant so that infant is somebody.
yeah I literally can't imagine finding something like this out I'd lose my fucking mind
"who am I?" "I don't know" wow that's a fuck of a thing
Wow Claudia from the other universe That's fucking me up
Also what if Claudia from the other universe is the fucking bitch who has been fucking with us this whole time AKA the white devil
Also when are we going to see Noah again because I need to see Elisabeth and Noah together falling in love because I stan
worried about her Please tell us what happened to her I'm concerned
This actress has to be at least partially deaf and or hard of hearing because number one her ASL is fluent and she even emotes some words right? Idk
I do not trust this other Claudia as far as I could fucking throw her
This show is like the debate between Democrats and Republicans every fucking party is trying to convince everybody else that they are the ones that's trying to save the world and both of them behind closed doors are like all right how do we fuck the people in the asshole
I can't help wondering if this wouldn't have happened if we understood the half-lives of radioactive materials
so is all of this coming back to 1986 Is that the the origin time
And then do what What are you going to do with fucking 250 radioactive barrels The fuck you talking about
The scratches on the other side of her face and I don't know why it's on the other side of her face but it's on the other side of her face and it's concerning me
does that mean something's going to go different like
Jonas is out here like why did the adults lie to me
Oh my God after three seasons he's finally realizing not to listen to other people good boy
Oh Peter and Charlotte bonded over having fucked up families
Peter's mom is dead and he didn't know who his father was
Also babies
Also the way that he embodies Peter is fucking insane
I'm so into Charlotte with this curly hair
Oh my God who is this
Elisabeth run baby girl. too late. we've gone this long without sexual assault if they touch this child I'm going to lose my damn mind
Peter is going to kill this man
Elizabeth kill him Peter kill him if Peter dies is the hands of this dude I'm going to lose my fucking mind get back from my baby get back from my fucking cinnamon roll I'm going to kill you Elizabeth stab him the back stab him the back Elizabeth your daddy has a knife at his neck NOOOO PETER NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOO FUCK
I literally will never forgive them for killing Peter why are the dopplers the most important and most tragic family
he never did anything to anybody
Katharina please kill your abusive mother She deserves it
everybody on this show is super into bludgeoning nobody likes shoots anybody else everybody fucking bludgeons everybody
No can I watch this abusive fucking bitch is going to hit you No Don't let her kill you Don't let her kill you
Is Katharina dead why are they taking my favorite people
she doesn't even get justice for how her mom treats her it's not fair. and now Ulrich is still stuck inside the asylum
oh thank God Noah is here because I was so worried about my baby
Wait what is going on. Oh Jonas has never died before This is exciting
oh wait there's only one Jonas damnit
Even though it's not working for everyone I do really love the 1888 look on Jonas
I did not expect that Aleksander was going to tell Bartosz about his real identity
This shit is so uncomfortable.
Ulrich needs a real stop telling the women that he's fucking to stop coming to his household
It's like the penny traveled through time GASPPPPPPP
Jonas What the fuck did you come from
all my fucking pussy friends are bothering me from finishing this show YALL GOT STUPID PROBLEMS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN
I'm going to say this every single time he's on screen but this beard is too good
I think that bartosz may be the most scorned member of this entire group he never gets any pussy and it's so sad
I'm super over this really creepy really ugly fucking dude I want him to leave I also kind of don't believe that he's the child of Martha and Jonas
Oh I absolutely love love love them holding hands and then going back to a shot of them holding hands as kids
why are they such a good couple I really like them but I also always have
I'm not super sure I understand why they had to leave bartosz behind
I don't trust a single of these fucking adults I'm just any of them including themselves when they become adults
This is like a suicide squad. This is the weirdest collection of people What is this team. What are they doing. since when are these people are working together. omg
Oh shit a child born of both worlds takes both worlds energies to destroy it. But that's what causes the apocalypse
Well this is super fucked up
everything that's happening in this final montage sequence is bad news
all of it
why do I Stan Noah and Elisabeth so much
omg Hannah is giving birth is NOW the time
wow this is a lot
our perspective is what makes definitive reality
I'm confused about the gravestone that says Charlotte on it
Also yes give me more Elizabeth and Noah please please please
This is absolutely crazier than any shit doc Brown ever did But he was also trying to build a time machine in the 1890s so that's fun
Oh is this how he gets all the fucking scars
My goodness what is happening What is going to happen I'm getting stressed.
There's only two episodes left I feel like they're not answering my questions I'm worried
What happened to wöller
What is silja doing here
This is bullshit she's like drawing him in
Oh that's a surprise so silja is a tiedemann
why is it always like I feel like I know what's happening and then around episode 6 or 7 I just completely lose the plot
oh wow Jonas almost straight up died but Noah saved him
‘you can't die’ points a gun at him
Oh my God you can't kill yourself because you've already grown
oop well after that birth happened I had to take about 5 minutes to pause my brain and factor that in
yo I knew Tannhaus was going to figure in fucking more than he did
Is he the one who builds the cage
does this seem like a good idea or does this seem like a bad idea
shooting yourself What do you think that feels like
everybody's on a different team there are too many teams It went from like a presidential race to a March madness bracket There's so many fucking people involved everybody's got their own goddamn plan
folks I just want to emphasize here that we have an episode and a half to tie all this up
Oh shit universe A Claudia infiltrated universe B Claudia
I love what they did with the place after the fire It looks really nice It's a different vibe but it's good
so Eve made the plans for the machine
Wait what She died. 
I can't believe that Elizabeth and Charlotte have to be the ones to drop off Charlotte as an orphan
Oh noooooooooooo Jonas didn't do it!!!!
Oh my God don't make me feel sympathy for Hannah
he looks so fucked up 
bye hannah we won't miss you
but also hate leaving a child without their parents
Tell us what's on the last page and tell us what happened to woller's eye
All right now we're seeing how everybody got to where they were like the first fucking time
I love this walk down memory lane it's literally just the stylized recap of the show right before the final episode which is 10/10
watch your face girl
too late
Omg what does this mean 
This show is just Claudia Tiedemann Lurking: the TV show
Also the bullshit that he had to live through all of this in order to get to the end makes me really sad
yeah wait who's the fucking father of Regina
been way too sucked in
How many times are going to burn this place down
how many versions of this fucking machine do they have they're always like oh God we don't have a way here or there FUCKING LIARS
I can't believe that the thesis of this show is teenage hormones cause the apocalypse
Adam and Eve are such fucking children it's so stupid. 
reunion nnnnnnnnnnn
Oh shit he fucked up your plan huh
No I don't want it to end
I wish everybody didn't cry so much everybody so sad all the time
yup what in the actual fuck is happening
yo this is fucking wild
these baby Martha and Jonas are so cute
Not sure where we're going with this folks what's happening here wrap it up shit
I'm really obsessed with this golden snitch
It's just making me so sad
oh they're becoming stardust together
this is a weird cover but I'll take it
everything is going back to normal
but without Jonas and Martha and Claudia
if they don't tell us what happened to his eye I'm gonna flip out
Also what does this ending line mean its stressing me out
Well thats it. Three years of my life. Damn
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Without You
chapter eleven
alonna’s pov
i leaned against the kitchen counter, feeling my body become sober. that little nap upstairs really helped.
i yawned, sighing heavily after.
i couldn’t believe that johnny and mark had just gotten into a fight.
i had seen them for months, battle each other over everything. but never did i think that it would escalate to them putting their hands on each other.
ivy was definitely terrified.
she didn’t like fights, at all- in any kind of way.
my sister had come from a violent home and witnessed way too much, to put up with situations like this- in her adult life.
i felt sorry for ivy.
if i had never introduced her to the guys, she wouldn’t have witnessed this tonight.
i watched from afar, as ivy helped mark to his feet finally.
turning around, i grabbed the cup of water- bringing it over to him.
mark sat on the bottom step of the stairs and hung his head in disappointment.
i handed him the cup of water and he took it, thanking me.
“i’m gunna go find jae and johnny. make sure he doesn’t fall asleep, ivy.” i said rubbing her back.
ivy stood in front of him with her arms crossed.
she nodded and i softly smiled, walking towards the front door.
mark’s pov
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taking a sip from the cup, i felt defeated.
my ears were slightly ringing and all i wanted to do was close my eyes.
“mark..” ivy said sitting down next to me. “are you okay?”
she was worried.
“yeah- i’m good.” i mumbled.
ivy took the cup of water from me, setting it on the tile.
“how are you feeling?” she mumbled.
“embarrassed..” i voiced. “i just got beat up in front of the girl ive been trying to impress.” i admitted.
i glanced over at ivy.
she shook her head and placed her hand on mine.
“johnny is the one who should be embarrassed- not you.”
ivy slowly moved closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.
my stomach suddenly caught butterflies.
“i’m really sorry mark.. i know that if i wasn’t here, this probably wouldn’t have happened..”
i chuckled.
ivy lifted her head and looked at me.
“why are you laughing?” she questioned.
“this would’ve happened regardless if you were here or not. johnny and i have been fighting for awhile now.”
ivy was quiet.
“i knew this was going to happen at some point, just didn’t know it would be tonight. and i’m sorry you had to witness it.” i tossed the ice pack from one hand to the other.
my leg bounced up and down from all the adrenaline that was starting to run through my body.
ivy simply placed her hand on my thigh, causing my leg to stop.
i looked over at her and she gently laid her head back on my shoulder.
johnny’s pov
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“now i see why taeyong started smoking.” i huffed.
jaehyun laughed, running a hand through his hair.
“you pick up smoking and i’ll fucking kill you.”
jae pushed my shoulder back, making me laugh.
“you okay though?” he asked.
i slipped my hands into my pockets and nodded.
“i’m good- thanks bro.”
jae pulled his body off the car and handed me back my keys.
“you should talk to ivy before she leaves. make things right.” he walked backwards towards the house, leaving with a smile.
i knew she wouldn’t wanna hear anything from me, right now.
half of me thought she made her choice of man, since she didn’t come out to check on me.
then again, i left her inside with mark.
i shut my eyes for a moment, exhaling all out all my negative feelings.
“why would you do that in front of ivy?”
i turned around, seeing alonna standing in the driveway.
i made my way from around the car and approached her.
“i’m sorry, alonna. my emotions just got the best of me and-“
alonna had just slapped me.
“how dare you.” she huffed firmly.
“i trusted you with her and you pull this shit?”
i blinked a few times, not knowing what to say.
“you’re supposed to protect her, at all costs.” she continued. “you put her in a situation where she could’ve potentially been hit.”
i rubbed my cheek with my fingertips, looking down at the ground.
“this is not high school, johnny. we don’t fight like little kids. you’re a fucking idol. you’re a brother to him. he looked up to you.”
i shut my eyes, listening to her talk.
“he’s always wanted to be just like you. why do you think he challenges you? he’s jealous of what you have.”
alonna laughed a little.
“or what you had.”
i looked up, furrowing my brows.
“why are you taking his side?” i asked in a horse tone.
alonna shook her head.
“there’s no sides. there’s right and wrong- and what you did, was wrong.” she said pushing my shoulder back.
“i’ll say this one time- and that’s it.”
she pointed her finger in my face.
“stay the hell away from ivy.”
jaehyun’s pov
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i stood in the door frame, watching alonna talk to johnny. i knew she could hold her own, and johnny wouldn’t do anything stupid while i was around. but, you know- just in case, i watched from a distance.
in the background, i could hear mark and ivy talking. just small talk-
i was relieved that mark was somewhat okay. but, he did have a lot of explaining to do as well.
once alonna started walking back up the driveway, i met her halfway then walked her inside the house.
“you smacked him?” i asked, halfway amused.
she stopped in her tracks and placed her hands on her hips.
“hell yeah i did. he put my sister in danger.” alonna said almost yelling.
“babe, shh. it’s okay. i’m proud of you.” i laughed, pulling her into a hug.
“you’re lucky i didn’t smack you too.” alonna kept her hands at her side, standing straight up.
“baby, why you wanna smack me?” i said taking her hands and kissing her fingers.
she rolled her eyes and smacked her lips.
“i’m not drunk anymore- i’m still pissed about what happened at the mall.” she voiced.
i quickly cupped her face in my hands.
“i’m sorry.” i said sincerely, looking into her eyes.
her brown eyes were intense. the hurt and anger spoke through her pupils.
“i love you with my entire soul, alonna. you know that.”
pulling away from me, she pushed my hands out of the way.
“no, i don’t know that.”
i smiled at her actions. she just wanted to be reassured that i wasn’t going to hurt her- or leave her.
she had fought for herself for so long, she didn’t know how to react to someone wanting to protect her and love her the right way.
“alonna-“ i said moving my hand to her waist.
i pulled her into my body and looked down at her.
“no matter how many times you run away from me- i’m always going to chase after you.” i started. “i’m not going anywhere, and i’m not letting you go.”
wrapping my other arm around her, i squeezed her tight.
“so, you can scream and hit me as much as you want- that won’t change the fact that i’m in love with you. it wont change the way i feel about you- and it definitely won’t make me stop fighting for you.”
alonna’s expression became softer. almost to her pouting stage.
“i just want you to love me, the same way that i love you.” i whispered.
she finally wrapped her arms around my neck, brushing her lips against mine.
i closed my eyes and breathed slowly.
“i’m just scared, jae..” she said running her fingers through the back of my hair. “i’m scared you’re going to hurt me like taeyong did. he told me that he loved me too- and look what happened. he admitted to hurting me on purpose..”
i shook my head, planting a soft kiss on her lips as i listened.
i knew she needed to get everything out.
“he hurt me so bad, and doesn’t even feel remorse.”
i slightly rocked her back and forth, trying to comfort her.
“he made the decision to sleep with another woman. taeyong is stupid, alonna. he didn’t see what he had.” i whispered. “but i do- i see the amazing woman that you are.”
i slowly rubbed her back as she started crying.
“i’m not taeyong. i could tell you all day that i’m not going to hurt you. i would rather show you- make you believe me that way.” i continued.
“but i’m scared too- my heart and feelings are on the line- just like yours, baby. but, i’m right here. i’m willing to risk it all, for you.”
slowly opening my eyes, i looked down at alonna. her lips had curved into a slight smile as she looked up at me.
“i love you, jaehyun.” she whispered.
ivy’s pov
“well, i guess i should get going. it’s almost 6am.” i laughed, pushing my hair back a little.
“your hair- it’s curly.” mark smiled. “wasn’t it straight at the beginning of the party?”
i nodded and chuckled.
“yeah, i got pushed into the pool.” i said standing up.
at the corner of my eye, i caught mark looking at my booty.
he stood up, taking my hand.
“let me take you home.” he slightly pulled me closer to him.
“you drive?” i asked surprised.
he nodded.
“you look so young though.” i released my hand from his and looked down.
“is that a problem for you?” mark tilted his head.
“yes and no.” i started. “i’m 26 and you’re-“
“20.” he finished.
i was silent.
“i like older women though.” once again, mark took my hand and played with my fingers. “i would really like to take you home, if that’s okay with you.”
i thought for a moment, then nodded.
mark placed his hand in the middle of my back, leading me to the front door.
i immediately stopped in my tracks, seeing alonna and jae kissing.
well, not just kissing- they were having a full on makeout session.
“wow-“ mark laughed.
the two quickly untangled themselves.
jae whipped his mouth, glancing over at me.
“ivy...” alonna started.
“um, mark’s gunna take me home.” i cut her off.
making a beeline to the front door, i awkwardly turned around to face her.
“you should probably stay here. keep my car and take it home when you’ve... sobered up.” i nodded and hurried out the door.
as i walked out to the driveway, johnny was sitting on the hood of his car.
he looked up, immediately jumping off as he seen me.
i folded my arms, turning around to wait for mark.
“ivy.” johnny said walking up behind me. he placed his palm on my arm and i jumped.
“don’t touch me.” i said moving away from him.
“please.. i just wanna talk.” he pleaded.
i shook my head, bringing my attention to mark- who was walking out of the house.
he rushed over to my side and took my hand in his, ignoring johnny as he pulled me over to his car that was parked on the side of the street.
“wait- just let me explain..”
johnny reached in front of him, taking my other hand and pulling me towards him.
“i said don’t touch me!” i yelled, yanking away from him.
he threw both his hands in the air and looked down.
“i just wanna talk.. that’s all.”
i shook my head, ready to cry.
“you don’t get to talk to me anymore- you’ll be lucky if you even see me again.” i voiced angrily.
johnny furrowed his brows and rested his arms at his sides.
“ivy..” he whispered.
“just don’t, johnny. don’t.” i breathed.
i looked to mark, linking my arm to his and walked to his car.
at home
mark pulled into my driveway.
thankfully my mother wasn’t home. she had already left for work and the kids were probably on the bus, heading to school.
mark turned off the ignition, looking over at me.
“is it weird that i kinda don’t want you to leave?” i blurted out.
i didn’t wanna be alone, and i honestly didn’t want him to go back to the hotel- where johnny had access to him.
he shook his head.
“not at all. i don’t want to leave either- if that makes you feel better.”
i played with my fingers in my lap.
was i wrong for wanting mark around now?
“what are you thinking about?” he asked softly, reaching for my hand.
i shut my eyes for a moment.
“johnny admitted to having feelings for me..” i whispered.
i slowly looked over at him. mark was smiling.
“what does that have to do with me? or us?” he glanced down at our hands, lacing our fingers tightly.
“well- i kinda like him too..” i turned my gaze to outside the window. “well, liked.”
mark was silent.
we sat there for a moment before he released our hands. he took of his seatbelt, making me look back at him.
suddenly mark leaned over, cupped my chin and softly kissed me.
his lips lingered on mine for a moment before he slightly pulled away.
“sub me in, coach. i don’t wanna be benched anymore.” he smiled.
i laughed at his comment, covering my face with my hands.
mark chuckled then pulled his body back, exiting the car.
walking around, he opened my door for me- extending his hand.
enter the house, i shut the door behind him.
“welcome to my home.” i smiled.
mark walked into the living room and tossed himself on the couch.
“reminds me of home.” he mumbled.
i took off my heels, placing them by the stairs before joining him on the couch.
he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, scooting closer to me.
“you should go get some rest.” mark twisted his finger inside one of my curls.
i nodded in agreement, suddenly yawning.
“will you come up with me?” i said looking towards the stairs.
mark stood up, pulling me with him- letting me lead him upstairs.
reaching my room, i pulled my drawer open- ready to get out of this dress.
i excused myself to the bathroom, changing into my pajamas.
walking back into my room, i seen mark looking at my pictures on the wall.
“you guys are pretty close huh?” he said pointing to a picture of me and alonna.
the image of her and jae making out popped into my head.
“so i thought.” i said pulling back my blanket and crawling into bed.
mark took off his shoes then sat next to me.
“you didn’t know about her and jae, did you?” he asked.
“did you?” i said pulling him back into the mattress.
“well, i had an idea. everyone did, actually. we just never really seen them together like that, since all the drama with taeyong.”
i furrowed my brows.
“what drama?”
mark turned on his side to face me.
“it’s not my story to tell, babygirl.” he smiled, pushing my hair out of my face.
“just close your eyes- rest. i’ll be here when you wake up.”
i stared at him for a moment, then raised my hand to caress his face.
he shut his eyes as i softly ran my thumb over his busted lip.
“does it hurt?” i whispered.
“yeah, actually.” mark opened his eyes and looked down at me. “i think a kiss would make it all better though.”
we both smiled as mark placed his hand on my waist, gripping me tightly. he placed another gentle kiss on my lips, making my body tingle.
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pigeontakeover · 3 years
How is it that strangers on the internet would take the time to tell me not to hurt myself I matter etc and that they would sit with me, that they made me feel like someone cared
But I cant reach out to people I know cause they would tell me to think positive, or that I'm too sensitive and dramatic
Anyhow this post is me asking for like, some solid platitudes that I'm important for something
Cause this is something I struggled with so so much to the point I would spend like 3 days pretty much only in bed or not shower for a whole week
And my hamster helped a lot but he just died and I have 2 pets but they didnt bond to me the same way and just theres barely anything holding me back from just falling apart or doing nothing or just like self destructing or self harming in general and
I'm so isolated right now because of covid and shit and the people I do have around wont help and I can't do this shit like I know I have to but I just... I want permission to need help emotionally
Cause even with basic life things like eating and cleaning and shit I need help either remembering or like how to actually do it and I feel so so much that that's not ok because every argument it comes up as a reason to be fucking tired of me or like a reason for me to just shut up because people are doing enough already for me and i dont do anything so like
How do I ask for permission to need help emotionally too it's never gonna happen and I cant afford therapy and even if I could what's a therapist going to do, help me figure out how to make things manageable? How!!! Even changing my bedsheets is difficult cause like, the used ones need to be washed and theres different thicknesses of stuff so I gotta separate the different thicknesses and also let the pillow and mattress air a bit and somehow also remember to later put new bedsheets on and oh yeah the used ones I have to remember they're in the washer and then switch them to the dryer on time before I have to rewash it or theres someone yelling at me about how disappointed they are in me cause like I'm an adult I should remember the washer and if I say but that's hard to do! Then I'm a liar or I'm useless or a disappointment and just ugh and then you have to remember to empty the dryer and somehow get the energy to fold the used and now clean ones to put them away and all that stuff combined every step takes energy and at the end of this paragraph I just realized I forgot the detergent so like the stupid thing wouldn't have been clean anyways
Just like yeah even basic stuff is so so insurmountable and now I dont have my little guy to motivate me to at least get out of bed how am I supposed to do anything its hard but I cant ask for help with that on top of all the other ways in which I'm still just a stupid fucking child
And I want to fucking hurt myself to feel something to feel in control of something that theres something I can fucking do but I know that's like bad or whatever but let's be real no one I know would care much theyll just be mad at me and it's like hey bitch are you faking for attention and it's like girl I dont know but I definitely want attention but not like that not because of that
I want attention out of love not cause I am gonna do something they dont want me to
So either way if I cut myself or not either way I fucking lose
And I'm so so tired of covid the isolation makes everything worse and I dont have my hamster to help me at least fucking brush my teeth every day and remember to drink water or to eat cause I would eat with my hamster a lot and a human cant do that a human cant be my 24/7 emotional support but the hamster wasnt able to help me actually do school either he helped me to do life things like eat and shower and at least sort of clean my room but just ugh
Why cant I fucking help myself how do other people just DO THINGS AND THEY JUST DO THEM like they say hey I have to do the thing and then they DO IT AND THEIR BRAINS JUST RETAIN INFORMATION LIKE WHAT THE FUCK
But if I told someone that they would think I'm fucking crazy because like wow really you relied on a HAMSTER to keep yourself alive???? Pathetic
I need fucking help
Anyhow this very long rant distracted me enough that I dont want to hurt myself that much anymore so that's good I guess
If you actually read this then like, thanks for caring or sorry that you had to I'm honestly not sure which one I should say
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abandoned-37 · 7 years
Adored By Him
Inspired by that song by Dodie and it hurts so you guys get to hurt
SHIP: JayTim
RATING: PG-13 cause there is cursing
@babybirdjason I DID IT
Jason felt nervous sure, but it wasn’t like Tim was going to be there. It was just some bar the crew hung at and he had finally worked up the courage to physically sing in front of people. Well actually it was more so that Roy and Kori had convinced him. So singing this... it shouldn’t be a big deal. Roy thought that maybe it would help.. help him maybe let go? He didn’t know. Maybe for him to understand and comprehend that this is as close as he was ever going to get to Tim. 
Jason could remember the moment it finally ticked in his head that he was in love with Tim, but he couldn’t remember the moment that he had started falling for the man. Tim had grown... a lot. I mean the man was 23 now and Jason had a hard time putting those pieces together, especially on the field. There were multiple times that he had attempted to protect Tim only to lead in a nasty tongue lashing from the other. “I can handle myself Jason! I’m not some weak little thing! I was trained by the same man you were!”
His cotton shirt felt like it was suffocating him, his fingers resting on the musical instrument leaning against his leg. He tapped it a few times, swallowing hard. Come on Jason... it’s going to be okay. He could however, remember the exact moment his heart split in two. When he watched Tim run full force towards Stephanie.The way he scooped her in his arms, glad to see her, eyes sparkling. And when their lips pressed together, that was it. He tried to play it off shouting about PDA but his throat felt raw as he said it. Jason didn’t patrol with the bats for awhile after that. Scared he would have to watch Stephanie and Tim fall in love and together. She fit him well too. She took care of him. She treasured his mind and for the record had never tried to kill him... not one of his brightest moments.
His palms felt sweaty as he stepped out on the small bar stage. It was sticky on his shoes and the room was dying down from a comedian that had just walked off. He scooted the stool up close to himself. It took a few moments for him to reposition himself, mic centered to his lips. There was a whistle, it was Roy, out in the audience. Jason gave a small nod to the crowd, a nervous lift of his hand as if he was waving to them.
“Uhm.. Hey everyone.. uh names Jason.. tonight I’ll be singing a song by a pretty good artist. Her name is Dodie... I’m uh.. wow this is gonna same lame but this is for someone I.. I think I love and all.. so... here we go.”
His fingers strummed the first notes and he closed his eyes for a brief moment. A shout of his name, Kori being supportive was heard. 
“Pretty girl with the butterscotch hair...your eyes and the sunshine smile you wear... I can see how you make his soul glow..” His mind started digging it up, all the scenes of Stephanie and Tim. He doesn’t know why he hadn’t caught on. He felt so stupid. 
“Pretty girl with the adventurous mind, you envision so much you make me look blind. You spark his life in ways I’ll never know.” Stephanie was smart, clever.. Of course her and Tim had things in common. He could just see her listening to Tim praddle on about his computers and her face this soft and patient smile because that’s how she was. Tim’s face alight as someone, finally someone will let him talk. What Jason would give to be that for the other robin.
“I wont hate you but oh it stings.. how does it feel to be adored by him.” Jason could feel it again, the restricting of his throat and his eyes starting in. He closed them to keep from crying like a child on stage. He couldn’t even hate Stephanie, he knew she was better for Tim. 
“Pretty girl there’s no need to fret cause it’s midnight he’s drunk and you’re the one in his head. You don’t have to try at all.” Jason’s final push to realizing that he was going to have to suck it up was about a week ago. He went out with Tim, just to stretch their legs downtown. Jay stayed sober... but god Tim had gotten fucked up. Something about how he had got in an argument with Stephanie and she might end it with him and Tim cried. He drunk cried about Stephanie and all Jason could do was pat his love’s back and console him over another person. His hand felt on fire as he tapped Tim’s back for comfort and his own eyes watered, but he knew Tim didn’t realize. He was too worried about Stephanie. Jay didn’t sleep that night when he got home. He cried too.
“Pretty girl oh he looks at you as if life is perfect cause the world is new... In those moments I just feel so small.” Roy tried. He knew Jason was head over heals for Tim, he had known for awhile. He tried to keep Jason from going into the room. Steph and Tim had made up. Why they were at Jay’s and his place he had no idea.. maybe because Tim did feel a comfort around Jason. So when the older man busted into the room and found Tim staring into Steph’s eyes, her pressed close to him. He hadn’t even acknowledged Jason entering the room. They weren’t unpleasant but emotionally they were naked. It was a raw kind of love and he could feel it. Jay was glad he had the mask on because he knew what his face looked like. 
“I won't hate you but oh it stings... how does it feel to be adored by him..” Roy tried, he really did. He had attempted to distract him. Anything really. Want a job? No.. okay. Look Jason I spent all your money on tools again better scold me.. no.. oh ok. All Jason could think about was that look on Tim’s face.. Stephanie was his world. 
“How stupid to think that I could compare... to the pretty girl with the butterscotch hair.” Jason opened his eyes towards the end, the notes drifting in his voice. It was almost empty sounding as he shook his head to calm himself. 
“I won't hate you but oh it stings... how does it feel to be adored by him..” It didn’t last long though because his eyes met Tim’s. Tim was here. Jason froze as reality sunk into his very bones. Why was he here? It took him a bit to realize everyone was. Even Bruce. Stephanie’s hand moved from Tim’s like she knew. Dick looked up at him.. with a complete look of pity. Bruce wasn’t looking at him. Probably because he was dealing with his own kind of pain with Clark. Jason wasn’t blind. Cassandra... she looked uncomfortable with the raw emotion. She generally was. Tim though.. Tim’s face was a large mashup. 
Jason didn’t even say goodnight to the audience, he was off the stage quickly. There was loud clapping, people must have liked him. He hated himself right now. He felt sick. He needed to get out of here and now. Jason quickly tried to put his instrument away before he could be caught by one of those bats. The damn bats. Always fucking things up. Always in his face. He sniffed and realized he was crying. Damnit. 
The man practically jumped out of his skin as he heard his name, soft and careful. Of course it was Tim. Jason attempted to clean his face up so the younger didn’t know he was pretty much throwing a fit. “Oh hey timbo.. where’s Damian?” He played off.
Tim was quiet for a moment, he seemed open but scared. “It’s a bar Jason. He can’t come in.” The words were said like they were a second thought. “Jason...” He decided he was going to play dumb. He raised an eyebrow at the robin before him. “What didn’t think I had any talent?” He teased, it fell flat. Usually Tim took the bate, but not this time. His lips fell in a frown, it seemed heavy with unsaid words. Jason gave a heavy sigh.
“Jason...” The older man scratched at the back of his head awkwardly. “Will you just say something.. and stop sayin my damn name. and how the hell did you guys know that I was gonna be here tonight? Thought we all agreed t-” Tim interrupted him quickly.
“stop deflecting. Are you in love with me?” Jason swallowed. The words sounded harsh and not at all how he wanted Tim to know. How he wanted Tim to say ‘in love with me’ like he was disappointed in Jason. The older man didn’t say anything, he just glanced down. “I’m sorry Tim.. I didn’t.. I wasn’t going to..”
“You weren’t going to tell me. So you were just going to sing your feelings out to a bar of strangers?” He almost sounded angry now. Jason still didn’t look up from his boots. “I’m sorry..” Was all he could manage. It was quiet now, and most certainly broken.
“Jesus Jay..” the robin responded, he sounded hurt too, confused more like it. “Will you look at least look at me?” It took everything in Jason’s power to lift his head and stare at this head on like an adult. He could tell Tim was hurting but not for the same reason that Jason was.
“I think.. we should take a break from working together.. Steph and I..” He could tell Tim was trying to be careful to not wound the man more. 
“Yeah Tim I get it.” He stated, his jaw tightening to keep himself from making more of a fool of himself. It was quiet. Obviously he knew. That’s why he sang this song. There was a shifting of feet and Tim was moving to the back door. He paused for a brief moment before responding. “I’m sorry Jason... I really am.” and then he was gone. Jason felt like a hole had been carved in his chest. Everything ached. He fell backwards against the wall, his palms digging into his eyes as he finally allowed himself to cry. It was hard racks of sobbing but they weren’t noisy. Jason had learned to be quiet with his pain. He slid down the wall, squatting down as he let his face run with his tears. This hurt.. more than dying he believed. What did he think was going to happen here? A happy ending? He didn’t deserve those.
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daehquns · 7 years
( * kyong dae-hyun. )
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♡ — * » KYONG DAEHYUN looks so cute on the beach !! apparently, ( he/they ) come from ( south korea ) and are a ( twenty ) years old ( pansexual ) ( demiboy ) ( med student ). other hotel residents described them as ( gentle + sage ), but also ( ambivalent - faint-hearted ). don’t you think they look a bit like ( PARK JIMIN ) ?
WARNING: this is really long, my dudes. so long.
hello hi hi, it’s SKY ( 2-o, she/her, cest tz, but an insomniac ) & this is my smol blob of confusion, so if their story confuses you, i succeeded. also this is easily my absolute favourite character ever, so ,,, idk random info. ALSO: i have an exam tomorrow, my peeps, so i don’t think i’ll be around till tomorrow but !! i can’t wait to plot & interact with all of you.
[ MISCARRIAGE TW ] kyong daehyun was born in daegu, south korea on the 22nd of february 1997. they were sort of a miracle baby bc their mom went through two miscarriages before them ( she’s rh negative & the babies were rh positive n ,,, i wont explain the biology behind it, im sure yall know that ). they’re an only child. they’ve always wanted a sibling ( an older one ,,,, they always want the impossible things smfh ). so yeah, they were a bit lonely while growing up
they were a very weak child who’d fall ill quite often (their family used to call them aga/aggie/babybc of it … sorta stuck with them to this day ), so much that it affected their education. the poor bean skipped a lot of classes, so eventually their parents decided it was best for them to leave school. they were homeschooled !! altho they now have incredible work ethic bc of this, they didn’t have many friends while growing up :( they sorta didnt even get the chance to develop n test their social skills. they came in contact with their parents, nannies, parents’ business partners, etc … long story short, they were surrounded by adults. this made them VERY mature for their age, even back then.
the greatest discovery of their life was the internet. they had little interest in sports & going outside, so they’d spend their free time glued to the screen of their laptop, either watching movies, youtube videos & tv shows or getting to know strangers from across the world thanks to various websites & apps. they’d often stay up all night n ruin their sleep pattern in order to talk to their friends from other timezones. they made them so happy. so. happy.
their parents sort of made them pursuit a medical career, though, they literally have -10 interest in it. not 0. -10. they just want to make them proud, ok ?? especially since they’ve always been an incredible student n studying came easily to them. they were praised while growing up, so naturally they started thinking they were exceptional as well.
COLLEGE ! they. hate. it. hate it. like, they are fallin apart n are like “wow so what is this, i thought i was smart ?? they told me i was the most intelligent kid in the world wHY cant i do literally anything now w o w im so average yUCK”.  i mean, they still get good grades, but they ARE struggling.
[ PROFESSOR/STUDENT RELATIONSHIP THING TW ] … idk maybe someone’s triggered by that. anyway, there was a class that made them 11/10 done with life & they were sure they’d fail it n ruin their entire life, so they approached the professor ( who ,,, was rly hot n made hyunnie weak in the knees ok ) n were like “i will literally do ANYTHING in order to pass this class ,,,,,, pls”. like, they had 0 shame bc they were so done with it. n ,,, long story short, they ended up sleeping with the professor … ,,, multiple times. t was bc of the grade the first time, but … they’re pretty much in love with him now. and they’re a bit foolish, they hope he’s in love with them too. n idk they sort of dream about being in a real relationship with them.  l mao … my poor kiddo.
nicknames include: hyunnie, dee, mochi ( i have to steal that from jiminieeee bc yes. my squishy bol of cuteness ), aga/aggie/baby. or just call them dae or  hyun honestly
daehyun is a demiboy ( they/them or he/him. if you refer to them as she/her, they will feel uncomfortable, but they will not have the guts to correct you. lmao one time they watched a woman make them european-style pancakes with nutella & cherries, even though they asked for a nutella/banana combo. they did not correct her. they ate half of it, left with a pout on their face n were sad for the rest of the day tHATS HOW ANXIOUS N SHY THEY ARE BYE ). anyway, as i said   ——   demiboy. panromantic ( very romantic, a huge dreamer. the type to imagine cute scenarios with their crush before falling asleep ). pansexual, though the most attracted to masculine physique buT !! they’re too self-conscious n emotion-dependent that they can’t have sex with just about anyone. n o. byee. like, the thought of getting naked in front of someone is terrifying to them, so they really need to trust n know the person. i wouldn’t call them demisexual though, since they do experience sexual attraction without having an emotional bond, they just … can’t let go of their ~stupid insecurities~
[ FOOD TW ] they don’t eat meat. yes, they do love animals n feel sad about those poor things, but that’s not the main reason why they don’t eat it. the smell, the look, the taste of meat makes them incredibly sick. when they were smol & had any sort of meat for lunch, they’d sit at the table for 5 hours n eat everything BUT the meat. most of the time, they used to give it to their dog who was v chubby bc of them. lunch was the worst time of the whole day for them, it was suuuuuuuper bad, especially since their parents didn’t understand their problem n called them spoiled. now that they are away from home, they’re super happy cause they can eat whatever they want ( sweets n pastries ). this bish ALWAYS has a lollipop in their mouth n a candy bar with them.
why are they obsessed with lollipops ? thanks to them they destroy their nails n cuticles LESS when bored, since their mouth is occupied. you can determine how life’s goin for daehyun just by looking at their hands. when everything’s good, their nails are painted ( the execution n design also say a lot about how much free time they have n how clear their head is ). when everything’s shit, they aren’t painted, they are bloody and sore, skin completely damaged, so much that it hurts to touch items with the very tips of their fingers. everything burns n they’re wincing 25/8.
they always have literally everything with them. you need a tissue, a comb, a hair brush, a band-aid, a hand sanitizer, a nail polish, some water, something sweet, a set of stem cells & a cure for every illness in the world ?they have it all. they’re always prepared for every situation. this is bc of their huge fear of facing a situation for the first time unprepared. also … you should never make them order food on their own or make a serious phone call or wtvr bc .. they can’t do that.
they’re fluent in english, but pls don’t throw big words at them :( they feel so embarrassed when they don’t know what something means. they go home & write the new word on one of their colourful cards, along with its translation to korean, a smol explanation & an example sentence n they have loads of those cards that they reread whenever they have time. when they learn a new word, they love showing off lmao dumbass
while they were back in korea n spending time on youtube, they used to watch a lot of kpop mvs + makeup tutorials n fell in love with makeup n wanted to look as beautiful as the people in those videos. they started stealin their mother’s makeup n used to be awful at paintin’ their face, but got better with time. they used to save money for eyeliners n primers n highlighters n all sort of shit n they’d hide all the products in their room n play with them whenever they were home alone. they know it’s their true passion& call, but they are so discouraged by the fact that they can’t even walk outside wearing makeup. they aint confident enough & still don’t think they can pull it off.
they made a new youtube account with the intention to post their own tutorials, but … mm, there’s still 0 uploaded videos on that channel
i’ve been struggling to decide which hair colour to go with … black, platinum blonde, silver or pink n i chose …pink.
they’ve never been in an actual relationship. never cuddled, or did couple-y things. their professor took their virginity, so … ya. that’s one of the reasons why they’re refusing to let him go.
[MEDICATION TW] as i mentioned before, they were a weak child who was often sick and had bad migraines ,,, this sort of got them hooked on medication ?? like, they will convince themself that their head is hurting and jus pop a pill without any need to do so ,,,, like, they are 110% sure they need pills to function normally every single day.
nature !! the world !! they love it.
aesthetics hoe !!!!!!!!! will sell their soul for the things that please their senses
they know how to draw well. they lololololove drawing comic book characters. like, they have their own characters already
dancing !!! especially contemporary ! bc ,,, i have a lot of those gifs n icons that i gotta use
loves apples ?
wants a cat. d e s p e r a t e l y
i think it’s quite obvious that they’re a very anxious, shy & alert person 24/7 and i guess that you can see how their upbringing had a lot to do with it. i don’t view their shyness as cute and adorable, but they definitely aren’t grim either. they’re just closed-off. they’re not used to sharing personal stuff with other people, at least not face to face. online, everything’s different.
most of the time they’re like … “uhhhhh, people - i’d rather not. that can get me in a lot of awkward n uncomfortable situations n i’d rather avoid that’. they don’t find solitude depressing. they enjoy their alone time, they find comfort in it. they are very aware of the fact that their social skills suck & as i said a part of them doesn’t give a damn, but … another part is worried bc if they truly want to be in the makeup world, they will have to learn to be a people person, have a fantastic charisma n ,, talk to people ? lmao
their zodiac sign is pisces n they HATE IT lol they’re like “i’m not a whiny baby emo dreamer ew go away” so they keep telling people that their zodiac sign is aquarius bc it’s close enough n they find them cool n admire the description of the seemingly stoic sign that goes through life with their brain rather than their heart. they love to think that they’re strong n logical, that they’re not emotional … but that’s not the case. it’s all an act really
once you demolish their shell, you’ll find the most adorable creature in the whole entire universe ?/ they also love tellin stupid jokes. they almost never finish them bc they laugh too hard at em
they get attached to people VERY easily n then they can’t live without them n that freaks them the fuck out. like. they fall in love ten times a day. im. not. kiddin.
they’re all about living life to the fullest, they just have a bit different vision of what true livin is lmao
philosophical af ? hates small talk, always wants to talk abt deep shit
the type to send you memes and stuff that reminds them of you
this is so important. online friends. they met online a couple of years ago ( we’ll figure out how ) n now they’re both here and ? hyunnie is so scared to meet them bc they’re afraid that person won’t like them irl, but the desire is bigger than the fear !
similar to the previous one, but it was a long distance relationship ( it ended bc the distance was too much ig ). they only chatted, but they know everything about each other. they were infuriated every single day bc they couldn’t physically feel each other, but they still planned a future together, or at least meeting irl … maybe they now finally have a chance ?
crush. as i said, hyunnie falls quickly for a person. it can be unrequited. it’s just someone they daydream about n sigh over. or it can be the other way around, but hyunnie is quite clueless n doesn’t pick up on their hints.
friends ?? the plot depends on your charrie tbh but dw about it, i usually have 57430865026701348 ideas, so ya.
i have no idea what else ,,,, imma go make a wanted connections tag n reblog some plots probably. bUT HEY feel free to send plots my way, i luv that
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pldubrahs · 7 years
anyway, this has been a While coming and now im back in new orleans so LOTS OF GUSHING ABOUT THE LIGHTNING THIEF MUSICAL, UNDER THE CUT
the ambiance of the theater, dim and filled with soft storm sounds
this show does really beautiful things with overlapping singing and w harmonys and its So low budget but still so good and the cast is small but amazing and literally everyone but chris is cast into several roles and its just amazing
if u dont wanna read this whole thing, just scroll down to the end for a Special Surprise
the Bitter, Angry, Sad music, ltm is truly the Emo Rock Musical we deserve
i seriously almost fell out of my chair when chris mccarrell came out. he honest to god was SUCH a good percy, so fidgety and all his expressions were ON POINT
ms dodds in General she was hilarious for the literal 3 minutes she was onstage
the pen to sword transformation is literally just: chris hides the pen and grabs the sword from somewhere else onstage. during my show, in the ms dodds fight scene, the sword was on the back of chirons wheelchair and it got stuck so he had to trip after the chair as chiron wheeled off and TUG it off to fight
sally is a BLACK WOMAN 
just in general, this show was Amazing at raceblind casting
sally sprayed febreeze after smelly gabe, like he leaned to look in the fridge and she stood behind him spraying febreeze directly at him for like 30 seconds
“he was handsome and strong and before too long- you came!” percy was roasting marshmallows and looking out towards the audience and sally was rubbing up and down the sides of her body during this before “you came!” and it was v funny
grover and percy meeting outside camp
“oh look a goat” “percy!”
“he met a furie” “youre all furry! what happened to your legs”
the v cute friendship bickering, overlapping voices thing that percy and grover v often did. this was the grover and percy friendship that we always needed
during the weird dream when he sees annabeth and hes like “gee whiz shes the most beautiful girl ive ever seen”
and then when he officially meets her after hes not out of it, he says “youre my dream girl!” and then backpedals and its great
he kicked the chair over so much and then there was a part after his camp halfblood intern thing left so his chair didnt get reset behind him and so he kicked into the air, got frustrated, and put the chair up himself
“of course, who am i to give relationship advice, im literally the god of alcohol”
“you can hate it here, but i HATED IT FIRST”
so so so many Soft sex jokes and bc im a Child i loved them 
chiron is just a guy galloping with a horse tail its the cutest thing and everyone laughed bc like imagine a kid galloping w their legs high and w/e, but on an adult and slow motion
“you’ll get used to mr d. he can be a bit... well, he hates children”
luke was Very attractive and ALSO he had a lot of chemistry w percy and w annabeth and i, who remembered shipping percy and luke back in my Youth, was Living
annabeth deffs had a crush on luke dont @ me
also luke was Softly bitter. like he sounded like a modern kid, bitter and upset but saying it in a joking way; totally makes sense that no one suspects that he’d do anything w chronos bc all the kids are upset and he doesnt get dark until the very end of the show
“are you ever going to wear pants again?” “Nope!”
luke: “havent you ever played capture the flag?” percy, excitedly: “not with swords!” *makes swooshy lightsaber noises* annabeth, suffering, full of regret: “It’s not a lightsaber.”
“sexist much?” “no, i love girls” [muffled luke and grover cackling in the background]
CLARISSE, LOVE OF MY LIFE! her song was so so good
the campfire song
percys Soft concern for annabeths story about running away “wait is that true”
grover starting to cry during his part
“my father is chronos.... remember my lecture, he ate his children””....... chiron wins”
APHRODITE'S DAUGHTER’S STORY “godess of love, my moms aphrodite... i bring home a boy and shes there in her nightie! oh nooooo” “she steals my mascara and all of my dates!” wonderful
percy sings nicely about his mother and everyones like “hes doing it wrong”
“we dont care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me!” FRIENDSHIP MAKES ME EMO
“havent you noticed that there arent any other little sea godlings running around? any sons of hades or daughters of zeus? the big three gods arent supposed to have kids!” i loved this tiny easter egg i love my big three kids
“look at the boy, hes clearly not a thief!” “oh, yeah no yeah yeah yeah no no yeah yeah no yeah no, youre right! you cant fake being that stupid unless youre a brilliant actor, but im also the god of drama, so i can tell you HES NOT”
“his lightning?” “yeah, we're not talking some crummy tin foil zig zag from some off broadway play!”
Killer Quest! is an amazing end of act song and v upbeat and cute
“so where is the underworld actually” “look for doa records” “its a record company? actually, im not surprised”
“half bloods to monsters smell like mickey ds, like tacos or take out vietnamese”
“dude are you talking to the squirrel?” “satyr powers, be nice. this squirrel knows every corner of the woods, maybe he can help us” “really? because i think that seems kind of nuts” [silence] “you hurt his feelings. tell the squirrel youre sorry.”
medusa in general, what a Good scene
ensemble members shaking maracas to make snake noises for her
medusa cant say “nemesis”
“ive done everything to prove to the gods that im the best and you- i mean, you dont even know how to hold a sword” “yes i do!, yes... i do...” “no, hands here *adjusts percys grip*” “i didnt ask for any of this: gods, monsters, quests- oh, wow, that is a lot easier”
my grand plan is the most annabeth chase song ever and i love it its such a good look into her character and i love her so much
“when boys mess up they always get another chance”
“cause most girl never win if theyre polite”
“the gods will think we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent”
the squirrel gave them three amtrak tickets
i hate country except for this One Song
“is that chihuahua?” “its a chimera!”
“maybe if you hadnt brought all those dam snacks” “uh it was the hoover dam and i was hungry!”
ares drives them to las vegas and when they get there he says “this is where i... get off” and its HILARIOUS i love lowkey sex jokes
gentle easter egg to bianca and nico re: may 1st 1939
“the oracle can can it ill save my mom and savE THE PLANET!” im love percy so much
tREE ON THE HILL IS ABOUT THALIA AND IT MADE ME CRY GOD WHAT A GOOD SONG and grover feels like a failure and annabeth is like “no u saved my life ur a good friend and a good guardian <3 friendship”
“you wanna hear my demo?” “uh-” [loud music plays] “im sorry i couldnt hear you over this SWEET ASS RIFF”
“oh! do you have any josh groban?” “we will.” I CACKLED
the ferryman also attacks them all like “youre not gonna save the planet, you wont protect your friends, you wont be remembered”
everyone says this but “i think this pit is tartarus” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE?”
“why would chronus want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes”
bitter, sad hades who just wants people to stop thinking that hes the bad guy and for his brothers to come visit him
“one does not simply walk out of the underworld”
W H A T  B E L O N G S  T O  T H E  S E A  C A N  A L W A Y S  R E T U R N
small reprise of good kid as he considers hades offer and then the melody cHANGES and percy realizes that the seashell, a gift from a god, can SAVE THEM and its beautiful because SON OF POSEIDON IS A GOOD SONG
“maybe my dad was a screwup too, his best laid plans always falling through... maybe he never knew how to care but hey, thats life, and life aint fair... but i think my dad mayve thrown me a line, and better late than never, ill finally get a sign!”
its a good song kids
the kids get to the oceans and they FIGHT ARES and ares and percy are both singing, percy singing The Son Of Poseidon chorus and ares singing Put You In Your Place and its b e a u t i f u l
THE TOILET PAPER THROW- basically they bring in like 6 leafblowers w toilet paper rolls attached and the first five rows get covered in toilet paper. as someone who was in the fifth row, it was amazing
poseidon comes in, they have a Heart To Heart, he brings sally back to life, he flirts with sally, its hilarious and awkward
“the gods are unfair but we’re not total dicks”
percys like “you dont have to stay w gabe anymore” and sallys like “smh boy u cant solve all my problems. you saved my life, now i have to figure out how to live it”
he gives her medusas head
“what is this” “its a... do it yourself scupture kit” “oh! *begins to open it*” “no no no its, um, medusas head”
“well, as my official protector, you can officially escort us back to camp” “and youre conscience this time!”
chiron is also cast as poseidon so like he runs into the camp scene after a quick change and says “i hoofed it here as quick as i could!” 
last day of summer happens and w/e its cute but whAT REALLY MATTERS IS LUKES BETRAYAL: okay so the music slows and goes into the minor key and percys like “we still dont know whos working w chronos :/” lukes like “yeah it sucks” and he starts singing about how he doesnt trust the gods and how the gods hate them and how they need to take over the world and put the gods in their place--he and percy do their handshake fist-to-the-chest thing and luke is serious and percy does it but hes v confused and it Hurts. this is the first time in the show that luke sounds just Bitter and Angry instead of jokingly deprecating and its quite the effect
“ill do anything, i dont care if i hurt anyone, it doesnt pay to be a good kid, a good kid, a good son" GOD IT HURTS luke has so much pain and i feel so bad for him like yeah hes evil but,,, hes had a hard life
annabeth comes in and DISARMS LUKE but PSYCH luke has a small switchblade and STABS PERCY IN THE BACK (bc they cant use scorpions onstage)
percybeth moment interrupted by clarisse’s loud coughing and grover
percys like “we cant just sit here and wait for our parents to fix things.��
“the gods will say we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent” goddamn that symmetry
“are we ever gonna once have it easy?” my poor poor kids
percy- “feeling ready” annabeth- “feeling stoked” grover- “feeling queasy”
bring on the monsters is just a Good song
also hey if you got to the end of this, congrats! i have a ltm audio and either in a message or in an off-anon ask and ill hook u up
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