#( from my love. saeist )
callanton · 4 months
haiiii this is my first ask
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bbina · 1 month
alone together masterlist
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 synopsis ── taking comfort in the thought that you are together in aloneness through late night talks, heartfelt confessions, and a genuine connection. with your shared experience of recent heartbreaks, you wonder if getting together would be all worth it. in which you find solace in each other's company, that you are alone together.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 pairing ── park wonbin x reader.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 genre ── college!au, fluff, angst | ☾ - written portions
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 status ── ongoing.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 taglist ── open
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 notes ── the second wb smau i was telling y'all about while btl was still going on... tackles life and struggles in finding love in college so maybe this will be a bit more serious than lighthearted.. will contain mature content. somewhat based on a true story so minors do take note on what you consume on this hellsite. will take my time with this btw lol.. hopefully bbina will deliver... enjoy! + let's save our time together by making sure your blogs are visible for me to be able to tag you!
p.s if you came from my main blog saeist, this used to be nagi's fic :x
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CHAPTERS . . . ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𖡎 introduction
⋆。꩜˚ asks | lore | official playlist ˖𖤐
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okkotsuus · 1 year
“ten years” (yoichi i.) !
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for @saeist , always here to provide angst 🤞🤞
features: yoichi i.
contents: crying. episode one spoilers. crying. pining. childhood friends to lovers. 700 words
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isagi guided his bike slowly as you walked beside him. eyes never leaving the ground in front of him.
isagi had been your best friend since you could remember, you knew something was wrong: anyone could see. but you also knew him well enough to wait for him to express it on his own. pushing it would result in hurt feelings and words better left unsaid.
his prefectural qualifier game had been something that he had been looking so forward to. you knew the moment he passed the ball to his teammate that they would lose. you knew isagi would end up blaming himself. you knew because you knew him. for everything he is.
the river you traveled next to glimmered like opalescent gems in the light of the dying sun. the warm amber glow illuminated the boy’s face in a golden haze. despite his stricken eyes, he was still entrancing.
his breath flowed out in puffs, visible to the naked eye due to the cold nipping at your nose. isagi tucked the bottom half of his face into the scarf you wrapped around him when he came out of the locker room: not wanting him to get a chill from his sweat.
all you could remember in this moment was sitting next to isagi when you were kids and watching his passion for soccer ignite when noel noa scored that goal. you were both supposed to be asleep, the room dark as the light of the television made his eyes shine like sapphires. that was when you fell in love with something too.
isagi was a talented player, but team dynamics stunted him when he really needed to grow. now he was a ‘second-year nobody,’ as he would say.
all you could do was grieve his dream at his side until he opened up. you felt your hand rest behind him on his empty bike seat. you needed to let him know somehow that you were there. but his eyes were so foggy are faraway that you didn’t dare disturb him. he needed time to grieve too.
you could practically hear his thoughts. wondering what would’ve happened if he had just taken the shot. he would’ve won. you knew that. because you knew him, you knew what he was capable of. you knew yoichi isagi.
because you have loved yoichi isagi for the past ten years of your life.
as some kids came running by, you saw isagi stop and turn to the sky: voice quivering as his spoke. you felt your eyes sting from the pure emotion in his words.
“remember its one for all, and all… for… one.��
the kids began to whisper about him as he continued on, you just stood beside him: waiting for the dam to let loose. isagi wasn’t ready for comfort yet.
his hand gripped his bike’s handlebars as the front of his body fell forward while he screamed. he screamed in anguish, despondence, misery, you name it. he screamed for the little boy that clutched a soccer ball close while watching his idol. he screamed for the preteen who was well above his peers. he screamed for the boy who had just lost a match that could’ve kickstarted his dream.
his voice wore out in a strangled fade, cracking as his tears spattered onto the dirt path.
“damn it! i really wanted to… win.”
your hands came to his cheeks as you raised his sullen face, thumbs wiping away the crystalline beads that flowed from the pools of his eyes. his lips pursed as his shoulders shook from the magnitude of the emotions surging through his being. this was the first time you saw yoichi isagi shaken to the core. you hoped it would be the last.
gently, you feathered kisses over his warmed cheeks, not minding the lingering taste of salt from his overflowing tears. he sniffled as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“yoichi isagi, i have loved you for ten years of my life. i know you better than you know yourself, this is not the end. you will find a way, and you will become the world’s greatest striker.”
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okkotsuus 23
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saerins · 1 year
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event: matchup for @saeist !! 👼🏻
stupid cupid: wanna preface this by saying this was not biased at all because when you sent me your pic ??? could think of only one guy , like he just POPPED UP in my head <3
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you’ll end up with … 𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐄 !!
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bonus — blue lock world !!
you know who’s also in love with you? 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐎 <3
by the way, 𝐑𝐘𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐔 is your best friend .
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🎁 a gift from cupid !!
meeting sae through your best friend turned out to be godsend. sure, things were rocky at first (if only because sae has a sharp tongue and blunt nature), but once the tension breaks and he gives in to his feelings and lets you see the real him—past all the witty comebacks and cold demeanour, he’s actually a pretty decent guy. the way he looks out for you is non-conventional, with how he calls you out for everything you’re at fault for and how he encourages you to be bad when he feels you need it. in the end, no matter how much you’re struggling or how much of a pain he claims you are, he’s pathetically yours and always will be.
[ ( interviewer: so what’s a song you associate with—? ) sae groans and rolls his eyes, saying fuck you by lily allen. he catches the sharp look from his manager and concedes, revealing it’s really angels by chase atlantic.
sae: if you tell her this i’ll kill you. anyway, it’s just ‘cause she’s the one person i don’t get tired of talking to. (because he only bothers to talk to you anyway…) and she’s always listening too. always there for me and shit. so. yeah. ]
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