#( && i'm not a poet i'm just a woman ;; amy responds )
galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Sadly, strays were a common part of his job, but Zeki didn’t mind helping animals even if there was no one to pay the bill. He’d just bat his eyelashes at Holden until any of the clinic’s bills were paid if it got to the point of needing money, his boyfriend always looked after him. “The poor dear.” The vet gestured for her to come closer, not about to stress the kitten out just yet by grabbing her from the woman’s hands. “It is very nice of you to bring her in. Of course, we will help her. Would you like to stay while I look her over? She may be more comfortable with you already.”
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Moving forward, Amy adjusted herself slightly so the kitten didn't harm either of them. "Oh, of course, I couldn't let her just stay out there like this, she's too small and it'd break my heart to think something bad could happen if nobody helped her." She muses and nods her head quickly, relaxing at the offer. "Yes please, I think I'm more nervous than she is."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“what?!” dina said in shock, looking up in shock after squishing bess’s cheeks playfully. she was going between the two children, making jj giggle as she did so. “you’ve never had nachos? you’re seriously missing out! they’re tortilla chips with toppings. usually salsa, cheese and jalapenos. they’re really good. and not to sound too big headed, i make a mean batch if you want to head to mine?” they were having their playdate in the park not too far from her house. dina had the ingredients in, having just had mexican night with ellie.
Blinking, Amy only tilts her head to the side and offers a small smile. "Should I be apologizing for having never tried this? Because if so, I also don't want to because I've had many foods before that are wonderful." She muses, smiling over at the two children. "You make it sound rather interesting so I am willing to give it a try, just know that I'll be mocking you about it later if it's horrible." Amy teases as she laughs and picks up Bess. "Let's go then."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“Nice to meet you Amy, I’m Bucky.”  He smiled softly at the both of them before pausing as she points to his arm.  “Ah.  That is true..some people don’t even notice, but I should expect kids not to miss it.”  Bucky held out his metal hand, palm up so she and Emily could see the detail and the vibranium that made up his palm.  “I don’t mind though, It isn’t something you see every day I suppose.”
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"It's nice to meet you as well, Bucky." Amy remarks as she holds Emily close to her so the little girl won't start poking and prodding the nice man. "They are certainly naturally curious, I wouldn't be surprised if my sister, Rebecca had been the same way." She muses with a small laugh. "That's for certain, I'm from the 1800's so we never had anything nearly close to this, Jo would probably be the most fascinated by it."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
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Maeve lit up when she saw Amy, the druid standing to greet her knowing she was looking at the most beautiful woman in the room, possibly the city.  “Me? I, thank you! That’s kind of you to say.  You look..absolutely gorgeous. I..honestly I completely forgot what I was going to say you’re so pretty.  Hi.”  Maeve blushed a little before pulling the other’s chair out for her and then sitting again.  “Thank you for coming! I’ve been excited for this all day.”
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Pulling a strand of hair behind her ear, Amy laughs warmly as she shakes her head. “Oh, it’s the absolute truth so you don’t need to thank me, but you’re welcome. You are just as kind, Maeve. Oh, stop.” Reaching out to lay a hand on her arm, she laughs again and smiles up at her. “Of course! I’ve been excited since the diner, sorry, I’m not trying to make it a competition, I suppose old habits die hard when having grown up with three older sisters.” Amy admits with a blush.
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?” dina and amy! @virtuousouls​
Amy looked up from her drawing pad as she made a face. “Well, I think I’d go five out of ten, mostly because I don’t think I'vr actually had it before, or at least, not from what I can recall here. What exactly is it?” She questions, glancing over to Bess who simply grinned and reached for Dina.
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Bucky took walks through the park near his apartment fairly often, liking the quiet and being outside.  Things were actually going rather well here in Syndey, even if he wasn’t quite sure what to label his relationship with Sam and that confused him.  But he wasn’t having to fight, was just getting to live his life, and he wasn’t feeling as..haunted, as he sometimes did.  He was just standing, watching people move around when there was suddenly a child looking up at him with flowers in her hand, babbling away about something.  Bucky was admittedly startled, not thinking he really looked like the friendliest person to approach, but his vibranium fingers gently accepting the gift with a soft smile.  “It’s a lovely gift, thank you.”  He sincerely thanked the little girl before looking up at Amy. “She’s very sweet.”
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As Amy picks up the toddler, she laughs softly and nods her head in response. "That she is, I remember when my little one was around this age, I'm sure she would have done the same." She replies with a confident nod. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Amy, and this is my friend's daughter, Emily." With her free hand, she shows Emily to wave hello at the other, smiling as the little one waves and then points to his arm, Amy widening her eyes slightly in response. "Children are so easily curious, something I cannot blame them for."
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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laurie had to laugh at that, because.. it was clear she was only trying to help and yet, she didn’t know half the shit he was currently in. that he couldn’t leave his family behind, no matter how much he wanted to, because.. they were the only people he had. at the end of the day, no matter how much he tried to pretend otherwise, he’d never have anything else. not in a million years. “that’s the problem, my lady. without them, i.. i’d have nothing else. i’d have no home, no family and.. above all, i’d have no one who loved me. who doesn’t need to be loved, in order to be happy?” absolutely nothing at all but he didn’t want to be pathetic. he wanted to be loved and.. above all, laurie didn’t want to be alone. “i’m so sorry that it didn’t work out between the two of you. i am of the opinion that love should last forever, especially when two people have a child to look after. lovely little bess seems to turned out alright, though, hasn’t she?”  laurie nodded, his eyes never leaving the baby. “it’s clear that she’s going to do great things. she’s already as beautiful as her mother and.. time will tell whatever form her talent will take.” his eyes shone as he took the baby from her and did as she had suggested, watching with curious eyes as the baby settled immediately, reaching out with one little hand to touch his cheek. “she’s.. wow.”
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Amy rests her hand on her forehead as she begins to grow more frustrated at his words. She wanted to help, but there was no situation that seemed to make the situation fit well for anyone. "You act faulty and miserable in any situation then, you should be grateful to have a job at all when so many don't have the talent or experience to obtain one." Amy points out in a calm, but disappointed tone, briefly reminding her of a party in Paris. "For the record, Laurie, being loved doesn't always have to come from family, you could just as easily be loved by a group of friends over your own blood. Not all families care. Again, if I weren't loved, I'd want to at least be respected by my peers." She knew that she's known someone who never loved, but they were respected even if the old woman had been often rude. "Don't apologize, please. It's not your fault." Her head tilts slightly as she speaks. "I couldn't agree more, I admit it can be difficult to raise Bess on my own." Despite her daughter being with her, she could feel alone at times and it wasn't always easy, then again, who could enjoy being alone? "She's slowly adjusting to the world around her now so it's nice to see her exploring everything, and she's happy and healthy so I'm grateful." Amy remarks as she threads her fingers into Bess' blonde curls to gently untangle a couple of pieces. "The top half of hee face is all me, but if it wasn't such a crazy thought, I'd almost think the bottom half of her face is similar..to you." She replies in an almost mumbled voice because of how strange that could sound to someone she barely knew. Stepping back, she takes in the full sight and grins, the resemblance is still there but she stays quiet for a second and just laughs in agreement. "I know, and would you look at that my lord, you're a natural."
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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cora  didnt  really  know  why  she  came  other  then  the  reason  boyd  was  here.  but  she  got  lost  and  hungry  so  she  decided  he  would  probably  come  find  her  or  she  could  eat  then  find  him.  taking  a  seat  at  the  table  after  placing  her  food  down  ,   ‘  thank  you  ,  yeah  i  didnt  think  it  would  be  this  crowded.  ‘ especially  with  everything  else  going  on  she  thought  people   may  not  flock  to  this  one  ,  but  guess  she  was  wrong.
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Nodding her head, she cleans up slightly so the other could have more room as Bess babbles on. "My name is Amy, and this is my daughter, Bess. I'm sure she's doing her best in saying hello." She remarks with a small laugh as she stared fondly over at her child. "I'm not entirely acquainted with this place but I hardly think this is the only coffee shop, perhaps something's going on with any others?"
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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that was quite strange - had they met before? laurie didn’t think so, he figured he would remember her if they had and the pull was nowhere as strong as it had been with jo, but,. it was there. “oh, i don’t think that’s the case. i’ve always been known to be quite appreciative of art.” his eyes fell on the young child and suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. he had seen those eyes before.. somewhere and the chin.. no. that was stupid. “it was a joke, my lady.” he chuckled - right, talk about uptight. “i assume you know how these work, correct?” he shrugged. “i’m a lawyer, as my father and grandfather before him. it’s.. a family thing.” he despised it. laurie’s eyes fell on the baby and suddenly, he couldn’t really breath. why did she look like him? why was she trying to reach him? “she’s.. a beautiful baby. looks like you, i presume?”
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The sense of familiarity is strong, but Amy dismisses it to avoid looking rather strange at the fact that she couldn't recall seeing him before but he was..familiar. "I'm glad to hear it, I am far too familiar with people that wouldn't agree and it's a shame, art is beautiful in many ways. I enjoy the many forms of it and this park is perfect for a landscape setting." She remarks and gently pulls Bess closer to make sure she doesn't fuss. Amy's eyebrows furrow together at his words. "Yes, I realize what a joke is, my lord, thank you for that." Tilting her head to the side, she presses her lips into a thin line. "Does your work dissatisfy you?" She questions, noting the miserable tone. Her expression changes to a softer gaze at Bess. "Just the hair and eyes. The nose, mouth, and even chin are all her father's, thank goodness, I've always despised my nose and I suppose it's the Italian in her that gives her a better one." She replies back, shaking away anymore strange thoughts, like why he seemed to share an appearance with Bess.
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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Quinn almost hadn’t even recognized that the other girl had a baby with her. She offered the blonde a small smile turning to look at her own child. “This is Beth, and I’m Quinn.” She offered her hand to the other girl. She supposed it would be nice to have someone, preferably another mom friend to talk with. She was in desperate need of those. “How old is your daughter?”
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"It's a pleasure to meet you both." She responds and takes the other mother's hand to shake it, happy to be in acquaintance with another mother. "Bess is ten months, she's still growing so much and getting healthier each day. How old is Beth?"
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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it wasn’t like laurie was a stranger to charming girls - of course he was not, but.. it was different when it was someone that he actually cared about and.. the more time he spent in the other’s presence, the more he felt like.. he was meant to know her. he was meant to and he cared about her, he really did and.. he didn’t know why. he didn’t know why and it scared him, it scared him completely and he was afraid to admit it, because.. caring for people was not what laurie was used to. he used people and they used him, back and forth, back and forth again and.. this was nothing like what he was used to and.. that scared him. pulling bess back, he offered the blonde a smile. “sorry, she isn’t.. usually this friendly, but.. i suppose she liked you. ever since her mother died, she hasn’t been.. this happy. it’s a good thing, though.” he sighed a little bit, hand running through dark curls, as he pushed them away from his face. “my wife died a few years ago, just a few weeks after bess was born. she.. she never knew her mother.” he sighed, placing a kiss on the top of his daughter’s face, before turning to her. “and we’d love to be here.” laurie chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “i can assure you, i’m not. there’s just something.. familiar about you, that’s all. bess seems to agree with me.” and she did - he had never seen his little girl as happy as she was right now.. strange. “amy, it’s a beautiful name. this is.. my daughter, bess. bess laurence. short for elizabeth, after.. my wife’s sister. she’s gone too.”
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She doesn't know the man in front of her, or she doesn't think she knows him and yet, there's that feeling of wanting to be close to him, she cares for him and doesn't understand why, but she doesn't fight it either, she cares about others, perhaps not as quickly or in the same way that she feels for the man in front of her, but still. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Her eyebrows furrow but it's a look of concern over confusion, he speaks of another woman, his wife..the mother of his child, but it sounds wrong. At one point she would have said something that would of course, sound insensitive and rude, not to mention crazy, so she keeps her mouth shut, focusing back on Bess. "I suppose the silver lining is that today, she is happy now, and I'm grateful, I don't know what I'd do if I unintentionally made a child sad or afraid." She muses as she reaches out to let Bess grab her hand this time, she had beautiful eyes, it reminded her of the man carrying her, but the blonde curls..with another sigh, she offers a smile up at Laurie. "I think I'm getting that familiar feeling as well, I feel as though we've met before, like I should already know and care for you in ways I can't exactly describe." In another life, he's her better half, she reminds him of maturity and he has her relax and not constantly be so uptight. "Thank you, I've always been rather fond of my name. Bess...like Beth." She comments at the same time as his explanation of the name, her eyes widening a bit, there's something there that she can't place, and it's initiating and so out of reach. "Scarlet fever."
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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of course laurie knew what she was telling him.. yes, it was fucked up - he was fucked up, in a way, because.. he’d never be able to escape his family. no matter what. they dictate his whole life - at least, his father did, because.. without him, laurie would be absolutely nowhere. “absolutely no perfect match, but.. i couldn’t have said it better myself. if i leave my family.. i’m screwed. and if i keep on doing this for the rest of my life, i feel like i may lose my mind. what could i possibly do?” as of now, laurie wasn’t even sure. like she had said, “ an economic proposition? now.. that’s one way of looking at it. but everyone should be respected, no matter what relationship they are in. it should come as something natural, you know?” at least, in the way that laurie saw it.. love and respect should always come hand in hand. no matter what. when they did not, it was a sign you were in the wrong relationship, clearly. “absolutely perfect. she.. really does look a lot like you. i wouldn’t be surprised if she grew into a painter, as she grows older.” he could see it, he could.. this little girl was growing to be someone special, someone.. truly fucking special. “i.. you wouldn’t mind?” laurie held out his arms, before pulling them backwards out of a sudden. “i would’t.. know what to do. i’ve never held a child in my life, believe it or not.” was it fucking stupid? yes.. in a way, it was.
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Amy sighs softly as she thinks about it, wondering how one could get out of such a situation. "If you were being paid, I'd suggest saving up as much money as possible and going out to pursue another job where you are happier, though you fall in the risk of being disowned by your father and I'm personally unaware of whatever talents you may possess." Amy states as she makes a face. "It certainly is, and I couldn't agree more, it's part of why my husband and I separated in the first place, it should be natural to love and respect your spouse, if not, that love may never live up to its full potential." Amy replies with a nod of her head in understanding. A grin forms on her lips as Bess babbles in response. "Ah yes, but trust me, I am nowhere near as perfect as this little one. It would be..beyond incredible if she decided to study painting or any form of art, but I'm going to support her in anything that she may want to do when she's older." With a curious raise of her eyebrow, she lets Bess reach to Laurie this time before watching as he pulls away. "I wouldn't mind, but I suggest two hands, one on the bottom, one holding her head, bounce gently if you'd like, she prefers it over being swung side to side, I learned that the hard way."
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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he had gone over his memories before, trying to figure out where he could possibly know her from, but.. as of now, laurie hadn’t been that lucky. there was something there, something that told him.. what he needed to know, but.. as of now, he couldn’t understand it. why did he feel so drawn to her in the first place, like he would to a dear friend? “because my father wouldn’t approve.” laurie made a face at that. “and sadly, if he were to cut me off, i would lose.. well, everything. i would be on my own. i wouldn’t even have a place to live.” that fucking sucked, of course.  he would lose his home, his family.. everything. was being alone better? “because there’s nothing else i can do. nothing else i know how to do.” that.. didn’t hurt. not anymore. “oh, i’m very sorry. it’s.. i’ve never believed love to last forever. it’s impossible for it to.” laurie believed that much. “she looks a lot like you, my lady. i’m sure she’ll grown to be as beautiful as you are.” and yet, her words left.. him feeling concerned, for some reason. “is she alright now?”
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Although Bess still fidgeted and moved around a bit in her arms, Amy still listened and tried to give Laurie her full attention, her thoughts of his familiarity still being pushed aside at the moment, she knew it could always be a situation of 'one of those faces.' "It seems as though you are in a difficult situation then my lord, quit a job you despise in an attempt to pursue something that makes you happier, but you'll be stuck alone and with nothing, unfortunately, reality is a slap to the face when one enters this world, nothing is made to be easy and you're stuck with the ideals of a job where you hate it or love it, you work hard or do nothing at all, you're either good or bad at it, or you earn enough money to keep shelter or don't do so and find ways to survive. There's no perfect match." She responds with a crinkle in her eyebrows. "I fully believe that marriage is an economic proposition, it may not be for everyone, but it is for me and if I never found love again, I'd want to be respected at the last." Amy muses as she stands tall, despite her short height. The compliment makes a small laugh escape as she shakes her head. "Well, thank you, I do believe she'll be beautiful in her own way as she grows more into her features, but she's already very beautiful. She's well now, thank you for asking, healthy and perfect." She says before her curiosity is piqued once more. "Would you like to hold her?" She questions. Amy had only really ever let family or very close friends hold her, though Bess cried often with the latter, but she kept reaching and Amy was intrigued as to what her child would do in a strangers arms.
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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oh, he liked to hope that she was right, that he wasn’t completely unredeemable, but.. as of now, laurie wasn’t even sure of that anymore. maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t.. what did that even matter? all that mattered was making sure bess was safe, making sure she was okay and.. that was all that he cared about. all that he should care about, because.. no one mattered more to him than his daughter did. “i.. i hope so. she always liked to see the best in me, even though sometimes i felt like.. i would never deserve it. maybe i still don’t, but.. i try.” and try he did, because no one mattered more to him than his family - yes, sometimes, he was still a mess, sometimes, he deserved absolutely none of this, but.. he liked to think he tried. “no, i think.. i think i would have remembered you. there’s something about you, something.. worth remembering.” and there, in her smile, everywhere.. he couldn’t look away. “an artist? is painting your line of work, my lady or.. do you do anything else?” he asked, as interested as bess, who kept moving forward, wanting be as close to amy as possible. “i’m sorry, she seems.. would you like to hold her? i understand if you don’t, she just seems.. like she wants to get close to you.” and he couldn’t understand that. his daughter.. she rarely did this. what? “that’s okay. you.. you don’t have to. i’m truly sorry if you also lost something to a fever, my lady. it’s.. terrible.”
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Although she didn't know why, she knew that there was more to the other than what other's saw or heard about him, and that she believed he could be at his best if he actually tried and gave it a chance. "What's your job currently, Laurie?" She questions with a tilt of her head. "You do deserve it, I know that there's a great part of you that could work hard, nothing is made to be easy and that's what makes certain things more appreciated." His words make a small blush creep up upon her cheeks as she looks down and takes in a short breath. "The feeling is certainly mutual, and I will say that I've been enjoying this time with you and Bess, I'm as comfortable as one would be in a home." Amy remarks as she nods her head quickly. "I paint, I also sketch, I've been doing the latter all my life and I tend to express myself best through my artwork, I aspire to be a famous artist, one where everyone knows of me." She states with a determined tone clear in her voice. Watching as Bess reaches out to her, she laughs softly and shakes her head. "No, it's quite alright, I'd love to hold her." She reaches out and gently takes Bess, watching as the baby instinctively snuggles her head into Amy's neck, comfortable against her. "Beautiful little Bessie." She mumbles to the girl with a warm smile before staring back up at Laurie. "The strangest thing is, I don't have any sister's or siblings, but Beth..she was the best of us." The words feel familiar as she speaks them, still so unsure of what's going on in her head.
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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no, laurie was usually not able to keep his cool while discussing his deceased wife, everything hurt when he even tried to think about her, exactly why he didn’t do that, but.. right now, he didn’t. right now, he was far too caught up in the woman in front of him, something that was keeping him distracted from his pain, just like holding his daughter usually did. “it’s alright, i.. it’s been quite some time. i’m getting better, with each passing day, but.. i miss her. i always will and.. i think bess does too, even if she doesn’t exactly remember anything about her. which is a shame, because.. i know how much her mother would have loved to meet her. i hope that… wherever she is, she’s proud. of both of us, because.. god knows i’ve been trying my very best.” and he had, of course he had - this was his daughter and she had been his wife, all he wanted was to be the best version of himself that he could be, for both of them and he knew he did have a few moments of weakness, but.. didn’t everyone? he was only human and would continue to be, after all, wouldn’t he?  laurie chuckled. “no, i think you’ve made her quite happy. i haven’t.. seen her this happy around anyone in a very long time. she’s usually quite shy around strangers - doesn’t take after me, i suppose. so this is.. something new, isn’t it, bessy?” laurie kissed the top of his daughter’s head, pulling her closer to his chest for a moment, smiling as she took amy’s hand. now, this was.. strange, wasn’t it? “who knows? maybe we have.” he didn’t really believe in second lives or anything, but.. perhaps, he should have. strange. “yes, like beth. it was my wife’s sister’s name.. she picked it, right before she died.” he looked down, frowning, as she mentioned something.. even stranger. “i’m sorry, my lady, what did you say?”
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She listens to him speak and nods in understanding, knowing the need to try your best despite being human and making mistakes, it made her who she is today and in a way, she's grateful for the mistakes in the past that she's learned from. "I'm sure she would be proud of you and that you truly are attempting at being your better self, it's not easy in no means, but we still try." Amy responds as she looks back up at him with an expression of understanding. Turning back to the little girl, she feels her lips pull into a wider smile at the fact that Bess seemed to be so happy around her, she knew she may still be a stranger, something that both sounded and felt wrong, but Bess and Laurie made her feel as though she was exactly where she needed to be right now. "Perhaps we have indeed and just didn't notice, or at least, I didn't notice, something that seems rather unusual. I'm an artist, I notice the little details better than most." She certainly would have noticed him if she had ever met him before, there was something about him that kept her from walking away, all he was doing was carrying a conversation with her and she focused intently. "Scarlet fever..Beth had it, it forever weakened her until.." She pauses and clears her throat. "I'm sorry, my lord, I don't know what I'm even talking about if I'm being honest."
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galaxydrcaming · 4 years
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THERE WAS RARELY ANYONE WHO CAUGHT HER ATTENTION AS MUCH AS SHE DID; instantly, as laurie laid eyes on her, he looked around quite startled, almost as if.. for a moment, he even forgot who he was or where he was from. strange, yes? but.. he felt like he knew her, he felt like he had met her before and.. there was something there. “ i suppose i could try. for you, fair lady.” bess seemed to agree, tiny hands reaching out to the blonde, before laurie pulled her back. “i’m sorry, she.. she usually doesn’t do this with strangers. not since-”  calling her that was stupid too, perhaps, but laurie was often one to stumble over his words as often as he stumbled over his own feet and there was something that left him.. completely bewitched, as soon as he laid eyes on her. “i’d love to be a muse and a witness to your sketches, my lady, if that’s what you’re looking for and.. i believe my daughter would, as well. she seems to have liked you, but.. in fact, i think i’d be.. anything you want me to be.” romantic, yes, old-fashion, yes, but.. that was just who he was. and of now, he was almost as.. caught by the other as his daughter seemed to be. strange.. yes, it was, but. laurie was very much used to strange things around this place. “i’m theodore laurence. although it’s an horrid name, so.. please, feel free to call me just laurie.”
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When she finally faces him, Amy stands her ground but almost steps back in shock, there's an air of familiarity that she certainly doesn't understand, but it's one she doesn't mind either. "Thank you, kind sir." She muses before staring over at the baby in his arms, a warm smile pulling at her lips. "Oh, hello there, beautiful girl." Amy reaches over to let Bess hold one of her fingers but Laurie pulls Bess away and Amy feels her heart shatter at the visual. "I'm just a stranger.." She quickly states, the words feeling wrong and strange in her mouth, even the baby looked familiar. "Not since what?" Amy questions in hope of pushing whatever familiar feeling she has, away. "I'd love to have the both of you as muses." She's aware that Bess may move around a bit but Amy can memorize and stare at the details long enough to sketch them out. "Are you always this charming towards people you stumble upon? I can only expect and hope that people are the best version of themselves, that's all I ask." She replies and steps back over towards her canvas, ignoring the butterflies floating around in her stomach at his last words. "Laurie.." The name easily rolls off the tongue, she says it in such a way as though she's said it a thousand times before and yet has only said it once today. "I'm Amy, Amy March, it's a pleasure to meet you, Laurie. Who is this little lady?" She gestures to his daughter, his..she shakes her head to ignore the strange thoughts and feelings.
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