#c; zeki
galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Sadly, strays were a common part of his job, but Zeki didn’t mind helping animals even if there was no one to pay the bill. He’d just bat his eyelashes at Holden until any of the clinic’s bills were paid if it got to the point of needing money, his boyfriend always looked after him. “The poor dear.” The vet gestured for her to come closer, not about to stress the kitten out just yet by grabbing her from the woman’s hands. “It is very nice of you to bring her in. Of course, we will help her. Would you like to stay while I look her over? She may be more comfortable with you already.”
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Moving forward, Amy adjusted herself slightly so the kitten didn't harm either of them. "Oh, of course, I couldn't let her just stay out there like this, she's too small and it'd break my heart to think something bad could happen if nobody helped her." She muses and nods her head quickly, relaxing at the offer. "Yes please, I think I'm more nervous than she is."
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vincekris · 1 month
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C Blok (1994) directed by Zeki Demirkubuz
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sosxavalon · 1 year
As soon as Avalon spotted Zeki, she gave a playful smile. She crept up to him, hoping to catch him by surprise. Draping her arms around his shoulders, she let out a soft laugh. "Gotcha!" she exclaimed. @zekikahya
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cemyafilmarsiv · 10 months
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Block C directed by Zeki Demirkubuz
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dusleraleminde · 2 years
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📜Hüzünlü bir şiir gibiydi her şey. Artık yavaş yavaş anımsıyordum. Günler geçiyordu. Bildiğim tek gerçek buydu. Şairin dediği gibi, kendimi ağır ve müşfik akan bir suyun koynuna bırakmış, gidiyordum.✨
~Zeki Demirkubuz, C Blok (1994)
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
Sighs I'm feeling need to pay artists money for goods and services rn
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nicolekaptan · 2 years
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C Blok (1994) dir. Zeki Demirkubuz
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smitebound · 2 years
          starter for @zekisydin​ !!
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          “—i brought you something,” he starts, looking more than a fair bit frazzled. “bit of a—well, it’s got a few pieces missing, but i’m sure you can work with that.”
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aspaldiko · 2 months
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Hüzünlü bir şiir gibiydi her şey. Artık yavaş yavaş anımsıyordum. Günler geçiyordu. Bildiğim tek gerçek buydu. Şairin dediği gibi, kendimi ağır ve müşfik akan bir suyun koynuna bırakmış, gidiyordum.
C- Blok, Zeki Demirkubuz
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filyokusu · 6 months
son ramazan dualarım (kendim için)
sağlık sıhhat afiyet başarı huzur bereket
ailem ve dostlarımla huzur mutluluk
yazları sıcak ve kurak kışları soğuk ve ayazlı olmayan bir yere ennn kısa zamanda atanmak
uzun boylu, kumral, namaz kılan, açık iletişim kurmayı bilen, zeki, esprili, saygılı, ilgili, sohbet etmeyi seven dürüst bir insanla tanışmak
mavi toyota c-hr 1.8 hybrid 💘
seni seviyorum allahım amin
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cricketgutz · 4 months
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10) What age do they most want to be right now?
Eddie has had a storied life, and still functions like a young adult, though it would bring him some peace of mind if he was manufactured a bit later, himself being one of the earliest shipped CompanDroids. Oh the dream of being young and vibrant like these cocky 60 year old C-Droids… Zeki and Felix i imagine are in similar boats for this one- the issues with their age has more to do with wasted time- Zeki’s trauma from a massive mistake, letting apprehension take over his life, and Felix’s life being fully controlled by his parents up until this point. They’re both still young enough at 30, and working at getting what they want, but the feeling of having wasted your 20’s looms. White doesn’t give a shit about her age because she is 25 and can kill god
20) What do they like that nobody else does?
Felix likes sunshine and love and flowers and the other outlaws they hit him with hammers for it. Zeki likes dance-pop (dont tell anyone)
22) Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Zeki hates being called pet names. He finds it infantilizing and disrespectful. That’s what he would tell you, but he is also a little liar. He enjoys pet names from very certain people. Ami and Eddie can get away with it, it ties into the way he feels cared for by the both of them. To be respectful, he doesn’t use pet names for anyone, opting to call them by their last names or titles- Even when he and Eddie start their casual relationship, Zeki prefers to call him “Sheriff,” though sometimes he and Eddie call each other other pet names, which is shan’t say for their privacy.
30) What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Zeki would give Felix one good stab. Just to get the demons out. I’m scared of how White would answer this so I’m shutting it down
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marleysfinest · 11 months
Oooh, happy Halloween! I'd like a trick, please c:
of COURSE zeki!
so we've established that reiner was once a fan of really slutting it up at parties, but it fades out as he gets older. UNTIL you're invited to jean's yearly halloween party and you convince him to revisit his more revealing outfits.
he comes downstairs wearing his toga, looking like a true adonis rather than a guy dressed to go to a halloween party. you're constantly reminded of his impressive physique, but when he's dressed in a deliberately revealing costume it's all the more defined. you feel a heat rise in your chest which makes him blush, but he always enjoys making you flustered. by the time you get to the party you're both aching to get at each other, but need to keep up appearances a little while longer. as you scoop a ladle of punch into your cup, you feel a presence behind you.
"meet me in the upstairs bathroom, five minutes. if I wait for you any longer people are gonna notice what's going on underneath this thing."
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sosxavalon · 1 year
Avalon hiked her bag up on her shoulder. Most everything else besides a couple of days worth of clothes was in her car at the moment. She'd mostly been crashing in her car but she needed a break from it. It was getting to be too much for her. She knocked on his door, hoping he was home. "Zek? It's me," she called just in case. @zekikahya
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Zeki, what kind of bears have you seen on the trail cams?🐻 Any mama bears with cubs? Have you seen them preparing to hibernate?
I'm on the east coast, so only black bears! I encounter them in person now and then - usually subadults, although one time a mama + cubs and I mutually startled each other up on the mountain trail. On the camera I get adults, subadults, and sometimes moms and cubs.
When I set up specifically for bear photos, I have to put the camera trap in a protective metal box, because otherwise the bears will gleefully destroy the camera. They chewed up one of my old cameras years ago!
I scope out my camera trapping sites by looking for a few things: tracks, scat, a reasonable distance from regular human activity, and a source of interest, usually food. Sometimes it's a discarded deer carcass, or a stream, and sometimes I find 'high traffic' sites like a beautiful black cherry tree way up the mountain, surrounded by hundreds of blackberry bushes. High value resource sites like that tend have lots of different animals and individuals passing through, especially in a locality with a lot of habitat fragmentation. It's like everyone's grocery store, and they avoid conflict by just... being there at different times.
So, if I can set up there for a couple of months, I might see a mom and cubs one day, a subadult a couple weeks later, maybe a huge male some time after that.
One time I got footage of an adult who was missing a front leg :c I named him Mosa and I've never seen him since then...
Also I'm obligated to add this any time I talk about bears where a wider audience can read it: regardless of how many dipshit posts you see saying 'black bears are basically just big raccoons haha not dangerous hahaha!' black bears are fully capable of killing you, and if you give them a reason to, they will. Respect bears for fuck's sake. Fed bears are dead bears, and NO bear is your selfie buddy. (and frankly an adult raccoon can fuck your shit up too, pal.)
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
Spoiler-FULL Reactions to RWBY Arrowfell~
The thrilling sequel to this post. Most of my emotional investment has already faded by now (as is usually the case with RWBY media...) but, since I said I was gonna do this and I already made notes, why not?
Environments and NPCS -Not much to see in this game...the environments look cute in isolation, but as a gameplay element they’re just too simple (and repetitive...) to be immersive. Especially in Mantle and Atlas-- random stacks of ‘techno-blocks’ are not a real setting and they don’t feel like one. :/
-I just wish it could’ve had a stronger atmosphere...the main show already tends to ruin the little atmosphere it does create with baffling character placement and lackluster/absent color grading (seriously, the BG artists deserve better). And unfortunately it seems like the game just...copied that...
-The new NPCs were cute. A little silly, but cute; much more interesting and better for worldbuilding than the background characters in the show.  And of course the NPCs based on existing characters (Penny, Qrow, Pietro) were nice too. Even the Ace-Ops were kinda fun (Vine Zeki gained a personality trait! o_O)
-I liked how the quests tended to interweave together, like you’d complete one quest and get an item required to complete another quest as a reward-- which incentivizes you to talk to more people if you’re having trouble finding something on your own. It’s smart gameplay design like that that made me rate the game a C+; despite its simplicity you can tell it was made by professionals.
Enemies and Boss Fights -Yeah, the clone-enemies in the Atlas/Mantle portions are pretty embarrassing, but I think the selection of Grimm was nice. They all had different strengths and weaknesses and attack patterns for you to learn to deal with; you certainly can’t say they were lazily implemented. Even the clone-enemies at least invited unique strategies...I know for a fact that redheaded “BANG BANG BANG~” girl was specifically designed to be a rage-quit obstacle, and I love that for her. ^^
-The boss fights were pretty good too; nice selection of attack patterns and usage of space (especially for BRIR). Bram Thornmane wasn’t much of a final boss, all things considered, but at least he had something creative going on with the arrow patterns; there’s a little element of challenge there. Nothing super fun for any sort of mature gamer (even a casual one like myself), but I can see that being engaging for, like, a 5th grader. ^^; I guess.
-BTW: a lot of people in the comments of the release trailer remarked that the combat looks EXTREMELY lackluster for a RWBY game, like a ‘step down from Grimm Eclipse’...and although I do think Arrowfell does an okay job of being the type of game that it is, I also kinda have to agree with those people.^^; I’ve found more action-packed platformers browsing for Flash games in 2008...
Even just more expressive FX animation could have helped (a combo mechanic would’ve worked WONDERS); the act of fighting feels more like a means to an end than something the devs really want you to focus on and enjoy. It’s been said many times that RWBY no longer remembers why most of its fans were originally drawn to it-- unique, creative fight scenes that told stories about their characters through high-intensity action-- and that’s on full display here.
And on that note: if you just want to make a cheap RWBY game, a sidescrolling brawler against hordes of Grimm sprites, or even a simple PVP (put that bloated character roster to good use...) would be a much better fit for the franchise than even a REALLY GOOD version of Arrowfell. :T Just sayin’.
Plot and Characters -The moment we’ve all been waiting for~ ^^ *cracks knuckles*
-In brief: the plot sucks and the plot-relevant characters also suck. :/ WayForward at least did a good job building the game despite clearly not caring; as usual RT did not care about the writing AND did not do a good job. I went into it expecting the plot to be EVEN LESS interesting than those of the show, and I was STILL disappointed...
-Small things first: the repeated “I guess we’re doing this now” apathetic sarcasm from Team RWBY during the cutscenes was kind of...irritating, actually. Especially after we had to watch RWB sit around watching the plot go by for half of Volume 8...it’s bad enough when the audience starts to feel like the protagonists have no real investment in the plot (which has been a thing since V5...); it’s a whole new level of bad when the protagonists themselves all but admit it right to our faces. We’re supposed to assume that team RWBY is still here because ‘it’s the right thing to do’; they ‘don’t [want to] let anyone else die’...but more and more of their chances to actually portray that type of righteous character onscreen keep getting replaced by quirky, disinterested snark or pointless one-liners. And I don’t think RT realizes that if that’s all we’re getting...then the result is a story about characters who have no reason to be in it and don’t even want to. :/
-Re: Fifestone-- I’ve already said much more than I planned to say about him (through responding to those asks, if you remember ^^;) but my original note was as follows: in this day and age when workers’ rights are finally making a long-overdue comeback in the public consciousness, and ESPECIALLY considering the way RT treats its own employees, deciding you need an unnecessarily evil union leader in your fictional story is disgusting, vile and morally reprehensible. I used to think RT’s leadership was just ‘childish-bad’...y’know, selfishness and an unwillingness to compromise or improve making life hell for everyone else. But something like this feels more like ‘evil-bad’-- i.e. deciding that the hell you’re putting other people through is necessary, enough to justify and actively maintain through propaganda/manipulation. I’d...really hate to see RT go down that road. :[
-Let’s end on a lighter note by talking about Bram Thornmane: probably the most pathetic antagonist in the entire franchise. ^^;;; When I heard him admit that he seriously did ALL that just because he wanted to join the Ace-Ops (THE ACE OPS??? THE ACE OPS?!?!!!! o_O) I literally sat at my desk at work and laughed out loud, for like 5 minutes. ^^;
Seriously, though, it’s SO bad...I thought things couldn’t get any worse than Adam ‘my girlfriend left me’ Taurus, but here we are. And at least Adam looked cool (and his character assassination was absolutely hilarious; 50% of the reason I love him is because I spent Volumes 4 through 6 laughing at him constantly XD).
Thornmane, on the other hand, is a nothing character. No cool design, no interesting personality traits, no noteworthy connections to any substantial characters. I don’t even know what his semblance is (he mentions it during his boss fight, so I assume it’s in the game somewhere...does anyone know??).
So yeah, “I’m gonna steal unique technology and kill thousands of people to maybe hopefully make Ironwood look bad because he wouldn’t let me in the special club” is just the icing on the nothing-cake. Even a basic “I wanna take over the world” motivation would be better; it would at least make his actions feel justified...as it is, he just chose the most effortful, overly-convoluted way possible to express his anger over getting passed up for a team of huntsmen SO elite and SO special and perfect that they got washed by four newbie huntresses in 5 minutes. T_T Wowza. Now there’s an experience worth spending 30 bucks and 4 hours of your time...
-Easy Thornmane fix: Actually USE Arrowfell. They mentioned that Arrowfell was like an abandoned laboratory full of never-before-seen technology too dangerous to release to the world...USE that. If Thornmane wants to make Ironwood look bad, let him start handing this stuff out like candy to any thug on the street, and get people speculating about why such terrible weapons were even being made, and demanding that the General take responsibility (insert retroactive foreshadowing for his turn to the dark side in V8 here). Let him convince BRIR, the ‘guardians of Arrowfell’ (whatever that means) that this technology needs to be shared with the public to sort of ‘even the playing field’, let the people take back power from the tyrannical Atlas elites (insert morally-gray actually class-conscious Fifestone character here). Let him hoard some of the more frightening weapons for himself, and try to overthrow Ironwood (insert actually necessary Lt. Harper character here) and assume leadership of the Atlas military, to put himself in the position of power he always wanted. 
THIS STUFF IS NOT HARD GUYS; I came up with that in like 10 minutes! >_< And if I spent the amount of time you should spend on something you expect your fans to pay actual money for, I could do a lot better...
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fixithefox · 2 years
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I'll post it here first, because i just posted smth on IG so- BUT LOOK AT THESE BABIES 4 years. It's already 4 years. I can't believe- i don't- man. I'm so happy for them. Fr.
Snow (white skele with Penguin onesie) belongs to @cosmosdream-world
Zeki (grey skele with Dragon onesie) belongs to me c:
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