#( && tag tbd. | | ft mailan pham. )
scbastlans · 5 years
đź‘€ who do you think the hottest students from each house?
“So… We’re talking hottest only, right? Not like, people I’d actually go for? Yeah, I’m going to go with that. So, first of all, the best house, Slytherin. I’d say, uh, apart from me… Genie and Gemma, for sure. For Hufflepuff, I guess… Maybe Opal? Mai too. Ravenclaw, Z, um… Theodore and Kian, I guess. Gryffindor… Kind of hurts to say it, but that missing Weasley or Potter or whatever and… Wren, probably. Honestly, this was tough to figure out because, although I notice hot people walking around, it takes a lot of work to remember their names. And it’s always such a pain to find out if they’re good enough for me, ugh. Life’s tough.”
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prueshacklebolt · 5 years
WHERE: Some girls’ bathroom in Hogwarts. WHEN: November 6th, 2023 @ 19:46. WHO: Mailan Pham. ( @swtfcde )
This wasn’t right. 
Her father couldn’t be dead. It had been a week, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around it. Her mother had begged her to come back home, but Prue couldn’t bring herself to do it. She couldn’t just run away. Couldn’t just run to the muggle world and hide there. Prue couldn’t just give up. She had to fight, she had to get revenge.
The thing was, she wasn’t the only one hurting. What about Lily, and Albus, and James?! They had lost their father too, and she hadn’t seen them breaking down like she was right now. Maybe they had, maybe they hadn’t, but fact was: they had never gotten caught. Or at least, not by anyone who’d have shared the facts. And there Prue was, breaking down in a random girls’ bathroom where she wasn’t even sure she belonged. Sometimes she did feel like a girl, but sometimes she didn’t, and right at that moment, she just wasn’t sure.
Still, nothing could change the fact that Prue was breaking down right in front of the mirrors, hands gripping the sink so hard that her knuckles had paled. She wasn’t sure if she was just having issues breathing or just crying, or both, but fact was that she wasn’t in the right state to interact with anyone.
Therefore, to say that they panicked when they heard someone come into the bathroom would be an understatement. Trying to stop crying, they just trembled more intensely as she looked down at the sink and tried to ignore whoever it was that had just entered, hoping it wouldn’t be someone who was glad for her father’s death. Though, in that case, they’d have an excuse to actually do something...
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scbastlans · 5 years
WHERE: A random Hogwarts corridor.  WHEN: March 4th, 2024 @ whenever as long as it’s not after curfew. WHO: Mailan Pham. ( @swtfcde )
“Hey,” Sebastian called out, looking between the little box that had fallen to the floor and the figure walking away. He was pretty sure he recognized her as Kit and someone else’s sister, but he couldn’t remember her name. Giving it a shot, he called out “June?” before saying it again, louder this time, until the girl turned around. Pointing at the box that had fallen on the floor, he rose an eyebrow. “You either dropped something, or you’re the worst at littering with no witnesses.”
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