#ofc sebastian is not gonna pick up the box and bring it to her
scbastlans · 5 years
WHERE: A random Hogwarts corridor.  WHEN: March 4th, 2024 @ whenever as long as it’s not after curfew. WHO: Mailan Pham. ( @swtfcde )
“Hey,” Sebastian called out, looking between the little box that had fallen to the floor and the figure walking away. He was pretty sure he recognized her as Kit and someone else’s sister, but he couldn’t remember her name. Giving it a shot, he called out “June?” before saying it again, louder this time, until the girl turned around. Pointing at the box that had fallen on the floor, he rose an eyebrow. “You either dropped something, or you’re the worst at littering with no witnesses.”
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Don’t Mess Around
Sebastian Stan X OFC
Chris Evans X OFC
a/n: for a friend and myself, be on the lookout for fics coming soon
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Chris and Sebastian had gone out for the day, said that they were being interviewed and would most likely be gone until dinner time.  It was going to be a usual day for all of us, they go out and do what they need to do while Kait and I enjoy the house to ourselves for a little while.  So after cleaning the entire house, and drinking two cups of coffee, there was nothing left for me to do.  And with Kait trying to find anyway to piss of Seb, I knew that I was going to be on the sidelines looking for something to do.
There wasn't a Sox game on to pass the time either, what in the world could I do for the next four hours while they were still gone? “I heard the creepy neighbor moved out a couple weeks ago” Kait was stirring around her cereal, eyes scanning over the article on her screen. “Nuh uh, Chris would've told me about that, considering he was one of the reasons the guy moved out” I rolled my eyes and picked up my mug slowly. Terrorizing our neighbors until they moved, again.
“He did, Seb was outside watching the guy the entire time.  Apparently he told his friends he was moving for 'personal reasons'.” Kait was smirking, it was no surprise that the guy was very unwelcome in the building, but for the boys to go so far, well it was crazy.
The guy had stopped all contact with us after we had caught both Chris and Seb dressed up as their super hero alias's.  Sure it was fun that night getting to test everything out, but the last thing we needed was getting a letter from the landlord. “Someone already moved in too, some young girl” Kait wasn't too keen on young girls in the building, they never knew when to learn their place. “Oh joy, I'm sure she'll be all over the boys whenever we're not around” Kait and Sebastian were newly married, without everyone in the world knowing of course.  For now.
“Sebastian refuses to take off his wedding ring, so if she sees it and still flirts he said that he's gonna send me after her” I couldn't help but laugh, I wouldn't put it passed him.
Sebastian threw the door open, storming over to Kait with a murderous look in his eye.  Maybe the marriage wouldn't last over all. “Bedroom, now” His voice was deep, tone aggressive. “Yes sir” Kait winked at him and ran down to the bedroom, Sebastian following closely behind.
I wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, was he taking her down to the bedroom to murder her?  Or were they about to have sex? “He demanded we come home first, so if you really want to get ice cream I still have to go to the store” I raised a brow as Chris stepped inside slower, my assumptions were correct. “I'd still like my ice cream please” I held my arms out for him, wrapping around his waist as he stood between my legs. “I guess Kait was sending pics in the group chat and he got really pissed off, not in a bad way I suppose” Of course she was, it was one of the things we did whenever they had to leave for most of the day. I guess I wasn't included on sending them to Chris, for more than one reason. “Can we go get my ice cream now?” I knew that he wouldn't be able to deny my pouty lip, it was the only way I ever got him to give in to my demands. “Yes we can go get your ice cream” Chris kissed my forehead gently, pulling me down off the chair I was perched in.
A loud moan suddenly echoed throughout the apartment, my assumptions were very, very correct today. ~~~ “You're telling me you don't want the mint?” Chris was looking at me like I had grown three heads. “No, it made me sick last time” I wrapped my arms around one of his, resting my cheek against his bicep. “Different brand or different flavor?” The man knew me too well. “Brand please” I wasn't too picky with brands of ice cream, but I was looking for something specific. Chris didn't waste a single second before grabbing the exact brand and flavor I had been eyeing for the last five minutes.  Maybe I was a little picky about flavors and brands, but who was going to judge me? “I'm gonna get you two so this can last a little longer, the other two already have their own ice cream so they won't eat any” I smiled softly and buried my face into his shirt, the man was too good for me. The rest of shopping had been uneventful, and with the weather getting colder all I wanted to do was get inside and cuddle under a blanket.  Maybe there was a new show we could binge for a little while, get our minds off the world while we relaxed. “Oh, looks like we're getting a new neighbor” Chris looked over at the U-Haul that was pressed up against the building.
“Hopefully they're nothing like the last neighbor” I scrunched my nose and slipped out of the car, don't need the boys getting into any trouble.
Chris had offered to take most of the bags, handing me the keys so that I could unlock the door when we made it inside.  It sounded reasonable enough, I had at least two bags while Chris was carrying everything else. “Oh hi, you must be the neighbors downstairs” Chris glanced over his shoulder, hands tightening on the bags in his hands. “Yeah, we moved in about a year ago” I looked around him slowly, feeling my heart slowly fill with dread. She was young, maybe twenty two at the oldest.  Most men would be falling at her feet for sure, she had a natural beauty about her.  And I swear if she tried to flirt with Chris while I stood not even a foot away, well there was gonna be some hell to pay. “I'm Chris, and this is my fiance Krista” Chris stepped back so she could see me fully, I was semi glad I had the thought to not wear one of his hoodies for once. “It's nice to meet you guys, don't be strangers” She smiled and headed over to help bring up more boxes.
This wasn't going to be a fun time, that's for sure. And I had been right, the new neighbor, who I had learned name's was Emily, had flirted with either Chris or Sebastian whenever Kait or I weren't around.  The boys never paid her any mind, assuring her that they were happily taken and didn't want any part of it.  It wasn't until she had gotten her friends to come by and do the same that Chris finally put his foot down. “Listen, I'm sure you're great and all but I'm quite happy in my relationship now” Chris was currently trying to make it up to the apartment, hand clutching a bag in one hand, keys in the other. “I'm sure she isn't satisfying you, it's been a while since I've heard anything from below” Emily raised a brow, smirking as if she was winning the losing battle. “We had to move rooms, we had an unfortunate incident with a leak in the ceiling, you wouldn't seem to know anything about that would you?” Chris looked over at her slowly.
The landlord had reported her pipes burst due to negligence.  So when the pipes burst during a certain..moment for the four of us, well we were pretty pissed off. “I didn't know it was going to happen, the pipes in this place are all weird” Chris scoffed under his breath, the audacity that flirting was going to make up for ruining one of the bedrooms in our apartment. “Doesn't matter, we lost everything in that room, so it's safe to say if you try and come after my friend or I, I will not hesitate to send my wife out here” Chris stepped off the elevator, feeling euphoric as he walked into the apartment.
That wasn't going to be the last time we heard from an overly attached neighbor, but it was sure going to be the last we heard from her at least. ~~~   Present Day “Jeez, I've had to buy two more boxes of chewy bars in the last three days.  I haven't been sleepwalking have I?” With a third pregnancy on the rise, it brought on a lot of weird things. Chris said I had begun talking very softly in my sleep as of late. “I don't think so, I'd feel you get out of bed if you did” Kait was fixing up dinner for everyone while Lily and Violetta were playing in the living room. “God why did I ever agree to let that man get me pregnant again” After we had James things settled down for a while, the girls were getting older and now in school.  James and Fiona were only in pre-school. It was more of a shock than anything, the doctors were certain that after James I wouldn't be able to get pregnant again.  So when my period was late I knew something was up right away, and lo and behold I was pregnant again. Only with the other kids being in school it was different, I couldn't help but get emotional over everything. “Well Seb should be home soon, said the parent teacher conference ran a little late cause one of the parents kept asking questions” Kait rolled her eyes, most of the parents at the school we had enrolled the girls, and boy, in were monsters. “Of course, they gotta make sure they're little baby is being treated with the utmost respect even though they're a little asshole” Kait threw her head back with a  laugh. It was true, Lily and Vi weren't afraid to stand up to the boys that were rude, whenever it was possible. Chris and Seb walked inside at nearly six thirty, the girls already showered and in their pj's for the night.  James and Fi were less than cooperative of course.  They wanted their daddy's to put them in their pj's before anything else. “Your son is demanding you down in his room, says he wants you to get him into jammies before he goes to bed” I wanted nothing more than to crawl in bed myself, but with Chris being gone most of the day I wanted cuddles before bed. “I'll get him settled down, why don't you go lay down on the couch and I meet you out there” I nodded slowly and headed out to the living room. Seb and Kait were taking care of Fi who was making it her job to make their lives a little more miserable at night.  She had Kait's attitude, that was for sure.  Nothing more exciting than having two girls and both of them being just like their mom. “How's my favorite girl doing?” Chris stepped around the couch slowly, hands placed on my belly the moment he was close enough. “Tired, your second daughter has been kicking my bladder so hard I'm surprised that she hasn't managed to break a rib yet” I held my hands over his, he had always managed to help calm her down. Chris smiled softly, it was enough to bring a smile to my own face.  Curse the man for being too good looking for his own good. Seb and Kait made their way out into the living after a few minutes, turning on a movie that everyone could agree on for once.  It was more along the lines that neither boys could agree with something that Kait and I wanted to watch usually.  Tonight seemed to be an exception, and I wasn't going to complain one bit. “She's moving a lot more today, must know that I'm finally home for a few weeks” Chris leaned down to kiss my belly, hand pressed gently against the side. “She's going to be here within the next two, so she's more excited to actually see you” I ran my hand through his hair gently, smiling as he pressed kisses along my belly. “Well daddy will be here when you come to finally meet everyone” Chris was too sweet for his own good.  Maybe that's how he convinced me to have a third kid. ~~ “If either of them find out that we've been the ones sneaking the snacks they're gonna be pissed” Sebastian was perched on the counter, snacking on the peanut butter filled crackers that were meant for Violetta's lunches. “Hey, I only eat one pack when Kait goes to bed, you've had like three of those so far” Chris raised a brow at his retort, what could he say?  They were too good to pass up. “Doesn't matter, I convinced her to buy the bigger box so now I can eat more of them without getting caught as easily” Sebastian rolled his eyes, of course this would happen.
The room was all but silent, save for the wind that was whipping by the windows outside.  Dodger was sleeping soundly in his dog bed, oblivious to the world around him. That is, until Kait walked out of the bedroom having the sudden urge to pee.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Kait was standing in the doorway, eyeing the wrappers in their hands. “We got hungry is all, no big deal” Seb tossed another sandwich into his mouth, chewing slowly as he watched his wifes face change from one of confusion to annoyance. “I don't mind the dad bod, but can you not die of peanut butter inhalation you fucking potatoes?” Kait was more annoyed with the fact that Seb was the one eating Vi's snacks than anything. “But these peanut butter sandwich crackers are so good” Sebastian finished off the last one, throwing the wrapper away quickly.
Kait took a slow deep breath, it wasn't worth it to start yelling at them in the middle of the night.
“Sebastian no middle name Stan if you don't stop eating those.  And Christopher Robert Evans if you don't stop eating your daughters chewy bars I swear to god, I'm telling Krista” The room was tense for a quick moment, the bar halfway to Chris's mouth. “Tell me what?” The kitchen lights were far too bright, and the bed was far too empty. “Oh, umm” Chris shoved the rest of the bar into his mouth, throwing the wrapper away quickly. “Are those Lily's chewy bars?  Chris what the hell!” Now I knew who was stealing the snacks all the time. Chris and Sebastian bolted from the kitchen down to the study, shutting the door quickly. “Safe to say we fucked up” Sebastian was panting lightly, having not run in a while. “Yes we did, worth it though” Chris was grinning from ear to ear.
They didn't come out for almost ten minutes, sneaking into the bedroom slowly.  Kait and I were already in bed, nearly asleep as the boys slipped back into the bed. “Just ask for your own box next time, that way I don't have to sneak around anymore” I rolled over and laid my head against his chest, running my fingertips over the abs he still had.  How?  I wasn't entirely sure. “I will babe, love you” I hummed softly, he was lucky I loved him.
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