#thats peasant work obviously
nomaishuttle · 11 months
anither thjng abt parasocial marketing is like. i am nobodys number one fan LMAOO ik i jokingly say like Im daft punk discoverys number one fan and yk i do love it. but i donot think im in the top 0.00000000000001% of fans simply bc like. i think im insanely normal abt celebrities and ive seen how some ppl abt abt celebrities
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strawbubbysugar · 5 months
so, can playpeople die without being murdered? can, like, their soul get too old and just... disintegrate, or do they have to be ripped out of their body and violently murdered .-.
Yup! To put it in more detail, the more "imagination" it would take for them to exist & move, the shorter their lifespans. That's why royalty get robotic bodies, it works by itself with hardly any atomaton magic, which means they get to enjoy much longer lifespans. Lifespan hierarchy based on what material they're made of is: Metal (royalty) Plastic (Lords & Ladies) Glass (Nobles) Wood (knights) Wax/Clay (Farmers/Fishermen/etc) Fabric (Artisans) Paper (Merchants)
There are exceptions obviously, but thats the standard of the classes. There are plush and plastic knights, and wooden peasants, but this is a generalized "What most of each material tends to be"
Your material can also change to reflect your status in society. For example, King Uni's wife Queen Ninette used to be a Glass noble, and her vessel was upgraded to metal when she and Uni got married :)
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jbt7493 · 2 months
the isekai thing where,
Hey this post is too long and i'm not fuckin editing down my stream of consciousness tumblr post because it's dumb anyway.
, because of weird inscrutable genre stuff, the protagonist often can't just be The Strongest Person In The World or like recruit all the strongest people into their party or learn magic or something, or use modern medicine to save lives or whatever, they need to also like. Be a business owner. and they can't just like- like, they always Invent Soap (Note: Soap existed already) or whatever, and to be fair, inventing the bessemer process is often a pretty good one.
but no they also need to be like, importing japanese cultural products (sometimes korean! when it's a korean one. duh.) to the fantasy world, which are universally beloved because obviously japanese cultural products are great and applicable everywhere. like, every medieval noble wants to wear a yukata. and like, they can never just have one business either, they have to do like 20 things and each member of their cast has their own subsidiary business (which lets you get rid of some of the cast members because theyre successfully doing their own thing, i guess). but like okay yknow. one of the ones they *always* want to do, because food is such a big thing for culture, is open a restaurant. and it's like, guys, the economics on this are insane.
(First off, this was prompted by the summer 'when a book is set in year A and written in year B and the author refers to X dollars, do they mean X dollars in year A or are they automatically translating to the equivalent year B monetary value' which presumably is talking about real life stuff)
but like dude, when these fuckin isekai protagonists open a fast food restaurant and they bill it as 'the genius idea is that we'll sell to the lower class and get a bigger market' like. first off, they had restaurants or similar equivalents back then. like, thats part of what the tavern was for. and the wealthy people could afford to just have chefs on retainer. but secondly, those peasants are not paying extra for your insanely expensive spices on your Japanese Ramen or Korean Fried Chicken In Medieval Europe. like the protagonist always has to find how some rare plant or monster part tastes exactly like the right ingredient they were missing and they're like, oh FINALLY i can eat some of the cuisine i've been missing. and then they open a restaurant.
and it's like no go back a second this shit was rare as hell you can't sell that to poor people. like dude that medieval milk soup (btw. Whats up with that. Max Miller made a video on one that was like, essentially the milk from your bowl of cereal where it was full of cinnamon and sugar. but he mentioned that there were actually savory milk soups with meat and vegetables in it, and he just isnt doing one of those. And that's like, obviously the more interesting one, and is the one you see in some of those isekai that makes you go What The Fuck Is That? Like for real what was in that. Whats up with the milk soup) was cheap as fuck. like the cows just make the milk. and like bread is bread. like the food isnt gonna be total dog shit, it's still fresh food, they have some herbs and spices just not *all* of the ones we have, the maillaird reaction still works the same. you got eggs, mushrooms, butter or animal fat. missing some veggies because you havent made contact with south america (although. i mean it's fantasy you can make it up. but they never make the thing they use to make the pseudo-japanese/korean food a super common ingredient because then it would already be in use and the protagonist wouldnt be like craving for a taste of home and then inventing a new cuisine and being super smart and innovative)
Anyway thats that but the other thing is it's insane when a story forgets to do the copper-silver-gold thing and peasants are spending like 20 gold pieces on some Fantasy Meat Skewers or w/e. like you find a treasure chest full of golden ingots and you're like holy shit we're rich but each ingot is only like a hundred sandwiches. (although admittedly i feel like copper still had to be like. pretty expensive back then right? like silver for sure, it seems insane for 10 copper coins to be worth a silver coin, but it also feels insane that you would buy a beer for multiple pieces of like metal that was taken out of the earth and refined from ore and melted into a coin. I guess they didnt have wiring so the value was probably lower)
the main thing though is why the hell are all the isekai protagonists opening like 7 small businesses. thats weird man. they should just be stabbing dragons or whatever why are they like opening a massage parlor. anyone can do that. the comparative advantage is horrible
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lassieposting · 2 years
Okay lemme brag a second because I've been working on this for actual months and I'm really pleased with myself
Behold, Skulduggery's Lassiecanon family tree!
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Each of these images is a custom face designed in Artbreeder blended into an era-appropriate portrait or photograph for that individual. The Photoshopping is not seamless, but I'm not a professional, and I think it's pretty fucking good for a noob.
Here is a link to a zoomable version, because this beast is enormous and, zoomed out far enough to see the whole thing, the text isn't readable.
A note on the name "Sionnach", for anyone I haven't talked to about this already
Sorcerers living among mortals need to fit in. This is true even now - in TFO, Skug says, "[Cameron Light] clearly had some friends who didn't know he was a sorcerer," and in Phase Two, there's some kid who has a parent who doesn't know he's a sorcerer attending Bargain Bin Hogwarts.
Skulduggery's family are aristocratic landowners, so they have to deal with mortals a lot - most of the neighbouring aristo families are mortal, the king they've sworn fealty to is mortal, the majority of their peasants and tenant farmers are mortal, etc. And mortals expect some things to be done a certain way. For example: Noble Dynasties Share A Surname.
So, publicly, they're the Sionnachs. Sionnach means fox - as in the fox on their crest - and they all use their given name + Sionnach when dealing with mortals. Skug might be Skulduggery Pleasant to all his sorcerer relatives, but to the tenants who've known him since he was a child, or a neighbouring mortal lord, he'd still use Ruadhán Sionnach. The mortals ask fewer questions, the given name is still sealed by the name he uses with his sorcerer friends, everyone is happy.
(I believe the first person to suggest Sionnach as a surname for Skug was @gingerisaspice in this post here)
Obviously, nowadays, with people going around naming themselves things like Salt and Princess Consuela Banana Hammock, taken names don't even warrant batting an eyelid, but in ye olde times, they would've needed a workaround. This is the one a lot of noble families use, including China's, Saracen's and Serpine's - following their sorcerer traditions privately and having a "public" family name.
The family's ancestral estate is also in County Dublin, hence "Sionnach of Dublin".
The Lassiecanon/SP Handbook verse also belongs to @thats-so-craven
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gailhai1storm · 5 months
Ok so i want to take a look at the idea of "earning a living”.
first of all its a fucked up concept in and of itself, the idea that you only deserve to live baced off of the work you do, its fucked up.
but what fasinates and horrifies me about it is that I am willing to stake money on that I know ere historically the idea can be traced.
this is going to be long so I'm going to put a keep reading thing here
Im going to start with feudalism.
In a feudal system you work to make food to provide food for the people who are meant to protect you, the nights.
thats how its ment to work.
but it didnt really, well it did for a bit and then broke down, as does any system. In actual feudalism you were still paying the nights for protection via your harvest but not protection from outside forces or powers but protection from the nights themselves.
if you give us food we wont kill you.
the peasants were held at gunpoint to a deal that only hurt them.
so quite literally your wages, your production were your earn your living you worked inorder to not be killed.
now feudalism came to an end (slowly and there is more to it ill go into at a later date) but mercantilism took its place, especially in northern Europe and England.
Now im the most formiliar witht his transition as it took place in England because that's what I've been specifically studying for a hot minute. So we will use that as our case study.
In England there is a shift away from feudalism, this happens in large part because agricultural techniques improved and less people were needed in the feilds.
This decrease in need for labor in rural areas drives many many people to flood to the cities. These people in the cities are poor. Very poor.
So there is a mass flood of impoverished people who have no experience withworking in an urban environment, and there aren't jobs for them, and suddenly everyone has to see the poor people.
So how do the nobility and middle class cope? How do they justify this disparity?
Well you tell the same lie people tell themself now.
If you work hard and you "pull yourself up by your boot straps" you will “earn your living”.
Youll even be wealthy, so clearly these people who are destitute and have been forced off their land, by the same people who have been holding them at gunpoint for generations, who would not in a million years have chosen to be poor or destitute. They must be choosing it, they must be imoral, must be slothful, because why do you deserve to be comfortable and these people don't if they are working hard.
Now we are a deeply religiouse society, and immorality is obviously bad, so you want these people to work, because as a government you have to do something about it. Now you have to do something about it so you set up housing and governmental programs to help these people who are suffering.
But now the idea that these people not working has been ingrained as bad and immoral, so you make workhouses.
You make houses where the people work till they are raw, work sometimes till they die. You make houses were the poor must work, to stop being immoral, to deserve a roof and a vile meal.
And you are desperate, cause you cant make money any where, there is no other work, because you are poor so no one will hire you, because you must be immoral.
So you turn to the workhouses and you “earn your living".
So ye, the idea that you have to work to live, it is a vile vile thing, that stems from vile systems.
It is an idea that stems from systems built on suffering.
Everyone deserves to live.
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thegeminisage · 11 months
tng update of the evening. we did "the last outpost" and "where no one has gone before." verdict: watchable?
"the last outpost" is the ferengi episode. i actually had fun here; i loved data's finger trap and how it tied into the overall story (we have to band together to unstick ourselves), the ferengi were decently funny, goerdi getting stuck upside down was funny, nobody was too annoying. did sigh deeply when all the ferengi saw tasha and started gasoing because they wouldnt believe a WOMAN was allowed to wear CLOTHES. we were doing so well
oh also shoutout to when the entire spaceship was about to freeze to death. which is why children shouldnt be here. and crusher was like "i was tempted to give wesley a sedative, but..." and picard was like "you shouldn't" and she was like "but i'm his mother and i love him" and picard was like "yeah well he deserves to meet death awake" and she was like "is that a male perspective" FIRST OF ALL WHY ARE WE MAKING THIS ABOUT GENDER YET AGAIN WHY ARE ALL OF CRUSHER'S SCENES ABOUT HOW SHE'S A WOMAN. secondly they're both insane it is obviously so much kinder for him to be sedated thats why they put their kids to sleep first on the fucking titanic. when peasants from 1912 have more common sense than a starship captain lmao
anyway aside from those two fumbles i would call that episode solidly watchable. i even had fun at some points (funny fight scene, jonathan frakes asked a question). i can see that this could be a good show if they could get out of their own way
more mixed feelings about "where no one has gone before" because while it was the first time i actually liked wesley (he was just a nice kid behaving and being nice to that poor silver guy while being interested in his work!) the episode immediately invalidated all of that by going but wesley is SPECIAL we have to let him be an ENSIGN so he can STAY ON THE BRIDGE and DO WHATEVER HE WANTS and also not even ask his helicopter mom first.
it's bonkers to me because most of the time wesley seems to get away with murder but the one time he had a reasonable thing to say to an adult he got told to buzz off. and i'm sure next time he's being annoying the narrative will jump to making excuses for him again. i think i could also like wesley for being a bright and kind kid but ONCE AGAIN we cannot get out of our own way here.
i liked the concept of the episode - like shore leave but serious - but it also feels like it's way too early for this kind of ep. i wanna know what these people are like normally before i know what they're like when their thoughts are becoming reality and i still don't know. i'm barely convinced that they're friends instead of friendly coworkers and they're pulling out the deep shit. worf's pet pig and picard's mom were fine, also, but i did not like the upsetting thing with tasha's cat and YET ANOTHER mention of the rape gangs. she is the fucking janice rand of this series gene roddenberry must have had some kind of issue about blonde women. i did read somewhere that she left the show bc she wasn't happy so that bodes SUPER well i'm sure
that said i did unironically enjoy the scifi premise of the ep which is "what's at the border of the universe" because i think about that all the time to scare myself even though i know "border of the universe" doesn't work like that. i also really liked the cgi. so that was a mixed bag
except i continue to want good things or even just more meaningful screentime for characters like tasha geordi or worf bc i think they're interesting and i wanna know more about them but star trek said <3 no
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lordreptah · 1 year
i am so sorry about how hard im about to go off on my beloved childhood anime Bleach. if you follow my twitter you know but im about to basically post my tweet about it under this readmore. prepare for the biggest dumbest rant ever
bro not to bring my bleach world building gripes onto my main but how the fuck does the soul society economy work.
there is clearly poverty so that means there has to be the opposite. there are shops so clearly there is a currency. we know shinigami need to eat so that means there has to be food. so thats means there has to be farmers, butchers and fishers. but kubo says there is a seperate realm for beasts. that cant make sense since animals have to exist in their realm otherwise there is no food. its one thing if it was only farming but they have meat AND ganju also had a boar. so the answer has to be that either the realm of beasts is simply connected to soul society or theres no such thing and animals spirits simply end up in the soul society as well. and even if you had the idea that the realm of beasts was a seperate realm for more sapient animals, it also makes no sense bc that level is not quantifiable in that way for it to work. bro. bro help me why do i like these worlds so much theyre so busted
it really goes to show that a cool concept can pull you very far bc all of whats unexplored stuff is super interesting to me. but its so busted LMAO
ALSO. NOT TO MENTION the seireitei is huge and its obviously like an inner city for noble families (the rich) their servants and people and family associated with shinigami. its also filled with commerce too and we see it the most in bleach omakes
but who is working those jobs. it has to be normal people/souls. so is the only way to escape abject afterlife poverty to become a shinigami OR find a job serving shinigami in the seireitei. its literally a FEUDAL SOCIETY HUEAAAGH.
like its great that non shinigami dont need to eat or drink. thats cool. so at least you dont have to worry about that aspect. but it also begs the question. can you get sick? does soul society have pathogens and viruses? bacteria? are they like special spirit sicknesses?
but what about souls with spiritual powers? the only way to get ahead is to join the military, be a servant, or get lucky enough to be born into a rich family. in the rescue rukia arc the whole concept of the wall between rukongai and the seireitei was a huge deal. and kubo specifically made it clear that there was animosity between people in rukongai and the shinigami.
i could keep going on and on and on about this. and its like. how do you even fix society like that. its run by nobles, who control the massive military bc the nobles are also apart of the military. and when your just a little soul peasant theres nothing you can even do
you cant fight back bc even if rukongai is 10x the size of your military, your miltary have superpowers and could overpower them instantaneously. you cant even communicate with them bc they overall just dont care about you enough. no voting no democracy. OH AND ALSO THE SHINIGAMI CAN JUST KILL SOULS WHENEVWR THEY WANT? BC THAAT SENDS THEIR SOULS BACK TO THE LIVING WORLD AND CONTINUES THE CYCLE OF LIFE AND DEQT. bwuh bwah uagh. imagine having a horrible shit life and you die and you either turn into a horrible monster or are sentenced to Super Poverty. and then as super peasant you finally make a family on the crusty fucked up afterlife only to die and lose them too. but also time is different there so u could be like over hundreds of years old living your little peasant life.
oh my god im so so sorry i still have more to say JSJDKSKF
but remember when the whole rescue rukia arc was all about how the system was clearly corrupt. you see how poorly rukongai is treated. rukias sentence is clearly wrong and corrupt. and its only because shes connected to one of the main Noble families that the whole concept is brought into question (and by only a few people). and aizens whole plan is literally to take advantage of that corruption to manipulate for his own means
but instead of being like 'Oh my god clearly our system is so messed up if he was able to get away with something like this' they were like Ah yes Aizen is the source of every problem weve ever had. this is our problem. okay everyone lets work together to kill aizen and not examine anything else that is the issue. and ichigo was like. Sick. thats tight i will retain nothing from this (i give him a break tho hes like 15 and doesnt deserve any of this)
but its cool!! everyone is friends and wow i love my totalitarian military friends wahoo!!!!! no one learns anything, we never have to examine our fucked up world if we keep having new villains manifesting from nowhere. bankai brother!!!!
ps i actually love bleach. and im absolutely a shounen head. i love the genre bc sometimes u just wanna see cool fights and not think too hard about things beyond surface level conflict. world building has never been bleach's strong suit. kubos skill lies in very cool concepts, awesome and memorable character designs and awesome artwork.
but sometimes you look beneath the surface of something like this and its funny bc youre like WHOA this is busted WKFKKSKFRS
i will say though, without a shadow of a doubt. the Tybw is my least favorite piece of bleach ever. i. i couldnt even finish it. i had to skip through it when it was first being released bc i loathed is so much. just so much new stuff without ever touching upon the inital problem. its so fundementally pointless and is followed by an ending that is worse than naruto's. and it SUCKS. bc theres a lot of neat concepts and interesting characters that come out of it! but its so bad. so bad.
oh my god i didnt even cover the squad zero and soul king bullshit either.
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missfingers · 2 years
Oc lore 🤲 pls spare some oc lore im just a little peasant boy starving in the wild
of course little peasant boy of course i shall feed you ..
first of all if you want stuff specific to eklyre and tempests relationship then i got you partially covered here
im gona take this as an opportuntiy to dump about general worldbuilding and shit. win. sorry this is gonna be long
so this entire ocverse (as most of my ocverses do) spawned from a dnd campaign, it was supposed to be my first time dming and i did for one session but then covid happened so like. yeah. but i still had this entire world id made and this story so i was like fuck it ocverse NEOW
the basic setup is kind of like. noir film esque vibe mobsters, based in one city (think its called grand tybury iirc), split up into 5 factions with a big river down the middle. each faction is governed by a god who is also a gang boss because i had a fucking mafia spin when i was 13 and by god i wasnt letting it go
theres two Original gods, the gods of life and death called lustris and ylta, and these two are kinda just like. fucking shmucks who like doing whatever the hell. if they get bored they yoink a random dying mortal and make them into a god and see what happens. so thats how you get four other gods who used to be mortal. respectively phiadia of knowledge/justice, birch of freedom/nature, answered riddle of trickery/luck and tempest of the water
the city is obviously not doing very well because theres fights for territory, most of the gods are horrible people aside from tempest who just hides in a boathouse and doesnt talk to anyone and birch who spends all their time high and tending to plants.
then eklyre comes in <3 my sweetie. ylta (god of death) is a power hungry bitch essentially and is like you know what i want everything, im sick of these other gods i want all their denizens and i want them now (in the next 30-40 years or so, because thats nothing to a god).
so she does what any sane person does and she kidnaps a baby and raises them as essentially a child soldier, grooming them into the perfect right hand to eventually kill the other gods. as she made the other gods Gods she also has the power to take it away, and she curses these brass knuckles that she gives to eklyre telling them that all they have to do is punch a god and theyll be rendered mortal again. then she sends them out into the world (after theyve been sheltered by her their whole life. theyre like 25 at this point)
she sends them to phiadias faction where eklyre successfully infiltrates her gang and works their way up the ranks until theyre her most trusted right hand, of course with the believed intent that theyll kill her. and they will, just not for the reasons youd expect. cause see yltas plan sorta kinda completely backfired and now eklyre is irreparably traumatised with a huge resentment towarsd their "mother" and from the decade theyve now spent quote unquote free from her theyve realised everything is her fault and their society is inherently unfair so theyve resolved to killing the gods themself to establish a new and equal society
and that is. essentially what they do. theres other characters that are actually the protagonists cause eklyres kinda supposed to be like an ally turned surprise secondary antagonist where the plot twist is they were never on phiadias side and want to kill everyone but then the protags get radicalised by them and everyone lived happily ever after
and tempest is there too. yea
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keefwho · 2 years
March 23 - 2023
4:21 PM
It is mental health day and since I can’t think of anything I need to read up on, I should stick with an exercise or behavior change. I inadvertently gave myself a small challenge with lunch. I decided to make lentils with my rice a roni but the lentil I have are pretty old and an unfamiliar food in general. The reason I ate them though is because They are nowhere near their expiration date and from what I read, beans don’t really become bad after that anyways. Moreso inedible. So I had a full serving of the beans and I will not let myself think anything was wrong with them. I’m actually excited because I’m starting to figure out how to work with more raw ingredients. CHEAP ingredients that have a long shelf life. I’m interested in learning how to cook in my own way. I enjoy just putting simple things together like peasants did back in the 18th century. 
12:15 AM
Im up late but for a good reason. I wanted to spend time with someone very important before she’s gone all next week. Definitely worth sacrificing a little bit of sleep for, and having a late dinner. 
Earlier this evening I was in a position where I was prone to thinking nobody liked me. A CLASSIC problem. But I think I’m noticing the pattern enough to nullify it, at least sometimes. I literally just didn’t go down that rabbit hole of thinking. I knew that if I feel disconnected from others, the real problem is that I’m disconnected from myself. And I’m starting to find ways to deal with that. An effective method is to express myself however I know how. Basically to play, and I mean really “play”. Like Im a child again. Having some creative time where I actually don’t hold back helps me pinpoint what I “want” in an abstract sense. It really is all about expressing my feelings and getting to know them more. 
I also had a surprising conversation with a friend today. We discussed things like self growth, past traumas, and connections with others. I think it was important for me to have a sort of heart to heart like that with someone I can’t say I’m necessarily close with. Thats exactly the kind of thing I’ve been trying to explore. It also reminded me how effective it can be to just try to have a conversation with someone because you never know where it could go. One of my main initiatives right now is to talk to more people in meaningful ways. 
Another main goal is to be nicer to myself. Not just in my thoughts but with my actions. It can help to pretend I’m someone else giving me permission to practice a little self care. Like if I exited my body and told myself “take a break and watch your favorite stream for a couple hours, you deserve it.” 
On nights like this there is just too much for me to talk about and digest. I can’t get to it all. 
I’ve been worried about dependency a lot in the past but what I think I’m actually afraid of is being abandoned. I’ve been using fear of dependency as an excuse to limit how close I let myself get to people. Obviously dependency is something to keep in mind but I don’t think I have a problem with that. If I’m being honest with myself, I want strong connections. Connections that if they were lost, would hurt tremendously. I’m afraid of that tremendous pain but that fear robs me of the bonds I want to make. The solution I think is to simply let go of those fears and let myself commit to people in the ways I dream of. Its very similar with my anxiety where I just had to trust that my fears weren’t based on anything solid and I just had to trust that I was okay.
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scbastlans · 5 years
WHERE: A random Hogwarts corridor.  WHEN: March 4th, 2024 @ whenever as long as it’s not after curfew. WHO: Mailan Pham. ( @swtfcde )
“Hey,” Sebastian called out, looking between the little box that had fallen to the floor and the figure walking away. He was pretty sure he recognized her as Kit and someone else’s sister, but he couldn’t remember her name. Giving it a shot, he called out “June?” before saying it again, louder this time, until the girl turned around. Pointing at the box that had fallen on the floor, he rose an eyebrow. “You either dropped something, or you’re the worst at littering with no witnesses.”
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milkweedman · 2 years
I realized this morning that i had the front row of nails in one comb from the replacement pair and one comb from the original pair. So, essentially, i now have a pair of peasant combs. I think im going to see if i can drill out the holes in the other two. Im certainly not hammering them anymore, it was getting ridiculous.
Anyway, i took them for a small test run with an old bag of raw wool (the etsy page i got it from isnt there anymore but the blurb in my order history says both romney bfl cross and gotland. So who knows, really. Im not convinced its all from one sheep tbh, half of it is tight curls, very fine, and a staple length of about 3 inches, the other half has a staple length of about 10 inches and very little crimp. If it is from the same sheep, it is a master of variety) that was inundated with vm--hence why it's sat in my stash so long. I know full well my hand cards won't remove any of the finer vm at all, unless i comb them lock by lock.
The peasant combs though, totally different story. They got out ALL of the fine vm and grit and splintery stuff, but left the big pieces. It's a good trade off cause obviously i can pick those out by hand very easily.
On the other hand, they are very slow. Maybe im just taking forever because im new (a distinct possibility), but i remember the first time i used my hand cards, and once i had actually figured out how to make them work it was about 3 minutes a rolag (now im at more like 20 seconds, although obviously it depends on the fiber). However, my first two little nests of combed top took around 15 minutes each. Possibly more (i was estimating. But my tea was fully cold by the time i'd finished the second, so...)
I am fine with that, though. I don't think any non-automated tool could ever replace the ease and speed of hand cards for fiber processing, at least for me. But they clearly will be good for particularly vmy fleeces, or for fleeces that i want to spin very finely (ive already spun the sample of the finer piece and even on my heavy drop spindle with no effort to spin fine it came out a lot thinner than i'd have expected. So thats cool).
I kind of want to compare times for how long it takes to clean, comb, and diz a handful of locks on the combs vs cleaning them one at a time on the side of my hand cards (à la the no fleece left behind method). I imagine one at a time would be faster, although spinning lock by lock feels harder than spinning combed top, so the extra time on the combs would probably pay for itself when it came to spinning.
Anyway, it's been fun at least. Nothing better than new fiber tools...
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silvyavan · 4 years
if clover forces yuno to be some spade royal for stability or some shit i want yuno to be Spiteful about it. just clear out & fire any spade noble who smell like scum, maybe have asta there with his ki-sensing to help screen them. kick them out, take their shit, make their mansion an apt or orphanage bc fuck 'em, and tell them to go build themselves a log cabin. and yuno being down To Fight if they have a problem, like what's wrong? i thought You Wanted me here? who were YOU expecting?? (1/5)
like some old noble being interviewed & brings up they had good convos with his parents & yuno interrupting "good for you. what results did you produce for the people?", "wh-", "oh? nothing? you're fired, get out. next." the folks who 'wanted' yuno realizing from how he talks & acts this is no noble - this is riffraff. mr niaflem Where Did You Leave Him? "at a church i swear" yuno not even taking the king title, just staying a prince as an affront & bc he hates this enough already (2/5)
not like anyone outranks him right? promotes asta as a FU to clover + in genuine appreciation: he's Sir Asta of Hage now. they run around spade talking to commonfolk & overpaying stuff, making snowmen with kids, yuno even clears snow from streets & roofs, he's nice to them. tbh i also have trouble seeing asta leaving yuno out there on his own... maybe he & nero can stay for a bit while the stuff with their trial gets worked out? by the time clover gets back to them about things they find (3/5)
that yuno went on a noble eviction spree. did they think he'd become bougie? even nozel who was "oh hes a royal of course" is now going "holy shit they really gave the crown to A Fucking Peasant" thats right rich man its just like you always feared: a poor rat robin-hooding the shit outta everything. was it too much? who knows but idk what they expected from an uneducated spiteful 17y.o. who spent his life in the sticks & dirt, whos magic knight efforts & dream were suddenly undermined, (4/5)
denied going home, left unsupervised & handed a shitton of authority. yuno "can i go home? i think i threw out most of the trash :)", "what did you do to them?", "they work hard now :)" admittedly the dark triads disruption of govt made it easier to clear the weeds; meanwhile clovers are plentiful & deeply intertwined. it dawns on them he'd do that to clovers rich if he had the chance; its low-key threatening. "did i do something wrong? :)" (5/5 done) idk man its a what-if i keep having...
Op can i just say first and foremost, thank you for making my evening with Yuno “Drain The Swamp” of Hage concept
Right off the bat, Clover putting/forcing Yuno to accept the throne in either an attempt to monitor it/act as a puppet king for Clover or simply because they don’t want him there as a form of xenophobia is possible
The only problem is that Yuno would have a hidden talent for Malicious Compliance. There is, without a sliver of doubt, that Yuno will act as prince in the most passive aggressive way. “Oh, you want me to rule Spade but still be buddy buddy with you? Too bad, im gonna drain the fuvking swamp and rebuild the kingdom, focusing on the citizens needs. You know, like a good ruler.” That’s him, he’s out there ready to throw hands wit both Clover AND Spade for pulling this type of shit.
So obviously they’d put an inside man to monitor Yuno, but end up choosing William “Gay Peasant Raised, Ready to Start A Literal Coup” Vangeance under the assumption that since he was his captain, he’d listen to him. But really, most of his “reports” are just the same letter paraphrased as he has tea with Yuno to gossip and roast the Clover and Spade Nobility like
“The Kira’s are angry about Wednesday’s sacking.”
“Hoes mad.”
“Hoes Mad Indeed, Lol.”
Nozel suddenly being all “This is a literal Peasant saying Fuck The Bourgeusie” when he realises Yuno is firing assholes left and right but it does NOT help him that NOELLE, of all people, is supporting and endorsing the message (mostly because 90% of the nobles Yuno has been sacking are against Asta, hickest of the hicks who made Forever Friendship Bracelets with a demon, and are conspiring to frame him)
And the best part is that NOBODY, absolutely NO ONE has the balls to go against him because 1) they wanted this in the first place, 2) he’s the only ruler left of the royal bloodline and 3) if anyone so much as tries to speak against him, Asta, Sylph and Liebe (mostly for the thrill of harassing upper echelons) are ready to Shred These Assholes
And it absolutely drives the nobles wild that Yuno chose Asta ( the very same demon host that Smacked Dante and Lucifero Right Into Early Graves) as his right hand, as if he isn’t married to a demon and a threesome isn’t being theorised under the table
Clover Kingdom nobles realising that Yuno CAN and WILL come over to Clover to do the same unless they change is also something that makes a LOT of the houses sweat.
If Tabata decides to be a grade A coward and go with “Yuno ascends to the Spade Throne” as post Qlipoth arc, he better make Yuno be open about hating it and threatening damn near all of Clover with a Coup for the shit they’ve been pulling since forever (Diamond Kingdom is on Thin Fucking Ice, mostly because Mars has apparently weeded out most of the corruption and still isn’t done)
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baeddel · 4 years
reply to @dialectrician, long
Well for starter it probably has to do with the fact it was Irish vanguards when this really would have been the job of a British socialist party ( since NI is part of the UK) to formulate an analysis of British society and a strategy to unite the struggle of workers and opressed people in the UK.
I dont know about this... It does not seem to me right that there should be, in a colony, an ‘indigenous communist party’ and ‘settler communist party’. Why can’t the party move in both neighbourhoods? I feel like that would be a precondition for overcoming sectionalism, anyway.
In terms of the history of NI communist parties, generally they were ‘cross-community’ and contained both protestants and catholics. These days they are not very welcome anywhere because they have poor relations with both republican and loyalist paramilitaries (who have authority over who gets in and out of the housing estates). I have no idea how anyone organizes here, I have never seen it and I know that if I tried it in this estate I would be killed. This is probably the biggest hurlde post-70s. An organization capable of movement in Northern Ireland has to arrive already fanged and armoured, but also be capable of avoiding becoming a paramilitary authority itself; no one has thus far been capable of this (it may be impossible and ‘the lever must be pulled elsewhere’).
Anyway, the other thing is that, there are protestant parties... A number of former UVF guys formed an organization known as the PUP (which has a relationship to the UVF on the order of the relationship Bahamas have to K-Group) which is a socialist organisation (if not a revolutionary one), and the BICO (British & Irish Communist Party) infamously became a sort of loyalist communist party (that supported the occupation as a progressive force, etc.) & were denounced by all international leninist parties as ‘revisionist’.
One thing I’ve learned since our last conversation is that there is kind of a nuance to the ethnic situation; the protestant settlers were once divided into two sorts, mainstream protestants and Presbyterians. The Presbyterians were generally renters and labourers & were specifically excluded from the Protestant Ascendancy (1691-somewhere in the 20thc). By the late 1700s it was everywhere forgotten that presbyterians were settlers; they believed themselves to be Irishmen as did Irish catholics; everyone believed this until somewhere in the 20th century where the facts were uncovered by mature historical research. In the 1700s and early 1800s, Presbyterians (ie. settler proletarians and small peasants) were active in the movement against the British occupation; they made up the majority of the United Irishmen. At this time they actually seemed to see themselves as somewhat oppressed by Catholics (perhaps they even were?).
There was, obviously, a transformation of society during the 1800s when Ireland became a big farm for potato exports and then a pile of wreckage; then the land war, etc. By the partition protestants were hegemonic and it was no longer possible to speak of big landowning protestants and presbyterian irishmen. Thus, I think we have to consider things a little differently than we have been up to now. While protestants are settlers, they were at one stage enemies of the occupation and fought against it alongside the others. [As a child of the troubles, learning this blew my fucking mind, js]. So, 1. what happened that made their interests sectional? and 2. I’m not sure its possible to really talk about protestants in Northern Ireland as British, who the British communist parties have ethnic jurisdiction over. The extent to which protestants actually consider themselves British varies a lot; there are many situations where they will consider themselves Irish instead, and most will self-identify as ‘Ulsterman’ or whatever instead of British if given the option. Also, ethnically the situation is kind of complicated; there is some nontrivial degree of French ancestry because many settlers to Ulster were refugee Haguenots! If we regard nationality in ‘material’ rather than genetic terms, it’s not clear to me why the British communist parties should be involved with Ulstermen and not Irishmen in Northern Ireland; the civil rights movement was after all demanding ‘british rights for british citizens’, etc. The Republic and its citizens have never shown any responsibility for those of us asphyxiating up here and most catholics don’t even support a united Ireland. In this way, strictly Irish communist parties have never really been involved in the North.
But to my understanding, Official Leninists largely stopped paying attention to the national question in the UK in the early cold war (don’t quote me on this, this is from second-hand sources). This in turn probably has to do with the international communist movement increasingly serving the diplomacy of the Soviet Union instead of the opposite, which led to Western communist parties getting increasingly conciliatories with capitalist states. And unofficial revolutionary parties probably had trouble emerging in the meantime because USSR-affiliated parties got the brand-recognition and funding so wannabe activists tended to gravitate toward them. 
huh thats interesting, yeah that makes sense. A lot of communist parties in the North split from the ‘official’ ones. In fact, the Trotskyist parties are probably the most successful (although that isn’t saying much). But in the North the paramilitaries absorbed a lot of the energy that would normally go into labour organizing; emigration is also enormous, the population is actively declining and almost everyone leaves the country to work in England at some point. Because it is so easy to leave (it’s practically expected) the radical intellectuals who, “unable to rise within the system, rise against it”, as the cynical Sam Moss put it, generally leave Northern Ireland before they give up on finding satisfaction. The only people who remain here are those of us too lumpenized to leave (I dropped out of my cooking class at tech due to disability; if I could have completed it I’d be anywhere else but here right now).
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ask-theparty · 4 years
Mod Jason: Hello! I’m creating this in the drafts so that the rest of the mods can contribute too! :D I’ll be speaking in bold when other mods might be on the same post, so that you know it’s me. Otherwise I’ll just have the thing marking me as Jason at the end!
Essentially, this post will be covering any specific details about the AU. First off, ships. Obviously this will be a Byler blog. I think we also do Elmax and Henclair? Also, I think we do either Jancy or Stoncy?
Next, on to sexuality HCs. I think that everyone in this AU will be cis, like in the show, unless any of my fellow mods have any transcanons? Essentially:
Will Byers: Gay. Unless y’all other mods subscribe to the gay/ace WIll HC, which is very pog.
Mike Wheeler: Personally, I interpret him as gay, though if the other mods want him to be bi in this AU, that’s also pog. 
Max Mayfield (god it’s been so long since I watched the show I had to google her last name): Either bi or lesbean. 
Eleven Hopper: Bi or lesbean.
Dustin Henderson: Bi/gay
Lucas Sinclair: Bi/gay
I am very indecisive except when it comes to Byler. 
We also have pining!will, oblivious!mike, and everyone else being knew.
Anything else y’all need to add?
Mod Dishtowel: Hi y’all! My deal is the same as Jason’s cept I write in italics not bold, and I’ll mark my indivual posts with Dishtowel. For the ships, I’m pretty sure we do Byler (duh), Elmax, Henclair, and maybe Stoncy if you guys want? I don’t really have too much of an opinion on the ships with the older teens. I have a hc that Max's pronouns are she/they (there’s me projecting lol) but we don’t have to do that if you guys don’t want to. 
For sexuality hc, I kinda differ from Jason. Here’s my take on it:
Will: Gay
Mike: Gay/bi (im cool either way)
Max: Lesbian
El: Bi/Lesbian (again, cool either way)
Dustin: Pan
Lucas: Bi/Gay/Pan (cool every way)
I’m honestly cool with a lot of different variants of it. This is a modern AU on account of Youtube, ya know, not being a thing in the 80s. Go ahead and add stuff if you need to my fellow mods!
Ooh, she/they Max is pog. Maybe we could also have he/they Will (watch me project) (This would be like, ‘They/them is great, but He/Him is better’ kind of he/they. Again, projection). 
Curse @thatadhdfeel for making pog one of my stimmy words. Therefore, any souls who choose to follow us (or that one person who already follows us, jfc how’d you get here so fest), I hope y’all are cool with pog, y’all, and swearing.
So fest, Jason? So FEST? (kidding)
yee yee its ya boi, finn, i will be doing small talk (get it) lol anyway i think this'll just be a byler/henclair/elmax yt au thingyyyy. i use they/them pronouns so doNT MISGENDER ME PEASANTS. *ahem* anyways here are my hcs.
will byers: homoromantic, ace, he/him
mike wheeler: bi bi bi, he/they ftm
eleven hopper: lesbean, they/them
max mayfield: i put the bi in bitch, she/her
dustin henderson: pansexual, he/they
lucas sinclair: omnisexual?, he/him
okay thats literally it lmaoo
I’m cool with pretty much all of what Finn said
Also how are you so funny?
because i am humour itself
Interesting. Jason we just need your opinion on this, I like Finn’s hcs
I personally like the HC that Mike is gay but oblivious, but I can work with bi mike. Gay ace Will, however, is superior to everything, and I adore this.
So, to conclude, the sexuality/gender hcs written in the tiny text (or small talk as Finn put it) is what’s happening in this AU. Bascially no one The Party is straight, they run a youtube channel that was originally just them playing DnD and is now a bunch of other shit alongside the DnD, Will has a huge crush on Mike and everyone knows but Mike, they have an incredible fan base which Max is very much secretly part of, and I think that’s it! Anyone wanna add anything? 
That looks good! If Finn agrees, they can post it!
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ilikeswishcheese · 3 years
Human reasoning is dog shit. Im a philosopher and i say this very unproudly. But human reasoning is so dogshit. Like we think we're some high and mighty creature who stands the test of logic by contemplating the fallacies and coming to correct decisive conclusions.
But no, male brain go BOOBA and most reasoning falls apart when threatened to be outed by society. You cannot reason properly when society kicks you out, which is why people will come up with conclusions and find reasons to prove that they're right. this whole confirmation bias is a direct result of humans being a social creature. Who needs to reason? that might lead to conflicts of interest or logical fallacies, when i can just repeat the thing that others are saying and instantly get likes and retweets that make me feel like im part of the group.
Its such a shame that human intelligence only stretches till it reaches our social circle, and every body outside of that has no actual impact on my life. like for the first time in human history, we have had unfettered access to people from all over the world, yet our ideas and political beliefs only stretch to our small close knit group.
My ideal global age, is a revolution away from national governments. and a direct focus on small local communities.
A global pandemic? Global warming? these are all Earth level problems, that feels like the entire earth needs to respond too. but its hard to get the entire world to agree on something, let alone something based on science. So why not break it down into small more manageable problems.
the ideal is to have way more responsibilities fall on local government, because the idea of having to actually interact with your community and share ideas and help eachother out is exactly what humans have been doing since we became hunter/gatherers.
we roamed in tribes of 4-50 people, and the people who were in that tribe was everyone we'd ever meet. so any policy decision we made in our group could be made in 1 sitting over a couple of discussions.
Now if we want to change the policies of the globe, we cannot do the entire world at once. I dont know exactly how it would work, but i think it would be best if humans returned to the close knit circles that has been our culture for thousands of years rather than try and completely change the way our brains are structured so they can understand and debate at the global scale what to do about global warming. My biggest gripe with humanity has to be agriculture tho.
humans have been deteriorating since the shift away from hunter/gathering to agriculture. Since then, the average human has been the peasant. The working class. The farmer, cashier and factory worker. All of these jobs lessen human desire and passion. (aside, ofc you can like farming and doing physical labour, but thats besides the point).
Lets do a quick comparison. For the hunter gatherers life was so good. You hunted and gathered for 3-4 hours a day. (Thats 3-4 hours and walking, running and general exercise). very healthy. Their diets were diverse, with berries, protein, fish, and every plant that could be eaten. And with a revolving menu that changes depending on the season and the weather its a dietary success. On top of that, no one in society ever felt elevated or better than any one else, arrogance was for yourself (to prove you could do it). No one was better than anyone else because the idea of owning something (and that thing having inherent value) had not even been invented yet.
For the farmer. depends on the season, but if its planting season hes spending 11 hours that day ploughing and planting while crouching and getting up in the same position (apparently all of our back problems in old age started to appear as soon as we switched to agriculture). Then if its harvest season, hes spending 6-10 hours harvesting, packaging, grinding the grain etc etc. And on top of this, you dont get a diverse diet, you get bread and maybe a little taste of soup with some fat. And thats everyday, for the rest of your life. And if that wasnt bad enough, because people could store grains, and own the grains that meant that someone had to be in charge of all this grain. Has to be someone appointed by god. and has to create a hierarchy that favors them obviously.
In conclusion, life as a hunter gatherer 1000% better than being some 21st century blogger with a league and weed addiction
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prodicalmenace · 4 years
mori, the dancer mori x reader
german music is better left unheard, or the disappointment may irk you.
There's no music in the theatre, only the sounds of shallow breaths and the patter of your feet against the floor. Every jump, twirl, and even hold seemed to reverberate off the walls of the empty theatre and create its own music; the arch of your back sang like violins, and the stretch of your arms would stop the symphony of strings short like harsh brass, but your feet reeled everything in, the piano, the star, the conductors own urge to make sound.
There's no music in the theatre but it sounds beautiful to him as he sits in the furthest row of the top-most balcony. He can't see the precision you put into every movement, the missteps or the beads of sweat that roll down your exposed skin, but he hears it and for a second he wills it to lull his tired brain to sleep.
Mori leans forward, arms dangling over the empty chair in front of him with his head soon to follow. He's tired. It's tiring to think all day when it's not even your thoughts; schooling, if thats what you call it, was a chore for the brain when he has a brain that already knows what it needs to. Or maybe it's a chore for everyone, maybe everyone gets tired, but he was the only one that found his way to your theatre after a grueling day of research like a desperate need for something to calm his mind without a low electronic hum.
He hums then, voice beginning his own beat for the symphony you control. There’s no real structure to the sounds he makes nor focus in the tones from his throat—that’s your job at the foot of the theater, it’s your performance that is more important in filling the emptiness. A role, like a soldiers, a dancer as expendable. An allegory for—.
Some kind of bullshit Mori doesn’t have time for as a croak rips through the soft sounds he accepted in his ears.
“Ah! No no!—“ it was the only English he heard before tuning out the European curses that stopped your movements. He wouldn’t even look up at his accuser as his eyes remained fixed on your still figure. Your chest wouldn’t heave despite stopping a brutal routine, your hair wouldn’t stick to the sweat condensing on your skin, and your legs wouldn’t tremble though he noticed your distaste to being still in the curl of your feet.
Well, he was too far to really see, maybe he just imagined it.
The door behind him croaks again as it opens wider and a security guard joins the peasant woman berating his break. It isn’t long before he grabs his bag with a sign and quietly follows the sturdy man down the eight flights of stairs he took up three at a time. He’s not being kicked out, in fact he’s convinced the guard his military status means something to him and the man almost feels in debt enough to give him a key, but Mori settles with remaining on the empty street for a few minutes like he’s deciding where to go.
“Excuse me,” the sound jolts him out of a fake introspection, so he turns with his eyebrows raised. You were heaving now, legs shaking and obviously in a rush as your coat is lazily thrown over the worn tights you wear for every rehearsal. You don’t even have a bag on your arm, no work done to make it look like you’re leaving, and he wonders if you wanted him to see through the tired facade hiding your intent to find him.
“You’re always here.” the accent makes your mouth open wider than most. He sees the exact trail of the words as they leave your throat.
“I know. I’m a lot bigger in person, aren’t I?” it’s supposed to be charming and you laugh, a sucker.
“I just want to know why.” you ask him the million dollar question, and though the few cars turn on the streets around the two of you, and the windy weather whistles in your ears, he realizes how silent the moment really is as you stand still before him. There is no music to your movements, your uneasy jumpiness and natural breath aren’t special at all. There are plenty of dancers at this theater but Mori’s always come to you, like a personal symphony or something of ridiculous sappiness and normalcy he ought to crave.
But you’re silent next to him, and he has lost all interest.
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