#( && tag tbd. | | genie rowle. )
scbastlans · 5 years
👀 who do you think the hottest students from each house?
“So… We’re talking hottest only, right? Not like, people I’d actually go for? Yeah, I’m going to go with that. So, first of all, the best house, Slytherin. I’d say, uh, apart from me… Genie and Gemma, for sure. For Hufflepuff, I guess… Maybe Opal? Mai too. Ravenclaw, Z, um… Theodore and Kian, I guess. Gryffindor… Kind of hurts to say it, but that missing Weasley or Potter or whatever and… Wren, probably. Honestly, this was tough to figure out because, although I notice hot people walking around, it takes a lot of work to remember their names. And it’s always such a pain to find out if they’re good enough for me, ugh. Life’s tough.”
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scbastlans · 5 years
👀 what’s the worst thing about yourself? / what’s something you don’t like about yourself?
“Oh, uh… I don’t know, honestly. Maybe that I trust people too easily? I’ve been told I can be a bit gullible, but I don’t see how that’s possible when my standards are so high? Like people judge me for having drunkenly made out with that Alicia girl, but like… I think they’re the ones who are wrong there. Who the fuck could dress so well and be a blood traitor? Though I don’t understand what it’s like to have a horrible family, isn’t it a saying that you don’t choose your family? I guess she’s not that mean, though, which makes her a lot less hot than let’s say… Genie, I guess. Which, uh. Maybe that’s why they say I’m gullible? I guess I just don’t see how like… I don’t know. I don’t get it, which is kind of frustrating. I’ve been keeping a closer eye on some people I’ve been asked to keep a closer eye on, though, even if I never thought there was anything wrong with them, and like… So far I haven’t noticed anything off. Maybe I’m the one who’s right actually, and they’re… The bad opposite of gullible. As for what I don’t like about myself… One of my teeth is kind of crooked. In a hot way, though.”
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