#( &. MEME. )
jessource · 2 months
prompts: prelude to ecstasy by the last dinner party.
here comes the feminine urge, i know it so well.
do you want me, or do you want control?
this is the only thing i know how to do.
i could never live with the guilt of lying.
and lately i've been thinkin', what if i keep sinking?
i hope they never understand us.
even when the cold comes crashing through, i'm putting all my bets on you.
cleanse my soul, make me whole.
she's there when i wake up, at the end of my bed with a smile on her face and a gun to my head.
do what i can to survive.
cause we're a lot alike.
a sailor and a nightingale dancing in convertibles/
i know i'm better off not looking back.
oh, anyone could kill me, and i'd never ever let it be you.
foolish thinking i could have you.
i don't exist without your gaze.
and just for a second, i could be one of the greats.
when i was a child, i never felt like a child.
you could swim in these eyes.
wine is on your blouse.
i wish i knew you back when we were both small.
what i'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy.
hold me, we can't go back.
you can hold me like he held her.
guide me, show me how, and let me be your arrow.
wish i could do without this blood on my face.
i will fuck you, like nothing matters.
time slips away.
to nurture the wounds my mother held.
i will hold your hands to stop them from shaking.
i am not the girl i set out to be.
the best a boy can ever be is pretty.
i fade away.
strike me,  pierce me straight through the heart.
it's my fate to have never seen you.
my darling, believe me, i was born to be with you.
i wish i knew you before it felt like a sin.
if i drown will they make me a star?
you don't wanna hurt me, but i want you to.
how i wish the trees would swallow me, make me a forest, take away my soul.
i'm just a mirror, pretty glass, an empty heart.
i wish that i had the guts–the dignity to put up a fight.
when you laid like a wolf with your head on my lap. i felt like one of those portraits of women protected by a beast on a chain.
i'll leave you flowers, but not my name.
what good are red lips when you're faced with something sharp?
when i put on that suit, i don't have to stay mute.
i'll see you on sunday.
i wish that i let you have the dignity of letting me go.
you smiled so sweetly as you threw me down the rocks.
oh, ballerina bend under the weight of it all.
no one else is to blame.
i wish i could be a beautiful boy.
i have gotten too tall.
when you drown, do they know who you are?
i need to slow my thinkin'.
i want to take your picture.
i'd spend the mornings by your side.
if anyone could kill me, it probably would be you.
is it in this city?
i break apart without your arms.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of staying one more night.
a guard dog there just for her. if only she know that with one wrong move, he'll turn around and tear off her hands.
when i drown, will i get very far?
no i won't speak to you.
forgive me, father, won't you take it back?
let me make my grief a commodity.
break my glass to fix your heart.
burn me.
je ne veux pas penser.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of ripping out my throat.
we're both just addicts.
if it takes all night, i will be on your side.
there is candle wax melting in my veins.
it could take some time, time to talk freely.
he's got letters on his fist: r-i-d-e.
tell me how you're feeling, i'll reflect the reason.
i'd die for you, no questions asked.
everyone will love me!
i wish i didn't want you.
do you want me to care when you just disappear?
failure to commit to the role, i admit was a failure you achieved on your own.
i'll be ceaser on a tv screen, champion of my fate.
ain't it fun to hold the world in your hand?
when you're lying here i believe you love me.
when you drown, they'll forget who you are.
everyone will like me then.
there's nothing for me. here, where the world is small.
i'd break off my ribs to make another you.
i'm only here, for your entertainment.
do you feel like a man when i can't talk back?
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(gif has nothing to do with this joke.)
Get in the car @ziggyrette we're going album hunting.
For random ones for singers/bands either of us like.
You can bring a friend if ya like I guess
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nickanima4 · 1 year
‼️Warning‼️ turn down volume, video can be loud
Clown is so real for this 😌
I know Clown said it’s isn’t an ARG. This vid was made over a week ago when people said it’s an ARG.
BTW in the pride illustrations franks is wearing a non-binary bow so do anyone know Franks pronouns are?
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hellcab · 4 months
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maul-antics · 1 year
Me when I try to read The Wrath of Darth Maul
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thelostfemur · 1 month
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skyeventide · 1 month
🔥fashion and/or clothes?
not sure that this is unpopular here on tumblr per se, but nonetheless: people need to buy less clothing. in general. and when they do buy clothes, it should ideally be second-hand, handmade, thrifted, or vintage. there's so much second-hand that is still comprised of garments made very recently, and so stuff that is still "trendy" and can be styled without going for a "vintage" aesthetic. if more people had a sense of style and an ability to put it in practice not dependant on seasonal trends, things would be so so much easier. we could still buy those things that simply can't be found second-hand, like underwear, socks, etc. without so many ethical issues to accompany it.
just buy less. literally just buy less.
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mistrial · 17 days
— get to know charles !
what's your phone wallpaper: ......... art donaldson (challengers)
last song you listened to: tears dry on their own by amy winehouse
currently reading: god i guess i'm still reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes, which i have not picked up in. too long
last movie: the atlantic city story
what are you wearing right now?: gray sweatpants and a hellfire club t-shirt
how tall are you?: 5'3"ish
piercings / tattoos?: i have my septum and my right nostril pierced. i technically also have my ears pierced twice but i don't wear earrings so at least one of those is closed up by now. i also have 6 tattoos
glasses / contacts: glasses
last thing you ate?: pasta salad
favorite color: green
current obsession: uh mike faist's entire filmography and/or tv shows about plane crashes
do you have a crush right now?: yeah her name is @mskwtz and i hope she likes me too
favorite fictional character: how the shit am i supposed to answer this there are too many. currently art donaldson? idk
last place you travelled: i technically went to alabama this weekend (went to a lake on the georgia/alabama border)
tagged by: i'm gonna say @crisisbabe tagging: @mskwtz, @anxietytold, @survivall, @voracem, @forebodes, anyone else who wants to
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ab-arts · 19 days
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Kissing you on the lips to establish dominance
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hellcab · 1 day
Roth right after running over Susan.
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maul-antics · 1 year
Literally everyone who knew Maul and sees him training Grogu while claiming to be a Jedi
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deamazed · 1 year
GONE GIRL RP PROMPT. from the film.
when i think of my wife, i always think of her head.
the primal questions of a marriage: what are you thinking? how are you feeling?
what have we done to each other?
pour me a bourbon, would you?
what's up, jitters?
it's a bad day.
i'm so crazy, stupid happy!
whose beer am i drinking?
what's your type?
i prefer men who are funny, not 'funny'.
that's code for 'i hate strong women'.
what type are you?
so tell me. who are you?
you know i have to kiss you now.
i would be a fool to let you walk through a sugar storm unkissed.
go home, fuck her brains out, then smack her with your penis: some wood for you, bitch!
you are way too into that cat.
we understand there are concerns about your wife/husband/partner?
i'm not someone who hits the panic button but — it's weird, right?
you mind if we look around?
it's our anniversary.
i remember these books.
now you can say you came. and in 10 minutes, we'll leave.
perfect. time for a quick tour of all my failings.
i love your parents, but they can be assholes.
people want to hear from you.
i thought that'd be embarrassing.
i love having strangers pick at my scabs.
i am here in a strictly journalistic capacity.
you challenge me.
and — fun fact for our readers — you have a world class vagina.
my colleagues inform me that as yet, you are not married. isn't it time we fixed that?
he's just playing with his phone. playing, like... tetris.
if this girl doesn't show up... this could get out of hand.
let's stay on our toes.
given the scene in the house and given our spike in violent crime of late, we're going to take this very, very seriously.
sorry. i felt like i was in a law and order episode for a second. bum-BUM.
is she kinda... standoffish?... ivy league?
i have zero reception.
sir, don't take that tone with me.
stupid, dumb bitch.
he's always been a misogynist asshole.
everyone told us — and told us, and told us — marriage is hard work.
abandon all hope, ye who enter.
technically, we're supposed to fuck at the next stop.
we've never fucked in a bookstore.
i dragged you into the ladies' room on our second date.
books, sex, bourbon. life is good.
sometimes i want to punch us in the face, we're so cute.
i don't need a lawyer.
everyone knows "complicated" is code for bitch.
just because i don't love her, doesn't mean i don't care about her. i'm really scared.
you want to look like you've been up all night.
that's a weird thing to say.
when you're upset, you bottle it up. you can seem... angry... like —
great. i'll try to balance on the exact edge of your emotional razor.
i knew you shouldn't have moved back here.
we care about her. we love her, and we want her back.
we filed a restraining order.
it'll help us track her movements before she disappeared - where she went, who she might've seen...
maybe i'll teach you a thing or two.
i think i've done a pretty good job.
let's swear we will never be like them.
we have each other — everything else is background noise.
this is where you say 'everything else is background noise'.
i come by once a week, make sure the place hasn't burnt down.
picture me: i'm a girl who is very bad. i need to be punished, and by punished, i mean had.
open the door, and look alive.
want to test your marriage for weak spots? add one recession. subtract two jobs.
i felt like i needed to shoot something.
right, i forgot. you can give your parents $879,000 without asking me, but god forbid i buy legend of zelda without your permission.
that's the basic tenet of a prenup, right?
why are you throwing that in my face again?
i don't know how to not have a job.
now, i'm beholden to you.
suddenly, i knew everything was about to get worse.
oh look, he's being a good guy so we can all see him be a good guy.
you really don't like him.
you have to keep up your strength.
i'm asking you nicely - please delete that photo.
you can't share that with anyone.
it looked like you were having fun.
this place literally smells like faeces.
i'm going to go benadryl myself to sleep.
i feel like i could disappear.
i've been so worried about you.
you gotta pick up when i call you — where the hell have you been?!
can you at least say you love me?
i love you. but, sweetheart, we have to be real careful right now.
you told me i needed to have my own life.
i need you. now. touch me.
did you leave a pair of red panties in my office? lacy?
i'll have to check my red-panty inventory.
you told me you were going to get a divorce.
never say that out loud again.
i don't want to fight. i just want to be with you.
he uses me for sex when he wants. otherwise, i don't exist.
last night, i went from desperate to pathetic.
do our code: no bullshit.
a child is not a hobby.
we could have had this fight four hours ago.
you're really going to walk out now?! you're such a coward!
someone should burn this place.
you fucking asshole. you liar. you fucking lied to my fucking face.
you've been lying to me for over a year.
god, it's so fucking small. you're a liar and a cheat.
i thought writers hated cliches.
wah, boohoo, i got laid off. guess i'll fuck a 20-year-old.
i can't figure out what the fuck they mean.
are they supertwat's?
we're dealing with a 20-year-old who isn't sure where she leaves her undies.
free spirit is code for stupid.
just because the guy isn't weeping, doesn't mean he's not hurting.
the hallmark of a sociopath is lack of empathy.
are you trying to tell me that this photo is remotely in the realm of acceptable behaviour?
a picture is worth a thousand words. ever heard that phrase?
i'm so sick of being picked apart by women.
for valentine's day, i thought i'd buy a gun.
i'm being paranoid. crazy. i'd just sleep better with a gun.
if someone were staging a crime scene, why mop up blood?
a pool of blood and no body suggests homicide.
why have you kept this stuff? it's like a little box of hate.
you know how hard it is to make a murder case without a body? it's incredibly difficult. so i want one last thing... i want a body.
sometimes, the way he looks at me? this man of mine may kill me.
i'm so much happier now that i'm dead.
he took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money.
he took and took from me until i no longer existed. that's murder. let the punishment fit the crime.
to fake a convincing murder, you have to have discipline.
america loves pregnant women. as if it's so hard to spread your legs.
you know what is hard? faking a pregnancy.
you need to bleed. you need to clean.
men always use 'cool girl' as the defining compliment, don't they?
go ahead! cum on me! i don't mind, i'm cool girl.
i waited years for the pendulum to swing the other way — for men to read jane austen and make out while we leer.
i will admit: for someone who likes to win, it's tempting to be the girl every guy wants.
for him, i was willing to try.
i wax-stripped my pussy raw and blew him regularly.
i forged the man of my dreams.
he actually expected me to love him unconditionally.
he doesn't get to fucking win.
grown-ups work for things. grown-ups pay. grown-ups suffer consequences.
fucking crazy bitch.
she's framing me for her murder.
you are married to a psychopath.
your problem is just beginning.
does missouri have the death penalty?
as long as you don't own a python and blast death metal at 4am, we're gonna be best friends.
that's the most disgusting thing i've ever heard.
are you laughing me out of your building?
this is why i have a $100,000 retainer — because i win unwinnable cases.
so far, this is a he-said-she-said.
i haven't had a date in almost a decade because if a girl googles me? bye-bye.
if i could make up a girl, this would be the fucking girl.
she framed you with the ties you wouldn't wear.
can you imagine being almost 30 years old and never having had anything go wrong for you?
i'm serious. i will not say a word against that girl.
i can't imagine what she's got in store for you.
that's life, baby.
the whole thing just feels... easy. like finding an envelope marked CLUE.
ever heard that phrase - the simplest answer is often correct?
whatever the hell they found, we have to assume it's very bad.
he's nice because he wants to fuck you.
i'm not sad. i'm angry.
i was going to kill myself. can you believe that?
why should i die? i'm not the asshole.
it's a ticking time bomb. you gotta throw yourself on it.
a guy admitting he's a giant asshole? people love that stuff.
looks like you've done a good job.
where's the money, sweetheart?
you've hiding. i don't know why, and i don't care.
i don't think you've ever really been hit.
next place, be more careful, okay? lot of people out there worse than us.
every time you look smug or annoyed or tense, i'm going to hit you with a jellybean.
why are you so good to me?
why is it that when i need someone to save me, i always think of you?
oh my god. you little slut.
she's the girl with the giant cum-on-me tits.
come. you're staring at ghosts.
seriously, i can't believe how fucking good you were.
you are so good to me. and i am so exhausted.
you'll be very safe. i won't let you get away again.
you scared me. don't do that. i need to feel safe.
you were never under my thumb.
you are the best person i have ever known.
they disliked me, they liked me, they hated me, and now they love me.
whenever you said something stupid, i thought 'maybe he's just stupid'. i was wrong.
none of this is mine - none of this was put here by me.
i need some time to think.
that's the last thing you need.
i'm not going to force myself on you.
i just want you to be you again.
my defence is the truth.
want to play a little true or false?
you thought quinoa was a fish?
you fucking bitch.
it's an insane story.
don't blame yourself.
you must've bled quite a bit there.
how'd she get the box cutter if she was always tied up?
stop pretending.
i just said what you wanted to hear.
that's how well you know me! you know me in your marrow.
take off your clothes.
you're a murderer.
i'm a fighter. i fought my way back to you.
you begged for me to save your life. and i obliged.
the media will destroy you.
give it the night. sleep on it.
was there ever a baby?
if two people love each other and can't make it work, that's the real tragedy.
kiss my cheek. now.
you can't live in the same house as that spider.
mess with it, they'll come looking for blood.
we had the national spotlight on us, and we stained the rug.
i swear to god, you two are the most fucked-up people i've ever known. and i specialise in fucked up.
i'm the definition of 'at risk'.
remember: don't turn your back.
i'd never hurt you. i do need you to participate though. that's fair, right?
tell the truth and shame the devil.
fuck it. let everyone take sides.
i love tests.
we are toxic. we complete each other in the sickest possible way.
you think you could ever be with a nice, normal woman?
i complete you. i'm the only one who can.
stay with me and i will make you happy. you know i can. i've killed for you.
you're breaking my heart.
what have we done to each other? what will we do?
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dnangelic · 7 months
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skyeventide · 1 month
🔥 + shipping in the Silmarillion fandom, just for fun
tryna think of something unpopular, I'm out of the loop. I guess I don't like the attempt to bend Laws and Customs so that it will include queer ships, but while trying to maintain it as a biological rule. trying to change up a set of profoundly heteronormative and biologically religious rules by finding loopholes that admit the possibility of queerness is not very progressive, it's merely an attempt to make queer relationships fit into the "acceptable" set of relationships. it's the paradigm itself that is wrong, the "can it exist biologically according to LaCE" question that is flawed. something is always going to be excluded if the rules of what is acceptable are merely stretched out in an attempt to uphold its pseudo-religious principles. there's no need to find loopholes, and I wish to be spared "LaCE compliance" of any sort. I don't care to be compliant so that the Eldar can stay Catholic, and I much prefer to imagine what kind of society is built on the exclusions inherent to Laws and Customs. what sort of prejudices does it hold, what kind of social censorship does it employ to erase everything that is out of those laws and customs? and how does everything that is erased manage to exist anyway?
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rosarots · 4 months
so i'm back ! here's my lantern rite wishlist for rosaria. let me know in the comments if you're interested!
[NEW YEAR MARKETS] - With so many vendors setting up shop, now is the best time to purchase a trinket as a reminder of the new year, or to get some much needed errands done. ( booked @aesthetecomplex )
[WANMIN MEAT CART] - Despite how short a trip it is, Chef Mao has some classic recipes right on the water, along with some brand new cuisines just for the Lantern Rite. Try some classic Mora Meat pastry, Dragon Beard Noodles, or his latest: Rex Lapis’ Delight! ( booked @ragnvinedr )
[XINYUE KIOSK DESSERT CART] - If sweet treats are more your thing, just a few spots down is a stand specially reserved for Xinyue Kiosk’s brilliant desserts! Buy one dessert, get one free “New Moon Cake,” with not one, not two, but SEVEN original fillings. ( booked @spidergourmet )
[SHADOW PUPPETS] - Puppet shows are quite popular this time of year, using lights and small paper designs to convey thrilling tales. Comedies, Romance, Tragedies, woe, these poor hearts will be forever changed. ( booked @ocelberich )
[DRESS UP] - Red and gold, the colors of each festival this time of year, are absolutely stunning. Glimmer and shine for the kamera, dress up and serve on the runway. ( booked @ocelberich )
[JADE TALISMAN] - Pure and indestructible, jade is the embodiment of virtue and benevolence. Taking days to etch at a time, these talismans are truly a rare and valuable gift. ( booked @sunlightamed )
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the-mocking-robin · 19 days
Which D&D class suits your personality?
You’re an idealistic person who is not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You’ve got strong opinions and you are fully prepared to back up those opinions with your fists, if necessary. Sometimes you might come on a bit strong, but you always have good intentions. You’re very determined and you don’t back down easily. You have a protective side and, ultimately, you’re just trying to make the world a better place.
Oath of the Watchers
The Oath of the Watchers binds paladins to protect mortal realms from the predations of extraplanar creatures, many of which can lay waste to mortal soldiers. Thus, the Watchers hone their minds, spirits, and bodies to be the ultimate weapons against such threats. To a Watcher, keeping a healthy suspicion and awareness about one's surroundings is as natural as wearing armor in battle. You’re a particularly observant person who might be a little too suspicious for your own good. You spend so much time looking out for potential threats that you have a hard time relaxing. You’re very detail-oriented and you like to be prepared for any situation that might come up. You take your responsibilities seriously and you hold yourself to high standards.
"... Huh... I was thinking I'd get a Rogue Thief, personally.
Stolen From: @dramatisperscnae
Tagging: Not a damn soul, I'm tired
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