#(   𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓼   )   /   *   mirae   .
rcsemallow · 3 years
@inrains​ // deva
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“Don’t give me that look!” Mirae pouted as she whined at Deva, brown eyes focused on the other intently. “I was just trying to be nice. He just started at the lounge, so I felt bad he couldn’t call a taxi to go home. Is it that bad I offered drive him home?” The pink haired omega slowly let her gaze drift from Deva, looking down at her half empty cup of tea on the coffee table before her. “He didn’t even flirt with me or anything.” Then again, Deva would be one of the ones to know how bad Rae was at being able to tell someone was flirting with her. She really didn’t think the co-worker she helped out was though. “It might have been a bit out of the way, but it’s not a big deal.”
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rcsemallow · 3 years
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It was both a good and bad habit to go to the art gallery and look at all the pieces that were displayed. In a way, they made her want to work towards getting better so her own art could be shown at galleries. However, they also discouraged her in some ways, making her feel her art would never get to that level. There had been small whispers in the gallery about the artist of a couple pieces was there, which helped catch Rae’s curiosity. She took advantage of seeing someone talking to the man who had to be the artist, deciding to make her way over once that person left. “Hi!” Mirae smiled at the man, glancing towards the wall and back to him. “Aarav Jani, right? You made these?” She pointed a bit to the wall of art. “They’re all really nice. Especially the color scheme on the middle one.” She mused, just before realizing she hadn’t introduced herself. “Sorry, I should have introduced myself first. I’m Mirae. I just tend to come here a lot.”
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